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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  December 5, 2023 8:00am-9:00am PST

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unsustainable. lukeville, arizona, the middle of nowhere two hours away from any major city. takes border patrol a long time to process anybody. the situation won't change any time soon here. >> dana: we only have 30 seconds. how many of them will be deported when they go through the line? >> likely very few. a large majority will be processed and released into the country, an nta. notice to appear. they are not coming from halfway around the world waiting to turn themselves in because they expect release. the moroccan guy said he is planning to head to new york city once he is released. >> dana: thanks, bill melugin. >> bill: that is like a poke in the eye there with that salute. >> dana: great show today. thank you, harris is next. here she is. >> harris: we begin with a fox news alert. the state department now says
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that hamas terrorists are likely holding women hostages behind, not giving all of them up to keep them from talking about what has happened to them in the hands of those savages. some high-profile voices now are demanding condemnation of sexual violence against jewish women and children. weeks of silence from the united nations. what do they do? what purpose do they serve? and weeks of silence from leading feminist groups. i asked the same questions. i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus." a warning, the upcoming report and the content of how things are described is graphic. the unimaginable barberism of hamas boundless cruelty has now been unearthed and revealed and in the light. goodness, they goproed
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everything. didn't they think we would find out? witness after witness at the u.n. yesterday. no response from women's groups around the globe. even u.n. women, the actual global entity tasked with advocating for the rights of women and girls took 55 dayso condemn the sexual barberism world leaders heard testimony from first responders talking about yesterday. 55 days before they would say anything. a witness spoke up who saw firsthand the brutal and inhumane rape israeli women of all ages have suffered. women and girls found naked and bloody all since october 7th. the one massacre, so much carnage and so much sexual assault. legs and pelvises broken.
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some of the women and children beheaded. this meeting at the u.n. organized by tech leader sheryl sandberg. we showed you a little of this live yesterday on this program. sandberg along with other high-profile women are voicing outrage over the lack of anything. >> this goes beyond politics. if we can't agree that rape is wrong, then we have accepted the unacceptable. then the question will be not what is happening in the middle east, but what is happening to our humanity. >> the international community's reluxe tans and even refusal to condemn or acknowledge them doesn't just strike fear in the hearts of israeli women, it strikes fear in the hearts of every woman and girl around the globe. >> it is outrageous that some who claim to stand for justice
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are closing their eyes and their hearts to the victims of hamas. >> harris: republican senator marsha blackburn from tennessee. we'll begin with gillian turner at the u.s. state department. gillian. >> harris, this just in now. idf has put out a statement calling on some of those international groups now to step in and help verify the safety and health of women and girls who are still in hamas captivity. this comes as you mentioned on the heels of the state department indicating yesterday that hamas's sexual atrocities may still be ongoing. listen. >> we have seen hamas commit atrocities both on october 7th and since october 7th. and we obviously condemn those atrocities and support israel's actions to hold hamas accountable for them. >> american female leaders at the u.n. yesterday pleaded for more help and more action from activity groups.
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take a listen. >> when i saw the list of women's rights organizations who have said nothing, i nearly choked. where is the solidarity for women in this country and in this world to stand up for our mothers, our sisters, and our daughters? >> some of those high-profile women's groups who stayed silent on the atrocities includes the national organization for women, emily's list, democratic women's caucus. jewish american titan sheryl sandberg said it is time to believe israeli women. >> do we believe the hamas spokesperson who said that rape is forbidden or do we believe the women whose bodies tell us how they spent the last minutes of their lives? >> it took the u.n. secretary general more than 50 days to acknowledge hamas's sexual
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atrocities. when he did so last week it came in a tweet. october 7th eyewitnesses are giving firsthand accounts now of exactly what hamas did. >> there was a woman leaning on her bed. she was half naked from the waist down. she was shot from the back of her head. >> israeli officials say they have amassed more than 1500 pieces of evidence of some of the sexual atrocities that hamas committed just on october 7th alone. they are pushing the u.n. to launch a formal investigation. the state department told me yesterday they are not sure yet whether that is happening. but that they support this effort. >> harris: gillian turner, thank you very much. great reporting. democrats now going after one of their own, congressional
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progressive caucus chair jayapal went to political war on sunday when she said this. >> i have condemned what hamas has done and condemned all of the actions, absolutely, the rape, of course, but i think we have to remember that israel is a democracy. morally i think we cannot say that one war crime deserves another. >> you turned it back to israel. i'm asking you about hamas. >> i already answered your question, dana. i said it's horrific. however, i think we have to be balanced about bringing in the outrages against palestinians. >> harris: dana went on to say israeli soldiers are not raping the women in gaza. her answer was ridiculous. she said well, that basically doesn't matter. the balanced approach jayapal mentioned, the rape and the targeted violence against women is getting some stern response now from some in her own
