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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  December 7, 2023 12:00am-1:00am PST

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nobody wants? >> i'm from detroit, so these auto dealers who wrote. joe biden are from the state of michigan. line.the big three are in michit and it's going to destroy michigan's economy because no one wants them. no one wants to buy them. they're impractica tl. >> it's an unrealistic transition that the united states just is not ready readr. u want just is not ready i one? i don't. i'm happy with my mach one. >> my 72 mach one. right. yeah. i'll take. all right. we kayleigh, we appreciate it. emily, great to see you. >>ily, great to see you. day. that's all the time we have left this evening. thank you for being with sean: a programming note live audience show tomorrow ticket for free. let'ow ts go to hannity indeed., please set your dvr so you never, ever, ever miss an episode of hannity. today's any time. every time. all the time. m hannity .com.xnews. in the meantime, let notco your heart be trouble. be greg gutfeld is up next to put a smile on your face. have a great night night.
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and happy wednesday, everyone. back. hahaha, yeah, yeah. control yourself. choo >> so remember back in grade t school when the teacher would leave the room and tell everyone to behave while she was gone? thatgone? the room went wild. it's how i got my first tattoo. goti'd show you. >> but the fcc doesn't allow frontal, so it was greatit's gre with the teacher gone, right? >> but remember how after a while, it would get ugly. the bullying and the fights woulit wouldy.d start. >> things would get tossed around the room. and by things i mean me. ea >> so when the teacher came back, you were sort of relievede . your heart. you knew the class needed a grown up to keep things from chao knews. h brin which brings us to america. can someone pleasegs call int the teacher back into the room and not so they can with theirah
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students? although that helps. but to savough that e from the . every weekend we're seeing the same storiesen violent mobs disrupting and destroying our cities. it makes me remember destroyin d days when it used to be safe to in the street. colleg meanwhile, our colleges are handing out extra handganding out extra assaulting jewish students. and shoplifting has become as lucrative , unskillede people as guest hosting the daily show.y >> that's true, though our immediate government are cheeringou this chaos like they're in the audience at the view. enjoy. they are just throwing sardines . so at this point, can i just ask a simple questioew" any hean >> anyone actually running this place or is it all by design. w because nothing goes wrong this perfectly. let's take atlanta. last week, two blm rioters were allowed to taks weree plea dealn burning down a wendy's restaurant. >> talk about flame broiling. at the two arsonists, chisholm,sars kingston and natalie whiteis,rev each received a $500 finede
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and probation. that's right. no jail time for first degreeme arson. i'll remember that the nexti go time i go through a drive thru and they forget my ketchup triv but i guess that's why they call it hotlants that'sa. or they used to. i don't remember. the arson occurred after a black man suspected of a dwi got intod of scuffle with polic. the man got a hold of one of the cops. tasers fired pol, which is when the officer shot and killed him. and the and amidfie an ongoing protests after someone shot p and killed an eight-year-oldyear black girl near the site a few weeks later. now, thi-old s was during 2020 summer of love, when th20 summer of love, when in mostly peaceful protests that did $2 billion in damage and killed at least 19 people. it used to b mose to that kind i of love you had to change your safe word to harderit. rd >> >> so how do thesesweet, two firebugs get a deal? so sweet. it should have come with a shott of insulin. well, here's fani willis. heref prosecutor. n llis.
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she's doing such a great job on crime down there that atlanta's tt buckhead rege which accounts for 40% of the city's tax revenue, is actually trying to secede. at least said. the troubltr te having to bail the two arson is out. so after the wendy's becamer th a smoking ruin, the site became yet another blm shrinebe and occupycame a zone. like just like chaz, the autonomous zone in seattle, wherea arou protesters took over the area around seattle's east precinct afte sr shootings in a littlez a over a week, the chaz was finally cleared out. and just like the area around george floyd square, the intersection renamed afterou floyd's death. that worked out great, too. last worked out great, too. floyd square sued the city of minneapolis, claimings s that area has become a hub for violent crime and that police won't even for anymore. ore. strange how powerful those three letters are. blm they seem to instantly put prosecutors to sleep faster than a rum and coke from bill cosby cosby.
