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tv   The Big Weekend Show  FOX News  December 10, 2023 4:00pm-5:00pm PST

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>> gator land in florida is welcoming rare newcomer all light blue-eyed alligator one of seven known to exist in the world. this baby reptile is missing most of melanin in its body and first born in captivity for now only about 20 inches long and could be grow to be 10 feet. a mysterious spacecraft blast off from the kennedy space center tomorrow and space force will carry unmanned top secret space plane x37b and pentagon won't say what the space plane does and launch is set for 8 p.m. tomorrow. and that's how fox reports this sunday december 10th of 2023. i'm jon scott thanks for watching. see you next week. ♪ ♪ >> hello everyone i'm alicia
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acuna along with not griff jenkins but tom shillue and charlie and welcome to the big weekend show. the big story tonight with biden family drama comes to a head this week the house could vote on an impeachment inquiry resolution into president biden plus, his son hunter subpoena to appear for a congressional deposition is just three days away and then there is a new criminal charge, again new criminal charges against hunter that biden managed to avoid answering any questions about all weekend long while rubbing elbows with hollywood elites. >> president -- comment on the targets against your son, mr. president -- [laughter] alicia: fox news lucas tomlinson has new reaction from the white house tonight. >> that's right and alyssa president biden has not spoken about his son hunter second indictment since leaving for the west coast on friday.
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hunter biden has been charged with three felonies and six misdemeanors over failure to pay taxes according to the indictment hunter spent 1.6 million in atm withdraws and various women nearly 400k for clothing, 188,000 on adult entertainment and 237,000 dollars on health, beauty and pharmacy products. hunter biden supposed to face house lawmakers on wednesday. >> should be held in contempt if he ignores a congressional subpoena number two look this guy hunter biden he thinks nothing can touch him because he daddy has been protecting him for years now an if he thinks he's going run and hide because last name is biden and daddy is president he's got another thing coming. wants to hold a week opening impeachment inquiry into president biden. next to declaration of war i think impeachment is probably heaviest power that the house
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has under constitution so we have to be more methodical and careful and follow fact where is they lead impeachment inquiry is next necessary step because white house is now stone walling our investigation. >> white house officials insist this is all nonsense. they don't have any evidence of any wrong doing because there is not any evidence of wrong doing. and i think it is easy to sort of -- sit and laugh and chuckle at this -- bungling exercise by house republicans trying to impeach the president based on nothing. >> president biden returning from los angeles later tonight ali iscia. >> from a republican stand point but a early christmas present for the gop this coming week we have the vote on the impeachment inquiry and hunter biden charges and on impeachment inquiry charlie i think there could be an argument that -- that the white house kind of brought this on themselves right because -- part of the reason this is whatting gop lawmakers say some for moderate districts is
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because the white house has been stone walling congress. ignoring subpoenaing saying this is a completely invalid investigation. >> totally stone walling and -- you know, i have to say i'm generally speaking not a big fan of doing things that take a vote out of voters hands. such as removing a president in the year of an election. not a big fan of that but we know that's also not going it happen because democrats in the senate are never going to go alg with that and go for it as you point out white house has done nothing to -- has done everything to ensure that they have this teed up right now for this -- you know in an election year. and listen to the people talk about how there's no evidence of -- crimes. it's insane. you actually have we know -- the vice president of the united states schlepping crack head son all over the world to drum up business for his families empire and -- the president has lied to the
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american people. lied about every step of the way about all of this. it's -- it's absurd and so -- you know, let the investigation go where it goes. and we'll see how it turns out. >> it's not just the white house and biden allies we're saying there's no evidence. you have republican senator mitt romney who says that if he was in the house, that he wouldn't vote for biden impeachment, listen. s >> i think before you begin an impeachment inquiry you ought to have some evidence inclination there's been wrong doing and president biden son hunter is, obviously, been a very unsavory person. and has had some extremely damaging personal -- including a drug habit so forth. that's not president biden. and we're not going to impeach someone because of the sins of their kids. >> so he had a lot going on there. in that statement that he had to say you know he took the time to really like hit hunter biden but at protective over the president
