tv Gutfeld FOX News December 14, 2023 7:00pm-8:00pm PST
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have you been to dc lately? dc right now, sean, looks like gotham city. you know that scene right before batman comes? except batman's not coming because he's not vaccinated so they won't let him show up and fight crime >> sean: now we're adding covid back into the mix. he doesn't want to be vaccinated. probably doesn't have his latest booster i don't know. >> it will be here any minute >> sean: all right. the great the only jimmy failla thanks so much for being with us, we appreciate it buddy. unfortunately that is all the time we have left this evening. as always, thank you for being with us, thank you for making this show possible. please set your dvr so you never, ever, ever miss an episode of hannity. in the meantime let not your heart be troubled, greg gutfeld is next he'll put a smile on your face. have a great night. ♪ ♪ [cheers and applause]
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♪ >> greg: oh, yeah! happy thursday. oh, i love you already. so boston's top donkey wants christmas without a honky. [laughter] >> greg: this week the mayor's office sent out an e-mail invite to members of the boston city council. it was an invitation to, and this isn't my wording, it's what the mayor said, to electeds of colored holiday party. yes, she was making a list of everyone who isn't white. but to her embarrassment the invitation went to the entire city council, even the white folks. that's right, in 2023, the mayor of one of america's biggest democrat-run cities through a racially segregated holiday bash that would have made george wallace proud. good thing they didn't call it a
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christmas party, right? that would be offensive. me? i'm still waiting on the muslim hanukkah. although you have to translate from the river to the sea into hebrew. but really, menorah? that sounds sexist. i'm sticking to my white's only kwanzaa bash. steve doocy is making his favorite gum bow and it goes great with crackers. yeah. but right after the invite went out the aide who sent it quickly realized her error and followed up with this i did send that to everyone by accident and i apologize if my e-mail may have offended or come across as so. sorry for any confusion this may have caused. you notice she doesn't apologize for shunning people for their skin color. there's no apology for that blatant racism. she's just sorry the evil white people found out. she made bigotry sound leak a clerical error. don't you love how it's always
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sorry for any confusion? sorry, there's no confusion for this [bleep]. for anyone with a brain the racism was easier to spot than dylan mulvaney at the million man march. but i wonder, if the mayor concerned this lends itself to further divisiveness. >> are you concerned this lends itself to further guess i haveness? >> no, i mean, again, this is a group that has been in place for many many years. we want to be a city where everyone's identity is embraced and that there are spaces and communities that we can help support. >> greg: and what an 'em praise this is, to divide people into non-white versus not invited. but this division did shatter one stereotype. that asian people are good at math. usually to be that clueless you would of to be the president of harvard. or at least a graduate from there. and wouldn't you know it,
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michelle is. she got two degrees from harvard, one for law and one for having her head up her ass. [cheers and applause] >> greg: yeah. i think they call that premed. so it's no surprise she's a bigot. she's from the same woke meat gripeder that turns fresh minds into the mush that protects professor gay and sees anything as white as evil colin iceers. that's a defense she also said there are many ways to celebrate and they're only racist some of the time. just leak jimmy kimmel. but then why was this party supposed to be secret? and is there a party that only white people can attend? of course not. and there shouldn't be. the music would be terrible. but that's the point, racial segregation is bad no matter which race is behind it. we keep hearing about hostile work environments. so how are separate parties not
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hostile work environments? the answer is in the question. and a hostile work environment, nobody, even the top execs, will ever complain about it because it's a hostile work environment. the hostility can turn on you at any time. no wonder these diversity programs have been shown to increase workplace conflicts, and that's according to a piece from, of all places, the harvard business review. but this isn't wu's first woke disaster. in march of 20 two, she said this during a saint patrick's day event. >> winter was pretty intense. trial by snow, trial by fire -- fighters union. i'm getting used to dealing with problems that are expensive, disruptive and white. >> whoa. >> greg: in your face fire fighters. what? you think running into burning buildings makes you some kind of
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hero? but mayor wu isn't solely to blame she's only doing what everyone else in her orbit believes they're neo racists turned out from institutions like harvard and the rest. segregation is back only this time it's okay because it's not led by white people. white people are privileged so they get left out of parties scholarships and jobs and when they're victims of hate yikes the media blames the ford escape. remember that? it's a car. colleges have black only safe spaces, days without white people, the only ones considered for biden's vp and supreme court picks and if you're white good luck dating a kardashian. so we now judge by skin color, not character. remember when it was the opposite, when a very wise person said, one day may you be judged not by the color of your skin but by the content of your character? it wasn't professor gay who said that, although you can bet she
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said she did in her thesis. [cheers and applause] of course, if you call out mayor wu for racism, you'll be called racist. you're the bad guy for wanting desegregation in 2023 america. and yet a load of white voted for her, as they also voted for liz warren when they thought she was native american. st stupid pale faces. how about giving them credit mayor wu, after all they're your constituents, they let you march in the saint patrick's day parade. you don't have to be irishsh, y just have to be drunk. makes you wonder how many other american cities are doing this crap. we only know about this one because a staffer screwed up. but give credit to mayor wu for destroying asian stereotypes. she may be the first asian person in the history of the world with an iq under 70.
