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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  December 10, 2023 9:00am-10:00am PST

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>> we begin with the weather as severe storms sweep at the south
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killing at least six people in tennessee including a child after a tornado touched down near nashville. homes and buildings and damage and multiple cities tens of thousands waking up this morning with no power. hello everyone welcome to "fox news live" i am arthel neville hi eric regards hello everyone thank you for joining us i'm eric shawn. two other big stories breaking right now for repeat house republicans are pushing for that vote this week on impeachment inquiry against president biden after the new revelations that were stunning about his son hunter. they are demanding hunter testify on capitol hill on wednesday. about the millions he received from foreign business deals it. they say if he does not show up they bow hunter will be slapped with contempt of congress. >> first a huge shake up one of the country's elite colleges you upenn yesterday announcing president lizzie mcgill is stepping down this coming after days of backlash at the answer
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she and the presidents of harvard and mit gave congress last week about campus anti-semitism standing by with their takes a congresswoman conn virginia fox who led that hearing is the chair of the house education committee and a jewish student at u penn we began with the cb cotton she is following the story live from our new york city bureau. >> high arthel 2 liters at the university of pennsylvania making nearly back-to-back announcements of their departures. i know all eyes are on the leaders of harvard and mit. president liz mcgill voluntarily resigned according to the university will stay on until interim president is appointed. meanwhile board of trustees chairman scott bock telling penn student paper now is the right time for him to the parts and adding that he and mcgill both agreed it was time for her to leave after that congressional testimony. in his lengthy statement to the student paper he also said this in part of mcgill.
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she is not the slightest bit anti-semitic worn down by months of relentless external attacks. she was not herself last tuesday. over prepared in over a lawyer to given the hostile form and high-stakes sh she provided a legalistic answer to a moral question and that was wrong. it made for a dreadful 32nd sound bite and what was more than five hours of testimony. this is part of the exchange during the congressional hearing on anti-semitism leading to widespread criticism and outrage, watch. >> is calling for the genocide of jews violate penn's code of conduct when it comes to bullying and harassment with yes or no? >> it can be harassment. >> the answer is yes. >> mcgill tried to walk back her comments a day later and a video posted to x. >> a call for genocide of jewish people is threatening, it deeply
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so. in my view it would be harassment or intimidation. >> despite those remarks and many felt the damage was already done it. members of the congressional committee who are now investigating penn, harvard, mit over anti-semitism have celebrated mcgill's resignation and are now calling for the presidents of harvard and mit to step down as congresswoman elise stefanik said to the reservation last night quote one down to to go. arthel: alri all right cb cotton thank you very much. eric: while harvard present day walk the plank at next classroom billionaire harvard alumni bill aikman is an alumnus who led the rebellion there he is calling for gage to step down from the presidency of harvard. she said she owes her job to harvard dti diversity, equity and inclusion policies. he also said she and mit president also testified at that hearing should both quote resresignin disgrace.
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joining us now at north carolina congressman virginia fox is chair of the house education committee. do at the harvard president should keep her job? >> set us up to the trustees whether to do that or the board of overseers i think they call it. we have launched an investigation into harvard, mit, upenn had lots of other schools because we think this moral rot ais i talked about in my commens is very, very widespread. we want to do a thorough investigation and we went to see where that investigation leads us. we do not want to prejudge what we are going to find in those investigations. we are working on a reform for post secondary for a long time for real real reform i've been working on this for a long time.