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and saying that there really wasn't any evidence but also interesting because -- as a republican, mitt romney was the only republican who voted to impeach trump twice. >> he -- he is always marketing himself as being above the fray but he is the fray, and yeah. he voted to impeach the president. and that, you know, that phony -- insurrection charge but there's plenty of evidence here and he acts like he's never seen any of this thing this is all about hookers and booze and president's son everybody knows it is about the president and we have witnesses like charlie said we've got witnesses we've got checks -- we've an operation that was essentially a criminal operation taking money from foreign powers and we have -- e-mails to the big guy. i mean, i'm not a lawyer but i feel like i could prosecute this case give me 12 people and i would be able to make my case it is not that hard. >> we hear a lot from the president allies you know that
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the president wasn't like tied new this but then we also hear kat alternately that they are so close and he's so protective and he was always there and with him -- in his life as he was battling addiction which is also at the same time that according to hunter biden's own memoir he was like living in a fog in 2018 supposed to be paying attention prosecutors they were able to write their indictments based on the book. >> right -- yeah. totally but that actually kind of goes to show just how above it he clearly thought had he was he must have thought about these things right you write a book it is not what you impulsively share an you go through processes he was like yes i'm certain ept to share this and what was so interesting about what mitt romney said he didn't just say there's noafd but there's no evidence of wrong doing and not inclination i would say that there's a lot more than just inclination we have people come out and say hunter did put joe biden on the phone during business dinners that kind of thing. other people were they calling
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their dads i'm guessing probably not. but -- you know, of course, this is a political thing that we never actually go through i wonder if it could make joe biden look like a victim of the system. which would be ridiculous, of course, considering that he's been in united states government about 20% of the time united states has been a country. so -- if he -- if he's not the system then i don't know who is. but that is something to consider here. >> to be fair, i mean, the word bribery is actually in the constitution. all of the thing that they threw at president trump were not in the constitution. but bribery is actually the word used in the constitution. >> what are your thoughts on hunter biden and you remember that interview that he did earlier this week with moby he made himself the victim blaming everybody else saying it's making his life vulnerable he kind of put that on the table that if he died -- what it would mean to his father and how it would break him. i thought that was quite the extension. >> yeah. i also think that kat is exactly right.
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the white house may try to cast the bidens as victims. but i don't think that especially when people look around at the -- their problems they're facing in their own lives but you know caused by the policies of this administration. you start -- start to lose compassion for these people at some point especially if they've been part of the system for as kat says a quarter of the -- >> time we've been a country. >> i just found so interesting -- and yeah, actually we can take listen to it right now. >> they're trying to destroy a presidency, and so it is not about me. and their most based way what they're trying to do is they're trying to kill me. knowing that it will be a pain grader than my father could be able to handle. >> you know, i just -- find it so striking the lack of -- lack of self-awareness is really stunning. i think there's like no -- i mean he can't admit to too
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much at this point but also there's like no taking responsibility in any level shape or form. >> yeah. for me it is not so much even the drugs or the more interesting things i suppose that, you know, they're in the daily mail that are more interesting to talk about salacious claims to me it really is the bribery stuff. that's the stuff where -- your dad is not just that you're a son. but people are saying he was involved. and if not how else did you get this job? really -- >> i think that's what they're going for. i think for republicans they're smart they're going say we don't care about drugs, sex other stuff we care about the fact that he and his father were basically committing crimes and they were selling -- themselves to foreign governments essentially cashing in on their role in government. and i think once they get hunter and they prosecutions go forward they can then use that to prosecute joe. i think that is what they're going for and hope that's what they're doing. >> it's going to be a big week.
