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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  December 13, 2023 4:00am-5:00am PST

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that's the true message for adults too. great message for kids. beautiful illustrations and also a message for us as adults for contentment. >> steve: i have three children and two of the children have their own children. >> here, steve, take them for them. >> steve: thank you very much. brigitte and arthur thank you for that the thing is around the holiday time as grand parent i have to have toys for the kids. you do it once a year. >> yes, right. i think there are times to celebrate and christmas is definitely one of those. i do think we set our kids up with a high expectation of what to expect. and they are looking around and seeing what other people are getting. so, having the blinders on and doing what is best for you and your family. steve, the truth is, our kids they want us. on thanksgiving we went and roae bikes in the high school parking lot. they wants time with you as cheesy as it is. don't feel as a parent i have to get all the stuff for the guilt
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i'm feeling as parent at some degree. enjoy it. celebrate. have a merry christmas. i don't want to be the grinch but stay on budget. >> steve: indeed. in fact i was down in dallas, saw my grandson arthur last week. i took him a toy. do you know what he played with? the box. the box it come in. the book is called "i'm glad for what i have. you know what i have? i have two more hours of "fox & friends" starting right now. ♪ be. >> lawrence: we begin this hour with a busy day ahead for the biden family at home and abroad. the president is supposed to meet with families of the american hostages taken by hamas, ainsley. >> ainsley: but on capitol hill, the house is expected to vote in favor of formalizing the impeachment inquiry into biden and his family's business deals and republicans threaten to hold hunter in contempt if he doesn't show up for the house deposition in just a few hours at 9:30. brian. >> brian: this all comes after president biden's sit down with ukraine's president yesterday in
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an effort toe pressure congress in amoving more war time aid. mark meredith is live at the white house wallet drama. mark? >> brian, ainsley, steve and lawrence. president biden will meet today with the families of american hostages still being held by hamas. this meeting comes amid renewed efforts not only by the u.s. but mideast allies to try to get these people home but also to end the violence in gaza. what was perhaps most notable is some of the comments the president made just yet yesterday. he was at campaign fundraiser here in d.c. generated quite a bit of attention. the president appearing quite critical of the israeli government and military tactics since the october 7th attacks. biden was quoted as the saying they are starting to use that support by the indiscriminate bombing that takes place. we have to make sure that bye-bye as in netanyahu makes some moves. you cannot say no palestinian state. on tuesday, much of the attention was focused on what president biden was dealing with when it comes to a different war. the war in ukraine. president volodymyr zelenskyy coming to washington, visiting with the president and the lawmakers on the hill. seeking additional money to
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fight russia. visit came as the white house rolled out an additional $200 million in military aid. >> they prove every day that ukraine can win. and our forces are advancing. and we have successfully defeated russia black sea and russia is hiding the [inaudible] in remote bases. >> this is one of those moments, congress needs to pass a supplemental funding ukraine before they break for holiday recess. before they give putin the greatest christmas gift they could possibly give him. >> now a live look at capitol hill where today much of the focus will be on domestic matters, more importantly perhaps right now the moment at this time the focus on hunter biden's testimony. is he expected to be deposed by house lawmakers behind closed doors a little bit later on this morning. we are still waiting to get the details whether or not he will officially show up. all this drama comes as house lawmakers so prepare to take a major vote on launching a formal
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impeachment inquiry into president biden. republicans say they feel they need this vote to move forward to force the white house to produce more documents, testimony. the democrats say this is simply a fishing expedition and looking see how this may affect the president's campaign. hiring one of the former clinton campaign advisers to help out vice president harris as she campaigns for re-election next year. >> brian: mark, how was zelenskyy received? do you know? >> oh by the white house, they rolled out the red carpet. we saw the flags and the military procession. obviously also had a chance to meet with lawmakers both in the house and the senate. we have heard, you know, different testimony from those lawmakers who met with them. and there is still going to be some skepticism, if any additional aid will be agreed to by the end of this year. but the white house is saying time is of the essence. >> lawrence: you know, mark, has there been any conversation about the preselected questions that we saw the president got yesterday and the little cheat sheet that he had in front of him? >> lawrence, imriewcially at these kind of events, especially
