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tv   The Five  FOX News  December 14, 2023 9:00pm-10:00pm PST

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on. we'll explore that tomorrow. dow at an all time high. here's "the five." >> hello, everyone. i'm greg gutfeld along with g
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roseanna scotto and dana perinon jesse watters. 5:0 it's 5:00 in n.y.c. this is "the five. n" ♪ ♪ >> greg: the white house cranking up thcre spin cycle afr a whirlwind 24 hours for america's foreign cash guzzling father-son duo. republicans launching their impeachement inquiry into president biden. c and hunter playing a risky gamo of contempt chickeofn blowing of a congressional subpoena, team, biden spewinoug out the talking points. spewing? >> wow!>> >> they've com we up with not a single shred of evidence of any wrongdoing of any kind by president biden. yet, they're storming ahead wit this impeachment stunt anyway th please their far right base anmd play politics and it really cheapens what is at historicaly grave constitutional remedy of last resort.allyedy >> there's no evidence that the president has done there's none's. absolutely none. they are wasting their time
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instead of doing the work on behalf of the american people. they go after the president's family . >> greg: and while they claim there's no evidence, somethinghe is seriously spooking the bidens. the president has been reportedly freaking out behind the scenenes over hunter's criminal escapades. barking like a commander at aides who callthat it an elector liability. that same report says hunter i s worried that he may have to flef the country if trump is elected again. but if they're feeling down in the dumps, the dow bidens can ct on the media for some tender loving care.s ca >> 221 people without evidence voted to launch an impeachment inquiry. they merely want to tarnish hisu political opponent and makncey. biden and trump all even steven impeachment wise. >> this isd not a seriouspeac impeachment inquiry. >> we've seen no evidence.e' >> this is just storytellingve. >> so patently fraudulent and mirrorless.ud >> they have preciselyul zero evidence. >> democrats tried to drill dows
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on what exactl ty biden is being impeached for and, well, the well was dry. >> it is so transparent that this is just political retribution. they're playing politics.e. >> there's no evidence that president biden committed a crime.g: t >> greg: the shoe is on the other foot, jesse. you have to admit this is pretty ballsy even for hunter and he knows balls. i think he's kind of emulating trump in the sense that let's go public. let's air it out, so to speak. let's open that robe, so. >> jesse: please don't go there> trump, i jf he had done that, he would have taken questions from r an hunter read a prepareds statemt and scurried to lunch. >> greg: what about all the people saying there's no evidence? >> jesse: we've documented thatd so what about let's hold 10% for the big guy? 10% they've never even explained the e-mail. but what about when your father flies you tot wh mexico and yout these clients in mexico and then the mexican clients come back te the united states anxid visit th
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vice president at the white house?d e and then hunter demands money? what about if you fly your son to china. he meets all your clients. you come back with the bag of cash, and then your dad doesr favors forda china. and then after you leave the vice presidency, you wer ye supposed to share an office wity the chinese guy.ou what is that? you're not in business? what about when the chinese he's in business with buy $23si million in diamondnes and give e of them to hunter.s how do we know it's just onean? where are all the rest of the diamonds? how about when hunter takes $1.6 million in cash out of a.t.m.'s for three years? a .thow do we know that joe doesnt have cash at his housefo?t because when the f.b.ijo. looked at those documents that hese wasn't supposed to have, they wouldn't let him go into every room the. h certain rooms were notim allowed to be entered. or how about when joe's sister w cuts him a check for 40 grandcu
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from the chinese and then thtse4 day before, takes out 500 grand in cash. what is his sister-in-law doing taking 50 grand in cash?ta it wasn't even christmas tip time. so we should take simple thing shi that in an inquiry you'd want tg ask why are they doing that? why is hunter biden copied on all of joe biden's ukraine e-mails when he was vicekr president?ai why would the vice president use an aliaswh? isn't that strange? why are the bidens going to st. croix year after year after year a notorious tax shelter.o why is hunter biden paying for his father's phone line? for eight years. and why is he using burner phones ?. none of that makes any sense. it's wanoet that joe biden wasnt joe biden is at the center of thiser.. >> greg: is his name really dongy ? >> jesse: mr. dong. gong dong. jes >> greg: what is with hunter and dong?hat
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>> jesse: i don't know. >> greg: jessica, that was a lot of serious allegations.. i would call that a long list of serious infractions. i don't think you have a response for that, do you? care to pass ? >> jessica: no. >> greg: professor?ro >> jessica: i'llfe collect my $0 and keep going around the board. yeah, it was a lot of stuff. and i hope that all of it gets addressed. i i realize that i have been derelict in my duty that ide should begin every statement with if president biden is found guilty of whatever high crime f and misdemeanor they say they have him on, though none of them can name it, then democratsem should abandon him. this is not a cult. he is the leader of our party. he's the presidenta .ad we like but he's not above the law. just like donald trump shouldn't have been above the law. but the segment was premised on this idea of the democrats are out in full force doing tha spin cycle. but we're not!
