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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  December 5, 2023 12:00am-1:00am PST

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this guy tolthat's what d the th and then everybody got mad at him because he said, don't you know, we're not supposed u kned to to do that? we're supposed to lie. we're supposed to tell everybodosed ty that they have to quit using fossil fuels. >> but let's not tell china, india, our firm, let's don't tell iran that. >> yeah. as if they'd listen to johnes i kerry, the militant. that's not happening. he's been flying in private jets his entire adult lifey mil. governor huckabee, good to see you, sir. thank you. unfortunately, that is all the time we have left this evening. don't forget, tomorrow night. davenport, iowa, exclusive town hall, former president donald j. trump justort, go to hannity .cf you want to join us. tickets are free and live audience showsfree in new york d wednesday and thursday. again, tickets are freaye. s hannity .com. we'd love to see you there. hope you catch a footbalpe youlo in the meantime, set your dvr so you never miss an episode. let not your heart be troublr my >> greg gutfeld is nexout to put >> greg gutfeld is nexout to put
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happ>>y monday, everybody. >> yeah. so democrats are confused a as dylan mulvaney's gynecologist because what big name are realizing now is that after all the posturing a toter all the posturing a and speaking truth to power, the party is now p party in lea, with , murderers and anti-semites and didn'tmites even have to join a prison gang. okay, let's watch it. prisonlet's watch it. s head try to explain october 7th, the way i've seen a lot of progressive women generally speaking, they are quick to defend women's rights and speak out againt as a ass a weapon of war, but downrightat on what we saw on october 7thnd
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and what might be happening inside gaza right now to these hostages. why is that? i mean, i don' theostages.t i d that that's true. i think we always talk about the impact o lwayf war impact o on women in particular. but i think we have to thate alt i think we have to thate why they are a strong ally of ours. and if they do not, an with international humanitarian law, they are bringing themselvesl humanita a place ths it much more difficult strategically for them to be able to build the kinds of allies. aleslying israel complying with the law, but what lawwi the is there a lw and how to react to the mass of women? >> one more time, dana, with respect, was just asking ad about the the women and you turned i yout back. israel. i'm asking you about hamas. in fact, i already answere hamad your question, dana, i said it's horrific. and i think that i horrific i sexual assault is horrific. i think that it happens in.situt
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war situations, terrorist organizations like hamasioist t obviously are using theseas t as tools. however, i thinkools we have tot balanced about bringingg in in outrages against palestinians. and it's horribl thee. don't you don't see israeli soldiers . welli soldie, dana, i think we't we're not i don't want this to be the hierarchy oppressiontu . so there you go. in just three words, jushierarchies, oppression. mass op in context.ression. you know, it happense in in wars situations. >> it's just a tool. but hey, we need balance. that balance, how is that even possible? well, when your entire worldview is broken down into ntrcrimes is broken down into and the crimes of the so-called victims are always excusable, then oare alwa of course, you wt think a little thing like by hamas terrorists is ant think y big deal. rr she's a symbol of all the progressive women who aren't cominoristsalg out at october 7th, an event which should be categorized no aren't7
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terror anymore, but as atrocity. and that needs, that sho to be . those two words atrocity, becaus te that phrase puts these apologists on the spot because by just calling it terror, we already know the knee response ,oh, well, one person'spo terrorist is another one's freedom fighter. d >> but you can't do that with atrocity because where jutrocity because where that? it needs to be posedsticat to everyonion needs te marchine we've been too easy on these ghouls. ghouls. to face with the reality of that event. it's a atrocitythd to come eay moment spent on behalf of the perpetrators makes them an accomplice. pecomplice. march on a jewish owned restaurant in which is now a daily occurrence around the country. the question to all of them the question to all of them on atrocityse? because you're marching not against atrocity, but against atrvictims of it. and it's something squad members like pramila shoul's so remember when she waves its
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away? remember, she's the feminist championit who once tweeted that they owed it to assault survivors everywhere. got to confirm brad kavanaugh to the supreme court. that was based on a decades oldn accusation. no police report or evidence. p and yet nolaw they downplay atrocity with mountains of proof. i guess young israeli women are not brave, compellini guesir credible enough for her. anyone want to help pramila find her compass? oh, here it is. i it was stuck up her the whole [lauas stuck up her the whole the . thank you. tak i'll take it. but don't. too surprised by this. these confused heroines think this. confused heroines think here's the deputy director for u.n. women, sara hendricks. when d asked to call out hamas. >> is there a reason, though, sara that you can't specifically call out hamas can't spand the mounting evidenw over seven weeks that israeli