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political party. >> for me this is not about politics. this is about decency. it is indecent to downplay both sides the rape and sexual violence against israeli women on october 7th. >> i want to talk speak for myself. rape is an act of violence and becomes too often a tool in any act of war and as women everywhere we must stand up for women everywhere. >> harris: the white house pressed about jayapal's comments but refusing to directly condemn jayapal's remarks. >> was that an appropriate comment? >> i can only speak for the president. that's who i can speak for and we've been clear what hamas did is absolutely reprehensible and full stop. >> any comment, though, congressman jayapal. >> i just laid out what we believe is unacceptable. >> harris: it's so interesting
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they say they hired her for her resume but she can't speak as a woman? joining me now republican senator marsha blackburn of tennessee. i want to get your top line thoughts on this. >> it is disgusting. and the fact that you have congresswoman jayapal, who will try to draw a moral equivalence when asked about the sexual atrocities that have been committed against israeli women. she should be listening to members of her party like senator gillibrand, who understand this is a crime. these are war crimes. what is happening to these women is a crime. what hamas is doing is bar baric and indecent. if you want to make sure the palestinian people, the women
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are protected, you have to get rid of hamas. same goes if you want to protect israeli women and children, get rid of hamas. these terrorists organizations are barbaric and act like animals and there is no human decency that they are exercising. >> harris: one of our guests on "outnumbered" yesterday was saying at the very beginning of jayapal's comments yesterday, i rewatched them as well. she didn't really sound convinced that she believed that any of this had happened. her wording was of the effect of well, if it happened. what happened to the left believing all women? i'm confused. they will have to lay out the rules and showing us who they are. now tell us when you lie. when they lying then or now? don't they believe women? >> and don't they believe what they are seeing in photographs? and members of congress have
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seen this footage. the reports that we are hearing, women are being raped to the point of death. they are using sexual violence against women as a tool of war. and of course the idf is gathering all of this evidence of how women have been repeatedly raped, how their bodies are bruised, how they are bloody, and the fact that this continues to go out, we still have the u.n. and people on the left and the silence of so many of these women's organizations. you know, it is time for people to say this is wrong. this is a crime. it is a war crime. and this is why we need to make certain that israel can do away with hamas. >> harris: unfettered. do what they have to do. still waiting for the u.n. you heard from gillian's report
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the idf wants the u.n. to send in the groups that always go in to check on victims during war. we'll see if it happens. f.b.i. director christopher wray is back on capitol hill testifying before a senate panel conducting oversight of the bureau's powers. this is after a house committee report found the f.b.i.'s targeting of catholic americans went a lot farther than we knew. among the findings a whistleblower says agents interviewed a priest and a choir director at a virginia church. the report reads this way. the documents received show that the f.b.i. singleed out americans pro-life, pro family and support the biological basis for sex and gender distinction as domestic terrorists. director wray down played the alleged targeting of catholics. >> your f.b.i. wrote a memo talking about catholics. >> what i can tell you is you are referring to the richmond
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product. a single product by a single field office which as soon as i found out about it i was agas and ordered it withdrawn and removed from f.b.i. systems. >> harris: what kind of answers do you get to figure out why it would even happen >> we'll be pressing for those answers as well as why the f.b.i. chose not to investigate some of the reports coming from the survivors of the jeffrey epstein sex trafficking ring? also, if he is aware of what jack smith, the special prosecutor, is doing on president trump's tweets. going after people that have liked and retweeted a tweet from president trump. so we have plenty in front of us today. we're in the process of that hearing right now. harris, we would like to get answers on these things. he is going after domestic terrorists. what is he doing about the
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terrorists that are coming across the border and instead of going after people of faith saying they are too religious, saying they are spending too much time in their church? we want to make certain that he is focused on the terrorists coming across the southern border. the 2000 chinese that came across this border in the month of october illegally entered our country. people who are coming in who do not want to come here for a better life but are coming in here to conduct harm. people that do not appreciate the rule of law that we have and hold so dear here in the united states of america. >> harris: senator blackburn, thank you very much for being in "focus." a judge threw out a lawsuit from six women against their sorority for admitting a transgender student to that sorority house.