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we're actually seeing republicans themselves admit that there's nothing to this. james comer, again, on "thisja morning with maria bartalomo". he switched over to that because he was scared of steve doocy.wic >> greg: come on! >> jessica t: it's from two nigs ago. >> greg: i read it three times with different media outlets jessica. >> jessica: you should expand your reading. thank you. yes. professor is just fine. so james comer, then this gu, y congressman green who said if we don't go down this impeachmentwe route, the mega base will stop voting for us.op it doesn't sound like we have a impeachment inquiry it soundmes like i'm scared of being voted out. and on dana's show this morning the two whistleblowers were on and bill hemmer was pushingll them. they accused hemme biden of infe peddling and didn't have anything to back it up. the story that i think will bent really interesting and it's starting to get a little juicy by jesse's standards is jameshi comer and his s shell company.
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so he's been going on for months about the fact that people who are innocent of these things don't have shell companies. but guess what, james comer doespani.ja so he's one of theme biggest landowners. >> jesse: does he have 20? >> jessica: oh! >> greg: come on. >> jessica: let me -- >> greg: there's a difference. >> does he have 150 suspicious wires? >> jessica: the belittling that's coming emboldens mes because i know it's hurting youu so he has a shell company called farm team properties that he shareses with a campaign donor s opened in 2015. his wife is also co-owner and it is masking, of course the fact that he owns more lands than goes on his financial disclosure forms. if someone is trying to run an above board impeachment inquiry and is running around all over television saying innocentt an people don't do this thing thatn i'm actually doing myself an'td maybe there's more, maybe this won't ever be enough for youe that's probably the caseth., but that's something a.p. reports today, i'm going to go and check ithing out.
