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tv   Fox News at Night  FOX News  December 4, 2023 8:00pm-9:00pm PST

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"america's late news." we begin by pointing out these anti-israel protests are not only continuing around the country they are getting bigger, more vocal and we'll show new detail how that means trouble at the polls for president biden, even though the president is now backing off his pro-israel stance. there is also major concern tonight about anti-semitism in the democratic party. especially following the highly controversial comments made by democratic representative pramala, regarding israeli women being raped by hamas. the senior national correspondent is live in d.c. with some brand-new information on that story. kevin, good evening. >> the controversy stems from sunday's comments by the representative, an while she condemned the sexual violence against israeli women by hamas terrorists back on october 7 she also quickly moved on to note that iaeli has killed 15,000 palestinians. >> morally, i think we cannot
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say that one war crime deserves another. that's not what international humanitarian law says. we have to be balanced about bringing in the outrageous against palestinians. >> understandably the reaction was quite strong from capitol hill and frankly beyond there. some within her own party accusing the congresswoman of being tone deaf on this issue. >> this is not about politics. this is about decency. it is indecent to deny or downplay on both sides the rape and sexual violence against israeli women on october 7. >> global community, we must respond to weaponized sexual violence wherever it happens. with absolute condemnation. there can be no justification and excuses. rape as a weapon of war is a crime against humanity. >> meanwhile, a new grassroots
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campaign, me, too, unless you're a j a jew, has collected more than 300,000 signatures to raid ge -- raise awareness. >> a group called u.n. women, a pro female department of the united nations has condemned the mass rape of israeli civilians by hamas terrorists. and it only took 56 days. the group released a statement saying, "we unequivocally condemn the brutal attacks by hamas," going on to say they are "alarmed" by the numerous accounts of gender-based atrocities and sexual violence during those attacks. common sense thinks a statement that took more than eight weeks to draft would have been much longer. much stronger. because 56 days of silence
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speaks volumes. and for the record, during the two months the u.n. women said nothing about the rapes, mosted plenty about climate change, the male-female pay gap and how translesbians are lesbians, too. i guess the u.n. women were playing it safe making sure there was ample evidence to back up the hamas atrocities. maybe 260,000 video clips and 1,000 statements by victims and survivors wasn't enough. maybe it was hamas soldiers laughing and joking during the rapes that finally compelled women to stand with him. common sense thinking not condemning the attacks for 56 minutes is atrocious. waiting 56 days is indinners. aka the united nations. welcome to you both. jelabra said the following, she's a democrat. watch. >> where is the solidarity for
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women in this country and in this world to stand up for our mothers, sisters, and our daughters. the horrific acts committed on october 7 by hamas are truly indescribable. >> whether it's the united nations or pramala, wrong is wrong. >> wrong is wrong. criminality is criminality and rape is rape. trace, i'm wearing this symbol that i picked up in jerusalem at the king david gate. it's called the hand of fatima, it's a symbol of protection, and as a muslim woman i'm wearing it for all of those jewish women who are in captivity right now, and the excuse being used for their rape and their torture is my holy book. there are chapters and verses in
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here that justify sexual slaves, and that's the reality that muslim organizations, muslim governments and muslim leaders to confront in order to get those antiquated ideas of barbarism out of our 21st century so that everybody can live with protection. >> that's a very good point. i know that you're an independent. christine pelosi is a democrat. she says the following here quoting, i should not have to say this in 2023 but here we are. rape is rape. she's kind of echoing what she was saying, do not minimize excuse, balance on both sides, sexual assault. that's victim blaming and we've spend decade trying to undo in the laws, the courts, and the hearts and the minds of the people, she ends hashtag we said enough. your thoughts on this? >> yes, i watched it in real-time. no oppressed group or any group that's gone through anything this horrific never appreciates
