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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  December 14, 2023 4:00am-5:00am PST

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hi, i'm stacey, and i've lost 60 pounds on golo. (guitar music) this belt i used to wear, way down at the first and second notch, it's the only thing i've kept from before losing weight and i'm keeping this because i'm never going back. ♪ ♪ and i pray for peace on earth ♪ ♪ >> steve: that was cool. santa just flew up 48th street, took a left on to sixth avenue
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as we kick off this thursday telecast live from new york city where it is currently 31 degrees. and we are 10 days away from christmas. ainsley is off. her daughter has a holiday show today. a christmas show. and rachel campos-duffy joins us live. >> rachel: so great to be here. that looks like the scene out of elf at the end of the movie and everyone sings so the sleigh goes up. >> lawrence: graphics are getting better and better. >> rachel: that's not real? >> brian: no, no. santa is real but the snow wasn't. and, remember, with elf, ed as member, a little heavy for santa. goes down in central park because people lost -- they stopped believing. >> lawrence: they lost the christmas spirit. >> brian: before the journey song came out. stopped believing in christmas and couldn't get going. and we cover -- do we have a reporter on the scene? there was a report on the seen covering santa's crash.
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>> steve: steve harrigan. >> brian: rudolph totally underplayed in that. >> steve: the sleigh took off. everybody got their toys and santa returned to the north pole mission accomplished. >> rachel: brought good cheer to a city that needs it. new york city. amazing. >> steve: do we. thank you very much. we have a very busy thursday. speaking of this city. this city, we have shown you images of how in the last year the city has become overrun with migrants. because joe biden has got a policy where it is so much easier to get into the united states now. we got some video of there are hundreds, perhaps thousand sarchedz of migrants lining an area in mean nasa negras south of texas. they are waiting for freight train to stop so they jump on board. next don't tell you 940% will
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get their slam claim denied. steve after they are in the country. >> lawrence: app. that they are at the brched. when you see these video and, you know, at one point. >> steve: look at that. >> lawrence: fox news showing this video. now the mainstream media is now being forced to cover some of this stuff. no cops or marines. wild west no. pressure, no tariff threats no. pressure on them put on the southern border. now, because of this. if you look at some of the studies, in the beginning there might have been sentiment that donald trump maybe towards independents or undecideds was too tough on the border. i don't think anybody thinks that now. only 17% of the country, when
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surveyed want more refuse fee gees here. 56% say that joe biden is more liberal than he should be when it comes to the border. if you think it's not a crisis hitting 600 pennsylvania avenue, evidently they are making major progress on massive immigration reform, talking about changing the asylum rules immediately. the remain in mexico coming back. putting money into more border patrol as well as more holding centers, as well as, i think the right term is rapid return. as soon as they come, you get rejected, planes are standing by, you're out. so far senator murphy, connecticut democrat saying making massive progress. talked to kevin mccarthy yesterday. and he said we would not leave if i was still speaker until we get something done on this. because you have maximum leverage on democrats now who are desperate to fund taiwan, ukraine, and israel. >> steve: i don't know why they would have to do a rapid return thing. why don't they just stop them at the border?
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>> rachel: exactly. >> steve: say hey, sorry, you don't qualify, turn around. >> rachel: well, and that's why it's so frustrating when you see the democrats pretend like, you know, they want to do something. give us -- we want to do something. we actually have more money that requesting so we could stop the border. but, really what that money is, is to process. to process more and more. and you see steve camerota, the research director for the sencenterof immigration studies. this is what he told "the washington examiner." i think the number is now around probably close to 13 million, that could be the number, bigger than you think, yes, could be a million. maybe even 2 million bigger than we think. also, they cage up with this number. they have this number says this is for the center for immigration studies shows that 15% of the u.s. population is now foreign born. that's higher than any u.s. government survey or census that
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has ever been recorded. and that wouldn't be a problem, steve, to have that many foreign born if they were being assimilated but they are not. they are not going through the citizenship process. >> lawrence: coming illegally. >> steve: so that 13 million number is the number of got-aways. think about it. 13 million got-aways. we have no idea how they came into the country. and then you add it to the 50 million who they say are foreign born, and it -- you know, i know the administration says oh, the border is secure. it's wide open. all you got to do is come and you're going to get in. it's curious though, when we were just showing that freight train, i wonder if the cartels are working with the train company okay, i got 500 people here. stop the train here. i will give you $2 a head. i'm just speculating. i have no idea. all i know is all those people want to jump on that train. >> rachel: it's a great assumption, actually. it's not really an assumption. it's logical. you mention why meskó is okay with this. mexico is becoming a narcostate.