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i guess the mental illness of liberalism doesn't discriminate, unlike her. >> period! [cheers and applause] >> greg: let's welcome tonight's guests! he was ons snl before it stood for sorry nobody's laughing. comedian and star of the new movie daddy daughter trip, rob schneider! [cheers and applause] >> greg: wait a second, if he's here, who's picking up rob schneider's dry cleaning? actor, writer and comedian jamie lissow! [cheers and applause] >> greg: she's frail, pail and won't register on a scale. new york times best selling author and fox news contributor kat timpf. and to him every house is made of gingerbread, new york times best selling author, comedian
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and former nwa world heavy weight champion, tyrus! [cheers and applause] >> greg: all right, tyrus. >> tyrus: i knew, i knew that he was going to come to me first for this [bleep]. so i am prepared. fellows... [laughter] [cheers and applause] >> tyrus: that reaction is what's wrong with america. i have a black zone no whitey area and 99.9% of the audience is white tonight and they said yay, good for you. we can't come in your fort. >> greg: it is a fort. >> tyrus: and guess what? it's lonely in here. she's married to a white man, i
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would just like to point that out, too. are we sure this is not a ploy because your husband's the guy who drinks too much and ruins the party? because i'm always told you can't come to things because there's no tattooed people allowed. >> greg: it was a plus-1 and she probably could tell her husband you can't come you're white. >> tyrus: here's the thing nobody ever wants to have a christmas party without white guys. they're the ones that do all the stupid [bleep] you talk about for the rest of the year. like who do you think's the guy who's going to get on a xerox machine? not us. cow tipping was invented by goofy drunk white guys and christmas parties. >> woo! >> tyrus: see? so idiot, if i had a black-only christmas party, me, charles payne, harris faulkner, lawrence jones, and, guess what? it would be boring. [laughter] >> greg: you forgot jesse
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watters, he's 1% black, so he claims. [laughter] >> greg: the is the most --. >> tyrus: listen, i don't know dna but i am one million percent sure. he might be negative one. >> greg: all right. rob by the way congratulations on daddy daughter trip. this looks like a great movie. i'll be watching it on my dvd tonight. >> rob: thank you they still make them i hear. >> greg: yes they do. >> rob: available for digital downloads. the thing is i'm offended that anyone is allowed to talk p asian since i'm the only one part asian. can you imagine the dream of the kkk when it was all falling apart. can you imagine. do you know what we could do klim, we can tell them black people and people of color that it's safer for them to be separate for us and then making our parties separate and we'll segregate them again.
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>> they'll never be too stupid to fall for them. seriously, asians are racist the most racist. my mother filipino she used to add a syllable to black. bla-ack. asians are racist -- bla-ack. bla-ack. she was racist amongst other asians. me mother would say i don't trust him, why? he's filipino. >> aren't we filipino. >> yes, i don't trust us either. that's your brother. watch him. [laughter]. >> greg: i love this show. jamie, does this remind you of your family's annual no jamie christmas party? >> jamie: holy -- [laughter]. >> tyrus: i normally wouldn't do this jamie, but you can come in.