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a both sides message. so she did condemn the rape but she did as we saw in the clip, just quickly moved on to a both sides argument, and so again, this highlights the problem that's going on in the democratic party. let's be honest about it. jaopal is the progressive caucus chair. most of the members that serve under her and her constituents are talking about free palestine and talking about they are not getting enough attention as well. so i think she was just being a politician, and making an attempt to be savvy and it just didn't land well. >> yes, i guess it didn't. i want to put this up because swing state muslims launching the abandoned biden campaign. here's one of the organizers. it's called jalon hussein. >> we're announced that president bide has lost the 2024 election. we're not powerless as american muslims. we're powerful. we not only have the money but we have the actual votes, and we
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will use that vote to save this nation from itself. >> and i wonder vote for who? i would like to get both of your responses, i have about a minute left. who is the vote for if it's not for biden, for the left? >> look at those men that were standing there. those are the muslim brothers, in my radical right muslim community, who want political islam in this country and who are they going to vote for? probably right now cornell west because they fancy that he's sympathetic with their cause but at the end of the day i hope that the biden administration and the democratic party refuses this kind of political blackmail because that's all it is and all they want is the destruction of the state of israel. >> your thoughts? >> yes, they can refuse it all they want to but i worked on the ground in michigan for bernie sanders in 2015, and so what i do know is you cannot win michigan without the muslim vote. bottom line you have to have it, and so it's going to be
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interesting to see how real they are when they say that they will be sitting down and it's not just the muslim vote. it's a number of demographics who fell off. you talk about young voters, progressive voters and black voteerts, there are a number of different demographics in the democrat base that are angry for various reasons. so, the democratic party is going to have to pay attention to something. listen to somebody and take somebody serious because if not that coalition can bind together, can hurt at the polls. >> times are changing. thank you both. in the meantime now to the war this israel. civilians in southern gaza had to evacuate 20 city blocks as israeli fighter jets pounded. ground forces are going door-to-door clearing out hamas terrorists and this all comes at a time where it appears that the biden administration is softening its earlier steadfast support for israel. the senior is correspondent dan springer has that story tonight and he's live in seattle. dan, good evening. >> hi, trace.
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the biden administration is trying to walk that fine line saying it supports israel and it's right to eliminate any threat from hamas but at the same time, now, criticizing israel for the rising number of civilian deaths. over the weekend, in dubai, vice president kamala harris met with leaders from egypt and qatar. afterwards she called them a terrorist organization but she also rebuked israel for how it was defending itself. >> international humanitarian law must be respected. too many innocent palestinians have been killed. frankly, the scale of civilian suffering and the images and videos coming from gaza are devastating. >> as you were just talking about, trace, for president biden the issue runs the risk of severely hurting his re-election chances. muslim groups in the swing state of arizona and elsewhere are coming out saying they will not continue backing him over his handling of israel. nbc is reporting that biden is facing a generational divide in
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his party not seen since the 1980's with young people leaving in droves and there is growing internal dissent over his support for israel but biden is also getting hit from the right with the rising number of attacks on u.s. service members by proxies of iran. it's up to 75 now, on sunday, three commercial ships were attacked in the red sea by houti forces. the uss battleship responded by shooting down at least two drones. in war in gaza shows no signs of letting up. there are no plans for a pause in fighting nor another round of hostage releases. >> let's bring in intel officer, along with the former white house director of global engagement, bret bruin. gentlemen, thank you both. we appreciate it very much. bret, do you first, biden administration is now much more vocal in criticizing israel. i want to play one more sound bite from the vice president and get your response.