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their legal fight to project a women-only space continues. now in federal appeals court. one of those sorority sisters in "focus" ahead. plus president biden tried to sell his economic plan to americans. it crashed and burned. >> president biden: bidenomics is investing in america. bidenomics, bidenomics. it's no accident. it's bidenomics. >> harris: it's rich. they figured the problem with the word is because of his name. now they'll call it something else. wait until you see. the strategy attacking -- they will call it, well, you'll see when you come back. richment dirr at independence village, the senior living community in waukee, iowa. everybody here really, really make you feel like family and that they love you. our goal with tiktok was to enrich the lives of our residents
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>> i think that this is a sign th bidenomics is doing what we would hope it would do and that people are starting to feel it in their pocket books, too. >> president biden: folks, all this is bidenomics. >> bidenomics flows off the tongue. >> talking with you about bidenomics. the word of the day, month, week, year at the white house. >> harris: what's it like to live inside biden world where you all agree on one word and then you don't? biden world pushing the president's economic policies for month but showing bidenomics is a total flop with the people. they are about to flip the script. the white house memo details a plan to start attacking what it will now call maganomics. it claims republican policies will raise the cost of healthcare and prescription drugs. efforts to repeal the affordable
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care act and inflation reduction act. put the differences between bidenomics and maganomics in sharp perspective is one quote. a new op-ed lays out one of the reasons americans don't like bidenomics. the bite it has taken out of retirement savings. 401ks down nearly 25%. pension plans have lost 12%. even voters in joe's hometown of scranton, pennsylvania, sounded fed up. >> it's gotten tougher for everybody. >> it has gotten worse. i'm a registered democrat but i'm not happy. >> this economy sucks. everything is going up except paychecks. >> harris: couldn't you just watch it every day? we did two days in a row. nobody tells it better than the scranton people. gee -- david, i will start with you. maganomics. what are they exactly?
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>> well, what it is showing is that it's what you will get under a trump presidency and republican regime. look, bidenomics, the only problem with it is the word. the policies are working. but the presentation is not. so they are trying to shift and say look what will happen under maganomics. right now we have the largest number of americans covered under health insurance. trump wants to repeal the aca and leave millions of americans without health insurance. those are just some of the plain facts about what maganomics means. >> harris: all right. i will let gianno hit the plain facts. they aren't saying that the only problem is the word bidenomics. they are admitting it failed, otherwise they would call it something else and resell what's working. but they can't because it is not working. do you want to hit any of that, gianno? the facts part? >> first and foremost this idea of maganomics and saying hey
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we'll put this out to compare and contrast is one of the dumbest ideas that i've heard in a while in politics. maganomics is something people will say wow, that's when the economy was great. give me more of that. i remember when trump was in office we had big paychecks, interest rates were very low. we could afford groceries. those are the maganomics that donald trump wants to be sold. now the biden administration is helping to do the job. just very quickly on the facts as you mentioned. we know according to fox news polling that since october donald trump has gained 21 plus% independents, 15% with blacks and 13% with hispanics and 8% with suburbs and 4% with men. things are going well on the republican side for donald trump. people remember maganomics. >> harris: do you think this could backfire, david? calling it that? >> elections are what really matter. the elections we've had. democrats were winning.
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the last elections we had a couple of weeks ago winning in kentucky, ohio, virginia, the list goes on and on. >> that was the issue of abortion. >> harris: abortion more so. that's what the areas say all politics is local. that's what some of those areas and districts were focused on. i want to get back to this. you will call it maganomics based on what you project might happen. bidenomics actually is what happened. and you can't erase what happened so you want to put in fantasy of what might come? >> it's the reality, the contrast between what biden policies are doing, whether it's the chips act, affordable -- talk about the affordable care act. >> harris: i don't know why he can't sell that. people are smart and they balance their checkbooks and they know at the end of the month and at the end of this year they will need $11,000 more to have what they had in 2021.