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the power of the cartel has only increased under the biden administration. they are making hand over fist. >> steve: kick backs. >> rachel: control 40% of mexican land mass. >> steve: cartels? >> rachel: the cartels actually do. the relationship between the cartels and obrador was already very close. you can imagine as they become more powerful they are the ones controlling the border. national security problem for us ron desantis bringing people over here cartel you should be able to shoot them. take them out. now that guy is saluting, mocking us as he looks with a mask on his face. see ya, back to get more people. >> lawrence: complete mockery. steve, to your point to the trains. you remember last year we showed
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you all the folks coming here. after our report, they had disagreement with the train companies, inspect them. >> steve: you can't do that. >> after our report, they shut down the cooperation with the texas department of public safety. you got to ask yourself why. these guys are directly helping their company, you would think, by getting these criminals off of their trains. messing with the product. some of these trains are carrying $300,000 cars on there. so you would think they would want them on there. after our report, they decided to cut that relationship and you just got to ask yourself why. >> steve: we have reported on a lot of those trains, people fall off all the time. >> lawrence: yeah. >> steve: and people die. that is completely unreported. >> lawrence: severely injured as well. also got parents putting their children on there as well. i don't understand how the democrats continue to say they have a compassionate approach, with all the fatalities that are happening at the border. >> rachel: that's presuming, this is a big presumption, that
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those are the parents. the other problem is there are children being, you know, used by the cartel -- being trafficked. >> steve: rent a grown up. >> rachel: they come over here and our government has lost track of them. >> brian: nine minutes after the hour. >> lawrence: two alarming incidents where the children ended up in the hospital after eating candy at school. >> steve: yeah. this is so wrong. in virginia, two suspects face felony charges after several students ate gummy bears from a bag that apparently was tainted with fentanyl. it was just a bag. >> rachel: and in texas, an investigation is underway after 8 students were hospitalized after eating candy. >> todd by worry is on this story. todd? >> todd: police in began berry, texas investigating what drug could have been in the candy that sent 8 students. so far tested for thc it came back negative. police say additional testing will be done to determine what made those kids sick. parents believe it cohen takenned some kind of narcotic.
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of the principal says it was brought to the middle school by another student. as of now, all the students who were in the hospital are okay. two suspects are now facing felony charges after a group of fourth graders ate gummy bears from a bag tainted with fentanyl. this happened in virginia. the amherst county school superintendent speaking out yesterday the gummies were tested and. the child who brought them didn't know it was there we don't feel it's intentional event. we are continuing our investigation. >> todd: bag being sent to the d.e.a. for testing. total of five kids taken to the hospital after one student brought the candy to school and shared it at lunch. those kids were released from the hospital and are doing okay. but this just underscores how scary it is in these schools right now when anything can be a drug take it out and then put
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other stuff steve candy. >> lawrence: in the bag. >> todd: side of the bag carelessly left out and brushed against something. you need to be careful about everything that you touch in 2023 here. >> steve: maybe you don't bring fentanyl into the house, just saying. >> todd: good place to stop. >> rachel: or pot gummy bears. if you have kids, that's going to be tempting. >> steve: cbd things too. todd, thank you very much. 7:11 in new york city. a fox news alert at this hour. police in denmark arresting multiple people on suspicion of preparing terrifying details we are learning straight ahead. >> lawrence: where is hunter. hunter ducks his deposition but doesn't stop public plea for sympathy. >> republicans do not want an open process where americans can see their tactics. what are they afraid of? i'm here.