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in fact, one major study foundnd that the vast majority of chargesat the v against blm02 protesters in the summer of 2020 were ultimately dropped or dismissedultima. >> and, of course, massive fraud by blm itself has never been investigated. ng so wait a minute. if nobody's holding anyone s, nobody's holding anyone what is our criminal justice system actually doing? j systethere's down at atlantg keeping busy with their 13 count rico on donald trump, which has to be the mostoh o cas since prince harry claimed he had s. as that was unnecessary. and there's always january 6, ay the most persecuted jan since eve plumb. our feds just can't go to that. well often enough, can they?r fs currently, over 1200 people have been charged. many go just setting foot on the capitol steps. take, for instance, this man on sitka massaquoi, nearly three years after the facttal c the feds just picked him up, charged with misdemeanors, including trespassing, disorderly conduct, and parading a capitol
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building, parading three years of investigation for that. countless man hour s for this guy. why do i get the feeling seattle has major felonies? main or being a trump supporter and a conservative on social medig isa? n mike congressman mike collins, who represents an area near atlanta, put it this who way, quote, i'm sure a lot of j6 trespassers would love to pay $500 and go home if only they had burned dowhomen a building.w maybe. i know. got the bigges got tot. hire that guy. we need writers. so while the fedwriters.s and progressive prosecutors obsess on trumprosecutp january6 in the ongoing plague of pronoun misuse, jewish studentsague opronounc on campul unsafe. and we know that not because of any prosecutionw o or arres, but because of republican led hearings on capitol hill yesterda, buy. meanwh meanwhile, with the weekend coming up, the current crop co upg up, the current crop heavily of antifa and blm rebrands will again shut dow ned traffic and train to commit random acts of violence and vandalism. own trc anand there will be no
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consequences. is it me or does it look likee the teachewillr won't be back in the room until november 2024? that's the only if he's not lockedly in the faculty room by thehe's administrators n. tonight's guest, he's harry and his impression ands are scad actor and stand up comedian tyler fisher, he's done more, triggering than an epilepticerin at a shooting range. lawyer and senior columnisg thleptict kurt schlic like a pop tart, sugary treat f that can fit in the toaster. toe "new york times" best selling author and fox news contributor kat timp york tif. and he eats his dinner with a knife and fork left the "new york times" bestselling author, comedian and former nwa world champion tyrus tyler. >> i get the sense that our country is in a moral quandary.
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we're like in this new world. le the rules that we used to live l by no longer exist. makes meiv think of the great great philosopher jordan peterson. i wonder what he would have to say about this. >> well, you knois.w, probablyt start crying, get a little emotional, you know?k he >> well, i think he might have sympathy for the guy that burned down that wendy's, you know, because it's like, well, if you're hanging out at wendy's like, maybe $500 is t of money to you. >> you know,a it's like maybe that's 335 junior cheeseburgers, you know. and maybe if he cleaned his s da room, got his lifemn together, then he wouldn't pick up a match. pick uw it's like, well, you know, that's about all greg. i have to say about that, greg. what does tyler think? what i think that., >> yeah, i mean, look, it's adoe it's a double standard. >> you know, double cheeseburger, double standard. , and i think $500 is a lot of money for somebody who is broke. ew
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so, you know, i've. yeah, when i was a new actor, new comedian, that would haveo killed me. >> yeah, that's true. so i say make a mark. the drive through for a yeari sr at two in the morning, he'll never do it again. >> yeah, that's true. ve you, kurt, you're a you claim to be a lawyer. i'm pretty sure you arwy e. lawyer, right? well, sort of, yes, sort of. do you think there's . a double standre's standard here? >> i know there's a double standard. you know, people are continually askingard knobl mer >> greg, what is your legal opinion about all these things? and opinion i don't have a legal opinion about because it has nothing to do with law. >> it's the exact opposite of cr law. when i go to court on a regular case, you knowact ongula so-andn over so-and-so. >> you present facts, have law.g >> a judge makes a ruling, it's all normal. and thenit's a i this insanity,s lunacy where we're, you know, a hundred dollars for burning down a wendy's. >> i mean, maybe. mayb'se that's on target. it's a wendy's. it was a jack in a box. they actually give him money . i actually give him money and if it was and if it was ante in and out, he'd have to be hunted for sport. >> yes. but es.