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[cheers and applause] >> jamie: that's really nice. >> how long is that going to stay up, by the way? iforever >> greg: jamie what are your thoughts. >> jamie: it made me feel a little bad when you said the no jamie thing and then the way rob laughed made me feel worse. by the way, you know how i always do my favorite phrase from your monologue. my favorite phrase from today's monologue was woke meat grinder. that was the name of the gay breakfast place we went to at college. [laughter] >> jamie: isn't the problem, for real, it was not a mistake but the way she phrases it like you cheated on someone and you said to the person you were dating, like, oh, my god you finding the condom was the oddest mistake.
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she doesn't apologize. you have to be careful with your reply all. this happened to me. once when i was married my wife e-mailed me saying we should have an intimate night and have a date night and by mistake she sent it to me. [laughter] >> i'm all for racism when it's stuff i don't want to go to anyway. i'm all about no whites at the christmas party. not whites in the craft store. no whites in the changing area when your wife's trying to dress. i'm all about it. >> greg: kat, here's an interesting question, do the officials of color get to go to two parties? >> kat: or "have" to go to two parties? tyrus i think you're right she doesn't want her husband to go to the party because her husband is not just white, he's like
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todd piro white. i'm looking at a picture him on my phone he has his polo tucked into his khakis. >> greg: that's more white than tom shillue >> kat: yeah. i would love to hear the conversation, you're not coming to this one. honey you can't come to this this is a non-white parties. if it's been going on for years she's been telling him that for years and he's been like, okay. i don't know, i think whatever, but it has to be about that. i think it always goes back to something more herbing that. somebody didn't want their husband to come or their wife to come. no, honey, it's fine, you don't have to go, wasn't working. so they had to think of something else. and that's what they thought of. >> greg: this is why they always tell me, oh, this is a party for tall people. >> tyrus: yeah, dana perino's there. >> greg: and then i see perino on instagram. not fair. >> jamie: i'm starting to think the no jamie party's just for me. >> greg: we have to move on. that was a great segment and a
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great audience [cheers and applause]. >> greg: all right. up next, hunter gafaus out of american laws >> if you'll be in the new york area and would like tickets to e see gutfeld go to and click of alex villanueva studio audience. shingles could also lead to serious complications that can last for years. if you're over 50, the virus that causes shingles is likely already inside you. and as you age, your risk of developing shingles increases. don't wait. ask your doctor or pharmacist about shingles today.
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♪ [cheers and applause] >> greg: thank you! hunter goes public after tired of going pubic. defying a subpoena from the man who flashes his weiner. that's kind of boston. hunter biden gave a press conference yesterday lashing out at critics while denying to testify in his dad's impeachment probe. hard to take him serious when
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he's wearing pants. they ordered him to appear before congress in private but he ordered if he never closed his bathrobe why close the hearing. are you here to make sure the illegitimate do not pro on distorted manipulations analyze. >> i'm here to make sure the house committee's illegitimate investigations of my family do not pro on distortions, manipulated evidence analyze. >> i'm also here today to correct how the maga right has portrayed me for their political purposes. republicans do not want an open process where americans can see their tactics, expose their baseless inquiry or hear what i have to say. w wham -- what are they afraid of? i'm here, i'm ready. >> greg: usually when hunter
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says i'm here and i'm ready, it's followed by, and the money's on the dresser. [laughter] [cheers and applause] >> greg: of course, defying subpoenas is a great way to get arrested, but so is lying on gun applications, not registering as a foreign agent, money laundering and tax fraud and i bet in the depths of his addiction he was extremely irresponsible with his finances. >> in the depths of my addiction i was extremely irresponsible with my finances. but to suggest that is grounds for an impeachment inquiry is beyond the absurd. it's shameless. >> greg: no. mc hammer was irresponsible with his finances. you are credibly implicatedd in bribery and money laundering for the president. but who among us hasn't been a little sloppy with our household budget and then made it up with a part-time gig on the board of a chinese energy company? in fact, there's clear evidence
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to investigate, as renowned legal scholar jonathan turley points out there's overwhelming proof the biden family sold influence, the cash for access has been confirmed by biden associates while universally ignored by house dems. but i'm sure hunter would want to state as clearly as he can his father was not financially involved in his business. >> let me state as clearly as i can, my father was not financially involved in my business, not as a practicing lawyer, not as a board member of burisma, not in my partnership with a chinese private businessman. not in my investments at home or abroad, and certainly not as an artist. >> greg: ha ha. "artist" hunter's an artist the way jill is a doctor or the way joe is president. [cheers and applause]