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and i think what happened at the hearing last week has shown the american people the need for that reform. while i am sorry about what happened on october 7 obviously i am sorry these presidents could not establish moral clarity for themselves and for their institutions. >> as what they are supposed to do. >> the american people are seeing this. eric: that's what they are supposed to do. these are the most elite institutions of higher education in this country and are allowing this on the campuses. calls for a genocide, river to the sea and the sort of thing. let me play you a snippet of your colleague congresswoman elise stefanik talking to the pennsylvania president this one viral take a listen. >> i am asking specifically calling for the genocide of jews, does that constitute bullying and harassment? >> if it is directed it is
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harassment too. >> of the answer is yes question or. >> it is a context decision congresswoman pik rex is a context -dependent solution that is your testimony today? this is the easiest question to answer yes mesa mcgill. that was your testimony that you will not answer yes? >> if. >> yes or no pay. >> if the speech becomes conduct it can be harassment yes. quick. eric: context? what was your reaction when she was saying that. franklin delano roosevelt went to harvard. but with the president of the united states to lead this nation and freed in the world for democracy against the nazis and adolf hitler, what would he say? would he sa say it was hitler's context dependent? >> know what. we have to condemn these comments every time they come out. we cannot tolerate taxpayer dollars going to institutions that allow for anti-semitism and
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for calling for genocide of the jews this is got to stop. stay for you know what president trump did in 2019 they added anti-semitism to the title of the civil rights law you think these universe of their funding pulled with ac lawsuits because anti-semitism is part of protecting civil rights in this nation. >> that is what we look for an hour investigation of these campuses and more. this is not just confined to these campuses. we want to look at columbia, cornell, and many, many other institutions. we went hard working taxpayer dollars not sent to places that promote genocide in anti-semitism. so we will take the investigation where it leads us and see what happens. eric: in her defense who is now resigned as the chair of the university pennsylvania trustees
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he said it was just a snippet in a five hour hostile form. he called your hearing a hostile form. were you hostile? was at a hostile form against these presidents? >> is not a hostile form we were seeking information. i think our members as a whole asked excellent questions. go back and look at the questions that were asked about foreign money coming in. about segregated graduations. there were gory q great questiod of these presidents. every member of that committee did a great job on asking questions. and it has shocked the nation. but again, we were aware of the concerns the public had about this and i am so delighted this has made such headlines and people are paying attention because we do have a moral rot. i don't call them elite
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institutions i call the most expensive institutions in the country they are not teaching morality. they are not teaching higher order thinking. let's not elevate them where they do not need to be elevated. eric: with a final note on another institution georgetown university in washington d.c., my alma mater. look at georgetown came out in statements of the dean of student of foreign service anti-semitic language and imagery have no place on our campus we strongly condemn such acts of hate for it will not tolerate behavior that imperils our ability to serve students and undermines her school commitment to open and respectful engagement in the face of the world's most pressing challenges. we strongly condemn anti-semitism in all of its forms and stand together in our community members about racial, ethnic and religious faiths. you are a former president of a commuter committee college the d community college is it so hard
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for some of these presidents to have come out and said not just their own personal feelings on behalf of the universities and tight semitism calling for genocide for killing of jews has no place in this country on our campuses as we try to teach a moral and ethical behavior to our students. >> it should not be in the least hard. it should be so easy. this country was founded on religious freedom. our number one freedom is of religion. it should not be difficult to condemn anti-semitism and the calling for genocide of the jews or any other people. we are dealing with this with our colleges and universities. they have to be dealt with it we are going to do that in our committee. ex- congressman virginia foxx we look forward to the result of your investigation and pressing forward on this and for your next hearings thank you. >> thank you for having me. arthel: joining us now you panic
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jewish students. he's calling out the ivy league university or its insufficient response to anti-semitism. i want to start the yes or no question for you. is the resignation of liz mcgill enough? unmute yourself. on mute your self. can you hear me? all right outside what. okay you hear me but i don't hear use of guys let's regroup. let's give him a chance to get his audio together and then we will move on, a right will get them back after saudi was fixed. eric where he went to go from here guys? >> i will pick it up arthel. dealing with the tornadoes for a moment in tennessee did you hear about that last night there was a horror down south at least six people were killed including a child after a tornado touched
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down there was severe storms throughout the northern part of that state last night. sixty-two people have been taken to the hospital in one hard hit area. ripped homes apart, pollute roofs off buildings and knocked out electricity to tens of thousands of people. it could take they save weeks before the power is completely back on threat the northern part of the state search crews today now looking for the rest of these survivors and their wreckage our hearts and prayers of course go out to all the people in northern tennessee affected by the severe storms last night. arthel: absolute scary times you panic jewish students as i said is calling out the ivy league university over its insufficient response to anti-semitism and i want to do this again. i want to start the yes or no question. is the resignation of liz mcgill enough? >> ano, it is not.
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the pervasive anti-semitism and anti- americanism added along with other institutions is quite frightening. and a one to thank president mcgill and i can agree with her testimony is it comes down to education. i am thinking of one professor in particular who consistently hasn't justified what hamas did on october 7 but also wrote a book comparing protestantism to the ideology of al qaeda. so in my hearing in my testimony to congress i said it's jews it today but it's the rest of us tomorrow. and this showcases it best. arthel: if you could could you outline what changes, rules, guidelines you think need to be implemented or enforced to satisfy protection as well as muslim students.