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have collected u.n. women? >> always supports independent investigations into any serious allegations of gender based orav sexual violence. these investigations are ledion? by, the office of the highgh commissioner of human rights. consequently, in thi issioners e and within the u.n. system, it is independent international commission of inquirinternaty, h for us has the mandate in. us has the mandate what a dog faced pony soldier. s do you realize she gets paidheet to talk like that by us?y >> so many words. so little meaning. if the un can't call out atrocity, what good they for? n i haven't heard that kind of double talk since the tim e tdouble talk since the tim took mushrooms and tried to listen to emily campagna. >> but let me translate what she said.n an i'm a woman and my job is to advocate for women. advocate for women. >> but we need to investigate further. and really, those videoshama bud
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have been staged. >> but yes, i believe all women, except now when we believe non thmaybe because they're jewish. >> even when we have the tape, ey aree the confessions and thes with friends like that, who needs ted bunds like ty? u.c the un calls themselves the global champion fo r gender,o cond and it took them two months to condemn hamas too much. are they communicatingn hama communi by carrier pigeon? what ? of course they couldn't, adding that they're also calling for peace in occupied palestinian territoruly ng fory. hey, you win, baby. demand hamas. release all th e u.n.e hostages first. but maybe they're too busy asking hamas leaders to.if clarify their pronouns. okay, give it a try. trust mey pronounc, pronoun woud be headless. >> you see, point.e po something's horribly here. and as we enter an election year, the dems have a majon r. in problem. they claim to represent women. but which women exac claimt wom? the ones who pretend to be women. because that's all that' s left. ohat's all that' i mean, who's left to defend when you ignore victims of atrocity? nt
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the fact is, we have to admit that this movement isn't just orchestrated. it's also emotionally insane. why are so many unhappy young women willing to join a cause that requires that they deny that requires that they deny it's an energy shift from one joyless existencit'se to another, perhaps in a society of leisure. >> they migrat sociee to extreme beliefs because all the other stuff is handled. they could they could they're bored and they're not in danger. at leaste becaus not yet. it begs the question about lefty women in sports. they favor men with over women and family. they favor a punitivn ore activt over moms in cities. they place the rights cittheyey the rights victims. and now they happily ignore atrocity. do female lefties hate women ors just themselves? 's but this is where the left's energy resides. and on our campuses,y it's whei the left's future resides. until president biden, the traditional democratdeso pr all two that are left base, a wing of their party who have made common cause a with misogynist fascists.
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call it what you want. the anti-israee in ufal wing, the anti-capitalist wing, or, as i believe we should call it, alist the atrocity caucus. do the women in the democratic party have the guts t to speak truth to that power? well, like my dad used to sa py d before me into the pool. >> don't hold your breath, kerry. wake up, kid. wake up, kid. his jokes are like his jacket.hi we'r hise waiting for a good on. rosa parks across america. jimmy failla . she's been around more nbaplayer and athletes, but. >> oh, so the hoop chat. emily oster. she's like a cain straight thing and wanted by grandpas. "new york times" best selling author. this contributor catches and you can see him coming literally from a mile awayf.. "new york times" best selling author and comedian and former nwa world heavyweigh t title.d heavyweigh yes. a fash
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>> jimmy, you're a fashionio atrocity. there it is. yes. yes. >> te where are all the pro women now when it mat actually matters? the pro women, women, they're you knowte , they're thisowte this defense of hamas shocked me. >> yeah. and asf hamaocke a former new yr cabdriver. >> i know half of hamas. yeah. now, you know, that's a joke, america. our nation's cab drivers>> are wonderfu greg:l. he they're the best of the best, and they always smell great. i'll add i'll add to that. do they ever but you. yeah. you made a fine point. okay. you di you di fd you did make a fine fo point. although i'm happy to know i'm back from reno and you're still yourself youil, . >> but anyway, anyway, okay. if you remember, what were we convicting kavanaugh on the left basenaugh d on his yearbook. >> a scribbling in a yearbook to them was proo f that he hadd o committed 35 years ago. yeah, and that ars was enough to run on. believe all women. now we have women, we have corpses. wen. videos. no belief.corp although i will say this. if they were going through the hamas yearbookse
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, pretty funny. >> okay, the girl who wins best looking as a goagirlt. >> you know what i mean? hey, that's someone's wife. yeah someon, but isn't it amazing, though, when you think about wh ty doing this, thispo serious point, it's sick, okay? she's trying to create this moral equivalency to give people emotionall , to forgive hamas by saying we've got to be balanced they're trying to say to you, well, yeah, of course you should be upset about the and the murder. but let's not forget they're giving people the emotional convenience. there is nconven o equivalence. ly, it it also, emily, it's like,'s you know, they're the ones like,calling for a proportionae response. but what is the proportional onate re response to mass? atrocity? i thin sk everything'sk ever on the table. >> i think proportionality ng is on means israel and the idf shouldd count. 1200 civilians broke intea shoue their homes and slaughter them, them, burn them alive, beheadro the same amount of babies, break the same amount of servicef babies, s bones thay did. >> and that's proportionate, but that's not an option
