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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  December 15, 2023 9:00am-10:00am PST

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♪ i wanna hold you forever ♪ hey little bear bear. ♪ ♪ ♪ i'm gonna love you forever ♪ ♪ ♪ c'mon, bear. ♪ ♪ ♪ you don' don't have to worry... ♪ ♪ be by your side... i'll be there... ♪ ♪ with my arms wrapped around... ♪
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>> hello, everyone, it is friday, this is "outnumbered." i'm kayleigh mcenany here with my co-host emily compagno. also joining fox business anchor and host of bottom line dagen mcdowell. former fbi special agent nicole parker and former army intelligence captain and veterans on duty chairman jeremy hunt. president biden reelection campaign appears to be in serious trouble. the president is facing a formal impeachment inquiry, but new job performance on key issues have plunged to lowest since he's taken office. listen to this, pew research center found president biden rating at just 33%, that is close to the 20s. 64% of respondents disapprove of
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the president's job performance and only 36% believe biden can make good decisions and just 32% are confident biden will make good decisions on immigration, another 20-point drop from 2021. just 24% said they were confident biden can unite our country and nearly 25-point drop, maybe blood-red maga speech had something to do with that one. numbers are telling, so are our eyes, it is hard to believe biden can inspire americans ahead of 2024 when he continues to fumble in front of the nation, just yesterday he gave a gaffe-filled speech and forgot the name of the man who introduced him. can't make it up. >> taxpayers are chipping in paying a lot to get brilliant scientists to go out and find cures, find answers to drug
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problems and to drugs. thank you for taking time to be here. thank my -- my introducer. >> kayleigh: nicole, it is hard to believe that is the leader of the free world we are watching that happens time and time again. as a campaign, how can you possibly reverse the nation's opinion on the president's acuity when you keep having moments like this. >> it is terrifying as a citizen. i look at him and he exudes weakness on the world stage and that is what americans do not want, we want strength. are you better off than you were four years ago, for me personally, every aspect like me, along with others, look at the financial situation, bidenomics is ridiculously false and the southern border is
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dangerous, i'm a texan and to see people flooding across, no idea who is in our country. we are into wars, we were not into war under president trump. whether you like president trump or don't or biden, most americans do not feel they are better off than they were four years ago. mean tweets, people feel about security, safety and pocketbooks. >> kayleigh: no doubt, 33% approval, emily. you could see a president in the high 20s with this, three or four points from being in the 20s, this is abysmal and 12-point drop in democrats since october. this only matters if people show up at the ballot box. that is what i find disheartening, i can't bridge the delta between the conversation i have with americans where we feel totally
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abandoned and feel policies have gutted our wallets, savings, quality of life, sounding super negative right now. whole point is, we have midterms. we see polls, of course, every time i see thought of him making another gaffe, beneath the office of the presidency, when i see him with another global leader, i'm petrified because no one showing up at the ballot box that needs to. it is incumbent to share information with your colleagues and friends in a respectful way to say here is how we change it. only way this is going to change, if we vote that person out of office and only way that is going to happen, if people show up and historically republicans do not have the same momentum and that is what i find frightening. >> kayleigh: jeremy, incredibly
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important point emily is making, polls show president trump trouncing biden in key states. president trump winning a lot of non-2020 voters, great thing. non-2020 voters didn't vote in 2020, you have to get them to the polls, polls are just theoretical until they become reality in a vote. >> that is right, part of this red wave that ended up being a sprinkle as a candidate that ran in georgia. it is frustrating when you look at the numbers, how can we not lose, we have opportunity here, this is our moment. what happens, what emily is saying, if we can't turn out voters in the way the democrat party does. they do mail-in voting and early voting, they have mastered it,
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republicans have to catch up. if we can't deliver on turning polls and how to hypothetical questions into votes, we'll see no defense. >> kayleigh: that is right, i was reading politico, interview with cornel west running third party, can he get on ballots? it is arduous process. on joe biden's nomination he said this, i'm not sure whether i'll be running against biden, i think biden will have an lbj moment and pull back. he is running out of gas. >> dagen: since it is the holiday season, you are at the season and have a drinky drink, would you hand your keys to joe biden to drive you in your own car home for free or in tight financial times, would you pay for an uber? hands down, you are not letting that man drive your car, not
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even around the parking lot of kroger. i don't think it is off base for a lot of people to think he will not run, if you listen to david axelrod. what is it going to take for joe biden to step out of the way? i don't have the answer. one thing i know, we mentioned approval rating, 33%, almost in the twos, that whoever runs for democrats will represent the same policy that got us where we are. this commander in calamity and cohorts inflicted pain and suffering on the american people and for almost three years routinely mocked americans telling them the sadists, telling them what they experience everyday is not real and what they are feeling is not
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legitimate and now the media piling onboard trying to prop up left wing bats. consumer prices up 18%, food price up 20% and buying a home has not been this expensive and this difficult in modern history, period. >> kayleigh: well said. all right, be sure to tune into fox news 9 p.m. eastern, i'm filling in host are for the great sean hannity. we have fantastic lineup and will get into the poll numbers and hunter's legal battles with the great jonathan turley. to this, why hunter biden says he is worried he will have to flee the country, wow, that is next. ♪ ♪ veteran homeowners need cash but worried you can't get a home loan
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♪ ♪ >> emily: hunter biden is facing slew of legal issues, felony gun charges, contempt charges for defying federal subpoena. according to new report, first son's biggest fear donald trump getting re-elected. politico writing hunter biden knows he's in political crosshairs. he's worried he might have to flee the country if donald trump becomes president again and worried about scrutiny his family will face during the 2024 campaign.