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the evidence. >> jessica: i've said every day the diamonds and the dongs and whatever, lock them up! >> greg: that's a great david bowie song.>> roseanna, i want to do a call for you.daviwie , i an interesting thing thatng happened with "the new yor tkti" when they were covering hunter biden's speech, instead ofvo saying -- quoting him aslv my father was not financially involved in my business. "the new york times" quoted itei as my father was not involvenvdn my business. >> i know! t >> greg: isn't thahat bizarre? >> they completely altered what he said.mple and it was, what, originally at like 9:26 a.m. it took them hours later to put the financially part back in ita but they never corrected himll.t they never -- yoedu know you ono sometimes they have that asterisk with the correctionn . what happened to "the new yorkm" times"? it used to be the paper of record . now it's an advocacy newspaper. and, you know, the people that n
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work there, if the opinions are not what they believe, they y throw themselves and startw crying on ththe floor likecryi 12-year-olds. it's very disappointing to seedi "the new yorsak times" not cover this properly. >> greg: it's weird, though, byg admittinreg it, they just drewy attention to it.ew maybe that was part of the strategy. dana, here's -- you know, so yos hear this back story, joe is freaking out y. hunter thinks he'll have s to leave the country. friend of mine talked about this if you want to throw t the dems into chaos, trump should promise to pardon them to see how much pressure would be applied to joe to step aside. but you'd end up with gender newsomoe.d what do you doen? >> dana: i actually had a similar thought today, that on?i of the tngs you can do is salayf i will pardon hunter but this investigation should go on. i at least let's get to the truth joe.nv don't have to worry about it. if you're not president anymored in january of 2025, i'll pardonn j but trump could say that. we'll see.25 i think the other thing that's
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happening is president biden's numbers are so low. i think a poll came out today that had him at 33% approval. that's historically low for ane incumbent running for re-election and what people can grasp is this is fundamentally unfair. s aywhat hunter biden kept saying yesterday i'm being targeted e is thm be actually, you were not targeted for so many years and got soyear many passes for things that you should hav e been busted for because you're the president's son.ld h but now, it's come home to roost because they were doing these things that make you think well, obviously, if you go through jesse's list , it makesa lot of sensesse'. other thing is i think on the coms front, hunter is digging a e s playbook.s mp' he wants people to know i'lldi fight. o i'll fight. even if i might gofi down, i wil go down swingingll. what's curious to me, why would you pitch eric swawell to your,h wagon?
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he took him with him everywhere yesterday. is that where your h communications strategy isye coming from? i thought that was weird. >> greg: chinais! the china connection. >> dana: i hadn't thought about thatreg:.nn >> jesse: exactly.ecght he's an idiot. >> dana: that's the problem. >> greg: maybe the republicans should copy the dems and hire ae abc producer for it. tnd h she's not dreaming of a white christmas literally. boston's mayor doubling down onh throwing a segregated holidae'yt party. ♪ ♪ u can reduce the risk of kidney failure with farxiga. because there are places you'd rather be. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar.
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>> ♪ always talk >> \m always talk to god when i need a favor \m >> rosanna: the democrat mayor michelle wu coming under fire for holding a holiday party that excluded white people.y the controversy alpal started wh the mistaken e-mail the mayor'st akoffice accidentally sent ans invite intended only for several people on the city councily . thpee minority members on the cy council asking them to attend "the electeds of color holiday party.d " minutes later, all white councilors had their party invitations rescinded gettingun this follow-upci e-mail apologizing if they werelow- offended.if mayor wu calling the misfire td isite an honest mistake but defending.te >> we celebrate all kinds ofe connection and identity and culture and heritage in the city.
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just yesterday, we hosted our official city hall hanukkah celebration.d al c we have had tree lightings and we bring in -- we want to makent -- we want to be a city where >>eryone's identity is embraced. >> rosanna: ok, so she had a hadhanukkah celebration. now the electekkahd celebratione ani mean, greg, this could be te way to do it, just have separate parties for everybody.y to >> greg: i love that she is celebrating all different identities including racists. because that's what this is. by the way, i'll be hosting an all white kwanzaa after this show. no anchors of color. just me, the doocys and the little fellow from fbn. >> dana: who is that? >> greg: i don't know. we were going to do a muslim hanukkah but we don't know how to sing from the river to the sea in hebrew. but we're working you know, it shows how farti we've come from a nation where we condemned separate but equal to now enforcing it.l it's like what's next? are we going to start wearin ig