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anymorte butthat's ne. no proportionality when it comes to eradicating terrorism . and what disgusts me, first of all, she's in our government. uryou should be ashamed of yourself. >> i don't even know what her name is. but what's disgusting is all of these so-called feminists and all of these so-called allies and of of women are suddenly blind and deaf when it comes the and the countless video evidence that comes with this v and th te same women that marchd with black lives matter and the lgbtq community that are all standing with palestine, if you were in paleste, your pronounter and s would be i were okay. >> so you need to start and ge. t the right side of history and stop being a hypocrite. >> like, stop being blind deafdp when it comes to metoo, unless you're a, jewish lives matter too. i'm sorry. all lives matter. almas. es matter. all right, kat, how you doing?t, how ai'm all right.reg: tha >> yeah, that's good.go that's the important thing. sood what do you what do you makeon of her response on cnn? >> welsel okay. because the situation in the middle east is obviouslyn in t y
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complicated, right? geopolitical issues, very complicate d. so if i were in that situation and i was asked specifically sit about the violent of jewish women, i'd be likemen, i w okayf great softball question. yeah, i'm against that. yes >> yeah. she actually added a boys guy, actually added a box beforet, i did it. >> yeah, yeah, yeah. that that is awful. >>at a. t is awful. yeah. and then you. then you're done. yeah, exactly. then you go to the greenroom e and a donut. yeah. oh, well, a lot of people have done this on, you know, democrats and republicans,d ould right? to me that should be a very easy questio bn to answer., we >> we know, though, and wew as >> we know, though, and wew as on, the will weakens and thewin all of a sudden you haveth. the context people and then that's where the show u hat'p. oh yeah, it was wrong. but and then all of a sudden the goes away right afterthen t
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i would do the peloton forhe but a few hours. i thought you were building the but you kept saying, well, you did it uphill. yes. what's your take, tyrud its? you know, historically, you know, the limitation of women was the prize for wheno you conquered a landri, right,e to kill all the men and you'd breed them out by all thean women and was fashionable and it was barbaric times right. and then eventually, man, supposedlyd barbic enlightened , don't do that. >> yea h. okay. and even then, even then,[bleep they didn't say. >> but yeah, there was noo but yeah, but that's the thing. but.and the more i look at this the more i realize that therthe is group. wo mm-hmm. there is no women, there is no black. thermen.e, no white. it is what that is used whens ud you need to prove your point,e when you can't back it upyour with any integritycan' and fact so like why are they not caring about the jewish women. that were and their women
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because their their plight is not on their side of the fence. right. it's only important to m fen.e t affects me. kavanaugh bothered me. so i found something didn't do. he was a young punk 35 years 3 ago. i don't care. he's not part of my agendal go and i will go after him. a we allowed this to happen in this country. it started with policefter him. then it went after white men., now they went to white women. now it's white. it's white in fair is in fair pr all these groups of people. of anything they cangrou. do anything behind the group. blac supportedhind the group. hamas. you can say that. but if they call you outcall y ouon social and say, how could you, then the apology towards breakout because everyone's afraidak of the group. we're not in a group. when i speak, i don't represent black america. i represen r black t. ir >> that's it. and when if i'm in trouble and go, greg, every time you sa'my that wrong meack you're you're offending the black community. no you offended me becauseunity >> i'm sensitive and i just happen to be black. so very sensitive. yes, very sensitive.y i can tell. you want to say somethinive.g, m
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you want to say somethinive.g, m oh, then you're welcome to go. all i wanted to do is give ons credit one democrat,ve of all the democrats has done the right thing at every turn. fetterman yeah. fetterman which is amazing. he spoke up on behalf of the fman.hostages because he lookse a guy who would take hostagef s give him credit. also, chuck schumer got to give him credit. all right. up nex himt, young boy seeks to make some emoji tweets. it's fun if he'll bn the new york area. >> we'd like tickets to see gutfeld go to slash gutfeld and click on the link to join♪ )our audience and entresto is the number one heart failure brand prescribed by cardiologisn't take if pt. by cardiologisn't take if pt. >> it was proven superior at helping people stay alive entrestl. don't take interest or if pregnant, it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby and don't take interest or with an or if you've had angioedema with an ace or are the most with an ace or are the most serious side angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems or high blood potassiu m, askjen z.