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i'm ready. >> brian: yes. wrong spot. outside, i don't go inside. you don't make the rules. that's maybe a fundamental problem. the attorney for one of the irs whistleblowers that helped blow this whole thing wide open reacts to hunter being there. >> rachel: and it's day two of our 12 days of giving. and today we highlight one organization that's warming hearts this holiday season. that's next. ♪ the spirit of christmas ♪ never goes away ♪ the spirit of christmas ♪ that's right ♪ spirit of christmas ♪ now you got it ♪ the spirit of christmas ♪ going to save the day ♪
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# # ♪ steve steve start with a fox news alert. listen to this. authorities in copenhagen say at least three people were in custody in denmark for planning a terror attack much the prime minister says a fourth person was arrested in the netherlands. the danish police say the case has links to a known crime organization known as the loyal too familiar gang. we will keep you posted on that. police in georgia are still
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investigating four car crash that put people in the hospital last night. al from a let that, georgia pulled people out of a badly mangled car as you can see right there. the conditions of the people who were hurt not known at this hour. and this post shared by the first lady on this social media site x formerly known as twitter, coming under fire for being too weird [at that point dancing] steve okay. the video posted by jill biden shows tap dancers interrupting the nut cracker in the white house. many questioning on social media how much the video cost taxpayers to produce. the white house's christmas theme this year is magic, wonder and joy. dot to dance. those are some of the headlines. >> brian: george bush put a
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camera on his dog and follow it around. that was a lot cheaper. hunter could face contempt charges after skipping deposition on capitol hill and opting for a press conference as you saw yesterday. first son already faces a slew of charges, critics including next guest say it's about time he face its the consequences. tristan leavitt is the attorney for the irs whistleblower gary shapley who has testified against hunter biden this summer. might be the mvp of this whole investigation to get to the truth if that's what you are into. what was your take away from the tone and tenor and the texas of that speech yesterday. >> someone thinks they are above the law. i worked on capitol hill for 8 years. you don't get to set the rules of your own depositions or response to subpoenas. that's a law and you have to abide by it. for someone who has evaded taxes and all kinds of things with impunity this must be another part of that game. >> brian: you want to put that
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in context that deal was going to basically exonerate them from everything. that blew up. they said the fact that that deal blew up is because his last name is biden. what do you say? >> well, if you look backward in time, you can see that abbe lowell and hunter biden defenders act three of the play. the investigators found serious evidence of crime in the beginning. that's why they recommended felony charges for multiple years starting with 2014. the year that hunter biden tried to hide burisma income there are questions about, whether -- about the extent of that and what role his father may have played in acting in ukraine. you will look at 2022, just two years ago. the irrelevancy, the department of justice were yesterday to charge him with all these felonies. only after biden political appointees got involved in the process that it got watered all the way down to the slap of the wrist plea deal. >> brian: now that deal gets blown up and charged and special prosecutor status goes to david weiss and he gets charged for evading taxes, multiple counts. still got the gun hanging over
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his head. what do you want -- how does this relate to the president, do you think? what questions need to be answered? what areas need to be investigated? >> well two, days ago, the house ways and means committee released a transcript of the closed door hearing that the two irs whistleblowers had a week ago. and in there they were asked that exact question. and they pointed to multiple pieces of evidence that touched on joe biden that they were not allowed to investigate. so, a lot of those -- there is, of course, all the stuff surrounding burst that in 2014 and 2015. there was whether vice president biden took action benefited the cfc the chinese energy company. they had received information that payment for those acts during his term as vice president was deferred until right after he left fice. so, there are multiple threads that need to be investigated and the irs was never allowed to do so because of favoritism at the department of justice. >> brian: i want you to hear your client speaking about what he wasn't able to do.