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complete double standard. i mean, there's some grandma somewhere who took selfies in the rotundastandardi and shy hard time on a chain gang. >> yeah. you knowmewhere , this pair is . to 500 bucks for my dad's trust fund. let' $5s go. yeah, it's. it' it's an outrage. cat. tha >> do we become a country that now has political prisoner s? tical prisoner because that's what it feels like. we have people in jail becausewg . they were on the wrong side of an election. well, i've se of never really ud understood these kind of comparisons between, you know o, the setting, building on fire versus january 6, because you know, going into the building, whatever disorderly conduct in the building is, a lotbuildi different than setting it on fire. and then also the capitol's a lot different thanngot diffic in a lot of different ways. but looking at them rit looking at them fine for setting it on fire, bai actually back in 2020, that was a fine you could face for breaking2020hat was rules. covid lockdown rules would be $500. i feel co like going out with yourr friends or having a restaurant that's ope n be treated
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differently than burning one. but also, i've burning talked as on this show and elsewhere about, you know, overincarceration in ofover nonviolent crimes. and i'd be a total hypocriteio to talk about all of that regardless. i mean, january 6 was bad, bad decisiont ar go in that buildin for sure. but to say that an appropriate buil say, what you'repropriate being charged with, the highest thing that you're being charged with really is like, what, capi really is like, what, capitol to how to be picked up by fbi agents at the airport and taken to jail. that is obviously a punishment and being treated in a way that does not fit a handfuat do: of misdemeanors. it doesn't fit at all tyrus that took him three years to nab this guy. >> what were they doing? >> they had people devoted to fighting this guy. yeah, greg, it doe ess fit. it fits perfectly. what what we're seeing in this syy, we have two court in this systems and how it worksst was t used to be rich and poor. like if you had money for a really expensive lawyeu haa r
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you get a couple of lawyers and now all you have to do is youlawyers.l you r crime haso the narrative of who the d.a. is. >> so if you're a left leaningfa criminal, you don't pullnima. in alabama. yo alabama. you know that that the the aidee is the attorney generarel orhe the or the district attorney. they're left leaning because you're going to gettorney t lik they're not going to hurt the cause because it used to be because when you got arrested ai to jail, it was a deterrent not just for you for everybody else. so if they're saying they just burnt down a wendy's. bur no, no, nont, they cos dt about5 people their jobs. yeah. property no, damage would be int the millions. who's responsible for that? because it used to be if you diy e d, if i had a basebals and broke the window, i'd pay for the window. yeah. you i'm saying. but now, as long as what i did was in the purview of whomever is in power. thngeorgeer. george floyd trial, where if it's a left leaning judge, he's going to make he's going to protect the narrative instead of the people. so we're seeing a real changrra
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in law to where it in your point was 100%. it wasn't la w. wsn't la it was. they're on the right side. so that day is going to give wha them a $500 fine. but you know what they did? they just inspiredthey the next inspiredthey group. yeah. so if i'm sitting there with a cocktail in my hanm sig there to light in my fingers, hey, don't do that. why? they're going to payt do my 500 bucks for me. you want one? yeah, why not? soto they're saying as long. as it's in the cars, as long as you're in line with blmong a and these and these left leaning are in the same case, you can make up the right side, too. m an we saw that in the 50s. in the sixties. now it's on the left. so e left long as you're in line, you're good and you'll be continue to go on. and that's the part that's scar in line gooy that is scary: >> all right. we shall move on. is joe only staying in the race because trump could take his place? >> the time is now. okay, here we go. we're giving you fox nation's once a year sale just in time for the holidays. get our lowest price of the year to start streaming biggest
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four. thank you. thanlause]k you. biden says farewell to sanity whiltoe trump with hannity durig a fundraiser in boston a, president admitted he might not have sought reelection if trump wasn'tt have in the race. said joe, quote, if trump wasn't running, i'm not sure i'd be running. joe, for the sake of youre of i'm not sure you should even be walking. campa forget a campaign. joe barely has the strength to run a fever strengt. but after all those wise words the president concluded with thank you, chicagt o, and e said he hoped their dolphins would win this year's stanley cup. >> then during a town hall year' with hannity in trump wastrum trump. and by that i mean his usual hilarious selfp . . unlike biden, though, he was hilarious because of what hilarious because of what shaking hands with casper the friendly ghost. >>be but when it comes to biden lasting until the election, i wonder if trump personally