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we give veterans access to support from anywhere in the world. one 808 279797. that's 1-800- 8279797. thank you. a little boy's case agains t a nerdy face. he says apple's emoji for nerds y facemakes him feel like a . a ten year old english boy named teddy aren't they all.
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on apple to change its nerd emoji because it's, quote, offensive and insulting to people who wear glasses. noit'sw, teddy, what a nerdy nas >> all >> i'm not the only one thinking it. that kid does look exactly likai the emoji. but -- but, you know, you think apple would be sympathetic 10-ye would be sympathetic to ten year olds because that's who builds their iphones. >> you kno becausew, and bang, , he's also offended by the emojis teeth, which he referred to as horrible rabbit teeth. now, i could make a predictable and tasteless joke about brits and their teeth. you know, ifeth.i coul had any. >> but teddy hopes appley t te will takdde his petition to heart. given their history of tweaking so-called controversial emojises . a while back, they replaced the gun with a toy waterile bacl . >> problem solved instantly. there was no more crimproblem ee >> and when the covid vaccine was rolled out, they modified the blood filled syringe to make it less graphic. and that change was by pfizer. .
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teddy created this alternative thddy created this alternative he calls the genius emoji, features a thinner painius emor of glasses and an adorable smile sans buck teetf glh. alto >> although it looks like itugle just saw a pair of for the first time. o but.n to but maybe the kid is on to something. i can think of a few so emojis.o of a few i'd like to see. how about i just had my teacher emoji. here's t. i just walked into joy bay hard's dressing room by accident. hey, can we have that girl? accd enand of course. >> i call this one.e the stelter are never over. >> and here's a. joe biden just boarded air force. >> one emoji. here's how. here's how. and here'sai our for a new nerd
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emoji that was cat you wereere a nerd back in the day and you blossomed into an older nerd. ao >> are you for teddy's petitiont or against it? itioyeah.yo >> unlike you, i'm not going gog to get up there on a kid. i'm crooked. >> you can't do that. i'm not allowed to have anat: opinion on a ten-year-old.10-yea other than.r- g great job, buddyre. . he doesn't realize that some of us. he's lucky he needs glasses becaus lkye of us. had to wear them with perfect vision for years. yeah, it's you like me. yeah, but i am nearsighted now. i look way better with glasses . that's true. glasses make you more attractive by far. oh, is that kind of the nature of isolation? yes. no, not if you are hideous without them. attra what if you could have an emoji? what would it be? could hi.d i wa i was the alarm clock emoji. because i justalar an alarm clo. >> i will keep making noiseck until you pay attention to me. wi, i have tyrus.ention to me.