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>> indefinitely. i don't think this comes down specifically jewish students at all. i comes on to safety overall. if you have a pervasive sympathetic community within your own community for terrorism is a "new york post" article or a non- jewish student said he believes there is a serious issue with sympathy toward terrorism. that would be scary to not just jewish students but all students parents, alumni, americans and that is the core of the issue. when you cannot have this moral ambivalence try to play both sides you give someone an empty they will take a mile. that you should be clear condemnation and action taken by
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the administration when someone violates policies that they will be held accountable and has nothing to do with this idea i keep hearing of victimhood. if you break a policy you shoule sanctioned it's very simple. arthel: context is not needed so listen as we well know college is a place where various perspectives of life and experiences are exchanged and hopefully where tolerance is fostered. do you think that can still happen? >> one 100%. i've been hearing a lot of incoming students being scared to apply to institutions like pen, like harvard, like mit. i don't how much my word means but please do still apply. i guarantee myself and the other people working on this the new school year starts that things are fix. that it is safe. i welcome anyone to continue to
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apply to these institutions to not be scared and one 100% there should be speech that make you feel uncomfortable and college campuses that is what college is all about. i could not agree more that. as a course being taught in the upcoming spring semester which focuses on a terrorist that is due when it infringes on the difference in academic freedom and feeling uncomfortable versus a genuine feeling. >> of normalizing things that cannot be normalized. of normalizing a subject that should not be normalized. let me move on to this because last week you i had another hadr student filed a lawsuit claiming the ivy league institution has become an incubation lab for virulent anti-jewish hatred, harassment and discrimination do you plan to pursue this?
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>> i don't feel comfortable discussing details quite yet just because of how fast everything is moving. the main goal of this suit is injunctive relief. any monetary gain will be donated. there is no personal gain and this it's truly just established a safe community for all students currently attending and hopefully the many students who are applying to school. applying to penn and other institutions as well. i just want to be clear there is no sort of personal gain and this suit at all. it is truly just trying to reestablish a safe environment i make the necessary changes so students can actually go to class without fearing for their lives. they can go to class knowing their teachers will be teaching them how to critically think and not for trying protestantism and al qaeda as one in the same
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ideology. this is seriously terrifying stuff to be portraying to students. and i truly hope people understand there will be a solution. not fear for their lives. >> good luck to you. in this pursuit whatever your pursuit in life is in any change you can bring about to make this country even better i applaud you for that and wish you well. university of pennsylvania student eyal yakoby thank you very much for joining us. main route more threats and attacks aimed at u.s. troops in the middle east. have the biden administration is handling all of this. that is coming up next. l take t. woo hoo! ensure max protein 30 grams protein,
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arthel: critics are presently biden administration to respond after yemen's ironic back houthis rebels said yesterday they will now target and the ship they see headed for an israel port. there were two more attacks on u.s. bases in the region last night great lucas tomlinson's live from the white house with more on this. these attacks against u.s. forces in the middle east seem
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to be happening every date out. how many only up to now? arthel, the pentagon says there's been at least 87 attacks against u.s. forces in iraq and syria since october 173 just in the last three to half weeks attacks against u.s. forces in the middle east have increased by 50%. the u.s. and military struck back with airstrikes six times about one time for every 14 attacks. that of course the attacks in the red sea uss carney a guided missile destroyer in the red sea was shot down 22 drones and missiles in recent weeks. business ever before seen footage you see hear from the bridge launch by proxy forces in yemen. secretary of state entity blinken spoke earlier. >> we have obscene ticket action including sanctions just this week against those who are trying to finance the houthis and their efforts. we'll take what other actions are necessary to protect our personnel to protect our people as well to protect shipping projects military action of the former commando saying we have
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given them no reason not to continue their attacks. >> we will and are looking at everything. >> a french warship shot down two drones last night and the red sea fired by the proxy forces known as houthis'. israeli media is reporting security advisor set prime minister netanyahu israel will take military action against the houthis if the united states will not there have been increasing calls from some behind the scenes in the u.s. military as well as a former centcom commander spokesman for the u.s. to launch airstrikes against the houthis in yemen but you can see the uss dwight d eisenhower in the persian gulf right now ready to launch in dozens of f-18 super hornets ever ordered. destroyers and crews in the mist could've launched tomahawk cruise missiles as well early on "fox news sunday" former special assistant to president george w. bush or national security issues warn it's only a matter of time
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before iran's proxy forces get lucky with their attacks and kill americans in the middle east. >> one of these days, one of these muscles is going to get through and hit a ship wanted its rockets is going to get on to the airbase in a blow up a dining hall and there will be to pay. the american people should demand their leadership more action to protect american soldiers overseas. >> last month he houthis shut down $32 million u.s. reaper drone off the coast of yemen here it's a part of the u.s. is not retaliated. arthel: it meanwhile before you go out lucas there is russia and russian foreign minister is making news today tell us what he is saying. >> russia's top diplomat is gone for international peacekeepers to be deployed to gaza and attempt to the war that he criticized israel for what he called indiscriminate shelling which many officials say is very rich, come russia's top diplomat considered how russian forces have behaved in regard to the war in ukraine of course a long history of that.