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this back in july. that really alerted people that there is a lot of there there. >> the u.s. attorney in delaware in our investigation was constantly hamstrung, limited and marginalized by doj officials as well as other u.s. attorneys. >> prosecutors instructed investigators not to ask about the big guy or dad when conducting interviews. investigators were not allowed to follow up on whatsapp messages from hunter biden's apple icloud backup where he suggested he was sitting next to his father. >> brian: could have found all that out, very important. there is a lot of questions that need to be answered. i imagine, tristan, it's part of the reason why every republican voted for the inquiry. and those votes were not there a month ago. thanks so much for joining us today. >> thank you. >> brian: and your clients are the mvps of this investigation. just getting to the truth wherever it leads. thanks to everybody who picks up teddy and booker t. tomorrow night munhall, pennsylvania, right outside pittsburgh, i will be live on stage talking about all this, along with fox nation. everyone who gets it gets a
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book. also specials from fox nation. the next night, if i'm not too exhausted holland, michigan which i hear is a great little town. i hope to see everybody there brian meanwhile a fox news alert. russian president vladimir putin in ongoing press conference was just asked about "wall street journal" reporter evan gershkovich. and his detention. listen. >> what have they committed offense on russian soil. they are not to have done that it's not that we decline to send him home, no. we want to come to terms and these agreements must be mutually acceptable. >> brian: making up some charges and pretending like he is rightfully detained. we have a live report as he has been held now for 37 weeks. plus, a massive traffic jam at l.a. freeway is shut down by protesters calling for a cease-fire in gaza. really? harvard's embattled president attending the campus menorah lighting despite backlash.
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harvard grad pete hegseth joins us live with his reaction and he won't be smiling. ♪
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we're delivering more happy for the holidays. ♪ >> lawrence: anti-israel protesters causing major disruptions as they bring los angeles traffic to a stand still. [shouting] [chanting we don't get it, shut it down] >> lawrence: after horrendous testimony. claudine gay still gets to keep her job. attending a lighting of a menorah ceremony. pete hegseth is here to react. brother, let's deal with the law breaking and then we will move over to the racism they continue
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to shut things down and there is no consequence. >> lawrence: you don't get to shut down traffic. can you protest on the sidewalk. >> peter: of course. and you get arrested when you do something like that. it's ironic to me that groups like -- this group is called "if not now" that they think these protests are effective. you are trying to reach people in a way where they connect to your cause and want to support your cause but all you have people on a federal reserve trying to get to school, trying to get to work. trying to get to their appointments who are now ticked off at you and your cause. this is -- these are like the hands on the painting people. except in this case this is a group that refuses to condemn a terrorist attack on october 7th. and spews words on their website about, you know, racial and class hierarchy among israelis. they report to be a jewish group
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no israel or no israel. they don't have any real context. they are just very passionate about hating israel. >> lawrence: pete, i'm glad you pointed that out. there is two different groups here. there is the people that actually agree with hamas and legitimate racist and want to eliminate israel. and then there is a certain group that are just ignorant. they have no clue about the context of anything. what category do you put these group of people in? >> peter: well, i would put them pretty squarely in the second group because they don't understand the dynamics at play, what it took to found the state of israel. how under siege the jewish people have been since the beginning, and to this day, and that there's been a lot of earnest people who have worked very hard, american presidents, israeli prime ministers and others, to try to forge peace. because people want peace. and the reality, is there has been land for peace.
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and then that land gets used by terror organizations, motivated by islamism that still want the destruction of israel. this group refuses to do meetings. they just do public stuff, to agitate, to put pressure on people. what are they advocating for? what is this solution they deem? is it a utopia where everyone just breaks out and agrees on things? it's been a couple thousand years. that's not how it works. let's get serious about the reality there is a terror organization trying to totally eradicate the jewish people. >> they don't have a clue will radical islam. that's part of the problem, too. >> pete: exactly not at all. >> lawrence: harvard where you used to go. i'm sorry to hear that, brother. you are a smart man. you had your own set of values. >> pete: i regret it. >> lawrence: they are still not getting rid of the president. doubling down on it. she decided she was going to attend the ceremony yesterday. does this move the needle at all? >> no. it just means we have officially moved into the pandering phase, lawrence. it means when her students
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needed her the most, to, with clarity, condemn what happened on october 7th, she couldn't do it then. then, when she was in front of a congressional testimony -- panel, able to very clearly say that calls for genocide or speech that would make students feel unsafe, she wouldn't do it. so now to paper all of that over, she goes to a ceremony, which is fine. it's a wonderful ceremony. it's great. but, you weren't there when those students needed you the most. and they know you won't be there when they need you the most in the future. you know, i have actually never been to a menorah lighting ceremony. it looks beautiful. i would love to at some point. but, that -- the reason why is because i know i support the jewish penal and the state of israel. and everybody there and have invested in understanding the dynamics and the threats and what iael has done right and what israel has done wrong and what they're fighting for and who their enemies are. and i support understanding