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watch. >> as israel defends itself, it matters how. the united states is unequivocal. international humanitarian law must be respected. too many innocent palestinians have been killed. >> all these caveats from the defense secretary to, you name it, it goes all the way down the administration, bret. >> this is really unfortunate. namely because it is starting, as you say to open up some distance between the united states and israel at a critical moment. i mean, you started the show talking about some of the atrocities that we've now well documented against israeli civilians, and yes, of course, israel as well as the united states, our allies, need to follow international human rights law. we need to ensure that we're minimizing civilian casualties but that's stating the obvious and i think israel has gone to great lengths to do so, and
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having the president out there along with secretary lloyd austin suggesting that somehow they are coming up short of that, is really unfortunate, and it's damaging to our international efforts to resolve this situation. >> and some would say, this administration might want to just look in at its own strategy, talking about the houtis, of course, they are backed by iran. i want to play this sound bite. the constant barrage from the houtis and proxies, former secretary leon panetta. >> i think it's been a little too selective. we hit some ammo dumps and other targets. i want to go after those who are firing missiles at our troops. >> and make sure they understand that when they fire a missile,e they are going to die. >> maybe a tougher response. your thoughts on this? >> there has been over 75 attacks on american forces since october 7. right now, a lot of the middle
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east, they have no deterrence with the united states, because there hasn't been serious consequences, and one of the things that i'm so confused about by the biden administration is them still not redetecting the houti rebels as a foreign terrorist organization. when biden took office in his first month he decided to de list them as a terrorist organization when president trump listed them as a terrorist organization. so a lot of the foreign policy isn't is making much sense, trace, but i think right now even to your previous clip, it seems like the biden administration is playing politician at the risk of israel's safety. >> i want to put up this. this is "the new york post." the headline reads joe biden's fickelness may mean defeat for israel. its axis of resistance, your thoughts on that, bret? >> we do need to start articulating a strategy both on
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ukraine but also when it comes to israel. yesterday, we heard in addition to congresswoman jaopal's unfortunate remarks regarding rape of israeli women, she also casually suggested we simply need to put together a coalition of arab states to affect the creation of a two-state solution. as someone who served a decade and a half in the u.s. foreign service, those are enormous challenges and you can't simply in a matter of days, weeks, or even years bring about something that for centuries has been very difficult to even fathom. >> your final thoughts, lydon administration is saying you don't want to escalate this but iran is already escalating this. >> the attacks are going to get more brazen, trace, and what i worry about the most, let this
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be warning. it seems like every single terrorist group in the region is attacking the united states' interest and what i worry about, too, is the houtis have been known in the past to attack civilian targets like saudi aramco disrupting their oil markets. i'm very concerned that the biden administration is not creating a deterrence and responding with serious consequences to so many of these attacks. >> yes. gentlemen, thank you. the republican chairman of the house oversight committee is making new accusations tonight about payments hunter biden made to his father that had a direct connection to china. jackie is live in new york with that story. jackie, good evening. >> house oversight chairman james comer claims his committee has found a so-called pattern among the biden family and that includes payments disguised as loans from china. >> what matters is the way the money was paid to joe biden with you directly through influence
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peddling and this is the second payment or series of payments to joe biden that came directly from china. there is no disputing that. even the white house isn't disputing it. >> according to comer, hunter biden set up monthly payments to his father from a business account that allegedly received payments from china. those payments according to documents released by house republicans were set up to occur monthly and total justed just over a thousand dollars. attorneys for hunter biden reportedly say the monthly transfers was to repay his father for a truck payment that hunter was unable to finance himself. democrats, too, say comer is distorting facts. but it's not stopping house republicans from moving forward with the formal impeachment inquiry vote that could happen in the coming weeks. comer says he believes house republicans now have enough votes to launch that inquiry. trace? >> live for us in new york, jackie, thank you.
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let's bring in former deputy assistant. i just want to lay this out and you can explain it to me. hunter biden got money directly from china into his business account and then he paid joe biden from that account. and everybody is asking, what's the money for? what did you get the money for? they say loan and stuff, there is no documentation. what exactly is this money for? >> trace, that's a good question and that's why an investigation still need to continue. what mr. comer has found is financial transactions but what we need to know, what you can't tell from looking at these currency transaction reports is why was the money moved? what were these chinese, russian companies, ukrainian companies, getting in exchange for paying millions of dollars to hunter biden's business account and then remember, candidate joe biden said he never was involved in hunter biden's business.