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white hoods because the left is going to tell us it's good for the environment?arinel or wear white hoods because tha enforces equity among theod physically attractive?e d.e.i.'s goals, one of the goals is to eliminate a hostile workplace. i don't know if there's anythin more hostile than thisdo! but no one complains about it because in a hostile workplacebe it's hostileca! >> rosanna: the white councilit members did not complain's. >> greg: they can't. the hostility turns back to theme . guess where she went to school. harvard!n't.o tells you this is a coordinatedv mindset and enforced ideologary when three college presidents and progressive mayorswh all wol from the same script, you know m that this is an idealogical meat grinder that turns it inton mulch. >> rosanna: this reminded me ofa high school when everybody is invited to the party excep rt y >> dana: right.yo >>u. rosanna: now, what do you ? i don't know, i grew up -- i admired the politicians on both sides of the
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because they always tried toti bring everybody >> dana: yeah, that's --g usually, that's the reason that you run for office is that you have some sort of aspiration to do that. i think it would be fun to see her testify in front of congress and explain all of this and see like under oath, what she was thinkingse. and you do have to wonder, if you think of martin luther kineg jr. i have a dream speech. this was not the dream. this was not supposed to be the dream anreamd the melting pot ad all of that.d tol of but i have to say, i am at the point of the holiday season where i would do anything to get uninvited to something except for on saturday night, please don'r ont uninvite me. it's just been a tough holiday season. but i feel for the people that didn't get invited because you're right. >> rosanna: they were invited. >> dana: to get the invite rescinded. for that reason, imagine what the working environment is in that city council, it must be terrible
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. >> rosanna: is this a civil rights violationlati? or should i ask the doctor? >> jesse: i'll take a stab. i'm going to go with yesab. i don't know if you know this roseanna, but i am .1% black. so this wouldn't affect me.ff i'd get to go to the electeds oc color party.t but for someone that is 100% caucasian like dana, sorrybu t you're excluded. i want to know if the electeds ' of color get to go to two christmas parties. we're assuming there's going to be one big council party. so they get to go to two parties and we get to go to one?i wo if i was white, i would -- >> jessica: have to get there. >> jesse: i would try to spy on the electeds of color party to see if they were talking about us. and then what i would do is then i would crash the electeds of colors christmas party.f and then i'd start drinking all their alcohol. and then i'd make the electeds of color kick me out.
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and if they tried, i'd sit in. sit down! that's your civil rights moment right there. >> rosanna: i was wondering how it was coming arounddownat's ag. so jessica, this is what i wannt to know. the electeds party did have a plus one. >> jessica: right? >> rosanna: were you only allowed to bring of color because the mayor's husband is white! now, i was looking -- i was trying to see who walked into that room, it was hard to see.o i don't know the husband that wellse . but the plus one. >> jessica: i thin k you can bring your white husband would be my guess. they have very cute holiday cards. they're a very nice looking couple. i'm sure she's -- it's the holidays. like you say we had a hanukkah celebration.
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i stood up there for the tree lighting. in front of millions of people and behind me was the archdiocese, rabbi, like the holidays are about everybody together.ho and i don't know anybody wholi doesn't enjoy the holiday ofjo another like do you love goingou to christmas s parties? we lit the menorah my husband t who grew up catholic loves that it's just -- it's the wrong timt for this.ha it's's j also only 13 people. that's what i can't get over.. we can't fit everyone in here. o people. tw >> greg: to your point, there mayor wu weng:t to the st. patrick's day parade. her name isn't owu . >> rosanna: good
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>> jessica: not really to my point. >> greg: that would have been better. >> dana: that was good. >> rosanna: before we have another civil rights, you know violation, let's move onna: bef. up next, shocking video from our southern border, thousands ofhe migrants in mexico tryinrng to catch a train to america. ♪ ♪ and my husband and i own the village bakery located in hayden, idaho. our mission is to employ people with different abilities. tiktok is allowing us to show what acceptance looks like on a day-to-day basis, here at the bakery. this is a community of just complete and utter love. it's the people that lift you up when you're down. people on tiktok do that on a daily basis, and i've never found a community like that, ever. with 30 grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ahh, -here, i'll take that. woo hoo!
