tv Fox News at Night FOX News December 7, 2023 8:00pm-9:00pm PST
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fox news at night. breaking tonight hunter biden indicted in california on federal tax charges. the same charges prosecutors in california would not indict him on last year. what changed? how did the breaking new affect the presidential campaign. kevin cork has new information. >> it's a 56 page indictment filed in california. the central district. it lays allegations including 9 tax related charges. 3 are felonies. the younger biden engaged in a 4 year scheme to not pay at least 1.4-million dollars between 2016 and 2019. the indictment charges that biden spent millions on an extravagant lifestyle with
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membership to sex clubs and more than $188,000 on adult entertainment rather than paying taxes. house republican leaders next week will vote on whether to initiate an impeachment on president biden to his possible ties to his son hunter's business dealings. james comer released subpoenaed bank records showing an entity owned by hunter biden made payments to joe biden. they are saying the president ha had no prior knowledge of hunter's dealing. based on the fact and the law if hunter's name was anything other than biden the challenges in delaware and california would not have been brought.
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fox news digital reached out to the special counsel david weiss and they declined comment. hunter biden pleaded not guilty to a federal gun charge. the charges are piling up. the question is whether or not the latest indictment will lead to more trouble for the president himself. >> trace: that's very true. thank you. let's bring in the senior women fellow and former trump white house attorney. i was reading through this indictment. not the whole thing 56 pages but it looks like this validates to both irs whistleblowers to a word. >> absolutely. that's why the house oversight
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committee thanked the whistleblowers for coming forward. without them this charge would not be brought. we can all thank the whistleblowers. liberal commentators say if there was anyone beside the biden this cased not be brought. it was not going to be brought. >> trace: that's the idea. it was not going to be brought in california. they turned down the charges in california. now suddenly those same changes are valid? what changed here? >> that is such a good question. in a sense nothing has changed. these are past looking. looking from 2016 to 2020. there is no way that the facts of the case have changed.
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instead either there is a different political pressure. pressure to bring something so they don't have to bring worse charges against hunter biden. that's an uncharitable view or david weiss was trying to do the right thing and finally did it. >> trace: you are fair on that. the investigation it says in the indictment it's on-going. does that mean more potential charges down the road or is that just giving him wiggle room to tell the house oversight committee he doesn't want contact with them at all? >> there are those 2 options and the third option is the investigation is on-going. hunter biden did not do this by himself. he had other accountants and friends and people not named in the indictment. we could see charges related to those people. i have still have questions
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after reading the indictment. it said that returned received $7 million from 2016 to 2020. it tracks his expenditures of $5 million. where is the other $2 million? of the $5 million that had tracks, 1.7-million dollars is cash withdraws. we know that joe biden bought his house in cash. i have questions about all of this cash and the missing $2 million. >> trace: i have the same questions. thank you. let's talk about the political impact of the hunter biden indictment with jason chaffetz and stephanie hamel. jason, do you think this indictment helps joe biden in the long run? it gives hunter cover and not having to appear before congress? >> absolutely not.
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one the country digests this, where did this money come from? it was coming from overseas. all of these allegations about donald trump for 2 years that he was going to be corrupted. but who was actually corrupted was the biden family. how much of that money went to joe biden. joe biden said it's all lies. now the national media has to pursue this question. the president lied to the american people time and time and time again. saying i can't talk about it because there is a legal case going on? that ain't going to fly in the presidential election. >> trace: stephanie, do you have a different take? what is the political fallout? >> i think it's a great point that jason made. it's how the media handles this.
