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tv   The Five  FOX News  December 5, 2023 2:00pm-3:00pm PST

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saudi arabia chief among them. why can't we incentivize them to do something? it is in their neck of the woods. they hates being on more than they hate israel sometimes. >> let's look at iran's army. they are by far the strongest force and the strongest arm to reach out and touch other people in any other country in that region with the exception of maybe israel. israel has their defense force. not an army. they are about defending themselves. our friends will do the work as long as we are willing to stand with them. >> neil: got it. all right. always good seeing you. thank you very much. all right, the fallout from this and the fallout them are in the markets. but now here is "the five." ♪ ♪ >> i'm greg gutfeld along with
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jesse watters. she stole her umbrella from a cocktail glass. dana perino, "the five." ♪ ♪ climate is our john kerry blowing wind during a climate lecture in dubai. did the greenhouse gases that he wanted to eliminate come from within? >> i find myself getting more and more militant. i do not understand how adults who are in position of responsibility can be avoiding responsibility for taking away those things that are killing people on a daily basis. and the reality is that -- >> yep. [laughs] let's pass on the sophomoric humor for a second and get to the bigger picture. kerry letting one rip on banning coal plants. >> we don't need this to tell us
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we should be transitioning out of coal. there should not be any more coal-fired power plants anywhere in the world. that is how you can do something. [buzzer] the reality is that we are not doing it >> lurched trying to clear the air on whether politics plays a role in his climate crusade. >> i am guided by that science. and i can tell you honestly, there is zero politics or ideology in any decision that president biden has made over the administration has made. we are driven by the science. >> something seriously stinks about biden's green agenda. they want a man gas cars. everyone to drive and ev. it has been 2 years since congress gave me $77.5 billion to build thousands of ev charters across the country. but holy solyndra and when that program has yet to install a single charger.
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well, we have had breaking news, then we have breaking wind news. >> you don't fit. >> once again, we track all the news else will cover. the story would not have happened on "the five" where it not me being employed by fox news. >> this is true. this is your dream come true segment. after 13 years, you finally have the producers really understand you. i think that is a really great step in the relationship. >> it is an analogy or a microcosm of how these climate hysterics are often the biggest offenders when producing carbon emissions. right? this one came out of his butt. he's got tons of private jets flying around. >> he joins bill gates who wrote in "the new york times" that very wealthy individuals should also be making changes to their lifestyles to bring their missions close to zero. he says if you fly on a private jet as i do, you can afford the
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extra cost of sustainable aviation fuel made from low carbon crops and waste. i would love to see a rich person who raises their hand and says please, let me experiment in my plane with crops and waste. >> it is interesting. he says waste, judge. is he alluding to the fact that one day john kerry could power his own jet with this flat flatulence? >> when you think about it, it was a few years ago when they said they didn't want us to eat meat anymore because of the flatulence of cows. they wanted to get rid of all the cows. i am waiting for when they say if you are too old and you pass flatulence, we are going to get rid of you too. >> they are doing that in ca canada. >> the whole point is in a year and a half, the kerry family has admitted 325 tons of carbon from their private jet. kamala harris over thanksgiving was wishing a happy thanksgiving from her family to ours. she is standing right in front
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of a gas stove. the hypocrisy is incredible. i think the one quote that really got me was when kerry says we are not cannot tolerate. we are going to phase out coal-fired power plants all over the world. except wait a minute, you are giving china the ability to make lithium batteries. they are developing 2 coal fire power plants a week. the truth is, although this money, $7.5 million. we built so far is zero. we have installed zero. and yet, they expect us to buy the end of the decade to add 50% of us in these evs when everybody has got anxiety about getting into one. >> no charges around there. jessica, let's talk about the real story here. it is not that kerry broke wind. it is that this doesn't happen more often. don't you think? i mean, we act like -- isn't this just something we do all
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the time but we don't lk about it? >> from the first time ever, your essay before the show started, i wasn't saying that i'm actually surprised there aren't more hot on live television with the amount of gas that humans are passing. more boys than girls by the way are doing it. >> sexist. >> finally, you go girl on that one. jesse is not fact-checking. >> if you transition from male to female, which you break wind less? >> i don't know how the sphincter changes in the evolution. the producers had at that time, i thought heheaying please stop this right now. it was exciting and i was curious about if you had a cause and your contract that you got the talk about it a certain amount of times. >> the onus is on fox. >> just a little bit. there should be more ev charters if you have the money for it, definitely do it.