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>> greg: here's an interesting side note in the new york times initial report, the paper omitted the word financially from hunter's quote. it went from my my father was not financially involved in my business to my father was not involved in my business. wonder who they're rooting for. good to see hunter can still find a whore when they need one. rob, what do you make of this story? >> rob: i think the fence is fabulous for the democrats, like you cannot tie any of the corruption from the chinese and the payments from the ukrainian oligarchs, it has nothing to do with the president. it's the president's crack smoking whore bleu bleu son. that's the one -- there is no evidence. you can't tie -- you can tie it to his brother. you can tie it to his sister-in-law. but to the president himself, there is a fire wall of today
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demention a. he didn't know what he was doing because he never knows what he's doing. jamie what do you make of this story. >> jamie: first of all i almost didn't recognize him without his penis put away. can i just say hunter is aging like an organic blueberry. what is happening? [laughter] >> jamie: but rob said it. like we're supposed to believe hunter, who admits that he was blacked out on drugs, and then you have biden who has dementia, who do we get the real story from. this is like if two gold fish were the witnesses to a crime. he said he was sober. the thing he says he's on drug, but when this stuff occurred he had already sobered up. >> jamie: yeah. listen to this quote. he goes they invaded my privacy, attacked my wife and children, tried to dehumanize me and
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embarrass myself and my father. and then when they turned the mics off he said that's my job. [laughter]. >> greg: he's a one-man show. he's a one-man show. he discredited his own character, kat, and we're not even trying to make fun of that. well, we are, but -- >> kat: i feel he probably thinks if everyone hears what he has to say he can talk his way out of anything. i can see why he thinks that way he got his brother's widow to have sex with him and got his whole family to be like, that's fine. i can't imagine how that makes you feel jamie. like you didn't do any of that and you're still not invited to use you are christmas. >> jamie: it's true. [laughter] >> kat: so i'm really sorry for how you must feel. really, he thinks, just wait they just have to hear me talk and everything will be fine. it is insane to have sex with your dead brother's wife and
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have the whole family be like stop acting like that's weird. >> greg: yeah. and then after that impregnating a stripper and denying that children. it's hike how far can you push your relatives >> kat: apparently there's no limit. >> greg: there is no limit. what do you make of this tyrus. >> tyrus: it would defend how strong the bed is how far you can push her, just putting that out there. just saying. to jamie's point, which is rare [laughter]. >> tyrus: no, because usually after you speak i want to hug you. but he did mention the one job that he's qualified for is doing drugs and chasing hookers, he's good at. the other [bleep] not so much. like i love the fact that the part that he was most insulted about was that they had the temerity, the unmitigated gall, to think his dad had anything to
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do with his art. >> greg: i know. [cheers and applause]. >> tyrus: first and foremost, those [bleep] paintings that i blow through my nose, that was all me! dad had nothing to do with that! those people bought the paintings because i'm talented. tell 'em, dad! >> greg:. >> greg: it was true. that was sincerity at the end. >> tyrus: that was just heated. >> greg: my art. >> tyrus: because he's going to break. he's going to end up telling on dear old dad. the whole reason he couldn't pay taxes because you can't pay taxes when you're laundering money. like you can't do it because you make a paper trail. and if your first choice is crack, you're going to be very good at [bleep] up. so you're not allowed to file taxes. [cheers and applause]
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>> greg: you kids at home, that's sound economic advice from uncle tyrus. >> tyrus: yeah. if you're going to do crack, you're not alloweded to file taxes for the family because all the returns are going to go to the crash dealer. >> greg: yes. we have to move on, up next a ceasefire demonstration made drivers explode with frustration. [cheers and applause] liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. with the money i saved, i started a dog walking business. i was a bit nervous at first but then i figured it's just walking, right? [dog barks] oh. no it's just a bunny! calm down taco. sit duchess. stop! sesame no no. archie! walter don't, no, ahhhh. ahhhhh! you're lucky you're so cute. only pay for what you need. ♪liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty.♪
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>> here we go, here we go, here we go, here we go. there you go. that's what i'm talking about. hope we had that on tape. uh-oh. i would say that's a problem. i think they're handling it quite well. >> greg: you know what would make that better? some christmas music. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> greg: cops say 75 protesters were arrested but they were let go faster than a fart in the green room at the view.