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trumnder if trump personally thinks he makes it. >> i personally don't thinknk he makes it. k he's i think he's in bad shape physically. do you remember when he said i'd liked shap to take him behind the barn if he took me behind the barn? barn.arn? e. l i believe he fell over. i believe he thought the who'm knows. >> i'm surprised there's no s s that read. >> trump wants to blow biden behind a barn. terrible sick people. >> but did he ever watch himh hi at the beach? i watched him at the beach. he wasn't able to lift a big chair, which is meant for children to lift. o li ahe lift off like that. and mentally, i would say possibly equally as bad and maybe worse. >> hmm. o touc >>he trump also touchedindict on the indictments he's facing onceme likening himself to al capone. linbut was he one of the greatt of all time? >> al capone. of thegreatesthe was one of thet of all time, if you like criminals. f alhe was a mob boss, the likes
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of which scarface, they call him. s. scar fand he got indicted.d once i got indicted four times.. aha. classic trump, you know, the most famous gangster of all time. you got one indictment. all i got four.ictment. >> then there was this momentene when trump wasre asked about the media painting him as a dictator under. no circumstances. you are promising america tonight. acayou never abuse power as retribution against exceptr a for day one, except that he's going to. except the day one. meaning i want to closy e the border and i want to drill. that's radical. that's that's not that's not retribution. i love this guy. >>e thisyou,guy. a dictator, are you? i said, no, no, no. other than day no, one, we'rerdr closing the border and we're drilling, drilling, drilling. after that, i'm not. well, that sounds to me like you're going back to the policies when you were president. oh, well, they of course, it
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would be trump if you did say something to make head trump isn like a barn owl on meth. >> but mark my words, the medi a will interpret this as trump declaring martial law. and naturally, the media's been intenaturally, the media's been speaking of wetting themselves, anything to add joe? >> oh, yeah, you heard him.. he's a dictator. day one dictator. he's got to close the border and i open the border. goodi open the border. >> on day one, open the good guys, open thing things, dictat. closed things. evs that.ings. i like opening things. windows, refrigerators, car doors. ca uh, i can't open jars. all are too tight.oo >> i have jill do it. >> me she's tough. jill she gotr me doctorate in kg fu grip ology. 's >> it's a true story. that's not a jok true. jok
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kurte..lause] how do you see this goingo yo forward? >> and over the year, i mean, you just listened to trump. o hen you when you get a dose,bu you can't help but laugh. well, look, if i was a insurance, i'd be very, veryce depressed about joe biden right now. now. he is methuselah old. he is methuselah old. he is a crusty, desiccated old's who was stupid to begin with. e. was stupid to begin with. and that's kind of going easyng on him. he's a terrible person in every way. and this stuff about beingdi trump being a dictator, you know, it would be terrible if trump went ouctt and, i don't know, persecuted his political enemies and tried to silence hip wem. that would be awful. now, you know, trump wouldp woul launch an attack on democracy. i'm not i'm from california, so i don't understand'm democracy because we have gavin newsom. i'm just worried
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that, t you know, joe biden's going to wander off chasing an imaginary squirrelo wa and be replaced with gavin newsom, and he'sin going to run t on the slogan, i'm going to make california or make america just california and have a hobo in every pot. >> so, yeah, i hate hobos. i' so, yeah, i hate hobos. >> i'm a hobo. . you know, an by. >> i'm a hobo phobic. yeah. and hobo. yeah. oh, you're right. the first time they're. >> gutfeld homosexuals are real thing. se>>. >> we literally have a a little game show like every other week. glasse guyn s. ou wer i tried talking about mee a little bigger little guy, medium mediu guy. yeah. listen, this is a brilliant scheme, biden which is for me to say, that hurts my face. thabut he's saying i have to rn to stop trump. so he's creating the monster even though i'm ol d i'm tired,i'm ol i'm senile. i have to to save this country. right. and all his surrogates are out there democracy.