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most sensitive victim is terrified of donald trump receiving presidency and sk scrutiny, he is unafraid of his decisions. >> dagen: donkey dong. his daddy would pardon hunter on the way out of the door. it's -- playing the victim in the words of olivia soprano, poor you. the father the victim, as well. the man has been an addict on and off his entire adult life and they are trying to blame president trump as if somehow he has rained down all this attention on the president of the united states and his son. the biden family business and joe biden is the business.
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they're trying to blame president trump, president trump didn't raise him, what is joe biden's famous word, don't. all this business he's in trouble for could have stopped day one when joe biden was the vice president as andy mccarthy pointed out and we know why. >> emily: boom, take responsibility for his actions. >> kayleigh: two reports about biden as pertains to his son. this is becoming somewhat of a narrative. politico this morning, you referenced it, according to those around him, biden privately fears the weight on the president. he is thinking to himself, this is playing out next year and
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came after axios said the president suggested to close associates if he had not run in 2020, hunter would not be facing criminal prosecution. one, the train has left the building, special counsel is out there. if biden did choose to step aside, public scrutiny and impeachment inquiry might go away and go to another democrat. biden is running, he's the nominee, given some of this reporting, i'm starting to question how this factors into his decision. >> emily: great point and jeremy, you have interacted with so many americans who have faced consukwenss for their action in the criminal justice system. it is emblem attic of weakness he inherited when he would flee rather than accept responsibility for these decisions and the mirroring in politics he seeks to blame a
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prior president rather than his own influence pedalling to pedal his last name, his decision to reap millions at behest of others. >> heun was us to all feel bad for him. no coincidence this leaked. i'm afraid, i might have to flee. you have someone to steal a term from the left, a very privileged kid who has never had to face responsibility and never been held accountable and now finally facing bltability, he wants us to feel bad for him having to go through this. some impulsive folks like myself on the right, if he wants to flee, let him go out of the country. i want to see him thrown in prison, for our country, he needs to be held accountable and
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show the justice system does not have different rules from what party you are from. >> emily: hunter says it is in last six years since donald trump have i been subject of scrutiny. it goes back many years. do you think with some semblence of law enforcement holding him accountable, will that restore american's faith in the doj regardless who is at the helm? >> there is a very long way to go, i recognize americans do not trust the department of justice, that is one reason i left the fbi. hunter biden is accountable for hunter biden. the truth shall set you free, why is he afraid of president trump coming in. his father is closely linked to business dealings and financial
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delawareings and it's time to be held accountable. there are whistleblowers that put their careers on the line, that is important. if not for them, americans would not know about this corruption, whistleblowers will not stay quiet. whether president trump is in office or somebody else, give credit where it is due, irs special agents deserve the credit, they stood up for truth and justice and that is why it is not going to go away regardless who the president is. doj want to keep you silent, i was there, you are in an atmosphere, don't speak up, it is all quiet. there are certain things that are classified or confidential, whistleblowers must come forward and be honored and celebrated. >> emily: on that in light of your analysis you gave a moment ago and we have report of, the white house being exace perated
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by hunter's legal strategy, do democrats might want to have your hypothesis put into place. if we get him out of here, maybe this noise will go away, not with standing pressure will remain. do you think it is decision biden team makes, joe biden? >> kayleigh: no doubt, his poll numbers are in the between thes, there are democrats saying step aside, public scrutiny will go away, enjoy your life, let kamala harris or gavin newsom step in. no doubt that is upon haing, you cannot look at the poll numbers and think he can pull this out of the bag. things can change, the economy could turn around, i wouldn't bet on that horse, joe biden. >> emily: gavin newsom is defending san francisco from critics of the homeless crisis and blaming republicans for what he calls amplifying the issue.