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this is my emoji shock. >> this feels right. yeah, right. it's the. it's the. >> it's. oh, i thought it was your foot. sorry. ha ha ha . ha ha >> unnecessary. you would. you don't want an emojunnecei. you know, i'm a grown man. yeah. yeah, i don't emoji. i've never emoji two friend in my life. i either talk to them or ignore it. >> that's true. i've never said you said it about emoji me ever. first of all, with my plus size hands, i'm trying to push the button, end up, send the wrongon vegetable and never see me again. so know you wanted to send u wothe eggplant, but yeah.w yo >> you know what? i blame the parents on this one. hmm. they saw those glasses? yeah, it was glasses. the. and they're like the. his father has a sense of humor. he, you know, he wanted to be good in school, so he put the nerd glasses on him. and so be mad at mom and dad. but again, if i have kidshave k idand i'm hard on them all theia time. so, you know, this is at good idea,i but i don't know if apple will do it for him because he's not claiming
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some for notm of gender atrocit, bro. >> so. oh, he has to identify as a son or something like that. so unfortunately, just because he's asking, you know, tha he project give him an a in grade, but also tell him life's tough man is going to get tougher than that. >> it up. yeah you know, that's true up.h >> he's not part of an aggrieved group yet. there's still time. it's jusgrieved t. i don't know. i can't answer that question because you're too young que. >> i'll say that for what'st' his face. he does he have a good point, ort is he just looking for attention? i thought teddloy when i readd the article was like a grown man. >> and i'm like, oh, whatever. it's another sensitive kid. >> but what teddy hasn't learned yet is after the age of 20, being called a nerd is the biggest flex. like my parents have been that lucky that i was a nerd growing up instead like what are kid- my s going to be n to you about like haha, teddy's so smart, he got sucouh good grade and he frickin works for google. what a loser. yeahgo, he hasn't realized whate compliment it is. >> all the billionaires were
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nerds all the billions.comp it's a badgeli of honor and i when a badgeli of honor and i they were poor. jimmy, is this like the modern version of carly simon's sorsion of carly simon's >> you're so vain. you're so vain. you probably think this emoji is about you pro to go to emily's. i get it. how to losa e a guy in ten days. see, that is that reference itself is beyond me.lo >> it's a lot.ere ar e there's two camps on this. >> some say you shouldn't haven' the bucktoothed emoji, some say you should. >> the correct answer is who e cogiverrecs a i? all right. it's like we're putting way toow much weight into the wrong thing. >> so what in an emoji has noben bearing on the reaeal world? if it dig l d, you and i would be going to a man's baby shower this saturday. it d saturday. saying it doesn't matter. that's the point. thethat is true. sho >> my mom's baby shower, my emoji. do you want to know? yeah, sure.
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>> m from the heart, though.>> g i didn't try to be, like, fliprs my favorite thing in the world to do is to smoked is a cigar. >> so i chose a cigar because it takes me to a happy placeit plus in she increases my chances of getting a date with monica lewinsky. hanc oh, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. so everyone got emoji besides getting ame? >> i'm jewish. yeah. you have an emoji choice i regret ever with me.h moni i'm a narcissist. my pronouncas are now,unce a your highness. and i'm a queeren. >> my god, i'm wearing it wrong. yeah. um, i'm just going to wear this the rest of so wr very.onf so >> i didn't realize i wass on with a white meghan markle. all right, we got to move on. tu up next, trump calls out ampn actor who used to have find me a pot of gold streaming exclusively on fox nation. show me the great. the robertsons are back with all new episodes. what you got ain't half the sultan boot full of new adventures. >> so where did you come?
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>> robert de niro is a total loser, though. soon now, have you seen his lastha 28 movies? you already know that, but don't take my word for it. listent , president trump,r th who recently went after the so-called actor for we-c at an awardsor for ceremony last week, joe took it upon himself to turn a filk itms speech into a soapbox for his lingering grudge against our fair hairer d fighter.freedo >> but after de niro's anti-trump remarks were apparently removedte fromfrom tremovedte the teleprompter without his notice, he became unglued quicker thanhempter wig in a p >> take a look. jus i just want to say one thing. the beginning of my speech wast edited, cut out. >> i didn't know about it and ai want to read it.hist history isn't history anymore. trutory h, not truth. even facts are being replaced by alternative facts. lying has become just anothers o metool. the charlatans arsenal. the former president lied
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us more than 30,000 times during his four. yeah. d thank you. >> years in office and he's u keeping up the pace in his current campaign of retribution. >> but with all his lies, she can't hide his souliesl. eak, >> he attacks the weak, destroys the gifts of nature, and shows disrespect. for example, by using disr a slur. by using >> oh, my god. oh, my god. oh, now, what do this guy needs a script to make a living. >> he could call that speech toraging. d call that speech so trump trump t the counterpuncher that he is took the truth social to sett dinero straight, writing, quote ,robert de niro, whose acting reobert de niro, whose acting with his reputation now shot, must even use a teleprompter first foul, a disgusting language so disrespectfulepromp >> our country. he's become unwatchable both unwatcin movies and with the fos
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that destroyed the academy awards, bringing them fromy he t of the top shows in the country to a low rated afterthought, a de niro should focus on hisus life, which is a mess rather than the lives of other others. he's become a total loserl as the world watches, waitshes, and laughs. yeah it's amazing. >> trump's statement is far more entertaining than de niro's and trump probablymp'a wrote it on the toilet. >> and really, if bob should h hold b holding a grudge againstb anybody, it's not trump. it's who's ever been in chargees his career and making all those horrible choices. who told c niro he was funny? >> seth meyers. oh god, he's made so many bombs. hamas should call his agent. r >> the guy from deer hunter, taxi driver and cape fear that truly become a grumpy old man. de niro has managed to make worse decisions on set than alec baldwin day, and baldwinwi, shot people.