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on the emissions from the kerry family, it is the heinz family. he married teresa heinz of -- they are the ones with the money in the private jets. he flies commercial or all government business as everybody has before. these goals are aspirational. that is what these conferences are for. we talk about this with doubles where they say these incredible things they are going to do to make this a more balanced equal society. it doesn't happen. everyone gets back in their gas guzzlers and all of it and rides off into the distance. >> you raise a good point. john kerry's money comes from the heinz family. what do you do with it? you put it on b. it causes you to -- the circle of life is complete. >> good state doesn't need ketchup. >> i come to you last because i feel like you are going to peers through this fog.
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>> i am glad you brought up heinz. because they own kraft. that kills people. cole isn't killing that many people. i think all the food, it is not mac and cheese. it is the cheese product. his family is poisoning task of the people of this country with preservatives and additives and sugar. that is what is actually killing us. a few coal clients. come on. also, you can't trust a man with fillers at that age. botox at that age. that brings up the question of judgment. what kind of judgment does that show? what kind of arrogance or egotism? is that a word? he is going around sticking stuff in his face, wagging his finger and telling the whole world want to do. no one cares. now i know why they don't like us in this country.
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it is because of people like john kerry. it's not trump. it kerry. they are sick of him. 15% of the u.s. economy is run on coal. we just cannot shut down 15% o the economy because kerry wants to? that is stupid. why are we even listening to john kerry? he is an idiot. he's a maniac. he's telling people to shut their economies down. that is insane. this guy is disqualified. joe biden after 3 years hasn't built a single charging station. not one? but they say that this is so urgent that the world is going to enzymatic. why don't they warp speed it? why don't they cut all the red tape and get these charging stations like they did with the vaccine? they don't care. it's not that urgent. >> they have been built but with private dollars. >> $7.5 million. >> there is a distinction between private funds and public
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funds. the one i hope he does it tomorrow. >> where is the charger? >> i think this is why they want us to eat insects. if you do it, all you hear is crickets. >> this is done. >> i can't wait for your show tonight. >> is going to be 60 minutes of jokes. up next, congress confronting the presidents of liberal universities over the explosion of anti-semitism on campuses. >> we are gifting you want a year sails just in time while holidays break in our lowest price of the year to start streaming our biggest shows. >> this is liberty or death boston tea party.
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>> a liberal universities becoming cesspools of pro hamas hatred. today the presidents of three major universities, harvard, and 19, three schools i never applied to had to explain to lawmakers. they have made life a living nightmare for jewish students.
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73% of homes say that they have experienced or seen anti-semitism on campus. >> are universally revered for its pursuit of knowledge has devolved into an arena where jewish students to through their days on -- >> unmistakable anti-semitism that i've experienced on campus is reminiscent of the hatred i have heard about from my grandparents, holocaust survivors. this is not just harassment. this is our lives on the line. >> the most heated moment, pressing harvard's president and about the calls were against jews which took place on their campus. >> you understand that the use of the term in the context of the israeli arab conflict is a call for violent armed resistance. if you believe that of hateful speech is contrary to harvard's code of conduct or is it allowed at harvard? >> it is at odds with the values of harvard. our values --
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>> the code of conduct at harvard. >> we embrace a commitment to free expression. >> what action has been taken against students who are harassing and calling for the of jews on harvard's campus? >> i can assure you, we have robust -- >> what actions have been taken? >> having to think the president of harvard came across at the hearing today? >> like she had been overly prepared by lawyers and is concerned about backlash on her campus if she were to just simply answering the question about the of jews if that is bullying and harassment. the only answer to that is yes, yes. and larry summers said, there's been a double standard in the way these university leaders respond to racism, right? other forms of presidents. we know how that's gone. even for the president and the vice president. any hint of racism, they will be out there on-camera interviews.