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based on what we have seen in the past, they typically like to cover forthe bidens. this is not just a hunter biden issue. this is a joe biden problem. we are not picking on hunter biden. those who speak about these charges against him. we are looking at what is going on the family. the big guy. the emails between the hunter biden and his father. hunter biden was going through a hard time during the time he was making these deals with china and ukraine and working for the energy company burisma. he admits this. if his life was not in order how can we expect him to make big decisions for company and have real value? was there some sort of back deals going on? it's a great question. will the media be honest about the recent charges? they pushed the last charges, the gun charges in delaware
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under the rug. he still has to deal with that as well. >> trace: yes, he was a drug addict, but then they say he was brilliant enough to be on the board of burisma. the debate last night who won and why? >> ron desantis. the week before on "hannity," debating gavin newsom looked presidential and followed up with another solid debate. the country wants to be more like florida. ron desantis delivered there. they want that to happen nati nationwide. >> trace: stephanie? >> the winner is former president trump. we hear chris christie cry about
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how former president trump doesn't want to participate in the debates? we watched what the media and presenters how they treated him during the debates. you can't blame former president trump for not showing up. that's not affecting it. if you look at the national polls trump is up by 50 points. how do you recover when you are the other candidates? i appreciate the conversation and the debates. in america we want to hear from the candidates. >> trace: i have to go. thanks for your time. hanukkah begins tonight with celebrations across the country. the rising threat of anti-semitism is prompting safety concerns and cancellations of some events. christina is live with that story. >> a number of holiday
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celebrations were cancelled after the hamas slaughter on october 7th. the cancellation of this big event got swift criticism. >> you should be calling him gavin the grinch that stole which is. this is embarrassing. you don't bend a knee to these people. >> pro-palestinian supporters in manhattan protested during the light of the christmas tree. 7 protestors were arrested. tension over the war impacting holidays and decorations across the u.s. a rabbi's request to hold a menorah lighting was denyed in virginia. organizers didn't at any point to look like they were picking side in the war.
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the virginia governor called this decision anti-semitic and the united jewish community is frustrated with this move. >> hanukkah is a message of victory over 2,000 years ago. perhaps people connect it to the modern-day fight in gaza. that's not the message of hanukkah. to connect those two is unamerican. >> and a star of david was removed in maine after local arab residents complained it was offensive. >> trace: the presidents of harvard, mitt and the university of pennsylvania are facing calls to resign for comments they made regarding students call are in the genocide of jews. the college presidents are trying to walk back their statements but it's not working.
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jackie as the latest. >> the presidency of the schools are working hard to clarify their congressional testimony. >> it was not focussed on what i should have been. the irrefutable fact it called for genocide of jewish people is a call for some of the most terrible violence human beings can perpetrate. >> it might be too little to le let's -- too late for wealthy donors who are pulling a $100-million donation for harassment of jewish students. and a business school is joining the chorus to seek her resignation.
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they said calls for genocide has no place in harvard. but the college presidents will be held to account after an investigation was launched into the learning environment of those schools. we heard from the chairman of the powerful house ways and means committee who warned high-profile schools their tax exempt status could be in jeopardy if they fail to protect jewish students. >> trace: i think the presidents are trying to walk this back. thank you. >> ♪ ♪ >> trace: fox news is perplexed when the harvard president was asked whether calls for the genocide of jews violates the university's rules on
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harassment? he said it depends on the context. we were told harvard's people are among the world's most smartest people. common sense would love to know which circumstances would make the genocide of jews okay. last year during harvard's title 9 training students were told that fat phobia and using wrong pronouns is abuse and perpetrating violence. calling somebody fat is violence. eradicating the jews is nuance and the university called it free speech. they are in favor of free speech unless it's a conservative speaker. common sense wonders what would happen if students called for genocide of black, brown or
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asian or lbgtq people? would it be condemned? thanks for coming on. kenny said the following roxanne. watch. >> how is it that the leadership at america's most elite institutions can stand up for a basic moral clarity with callings of genocide happening on their camps. >> trace: this was a basic question but they blew it. >> this has been a long time coming. it's conservative. it's not higher education. it's private, elite feared schools. -- feeder schools. what is going on in high school it's been like this for over
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a decade. i can tell that you as a mom. >> trace: do you think that diversity and inclusion is driving this kind of hatred on campuses across the country? >> yes, we absolutely see it. we see it in youngsters protesting and they don't know what they are protestering for but they are going with the narrative pushed. that's why parents are pushing back on these programs. >> trace: we interview these students and what does it mean to say from the river to the city? sea? they have no idea what they are talking about. nikki haley said in the debates. >> we need to go to the universities and say if you don't acknowledge anti-semitism we will take your tax exempt status away. >> trace: people talked about that tax exemption status.
