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tv   America Reports  FOX News  December 15, 2023 11:00am-12:00pm PST

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veteran homeowners, need cash? the newday 100 va loan lets you take out an average of $70,000 to pay off your car loan pay off your credit cards and pay yourself cash. life, diabetes, there's no slowing down.
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each day is a unique blend of people to see and things to do. that's why you choose glucerna to help manage blood sugar response. uniquely designed with carbsteady. glucerna. bring on the day! [gunshots] >> sandra: heavy fighting intensifying between israel and hamas as the idf confirms it mistakenly killed three hostages being held by the terror group and here at home a reported rift between biden and harris and the stance on casualties in gaza. welcome to "america reports," hour 2, 2:00 on the east coast. >> john: and difficult news to
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bring you this afternoon. politico reports that kamala harris wants biden to be more sympathetic to palestinians and take a tougher stance on israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. white house has refuted the report but is now urging israel to scale back military operations. >> sandra: complete coverage for you. robert o'brien on the internal conversations on the israel-hamas war. >> john: but first, peter doocy live with the white house. you asked john kirby about this at the briefing yesterday and do we know if president biden and the vice president have spoken since the story came out? >> peter: they have spoken, they are having lunch in the president's private dining room so plenty to hash out. as politico reports, vice president kamala harris has been telling colleagues in the administration she wants the white house to show more concern publicly for the humanitarian in
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gaza, president biden is among the officials harris has urged to show more sensitivity to palestinian civilians, these people said. >> someone around her leaked the vice president is upset with the president about gaza. >> that's a great question. i mean, if i -- if i could answer a question why somebody would leak, i mean, that would make me pretty smart and a lot smarter than i am. she's part of the team. if she wasn't offering her advice and counsel to the president on many issues, that would be a story. >> john: ted cruz saw that and he sees things differently, telling fox since day one, biden administration officials have been pathologically obsessed with backing israel, and the obsession continues in the aftermath of hamas's atrocity.
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we do not expect to hear from provided today. press secretary today, no public events on the schedule. john. >> john: well, then you should go have a beer, i would say, peter, you earned it. >> peter: i try not to have a beer before i talk to bret baier. >> john: good idea. you would end up calling him bret beer. sandra. >> sandra: good rule of thumb there, peter. robert o'brien, former national security adviser and representative to the u.n. general assembly. robert, thank you for joining us. "wall street journal" editorial board on biden's rising tension with israel, it reads israelis know mr. biden is under pressure from the democratic party left to stop israel-gaza's operations and making sacrifices, israel has no good choices here but america does. the president can focus on
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supporting a u.s. ally and vanquishing a genocidal enemy. what do you make of the supposed rift between happening kamala harris and the president? >> well, we are seeing, sandra, that the left, far left wing of the democratic party and the rashid tlaib and ilhan omar, and turning on our ally in a way that's unheard of, and never seen it before, never happened under our administration, president trump would have never done this. i mean, can you imagine after 9/11 if israel criticized how we were conducting the war in afghanistan or telling us hey, you can live with the taliban, a two-state solution, and leave the taliban in power. it's ridiculous. spending more time talking about regime change in israel, and benjamin netanyahu's government, than we are talking about the hamas terrorists who have
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american hostages and killed americans on october 7th. very disappointing turn of events for american people and america. >> sandra: jake sullivan and the language he's using. >> distinguishing between innocent palestinian people on the one hand and hamas on the other hand is not just a moral question, though it is a moral question because innocent people's lives should be sacred and protected. israel has the intent to make sure that it is drawing those distinctions clearly and in a sustainable way. >> sandra: is he clearly communicating for the country there, robert? >> i think what jake sullivan should be communicating is to hamas, using civilians as human shields. so every palestinian civilian who dies is a tragedy and our heart goes out to them, but they are being killed by hamas. they are killed because they are used as human shields, because hamas engaged in genocide,
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psychopathic terrorists that look isis look moderate and israel will defend themselves and hamas is using their own people as human shields. when in history has an army used civilians to protect themselves. usually armies protect their civilians, their own people. here hamas is using the palestinians as human shields. so, jake ought to be criticizing hamas and the palestinians and lay off our friends in israel. it's really unfortunate. it's a real shame. >> sandra: robert, a short time ago we did report as you can see on the bottom part of the screen that three hostages that were held by hamas have been killed, this is confirmed by the idf, by the israeli military in friendly fire. "new york times" and washington is urging israel to scale down the war in gaza as all of this is happening. we quickly approach a new year here. >> look, israel has to fight and
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fight like heck and defeat hamas, good for israel but also good for us. we have hamas terrorists and hezbollah terrorists coming into our southern border. it's not just a war with israel that hamas has launched. they have launched a war against the united states. they killed americans on october 7th, taken american hostages, and where is the ronald reagan response to this, and when hostages were taken in the reagan years, you can run but can't hide. we are treating hamas like they are an ngo or political party and they are the worst scum you have ever seen, and what they did in israel on october 7th they would do to us if they could. and yet we are telling them to slow down the attack, and telling zelenskyy we will stand with him forever and give hundreds of billions of dollars, i support, to fight vladimir putin but telling the israelis they can't fight hamas and there's a time limit, that doesn't make any sense. if you care about democracy, you care about democracy and human rights in israel just like in