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>> ♪ you proof ♪ ♪ >>g st \m you proof \m \m something stronger than i'm used to \>> jm >> jesse: all aboard the biden express! choo choo! fox sources capturing this crazy video showing thousands of migrants waiting to catch trains in mexico bound for the united states. right now, biden is trying tot cut a dealno with republicans to beef ucup border security in exchange for aid to israel and c ukraine. but as usual, democrats are freaking congressional hispanic demals warning joe he better not bring back trump era immigration policiesco. members of the radical squad chiming in to say how cruel and
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xenophobic to use them asw bargaining chipscr. liberal cities that have to deal with the mess are crying uncle.s the new york city mayo tr says he's not seeing any urgency from the white house when it comes to the migrant crisis in the citya. >> i'm just not seeing the, youo know, the white house and their colleagues up there understanding that we need to decompress the strategy. i've been to d.c. 10 times. and each time, i laid out thee case on why the city, the economic engine of the state in the country, should not be goine through this. walking out, what i did not seen the level of urgency. >> jesse: our roseanna scotto. your thoughts of what you're seeing around here in new york city. >> rosanna: this is our hometown, right?>> tomorrow, mayor adams will be ow "good day new york" and we'll
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talk about as you know, he's begging d.c. and senator schumer who is abegs wheel, right, in d.c. we haven'h heard him come out and put his arms around our mayor and say you're right. this is terrible for our city. i mean, we know we're stretched to the ends, right? we have the cardinal come on our cardinal dolan and the archdiocese has been wonderful e to the migrants taking them inge trying to get them clothing and homes and jobs and everything else. they say they're stretched. it's not a figment of our imagination.reetch this is stretching our budget. but the mayor is getting no help the. w it's falling on deafen ears. one of the last times he went to d.c., one of his fundraisers got arrested. he had to turn around and come back again. everybody was looking.ed. this was very suspect. was this the biden administration a little critical
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of our mayor because he was critical of joe biden?n? >> jesse: why won't joe biden do a deal with republicans on immigration? >> jessica: i think he's going to. >> jesse: you do?bl >> jessicaic: yeah. i'm not sure it will be exactly the text that we're seeing right now. >> rosanna: in our lifetime? >> jessica: yeah, listen, tying it to two aid packages that are deeply important to him an to d important to the american people, the israel package more so than the ukraine package but i think that he's done a pretty good job of also connecting the dots on that. but yes, i thinkg th he's going. and i was revisiting today obama's immigration policies. and he was known as the deporter in chief. he deported three million people while he was here. he was the first president since reagan to leave office with the same amount of undocumentehed people as when he entered under george bush, for instance, who people i'm sure in theirde heads would think is much harsher on immigration because that's what you typically associate with a republican. there are an extra two million
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people that came in during that time.ha and obama left office an icon had increased latino support in the party. it didn't backfire on him at all. and i think that there's a lot of playing this gameat t, like a don't want to upset the progressive base at all. they're very loud on line right, very powerful social media accounts. give great interviews but that's not how people vote. that's what we saw in 2020.ho no one thought joe biden wouldug be the nominee. if we went off what the. checkmarks were saying. o i think he iffs going to do a deal. >> jesse: we saw some nasty is video. they had these immigrants now, i don't know what they're dressing them in. i it looks really sad.n. >> dana: that train video is incredible. for the last few weeks, we've seen in one day in arizonae da 12,000 people came through a a checkpoint.12 12,000 people. and here's the kicker. they had this amazing report about how he will interviewou migrants as they're coming across sometimes.
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he talks to one guy from africa. why did you come tal? well, my country's economic situation is terrible. i'm looking for a and i want to go to neiow york. bill gets his number.o contacts him. the guy has made it to new yorku he had his asylum hearing. he said that the government inhg his country was trying toun persecute him so he was granted asylumtr t. we have him on camera saying that he came for an economic on reason. f if you say economiorc reason, ye get deported immediately. so we have him on camera.ia it's one of thostee things wher. there's no system where you can figure that out. the other thing thatn 43 told obama initially his advice ony thhie way out, was i know you wt to do health care. but i'm telling you, you can get immigration done, you should dog it firstet before you try to get health care donedone. g and i think all of us would hav. been much better off.h last thing i would say is we haa a guy on today, he was a reporter in mexico. he said that a lot of theseth people, as soon as they geattn across the border, they take aab selfie, they send it to their family wit ah no words.