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when they take two questions each. the news outlets are agreed upon by the white house. they are the ones that select the news outlets. peter was out there. i'm sure he was shouting questions left and right. >> is he still shouting. >> those questions are not necessarily chosen in advance but the outlets are chosen by the white house. >> brian: the problem has been with the questions and the answers. >> lawrence: questions were right on the page. >> steve: how handy they must be working with the psychic friends network. mark, does the fact that joe biden behind closed doors at a fundraiser where he is talking about how israel needs to change their government and netanyahu needs to change things, doesn't that show that he is feeling the heat from his democratic base because they don't like how is he 100 percent behind israel? >> i would imagine you are right, that the white house has seen those polls showing the president's support dipping on foreign affairs quite a bit ever since -- well, the at least the last six weeks or. so we will be curious whether or
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not that is going to be what was the impetus to make these comments or some of the procedure coming from the allies. efforts by these families to get people home. they realize time is of the essence. the holidays are here. hard to believe more than two months now. >> ainsley: all right, mark. thank you so much. >> brian: do you have a heater there because you are not even wearing a coat and it's winter. >> well i have two heaters one here to my side. coat make please look fat so i try to keep. >> brian: no it doesn't. >> steve: mark, keep the coat on. we will decide. >> next hour i will do it for you. >> ainsley: probably on the other side. >> lawrence: you got to appreciate it though. i love a dude that picks fashion first over comfort. you got to do what's best. >> brian: he will be running a fever later today. >> ainsley: why do you think women wearing high heels pain over beauty. after years and years of doing it. how did nancy pelosi stand in filibuster all night long in 4-inch high heels, i will never know. >> brian: charlie's angels used
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to fight crime. steve tao. >> lawrence: that's what i watch. >> brian: you love crime shows. >> ainsley: that's why we this d it. >> steve: speaking of crime. >> ainsley: great transition. >> brian: you are welcome. >> steve: charlie is on the speaker phone. >> lawrence: talk about a alley-oop, brian, that was good. >> steve: we have shown you the rampant brazen crime regarding retailers, particularly the smash-and-grab stuff you have seen is just so heart-breaking. in 2022, according to the experts, american businesses saw a loss of $112 billion, the year before that it was about 20 billion less than that. and one of the things is now, there are these organized crime rings of local individuals who go in, clean out the shelves, next thing you know the stuff they steal is being sold online. it is so easy to do and in a lot of places the law enforcement is not really doesn't seem to be going after him.
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>> ainsley: i witnessed one of these in a department store on long island a group ran. in and i was standing right by the door at the return table. and they run in and they get all the high end pocketbooks and they are locked up. but the employee said she made a mistake. she put them all out on the top of the cabinet so they could all look at them. and then they all grabbed two or three of them at a time and they ran out. so as they are running out, the guy standing next to me was going to run and trip them i said they could have a gun. do not get involved. >> brian: meanwhile. scott glen was one of the people on capitol hill and talk about shoplifting and damage to major corporations and major chains like home depot. here is what he said. >> locking up valuable product. employing off duty police and security officers. even putting police cars on the front aprons on our stores. along with many other tactics that we wouldn't have used in the past. despite these efforts, the problem continues, and we have even tragically lost a few associates to this issue. i want to be very clear we north
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talking about petty shoplifting. foe sis at this indicated rings are recruiting. we have seen uptick in our store and asset protection associates coming into violent contact with bad actors. these individuals are becoming increasingly aggressive. they are dangerous and often care little about any consequence other than getting out of the store with as much as possible. our associates have been threatened with knives, guns, and other physical attacks. >> lawrence: i think this is the one thing that progressives don't understand. sometimes thing starts off as petty crime or simply people coming across the border. but when you allow room, criminals are going to take and see the bigger picture. so, now you have these organized rings that people are simply going out there whether it's just your local cvs or it's pawnshop with jewelry or jewelers, and then they are putting it online for other people to have its e., the bag, the louis vitton and all of that same at the border as well it. started off as just people