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now we've seen money moving from the business accounts to joe bind's personal accounts. why did that happen? that's why you can't say we're going to i am-- impeach him. but we need to have further investigation. >> the money raised these red flags, with a bank investigator, john, and everybody should remember james comer was banker by trade. he said this tonight. watch. >> if you look at the last four payments that we found with ties directly to joe biden, they amount to a half a million dollars. and in every instance, they say this was a loan repayment. and that's just hard to believe, sean, unless you've got documentation to prove that it was a loan, which, obviously, according to the emails from the banks, they do not. >> if you were investigating this, john, would you want the documentation that this was a
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loan? otherwise they have to have some documentation of something, right? >> of course, as someone who, back in the old days, worked on the initial whitewater investigation into the clines, you've got to now interview the people, under oath, with the threat of perjury and prosecution behind it to find out, were they really loan repayments? where is the document that she is how much the lane was for what the interest rate was, what the irs in fact, demands, if you or i were to say we were repaying a loan. plus was there an abuse of power by the biden administration to try to obstruct this investigation? what we've learned about from irs whistleblowers because of this investigation, that's the next piece that has to come after we put together all of these financial transactions. >> john, it's great to have your insight as always, thank you, sir. listen, breaking tonight, we have a massive explosion at a house in arlington. look at those pictures. in virginia, not far, by the way, from our d.c. newsroom.
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we're told the explosion could be felt and heard by people all across the area. we'll have the details on what exactly happened there next. there was somebody apparently inside. we're going to have the pictures and the information. it will come into you after the break. also coming up, there are new accusations that u.s. veterans are being denied healthcare at v.a. hospitals because they are too busy taking care of illegal migrants and their response is very interesting. a night cap, you're on a flight, something happens in the cockpit, both pilots are incapacitated. would you be willing to step in and land a plane. a survey says a big percentage of adults think they could do just that let us know. weigh in and we'll show you the results and read the best responses in the night cap. we're coming right back. [city ambience sounds] [car screech] [car door slam] [camera shutter sfx] introducing
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>> breaking tonight, look at this. a massive explosion in arlington, virginia. police officers were trying to carry out a search warrant when the suspect fired a flare gun into the home causing the explosion. it remains unknown the extent of injuries inside the home. of course, in the surrounding area because you still have a lot of firefighters and police officers on the scene trying to assess this. but officers on the scene so far report only minor injuries. the neighbors have been instructed to shelter in place for the time being. we will bring you the latest updates on this explosion in arlington not far from the fox news newsroom in d.c. in the meantime we have brand-new information about how
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the board crisis is impacting care in the embattled v.a. hospitals. >> a long stand arrangement between the department of veterans affairs and ice, to process claims for medical care for illegal aliens, is drawing increasing scrutiny tonight from veterans advocates who are obviously concerned that it could affect the agency's mission of, you know, caring for veterans. what's more, those concerns are growing given the ongoing board crisis to say nothing of the complaints about the care already being delivered to veterans in this country. now, here's how it apparently works. when an illegal immigrant under ice detention requires healthcare, typically they are treated on-site by medical professionals. however, if specialists or emergency care is required, they may be transported to an independent private provider, and in those cases, ice's help
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service core will reimburse the providers at medicare rates. for its part the v.a. says they don't provide any funds specifically for healthcare services for individuals detained by ice. they also say at no time does any v.a. healthcare professional or any v.a. funds find themselves used in this purpose. i should point this out as well. ihfc, have a pretty large budget but here's the rub. what is the relationship between the va and the ihfc, that's what they want lawmakers to get to the bottom of. kevin, thank you. let's bring in founder, marine corps veteran, dr. marty -- thank you for coming on. in kevin's point the v.a. sent us a very long response.