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arthel: lucas tomlinson as always thank you very much. by the way we will have more on this with fox news senior strategic analyst general jack keane and our 4:00 p.m. eastern hour. please join us then. still it will be looking for to the general. meanwhile israel says it is making progress against the hamas terrace p terrorists pushe expanding ground offensive in southern gaza. that, after the u.s. blocked the latest international push for a cease-fire call at the united nations security council. there can be a cease-fire right now if hamas surrenders in israel it meanwhile is planning nuremberg style trials those used for the nazis after world war ii to put the hamas murderers on trial. trey yingst live in southern instrument with the progress of the idf there. >> herrick good afternoon. stay 65 of the war between israel and hamas. israeli forces are ramping up
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their efforts inside the gaza strip they say over the past 24 hours they conducted more than 250 airstrikes against different positions in the northern and southern part of gaza. just tonight israeli prime minister releasing a new statement saying quote i say to the hamas terrorists it is overdue not die surrender it now. he's talking about the leader of hamas it is believed to be hiding in rafah the second third largest cities respectively inside gaza. israeli forces are working their way on the ground. they've uncovered new weapon storage facilities houses and infrastructure all belonging to hamas israel's national security advisor saying so far is or has killed more than 7000 hamas fighters fox news has no way to independently verify that number. it does come as israel's chief of staff say and speaking out against the achievements what he says the israeli military is doing inside gaza take a listen.
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>> i see the achievements from day-to-day. we are seeing every day terrorists to our injured and the last days we see terrorists who are surrendering. a sign of the collapse of the system a sign that we need to press harder on this is what you are doing. onset movement on the southern front comes as israel military maintains a high alert in the northern part of the country. they have been striking and southern lebanon and response to renewed rocket fire and antitank guided missile attacks. there are numerous israeli soldiers injured today in the northern part as israel and its key ally the united states and bracing for the possibility that this turns into a much larger regional conflict. eric: tr triton southern israel thank you. >> israel pushes against the terrorists of hamas aimed at dismantling and destroy the hateful terrorist group, there
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wasn't unexpected clamorous to show support for israel at a new york city gala last night. take a look at this message with the moral cause. you are look at new york city republican councilwoman she was born in ukraine and is showing solidarity with israel by wearing that unique creation. an evening gown bearing the jewish star and the flag of the jewish state. she attended the antirepublican the councilwoman says that gown was put together in 24 hours by designer irena and the councilwoman says quote we could not remain silent, be jewish, be loud, be proud this is where we live and we will not be intimidated. she also said some of the so-called probe boasted post inn in ivy league campuses pro up pro hamasrallies and fed college harvard and you pan had become the laughing stock of america forward in her view abandoning
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every moral and ethical principle when it comes to protecting the jewish students in the jewish people. arthel: house republican set for a big vote tuesday on their plans for an impeachment inquiry into president biden. a look at the political and legal implications f8 potential inquiry is coming up next. did you know you can get 40% off a single pair of glasses at america's best? these savings won't last forever, unlike your eternal elation.
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house oversight committee? >> it gives us more power to affect subpoenas. more subpoena power to hard to resist what it formalizes the process is aptly warranted. arthel: are you thinking that people would try to skirt subpoenas congressional subpoenas? >> we are going to find out if hunter biden does on wednesday i suppose but i hope not. because there should be consequences and i think there will be. what we are doing here is there's so much circumstantial evidence that we would not be in our constitutional duty if we did not pursue it. remember contextually and historically with watergate the break-in occurred in june of 1972 president nixon did not resign until august of 74 that was 26 months. every time we subpoena biting bank records a biden family bank records we find more foreign money going into the coffers.