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losing it will be crushing. do you think it's fair to do that? >> i think the universities have to be held accountable. where are the board of governors and the board of trustees with this oversight and are able to hold these administrators accountable for this? there is a bigger issue here. the student bodies have the responsibility and the ability to impact change quickly. where are the student groups that stand for equality and justice and peace? stand with your jewish students. there are jewish students across the country at universities that feel scared and alobe. they would feel less scared if fellow students stood beside
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them. >> trace: there is power in numbers. people have recommended get together. support your fellow students. the sacramento bee said the following: gavin newsom ducks protestors by cancelling in-person sacramento tree lighting ceremony. he knows he can't protect all of the people there with protesters. you do it by zoom. >> i wish it was about his concern for other people's safety. his concern is for his own hyde and political future. the man i call has no spine and no backbone. >> trace: the events cancelled and one is the menorah lighting for this weekend. it was sunday. it was cancelled. the governor youngkin wrote the following:
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this is absurd and anti-semitic. the event organizers should move forward with the menorah lighting. you are hurting the jewish community. you are cancelling events that are very important to them. you need to handle what will happen and keep the events going? >> i agree with you. this is a page in their playbook. we need to say no, and stand with them and allow these things. i am glad the governor did that. we need it do more. as they are protecting and saying we need to take them down, push back and continue to do it and have strong leaders. if we don't have strong leaders we are bending a knee to them. >> absolutely. it's important that we learn
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from our history. we film the stories of grandkids of holocaust survivors the last generation to hear these stories firsthand. everything started way before 1938. this is not 1338 again. -- 1938 again. it's 1920. my grandfather was kicked out of law school because he was jewish within 6 months of hitler coming to power. >> trace: that's a great point and thank you. coming up 15 thieves wearing masks looting an l.a. business. you see the surveillance video and the owner said he long voted for democrats but not anymore. later a first grader's home work assignment left parents stump. the words are friend, toothbrush, desk, silver and
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egg. which is the odd word out. no googling. let us know on x. we will read the best responses. very clever and funny. a fox news at night trip across america. the city by the bay. san francisco lit up for christmas. san antonio in texas and the river walk and cleveland, ohio "fox news reports" is great when it's live and we are informative on tape. we are coming right back with more. tic kenny. and, hi, i'm amanda on tiktok. my scooter broke down. i went into a depression. how do you feel about that? pretty sad. and i posted it to show that kenny's not always happy. within 24 hours people had donated over $5,000.
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no, you're kidding. we set up the patriotic kenny foundation to give mobility scooters to veterans. it has changed my life tremendously. none of this would've happened without tiktok. ok, someone just did laundry... no, i add downy light so the freshness really lasts. yeah, most scented stuff gives me a headache, but this is just right. and i don't like anything. but i like this. get a light scent that lasts with no heavy perfumes or dyes. ( ♪ ♪ ) i was stuck. unresolved depression symptoms were in my way. i needed more from my antidepressant. vraylar helped give it a lift. adding vraylar to an antidepressant... is clinically proven to help relieve overall depression symptoms... ...better than an antidepressant alone. and in vraylar clinical studies, most saw no substantial impact on weight. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. report unusual changes in behavior or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants can increase these in children and young adults.
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>> trace: the crime crisis is a drag on businesses coast to coast. team fox coverage. kevin cork in d.c. with the cost of security cutting into profits. christina is live on why a long time democratic voter and business owner is under google a political shift. >> he sure is. more looters in california having a field day stealing from a hard working business owner here in the los angeles area. he is fed up. >> this whole strip has been broken into 4 times. we are a small construction company. >> surveillance cameras out thieves breaking in at 5 a.m. the owner said they stole thousands of dollars worth of equipment. they ramadan something through the gates to do the bittery work.
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-- dirty work and their vehicle was stolen from lapd's impound yard. >> stole 6 guitars and some construction and stole a bunch of tools. >> these people have no shame. a number of california business owners he is assessing damage and wishing the liberal leaders would stop to do more for this on-going time. >> i voted for biden and newsom. you have to give me a reason to vote for you again. >> police are still searching for the suspects. >> trace: stole a car from the impound yard. the cost of marketing supplies is sky high.