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fully the history there. and respect their religious traditions in every single way. it seems claudine says if i check a box and go a ceremony then it will help protect my job but i'm not going to stand up for it. >> lawrence: equivalent of refusing to condemn the kkk and showing up to the juneteenth celebration let's go have a bite to eat. >> pete: great point. >> lawrence: put it into context these people are showing you who they are. we should really believe them. got to go they are wrapping me: vladimir putin responding to the question on detained journalist evan gershkovich. >> commit an offense on russian soil they ought not to have done that it's not that we decline to send them home, no. we want to come to terms and these agreements must be mutually acceptable. >> lawrence: the interworkings of the potential negotiation as putin claims he wants a prisoner
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swap. lawmakers under the wire to make a deal on ukraine and the border before the holiday recess. the lead republican negotiator, senator james lankford gives us an update. he's next. ♪ you're a mean one, mr. grinch. ♪ you really are a heel ♪ you're as cuddly as a cactus ♪ you're as charming an an eel,l mr. grinch s joint pain, stiffness, swelling, and fatigue. and is just 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine, or plan to. there's nothing like clearer skin and better movement-and that means everything! ask your doctor about skyrizi today. learn how abbvie could help you save. meet the traveling trio. the thrill seeker. the soul searcher.
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♪ >> tying border to ukraine for a long time. no matter what the white house did. the white house just put together a bill, but they're not the ones -- it's not the white house that is demanding border is part of ukraine. it's the republicans plain and simple. >> steve: there you have got senate democrats appear no closer to meeting republican demands, asking for sweeping immigration reforms in exchange for aid to ukraine, which desperately needs it. and our next guest doubts it will be hammered out before the holiday recess republican senator from the great state of oklahoma james lankford is the leading republican on this issue and he joins us now from ruffle rotunda. senator, good morning to you. >> good morning to you as well. by the way, there is a lot of republicans working on this.
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while i may be the tip of the spear, i would say there is a lot of republicans, both sides of the bill working on this. >> steve: absolutely. you are just the lead republican. i think i heard joe biden say something kind of nice about you last week. >> you know, he called me a decent guy in the press conference but said i need to actually come to the table and finish negotiations which made me smile because the white house didn't come to the table to actually negotiate until three days ago is when they actually started negotiating. we are making progress at this point. we had yesterday by the way 10781 people that crossed the border illegally yesterday that we know of. just to give you a perspective on that. the last two months will be higher than any single year under the obama administration for the whole year. so in two months we have more people coming in a year during the obama administration. this is absolutely spiraling out of control. we just said hey, this is not just republicans saying this. it's the american people that are saying. this we got to be able to solve. this. >> steve: let me let you put on -- let's do some role playing here. imagine you are a democrat, a
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joe biden democrat in the u.s. senate. how does what the administration is allowing, how does that make sense? why is that a good thing 11,000 yesterday? >> yeah. it's not a good thing. what's interesting is i have some senate democrats and some house democrats that are catching me and saying hey, we understand. we see the problem. there's a lot of people in their base that really do want open borders. that don't want any control at all on the borders. that's some of their very progressive base. they are saying we hear them. but we also see the reality. this is major national security risk. so they are trying to figure out how to be able to thread that needle. >> steve: senator, the white house started negotiating with you guys two days ago. where are the negotiations right now? because i think the house is, you know, they are saying so long, we are going to christmas today. >> yeah. i totally get that they are checking out at this point today and they are saying if the deal is good enough, we'll come back next week to be able to actually pass. this but we got to see a deal that's actually good enough. everyone understands the urgency of what is happening with 10,000
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plus people a day now crossing and by the way the administration has admitted more than 70,000 people in the past year have crossed that they called a national security risk. so, we're trying to be able to wrap this up. we will work through the weekend, if we can actually get to an agreement and put on the floor. if the house passes it the house take a look at it and say that's worth coming back for to put a vote on it. >> steve: senator, give us talking points about the basic ideas con and i did in your negotiations right now. >> yeah, the biggest issue right now is we have people coming in to ask for asylum that don't qualify for asylum. everybody knows it. asylum is very difficult to get. the first thing we got to do is change the way we do screenings for asylum. you can't go in the country for five years and then get a hearing. you have got to do it at the border. we got to clarify what asylum is and what it is not. we have got have some way to be able to say hey, if we are overrun by the cartels and they throw 11,000 people at us like they did yesterday, we have a way to be able to say stop. not take any more people in so we control the border, not criminal organizations in mexico. >> steve: well, there are a lot
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of people like to see something done. it's good to hear that both sides are talking now. senator, thank you very much for joining us. >> you bet. good to see you again. >> steve: good to see you and good luck. >> merry christmas. >> steve: merry christmas. a quarter before the top of the hour. brian joins us with news about a fast food restaurant? >> brian: yep. and some hope on the border. detective tifsz are searching for two women caught on camera throwing chairs and food at chirpt workers in silver spring, maryland. suddenly lawrence perked up. suspect started argument about one hour before closing. police say it's still unclear what triggered the tantrum. $10,000 reward for other arrest. and a dream job for texas ranger fans. the team is looking to hire a trophy transport coordinator. think about this, lawrence. you love texas. following the club's first world series win. think about it. the person would be responsible for overseeing the awards travel events across the lone star state. actually, will cain wants this job, too. the coordinator would also have to look over the teams and other trophy and artifacts.