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jamie, one of the protesters said we cannot sit by as people in gaza are starved and slaughtered. but that's literally what they were doing. >> jamie: you're right. some of them were sitting by. they were standing by and sitting by. i feel like protesters are doing it all wrong. protesters, if they're trying to convince you of something, all they do is inconvenience stuff. if they got me in the car and took me for a ride in the car-pool lane i would listen. but they're making the traffic work. i don't know if i ever told you guys, my x wife was really a big protester. it was mostly during sex. and she wanted a ceasefire. [laughter] >> greg: terrible. >> tyrus: she got it. >> greg: yeah, she got it. all right, you know, kat, you
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know, here's the theory i was thinking of. if a person physically gets in your way blocking your egress, in a personal way, it's your right of self-defense to get past them. why isn't that the case here? why can't you push them aside throw them off? i'm not saying run over them but i'm not not saying that. no, i'm saying don't do that >> kat: because pedestrians have the right of way, i learned that when i got my driver's license. any of those people who are protesting, every single one of them no matter what side of the issue you're on, if you're necessity that traffic jam you're pissed off. it doesn't matter what side of the issue you're on, what you believe when you're not in a traffic jam. a person in traffic is not the person they are any other time. right? and they're just getting people that pissed off. i mean, especially in la, there's so much traffic already. and people who were in that protest can't see that because, not only because of what they think the issue and what they're
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protesting but also because they don't have anywhere to be at this point. >> greg: no, they don't >> kat: so the people who do have somewhere to be, could be any range of things that are very important, possibly need to get somewhere, you're not going to win anyone over like that. >> greg: exactly tyrus. one of these days they're going to upset the wrong people. imagine a guy who's taking his wife to the hospital. or imagine a gang of --. >> tyrus: you don't have to go that far. imagine a guy who's driving in the car with his wife and she's, you know, back seat driving from the front seat. she can't see what's in front of you and it's your fault. if you would have left 15 minutes earlier this wouldn't have happened. [laughter]. >> tyrus: tyrus so guess what? i couldn't wait to get out of the car and talk to them. listen, i'm more -- i have two points on this. i am so offended. i grew up in california. now, if they had pulled this bleep bleep on the 405 or the 10
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in santa monica, i'd get it. right? but they did this on the 110 next to the staples center. like crenshaw boulevard. where are the hood when we need them? [laughter]. >> tyrus: have we all gotten that soft. because all it really would have taken was a guy wearing a flannel in the dead of summer going, is there a problem here? is there a problem? [laughter] >> tyrus: like, i don't get it. and the second thing. how stupid are you. they had a meeting and said listen this gaza [bleep] has gone on for too far. here's what we're going to do, we're going to protest on the 110 freeway. meanwhile while this is going on, over in israel they're getting ready to attack and there was a call that came in and said you're not going to
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believe this [bleep]. >> what. >> they're protesting on the 110 in california. they want a ceasefire now. wrap it up fellows, let's go. it's over. [cheers and applause]. tyrus: 14 dummies without a job said ceasefire, so let's go. >> greg: rob, do you ever wonder what you would do if you were in this situation? >> rob: well, it's about raising awareness tyrus, that's what they're doing. like the other day i was at an lgbtq-plus rally for hamas. they -- and i invited them all to a kkk rally for black lives matter and then i thought we would finish it up with a fundraiser for under age pedophile -- under age children for pedestrian files fundraiser. i [bleep]ed that up at the end. so close. no, it's just, they're just trying to get on the news and they succeeded, didn't they? >> greg: i don't consider us the news, though.