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accountability issues these days. stay with us.
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♪ >> kayleigh: california governor gavin newsom taking a swing at republicans, criticizing his handling of san francisco, weeks after florida governor gavin newsom called out ron desantis, newsom is trying to explain his handling of the crisis. newsom said he has to own and address problems, but then quickly shifted to blaming republicans, saying they are "amplifying" the issue. >> they have been on a doom loop
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since nancy pelosi became speaker. california outperformed the american economy, difference is daylight and darkness between the republican party. they have to focus on our failures in order for them to be right. california is special place, resilient and vibrant. >> kayleigh: republicans to blame for the quarter million fleeing the area, open-air drug market, etcetera. >> emily: i'm one of them, it stuns me having lived in san francisco 100 years ago, this is the same person i was under that still can't account for his decisions. why can't privileged guys say, i messed up, i will step aside. sky rocketing homeless statistics, nothing else to show for his reign and continued
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inability to step aside because someone might have more common sense ideas than he does. if i could ask him one question, i think about it everyday, why when he is so seemingly attached to amplifying people of color and boxes he puts other human beings into, why does he continue thinking he is the best person for the job to represent the people of color and communities and underserved people. why is he best person when all he talks about is everyone else needs to have their voices lifted and represented. go home, go back to your ranch and huge mansion in pacific heights. get out of here. he thinks he deserves a promotion. >> emily: he thinks he is better than anyone else, it is
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preposterous. >> kayleigh: conservatives are to blame, he quickly shifted to blaming republicans. politico article from august talks about gavin newsom has not been mayor for more than a decade, hew summoned his cabinet for a meeting and the california governor told them they need to feel responsible for the open-air drug market and homeless camp surrounding city hall. you must be responsible and republicans don't cover san francisco. >> dagen: i enjoy the fact he is gala vanting to china and doing infomercial for chinese electric cars, a car and a boat. go watch the video. or going on late night tv because more he talks, people realize he is nothing more than an ego with $500 haircut. i follow a young woman who had
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to move out of san francisco who lived in middle of the tenderloin who videoed a homeless encampment catching on fire and side of her building was in flames and she said all we're trying to do is keep a job and get to work safely and people will not protect us. this is what he wants to do. all he is, huxter with a haircut. >> kayleigh: you like that haircut. >> dagen: a shill with no soul. >> kayleigh: white house ambitions, you are correct mentioning that. august politico article, this is why he cares about san francisco. newsom increasingly been moonlighting as executive of hometown and litmus test for success in sacramento, i feel like i'm being pulled back to be
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mayor, we can be doing more and as governor i cant do it all, the buck stops here, i will be held accountable. he knows if san francisco fails it might affect his view more broadly. >> right, it is really all comes down to san francisco and the mayor of san francisco is a failure, don't look at me, it is the san francisco mayor, it comes from top down. his role as governor he should be leading the way and he's feeling. my brother and his wife and my four nieces and nephews, they live in l.a. it has become a way of life for them, they carry around gra nola bars or bananas, so many homeless people ask for money or food, it is part of their life to hand out food to get from point a to point b because the city isso overrun with homeless
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crisis. it is personal for our families too, in gavin newsom a california it is not easy. we need leaders to say, if i'm not getting the job done, they should step aside. we should be holding them bltable. >> kayleigh: interesting to watch him try to put lip stick on a pig across from ron desantis who runs the state beautifully. >> i am a florida resident and florida is doing amazing and californians are moving and fleeing and going to texas, texas, florida, tennessee and there is a reason for that, for him to say i accept responsibility and no, i don't, it is liberal policies that are destroying these beautiful states. california is beautiful state, you yourself had a leave, emily, sad tragedy. he needs to take ownership and
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defund the police movement never works and we're seeing that over and over. conservative policies work and more thanes are seeing that. >> emily: they do work and $500 haircut you surmise. >> dagen: i'm guessing. >> kayleigh: nice haircut. >> dagen: there is a lot of product happening. >> kayleigh: nice haircut, poorly led state, a law could be to blame for recent spike in carjackings in the nation's cap capitol. my a1c was up here; now, it's down with rybelsus®. his a1c? it's down with rybelsus®. my doctor told me rybelsus® lowered a1c better than a leading branded pill and that people taking rybelsus® lost more weight.