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but that selfie is of the code that i made ite, t. you should come too. so the system is totally broken! and the biden administration you are at 33% approval.bide immigration is a top three concern.hree and why don't you just take the win, get the ukraine and israey money and work with theai republicans?neney except at this point, i thinkan senate republicans will go fors? it. r but house republicans may not.ep >> jesse: he's in the 20's on approval in immigration. >> greg: that is true, jesse. this is the key to open borders. the word it's essentially translated intt open sesame. even if you build a wall, that's the permanent way in. a wall can't stoame.p it. when you're looking at the people coming across, they aren't escaping political persecution. a lot of them, especially the men, look healthy, happy, and fit.he many with roller bags. they look like they're going otn a vacation. it's not the way you looked atit give me your hungry and tired.
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and once again, it bearsand repeating the obvious lie of the left. if america and westernthat civilization is one that is seeped in systemic racism and relentless repression, why are c millions of black and brown people flocking into this hate?i what kind of good squad member could invite poor souls in a living hell that they would be persecuted in a life of misery. speaking of the squad, take. omar, perfect example of exploiting the values in order to subvert the values. she came here as open arms and paid us back by demonizing this country. o if you doubt me, ask her brother and/or husband. >> jesse: ok. up next, the climate crazies have officially jumped the shark. they have a plan to save the planet. it's to stop breathing t. . ♪ ♪
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your gift will have two times the impact. >> ♪ downtown is where i used to >> \m downtown is where i used to wander \m \m old enough to \m >> dana: reaching new levels of insanity. elements in our breath canugh ♪h contain small elevatedin concentrations of methane and nitrous oxide both of which o contribute to global warming. and washington state democrats are considering new laws t staoa outlaw gas powered leaf blowerss punishments could carry fines up to $10,000 and over a year in jail. sometimes we talk about in the green room, what in the futuretn when people look back at our time and say, they were crazy! >> greg: or they're going to think who knew jeffrey epstein was an environmentalist, right?a and hillary clinton was just reducing the carbon footprint one lung at a time. you can't fart or breathe, i'm going to explode! but you have to ask why are they
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telling us this? te this is the natural end point of the suicidal ideology.suic it's ide humans are inherently d for the planet. thsolution is not justth fewer humans, don't procreate but the ones that ar e still living should probably stop breathing.l no wonder canada is pushing euthanasia on their population. you're depressed have a chronic illness, step into this comfy chamber and we'll remove your painilln. you'll be helping the planet.d this is what happens whewen ego driven elites appoint themselves as the leaders of the apocalypsens w. so rather than having to solve specific problems like crime drugs, mental illness, which they cause, they use this hysteria to justify these ideas and they're exempt from having to participate in them. look at john kerry, right? he marches on with his panic but still flies. and breathes.d >> dana: and that'brs the worst part! the other thing about, for example, the technology.
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so the changing of thehang dishwashers and the leafblower point is i was talking to someone today who has a company where they used to hire a bunch of people to do landscaping in california this law, leaf blower, you haveu to have like recharg he believe electric leaf blowers now in california. they're twice as you can't work a es many hours n to stopbecause you have and go and recharge themrs. and so these policy changes. actually end up hurting the people the most that need the help the most, extra hours in the jo >> jesse: you'll have to peel that leafblower out of my cold deadu'll hands, dana.ld >> greg: like you blow your own leaves, . >> jesse: i blow more leaves than you ever would or have! m and, you know, i always knew my words were deadly, dana and now science has proven that.en in order to save the world, i'm going to hold my breati'h for te rest of the segment. and i'm not going to cheat. >> dana:gmen ready? goat. what do you think of this. idiocy? >> jessica: i'm going to talk forever, get that out
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it's always a proposal. we got hot and bothered about it.ou i actually don't know any of these that have gone through. and just in defense of the gas stove thing.e the i know that people think it's just -- the reason that they suggested this policy was because the chemicals of the gas stoves emit cause asthma in e childrenmi. and it hasn't gone into effect. i like -- i know restaurants that cook steak in particular have been very agitated. let's ask roseanna. >> rosanna: i have to say, as an italian-american, have you beevn to my house on sunday?te after we've had sauce with onions and garlic, you don't want to be near anybody's breath after that! ok? seriously, i think we've gone too far and we love our gas stoves, as you know. my family has a restaurant. what happened?rest >> dana: jesse can't breathe until the segment ends.