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they will be out there doing a press conference. i am not saying that they are for anti-semitism. of course not. is it too much to ask where the president of the united states to do it on camera statement about this? is doing a lot of fund-raisers this week. go for it. i know you want to run for reelection and have enough resources to do that. those students today, we were the only network that that those students live, the press conference today. i'm so glad we did. very impressive young people. their pain is real. we are actually concerned about our safety. they were representing their other students. the other thing is, they can't get their education. their classes are interrupted. they have to walk through all these protest in order to get from one part of the school to the other. we had this other gal on today from columbia university. a brave young woman. she is the resident assistant manager for her dorm. she has vandalism on her door on her board.
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they are dealing with so much. it would not hurt that campus presidents or our president to say something to them. they are asking for it. >> it is the first time i have felt bad for an ra. jessica. >> i thought the students were fantastic. i can't imagine being able to express myself so clearly in about a subject so difficult at that age. i struggle -- i am turning 40 with issues that are so personal to me now. kudos to them and for standing up for themselves. i am noticing amongst my friends, fellow jews who went to a lot of these ivy league schools. my text messages are f full of a lot of remorse. hopefully we will not have forgotten this as well. this is how the administration responded to these kind of things. i'm surprised there hasn't been -- i know it is the most
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base level. a bit of a reversal when they are saying that dollars pour out the door. people are going to continue to do this and more and more people are going to say you are not getting my donation. one of the biggest donors on this morning on "america's newsroom" who i thought was really interesting. the point that he highlighted that i think is important to call out again is that this is not a new thing. or in dollars i've been coming into american universities for a very long time. it's not just a put up buildings but the change that culture. the way that people think about israel and jews at large around the world. everyone looked at bill ackman who founded persian capital. build an eric silvester. second letter that he sent to the president of harvard. she did not respond to the first one. noting in at that harvard ranks in the bottom 25% in terms of the free-speech rankings. he spoke to a bunch of faculty members who didn't use their names because they want to keep
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their jobs which make sense. years ago, harvard stopping a place where all perspectives were welcomed. he asked about why this was different than another middle east conflict. we know what's going on constantly. one of the professors said, israel is the rare case where we have a hot conflict between people that are deemed quite versus people of color. i have been resistant to buy into the argument that this is about race and it is impossible to people to see white people as victims. as more of this footage comes out of atrocities that were committed by hamas, i don't know how people can look themselves in the mirror and not called us explicitly what it is when you see that child rapes and death and destruction. >> an issue is the racial component to this, like.
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>> when jessica is saying is kind of a realization that you are no longer considered a marginalized group. you are considered part of the white oppressor. when that happens, everything is permissible. even laughing or marking a atrocity. there is a pro-palestinian side that makes a sound argument. being critical of israel doesn't make you anti-semitic. that is not the argument anyone is making on the street or on cabinets. we could be critical of the speech in the same way we can be critical of france or germanan that is not what is happening here. the refusal to accept the atrocity despite mountains of evidence. and in any country that falls victim to that has a right to respond. let's say if you are talking to a protester. i figure out how do you talk of them. take israel and palestine out of this. you walk into a room and there is a gang of young men raping
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and murdering a helpless female. you suddenly add historical context of that? over time, do you bring a nuance and debate over the troubled relationships? maybe her parents or grandparents had with those guys parents. no, you don't. you punish those people. you have to keep throwing this in their face. this is a atrocity. there is no historical context for it. that ifor the college president. >> harvard president. take us home. >> when it reminds me of, if you prosecute or murder or sexual violence, never ever it is a defense attorney come in and say, well, you know, there was always blood there. there is justification in the penal law for this. this is a whole new upside down way of thinking that is bizarre and is not consistent with what
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a civilized society does and ask. i have a couple of thoughts. number one, it's very interesting. we have heard for years that speech is violence. whenever a conservative speaks, it is violence. we have to shut them down and we can't allow them to speak good all of a sudden, speech that promotes violence is protected speech. i came out after reading this segment, the paperwork. i said what was the point of this hearing? was it a hearing where everybody comes out and says you are bad and we are good. we don't want to tolerated. unless congress comes up with legislation or does something that punishes this kind of behavior, there was no point to all of this other than a dog and pony show that we see every day in congress. now, rest assured that even harvard, the university of pennsylvania and these iv schools get federal grants.