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>> rob: no, no. we're better than the news. >> greg: we're better than the news. >> rob: we're the news-plus. better than the news. >> greg: i think we have a new slogan. gutfeld, better than the news. all right, we're going to move on. if our breath's ruining the planet, should science ban it? [cheers and applause] >> if you'll be in the new york area and would like tickets to see gutfeld, go to and click on the link to join our studio audience. >> tech vo: this couple counts on their suv... as they travel for their small business. so when they got a chip in their windshield... they brought it to safelite... for a same-day in-shop repair. we repaired the chip right away. and with their insurance, it was no cost to them. >> woman: really? >> tech vo: plus, to protect their glass, we installed new wipers too. that's service the way you need it. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪
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(singing) i'll be home for christmas. you can plan on me. please have snow and mistletoe. and presents on the tree. right now, all over the country kids at shriner's hospitals for children are able to go home and be with their families for the holidays. and that's only possible because of the monthly donations from people like you. thanks to a generous donor, every dollar you give can help twice as many kids like me and have double the impact. with your gift of just $19 a month, only $0.63 a day. we'll send you this adorable love to the rescue blanket as a thank you,
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and a reminder of the care you'll be providing so kids can be with their families. thanks to a generous donor, your gift will go twice as far and help more kids like me. because every child just wants to be home for the holidays, and your gift makes that possible. pleasenumber on your screen or go to to give whatever you can. and when you do, your gift will have two times the impact. ♪ >> and now it's time for what's wrong with these people? ♪ >> greg: they want you to believe that you shouldn't breathe. some british sign activities are suggesting that breathing is bad for the environment appear contributes to global warming. may be true. if it has to flow past, you know, those teeth.
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british, they're claiming a study found that methane in nitrous oxide people exhale creates up to .1% of the uk's greenhouse gas emissions. the number .1% might sound familiar. it's how much of this climate [bleep] is actually real. [cheers and applause] >> greg: yeah, i'll take it. said one bone head, quote, we would urge caution in the assumptions that emissions from humans are negligible. .1%. that's negligible. and interesting enough the study found that women over the age of 30 were more likely to exhale methane possibly from three decades of holding in their farts. but why bring up breathing at all if we can't do anything about it? if i wanted a buzz kill i would remove bateries from jamie's vibrator. ha ha. wow. sorry jamie.
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kat, what are we exposed to do with this information? >> kat: i guess i'll kill myself. >> greg: that's what they want >> kat: i don't know, i think this was a guy whose girlfriend was about about to break up with him because she wanted kid appear he didn't want kids because it would cut into golf time. and he said no we can't do breathing and gets to be altruistic about it. because there's nothing any of us can do about this except die. >> greg: except die. tyrus what's the point of this stud write. >> tyrus: the point of this study is i've said it several times in had show. we need to stop assuming british people are smart, oh can? i'm so sick of every scientist in every movie's british. they continue to prove us no. i want red nick scientists in my movies now. i'm done with these british idiots. >> greg: that is a great idea for a sitcom. >> tyrus: you writing it down? >> greg: rob's writing it down.
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[laughter]. >> rob: no, it's very good. >> tyrus: the planet has been here for billions of years, it has survived everything. planet earth is actually anti life. it goes out of its way to end [bleep]. we've had five mass extinctions on this planet so six is no problem. the problem isn't they're talking too much, the problem is al gore and these people are talking out their ass so much it's messing up the climate. has nothing to do with talking. that's what it is. there's too many people on the planet and you don't have the guts to say, for people to survive, we have to cut it by 50%. but they can't say that. they just say breathing' bad for us. they need to just say what they need to say. but either way whether we overpopulate the earth is fine because eventually it's going to do this, it will shake and we'll be gone and it will be whoever's turn's next.