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so trump's the new he's hitler 2.5 and he's going to do all the things that they accused the doing that ironically, they do. but that way he'll be like to do. i'm not debating a dictator. i'm not debating trump. he's a criminai'l. so he's laying the thing. he's not going to be in the basement. he's going to beriminal.'s not e sunroom. so he'll be able to look at him through the window and he'llroo be like, nope, not doing itno because look who he is. and so thit s is a i don't know who came up with it. they must've hired an angrt y republican. >> but this is their plan and this is how i was goint thii g d this is how i was goint thii to lay it out. so there'll be no debate wh there'll be no debate president trump. i mean, my what? he'd have to arresave tot trumpr abuse if they had a debate, which they might dy o. d >> and he won't have to he w won't have to goon't the countr because he has to stay and protect the white house. trump coule.d show up any timetc and try to take that on his watch. so he's got to be. so this is actually a pretty this is their plan. this is what we're goings theirt
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sohe you're going to see gavin newsom on the trail, kamala on the trail. you're going to see'll be his surrogates on trail. he's going to be at that white house guarding it to make sure none at th mak of trump and his minions,gn the , try to get back in. sos an it's -- it's scary enougs to what scares me is it might work. >> yeah. you know, katty says we can't let him wiatn. is that the bat signal to tell everybody everything's on the table? do what? >> want to stop trump? i don't about that. i just knot al to tew that you d the mic. the funniest thing i thought that trump said by far, i mean,a everyone's talking about the part where he said yes. kennedid ey, the dumbest guy ine senate, and he said it was joe biden. joe biden. said he asked, who's the smartest guy in the senate? the guy gave me a namewht part i don't really want to share it because i don't like the guy want because. the guy that is like the kind of because every guy in the senate now who was around during that time is like, was it m e? guy? >> i the smart guy? did kennedy think i was the smartest guy? diy all do think it was them. >> but that is when one ofat the moment's ones it's so cleart trump has this background
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in reality thas thisv because ts exactly the kind of thing you'd f thiny the kind of thing you'd on a bravo show before they all have the dinner where they get blackout drunk togethea r, yell at each other. we, you know, we don't deserve him. he just said i, he gave met goin a name, but i'm not going to tell you because i don't like the guycause i tyler. how do you think trump felt after this do you think he was r proud of how it went? >> man, he's getting funnier thi by the day. and if you love him or hatelove him, give him a netflix special. hr hatei it's getting hard to s impressions of trump or make fun of or make jokes har because he's getting funnier. >> i want you to do one now that i wish franklier. iy i jusy a tease a little tease but just, a little tease. da d oney one tease a little bi. >> but this is the first tim estory,this is the first tim in history i'm not sureoing our candidates are going to make it to the election. >> one of them could tmakeo th l and one of them could be dead. yeah, yeah. biden could be assassinatedrs by the stairs. >> at this point a. >> you know what i mean?to so and if trump goes to jail,
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he'll still run from jl >> yeah. make it sound cool. we're going to jail. nobody's going as quicolk. we do days, right? el chapo couldn't do it. al didn't do it.pp the zodiac killer. he couldn'uldn'tt even do it. it took him eight days. i wouldn't do that. we'r .e making jackal show.days >> great. he won't be able to do the full. he'll have to do a little shackle. >> yea th, very good. all right. up next, a squad makesri outrageousght. claims while bacg men who play women's games. >> when you are ready to begin treatment for chronic yoc calquence helpsightse you do the fighting. and you can do the exploringei you do the fighting. >> you can do the splashing, the sight, seeing and the playing. calquence is an oral targeted therapy seals. atient more patients begin with calquence than any treatment of itss ly untre kind, and calquence is proven to work better than chemo immunotherapy . patients with previously untreated clo calquence may flu-s effects which mayb lead to death.
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and former collegiate swimmer riley gaines is making waves. >> see how did that. >> making waves after w her recent testimony irritatedsa house democrats who prefer dissentingl women to shut their traps while celebrating women who wear jockstrap whis through the so-called party of women. the so-calnare who won't do what they're told. specifically, far left squad member summer lee, who tried to have riley's comments struck from the record for being transphobic. but riley wasn't having it. watch. >> it's disappointing to me that although the title of this hearin g implies a much neededmu discussion, we're likely going to be forcedch to listen to transphobic bigotry. >> ranking member lee if my test testimony makes me transphobic, then i believe your openingtransp monologue mao you a misogynist. >> thank you. i move to have the gentle woman's words taken down, madam chair. she's engaging in personalitie taken sngaging in personalitie . i just ask how it's fair to be i called transphobicke. >> i would say men disguising themselves as women are engaging in personalould sa
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>> hang on. order! order! let's. let's get a ruling. >> okay. i moved to withdraw the point of order. mm. yeah lee's point of order was withdrawn, and the hearing resumed. reg: and so that smell you're enjoying is roasted squad member gains used her own tactics against. d he >> like when i told my doctor to take his pants off. >> if riley keeps bringingpa that heat. leahnts. thomas will end up toast with toasted nuts. alsoed the hearing aoc spoke with progressive gender activist fatm spoka goss graves, jumping to the insane conclusion that all womenen't will face general exams if men aren't allowed in women's sports. listenomen's to this. bout >> we are talking about opening up all women and girls to ar all women and girls to under age. >> that's right.