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nowhere in that response did they deny any of this was happening, not one time. i say a veteran, also said this to fox news digital, we'll put this on the screen, we serve in the military in this country and we have these benefits to use the v.a. and i pay an exorbitant amount of taxes in this country and i can't even get seen for basic needs, but they crosstered brother with these illnesses or whatever they have going on and they walk into a primary care doctor or specialty care doctor and get whatever s services the need. it's astounding. >> it's astounding and ever veteran watching this should be angry. you need to be reaching out to your congressman and governors. this is absolutely happening. 161,000 were processed by the v.a., in addition to the one million federal employees and families that get seen at the v.a. and do take part of their budget, $3.5 billion.
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so apparently you go serve our country like i did you don't matter as much as someone who just came across yesterday. >> the senior adviser for concerned veterans for america, the sound bite runs 16 seconds and i'll get your response on the other side. >> they are processing for 2022 -- 161,000 medical claims. veterans are having a harder time getting healthcare. they are getting dying because they can't get mental health in a timely manner. >> he's right. they are. they can't get timely help and we know this because we've covered this story for years and years and years. >> weir talking about limited resources here. i don't think anybody wants anyone to suffer, but we're talking about a limited set of resources, the v.a. health system was set up specifically for people who came back from combat, or served in the military. it's about one in 20 dollars from the federal budget that goes to the v.a. healthcare system. sometimes there is a lot of
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compassion because they are not functioning at 99% capacity. like some private hospitals. but other times it's hard to get appointments and that's right now what veterans are concerned about. >> another vet says treating illegal migrants would not be an issue at all if the v.a. was not letting the vets down. th's the big issue here when you talk about resources, kate, is you've got these vets who need to be treated. there is a specific purpose for the veteran hospital. >> even my own family, i'm a hundred percent rated disabled veteran, my family can't get seen there but we see illegal immigrants there and by law, if they haven't certified that they are not at capacity, they are not allowed to see illegal immigrants, federal employees, their families, nobody, they have never certified that they weren't at capacity so that argument makes absolutely no
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sense. they should never be seen anyone but a veteran there because they are always at capacity. >> your final thoughts, if you're at capacity and your resources are down aren't you obobd as the v.a., aren't you obligated to serve veterans first and foremost or is that new testament by laws? >> that's certainly in the charter. this relationship with ice and the v.a. goes back a while but nobody anticipated 161,000 claims getting processed through this v.a. system with ice. that's the size of a small health plan. it's like a small healthcare system, and that's a resource. i mean, that's like running a mini-medical care plan or a mini-tri-care plan. that's a small health insurance plan. >> yes, it really is. >> 10 seconds fmplgts you're a veteran and you're at home and you're not getting seen and you're having trouble getting compensation from the v. a apartment, i would love if you would viv us and we'll give everyone what they deserve. we'll get you the answers. >> answers is key. kate monroe and dr. marty
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mccarey, thank you both. ♪ >> first up in tonight's real news roundup billionaires are pulling back on donations to elite universities. "the new york post" says the ivy league has slashed the price of its donor door from $20 million to $2 million following the anti-semitism storm on campuses. a college counselor now says universities are scrambling to make up for big donors bailing and will start recruiting lower amount donors to fill the gap. >> we shouldn't allow the children. >> that's a texas parent by the way lunging at a street preacher who dressed up as the griffin outside a local elementary school. the grinch showing a poster saying that santa is fake. jesus is real. the he said the costume was to help the children. the school prim said he was unwanted and uninvited.
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>> a spin off restaurant from mcdonald's, getting ready to open in bowling brook, illinois. the restaurant is based off a late 1980s mcdonald's character with apaheme and the futurism of the past concept. marty mcfry, an exact opening date is yet to be shared but maybe sometime early next year. coming up, a property rights battle in seattle. should landlords be able to reject tenants based on their criminal history. it could be headed to the supreme court? still ahead, new jersey gets creative to encourage safe driving, and a woman's tearful thankful to the medical team that saved hear life. the day's best viral videos are next but first life look at downtown milwaukee, wisconsin, man, it's going to be cold there in a few days. we're coming right back. sometimes jonah wrestles with falling asleep... he takes zzzquil. the world's #1 sleep aid brand. and wakes up feeling like himself.