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arthel: many of those allegations have yet to be proven true. would you be able to provide certifiable proof three formal impeachment process? that's the goal. i would love to have joe biden personally for a political standpoint for the democratic nominee in the fall that he is the weakest candidate we find evidence that let's say destroyed his chances to be the nominee and be on the belt in november that is not suit my political purposes or wishes but i gave an oath to the constitution. i do think we have direct evidence of 21 a plus million dollars going to biden family and their associates and we now have direct evidence of 20000 or check given from his brother jim to joe saying it was a loan. now joe biden can dispel all of our notions by showing where he originally loaned jim about money. it has been a weak sound they have not produced it, i wonder why? arthel: are there any answers
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that would be satisfactory? >> how about you showing us a check literally we would be off that trail for that specific situation and that check immediately but they have not done them. if i were accused of something like that i think if you were he would simply say oh, i loaned my brother chander grant here's the check that has not happened cap at the 40000-dollar check? it's awfully suspicious hunter biting at the 40000-dollar -- make us cut on a deal's 400 grand 10% is 40. he gave 40 grand to his uncle who then gave it to his brother joe biden and said that's another re- loan payment as well. and then hunters 1380 bucks a month is also loan repayments even though hunter i don't know why it is to borrow money from his dad when he was making a thinkthinkable to about $11 miln for the last few years is just really odd. we had months we could go over the 1023 which is accuses joe jobeither taken direct 5 million-dollar bribe from an fbi highly credible source.
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arthel: again that is not been proven true but based on what you know congressman and combined with your conversations with colleagues how likely is a yes vote in favor of a formal impeachment inquiry? >> i do think the votes are there. and again we are just fulfilling our constitutional duty and taking great care. i do not want to see when we have divided government the president gets impeached that's not my goal at all i'm highly cautious projects where you doing if you don't to see it? if you don't see it while you're doing it? >> because the evidence is there we have to pursue justice of joe biden is corrupt and as a national security threat it's our job to expose that and from what i have seen the preponderance of the evidence by far it shows it's far more likely than not he is involved in a corruption scheme with his brother and his son and his son acted.
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arthel: if you don't get a yes vote, then what? >> think the oversight committee on one of the subcommittees on oversight and chairman cormorant would continue to pursue the way we have over the last 11 months. and again, arthel, every bit of evidence we have discovered never contradicts anything we arty know. we are talking about witness testimony and whistleblower. arthel: but congressman estill's not drawn a direct alignment to the president having done anything wrong. >> i think it's -- arthel part of me i think it definitely has he has been very soft on china he has given favors to folks that have given his family minds of dollars. arthel: alright, listen will you come back if the process gets underway? let us know what you are finding? >> would love to things arthel.
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steve everett thank you congressman pat fallon thank you very much. stay for how will this impeachment inquiry actually work question rick summit was investigated president before conduct of the grand jury questioning of president bill clinton in the whitewater monica lewinsky case joins us now former whitewater independent counsel culture of the white-collar crime investigation practice it. good to see you. can you walk us through the nuts and bolts? what do you think we will actually see this coming week from this investigation? >> i don't think you're going to see anything different in terms of the way the investigation proceeds once you have the authorization vote by the full house if it passes. the reason why they are doing that is because the president's lawyer sent them a letter on november 17 saying it basically were not going to cooperate because you have not had a full authorization by the house to
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conduct an impeachment inquiry with the power to subpoena witnesses and subpoena documents. and to get sworn testimony from witnesses. and there is an opinion by the department of justice office of legal counsel from back in 2021 while trump was still president saying you needed such a vote. so they are doing this just to lock it down and make sure nobody can make that argument. eric: then that case a formality but a legal method legal procedure as you say it locks at downs but gives them power to subpoena and puts more teeth what tools do they have is a try to pursue this? >> they had issued subpoenas already the various house committees that have joined together. it is really unclear whether under the constitution there's nothing in the constitution that says you have to have a full house vote for this again is
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just a way of saying look, to anyone like the president's council was in his letter on november 17 it is saying you can't say that anymore we have the full power of the house. you are going to come here and if you refuse to come here we are going to hold you in contempt. they have uncovered a lot already this just makes it easier for them to still uncover stuff. and remember, it is just an inquiry at this point and it is certainly justified. i do not believe impeachment itself is justified based on the record that we have. but there is certainly enough to launch an inquiry. and by the way there is evidence and there's plenty of evidence evidence is not the same thing as you have proved it. evidence is a piece of information that would be used for example in a trial either in a trial in federal court or in the senate.