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>> so tyrus, it's pretty clear in this battleea that trut doesn't think about de niro at all. but de niro thinks but about aln the time. >> i mean, shouldn't de niro have other, shou on his mind? >> yeah, i like where you are, e when you decide to a speech like that. yeah, it was so confusing. yeah, he was theret wa. talk about a movie of substance. yeah. and he decided that he neededll, to have a political rally. yeah. and the audience was s theo up. >> yeah, it was the best way he describe his speech is like , getting woman pregnant on ah. pullout couch. >> it's just confusing. its to the fact that thatusing. is confusing. you know what i'm saying? yes, i did. >>what ii understand.t of >> just it's a lot of what have you said? a lot of what has a lot of room for dumb excuses. exactly. like pull out couc. reg: exah. couch so i wish she would have had. a pull out speech because it was awfud l. >> but again, this is the problem. yeah, you can't beat trump at n'this. ro no.ts
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no.ts he wants to go one on one, why don'ont run? >> the democratic party could use some help. i would love to see that he, ths has. >> yeah, you know, there you go, jimmy. this is like a sad thing i because it's like when you invest meaning into an acto meanir because of their great roles, and then you find out he's just another whiny cran k. s just another whiny cran it's i mean, it's like, i don'tw know, i had a completely wrongn. read on de niro. i,did you know, it's true. i. true.the one positive. nice to see trump getting attacked by a dirty grandpa besides biden yeah but let me tell you to your about celebrities the reason celebrities hatet, a trump, thin really matters and this carries over into howard stern th is one,hiward stern they were all friends with him. >> okay? and trump is now? more popular and prominent in the media than all of hollywoodr combined. l f like these are people who are used to being the focus of all of our attention hollywo. s of but trump now took them and dwarfed it and by a margin a million. and you understand there was this always this old hollywood premonitiod dwby a mn. n they were movies made about it.
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yeah. or a guy could walk in off the street with no experienca ge in politics and win the presidency. he did it. he did the thing we made presids about. >> yeah. that's why they resent his life is a movie and they play is a movie and they play people like him in movies. emily and also he's on the upnd also he's on and they're on the way down. it's like they cross paths and they know it. >> is that a fair description? , i don't know, greg. f i feel like there's something we're missing here. i feel like it's almoseel t feel like it's almoseel personal at this point. yeah, maybe like de niro hit a on melania or trump hit on his wife or one of the 35 hit baby mommas. like, there's something more personal goin wife,g on.hae >> so i've concluded there's only one way to hash this out. wa, gentlemen, they needckout. to get in the ring, box it out. and if dana white, ix itf white you're watching this, feel free to set that up. >> i have some experience , tching, sin sports myself. >> i could host it.i coul but, you know, that's how wed settle these arguments nowadays, like with ellen. >> exactlyargument. yes. i mean, new york definitely took it that way. philly took it that waw york ty >> maybe, you know, just put them in the ring and we'll stream it on fox. yo, cat, it's always funny when
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somebody famous becomes obsessed with yos funnu likeh olbermann and you, it's like, it's got to be weird when that you grew up watching or not watching when it comes over all of a sudden can't stop thinking about you. >> what were these awards? >> i thought, no, nobody knows that ruined it.mes to >> that's okay.lder i'm just checking. i'm like, oh, there were awards. yeah, of some kindman, can'tp . i mean, it. trump i thinm k i'm going to tae a page out of his book next time somebody says something to me or about me that's mean by saying that it's terrible for our countrk,y it's great i think it's like i'm really adding it to my arsenal. you better watch outy . >> especially. yeah. greg, what a horrible thing to say. that hurts our great country ho i have no response to that. exactly. it works. okay respons that., coming up, s prank that literally mummify.