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>> jessica: i think what you're saying is so interesting. you should keep going. s stoves arega becauset to how we cook it's been emodulated. i understand that we have to be friendly to the environment and climate. >> dana: breathe!vi he did >> rosanna: wait a second! >> dana: joe biden's white house christmas video got a ton of attention but perhaps for the wrong reasono go. t perhaps for g re♪ ♪
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>> jessica: welcome back. it's time for the fastest first step. ♪ ♪ first lady jill biden trying toi spread some holiday cheer with a white house christmas video.ngi but it might have backfired. it's getting brutally mocked by critics who have been calling it bizarre, freaky and absolute te bage. greg, you go first. f >> greg: yeah, it's not my cup
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of teair. i really don't care. this dance troupe is a marxist organization and they came outga in support of defunding thnie police, abolishing prisons and marxist terrorist angela davis. they have an entir e section on the website devoted to d anti-white literature like why white feminists are racists.t to they want to defund the nypd and get them out of public schools. i don't think jill biden did her research. much like she doesn't her research about anything because she's not a real this is another example ofut the white house place to the optics of wokeness and don't do any research. >> jessica: that isn't exactly how i thoughat it it was going go. i thought heo was going to sayi don't like that. danaough? >> dana: so i usually never complain about anybody's video y and this one, if she wants to do thane dance video, that's fine.w >> greg: how about that?ana: >> dana: fade to black. i didn't like it when people criticized melania trump's. that's your artistic expression
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and that's what you want to do. rut then when i read deepe today and found out more about this group, i was like wait your poll numbers, one of thboue reasons they are where they areh is because you've been polled so far left. thing you have to do is use an animal but they can't use an animal because commander bites anybody. and nobody will be better than barney cam. animal videos are the way to go. animals arame great. >> jessica: animals are great. roseanna? >> rosanna: it reminded me? walking down in the subway, this is what i see.t i i feel at home. >> jessica: jesse? >> jesse: i have a finite amount of so i'm going to save that for impeachment. out >> jessica: up next, the robot doctor will see you now. more americans say they trust a.i. andrica social media over n actual human health care professional. roseanna, this really scares me. >> rosanna: you know what it is people can't get to their doctorhat . >> jessica: that's >> rosanna: in new york city, in
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can't find a doctor who is not a conceirege doctor right now.ewn you have to pay $5,000 on top of getting your health insurance s you can't get them on the phoneo unless you pay that extra .5,000 so you have to go on the web you have to ask chatgbt for what's going on. web m.d. is my friend. >> greg: this reminds me when i was younger i took those quizzes in the newspaper. y usually in dear abby, they were like self-diagnosed tests, you know, are you depressed or an alcoholic? and i would answer, yo u know, if you answer yes to two or more questions, you were definitelyub inle trouble. and according to the quizzes, i was depressed, obsessive compulsive, hard drinking oversexed insomniac with no friends. my point being, there's always -- when you're self-diagnosing there's always a bias towards a positive diagnosis because allin the symptoms are general and vague enough to apply to .verything and the internet will amplify that. i think this is going to create
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more hypochondria. >> jessica: interesting. dana, what do you think?mo >> dana: this is why obamare should have gone withsh immigration first becausoue the health care system is veryheal different now. and your point about concierge medicine is true. good friend of mine in colorado got diagnosed by an eye doctor. looks like you have rosacea in your eyes, you need to see a dermatologist. nine to 12 months to get an appointment. i know a doctor here. he'll do a video appointment. this is becoming like ame part-time jontb to take care of your own health. likjob >> greg: did she die? >> dana: she's ok. >> greg: you should have said she diedg: d. that would have been a great story.he'sou s >> dana: that would have been a terrible story . >> jessica: telehealth is a bigve bonus for a lot of people. b >> jesse: i'll take siegel over a robot any day oflo the week. siegel is going to give me pillg that i don'tiv need but i want. and he's going to get me in to see the specialist tomorrow! >> jessica: you can see that dermatologist?sica >> jesse: yes, i got to get that removed! >> jessica: up next.