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they know they just had the most expensive thanksgiving on record. they know this. so you preaching to them a different word, i don't know. >> well, i think it's the presentation. i believe that. but i believe that economic indicators are showing that the american economy is on a roll and if you compare it to the rest of the world, we are doing incredibly well. to blame the policies of biden for inflation, i think it's woefully wrong. look at the rest of the world. we have gotten inflation to the number that the fed was looking for and invested in infrastructure. >> harris: keeping close to 10% inflation and we were above nine. we only live here. has it come down yet? the prices haven't come down. >> many prices have come down if you look across the country we can see. >> that's not true. that's not true. joe biden's greatest accomplishment at this point is being the worst polled president in history.
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things are not going well under his watch and over 70% of americans feel their financial situation n is going in the wro direction and feel they are poor or fair. that's not okay for any president to be waving a flag to say vote me in for a second term. no, absolutely not. people are living out of boxes, if you will because they cannot afford basic necessities. that's not okay and that is not what democrats should be trying to sell to the american people. it is a horrible image. >> harris: david, i will come to you first on this. i have to move. biden's border crisis managing to get even worse. didn't think it could happen but look at the pictures. fox captured these images in lukeville, arizona. hundreds of illegal immigrants waiting to be processed after breaching the border wall. they have broken the laws and criminals already. cbp forced to close the lukeville port of entry to redeploy personnel to help with
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the untenable surge of people to the tucson sector. cbp sources telling fox news they encountered 19,000 people over the weekend. 10,000 into the united states between sunday and monday alone. the staggering numbers a far cry from what former president obama jay johnson described as crisis level. this is what he said would be a crisis in 2019. >> i know that 1,000 overwhelms the system. i can't begin to imagine what 4,000 a day looks like. we are truly in a crisis. >> harris: wow. 2023, how would 10,000 look? meanwhile, illegal immigrants in massachusetts are derailing the time honored tradition of the army/navy football game in foxboro. joni ernst puts the blame on the president's border policy. >> this is the week that america focuses on what we call america's game.
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it is the army/navy football game. what we see in boston is because they are a right to shelter state in massachusetts, illegal immigrants are now being housed in those hotels that were already reserved for the families of those service members, those cadets and midshipman and they are getting the boot while the illegal immigrants are being put up in those hotels. >> harris: david. >> look, the way we fix illegal immigration is through legal immigration. president biden has come to the table with an immigration plan. leaders in congress refuse to negotiate the issue and blame biden. i hear from the senator this quote. they're blaming biden. what are you going to do to help fix this problem? we need legal immigration. people are fleeing trying to save their lives and they have to crawl across the border, sneak across because the immigration system is not
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working. >> they are not sneaking. >> until then democrats are on their own. >> they are not sneaking. almost 7 million encounters since biden took office. 2 million known gotaways and now we see migrants throughout the city of chicago, new york and all over. democrats are really good at marketing and making feel-good speeches. let everybody in. what we are now experiencing thanks to governor abbott is people see the real issue that's going on with the migrant crisis and they don't want it in their towns, including chicago. they are saying they will vote for republicans just to get the border closed. >> harris: letting us -- >> it will take republicans and democrats working together to get it done. the only way it can get solved. >> harris: letting it go on hurts people coming in here the right way. they have to get in line before all the people who cut in front of them ill le. anti-israel protestors in two large cities have closed down a major bridge in one city already this week and they targeted a
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jewish-owned business in another city. finally some pushback. but the hate continues. plus the fight to save sororities and women's-only spaces. some women are saying they simply don't feel safe anymore after one of their sorority chapters let in a biological man. now an appeals court is taking up the case. one of those sorority sisters in "focus" next. there she is.