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>> potentially just because someone can point to someonet sn and say, i don't think you're a girl. >> that's correct. this gender confusionis is surprising to hear it from ao c. she a bartender once. and did she have to ask forve exams? >> she was pouring drinks at ladies night. what an idiot. you don't need examinations. >> just have everybody line upel and write their name s in the snow. >> that's what my coach di d. oat's what my coach di meanwhile, the job of examiners has been floodeds from with resumes from fans of women's sports. tara's as a father of youn agng women, what is your taker on the on the hearings? >> well, you know. >> oh, okay. i feel like if this wase st a horse, they'd be like, please stop beating it. likeop, we just we keep going in circles and we keep having these arguments and no one's
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really opinions change. and i hate to break it. >> aoc but they already doo that. it's called the physical. yeah, you havephysical get one u you participate in sports. all of us parents know that weer always forget the due date and we have to run a little babies around to get their physicalunt thei on time.v >> okay? the boys have to cough and the girls don't. he >> so it's just stupidity. okay. and in my book, nuff said,in i talked about the chapters. i talked about was boys need one to be with boys. here's the deal. it doesn't id f you are a a biological male and you decide to competee an in sports. that really is the most misogynistic thing a man couldcl possibly do. >> so i'll just leavd e at that. i think it's bad that people are arguing this stuff that don't like competitive. like the squad members don't care about sports. they don't participate in sports. the unaffected are a virtue signalarticipate i and.signal >> of course, if you're an equity hire, competition is the last thing you waninan equit t.
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>> so, you know, let's understand where that stuff is coming from. but the tranwhtuffs community, they don't want to be a part of this. they're trying to live their lives. and mostt moms and dads and daughters, they just want to play their sport. so this is we'rethis. watching this.orts >> i think riley gaines has has made the same speech over and over again. we don't we've heard we don't need to hear it anymor ae e. they just need to protect title nine and move on. and, you knoe d movew, just. it's distraction for all of us. they keep having she comes up,ee they her they try to get five minute talking bits for msnbc and cnnute n she was smarn than they were on this day. so they're going to bring it back again and keep bring g it p until they get something. and it's just the american people are tired of thiseoof we don't need to watch this anymore. >> i am not tired of it. >> greg: i'mf s, because i got t out of it. kat,t what don't get is that th same people that are arguing against riley gains were forjust liky gains were safe spaces for women, just like maybe a couple of years ago. >> no, there's no such thing as a safe space. but so what aoc was saying,ayin there actually was a weird provision that was removed likea
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more than a year ago in ohio, saying that you need internal and externalgo exams if someone questions your gender, which my gendef somebor has been quesd in the past and i would not want to have to show my ende ti that happened. but then they were like, oh to. then they were like, oh ways to do this. and for me, look, it's -- it's e the venn diagram of like transphobia and people who are concerned about biological men competing in women'sal men it's not a circle. there are a lot of scientific reasons based on what male puberty does to your body. and all this research that's been conducted that doesn't automaticall ty make you acally transphobe if you have those concernsma and if we keep just like hurling insults, we're never going to solve this. i think that they don't wanto us to solve this because you don't want us to solve this because you wouldn't have any more segment, yo ts. but then they would also probably have fewer tve se opportunitiegmens if they couldt have these kinds of lobbying insults at each other. matches. cut oui think it's a serious is: tyler, and it's perfect timing t . promote your new film lady
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ballers,ming but i can't believe that i know. what is that movie about and how does it relate to this topic? topic >> well, riley's in the movie.? oh, really? riley's in the movie. she's awesome. ihethat scale or person human. i don't want to miss gender. yeah, but it was pretty surreal to see her competing against moi a man in the movie. >> yeah. so the movie's essentially about a buncs essey abouh lowlie who dress up as women and wen an start dominating male sports, and it's not an anti-trans movie. >> it's just a bunche. it of guysst a bunche. who are taking advantage of, of these new rules. >> right. so we win a lot of money. >> i start playing t ball because i'm i'm small. you know the only thing we can compete in is jockeyy te jockeyy sports. that's true. that's true. and horses don't like me ss, r?m exactly. yeah. because i made that film in tijuana in the seventies, soa great flick. >> it's a great flick, but, ah, you don't evenick.on't what it'. don't ask. yeah, but it's a fun, fun of po