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businesses are forced to add private security which is not cheap. kevin cork is live with one local owner shelling out money to keep his taco store safe. >> he owns the taco stand in the national's capital. he has to spend time to keep the crooks out of his businesses and away from harassing his companies. blair is spending a whopping amount of money every week on private security as the district continues to deal with spikes in carjacking and mugings and other crimes. he said with fewer cops and more crime he has no choice but to pay off. >> $4,000 a week here is insane. it's not sustainable. hopefully we can get through
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this crime crisis and won't have to do that in the future. the total amount on security we spent this years $450,000. >> how bad have things gotten? the numbers are infuriating for residents. whatever is being done is not working. look at these numbers. homicide up 32%. 1,000 carjackings this year alone. 77% at gun point more than double last year and 164 arrests. for perspective. some of blair's restaurants are paying more for privated security than they pay every month for rent. >> trace: the same from coast to coast. one business fed up with crime is eddie owner of a boxing club
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in los angeles. we will play the business guy's sound bite again. 7 seconds. watch. >> i voted for bass and biden and gavin newsom. i am sick of it. you have to give me a reason to vote for you again. >> trace: give me a reason. you are a business owner in southern california. it's frustrating to do business when nobody has your back? >> 100%. i didn't vote for them. i told everybody this would happen and it's happening. i hope is a lesson to people we need change you felt will only get change by changing the people in charge. it's difficult. it doesn't matter what you do. they put both hands behind your back and expect to you full forward and you can't. >> trace: during last week's debate california governor gavin newsom said this.
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>> we are down 55% of violent crimes in california since the 1990s. >> trace: there is a different take on this. as of 2022 it's 31% higher than the u.s. rate. it's driven by aggravated assaults which are declining nationwide but rising in california. i think the first guy didn't have his numbers right. >> 100%. i have seen kids get shot and people robbed in broad daylight. the businesses under us are closing. melrose is now a ghost town. >> trace: you grew up in columbia in the 1980s. know what crime looks like. there are comparisons to be
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drawn? >> when i was younger, i never thought of the u.s. even the bad neighborhood, it was nothing serious. here you have to be worried about home invasions and robbed at gun point. you can't wear certain watches. things i had to worry in this south america but never had to worry about in beverly hills. here people are followed home at gun point and you can't defend yourself. a man last month defended himself and had his weapon taken away. >> trace: and another guy was taken into custody when he shot somebody that came into his house. you have seen a lot of crime in the area? >> one of of our friends started cha bat angels. we see people getting mugged
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leaving stories. followed home. some restaurants people get their wallets taken in the middle of the day. things you would never expect. it's like gotham city, a movie. >> trace: thank. a proposal that could revolutionize college sports and utah's heavy snow putting drivers out and the glitch in the matrix. first a live look at new york city sky line. we'll be right back.
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organization that fought tooth and nail to improve the amateur status of student athletes. but the ncaa president charlie baker sent a letter to division-1 schools. he said universities should be allowed to enter into endorse agreements and no cap and create's sub-division of the richest schools and each will commit $30,000 per year per athlete for half of the student athletes. it will help level an unlevel playing field between men and women student athletes. schools will have to abide by existing gender equity. smaller division-1 schools will
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struggle to attract athletes. a former athlete turned agent says this is necessary. >> it needed to happen. i wish it happened when i was playing. it's a great way for the players to not only earn competition from themselves. they are from humble backgrounds and wants to help out their families. >> there is a push in washington for students to be played as employees. pandora's box is open with this. >> trace: you go on campus and see all of the football money. i wonder if the push is to keep the players or athletes in college longer to graduate so if they don't to the pros they have a base? >> i think you are right. charlie baker emphasized. that student athletes can make
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$30,000 instead of going to european leagues. maybe they will stay longer. not everyone will go to the nfl and the nba. i hope if they are paid they will have resummerss to learn to manage that money. >> trace: you went to harvard. what is your take on the leaders of harvard and other schools. saying maybe it's time for congress to pull some of their because of the anti-semitism, pull and of their tax status? >> i am astonished at the double standard we saw the other day. i went to under-grad there and got my mba. i learned a lot. there was no double agent there were groups and beliefs that were protected without question. african-americans and lbgtq and asian students where there were
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racist comments. that was not allowed. one example of how protected some belief were. i was there this 2018 when president trump won the election. on the under-grad campus some professors allowed students to reschedule their mid term examinations in november because they were negatively impacted because their mental health was effected? what are the jewish feelings. are they protected. certain not. >> trace: record thanksgiving sales for the holidays or a slowing in december? >> slow. i think everyone went out myself included and did all of their shopping and got all of the deals. there is a new study. 31% americans are working overtime and putting it on
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credit cards. in january that's a bleak picture for the american consumer when the interest rates come to root. not to be the grinch. >> trace: i went to a story on black friday and went back a week later and nobody saw in the store. very telling. you are walking through the parking lot and can't find your car. for people in utah it's because their cars are buried in 4 feet of snow. massive storm hit and some areas saw over 5 feet. cops in canada rangled a kangaroo that escaped. the department named her after the officers who caught her before sending her back to the zoo.
