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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  December 7, 2023 5:00pm-6:00pm PST

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presidential perspective. is there any possibility the president would end it hurting himself? >> i just said no. i just answered. go ahead. >> that was in july. no chance that joe biden will ever pardon his son. she may at some point soon wish to amend her commence. i wonder if she will have to read them from the briefing book. thanks for watching tonight. it was a wild ride. jesse is next. welcome to "jesse watters primetime". tonight, i voted for biden and
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gavin newsom. i'm sick of it. >> democrats want a do over. we told you so. >> the great replacement theory is not some grand right wing conspiracy theory. >> i was shaking. that is one step away from nazi propaganda coming out of his mouth. >> can indians be nazis? >> if you are all are on strike who will right the fake news? >> i don't know what that question means. no one writes fake news here. >> the washington post walks out on jeff bezos. plus,. >> has jesse watters been naughty or nice this year? >> fox news alert. the president pause a sun hunter biden is set to be indicted at any moment tonight. we are monitoring it and will
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update you throughout the hour. but first, when someone breaks a record we usually celebrate it. but the records we are breaking aren't cause for celebration. a little while back obama's secretary of homeland security jay johnson told us exactly how many migrants it would take to break the system. >> i know that 1000 overwhelms the system. i cannot begin to imagine what 4000 a day looks like. we are truly in a crisis. >> obama's borders are says 1000 migrants a day overwhelms the system. well, we just hit 12,000 a day. biden has just broken his own record. he shattered it. he is actually broken records every single year. we have let in a half million illegal aliens since october 1st. not including the got a ways. it's more than the entire population of atlanta coming into the country in two months. but the white house says it is just seasonal, like the weather.
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>> the u.s. has ebbs and flows of migrants arriving fueled by seasonal trans, as you know. efforts of smugglers to encourage migration. >> it happens every single solitary year. there is a significant increase in the number of people coming through the border in the winter months of january, february and march. it happens every year. >> it's not seasonal. except if they mean they are coming in every season all year round, year after year after year. we have one person to thank. 2 i love you joe biden. i love you joe biden. we love you so much. i love you people, all-america. i love you joe biden. i love you so much. >> the only people in america who love joe biden are the migrants. everyone else has had it with the guide. biden doesn't care where you are from.
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palestine, russia, venezuela. independent journalist anthony aguero is meeting migrants from china. >> where are you from? >> china. >> from china? how long did you travel? >> one month. >> how much money did you spend? >> almost $10,000. >> $10,000? wow! what route did you take from china? >> from japan to mexico and then here. >> lukeville, arizona has become the new spot. migrants camping out, building fires, roasting marshmallows, just waiting for biden to let them in. biden isn't sending anyone back. he is processing them into the country and saying here is a court date in five years to hear your asylum claim. thousands of adult single males are pouring through each day. ladies, i know what you are thinking. relax. they have already chosen a city. >> where in the united states do
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you want to go? >> california. >> new york city. >> new york city. i have family members there. >> we showed you for three years we are out of room. republicans in washington say here is what we need to do to fix the problem. restart the wall, cap the amount of asylum-seekers and higher more border patrol agents. sounds reasonable, right? no. >> republicans are pushing for restart construction on the border wall, increase the number of border patrol agents, women asylum, narrow the parole powers. why is that unpalatable to the administration? >> i would say two things. one, we have presented proposals that address the situation, that provide real practical solutions. and also do not do violence to our fundamental values. >> securing the border does violence to biden's fundamental
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values. biden values an open border. the democrats have a new talking point. first it was there is no crisis. then it was trump broke the border. and now it is we have always had open borders. >> what should we do right now to stop this? >> i encourage people to look back at look at the history of ellis island. we were processing much more people than we do now. such a long time ago with worse technology. we are able to do this. >> actually during ellis island's pete there was an average of about 2000 people passing through every day. our average today, 8000 people a day. that is four ellis island on our border open 24/7. not bringing in people from europe. bringing in people from all over the world. the big issue in washington today is that republicans don't want to defend ukraine's border until biden defends hours.