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crossing the border. then you got the cartels involved. you got the drug dealers involved as well. that's what happens. they never think about the big picture and they have these ids. >> brian: these are like swat teams of criminals. they are organized and the thing is if you go buy this stuff online you are part of the problem. >> steve: so cheap. that's why people do. >> brian: how do you sleep at night knowing it was robbed from another store. >> ainsley: you don't. >> steve: really cheap. going to get it and don't ask questions. that's why scott glen the by. >> brian: thank you. i'm not asking anything. thank you very much. merry christmas. >> ainsley: real louis vitton for $10? >> steve: last time you bought something on amazon, you think okay i wonder if that's stolen? >> ainsley: next time i see sally or mary with a louis vitton i will know. >> lawrence: get it straight from the source now. >> brian: you can't just reject presents. >> steve: that's why this guy was there. there was a bill called combating organized retail crime
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2023. introduced in the house. he was there to say hey, lawmakers, let's get this passed to help us out. >> ainsley: they are losing a lot of money. they haven't had to close stores yet, home depot. they are having to lock up high value items and some that aren't so expensive. power tools, generators, even circuit breakers cost 50 to $80 he said. then there have been two people that have died at home depot as a result of thefts. he says. one was gary was sen who was 83 years old. i wonder if he was that older man standing at the door as a greeter. and then blake nose who is only 26 years old. killed during separate theft incidents over the past year. >> steve: come on, congress, help them out. >> brian: get action out of this. >> ainsley: what if you are a small business. >> >> lawrence: a lot shutting down because of it. >> brian: don't buy anything for christmas. >> ainsley: don't ask any questions. >> brian: ainsley, don't give me that car. >> lawrence: elementary school students rush to the hospital
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after eating fentanyl laced gummy bears how the dangerous candy ended up in kid's hands. >> brian: democratic congressman jake okay colin clauses event at campus day after he called out university after he called out the disastrous testimony. the congressman says the free speech claims ring hollow. he explains, next. >> ainsley: and one of the most contentious issues of the holiday season, real trees or fake trees? >> steve: that's right. we have a special "fox & friends" version ever the great christmas debate on that topic and so much more straight ahead on "fox & friends" for this wednesday. ♪ - bye, bye cough. - later chest congestion. hello 12 hours of relief. 12 hours!! not coughing?
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♪ >> ainsley: we are turning now to your headlines. multiple students at virginia elementary school getting medical attention yesterday after eating gummy bears that were laced with fentanyl while they were on campus. the amherst county public school superintendent office saying, quote: the results from the
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field test indicated a positive reaction for fentanyl. we have confirmed that the bag was brought from home by a student. school officials are currently working with police in their investigation. and now to the border crisis, sources tell cbs news that president biden is open to a new migrant expulsion law in order to convince republican holdouts to approve additional funding for ukraine. the policy calls for expelling migrants without asylum -- without asylum screenings. meanwhile, remember the migrant who praised the president after entering the u.s. illegally? >> i love you joe biden. thank you for everything, joe biden. >> ainsley: well, fox news is learning that that same immigrant is in new york city with a court date set for next october. the grinch is on the loose. police in southern new jersey are searching for a suspect who cut the electrical wiring that powers a holiday light show. authorities say the suspected
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vandal broke into the main office stealing tools and messing with the computers that run the washington township operation. but the owners aren't letting this act of sabotage bring down their holiday spirit. already working to fix the light show and reopen. and those are some of your headlines. down to you, steve. >> steve: all right, ainsley, thank you very much. meanwhile a massachusetts democrat congressman slamming harvard's president for claiming genocidal rhetoric might be protected speech at the university. congressman jake auchincloss released this statement, quote: harvard ranks last out of 248 universities for support of free speech. but, when it comes to denouncing anti-semitism, suddenly the university has anxieties about the first amendment it rings hollow. the following day after that, harvard moved a student event that featured the congressman off campus. what was that about? let's talk to him. congressman from massachusetts, and harvard alum jake iraqen
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close joins us now from the capitol. good morning, congressman. >> good morning. thanks for having me on. >> steve: let's start at the beginning. why were you so hard on the president of hard? >> hypocrisy. harvard university has spent the last five years with co cancel culture as the dominant norm. now that anti-semitism has flared up it has decide stood embrace free speech principles. and it does ring hollow. i hope this is a fork in the road for the university. i hope it now decides to double down on its commitment to free and open discourse to pluralism. diverse so it can be a university that pursues truth which is on its shield. >> steve: after you put out that statement, a couple days later an event on campus that you were supposed to go to was moved off campus. and to some it looks like oh, they are pulling the plug on him because he was critical of the boss. >> yeah.