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>> big show still ahead on big weekend show she's with him hillary clinton is back on the campaign trail. plus -- >> get a full eight hours of sleep. sometimes more -- [laughter] >> we get desserts and appetizers at restaurants. childless couples go viral but first s&l joke about anti-semitism is no laughing matters. >> going to start screaming questions like i'm billy eichner anti-semitism aye or nay. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ welcome back to the big weekend show billboard trucks swarming harvard calling for university's president to do the same as university of pennsylvania's president and resign. after their shocking comments in front of congress, fox news correspondent cb cotton has argument from faculty to keep the president in place. cb. >> hi charlie new developments boston globe reports hundreds of thousands of faculty members
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signed a letter in support of harvard president amid calls for her to be removed. now this comes after the resignation of two high profile leaders at the university of pennsylvania. the president and the chair of the board of trustees, now, those leading a congressional investigation into allegations of anti-semitism at elite universities tell us this. >> we think this moral rot as i talked about it in my comments is very, very widespread. we want to do a thorough investigation and we want to see where that investigation leads us. we don't want to prejudge what we're going to find. >> liz will stay on until an interim president is appointed at penn. she'll also remain a tenure faculty member in the law school. after backlash from the capitol hill testimony, miguel tried to clarify remarks and harvard apologized in an interview with the student paper after her exchange with congressman elise.
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>> does calling for genocide harassment -- >> what's the context? >> target at an individual. >> it is targeted at jewish students jewish individuals. >> renewing her call for to resign writing on x last night in the case of harvard president gaye asked by me 17 calls whether calling violates harvard's code of conduct. she spoke her truth 17 times and the world heard. in that same post went on to also call for m. *eu6789 t. president to step down. back to you. >> thank you cb. hours after the penn president resigned "saturday night live" tried to spoof anti-semitism hearing now the yolk is on them. watch this. >> start screaming questions at women like i'm billie ike
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eichner. >> call against code of harvard. >> well it depends on the context. >> that can't be your answer penn lady same question, yes or no? >> well we are serious about stopping all forms of hatred anti-semitism islamophobia. >> and keep in mind if you don't say yes you're going make me look good which is -- really, really hard to do. >> am i winning this hearing? [laughter] >> it's so ridiculous -- you know, kat i want to get to the details of the newest developments here. but the first thing first -- s&l you're famously squeamish about making jokes about things you're not supposed to make jokes about but basic standard is you can make fun of anything but you want to be funny would
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be kind of like a -- general role? >> you have to allow people to be able to swing and miss i'm all about not canceling people over trying to make jokes this didn't make me laugh for me this is a mis. overall, though, so with this whole issue i'm pretty much a free speech absolutist protected speech under first amendment, i've always said the answer to speech you don't like isn't censorship but more speech to encounter it always made arguments i'm king the no matter what the issue is. however, these universities are not king consistent okay there'a lot of hypocrisy when the foundation for individual rights expression is profree speech organization ranks on commitment to free speech principles, it has ranked succeed to last and harvard dead last so although i agree that we should not be, you know, having colleges being environment where constitutionally protected speech is censored --
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that is not what these campuses have been saying for years and now they suddenly are so i'm going to be consistent. they are being hypocritical. >> tom one of the most shocking things that got missed here in that hearing disturb -- it was a tremendous revealing hearing which is sort of a rarity on congress. was the point where liz mcgill former outgoing president of university of pennsylvania when asked about -- harassment she said that when words turn into actions, it can be, it can be harassment as if like if -- if violence broke out then it might be harassment but we're still not entirely sure. >> yeah. since when do the university presidents wait for words to turn into actions? they're constantly banning people for their words. that's what college is about now getting canceled because of what you say so, obviously, they have a double standard there. i think the president of harvard should be em embarrassed buzz