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and binder says no deal. >> it is stunning that we have gotten to this point and that republicans in congress are willing to give putin a gift. the greatest gift that putin could hope for. that is what we are seeing. they are playing chicken with our national security. that is what we are seeing here. history will remember them harshly. >> russia isn't allowed to break into crane but the whole world is allowed to break into america. what is biden doing? he can cut a deal with mexico to stop the border crisis and he can't cut a deal with putin to stop the ukraine. what good is biden at all then? he just watches the world blow it all around us and sends our tax dollars to defense contractors and our allies and our enemies. biden's foreign policy strategy is open waltz, endless wars and open borders. there is no strategy to stop anything. peace and security is against biden's fundamental values. maybe it's because endless wars
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and open borders fill the wallets of biden's guys. europe is dealing with its own migrant crisis right now and britain's foreign secretary laid out how their approach is a little different. >> people are coming from a safe country, france, and getting in votes and crossing the channel to britain. it is organized and paid for. you have to break the connection between landing in a vote and being able to stay in britain. the best way to do that is to immediately return them. because we can't return them to europe we are taking them to rwanda. we had more people going from turkey to greece. the moment that we can say if you arrive in grease illegally it is straight back to turkey. whole of the people smuggling collapse. obviously no one is going to pay a people smuggler for taking you somewhere where you can't stay. >> what a crafty approach. if joe biden announces tomorrow everyone showing up at our
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southern border is immediately shipped to the dominican republic republic, sorry dr, migration stops. instead, biden is processing them, feeding them, giving them money, phones and plane tickets. we don't need a travel agent as president, we need a bouncer. make them apply for asylum on an island. we will call it asylum islands. who knew we could learn so much from the europeans? here now is penal county sheriff mark lam. what's going on down there, sheriff? scenic it's a mess, jesse. it's a mess. >> what is the strategy from the biden border people? is there one? >> no, this is their strategy. they want to undo america and let all these folks come in. they could stop it if they wanted to. not only are they letting them come in and they are helping them wants they come in here. their desire is not to secure the border. they said so themselves. they are more concerned about ukraine than they are about our own southern border. the way they are keeping this
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away from the american people as they are giving money to nongovernmental organizations who swoop in the soon as they are processed and sending them off on an airplane to wherever they want to go, giving them a phone and giving them visa cards up to $5000. that information comes from solid sources and multiple sources. this is what they are doing. this is their plan. they don't want the american people to know how bad the situation is. >> who is telling you that these migrants are getting $5000 visa cards wants they are processed through the border? >> i get this information from sources that are right inside of there, including guys that. with border patrol who are fed up with what their government is doing. i can go down to the cities where they dump them out into my county and other places. they go directly to the atm after that and start pulling money out. i see them on flights when i fly over the country. i just flew to chicago. i had to help a lady flying from dallas who didn't speak english.
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i helped her get to her flight to laguardia. it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out we are the taxpayers and subsidizing all of this. we have american family struggling from this horrible bungled economy called bidenomics. we are now subsidizing other people in this country and totally turning our back on the american people. they are doing it at the southern border. kj p said the history will remember this. they will remember and they will remember that this administration, biden and my arcus, turned their back on the american people and put us at risk with terrorists, fentanyl, the rape of women and children. the list goes on and on. >> maybe if trump is elected he can just follow the gps on all these biden phones and find out where they are and deport them? wouldn't that be a good idea? to act that would be a great idea. but you know what? these folks know that so they ditch these phones all the time. as soon as they can, they ditch
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them. >> $5000 cash, a biden phone and plane ticket. i'm surprised we are not doing their laundry. that's right, we are doing their laundry in manhattan. thank you so much. it's been a pleasure. >> thank you, jesse. god bless. fox news alert. hunter biden is set to be indicted at any moment tonight. these charges are coming out of california where the president's son has lived since 2018. these are on top of the criminal gun charges that he faces in delaware. fox news justice correspondent dave spent his here with more. >> this was just docketed in the federal court system. it is called pacer. we can see that there is a case called usa versus biden. date filed december 7th, 2023. however, there are no actual documents posted at this time. it takes a little bit for some of these documents to get uploaded. but there is officially a case that now has been docketed in
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the central district of california. the reason there is a case in the central district of california is because hunter biden has lived in the central district of california which is los angeles for the past several years. we don't want to speculate. we don't know the exact charges at this point. however we know special counsel david wise impaneled a grand jury not too long ago in this district to look at multiple different charges this is the same special counsel that is currently taking the president's sun hunter biden to trial in delaware for multiple federal gun charges. hunter said that he would testify before congress next week in a public setting. the republicans say the subpoena is for a private, closed-door interview. it remains to be seen how this is all going to change now that it appears hunter biden has been
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indicted in the central district of california. we are currently looking to see what the documents are. no documents filed at this point. we know he has been indicted in california. >> thanks so much. is probably going to say can't testify. i'm under indictment in california and i will plead the fifth. we will see how it shakes out. appreciate it. democrats have regrets. >> i voted for biden, i voted for gavin newsom. i am sick of it. at some point you have to give me a reason to vote for you again. for fast sore throat relief, try vicks vapocool drops. with two times more menthol per drop, and powerful vicks vapors to vaporize sore throat pain. vicks vapocool drops. vaporize sore throat pain.