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i get federal contracts. they get tax breaks. why should the american people be subsidizing any of these schools if there are jewish students, girls and boys, young men, young women who are afraid to go to class, afraid because they might be either raped or assaulted no matter who they are. that is a hate crime. forget about these universities saying we are going to cut back the amount you need to give in order to be an important donor. no, you take away the federal benefits and you shut them down. >> okay. up next, a bad sign for democrats. marriage is not selling. ♪ ♪
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>> well, this is not a very good sign up for the biden campaign. they are not rushing to buy biden and kamala harris memorabilia. mozart into the rose. progressive t-shirt maker putting it this way. "we produce kamala harris stuff which doesn't sound like at all. it is not just the poor sales of swag. the white house is having problems selling their economic message. the term bidenomics -- the wearing of the year just a month ago. >> president biden: and started referring to my policies as bidenomics. guess what? it's working. bidenomics is another way of saying restore the american dream. the plan is working. >> bidenomics of close that the hungry of the word of the day,
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word of the week, word of the month, word of the year at the white house. >> it really feels about bidenomics. >> it has gotten tougher i feel like for everybody. >> how can he be seeing it through our eyes? it has gotten tougher. >> it has gotten worse. i'm a registered democrat but i'm not happy. >> 's economy sucks. everything is going up except paychecks. >> have you purchased any bobbleheads? >> it is hard to m make a bobblehead when is already a bobblehead, right? it is kind of redundant. you're not going to get a kamala harris bobblehead. you should have gotten the coffee table book of venn diagrams. our public speaking gradients. successful phenomenons are organic. this is why let's go brandon took off. nobody plans bad. dark brandon, do you remember that? that is where biden put on
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sunglasses. it doesn't work. it looks completely fake. everything the democrats do these days is orchestrated. it is like somebody put out the bat signal to tell the media, government and the tech industries, it is time ten nazify trump. 25 articles just about him. liz cheney having these meltdowns and he's collect calls world war iii. the purpose of this bat signal and getting everybody together is to make every action afterwards permissible. if you are trying to stop, then everything is on the table. this is why next year is going to be really weird. they are preparing -- they are setting it up. they are going to be able to just completely demonize millions of people. >> we have said before that biden when he calls accomplishments, we sometimes see as vulnerabilities.
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the economy is one of them. they decided to take bidenomics by the horns and make it like obamacare, it was sure to backfire. >> i don't know if you read breitbart this morning. you've got to read it every morning. "home alone" he goes grocery store shopping and he has his list. in 1990, he buys milk, bread, toilet paper, laundry to torment, clean rap, macaroni and cheese, turkey tv dinner, and a bag of plastic army men cost $20. >> he used a coupon. >> maybe even less. last year, $44. this year, the same exact grocery list, $72. >> where you shopping? >> kroger. according to this article. you can't get out there and say things are good when they are not. they are dabbling in prices. when i was at the christmas tree farm, they have all these
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ornaments. on a single kamala or joe. i saw ouchi. >> still? >> there is a couple left that means they are still hot. when trump was president, people would send me these trump pens. you click it and it says build the wall. obama put his face on everything. i thought it was kind of tacky. again, when you have a passionate relationship with a candidate, we like i can. they were selling reagan-bush sweatshirts ten years ago. things were flying off the shelves. you can't sell. i'm beginning to think maybe they are right. maybe he is not really pres president. >> they should target the right products. >> maybe he is not really the real president. >> just got to have a lot of democrats come out and say we are not going to use that term bidenomics anymore. they realize it is hurting them. >> that is their prerogative. every race is local.
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you do whatever is best for you. some want to campaign him and some people know. jesse and i have discussed this many times. bobbleheads don't equal votes. people showing up at rallies don't necessarily equal votes. this happened in the 2015-2016 primaries. ernie is packing the stadiums. larry, hillary clinton is a real democrat. joe was sitting in the basement. trump is packing the rally. marriage is down generally the g.o.p. is a complete failure when it comes up on raising prayer there was article that came out in early november about ronna mcdaniel. she has the lowest amount of cash on hand at the rnc since 2015. democrats have doubled it. joe biden q3. donald trump, the icon mug shot t-shirt everyone wants. 45 million i will probably spend it on his legal fees. >> i have seen more trump mug shot t-shirts and three months then buy it and then. i hang out in america.