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i don't know the details of why it got moved. i think it probably speaks more to the bureaucracy at harvard's campus than it does to any intentional effort to cancel us. but, what i think is more important here is unfortunately, this is distract from the substance of the conversation that we had. so this was ro khanna, a progressive democrat and me talking to a conservative student group competition with china. that's what universities like harvard should be incubating these forums where people get together, they talk about complicated ideas. they do so from multiple different perspectives and engage thoughtfully in person not on twitter with each other. the substance of that conversation has been overshadowed by the controversy over cancellation. >> steve: harvard put out a statement regarding canceling your event. the student group listed as a sponsor neglected to follow the policies and procedures outlined in our student organization resource guide for hosting an event on campus. an alternative location had to
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be identified. you were sent off campus. congressman, let me ask you about this generally and i know that shortly after october 7th there was a big protest on campus where so many students were actually blaming israel for the attacks that murdered all those people. can you explain why anti-semitism has taken such a strong hold at harvard? >> well, it's not just harvard. it's multiple universities. >> steve: absolutely. >> some of it starts in k 12 education with a lack of historical education about the jewish people, a lack of contextual education about the middle east and that region and its history and its conflicts. but, also it is emerging an unfortunately powerful ideology that views the entire world as collapsed into a binary of oppressive versus oppressed. and every single issue needs to be viewed toward that binary.
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and it takes away all context and history and views everything as good vs. evil. that's not a productive way to view the world. particularly for students who are trying to learn critical thinking. they need tomorrow brace the complexity of the issues of the day. >> steve: i'm with you. i think people need to hear both sides, particularly at campus. when i went to college, you would always hear both sides. now it seems to be more one than another. >> yeah. safe spaces on campuses, i think are increasingly used to shield students from uncomfortable points of view. in fact, that's the point of college, to actually be exposed and have to grapple with dissenting points of view to your world view. >> steve: congressman. before you go, harvard had the chance to fire president gay, they did no. upenn did. do you think thats was the right choice. >> i'm not going to second guess the board of oversears. they made their decision. now they own the decision. in up a can pell year's time we don't want to see they rank 248
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of 248 free speech on campus. they need to move that up and embrace a true pluralistic open discoue on harvard's campus. if they don't, the whole board now owns that. >> steve: congressman auchincloss, you are going to be the first one in office on capitol hill today. you can answer the phones, hello congressman auchincloss. >> i will be speaking with constituents. >> steve: give him a call he will be in the office in 10 minutes. >> thank you. >> steve: a student fail as quiz saying only women can get pregnant. really? the wokeness in seattle schools coming up. but, first, a new op-ed says the biggest cause of crime is absent fathers. as a new report reveals over 70% of high school dropouts come from homes without a dad. jack brewer is on a mission to turn those stats around. and, as you can see, he is live in the studio coming up next. ♪ se everybody is singing now y, yeah, yeah ♪ get on your feet if it feelses
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♪ >> brian: huge day in news. i will give you an example of y you are going to be watching fox news channel all day long. big move in the nation's capital. they will move as well as the capitals as well as the wizards, propose moving them out of washington, d.c. central up to virginia. governor youngkin is going to be there with the owner of both teams. president biden has inquiry vote about his impeachment. are they going to have enough in the house to actually have an impeachment inquiry? they only have a three-vote margin. kevin mccarthy sticking around just to make sure that vote is registered then he is calling it a career, we think in the house. larry adobe, the first african-american to play in the american leagues, he is going to be honored today. and the second black manager in the american leagues, he is going to be a honored. a great player and great man.