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joe biden is a man on a mission. he wants to stop donald trump. not because he says he has to stop donald trump. to sell himself, joe biden is calling himself a winner.
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>> i want to choose between lacrosse and football. you couldn't play both in the same season. since i was a powerful 6'11"58-pound tackle back. i was a runner up state scoring championship. don't laugh, man. as they say and football i've got soft hands. >> lacrosse is in the spring and football is in the fall. the only thing biden is catching is heat. democrats aren't backing biden on his mission. they don't like their chances. student this is biden's ego talking. if there are other people that can beat him, step aside. i know he thinks he's got this in the bag but the polls say otherwise. i want biden stepping into beat trump the way i want him stepping into defend me in a bar fight. i appreciate you caring, but i don't like our chances. biden is not getting any younger. he will not get any more popular and he's not getting a new running mate. please, mr. president, give america the ultimate christmas gift and step aside.
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>> remember when the washington post told biden to step aside and the winds are not unraveled. now it's every day democrats are telling biden to step aside. but like charlemagne said biden has an ego. democrats are just picking their replacement in front of his face. >> there are a lot of people with the democratic party that i won't give their names but they made sure to contact me. they didn't like the fact that i said this. we need a new president. the man is going to be 82 years old. in my perfect world it would be nice if kamala harris showed up and had more of an impact. that has not been the case. if you are a flaming liberal, what makes sense is that biden bows out and gavin newsom takes the mantle and runs for the presidency. swapping biden with gavin. those are the things whispered about at parties, but now they are just saying it out loud. but would gavin really save
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democrats? just look around the country. residence in chicago saying they are going to protest the dnc. small business owners in la saying neither biden nor newsom deserve their votes. not after getting ransacked. >> this whole strip is broken. our neighbors have been broken into four times. these guys were broken into. we are a small construction company. >> ryan bagley is the latest victim on this street to get burglarized by several thieves. so many, it's hard to count. that kia soul taking out a gate so the hooded suspects could make entry. inside they took whatever they could carry including music equipment bagley and his brother, former band members, stored inside. you can hear the alarm and spot a guitar. his business now boarded up and bagley is fed up with the break-ins and elected officials. >> i voted for karen bass, biden and gavin newsom. i'm sick of it. at some point you have to give
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me a reason to vote for you again. >> on a lifelong democrat tells you they are having second thoughts, that's when it's game over. republicans after just not screw this up. never a share thing. emily wilson is a former california democrat and a host of emily saves america. i already saved the world so i beat you to the punch. explained to me how a democrat process is leaving the democratic party? >> it's really easy. you want to make money. you want to be safe. you want your children to be safe. and you want your life to be better and not worse. i think everyone is starting to wake up and there is a lot of help which makes me happy. i do believe in los angeles especially there is a huge red wave coming. >> so is it prime? is it quality of life? what is actually dragging lifelong democrats away from the
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party and looking at other options? >> its everything. it's quality of life, it's crime, it's the homeless growing and getting more and more violent. i would say at this point if you --people are shifting their boat. we have karen bass who has done absently nothing, who is in with gavin newsom who has ruined the state. he is in with george soros, our da who is corrupt who is under biden. people are sick of it. people want to walk down the street and be safe. i see mothers with strollers pushing them around homeless encampments. all my friends have been robbed. some of us have been robbed up to five times in our homes. things have got to change. as someone who is a democrat for about 27 years, people feel safe coming to me and i would say people would be shocked if they really knew what these people think. these are pretty, pretty liberal people and they are voting for anyone who is right. we do have hope. rick caruso almost won and he
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leans a lot more conservative. i think he would have done a lot of great things were los angeles. there still a lot of hope. i would like to thank the people behind street people los angeles and street people beverly hills for keeping us up-to-date. those accounts are saving a lot of lives. and potentially putting criminals behind bars. >> thank you for saving america, emily. >> thanks. fox news alert. hunter biden's charges have just hit. the president's son is being indicted on tax charges. fox news justice correspondent is here with more. >> it's a lengthy indictment that just dropped in the central district of california. that is where hunter biden has lived the past several years. i will read part of it. it says the defendant engaged in a four-year scheme to not pay at least $1.4 million in self-assessed federal taxes he owed for the tax years 2016 through 2019.