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eric: filers a bit of a back-and-forth battle between the representing countrywide and they say hunter biden would appear if it's an open hearing in public. but the committee once a behind closed doors. do you think we will see hunter biden potentially testifying question at this if he doesn't show up the going to subpoena hand hold in contempt of congress. >> abbey dabby does not have thr to say we are not going to calm if it is in a close hearing. the house the leaders there made it clear that ultimately he can come testify in a full hearing he's going to do it in the way every other person does it. hunter can certainly come and take the fifth amendment and i think that is what they're trying to publicly avoid having him invoke the fifth amendment privilege against self incrimination. he has a legal argument. eric: would you advise hunter biden question rick would you advise him to take the fifth?
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books i would advise any white-collar defendant in that situation to invoke his or her for similar protection yes. eric: that is why you are who you are veteran of these investigations in washington thank you for joining us. and for your insight. "fox news live" will continue will be come back. stay with us. es with more confidence and lower your a1c. it's covered by medicare for those who qualify. ask your doctor about the freestyle libre 2 system. hi! need new glasses? get more from your benefits at visionworks. how can you see me squinting? i can't! i'm just telling everyone! ...hey! use your vision benefits before they expire. visionworks. see the difference. there are some things that go better... together. burger and fries... soup and salad. thank you! like your workplace benefits and retirement savings. with voya,
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hi, i'm ben and i've lost 60 pounds on golo. (guitar music) with other programs i've tried in the past they were unsustainable, just too restrictive. with golo i can enjoy my food and the fear and guilt of eating is gone. eric: houston has a mirrorlike texas democrat senator o won ina landslide over congressman sheila jackson lee and a nesters runoff election. whitmire run on a tough on crime platform and promised to build bridges with the republican-ledd state capitol. hey will be sworn in on january 1 current houston ma mayor's term limited. mayor turner has served eight years in city hall. arthel: bragging rights goes to west point as army beats navy the annual matchup play this
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arthel: the crisis of the southern border becoming more urgent. customs and border patrol agents telling us agents there are so overwhelmed they are forced to release 5000 illegal migrants into our country every day. griff jenkins that live along the border in eagle pass, texas. these are humongous in numbers and where are these migrants these immigrants coming from? >> they are coming from all over the world. that's a real concern for the agents who are overwhelmed they look numb. they are working around the clock. let's move to arizona this has s been a hotspot. receipt migrants lending up there but they have had more than 500 already this morning and they have got migrants from bangladesh you've got them from senegal, you've got them from china as well as some egyptians
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in there as well those are special interest aliens that have to be checked to see if there is a hit on the terrorist screening database. that is what's really alarming the people in arizona. now, i want to show you video we shot earlier today in eagle pass and the del rio sector has been very busy as well. and venezuela. i want to show you a picture it really strikes of the humanitarian crisis. a blurred toddler on his teacher is a name contact in person that is supposed to get connected with it. he came alone without any parents, terrifying to think the would send a child. we do not know exactly how old he is but he is clearly a toddler come comes from a colleague of bill melugin the 5000 you mentioned there been 30 individuals at the terrorist screening database where lukeville is is 200 -- one
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that's unbelievable. we talked yesterday he talked to us a little bit about his concerns about who's coming into the country, listen here. so i met that's our time with him for what happened something similar happens here we have to put the politics aside and let our communities. we have to put americans above everything else there's a deal to be had if we focus on national security and protect this country. >> such an important point to wrap it up for you. worried about the known got a ways. and we now learn there's more than 670,000 known got a ways last fiscal year and the sources tell me it's upwards of 70000 already this year since october 1. arthel: griff jenkins alive at the border in eagle pass, texas. thanks griffin. and we are out of time.
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we will leave you now but back at 4:00 p.m. eastern. stay right here because we do have more news from washington coming up next. mr. shot what you have to say? what's were looking forward to jack a keen at general kain at 4:00 p.m. eastern on the fox news channel. thank you for trusting us for getting your news. and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪) [sneeze] dude you coming? because the only thing dripping should be your style. plop plop fizz fizz with alka-seltzer plus cold & flu relief. also try for fizzy fast cough relief. but i'm also a mother of four. and as entrepreneurs, we weigh the cost of every decision. medical bills are no longer a worry for our family. so i can focus on my calling and our family. joining christian health care
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