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she doesn't know what genocide is -- if it is bad it is directed to an individual -- definitionally genocide isn't directed to an individual. it is about an entire group. so she doesn't seem to realize there. i don't think they were listening they were -- listening instead of getting ready with their answer -- you know they have their kind of -- nonsense talk already. and she asked a very simple question is genocide bad and they should have -- if they were thinking on their feet say yeah genocide is bad now let's talk about other things that i want to talk about. >> so i mean also both of you guys make a living out of lampooning washington lampooning congress like there's plenty of opportunity for s&l to actually find ridiculous stuff in washington to make things actually funny about. >> yeah i think, though, they got almost like an assignment like you're trying to write something and you want to make a challenge for yourself. it was almost like they're, you know, superior was like hey, do a sketch that makes fun of the harvard thing but you've got to
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make republicans look bad too. [laughter] right they were like all right i'll try. >> exactly. exactly. alicia listen to this rabbi who resigned from the harvard board listen to what he had to say about all of this. >> i don't to suggest for a minute that the president is the problem. because that's not true. the problem is the deep seeded culture that has been growing now for years and the universities are sort of the paradigm of it they're the best example but they are hardly the only example but the campus ought to lead the way. it ought to be able to express to america as universities traditionally did this is how educated thoughtfuls morally serious people respond to this. >> you don't have to be a rabbi to recognize that. >> we've been talking to college students around the country jewish students who say that it is just a part of the fabric of the colleges they go to now and that's what is so sad because it is not just from the top but all
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over. >> almost like it is intentional coming up guess who is back why hillary clinton is hitting the campaign trail, next. ♪ ♪
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>> we are back with a fox news weather alert at least six people including two children are dead after a series of tornadoes ripped through tennessee and kentucky. fox weather correspondent nicole valdez is in nashville tonight. >> across the volunteer state is very real today as so many mourn lives of six people killed after massive tornado outbreak throughout several states saturday night and what you're looking at is just some of the horrific damage left behind this is clashingsville, tennessee what you're looking at are town homes that were ripped to pieces.
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sheer force of the winds that moved through with this twister you're looking at the inside where people once lived. rooms where some may have been hiding during brunt of that storm. we're still unsure just how strong this tornado was, but we know at least 60 people were sent to the hospital here unfortunately not far where we're standing three lives were lost. a long cleanup ahead and power outages remain a huge concern. thousands still in the dark and officials warning restoration could take weeks after seeing massive damages to some power substations in davidson county. the view from above -- jaw dropping as the devastation goes on for miles. volunteers out today helping those victims peck up the pieces, sort through the rubble of their belongings find things that are salvageable and survivors recount their stories of how some only had seconds to
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get to a safe place. >> i found my phone. i got out of the bathroom threw myself in closet under stairs and pulled it shut immediately house shook i heard glass breaking it was a blowout as soon as i opened the door i stepped on some glass and i look to the side and my house was blown out. tennessee now under a state of emergency. shelters open -- here in clashingsville as well as a nashville and hendersonville for those displaced by the storms or those still without power as, of course, temperatures expected to drop below freezing tonight. in clarksville nicole valdez fox news. >> jaw dropping indeed democrats bringing in reenforcements for biden reelection bid hillary clinton. nba news declaring she's with him -- but will the failed presidential candidate herself really give biden the boost he needs? well -- we're going to be saying her
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name again, charlie? hillary. >> never goes away she comes back yet joe biden will need more than a -- i'm with her t-shirt with all of his political problems but you're in deep trouble if you're picking up the phone and calling hillary clinton to help you out i think this is interesting they're thinking is that -- he needs help among women voters. if you need help among women voters -- and you're a democrat and you're running against donald trump, you should just quit. because -- >> so true. >> it's over. >> well look -- the alicia nbc says she is a strength and that, you know, next to maybe barack obama, that she might be the only one i got the quote here from nbc clinton is popular with women and key parts of the democratic base and ensure biden has money to get his message out clinton role is expected to grow in the new year. but for now she's filling a space.