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when brown comes to town, you need a man who won't blush at the sound of a flush. you need to through detective. welcome back to pooh tonight's investigation of the case of the pringles can of . an ohio defense attorney named jack blakeslee was last weekg ee was after leaving a filled pringles can outsidea a victim advocacy center back in 2021. he also had to lay out a fewackn hundred bucks for a case l of febreeze. >> blakeslee also pleaded guilty to disorderly few conduct charge and paid only 248 bucksey in fines and court costs. >> the find was light because the victims actually loved what they thought. f ht a new flavor. >> oh, he reportedly tried
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the h, he reportedly tried prank, even admitted he had done this at least ten other times in the pasmitted hd donet >> but now we don't know if he put the in the canknow by hd or if he went right for it. but heree canb is how i imagine he did it. >> seattle, you. the perhaps it's easy to hit the target if you focus. >> i don't know. but thank you jean, for drawing that back. >> she's going to leave that up there anyway. you know you know who could solve the case of the pringles? believ se or not, they have an entire force devoted to solving such crimes. re yeah, that part stupid joke. but it's funny, emily is probably the best time to ask. >> what is your favorite flavor stuphat is your favorite flavor s? en't >> i haven't had pringles in forever, but that one, the original one. if pring take the two chips on the top and the bottom, you'll take a duck. >> like put it on your mouthips that.
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that's like, as far as my pringles experience goes. far as >> but by the way, that picture, that ginger, impeccable job, that's exactlyy how i envisioned he did. yes, i do. but my my question is like guy l this guy woke up, he's like, i'm going to be a menace to society todaya mena. poo >> let me in a can, throw it out the window and multiple. mup >> and you know what?le that's that's my way of, like, ruining thisions earthrt a little bit. that's not the part that bothers me. no, no. and that's the part bothers phersthat bothers me is that l, when people were, like, suspending him, were they thinkinspendingg about hows guy did it? >> what went into it? you have to be a sicwhat w k, crazy,to be a sicwhat w evil person to do that. awil person to do that. have gotten away with it easily. let's go to san francisco and do i t there. wha >> i know what all the different you can know. what d thinko you think that tht that's not it. that's the part that bothers me. the parwhat acts the okay he sn have got in trouble but he should be disbarree bud not for the but because he admitted to doing it ten times. >> yest for . d to >> what kind of lawyer are you? yeah, exactlt y.
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you lie, you don't get caught. rule number one, you don't get caught. mber onet ruleget number two is that youy get caught. it only happened d that one tim and you hated it. you would never do it again. exactly. hateyou're already a lawyer? yeah. thank you. thank you,'re jimmy, i you remember this. but remember when stack chips introduced? oh, lesters but remember in thed champion, and the side effect was leakag e? >> do you think maybe pringles has just solved the problem by having the chipringles s in u that you can use afterwards? have? >> as it turns out, in a t pringles can is a gateway drug because once you pop, you can't stop them. >> but you know what it's likeng about that. you took it back. because here's another thing to get upset t >> yeah, i got pringles material on the table. okay, so here is okay. leavi >> he was leaving themng specifically at the same placem . yeah. which was an advocacy group for crime victims. haven't these people been through enough? yeah. without getting a pringleshaven. like, you kn something? this was an obsession of his. >> yeah. this is a serial . yeah. yeah, serial super.
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have jeff jeffrey bomber. >> i actually i, i time the stories for when you're here. yeah i know you did. poop i don't think you could ever do that. no, no. but i gues storys. >> i could pretty sure i could stuff you in a pringles can though. take that listen think that this is this. >> i'm glad he's disbarred. okay. he be here, but only for a year. >> but because he's a. yeah. thisa this i is a stupid crime. even if you left with regular. chips, most people aren't goingf to step on me like food on the ground. >> let me pick it upood of grouy >> yeah, so they just walked by it. that's why he did it ten times 1 . >> but this kid isn't. this is not. this is not. he's not, thisnot, breaking thel with these evil villain plans. p when i was growing as a kid, you took dog, put in a bag, o you lit it on fire. >> yeah. the eah.
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was sorry. its sorry. they stopped it because they had to put the fire out. and then the they ha put thing x there's the man who got you.this he took off running this putting it in the bag. g iti'm like, whoa haha. they're going, oh, this is trash, tim, do it again. soo it he's a horrible h the only thing he's going for me, he's the one lawyer that isn't for well, yeah, he's terrible. >> and you go bang up next, he's known for god looks and now for writing book s. now for writing book >> the time is now. okay, we go. we're giving you fox nation's once a year sale. just in time for the holidays. get our lowest price of the year to start streaming our biggest. i'm rob lowe. and this is liberty or death. boston tea party with the biggest stars. it's perfect. it's just perfect. and your favorite fox personalities start streaming fox nation today for just 1999, a year, our lowest price of the year for a limited time.