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>> emily: washington, d.c. is now dealing with a huge surge in
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aggravated carjackings and appears liberal crime policies are fuelling the problem. federal authorities charged continue teens for involvement in two organized carjacking rings. thanks to an act requiring leniency, the teens may get off with minimal consequences. there are staggering 932 carjackings this year and only made 169 arrest and 63% of carjacking arrests involved at least one juvenile offender. jeremy, what are your thoughts on that? u.s. attorney said youth rehabilitation act, they utilize it so much more, it is recidivism, same kids doing the same stuff, if there were larger
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deterrence, kids wouldn't engage in violent crime. >> if you have something done with rehabill tagsz, look at recidivism rate, if you are not seeing a reduction, there is something not working with the rehabilitation program you are trying to promote. this act goes up to the age of 25. if you are 24, about to turn 25, you are having your sentence reduced and sometimes you could get half a sentence and if you are 24 going on 25, you are a grown man or woman. you are not a youth. that is way too expansive and great state of georgia, when i was growing up my dad was commissioner of juvenile justice for state of georgia. there if you are 17, you are prosecuted as an adult in the
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state of georgia. the law does not play around. in d.c., parley drafted statutes, you get bad outcomes. >> emily: u.s. attorney said these are not children, not impestuous crime, dangerous adult crimes. most violent crimes are carjackings. >> they are prevalent and dangerous. there was an fbi agent that was carjacked, how is that? armed federal agent in washington, d.c. out of our wfo office was carjacked and held at gunpoint by a minor. it is mind-boggling, when i was a special agent, no way someone would carjack me with a gun.
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you don't hold people accountable, repeat offender, no accountability, it will continue. they know it is wrong, these are not young children, these are young adults. expect it to continue and the mayor is saying, we have a violent crime problem, obviously, you have been talking about defunding the police for years. carjacking and minors involved has to end and we need responsibility. >> emily: kayleigh, congress said why do you only prosecute less than 50% of crimes we covered city council members who say on behalf of the underserved population, a lot of voices are coming to consensus, we need prosecution and inn forcement, why hasn't anything worked? >> kayleigh: of course we do,
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washington, d.c., the swamp, fairytale ideas, we won't prosecute and everyone hold hands and sing kumbaya. matthew graves says there are carjacki rings and there is a chat called grand theft auto in real life and matthew graves said this is the real world with serious crimes being committed and he is right. go back to 66-year-old mohammad anwar. two girls came into his car with a taser and you can see him holding on to the door and was dragged and lost hads life. people lose their lives, he is one of them. >> dagen: there were two young people, 24-year-old and a 14-year-old arrested down in one florida county for having stolen
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a pickup truck and the 24 year old had 30 previous felony charges. he was hauled in and he said, i'm going to be in and out of here no time flat. they went, no, you are in polk county. he went fudge, not the word he used, grady judge, you don't play here. we interviewed him on the bottom line yesterday and sean's first question was why doesn't every criminal have that reaction when they are arrested? the 14-year-old had first been arrested at age 12 for theft with a weapon, and it is because left-wing democrat elected officials care more about coddling and protecting criminals and vial humans, who
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kill you for your used car than keeping honest law-abiding citizens safe. elect more grady's. they are still in jail and will be served turkey on christmas. >> emily: stay with us, more "outnumbered" next. it's easy as 1-2-3. one: call newday and apply. two: take out an average of $70,000. three: pay off your credit cards lactaid is 100% real milk, just without the lactose. delicious too. just ask my old friend, kevin. nothing like enjoying a cold one while watching the game. who's winning? we are, my friend. we are.