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that is january 2017 into about october 15th, 2020. they say he evaded the assessment of taxes for the tax year 2018 when he filed false returns in or about february 2020. it says that hunter biden spent, quote, ", and i'm reading from this indictment, billions of dollars on an extravagant lifestyle rather than paying his tax bills. this comes from a grand jury in the central district of california. we knew that a grand jury had been impaneled recently. it also says that hunter biden will at some point be making his first appearance. i am reading this simultaneously. it says, jesse, just give me one minute here. that hunter biden willfully made and subscribed and filed and caused to be filed a false 2018 tax form 1040. that form 1040 reported a total
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income over $2 million. bottom line, these are all tax crimes. we don't see anything about registering as a foreign agent. there was some speculation that special counsel david weiss would have gone after hunter biden for not registering as a foreign agent for some of his overseas business deals. this is strictly related to his taxes. that is because he lives in california and has lived there the past few years. just to bring everyone back up to speed, hunter biden is also facing federal gun charges in delaware when he is accused of lying on a form, not mentioning his addiction to drugs on a federal gun form and actually possessing a gun for more than 10 days back in 2018. is facing those charges in delaware and now he is facing these tax charges in california, both being run by special
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counsel david weiss. jesse? >> it's about three years of not paying taxes willfully. this obviously is not good for the president, but the timing of this, can hunter biden say sorry james comer i know i was supposed to come in intensify and do this deposition with you, but i am under indictment in california on these tax issues. it just wouldn't be appropriate so i will plead the fifth. can he pull that off? if he can, then david weiss is doing a huge favor to the president's son. >> it is certainly possible that he may be able to say we reached out to his attorney abbe lowell and his team waiting to see how they are reacting to this. it also says that essentially, jesse, and this is underlined in the indictment on page 16 of 56. it says the defendant had the funds to pay his taxes in 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020.
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so four years actually. it's a nine count indictment. it is certainly possible that hunter biden may come forward now and say he is not able to speak to the committee. remember last week his attorney said that hunter biden is willing to speak the committee and wants to do it in public on camera essentially in front of millions of people. the committee said we want to talk to behind closed doors. that was all before this indictment dropped tonight. >> that was always a bluff anyway. thank you so much. >> you bet. here now we have brett tolman the former u.s. attorney and executive director for right on crime. we have this big that indictment right here. we will start going through it. it doesn't look like hunter paid any taxes during the entire trump presidency. he didn't pay a lot of taxes before that also, but the statute of limitations was allowed to run out. what do you feel about this
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indictment in california, brett? >> jesse, before we get too excited about this, what it smacks of is we couldn't slip that past you earlier. the nothingburger prosecution. we will bring these tax violations that will look real serious and go forward with it. the problem is the prosecution controls the resolution of this case. they have absolute control in terms of what will happen to hunter biden. the sentence he will receive. if they have a judge for example that doesn't play ball, then you bring into play a part in by his dad. so for me, i look at this and i also think about what is going on on the house side. now he has every reason to deny appearance in front of the congress because he's going to plead the fifth on everything because he now has a criminal charge in california. >> so weiss is actually helping the president's son with this because of the timing.
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he could have probably gotten this indictment earlier this year or two years ago or three years ago. remember the whistleblowers said they didn't want to bring it in california. they had it all bottled up in delaware and they were going to serve it on a nice little tray. this thing was going to get knocked out until the judge sniffed out the corruption and blew it up. i don't really know how this thing is going to move now. you also have potential charges in washington, d.c. but these are just friendly jurisdictions with friendly judges. if the special counsel is a friend of the bidens i don't see him ever facing real justice. >> well, jesse, you are right. think about the fact that they could have brought these charges much earlier. they didn't because they wanted to try to slip one past the american public. in the real person they are protecting, if you think about these charges.