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>> one more thing, jesse. >> all right, well, the shop has a holiday collection, christmas collection. not sure about kwanzaa, but we got a lot of gear. look at this sherpa blanket, guys. how cozy is that? >> snuggle up with your loved one or your snow globe paramour ? >> yeswe got snow globe. we got the stocking. we have the pajamas. >> now, these are slinky and cozy. definitely put those on and put jesse watters primetime on tonight, 8:00. >> we got the harvard president going for charlottesville tiki torch. >> mm-hmm. what does that mean? i have no what does that mean? tell you. tune in to find out. all right.
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my turn tonight. we've got a great show and you're going to agree. rob schneider, jamie lasalle, kat timpf and tyrus. we've got some special stuff ahead, so you've got to watch it at ten. >> let's do this. animals are great. animals are great animals are great. you can't spell walrus without us. >> so this is at that point. define zoo noises. good study. and oh, god. see? >> oh, yeah. talk about being bad for the environment. that's a lot of carbon coming out of that mouth. >> they're amazing, aren't they? walruses are good, you know that. >> they are incredibly lovable, dana. you can just. they'll just like, take a one home. you can take them home. they mean. no, no, they. >> 17 words of english. oh, okay. so this weekend, karl shimkus and i are going to be together
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at the little point bookshop in point pleasant beach, new jersey. that's december 16th. this saturday, you can sign up and be there at noon. this is her first book signing. i believe she can get stuff down from the shelf. it'll be really helpful. i mean, i have a whole to do list for her when she arrives. also, this an artist to have a cat found in newfoundland was seemingly stuck at the top of a telephone pole. so rescuers, they climbed up there to help them out. looking like how ungrateful this cat is. oh, and the cat survived. >> oh, all right. where are we, jessica? okay, so my sister in law, elisa, had the most eventful commute to work. a runaway bull wound up on the train tracks at newark, penn station, new jersey, causing a 45 minute delay. she took this video. unclear how he got there, where he came from, successfully rescued. he's named ricardo now and he has been taken to an animal sanctuary where he's recovering from his time on the lam. >> so the bull was on the lam and she was wearing a red sweater. >> that's what she thinks maybe was bringing this on. >> you know what he was doing
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live in new jersey? >> all right. i'm going to try to top your video. doc ock. check out this crazy video from australia. a man was just filling his car with groceries when he realized he forgot his wallet inside. >> and then a tree went boom. >> lightning strikes, tree on car branches, all over the place totally obliterates the car. >> the guy says he's going to go out and buy a lotto ticket. >> but really, you know what they say you have a better shot at getting struck by lightning than winning the lottery. so what do you think? that's good. why do you say it's pretty nice? >> obviously, that was mother nature telling him to switch to electric. >> do people leave their doors open like that on like, oh, yeah, that's australia. >> like it was the other side of the road. i don't know. these are the questions wess should address tomorrow. i think this special hour episodes of wired doorom is always open. that's it for us. have a great night here.>> jes. >> welcome to jesse watters, prime time tonight


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