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the rangers say they need someone who is me particularless planner and willing to work flexible hours. i think that you and will are going to be finalists if you choose to have this. >> lawrence: do you think our ceo would grant me a leave of absence to temporarily -- >> brian: a symbiotical. >> lawrence: couple weeks, make sure it's secure, and then find somebody tolls replace me? >> brian: i think she would. rachel, why don't you go and ask susan. >> rachel: first of all, i want to see a challenge between lawrence and will for the job. >> brian: i would love to see the interview process. >> steve: there is always a trophy involved in that. >> lawrence: always win the challenges. >> rachel: i'm routing for you. >> brian: talk about what is happening right now. vladimir putin has marathon press conference every year. >> steve: didn't have it last year. >> brian: or was it the year before he didn't have it. >> steve: because of ukraine. wasn't going well. >> brian: he feels as though he is going to take all questions now. he feels as though the west's support for ukraine is wearing thin and he feels good about
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where he is at right now in this war, even though he has lost 320,000 soldiers. 90% of his initial fighting force. but the big story is, the "wall street journal" reporter. and a "new york times" reporter asked about evan gershkovich. listen to vladimir putin's response. >> my colleague, a "wall street journal" correspondent evan gershkovich has been held in a prison without a trial for 37 weeks. his detention was today. again, the extension on his detention was today, again, upheld. paul whelan, another u.s. citizen has been imprisoned for nearly five years. what will it take to bring them home. >> it's not that we decline to send them home, no, we want to come to terms and these agreements must be mutually acceptable. we have contacts with our american partners on that. we're in touch with them. i hope we will find them mutually acceptable solution.
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the american side should also listen listen to us and make a decision that would be satisfactory for the russian side, also. >> lawrence: what is satisfactory is normally releasing people that are a risk to america. >> brian: he was guilty of having dinner. >> lawrence: have people that are innocent and he wants people -- for us to exchange them for people that have committed crimes. and would go back to committing more crime. and i just think if -- i get it. we want these folks home. one of then is a colleague of ours. it's disrespectful to negotiate after you have had the intelligence community do all the intelligence work. you have operators put their lives at risk to capture these people and hold them accountable and let them go back out and inflict pain on americans. i don't think that's the right deal. >> brian: talking about a potential swap? >> steve: clearly, when putin is talking about and mutually agreeable solution for both parties, it's a prisoner swap. but, you know, evan gershkovich
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pictured screen right there, is based at a company in this building we are sitting. in the "wall street journal." he is not a spy. that's how russia rolls. russia grabs people and says yep, they are a spy. same thing with paul whelan. he was sentenced to 16 years. is he still in jail. about 10 days ago we had evan's parents on "fox & friends" for an exclusive interview. and they told us that they had met with joe biden. and joe biden said i got a good team working on this. and pointed essentially to the secretary of state. so, he's the point person. but his hands -- he is very busy right now with what is going on in israel and with hamas. the worry of the gersh vits family is that they are going to forget about their son we are never going to forget. here they are talking to the president about their boy. >> the promise that the president made was -- gave us a
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will lot of solace and hope and strength. but after 250 d days is getting very, very hard to hold on to that. we need -- we want the u.s. government to focus on bringing an american journalist back home. >> we had president biden's promise to do whatever it takes to bring evan back. he also told us he released to us as a parent he feels our pain. and is he words ring in my ears every single day. >> rachel: you mentioned this prisoner swap, lawrence, you said you didn't think it was a great idea. you also mentioned, brian, people are growing weary here in the united states with the war in ukraine i wonder as i listen to this maybe interfering with peace agreement maybe there could be a peace agreement between russia and our proxies, you know, the ukrainians, and maybe this could be included as