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that's all three things going to be happening. the bigger question is what is going to be happening on our set right there. >> lawrence: on to another great man we have been telling you about all the soaring crime in america's major cities. a new op-ed homes without fathers is to blame, ainsley. >> ainsley: numbers are shocking. at&t cording to next guest, 71% of high school dropouts come from fatherless houses. the same goes for 70% in juvenile detention centers and those are w. violent aggressive behavior. jack brewer is a man of god with a mission to help end fatherlessness in america with his foundation and he joins us now. jack, thank you for coming on. >> great to be here with you guys. >> ainsley: are you surprised by these numbers? >> i'm not. unfortunately, this is a burden that god has really put on our foundation. when i say that, we are seeing this hands on each and every day. we have programs in the prisons and so i always go back to the prisons because that's where you see the real impact of fatherlessness. you see men that are there. i have had classes where i will
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go in at the beginning of class and say how many of you men had a father in your life? and you will see 80, 90% of them raise their hand and say they did not have a father in their life. so, whenever you can see the impact like that, these are men that are committing violent crimes. these are men that were abused when they were a child. and then you start to look at their father's situation and their fathers didn't have fathers. so, this is really generational. and it's really impacting communities all across this nation. >> lawrence: so true. i had young father. but he had his father in his life so he stepped up when my mom had me in her teens. what would you say to that young father that's out there that has done an adult decision and now has to man up in that situation? what is your words to them to tell them that they can do it? >> you can. i did it myself. i was 19 years old when i had my first child, my son. and you have to really commit yourself wholeheartedly and
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fully to raising a child not being with the mom. that means that you have to sacrifice and you can't always be right. you have to really go above and beyond and even if the mother hates you, if the mother doesn't want you in your life, you got to prioritize that child in every aspect of everything that you do. you may not be able to live where you want to live. you may not be able to have the career that you want to have. it's really hard to coach and teach your kid when you are not in the house every day. but a boy needs that, particularly a boy. these young girls, what we are seeing with these young girls, you are watching how they are dressing now. you are watching the attitude that they have. the things that they consume every day where they are on their cell phones or social media or what have you, they are being sectibeing exposed to so y don't have father to put that foot down. it's spiritual. we all know that it's not about the father in the flesh, always. it's about the father in the spirit. again, when i go into these prisons, the guys that are reformed are usually the guys
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that are following christ and serving god each and every day. the father in the spirit replaces the father in the flesh. so these are real issues. i advise everyone to go -- we have done a lot of research at the jack brewer foundation. i'm also a chairman at the american first policy institute. and when we implement these programs in the prison, we're touching the families. we are going there to pick up little kids and little boys who haven't seen their fathers ever and going to take them into these prisons and jails to see their fathers to unify the families again. so, i just encourage everyone to realize that so many of the issues happening in america, the root cause is fatherlessness, whether it's poverty, right? whether you start looking at mental health, you are three times more likely to have a mental health issue if you don't have a father in the home. so all these things being exsass expolicies separating the
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family. >> ainsley: jack you have had such successful career in the nfl. you are using your faith. you are saved. you love jesus. you are going into the prisons and telling men there is a way out. can you have a relationship with your children. you are picking up kids and taking them into the prisons to meet their dads for the first time because maybe the mom isn't able to do it or doesn't want to do it. how did you get to that point in your life? because you said you have a relationship with -- a beautiful relationship with all four of your children. but, in the beginning, you were having children out of wedlock and you regretted that. even though you have these beautiful kids. how did you get to this point in your life? >> i had to humble myself. i had to pour in to my children. this monday i just got back from texas where my son had to go to court for a misdemeanor. a misdemeanor that could have sent him to jail for a year. and when i walked into that courtroom, you should have felt the spirit shift. he got dismissed from all charges because his daddy was there. and for him to look at me and say dad, wow, god assigned you to me. i'm so blessed to have you as my father. that meant something.