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that later point in the campaign season will be filled by former -- president barack obama. okay, i mean, do you think she's number two to barack? >> i think that's a separate question as i think bigger question is why are we here already? it is notable six weeks from caucus season and talking about bringing in big guns and president obama is considered closer he likes being closer in the presidential races and actually in congressional races as well. the clintons are known for showing up they will show up. the establishment they come in in and they will give everything they can and in terms of popularity it could be a big risk it just depends where she shows up when she shows up and what she has to say because she -- and biden don't have a cozy relationship. they were pretty competitive, and so like do they even like each other? >> could she -- probably she's never out of mind for her. but -- do you think she could beat biden if she primaried biden kat
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could she beat him? >> that is interesting drve so wait i finished a tour i might be going on to other cities next year but the key would be other cities because the hoe is pretty much the same. i don't think i can go on for years and years and years without us going to same places with the same material but that's what she's doing she sounded the exact same since 2016 trump was bad and hitler this and that, and ting been the same thing for years so i don't know if this -- i don't think so with the same routine i really don't. unless she has new material we haven't seen because i haven't seen new material. >> but i believe she's -- she's clinton is 76. right am i right about that she's 76 i believe. but i mean, i don't like hillary clinton but she's held up pretty well. i mean -- better compare to major -- >> women do better at these --
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at in the advance years. >> i would like see your impersonation of hillary clinton because your impersonation of yoib is perfect. >> hillary clinton i say her method of speaking is here ye hear ye i'm hillary clinton announcing as if she's town crier but no she's always lacked warmth in that way okay next -- a live look at arizona right now where hundreds of migrants just made it through a hole in the border wall oh there's a hole i didn't know that. we'll take you there plus -- green dream warriors want us to cut back on meat to save the planet so what are they eating? are they eating meat themselveses? i think they are. ♪ ♪
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(vo) in three seconds, pam will decide... (pam) i'm moving closer to the grandkids! wait. i got to sell the house! (vo) don't wait, just sell directly to opendoor. easy as pie. (pam) piece of cake. (vo) whichever. get your competitve offer at ♪ i'm gonna hold you forever... ♪ ♪ i'll be there... ♪ ♪ you don't... ♪ ♪ you don't have to worry... ♪ ♪ ♪
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welcome back to the big weekend show. the crisis at the border is spiraling out of control as we speak people are trying to get into the u.s. illegally. this is live right now in arizona. griff jenkins is live in eagle pass, texas griff you're monitoring this. what's beginning on? >> hey, kat, all weekend long agents are beginning absolutely overwhelmed that i can shot right there you can see migrants coming through the wall in a breach and you've got my migrants coming from egypt and china they have to be checked to see if they're hitting terror watch last that is why the democrat arizona governor katy hobbs had to go down to visit and took to twitter today releasing a video calling for help criticizing the biden administration. take a listen here. >> i'm not afraid to stand up to
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politicians who aren't doing what's in the best interest of arizona and i'm taking action. this week i seangt letter to president biden dpangding resources manpower to open this port of entry and that we announce operation secure to step up states support for local law enforcement. but arizona can't do this alone. nor should we have to we're asking the federal government to reimburse us for the cost to arizonans for far too long arizona has foreign action on southern border an i'm tired of it. >> she's had enough because look at these numbers cvp officials briefing allegation saying that they have had more than 5,000 a day now being released in to the u.s. and in addition you see there, 30 individuals sings the fiscal year began october 1st have hit that fbi terrorism watch list finally in that tucson sector where lukeville is you have migrants to border patrol agents outnumbered 200-1
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finally a look here at video we shot of the groups in eagle pass, texas where they're getting as many as 1600 in last 24 hours and i found out they've gotten interest aliens here and two individuals a 26 and 29-year-old from lebanon checked to see if they're on the terror watch list. kat back to you. >> thank you. kat: all right well meanwhile al gore says he wants to pox on the climate crisis. and he's claiming that to save the planet people have to vote democrat. >> the solution to political despair is political action now is the time to get active you know there's a mental health crisis around world jake that we hear people talking about. i think that one of the main reasons for that -- is that young people look at the fact that we're not yet solving the climate crisis. we have to make sure that we make the right political choices
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in our democracy to enable ourselves to make the right choices. >> and you're not going to believe this but there's climate activist who are being hypocritical at the u.n. climate summit in dubai. the summit is expected to call for people to stop eating meat. and meanwhile attendees at the summit are eating juicy beef slabs of meat and filly cheese steaks and melt in your mouth barbecue are you just shocked by this? >> shocked now hungry and -- >> kind of starving now. hypocrisy name of the game for climate folks and you know al gore it is great to see him back there on the screen isn't it. al gore has kind of a forrest gump energy doesn't he you don't have to eat meat but shrimp and grits and tofu -- but yeah -- [laughter] this is what they do. i mean they're going to keep doing it they're going to keep taking their private flights to these conferences and then