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>> greg: that's why elon musk is building a spaceship to mars so we can get the hell out of here. rob have you considered limiting your breathing. >> rob: i have. just when you this i the pendulum have craziness couldn't go further here we are. this reminds me of the bites mask up. i'm lag for the protest at the beach because the ocean is the biggest omiter of cot so it's time to let the ocean know it's screwing things up. high time i would say. >> greg: high tide. >> rob: yes. >> you're right british people think they're smart but they're not at all. >> tyrus: thank you. >> absolutely not. >> greg: makes me feel good. jamie, people in your family want you to stop breathing. and they're not even environmentalists. >> jamie: i just emit co because they took half the oxygen.
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i'm not so much upset about the vibrator comment as i am, i just feel like you should have told us that there's video cameras in the green room. [laughter] >> jamie: we can't reduce breathing so like what are we doing? like if you think about it for real there's gas -- there's other places we can cut down. what about highway. have you ever been to a highway rest area? that has got to be doing way more damage. let's close -- last time i was in a highway rest area this guy came in and he went into the toilet and when he was done the toy low threw up in the sink. and i feel like -- [laughter] >> greg: that poor toilet. >> tyrus: yeah. [laughter] >> greg: all right. we'll move on. that was funny. >> tyrus: i'm glad it went that
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way, i was getting nervous with rest stop, jamie, divorce, long, strange man went into the bathroom. i'm glad it went that way. >> jamie: lonely divorced guy. >> greg: up next, is california turning pee into your next iced tea. [cheers and applause] 60 years ar protect against rsv with arexvy. arexvy is a vaccine used to prevent lower respiratory disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. arexvy does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients. those with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects are injection site pain, fatigue, muscle pain, headache, and joint pain. i chose arexvy. rsv? make it arexvy.
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♪ >> a story in five words ♪ >> greg: californians will now drink sewage. rob, california officials are planning a vote to approve turning sewage into drinking water. is this the most california thing ever? . >>rob: i think i have a short, i can't wait for the billboards, piss in your own mouth. [laughter] >> greg: some people actually do that. no one i would know. jamie they're talking it toilet to tap. is that the best way to sell this. >> jamie: i don't appreciate that they stole that slow gap from bud light. [cheers and applause] snoop. >> greg: poor bud light. >> jamie: yeah. >> greg: kat, do you think this is safer to drink than the water in california? >> kat: i don't know. california's just wild. like they won't eat gluten but
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they'll drink [bleep]. [laughter] >> greg: i'm a vegan but poop in my mouth >> kat: you can't find spaghetti that's spaghetti it's all spa gettedy squash, you can't find noodles there but you can drink [bleep] >> greg: yes. tyrus? >> tyrus: every time i think good afternoon few sop can't find a way to like smooth his way out of stuff, he does it again. like this guy -- because what's the biggest knock on good afternoon? everyone is like this dude is full of [bleep]. he makes beep bleep up all the time. so now you can corner him in a debate and say you sir are full of [bleep]. he can say it's in the water what am i going to do. you can't get him down it's amazing. >> greg: it is amazing. california the streets are littered with poop and now
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they're going to make you eat it. that's their way of cleaning up. >> tyrus: the best part is the virtue signaling liberal virtue signalling and they're like, then they end up like jamie's toilet throwing up. >> greg: all right that went dirty. don't go away we'll be right back. - i'm sherry - and i'm john. i'm a pharmacist. as we were starting to age, it's like, well how can we help our cognitive abilities?
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>> a digital download you can get it on amazon. written by jamie without. thanks, you guys great thank yo to our guests and our studio audience. "fox news @ night" with creepy trace gallagher is next. by name is greg gutfeld and i love you, america. watch the movie. >> trace: it's 11:00 p.m. on the east coast, 8:00 p.m.
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