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onah, but it's a fun, fun of po . what's going on? it's not that trans. it's just. this is a movie. adam sandler.rans. a movi would have made ten years ago. yeah, exactly. then you could do a sequel where you guys the all go to prison you g and then identify as women and go to a women's prisonuyon >> yes, as examiné play with my resume. >> a there you go. kurt, where are the feminists? why have they abdicatel d their role in defending actual women? >> i have absolutely n o idea. endinglutely n >> it is. it is simply insane to me. you know, if women just said, we're not going to do this anymore, this would all stop an >> and there's something i'd like to bring up for aoc, because she seems really thesuse she seems really these general examinations, it's something called a birth genitacertificate and we're a little corner. >> it's got a thing that says m or f, and of cours e corne the lastrs five years at all. >> so you might find a question mi, but traditional thesethe ne would eliminate the necessity of the dreadedce exam, which frankly, i think a lot of the people who are into this would get off on their. >> you go. all right, cominh franklg up nee
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the relative. you got it right. we are family premieres january 3rd on fox. >> well, that was a doozy on tv . the 92nd is where the zany neighbor from across the hall always gets the biggest. just keep going. hey, i just got a text from my sister. you remember her neighbor? >> sure. he's the 76-year-old guyum, we'r who still runs marathons, right? sadly, notto have anymore. >> wow. so sudden. we're not about to have the we need life insurance conversation again. >> ah, we know we're havingng eo though we are getting coverage so we don't have to worry about it. about it. >> conversatioug
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wait. >> 606 on call now. >> hello colonial penn. welcome to the land love and relationship news. this launch in greg's or romance corner yes greg'sgreg somance corner yes greg'sgreg in robock due fo or some payback they had a famous affair but now their exes are pair famu the spouses of former good morning america anchors. t.j. and amy robach robach are reportedly dating. >> you may recall abc canned both of them last year after their affairmay reca relationsh became a public scandal. at the same time, holmes was married to marilee fee big and robach was married to andrew shue from melrose place who areo now in a romantic relationship of their own. ed apparently they bonded over the traumatic experience and found a real connectio on. s this might be the biggest plot twist since we found oute brian kilmeade waswe neither
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a fox or had friends catch. i mean, wow, their commonr comm ground is that they hateon the same people.t is that strong enough to keep th that strong enough to keep themselves based on hate? >> yeah, it could be, because i think there's still more. >>. they do with it.. i think that if they startedte a podcast, i would listenik to it. >> so then it was like they goey they got fire, they lost, whatev their jobs in broadcasting, whatever media then now they hav, dia,e the jobs in med. i feel like there's a lot further they can maybe take the revengi feel ae. defin >> yes, it is.itsed it is definitely based on it. on a shared hate, thoughon and wouldn't it be i wonder if the original t the original coupleal are are upset about it? yeah, they must. baah, they must. basically. >> yeah. it's i think it's great. yeah. >> kinr it's you go you do love do you love infested kids
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. >> tyler, what would jordan peterson have to say about this? well say, you just got to start meshing all my impressions. well, you know, so great. >> we're building a wall. you knowy we'r, i think. i mean, i think i'm just mostly mad that the tall guy's taking the tiny woman because she's iin my bracket. >> yes. and i'm single right now. so any time anyone'sm single sde a relationship when you're single, you're so angry at him. i see people holding hands down the street singlo want to juste chop, you know, push him aside. >> but, you know, i did just meet somebody. greg. yeahm i want to announce that there's a supermodel in my neighborhooda supe who i've been seeing for about four weeks, and she hasn'tur me yet. >> so i'm down here in l.a.. let them have love. you know? and know? well, absolutely. and i know because i marriedi kn a cubaown. >> look, first of all, i wantket to get this out there. i would like to give m congratulations
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to this group of people whom i was not aware before today. >> yeah, i don't know who they are. i don't care who they are. i just look at them and i'm like, okay b hey are,, is what happensen when you get a marriage counselor referral from gavi nounselor referral from gavi newsom? newsom? relationship or orchestratednews by you? >> despite love only goes sore far anal rd you know, both of tr were cheated on so.ers th that whenever the other one answers about who do you tondu, where are you going? i don't know wheree are you a going? where are you going? i wasn't going anywhere. are you sure you love me? i think so. like, the paranoia is not going to stop because plus each one of them is doing this to get back atm g th the onem, that hurt them. which means they're only thy. many, they're only ma many, many, many, many, many, many years ago, before i was bed, i might have datedi was what we know. i dai dated two or three people at the same time because, again, i have 312 year olds. >> so what?