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>> harris: it's being called one of the most important cases in the justice system now and the first to act whether groups can define women to include men even in the detriment of issues like safety. six kappa kappa gamma sorority members at the university of wyoming sued their chapter and now it is before the federal appeals court. they claim admitting transgender
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student violated bylaws and accuse lankford of inappropriate behavior at their sorority house. we'll get into that. a lower court judge tossed out the lawsuit in october. now the plaintiffs want the higher court to define a woman. ali is one of the plaintiffs. her attorney is here. an independent women's law center attorney. great to have you both. i want to get into what was going on in the sorority house. >> the sorority went through a different voting procedure to allow this member in and basically before we voted said if you don't allow this member in, you don't align with kappas values. our voting was different than we had in the past. it wasn't anonymous like it should have been. another form of bullying us and pushing us into allowing this
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member in. >> harris: what were some of the problems with langford in the house. >> a lot of uncomfortable situations that have made the girls not want to be in the house anymore. myself included. going to shower we have communal bathrooms. walking from my room i would wait to shower until later at night because was hoping no one would be waiting in the living room or anything to make sure no one saw me walk past in a towel and got excited about it. it's our house and supposed to feel comfortable and be safe and not have to worry about outside pressures or men being there. all of a sudden the table is turned on us and that's how it was. >> harris: we want to tell the audience it will get chippy because of the way that this played out but the allegations include women saying certain things were said to them from this person. what was making that space intolerable? >> there are so many different things that happened and being
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compared to a six fought two, 160 pound man. i'm tall and if i have to look up to this individual it is intimidating. there can be girl drama. when you get dirty looks from someone the same size as you, but someone significantly larger it's a lot more intimidating. >> harris: i want to ask you about the specifics of the case and the details that you told my team are really bad. people understand the word safe space and say they want to hang out as girlfriends. that's not what this is about. men and women sharing bathrooms. we see it happen all over the country. it is changing the game. there used to be a time if a man was in the bathroom you went for help. we have changed the way society wants it. what were some of the things the young women are facing. >> these women have experienced personal trauma. one of them is a sexual assault survivor and to have someone ask them about their female
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genitalia, to have the male get aroused while sitting in a common room, to watch them undress, to ask them about their breasts, i mean, you shouldn't have to put up with that anywhere. you really shouldn't have to put up with it in your sorority house. kappa's bylaws say the new member should be a woman. the lower court said i read that and i don't know what the woman means and kappa can define it whatever they want. it's one thing for women's colleges to change their membership to say now we're women and imposters. it is another thing to just forget what women actually mean and just to redefine women. that's what kappa did. >> harris: so i know you had cited previously some constitutional law and wording around women. does there exist any?
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how does it apply to this case and will it make a difference at the federal level? >> kappa is an ohio sorority founded -- it's incorporated in ohio. courts in ohio when they look at a bylaw they say what's the commonly understood meaning. so we trace the use of the word woman through kappa's founding in 1870. it was founded by women. it has been women throughout. so really all we're doing is saying here is common sense and we are just showing 40 pages of common sense. >> harris: what does that 1870 document say is the definition of a woman? >> so women couldn't vote in 1870. you didn't need the definition of a woman. but if you look to web steers it says a biological female. it still says biological female. people can pretend woman has no meaning. just how you feel on a given day.
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woman then, woman now, woman forever will mean a biological female. >> harris: that's right. before we had suffrage everybody knew a woman was not a man and that's all they needed to know because we couldn't vote. that's such a great point. i wish you the very best. the whole nation will be watching how you and the other women go through this case. thank you. the countdown is on. house republicans set to formalize an impeachment inquiry into president biden. congressman james comer is presenting what he says is damning new evidence showing sketchy payments to hunter biden. anti-semitism running rampant on college campuses across america. three universities presidents are now on the hill testifying before lawmakers. we'll give you the highlights. stay close.
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>> the buck for what has happened must stop on the president's desk. do you have the courage to truly confront and condemn the ideology driving anti-semitism? or will you offer weak, blame-shifting excuses? >> free speech is a constitutional right. the bedrock of our democracy in
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colleges and universities are often on the front lines of defending this right but schools are also responsible for fostering campus environments that promote understanding, respectful dialogue and above all else, student safety. >> harris: i love representative fox asking for courage. do you have the courage to knock out anti-semitism on these campuses? the housed indication committee is looking to hold leaders of some colleges accountable for the raging anti-semitism on their campus. protests, threats and violence at schools across america. jewish students say the problem is rampant and has them fearing for their lives. >> our university revered for its pursuit of knowledge has devolved into an arena where jewish students tiptoe through their days. >> unmistakable anti-semitism i've experienced on campus is reminiscent of the jew hatred i heard about from my grand parents. >> this is not just harassment. this is our lives on the line.