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this is an effort to also protect joe biden. the heat is increasing. the scope of his involvement is increasing. the evidence is coming forward that he had more participation and contact with hunter biden's funders for this. but this is is an opportunity to bring charges that appear to be serious, that will take the narrative away from joe biden and this complete corruption was about to be exposed. >> again, nine counts, taxes, 17 years he is facing. no way he will serve any time as the president's son. we all know that. we will take a look at this indictment and see what more we can tell you. thank you so much, brett. >> thanks, jesse. the washington post staffers walked off the job today for the first time in 50 years. the paper has been dealing with
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low morale and stagnant subscription numbers for years. employees are taking advantage of this to push for some pie in the sky demands. covid has been over for years. but these fearless stewards of democracy are still insisting they need to work from home two days a week. and on top of that, they are demanding a month off, a full month off, where they can work remotely from anywhere in the world. fox, i am not hosting "jesse watters primetime" until i can do the show from tahiti every august. we sent a reporter to check this strike out. a lot of the washington post people hate their boss jeff bezos. >> i will tell you something jeff bezos, transportation reporting doesn't matter because you don't fly on a commercial jet in a long time. you are so busy taking all the money from all the people who
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create all the wealth in this country and around the world. take a [ bleep ] rocket and leave us. >> how's that for a negotiating strategy listen up lockland. i don't think that's going to go over very well. so far the washington post workers have already secured guaranteed gender affirmation. we couldn't figure out what that was. does that mean jeff bezos has to call them by their preferred pronouns or does that mean regina plasty is covered by insurance? unclear. they also secured a 2% pay rage which isn't enough to keep up with inflation. imagine writing editorials about how great bidenomics is and then having bidenomics eat up your pay raise. nice. but they are still holding out for only having to go into the office three days a week and the month-long sabbatical where they fake work from vacation. the washington post must be a
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horrible place to work since everyone is striking. so they don't have to see each other. in case you are wondering, these are the people demand that donald trump take them seriously. ♪ music playing ♪ [ singing ] >> we are going to roll the union on. >> truly amazing. a little advice to strikers. don't sing. it doesn't help the cause and makes you look silly. the next time you read an article from the washington post, remember that song you just heard. these people, we should not be taking them seriously. we had one question that we really wanted an answer to. listen. >> if you all are on strike who will right the fake news? >> i don't know what that question means. no one writes fake news here. >> amber dukes, the d.c. editor for the spectator.
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amber, what was the vibe like at that strike? >> everyone was oddly excited. i've never seen people so happy to be on the verge of losing their jobs. but to be fair a lot of americans would be thrilled if these people just continued to strike indefinitely. this walkout is only lasting for 24 hours. of course it begs the question how seriously they really want to push leadership into acquiescing to these demands. i would also point out, by the way, they admitted they only have to go into the office three days a week already. the issue is they want it written down in their contracts. they also admitted that washington post leadership have offered to raise the minimum salary of all employees to $50,000 a year. which i think a lot of americans, especially working-class americans, would be happy about. they think they are in the same league as blue-collar laborers like the uaw strikers, people who. with their hands and do manual labor. they view themselves as the working class heroes. it's incredible.
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>> we want everyone to get paid fairly. we don't want anyone getting laid off. but i don't think demanding a month off so you can work remotely from tahiti is the best negotiating strategy. a little advice. also, don't sing. thank you as always. >> thanks, jesse. there is a republican debate last night in case you missed it. it was pretty feisty. start your day with nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand.