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fox prime time hoops. >> "wall street journal" reporter gershkovich remains a russian prisoner. th.
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so we are american made from beginning to end. shop now at show allegiance .com. hey everybody got a book out right now even jimmy fallon yeah jimmy's got a new book and boy are both of his fans
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excited. >> yeah it's called cancel culture dictionaryit's c and a guide to winning the war on fun. it comes out next montwi h but you nownext montwi you're in the market for a new doorstopyo for. all right. so jimmy, i'm looking on the back and i see the people on thople that you the all the little pull quotes and praise. u the i one of them is brian kilmeade. oh, so i thought bri you to selt books. >> well, i will reallyo quickly sell it and defend it. >> yes. ifl it you like reading at a tht grade level, you're going to love this book. >> okay. gradyou will you scratch and sny ups, i kid. but someoue scratc good and basy what this book is about. okay. if you wanted basicaat this d to i know you don't care, but thank you for letting me promote this book. it's aboutg how culture and weaponized censorship have broken our campus and society and how we're policing the wrong things. meaning we spend more time policing comedians our than we o the streets. yeah, and a lot of times the superficial victories wee deliver don't actually help the aggrieved communities. take native american mascots
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. we didn't actually help nativets americans by canceling. the redskins. never mind that we didn't choose native american mascots to mock culture. there's a pride in calling yourself a chief. th a pride mhief. elizabeth warren. >> you know what i mean? so i think thih s an opportunity to give people perspective. >> that's what i was going for. very per succinct.inct you also have a pull quote here from jesse wattersal. i know i know for a fact he did not f read your book. even not not even a page. not even a page. he just like any probably to even write this. >> this was probably he probably had his assistantnn write johnny. johnny is johnny is great. but r speaks truthspeakst. to power. he refers to me as the ratings fairy, which, as you know, andy great for ratings. >> so kudos to you. you're a fairy. thank you. outfs. ou. >> you've seen the outfits. yeah. that's too funny. >> so am i mentioned at all in this book or you actually are. >> and in a flattering way >> you a, a flattering way i do. listen, i thank you. d you have done so. do you think i'd be having thitd
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? do you think they would have chose me to have a book ghostwritten with my name on it? weree o have a it not for you. >> i'm kidding. i i wrote it myseln't for f andw because, you know, i'm not hemingway, but i sound like i hang outot at a bar named hemingway is like, you will love this. >> what was your writing? how did you what did you do? a lot of research. was it. i got to be honest. this book would not be possible without delta flight delays becaus e i wrote this a lot. >> if it wasn't for the terrible conditions of airtl travel, this book doesn't happen. but i wrote a lot, obviously, in terminals and in our officess earlier in the day comedy club green rooms. >> but basically it's an eight z, it's noy clubgreen t dn but it's laid out in a to z because each letter cacause each letter by letter. and then i explain, like, how this impacted society and how nobody actually benefited from it. >> that's the point is they they've cancel culture has created i call it a war on fun w because we are policing sources of joy for grievancee . yeah, most movies, things like that, both of the people that i have led the charg most ofe cl culture. don't like fun. no, not at all.
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fu fun.n people. >> they failed at what they're trying to say. exactly. good example of that would aooofbe shane gillis on saturdy night live, shane gillis got canceled off saturday night live becauseght people dug up oldday podcast about him. who do you think these people were? people who dreamnight lile dug of beingn beeamnight lile dug on saturday night live but could never get there. and they were like, we'll kneecap this ght live . yeah, and that's that's a lot of times funnier than eddie, but he's an amazinesg. >> he's amazing. he's great. yeah, that's probably the point. all right. well, i'm glad. so that's pr i was able to promote this book, even though i was not prk evk. mthough i was not >> by your mention, you are mentioned all the way enut thethroughout the book. >> thank h that's all that matters. the only resent to the book, because it's taller than he isth ,you know. e right back>>. you got it. the time is now. >> okay, here we go. we're giving fox nation's once a year sale just in time for the holidays. get lowest price of the year to start streaming our biggest shows. i'm rob lowe. and this is liberty or death. boston tea party with biggest stars. it's perfect.
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