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>> chairman of the house oversight committee, james comer will join us top of the hour on whether they will hold hunter biden in contempt of congress for skipping his deposition, we'll ask where that stands now and morgan ortagus about the rift with biden and vice president harris over the war in gaza. where does the vice president stand and what does that mean for the united states and israel? is tip-flation a new thing? people are cutting back on gra tuity jimmy failla will tell us what he thinks, join us top of the hour. ♪ ♪ >> dagen: rich kids in new york city no longer askinga santa to
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bring toys, they are demanding luxury gifts instead. seven and eight years old want items from gucci, uggz, montclair jackets that cost $800 bucks, these younger kids have the taste level of a 40-year-old woman. it is not the children's fault, it is boujee, grotesque parents. >> and social media, one child said whatever they see on tiktok my kids want. somebody wanted $100 moisturizer, what child moisturizes and they wanted a mini-fridge to put their makeup in.
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>> dagen: maybe this is not just new york city-centric problem. there was a long article in the "new york post" about tweens and desire to get face care and lotions and potions for christmas. one eleven year old has a 45 minute morning beauty routine with acid peels and sprays and i thought, i'm just going to be a her mit for the rest of my life. >> how can you compete with that. maybe i should take lessons, i could use skin treatment. i agree, sometimes it is not as much kids, sometimes parents try to keep up and make sure kids get everything they want. i need to get my powerpoint going, what do i want? pretty amazing things on their wish list, i should jump in on
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that. >> dagen: it goes back to parents, a young person would become fixated on gifts that are so expensive and obvious. ex >> emily: 100%, i hate everything about this and blame the parents. who are your child's influences? some brat at school? you? are you talking about uggz. not that my family is holier than thou, we got the orange and penny in the cup and we loved it, might as well have been a montclair jacket and i didn't even know what that was. what you model and demonstrate for children and abundance and bounty. an 11-year-old, get out of here,
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neutrogena and noxema. >> i still use it. >> emily: you look fantastic, skin is glowing. >> dagen: i do not see you giving your children an $800 puffy coat. >> i don't think so, my kids are so young, my one year old is happy to play with the box, so he is happy to play with paper and bubble wrap. also think the way to push back against this is teach kids the importance of giving. if you want to push back against this materialist ic generation, we talk about jesus is the reason and we give to others and that is what we try to teach and only way to push back, otherwise
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your kids will want the next -- >> kayleigh: kids are creating powerpoint presentations of their gifts. no problem dreaming big, do they know the reason for the season, jesus christ. >> emily: i don't know how to make a powerpoint. >> no gifts for you. >> emily: had is where i get fired. >> dagen: what age do they ask for like lambeau? >> kayleigh: kid that asked for doorbell for their room. >> they are creative, give it to them, for sure. >> emily: dreaming big. >> dagen: as long as we don't have to live near them, well, i do. more "outnumbered" in just a moment. ♪ ♪
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>> bahumbug. >> one of the most beloved christmas tales of all time. >> the story you don't know behind charles dickens' "a christmas carol." created the story that made christmas as we know it. so gather around the fire for the history of "a christmas carol." exclusively on fox nation. ♪♪ >> emily: last but not least, some groups in the u.s. are pushing for new legislation to give nature similar rights to humans. yes, nature. such as trees, grass, and wild deer. several countries have passed laws to grant rights to nature in recent years and the movement is picking up steam here in the
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u.s. dagen, salmon have the right to move through rivers, north carolina is considering a similar one for an ecosystem, i note the tension. conservationists with common sense approach to legislation would have the same impact but the extremist view may not gain enough traction or any traction, people look at this and they scoff. >> conservative stands for conservation, greatest people actually protecting nature are people who hunt and fish on the land. but you know, i worry when i, like drive to the walmart, i worry about getting sued by somebody whose car i bumped. now i have to worry about getting my ass sued by a forest in bolivia because i drive a pick-up truck? that's where we are? >> emily: is this going to work, kayleigh? >> kayleigh: i don't think the forest would have standing, i'll defer to jeremy on that.
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>> dagen: john kerry will sue on behalf of the forest. >> kayleigh: i'll toss it to you. >> it's amazing, i hope they don't come down to georgia, i chopped down several trees in the front yard and i'm telling you that they don't have any rights, when it comes to georgia. >> emily: does that mean christmas tree and the christmas tree season would suffer litigation? >> don't mess with us christmas trees. that's a holiday, we have to keep that going, that tradition. >> kayleigh: remember yesterday, it's a crime to breathe. apparently breathing adds to co2, we have that going on. >> can't have too many kids, carbon dioxide, not good. >> dagen: that makes john kerry the biggest polluter in america. >> emily: guys, thanks for watching. don't for get to dvr the show. here is "america reports". >> john: emily, thank you. u.s. customs and borde


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