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>> ainsley: he said that? >> yes, he did. but think about all those men that don't have fathers. those kids, those boys that are growing up that don't have fathers in their lives. and so, as a nation, we have to realize what a crisis looks like. we talk about all types of crises. we name them. disasters and crisis. this is real crisis. when you have 18.4 million fatherless kids in one nation. 2.5 million fatherless kids in the state of florida alone. there is over a million here in the state of new york. i mean, these numbers will knock you off your feet. >> lawrence: so incredible. what i appreciate about jack is he is not just helping the fatherless kids. it's his entrepreneurship. helping people with financial literacy. you go to the league. and you make all this money. but you don't know how to prioritize your money. and what to invest in. he helps you with that as well. jack brewer. >> >> ainsley: welcome in haiti. >> lawrence: always doing something for the community. go to jack
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>> ainsley: don't stop fighting jack you are amazing. >> god bless you. y'all come see me. >> ainsley: you from dallas where lawrence grew up. >> lawrence: still ahead big 2024 news last night. >> sweet older woman who has come to a lot of events. and she said so are you going to finally endorse nikki haley for president? you bet your [bleep] i am. let's get this thing done! >> lawrence: new hampshire governor chris sununu and candidate nikki haley join us for a "fox & friends" exclusive. >> ainsley: and in about two hours, house republicans get hunter biden in that hot seat as sources tell fox that they do expect hunter will actually show up. co-host of the bottom line of fox business, sean duffy on the looming capitol hill showdown. that's next. ♪ ♪ i have active psoriatic arthritis. but with skyrizi to treat my skin and joints, i'm feeling this moment.
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♪ >> brian: all eyes on capitol hill this morning where sources on both sides of the aisle telling fox news that hunter biden is expected to show up today for his closed door deposition with house republicans. hunter initially wanted a public hearing, as you know, and while there is still a possibility he won't show, oversight committee members threatening big
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consequences if he does not. ours our next guest used to sit on that same commit. sean duffy of fox business joins us now. sean, if he does show up, is he gonna be likely to talk? >> so, a couple scenarios, if he doesn't show up he will be held by contempt in congress. number two, show he shows up i don't think he will testify. there is so much information that he we're adjourned about over the course of the last three years whether it's his work at burisma and joe biden's pressure to fire the prosecutor, information about the big guy and the laptop and the shell companies. all the work he has done in different countries, republicans are salivating at the opportunity to unpack that with hunter biden. i think he is going to come in, if he does, is he going to plead the fifth and say listen i'm not going to self-incriminate myself. i'm not going to testify. that looks bad because, right? you will say i have got criminal things in my background and i don't want to talk to you about it. but, i think that's the best
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option for hunter biden coming in today at 9:30. >> brian: using it as excuse the fact that he has been charged in california. all these other charges. >> right. >> brian: other thing is do you think maybe if he feels as though he can't answer the question if he feel as though he has been wrongly charged and too many assumptions out there, is there a chance he will throw caution to the wind? he tends to live on the edge. i don't know if you have seen the photos. >> he can live on the edge. you know, i doubt is he going to split the baby and try to answer some questions and not others. he will plead the fifth. important for viewers to understand. we have all watched congressional hearings and it goes between republican and democrat five minutes each. it's really hard to dig in to the facts of a witness. but, when the congress -- when a witness testifies behind closed doors, this is the lawyers of the house. the members will ask a couple questions, maybe. but usually the laurels of the house have prepared and the rules are different. one lawyer on the republican side can go for 20 minutes or half an hour. democrats would then have a half an hour 20 minutes themselves.