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the republicans held their vivek ramaswamy started dropping napalm. >> nikki, i don't have a woman problem. you have a corruption problem. i think that is what people need to know. nikki is corrupt. this is a woman who will send your kids to die so she can by a bigger house. do everybody a favor. walk yourself off the stage, enjoy a nice meal and get the hell out of this place. >> okay. vivek ramaswamy is the kind of guy you either love or want to punch him in the face. i think we know how nikki and kristi feel. but he wasn't even being close
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to done. >> why am i the only person on the stage at least two can say that january 6th now does look like it was an inside job. that the government lied to us for 20 years about saudi arabia's involvement in 9/11. the great replacement there is not some grand right wing conspiracy theory but a basic statement of the democratic parties platform. that the 2020 election was indeed stolen by big tech. that the 2016 election, the one that trumps won for share, was also one that was stolen from him by the national security establishment. the trump russia collusion thing was false. there is a reason why i'm the only person that can say these things. that's what it's going to take. not people licking his boots one time and now monday morning quarterbacking when it's convenient. >> when the media heard that they quickly came to one conclusion. vivek ramaswamy is a nazi. that's right, the indian-american tech investor and tennis player from ohio is
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hitler. >> the smug, condescending way that he just spews his poison out is very, very dangerous because he won't stop trump, but he's going to outlive trump by about 50 years. you are watching the rise of american demagogue that is a very, very despicable person. i was shaking listening to him talk. a lot of people don't know that is one step away from nazi propaganda coming out of his mouth. >> i didn't know indians could be nazis. i guess anything is possible if larry elder can be the black face of white supremacy. outnumbered co-host kayleigh mcenany joins me now. what happened last night? >> yeah, to your point, people had definite thoughts about vivica. many people did not like him going about nikki haley's daughter. he got too personal with chris christie.
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all of that being said, jesse, here is the thing with vivek ramaswamy. he has run a fearless campaign, not afraid to go on with dana bash and not afraid to gauna chuck dodd or don lemon. by the way don lemon got fired after that viral exchange with vivek ramaswamy. i would say this about him. where some people this barge gen z, he has actively sought to reach out to them. i get this is anecdotal but my sister is over for thanksgiving and they are generation z. i asked the boyfriend who deal like? he said all of my friends love vivek ramaswamy and can't stop talking about him. he has struck a chord with young people. there something to be said for that. >> i was at the eagles game and all my friends love the guy. they say he could be president, vice president. they love him. then you talk to some people here and they want to choke him out. >> he is sharp. that is pretty much an accurate description. the editorial boards want to
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choke him out. he has struck a chord. people since trump came onto the scene said we are done with the mannequin politician. we are done with the talking points. we are done with the focus group tests. here is what they want to here. they want candid, real and authentic. that is something vivek ramaswamy brings. you can criticize some things he has said. he has gone too far. you can argue that. but he's got a candid nature the same way trump did and it has benefited him. he is in third or fourth and no one knew his name a year ago. >> we have the tax charges dropped on hunter just now out of california. i think there is nine counts, facing 17 years that he will never serve. some interesting things out of the indictment. we are reading it now. he kept the taxes for 2016 in the trunk of his car. his ex-wife texted him, i found our unfiled 2016 tax returns in your trunk. that 2016 return was when his father was vice president. he was cheating on his taxes
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when his father was vice president. we also have here, his assistant told him every week he owed his taxes. he didn't listen to his assistant the way i listen to johnny. again, $1500 on strippers. he deducts it and stuff like that as. you're looking at some of these numbers. $3 million from romania. a million dollars a year from burisma. $8 million from china. how do you interpret that? >> first, johnny would never let this happen to you. nor do you have the moral depravity to engage in this behavior. nine counts, one of which i am told is account for failure to file returns as they pertain to wasco. that is the business where the payment went out to joe from. they are small payments, i'll be at, but payments nonetheless. a lot to look at here.
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remember there was david weiss wanting to file in california these charges last fall. he was stopped. what happens between last fall and today? two whistleblowers. a lot to dig into here. i want to know the payments, where they went, the shell companies. was joe connected to this? what changed in a year to now all of a sudden these charges are before us? >> thank you so much. johnny goes christmas shopping. >> i think these would look great on you. >> they probably would. my most important kitchen tool? my brain. so i choose new neuriva ultra. unlike some others, it supports 7 brain health indicators, including mental alertness from one serving. to help keep me sharp. try new neuriva ultra. think bigger. but i'm also a mother of four. and as entrepreneurs, we weigh the cost of every decision. medical bills are no longer a worry for our family. so i can focus on my calling and our family.