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they're going to make us eat bugs -- i think people aren't falling for this anymore. i mean they used to. but at this point people are just laughing at them. i hope -- >> i hope so too charlie sitting there eating a filly cheese steak you can't have meat -- >> obviously, al gore has not missed any of his protein meals himself. it is not exactly salad weight he's carrying there. >> just one shake before bedtime -- [laughter] >> but it is amazing you know and it is not -- it's not that, obviously, it is hilarious when jets get iced out because of ice on the runways or they're a little conferences get snowed out. but and you know hypocrisy is always funny but the problem is that they are actually using this giant con job to take money from people to take power from people, this is all part of a grand political scheme to, you know, i think ultimately destroy the world. but the one winner out of all of
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it is themselves and that's what they're after and so -- and idea that he would invoke mental illness yes people are ill and young people are because you won't shut up. why don't you start talking about science instead of your fantasies. >> yeah. they were just offering meat and i can't help but notice they made it sound very good. [laughter] yeah. it is supposed to sound delicious. but it does sound delicious. yeah. but can i just talk about this -- this equating mental health crisis in young people today -- with not being able to accomplish anything on climate change as the former vice president says i think that that's probably pretty offensive to a lot of parents who are out there who have -- children or they have young adults who have been suffering from mental illness that we know it was a crisis that was growing prior to covid and when covid hit and the shutdown came and kids were sent into their homes to go to school remotely and distance between the education -- between educators and their
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friends and social aspect and what resulted was actually quite tragic we're seeing results today so -- to take this opportunity to grow his message on the backs of young kids who are dealing with mental health i think it is really -- awful. >> humans are social creatures locking us in our houses wasn't good for many people myself included. >> do you think for a second these people wouldn't employ tactics to get their agenda across as hay did with covid? dges they hinted and dual no kid lifestyle who would do such a thing taking social media by storm -- [laughter] >> speaking of full eight hours of sleep and sometimes more -- >> we get desserts and appetizers at restaurants. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ welcome back to the big weekend show they take vacations on a whim. they go to the grocery store in peace, they get a full night of sleep they're dinks, couple who is live on double incomes with no kids. and these dinks are facing
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backlash after bragging about their child free lives online. some accuse them of being materialistic or selfish but that hasn't stopped them from flawngting perks of their lifestyle. full eight hours of sleep. dinks desserts and appetizers. we get asked daily when we plan on having kids of course we go out and never have to pay for a baby-sitter. our house is almost clean. we have most spoiled dogs in the world. >> all right i despise internet and i will never forgive al gore for inventing it but i must say i've enjoyed this one thing. i get it -- people not having children and i get people not wanting to have children. but tom i don't get a concept of like flexing like this is some big accomplishment or this is something to brag about not having kids.
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i don't understand that? >> all walking around same freezing cold pond -- their life doesn't look that fun to me. but i -- i'll have you know i order appetizers when i really want them. somehow that seems overrated to me but thing is i think people have tried this chelsea handler did this last year she did the day in the life of a childless woman on tiktok and -- you know, it looked like a cry for help. you know the reason you're making your tiktok video brag about how good your life is your life is not good okay -- >> exactly. exactly if you don't have kids and that's what you spend your time is making an internet video then you're -- a total loser kat -- >> you're a childless woman -- >> it is -- it is not just dinks. there's more. wait there's dink wads double income with no kids and a dog. >> sinks -- single income no kids and dink no kids with a house and these
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people are so miserable -- i shouldn't say that. i would be miserable without kids. but what about -- why aren't they like dimps? double income no pets? >> see so as of childless woman on the panel -- i am a dink i suppose myself but i also don't like i don't get that much sleep. as it is -- i don't know. if that is what makes you happy then live your life. i feel like there's a lot of pressure to have kids. i feel like i get asked a lot of questions about why or when i want to have kids and i'm like hey how are you? it is a very personal thing -- i'm not saying i'll never have kids maybe i will but i'm concerned if i had a kid -- they would grow up to be someone who is -- annoying and horrible and like signs e-mails with chow and -- then i'm responsible for bringing that person into the world. >> you don't have to worry they will kat. they will. >> that's part of the design.