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>> in the pacific northwest a prolonged battle over property rights might make its way to the supreme court. a notorious killer under arrest. once again, dan springer is back live with an update on america's crime crisis. >> landlords in seattle are hoping the u.s. supreme court restores their property rights when it comes to deciding who they choose to rent to. seattle passed an ordinance that barred landlords from doing criminal background checks on potential renters and using that information to reject some applicants. the law was upheld by a district court judge. now plaintiffs have filed legal briefs asking that scotus decide the matter a criminal who escaped from a facility in washington state is now back in custody after crashing his car into an empty garage in beaverton, or. the man was convicted of murder when he was just 13 years old. after his release he was charged with assault and he's now back behind bars. tragic news out of philadelphia. one security guard is dead and another was injured during a stabbing at a downtown macy's
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store that was battling a wave of retail crime. in new york city, bodega owners say they are done being targeted. at least 230 bodega owners have applied for gun licenses and conceal carry permits. >> anyone that's out there looking to rob us, hurt us, kill us, beware, you may be walking into the wrong bodega because now we have same firepower you have. >> some strong words there. the national super market association estimates that about 25% of its members have guns at work. trace? >> dan springer live for us in seattle. thank you. let's bring in former fbi special agent nicole parker. i'll hit these quickly. landlords in seattle right now cannot ban tenants based on criminal records. the supreme court might be looking at this. what's your thought? >> my thought is that if i was a landlord i would absolutely want to be able to check the criminal
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history of a potential tenant. that's someone's right. you own the property. you deserve to know who is living there. i think it should go up to the supreme court and they should have the final say. >> in southern california three people breaking into a home point blank. they point the gun at a homeowner. there is a child and parent. he shoots and kills one of the home intruders. he gets detained. is that normal? he was later released but is that norm article, nicole? >> you know, as a law enforcement officer you're come on to a scene and you're not sure of the facts and if they belief it may have been a potential homicide but obviously this was a home intrusion. in the state of florida stand your ground laws are taken seriously. tough right to defend yourself from heme intruder. i'm glad he was released. >> then there is the vegas terror threat that was disrupted. here's las vegas metro police. you can't see him. you can only hear him but it's important information. watch. >> he announces that he'll start
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operations in las vegas against the enemies of allah. he asks for support. he says he's a supporter of the islamic state and he says he'll make sure the zionists in the city know it. >> by the way, 16 years old, nicole, and the police apparently believe he had the means to do some damage. >> absolutely. i keep saying this over and over. we cannot underestimate the terror threats here in our own country. he referers to himself as a lon wolf. trace, i think that's give him too much credit. i'll call him a lone offender. he's not a wolf in any way, shape or form. he's a total coward and the fact that he made a social media post that's how law enforcement officer are discovering a of these lone offenders, is through social media being reported to law enforcement and he was tracked down and placed under arrest. this is important. this is an all hands on-deck. you see something, you say something, law enforcement responds. and this is how we're going to stop terrorism from happening here in the united states. >> here in southern california, they caught a suspect who shot and killed four people. three of those people were
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homeless. he was caught by a licensed plate reader. a couple of questions on this very quickly. one, he was in prison, should have been in prison but of course he was out because it's california. and two, the license plate readers, there is not a great deal of, you know, zest for these things what do you think of it? >> i'm a strong believer and supporter of license plate readers. based on my experience in the fbi and here in florida, we use license plate readers all the time to track down criminals and those who have committed crimes that we're trying tloekt. they are extremely effective. >> lastly, this guy should have been in pri. it's again and again and again in southern california. they are out killing people and they should be in prison for the next 30 years and they aren't. >> that's wrong. that's despicable and it's disgusting and it dangerous and that's what's happening in a lot of these democratic states and cities. >> nicole parker, great to have you on as always. thank you. >> thank you. >> first up in tonight's viral