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>> you do not hang out in the new spot of america that i have been. >> i haven't seen it here. i haven't seen in manhattan a single joe biden t-shirt. >> i can tell you this. donald trump has made a fortune off of that mug shot. an absolute fortune. his book is selling like crazy. people love the maga hats, the maga shirts starts, the maga copy mugs, this before flags. go to florida. why is he beating joe biden right now is ridiculous. >> he's not. >> yes, he is. it's my turn to talk. in addition to that, the only thing that my dogs like as i want you to see this particular thing that my dogs especially the new ones. my dogs fight over that one. all right. the truth is, inflation is up. as the highest since jimmy carter. grocery prices are up 20%. energy prices are up. bill was yesterday.l you what my
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it was a mortgage payment. the hourly earnings fell. rose 7% under trump. >> there she has it. that is all she is going to say. nothing to say including your christmas tree? ♪ ♪ progress means producing renewable fuels for trucks on the road today. we're partnering with farmers to develop these fuels using everything from plant by-products to cow manure. and then using those fuels to help lower the lifecycle carbon intensity of the transportation industry. driving the world forward today, while forging new roads to the future. that's energy in progress.
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>> a real life grants ruining christmas for this family. shocking video shows a heartless thief snatching an evergreen ride out the roof of a car in the middle of the day and putting it inside his suv. it happened at a shopping center shortly after that family purchased the tree for $250.
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cops are searching for the suspect. thankfully, the christmas tree lot gave the family a new tree to make up for their loss. since this happened in california, in your hometown. if we were to go into your house, would we find a fresh off the lot tree? >> this happened and used to be called fashion island in foster city california. i know this because i was pool monitor walks away. not a lifeguard. >> one is the difference between a pool monitor and a lifeguard? >> insurance. i wasn't allowed to save any anybody. if anybody was drowning in the pool, i would have to sit there and wait. at that -- that is the difference. i got $6 an hour. it is pretty amazing. the back story to this. >> personal crime. >> either that or tree rights activist and he is trying to free this tree from the minds of
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this art list holiday fastest. he is a would-be thief. >> the christmas tree shop gave them a new tree. why is it that the retailer is always the one taking the hit? >> this happened with the thieves even with credit card theft. the credit card company, we will eat it. that increases our prices eventually a great christmas trees are more expensive this year are up 10% more than they were the year before. there is this permissive call throughout the very. shoplifting is okay. >> here is my thought. it's california. you can still and its prey. they will prosecute you. >> to more trees if my math is accurate. 224 and 8-footer. in manhattan, it used to be 190 for a 6-footer. we had a tree farm guy on the show last night who says it is the coast. californian east coast, you're
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going to get high prices. they see as transportation, fuel, fertilizer, ukraine, laborer. thanks, joe biden. and the machinery of something breaks down, they've got to repair it and it's just a mess. >> on the thief is driving a big suv infinity which retails for $75,000. is this about money or no consequences? which is what your party supports. >> how do you make a segment -- >> i tried to. >> try harder. >> christmas trees too. christmas trees are festive. >> they know each other. >> it does feel personal to do that. >> got a text. >> weird crime to commit, obviously. perhaps we will learn more. if they do know each other, that guy has to reimburse the tree farmer for sure.
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i thought weird christmas tree activity this saturday was the day that was boring. >> sunday. >> we are driving on the garden state parkway. pending for our lives. there is a guy driving next to us. everyone is going pretty slow because you cannot -- he has enormous trees strapped to the roof of his car. who goes christmas tree shopping in a monsoon? >> sometimes your wife makes you go christmas tree shopping and you don't have a choice. >> what is the point? >> i saw a weird thing. what is the point of this whole block? [laughter] >> okay, all right. the fastest is up next. (carolers) ♪ iphone 15 pro, your husband deserves it! ♪ (mom) carolers? to tell me you want a new iphone? a better plan is verizon. (dad) no way they'd take this wreck. (carolers) ♪ yes, they will, in any condition. ♪
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>> welcome back. it is time for "the fastest." did you miss the memo on your kids latest lang? we have you covered. oxford dictionary name me rizz is the word of the year.
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attract another person through style, charm, or attractiveness. who here has the rizz? i believe that you think it is you. >> you would think that. as a matter of fact, i found that have box, it's better to have less rizz. >> that's true. >> the last rizz you have at this company, the longer your career is. i try to tame my rizz. 15% of the rizz off the top and i have survived. too much rizz gets you in trouble. i have found. >> you are a rizz magnet. the one you are a -- magnet. >> i don't know. it is hard for me, this thing. there is the story about "the wall street journal." now it is the word of the year. i felt like the oxford university press has gone lazy. it is laziness. pick something that means something. i am like you.