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>> it is okay. >> again -- but it will keep you young and there's actually research that proves this. alicia university of michigan or genetics found one thing that is relatively clear is having children is more beneficial to longevity than not having children at all kat. >> we all die -- >> probability of living to age of 76 those with children a 10% of those having children and two kids corresponds to longest life-span i have to get rid of one of mine fewer or more kids both lower life-span. >> this is pretty -- tight rules. we have five. >> so like i'm not in that two kid. >> you and kat -- >> i need rules because i gave birth to two children but i am a stepmother to three we have raised five. so i'm imagining it is the raising that brings on the
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aging? but also the joy and the love but i fully support your dinkness not that you need my support. and that's i think needs to be said as well it is like live your life i'll live my life and i'll apologize to how loud my children are. >> what if i pulled out my phone while walking dogs saying childless and it is cool he would be like who are you? >> they need to come up with a better word than dink because that sounds like a dirty word. >> been around for a while dink was around dink was around 30, 20 years ago and then it went away now it is back again. >> of course you would know that. >> okay we have to go. stick around big 4 is next. ♪ ♪
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israel is under attack. the war against israel began with the murder of hundreds of precious children. countless israelis are enduring the devastating anguish of lost loved ones. the jewish people have become refugees in their own homeland. i simply can't stress enough the urgency of this situation. it's more dire than ever before. your gift of $45 will make sure that the people of israel have mobile bomb shelters, emergency supplies, and the hot nutritious meals that they so desperately need. this would be an incredibly important time for all of the friends of the international fellowship of christians and jews to stand with our friends in israel because we believe it's what god would have us do. please don't hesitate. call, scan, or visit our website now to make your life-saving donation.
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>> welcome back to the big weekend show, it's time now for the big 4. our biggest picks for the biggest stories everyone will be talking about this week. police in the u.k. are investigating a brutal attack and possible hate crime caught on camera by a jewish security group in north london group released video of the attack on x formally twitter. you can see two female attackers severely beating unconscience victim after she collapsed in a puddle a report confirming the victim is a 20-year-old jewish woman. according to witnesses also, when the suspect's apparently
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thought that she was dead, they were happy and expressed oh -- she's dead. absolutely awful so -- >> monsters. charlie. >> former president trump announcing on truth social he no longer plans to testify tomorrow to civil fraud trial in manhattan. former president saying, quote, i have already testified to everything and have nothing more to say other than that this is a complete and total election interference i'm sure that was all capitalized biden campaign -- witch hunt that will do nothing but keep businesses out of new york. i will not be testifying on monday. maga! you know, we all have the right against self-incrimination fifth amendment right but what i love about this is he's invoking fifth but then going to go out to talk anyway. ensure that everybody realizes that this is political. it is fantastic. tom you're next. tom: boys are not all right
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while we dngts need a report to confirm kids are not okay following covid-19 nonsense that happened. wall street journal is now reporting on the true cost parents boys struggle with motivation. disorganized and they're distracted and they're actually parents now hiring coaches and tutors, specifically because of these boy problems because everything that was good about school when i was a kid like recess is now gone. >> but i had all of those problems. and we didn't have covid. >> that's right. >> like four boys disorganized distracted that's part of growing up and part of being young and a teenager and it is just leak no it is not covid. sorry. kat: got to get this in here guys war on christmas this is war on christmas because of joe biden. i guess artificial tree is going viral for costing $5 and change at 5 below calling it charlie brown tree saying it needs love
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i think it is great wonderful i'm into christmas in year as i was telling you guys. i have a tree actually like feeling the christmas spirit. i don't know who i am anymore. >> i don't know -- honestly -- so it is going to be more than a dink christmas for you this year? >> no i still don't have kids. but -- you know -- >> she has a tree. step one. and then i think you have kids of a that? >> a cute tree. >> what's a dink for people who do they -- get trees normally? tom: not -- >> it is a dink no tree. oh, my gosh no. alicia: that does it for us see you next weekend "life, liberty & levin" starts right now. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪


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