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you get to dig in much deeper of the facts of the witness testifying behind closed doors a far different animal. listen, a lot of democrats have complained that hunter biden has said i will testify in public. i'm not going to do it behind closed doors. republicans are basically saying listen, we're going to use the j 6 rules democrats set up. live by the same rules you made republicans live under. and behind closed doors first. later on, when we have all of this information, can you come to the public and testify and we'll flatly let you do that. >> brian: look, we know this guy has broken the law, seen the video. basically incriminated himself when he dropped the laptop off. we got it. it's all how he relates to his dad. why was his dad calling into all these business meetings? why was he at the restaurant two separate times? why was he meeting and golfing with his business partner? why did he meet with tony bobulinski at the beverly hilton hotel? why did he continue to look into the cameraened a yell at reporters i know nothing about my son's overseas business dealings? when devon archer came out and said yeah, he called in a lot.
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never specifically answer anything or talk about anything to do with the business. but it assumed he pass the business. we just got to get to the bo the of it and find how much. final thought? >> they don't care about hunter biden they care about joe biden. was this a criminal enterprise biden family? as a debt repayment. jim is a mull 28-million-dollar. joe is making $200,000 a year vice president. poor sibling lend money to the rich sibling doesn't make sense unless it's 10%. all important questions. republicans in america wants answers. to say commit crimes, brian. we will let it go. we want to see if there was criminal -- that's right. let us find out. we have a right to find out before this next election of what joe biden did. did he sell the country out? >> brian: right. >> for his family's profit or is there nothing there? there is something there, brian. >> brian: i love that
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cliffhanger, fox business 6:00. sean duffy, there you are wearing a tie with dagen. >> thanks, brian. >> brian: special thanks to everyone who continues to pick up teddy and booker t. friday night a couple days away i want to see everyone in munhall, pennsylvania doing a live show on stage with every ticket you get a book and fox nation special and i'm'm not sue what they are going to give away this imtoo. they haven't told us yet. and then holland, michigan on saturday. i want to see everyone in attendance, it's motivational, inspirational and patriotic. can you imagine all that with great grace though i'm going to go to talking about the book to talking it about lawrence jones. >> lawrence: everybody is saying why doesn't brian kilmeade invite you on the tour? i'm just waiting for it. >> brian: everyone is saying that? >> lawrence: that's what he they're saying. >> brian: you are next, lawrence. you don't travel well. you don't travel light. i'm just a shoulder bag guy. >> lawrence: start off with headlines in philadelphia. the body of escaped prisoner found inside a warehouse in the city following a two week manhunt.