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a florida woman was shocked when her chicken froze. they acted normal again. she found out it was a defense mechanism triggered by a massive hawk. a big meat ball only available in the u.k. a grizzly in florida approached 3 hit up reindeer decorations and was caught ripping them down and dragging them around. tried to eat them. interesting to watch the bear. >> it was a terrible time for our nation. it should be remembered that we
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should be prepared for unknowns that occur. >> trace: that was a world war iii vet remembering the attack on pearl harbor 82 years ago. the vet participating in a bell salute to honor the fallen. we thank all of those who have served this great nation. if you have a viral video, share it with us on social media. up next the home work assignment that stumped the parents of a first grader. what is the odd word out among these words. friend, toothbrush, desk, silver and egg want don't google. play it straight. still time to weigh in on x and instagram. trace gallagher the night cap crew is next. gather as a family. it's where we experience the excitement of opening day.
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it's where we caught our personal best. and this tree is where it all began. this christmas start traditions under your tree... share the tradition of visiting santa's wonderland at bass pro shops and cabela's. and get your free photo with santa. bass pro shops and cabela's. ever since i retired, i've had trouble falling asleep and staying asleep. you know, insomnia. which was making my days feel like an uphill battle. that is, until i discovered something different, quviviq—a once-nightly fda-approved medication for adults with insomnia. not getting enough sleep was leaving me tired. but quviviq helped me get more sleep. quviviq works differently than medication you may have taken in the past. it's thought to target one of the biological causes of insomnia: overactive wake signals. and when taken every night, studies showed sleep continued to improve over time. do not take quviviq if you have narcolepsy or if allergic to quviviq. don't drink alcohol while taking quviviq or drive or operate heavy machinery until you feel fully alert. quviviq may cause temporary inability to move or talk or hallucinations while falling asleep
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friend, toothbrush, desk, silver and egg, which is the odd word out and why? >> i spent an embarrassing amount of time on this thing. i think it's silver. silver is able to clean itself and everything you need to clean it. >> trace: kevin cork? >> egg. i don't know. [laughing]. >> trace: no reason? >> it's oval. >> trace: kevin, egg. caroline? >> i think it's friend. it's the only thing not an object. >> trace: that's fascinating. interesting because i want to
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put this poll up to show where we are. this is the poll. friend was 30%. 13% for toothbrush. and egg 21%. mitchell? >> i think it's egg because it's the only thing you can eat. kevin, i gave you a reason. >> trace: roxanne, what do you think? >> i got so stuck on the memory of legs panty hose in the plastic egg. i picked egg. >> trace: we have 3 eggs, kevin. your final thoughts? >> i am the only person that picks toothbrush. it's the only word that is not
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spelled with an e. >> trace: and our producer said because there is no e. that's right. i said that it was toothbrush because had it had 2 syllables but silver does. here it is. egg is food and the others are not. toothbrush. i was stumped. kristin said all are nouns but silver can be used as an adjective. i would dispute that. that's the answer. thanks for joining the night cap and watching fox news at night. i am trace gallagher. see you tomorrow.
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