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>> harris: the presidents of m.i.t., upenn and harvard defending themselves despite accusations that they have failed to outright condemn anti-semitism and some frightening incidents. here is harvard's president. >> from the moment i heard on the attacks on october 7th i wanted to make sure our students were supported and safe. in the days after not only did i condemn the attacks, i have continued to condemn the attacks. >> harris: tammy bruce, they seem to be in a stuck place right now these leaders. >> they are stuck. the free press reported via eli lake that according to the national association of scholars qatar is the largest foreign donor to american universities. they found between 2001 and 2021 this donated 4.7 billion to
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colleges. what is making these normally decent americans somehow retreat from condemning the obvious obscenity of hamas and jew hatred? it is not normal to be confused about this. not our generations. we know this in the 21st century. that's where the federal government can come in. where coming comes in and a president comes in who actually is not also afraid of this issue to determine who can give money, if we limit foreign donations. about federal support for these universities because always with every issue go to the money. >> harris: that's fascinating. the federal government could just put gates on how much and from whom coming in. that seems like a good idea no matter what the circumstances are. >> exactly. now we've seen the end result or argue until we make this -- conduct this investigation to determine how much money and how is that affecting these budgets and why are these leaders so --
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maybe they are worried about an entire financial system collapsing. it can change. >> harris: right now can we go back to the hearing? apparently new york representative stefanik is now questioning harvard's president. let's watch this live. >> it is at odds with the values of harvard. >> can you tell me it's against the code of conduct at harvard? >> we embrace a commitment to free expression even of views that are objectionable, offensive, hateful. it is when that speech crosses into conduct that violates our policies against bullying, harassment. >> does that speech not cross that barrier? not that speech not call for the elimination of israel? you testified that you understand that's the definition of intifada. is that speech according to the code of conduct or not?
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>> we embrace a commitment to free expression and give a wide berth to free expression even of views that are objectionable. >> you and i both know that's not the case. harvard ranked dead last when it came to free speech, are you not aware of that report? >> as i observed earlier, i reject that characterization. >> it's the data shows its true. isn't it true that harvard rescinded multiple offers of admissions for applicants and accepted freshmen for sharing offensive memes, racist statements, sometimes as young as 16 years old, did harvard not rescind those offers of admission? >> that long predates my time as president. >> you understand harvard made that to rescind offers of admission. >> i have no reason to contradict the facts as you present them. >> it's a fact. you are also aware a faculty dean was let go over who he
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chose to legally represent, correct? that was while you were dean. >> that is an incorrect characterization of what transpired. >> what's the characterization? >> i won't get into details about a personnel matter. >> let me ask you this. will admissions offers be rescinded or any disciplinary action be taken against students or applicants who say from the river to the sea or intifada advocating for the murder of jews? >> as i've said, that type of hateful, reckless, offensive speech is personally abhorrent to me. >> no action will be taken? >> when speech crosses into conduct that violates our policies, including policies against bullying, harassment, or intimidation, we take action. and we have robust disciplinary processes that allow us to hold individuals accountable. >> what action has been taken against students who are harassing and calling for the
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genocide of jews on harvard's campus? >> i can assure you we have robust. >> what actions have been taken? i'm asking what actions have been taken against those students? >> given students rights to privacy and our obligations under -- i will not say more about any specific cases other than to reiterate that processes are ongoing. >> do you know what the number one -- >> harris: your reaction. >> it is heartbreaking to see a woman in such a position of power abandon that power. she sounds like a robot and refuses to answer questions. everything is at stake. the future of those young people is at stake. this nation is at stake. but she is talking about what the left has been telling us now for years, speech is violence. and when we actually have hate speech the calling for the genocide, something that strikes fear in jews around the world within living memory the genocide of a certain people and she refuses to answer, refuses
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to be specific, refuses to condemn that and act on that. it's actionable. what does she want? does she want genocide to happen first? this is what the problem is that this isn't just some slogan or chant. we would be hearing something very different if it was people in robes, in clan robes shouting lynch certain people, using certain words. it would be inherently and deeply unacceptable, action would be taken. those people would be expelled because it would be a hate crime. we've gone through years of hate crimes being defined. this is the epitome of it and that black woman in power, god help us, she has abandoned that power. >> harris: right now as we leave you jayapal is asking questions. it gets richer. i'm glad you were here. >> i bet. >> harris: outnumbered is next. wow.
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