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part of that deal. that's something, you know, i think that would be a great christmas present for that family that's truly suffering and maybe for america. that's a thought. >> steve: want him home. >> brian: i don't think that could possibly play a role in ukraine peace agreement. gershkovich wrote this factual story about the economy in russia falling apart. he had all the stats in it. went out to dinner. then he gets arrested. they say espionage. that's what did it. and, by the way, his family is from russia. so he liked the beat. he said i will work it because i understand the people, i understand the country. and that's what happens to him. unbelievable. >> rachel: so sad. >> brian: this exclusive video as thousands of migrants wait to catch a ride while we learn that 13 million people are living here illegally. >> steve: got-aways. >> brian: louisiana senator john kennedy joins us live on the never ending border crisis. >> steve: plus today is day two of our 12 days of giving. today we highlight one
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organization warming hearts this holiday season called blankets of hope. and that is coming up next live from fox square. ♪ making spirits bright ♪ what fun it is to laugh and sick ♪ a slaying song tonight ♪ whoa, jingle bells, jingle bells ♪ known for following your dreams. known for keeping with tradition. known for discovering new places. no one wants to be known for cancer, but a treatment can be. keytruda is known to treat cancer. fda-approved for 16 types of cancer, including certain early-stage and advanced cancers. one of those cancers is early-stage non—small cell lung cancer. keytruda may be used with certain chemotherapies before surgery when you have
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after last month's massive solar flare added a 25th hour to the day, businesses are wondering "what should we do with it?" i'm thinking company wide power nap. [ employees snoring ] anything can change the world of work. from hr to payroll, adp designs for the next anything.
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>> janice: it is a chilly morning in new york city. it is 33 right now. warm-up for most of the country. heavy snow for the mountains and measurable rain for oklahoma and texas. that will merge with one in south florida and bring a coastal storm sunday and monday. texas and florida storms merge this week. messy weekend for the southeast coast and that will come northeast. for d.c., boston and portland, couple inches through tuesday. if you have travel plans, stay tuned to >> rachel: i'll just call you, my friend. day two of "fox and friends" 12
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days of giveing and we are highlighting blankets of hope. founders mike and nick join us live with more. i'm always cold. this is a charity i can get behind. fox has gotten behind this, right, nick? >> we partnered with fox in boh at work. we were working with schools and now working with corporations and every employee hand-wrote a letter and attached to a blanket and will be given to a shelter in new york city. >> rachel: i love this is something personal, as well. you say there is a crisis, you call it an emergency of kindness and kindness was the impetus of
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starting this. tell me about this emergency you are seeing. >> we feel with the craziness of the world, it is difficult to remember to be kind to one another, we are all going through so much. we feel like there is a kindness emergency. blankets of hope is our vehicle to be a spark for people to practice it and come back to our roots and remember how good it feels to be a good human being. >> rachel: it does. especially giving. it is not cliche to say you feel good when you give. you are having kindness workshops. i hope kindness is being taught at home. what about your family, you didn't have to go to a kindness workshop. mike and i hit the parent
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jackpot. our parents are italian immigrants and you count on others your first time in this country. kindness and love was poured into us as kids. >> rachel: give us a story, somebody that benefited from this. >> i think the best stories come from the kids and how empathetic. they teach us more than we teach them. a little girl tugged on my shirt and said look at my letter, i made sure it was lamated so if it was raining outside they could hold on to my letter and feel loved. so beautiful, almost made me cry. >> rachel: we are seeing so much more homelessness. this is a great project. go t


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