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videos, a small plane crashed into a minnesota highway and struck a car much to the li surprise of onlookers. thankfully, the driver of the car and the pilot walked away without serious injuries. >> any sign that gets the public to be more aware of distracted driving we'll be in favor of. >> embracing the holiday season with signs, reckless drivers are worst than fruitcake and only rudolph should be lit. they are raising awareness about road safety and driving under the influence while hopefully getting a chuckle from drivers stuck in the infamous new jersey traffic. an iceberg three times the size of new york city shedding out to sea. this 40-mile wide chunk of ice broke from an ice shelf in antarctica, but remained
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grounded on the ocean floor until now. scientists think it weighs right around a trillion tons or so. >> i consider it miraculous. i don't know how it all kale together so perfectly to allow her to survive this episode. >> thank you. >> a texas woman suffered a spontaneous heart attack and she got the chance to thank the teams that saved her life. 20 medical staff and first responders were involved in really bringing her back to life. it's what the cardiologist called a miracle. and if you have any viral videos to share, share it with us at trace gallagher or at fox news night on social media. coming up, could you land a plane safely if you had to. even without experience? apparently many people think they can. there was a survey and people weighed in and you'll be amazed at the number of adults, yes, sure, i could lane the plane if i had to. there is still time to weigh in on x and instagram.
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first, we head to indonesia where earth cam gives us a live view of an elephant bathing pool at a safari park in bali. the only dedicated elephant rescue park in the country. we're coming right back. my scooter broke down. i went into a depression. how do you feel about that? pretty sad. and i posted it to show that kenny's not always happy. within 24 hours people had donated over $5,000. no, you're kidding. we set up the patriotic kenny foundation to give mobility scooters to veterans. it has changed my life tremendously. none of this would've happened without tiktok.
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>> we're back with the night cap crew. tonight's topic reaching new heights. a new survey finds 1/3 of americans genuinely believe they could land an airplane safely without any experience. i mean a jumbo jet passengers on it. if you were asked to land a plane, would you, one, do it, two, what's your game plan, dan springer, new to the night cap, what's your game plan on this, dan? >> all right, i'm going to go and get the barefoot bandit's playbook. remember him? 19 years old this kid taught himself how to take off and land a plane in seattle. if he can do it, i can do it. my game plan, i'm going to ask the barefoot bandit how to do it. >> that's fantastic. jackie ibanez, people are raising their hand, are you one of them that has your hand up in the air? >> no, i'm not going to raise my
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hand but i don't think i could competently land it but i would give it a go before i would die. >> the plane, we talk about these things, these are big planes and you can't use the computers because both pilots are incapacitated. you've got to land this thing. would you do it? >> i don't think i could but what i thought was funny about the survey is that two out of 10 women said they thought they could do it but guess how many men thought they could do it. half of them. five out of 10 men. so you either hope you're in a convention of the, you know, adult boy scouts of america, saving yourself life, or you're just going to have to manage it on your own. >> let's try a couple of men. dr. marty mccarey, he's a surgeon, marty, could you land that plane? >> we're supposed to always be confident and usually correct, but i was thinking about. this probably do a water
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lanning, pop the doors open when you get close and tell everybody to get ready to swim but, no, i have no idea what i'm doing and i'm aware of it which is why i could try with a good effort. >> i'm no scully but i used to fly james combat flight seminal lateors for about four hours night and 10 hours on weekends for years. so i feel like i could probably do it. maybe. >> yes. kate, 15 seconds? >> i was in the marine corps so i would probably raise my hand because we think we can do just about anything but i don't know if i could successfully land it but i would sure try. >> as i pilot, and flew for a while, i could land that plane but it would be rough. we would bounce a little bit. it would be very tough, and men are like, yep, we can do it and everybody else can't do it. thank you all. thank you for watching late news fox news at night. business. i was a bit nervous at first but then i figured it's just walking, right? [dog barks] oh.
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