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primetime was shocked scouring two pro tenders and moving the public christmas tree lighting online. we thought it made him look weak. nevertheless we are loyal foot soldiers in the war on christmas. we tuned in and we were stunned. it was a winter wonderland dripping with california glam. lamppost bedazzled with glimmering crystals. gorgeous fraser firs lining the statehouse atrium. gavin and first lady jennifer commanded the room. some would even say they looked presidential. and much like a reservation at the french laundry, the christmas party was very exquisite. sorry, california, you weren't on the list. 2 seasons greetings and happy
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holidays california. welcome to the lighting of the california state capitol tree. we welcome these precious moments when we can slow down and come together in the spirit of gratitude, joy and togetherness. >> seasons greetings? happy holidays? no merry christmas? come on. and no one came together. it was over zoom. and even though it didn't snow, it was a white christmas. a white guilt christmas. >> we recognize the treatment through colonialism and attempted genocide of our forebears. the only recognized tribe of sacramento county, the descendents of the first people of this land welcome you. we ask that you acknowledge and respect our culture, people and all of our lifeways. >> merry christmas you filthy colonizers. is it me? or does this look too good? we were told this was a spur of the moment thing. does this look like they produced this thing last minute? i am beginning to think the
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protesters were a ruse to present the public with a well choreographed presidential gavin newsom christmas with good lighting, of course. you've got to hand it to gavin. if i am comparing the new some christmas to the biden and christmas, easy decision for democrats. gavin even quoted jfk without plagiarizing. >> jfk said that the holidays remind all of us to dedicate our thoughts to others, that mercy and compassion are enduring virtues. it is more blessed to give then to receive. 2 harley, are the kids ready? kick off the countdown. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. happy holidays california. cement joining me now carly who has a big book out. >> i do. it would make a good christmas gift. not everybody cooking with that. i was outraged by seasons
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greetings and happy holidays. i think you are onto something i hadn't considered. california wins can be strong and that would mess with his perfectly combed hair. >> we wouldn't want anything flying off the tree and screwing around with his coif. what an excuse. they said they were under threat. they said these palestinian protesters were going to ruin christmas. they had to go inside to do it. does that look like this was done at the last second? spent what better way to stand up to the protesters than to say we are going to cancel this big event and let you win. they are is that. also, it could be that he really loves going virtual. i don't know if i have known everyone to love going virtual more than him. he said school was back in session so let's do a resume christmas tree lighting and give people a taste of 2020. give the people what they really want. >> the book is called? >> cooking with friends. i think it would make a great
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gift. it's got recipes from a wide range of folks on fox news. not just me. >> you actually have a recipe in there? >> i have several recipes. >> what is your recipe? microwave it? >> my favorite is a tater tot casserole. i will leave it at that. >> beautiful. here is johnny. ♪ music playing ♪ what are you shopping for? >> we are shopping for hanukkah. >> you have a lot of gifts in there. let's see what you've got. >> are you share you want to open this in public work i went in front of victoria secret. >> keep your filthy paws off my silky drawers. scenic let's see what you've got. explain this. >> let's try it on. what do you think? >> come on. >> i love your hat. >> these would look great on
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you. >> they probably would. can my foot fit? >> they were on sale. >> they are thick. >> platform. >> like ron desantis. a lot of people come in here last minute shopping. not you. >> if you are a last-minute chopper, we don't like you. >> looks pretty expensive. >> inflation is no joke. >> what is the budget? >> i've spent $300 just today. >> close to $1000 for everybody. to make can i get one. my husband is upset i don't have a budget. >> why are you the way you are? >> what are we getting for the husband? >> handheld massager. you can use it yourself or your wife can do it for you. >> are you going to do it for him? >> what else are you getting him? >> a bunch of close. >> give him what he really wants. >> depends on what he is getting me. >> what did you get your
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brothers? >> lotion. >> what do they use the lotion for? >> i honestly don't know. >> put the lotion on may. >> this is great, isn't it? >> really good. 2 i am sitting there. what are you asking santa for christmas? >> some turtleneck sweaters. >> just a ps five. >> a car. >> an electric car? >> no. i would forget to charge it and get stuck somewhere. >> a whole lot of cash. >> what is the hottest item? >> the ai stuff, toys. scenic some nips of liquor. >> let's put the ass back in christmas. >> are you naughty or nice? >> a little naughty. >> nice people are boring. i watch jesse. >> we are a little naughty. especially jesse. >> i'm not sure which one of you is worse. you are up there close together. >> that hurt.
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>> santa, how are we doing? this year for christmas how about? >> he's on the naughty list. >> what do you want to tell jesse watters? >> this is our world. >> take care of who takes care of you. take care of this guy right here. >> has jesse watters been naughty or nice this year? >> the producers just told me that johnny requested to sit on santa's lap and santa refused. i think that was a good idea, santa. that is all for us tonight. dvr "jesse watters primetime" and always remember i am watters and this is my world. welcome to "hannity". we start with a fox news alert.


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