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i've got nothing. >> is a literary equivalent of an annoying dork. they are just try really hard. just shut up. why don't you just be a dictionary again. why don't you just do your job instead of trying to look for cheap augments on the most successful show on cable. but what you are doing to us. >> if this were a meeting, they would raise their hand at the last minute and ask a question that makes the meeting last 30 minutes longer. >> i hate that guy. >> i don't know. it is utmost to be -- who on "the five" has the most rizz. that is the question. >> do you want to venture? >> style, charm, or attractiveness. >> you are just reading. >> even with that 15% off the top, it is still pretty high. >> it is definitely heroin. >> it is. it's harold. it's true.
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>> next topic. >> back to me. up next, here is the perfect gift for all the man-child in your life. mcdonald's is bringing back adult happy meals. he comes with a big mat, prize, a soft drink and a very special collectible toy. i love this. the nostalgia. you don't have any fond memories of mcdonald's happy meal? >> i don't want one as an adult. i did just have an idea. the dnc should try to put out, harris and biden bobblehead and the happy meal and they could sound like a bunch. >> brilliant. >> thank you for that help. >> maybe this is for people who did not have the experience as a child that maybe they were never -- went to mcdonald's and had a happy meal. and so now in their mid-30s and 40s, they can experience it. maybe this is just a really sad story. again, producers, well done,
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well done. >> 20 seconds. >> i don't care. >> own. >> they use to allow the toys. i would eat their french fries. i haven't done it since. >> no fries since they left? >> if they put kamala in it, maybe they could have her laughing. it would be happy, happy laugh. >> and his kamala. to you, and kamala. >> now, it's not. it kamala. >> kamala. >> it's maddow vice president. >> i guarantee. >> "one more thing" is up next. ♪ ♪
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with the all-in-one ucard. call unitedhealthcare today about the only medicare advantage plans with the aarp name and get more of what matters to you. (music ends)
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♪ one more thing, jesse. sell stuff. jerk. >> jesse: fox shop holiday gear
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you don't want to miss out. snow globe. look at the fox christmas snow globe it plays deck the halls. also another item fox sherpa blanket. snuggly. snuggle up with your favorite someone. it's general ostrich. that is definitely true. so go to shop dot fox there is a whole collection. we don't even have time. >> greg: pajamas. r.f.k. jr. 8:00. >> judge: have you ever been in the left lane and the person in front of you is going oh so slowly. this cow felt exactly the same way. after he escaped a trailer going down the freeway. luckily for him, everyone moooved over for him so he could run free. how was that? >> greg: there you go. all right. tonight we got a great show. kayleigh mcenany, comedian adam hunter, kat timpf and tyrus 10:00 p.m. tonight, watch it. let's do this greg's motivational. we didn't do it.
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tuesday, motivational tuesday. you know, let's pretend it's monday. you know, when you think you got things rough check out this baby rhino named sickie. things aren't going too well for him. he wipes out. but do you know what he does? he gets right back up and he says i'm okay. shakes it off. and there he goes. that's my kind of rhino not like liz cheney. although they lookalike. >> jesse: right over the line. >> greg: i know i did. who is next? , dana? >> dana: we have a new fox book. jimmy failla's book cancel culture dictionary. oxford is annoying. this one is good. available to preorder now at fox news you don't know jimmy. you will probably see him a lot. this is happening. okay. also, percy met a hallway robot today. did not like.
3:00 pm
who knew? >> jesse: skeptic. >> dana: very skeptic about this new technology. >> jesse: i'm skeptic of that thing, too. >> dana: got off the elevator and there it was. i guess it's cleaning. >> greg: have you sure that's not harold ford. >> jesse: that robot has rizz. >> you go, girl. jessica jessica for a if he has been you go girl. classic christmas song by brenda lee made number one on the billboard shots monday 65 years after it was released in honor of its anniversary gone platinum five times. now number one. >> greg: amazing. a fan of this show. she watches it every day. >> jesse: you go girl for real. brenda lee is awesome. >> bret: oh, greg, did you go girl. >> greg: did i say brenda? is that he


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