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>> but what's really funny is i originally had six and i got caught and i remember seeing my friends liky funne, oh my go what are you going to do? >> i was like, brooke, three will come back becausei they all because they're all three are going to try to fix me. >> ha hathre ha. so so you know this they're not sweating that. the only thing that they're probably looking at is who's lo. ably looking at is who's so i feel like, you know, i fee retiredt buou know, our podcast, but i'd be willing we this reality show you do s the interviews i think this i think this is a great reality tv sponsoredthis is by tigressm yeah we throw a couple of teen moms in there and a dr . drewenthere and a dr you need you can dump trucks money just following yeahn you know these four and then just a smattering of teen moms from around the countra y in the final set in the final episode, they go on a double datee with gutfeld chaperoning. you're going to do the questions at the end of the. season.
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at show allegiance .com a storys in five wordtos americans aren't adults until 30 cat. a new survey found that one in four americans don't feel like adults until they're nearly 30. did you feel mericans way?yo >> no.t no. i feel like an adultwa wayy? sooner, but that's just because like i to do with a lot of adult things that aren't buy funny, like,t th aren't you know, i don't know. i was on i tha home pretty young and then also my mom died and i was pretty young. also i was not doing as mucho of that swinging on the swing. >> yeah, welnol, that's a yeah, honest answer. she was right. it's not reall>> greg:y funny.t >> gutfeld tyler, we're living longer, so it makes sense.t co >> adulthood might come later. tiny men live longer. >> that's true. that's true, right? yes. because we have we have tin less cellsy n live in our body,t heart is close to everything. exactly. it's like one pump of blood. >> and i'm. yeah, exactly. the downsideblood. is.
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>> you're easier to kill. yeah, that's true. to kil i'm sitting over here. but. but if we fall in our head, it's a shorter distanc e to thetusion ground. >> so the contusions aren't concussions. you know better fos r environment? yeah. no, i think it's. it's politicians. i doowa. ults ls. >> we're treating adults like children and children like adults. during and chilike pandemic, itr you want to get a cheeseburger, you got to get your booster shote go you got. i want >> and then like a 12 year old's like, i want to cut my off. cumy, go the car., do do your thing. i gotchaou. all so, yeah, all reverse. yeah. we're dealing with arrested developmeneversed. wt, kurt.rt? >> well, look, just look around . >> you okay? i mean, look at these people. i'm surprised it's only 25% of people say, wel'sl, you know, i feel like adult time 30. fee i'd be happy with 75% i'm of americans as an adult. 30. now, of course 30. i grew up on the mean streets of san mateo. so i grew up i grew up hard and grew up early. >> yeah, but me too. >> yeah, but, you know, all i
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can say is this just proves right about my. my deep desire to raise the voting agem righ d to 48. >> hmm. i'm. i would support that. tara's as social media pulled people down into, like, adolescent brain functionverybo because everybody's worried about what other people thindyk that's a really complicated question. really cicatedwe only have 2 mif we're not going to go there. >> listen, thisos is bulldozer parents okay? you let little johnny live at home untis l so of course, he's going to bet a child because you're still making his bedil, you're filling out his job, applications form. and then at 30 h, he's a, i'm an adult now. no, like i said, i was the i was raised by the sea turtle m method. yeah, once i was out. ethod,good luck. >> so i can't relate at all. so this is more about parenting, letting their kids stay home longer. and so there's less time to be an adult. like the average is 29 hours before they leave home, whicult.
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