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the fugitive in custody for retail theft escaped november 30th running off from work assignment from prison complex. the cause of the death is still under investigation. beware of virtual scammers trying to get your information this holiday season. the better business bureau is now warning that fake texts like this try to b bait people to revealing personal information. track a package. if you click on it malware could be installed onto your device, potentially giving hackers access to your online accounts and passwords. in seattle, a high schooler fails a quiz getting this for saying women -- saying men can't get pregnant. according to the reports. he will answered true on a question saying only women can get pregnant. >> brian: right. >> lawrence: the ethnic studies quiz was also filled with woke questions and about pronouns and gender identity. those are your headlines. that's crazy. >> ainsley: the mother was on
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jason rantz' show and she was saying she is so frustrated. she is angry. she expressed concerns because the school met her with silence when she did complain. >> steve: only biological women can have babies, right? >> brian: let me jot that down because i keep forgetting that only women can have babies? >> brian: this will help me on radio. >> ainsley: they live in seattle. >> lawrence: i think the conversation has turned from being respectful. >> brian: to farcical. it's a farce. >> lawrence: nonsense. comply with things that don't make sense. and it's spinning out of control. >> brian: right. >> steve: those are future leaders of america. >> brian: biggest turn off is when i get an email from someone with their pronouns, yeah, you are not getting a return email. you heard me? no response. you got nothing. >> lawrence: that's how you know. >> brian: shut you down. >> ainsley: i'm not talking to you. >> brian: you got it. >> lawrence: new hampshire governor chris sununu nikki
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haley for president. they will join us for exclusive interview next hour. >> ainsley: but, first, you better watch out, you better not cry, you better not pout i'm telling you why. it is the great christmas showdown. >> i told myself i wasn't going to cry. i just want to correct you that it's frosty the snow person. [laughter] >> steve: tom shillue is going to moderate as we debate the most controversial christmas questions next on "fox & friends." >> steve: ho ho ho ♪ you can count on me ♪ please have snow and
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for long-lasting cough and sore throat relief. try new robitussin lozenges with real medicine and find your voice. you know? we really need to work on your people skills. >> janice: we have the storm system moving across texas and we have snow across the mountains of the southwest, that will probably cause travel delays today. keep an eye out for that, moving
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across the plain states. friday and saturday, dive into the southeast and bring potential for a coastal storm sunday, monday and tuesday. the other one, the european model is closer and brings near rain to the coast and maybe snow behind it. that is something we'll watch getting into the busiest travel week of the year. over to you. >> brian: is this musical "fox and friends"? >> ainsley: it is. >> lawrence: the great christmas showdown is back, watch fox personalities battle it out on controversial christmas topics. >> st. nick himself, i told myself i wasn't going to cry. >> correct you it is frosty the snow person. >> steve: that is fox nation version. with a live version, tom will host the christmas showdown.
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tommy boy. >> get ready, 30 seconds on the clock. two teams. christmas tree real or artificial? ainsley arguing for artificial trees, go. >> ainsley: they last longer, put them up in november, take them down in january or march. no water, perfectly shaped, easy to install. cost-effective, you only buy one, easy to put together, one, two, three. no pine needles on the ground, no vo vacuuming and they come prelit. there is my tree, first time i've done a fake tree. >> brian, real trees, go ahead. >> brian: okay. camera, please? >> ainsley: beat that, brian. >> brian: i feel bad for you, ainsley, if you want to smell
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like the season, smell of a pine tree -- >> ainsley: there is a candle for that. >> brian: am i being heckled? frazier fir. indentation on your sneakers. i have a dust buster. i like the feel, going out with an ax -- >> that is good. lawrence, go ahead. round of applause. winner ainsley in round one. [cheering] >> brian: what is your metric? >> brian, you were persuasive, she brought different points. >> ainsley: i sold you on a fake tree. >> brian: i could heckle. >> inflatables, festive or a flop? steve, you are proinflatable, 30
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seconds on the clock. >> steve: since clark griswald on christmas movie, about outdoing the neighbors. plug in something thatun ares on hair dryer, that is 12-feet tall, gigantic, my neighbor frank, when i drove out this morning, there was santa like this waving, so festive. tom, i know you love inflatables, i've seen you in the hov lane and you have a blow-up person in the passenger seat. >> okay, guilty. round of applause. >> ainsley: and kids love them. >> lawrence anti-inflatable, 30 seconds on the clock. go. >> lawrence: he gave me everything i needed. he said easy, for the elite.
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you don't have to put decoration there, it is not christmas spirit, doesn't look real, no cam camrade radry. you get together and celebrate christmas. you don't take the easy way out. >> steve: what do you put up instead? >> lawrence: with bidenomics and inflation, who can afford it? >> 30 seconds. i was not sold, lawrence makes a pretty good point, lawrence on that one. split decision. we will break the tie. here we go. answer, what is the best christmas dessert fruitcake or figy pudding? >> steve: fruitcake. >> ainsley: claxto


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