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ukraine. can't be one or the other. and unfortunately this administration has a mixed message and it's hurting our allies and hurting america. bad for our national security. >> sandra: got it. all right. thank you very much, robert o'brien joining us on all of that. robert, thank you. and good to see you. and we know, john kirby, john, was asked by peter doocy and his response there is no daylight between the vice president and the president on gaza, and the stance they continue to take. >> john: he said a lot of things in the answer to peter doocy, and he said it all with a straight face to his credit. but clearly a lot more pressure coming israel's way as we get closer to voting next year, and the fact that arab american voters are rapidly abandoning president biden. so, see how this goes. here is a story for you. a detransitioning woman in florida, she's 20 years old, claims she was rushed into hormone therapy when she was
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just 14. now she is fighting back, and she's opening up about it in a new documentary. kelsey is here to share isabelle's story, coming up next. plus this. >> boy, oh, thanks -- >> sandra: ok. one of the latest tiktok trends out there, taking on out of control tip culture. now customers may be starting to push back. jimmy is here, i wonder what he's going to say about this. he'll join us shortly. st before. with caplyta, there's a chance to let in the lyte. caplyta is proven to deliver significant relief across bipolar depression. unlike some medicines that only treat bipolar i, caplyta treats both bipolar i and ii depression. and in clinical trials, movement disorders and weight gain were not common. call your doctor about sudden mood changes,
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loving this pay bump in our allowance. wonder where mom and dad got the extra money? maybe they won the lottery? maybe they inherited a fortune? maybe buried treasure? maybe it fell off a truck? maybe they heard that xfinity customers can save hundreds when they buy one unlimted line and get one free. now i can buy that electric scooter! i'm starting a private-equity fund that specializes in midcap. you do you. visit today. >> sandra: students at the university of arizona are on edge after a series of assaults.
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police say a suspicious man targeted multiple female students in the last week. he even tried to kidnap one of them. senior national correspondent is live in l.a. . >> police have stepped up patrols, surveillance video and reliable sketch of the suspect. hispanic male, 30 to 40 years old, buzz cut, groping one female student and trying to abduct two others near the u. of a. campus. the first attack happened last thursday, two blocks from campus. the next day another co-ed said the same man followed her. then sunday, he grabbed a third student around the waist, she screamed and got away. victims say the man drives an early 2000 camry or corolla, four door, dented, hope the details plus security cameras will produce a partial plate
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number. tucson has six license plate readers. if they get a hit, they can saturate the area to get an arrest. >> personnel have spoken with some witnesseses, i don't want to get into too many details but have identified witnesses as well as the victims. >> and they have also asked residents and businesses in the area to join a police department open camera registry. i had not heard before, that lets police know that you have installed security camera making it easy for the detectives to show up and hopefully develop a lead. meantime, students are urged not to walk alone off campus. today is the last day of class. as we know, not everyone goes home for winter break. sandra. >> sandra: hope everybody stays safe. john. >> john: now to this, you'll want to hear about this, florida woman is sharing her story of detransition and her fight to make sure that no other young
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girl goes through the same ordeal she did. isabelle is now suing the american academy of pediatrics for allegedly recommending she start irreversible hormone injections when she was just 14 years old. independent women's forum features her story in "identity crisis." kelsey, great to have you here. isabelle was 14 years old, gone through a number of different things in her life, detail in a second, but she started hormone therapy at the age of 14. she says she was fast tracked by "collection of actors who prioritized politics and ideology over children's safety, health and well-being." at the age of 14, could she really have a clear understanding of what she was about to go through and what the potential consequences would be? >> yeah, i want to make clear these are allegations laid out in her lawsuit against the aap and her providers. and she claims after just one
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doctor's appointment with one of the nation's most foremost experts on so-called gender affirming care, he prescribed her testosterone, after less than 45 minutes. that is striking. testosterone is a very powerful drug for a 14-year-old and from there just eight months later she had a suicide attempt. he kept her on cross sex hormones despite her hitting rock bottom and sadly her story is not unique. we know so many young girls have got caught up in this gender ideology, this desire to transition as if this is going to solve their underlying distress. unfortunately, many of them are very vulnerable young girls with traumatic histories and of course drugs, cross sex hormones ance surgeries do not address the true causes of their suffering. >> john: she says she's thankful that her medical insurance would not pay for transition surgery,
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otherwise she would really be in a difficult boat. here is how the snowball started rolling downhill. she was sexually abused at the age of seven. precocious puberty at the eight of 8, resented her puberty, and at 11 found transgender community on tumblr, and went to see a noted transgender expert and was put on the hormones. what she said in your documentary about all that. >> i met with dr. rafferty. i knew the man a total of like 45 minutes and he diagnosed me with gender dysphoria, and the next appointment rolls around and i get on hormones. nurse practitioner taught me to you to inject the hormones and i was off. >> john: and eight months after attempted suicide, her underlying mental health problems were not addressed, she was given hormones. you can still hear at the age of 20 the lingering effects of
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those. >> and according to the allegations, treated by dr. rafferty who wrote the gender affirming care. so he is the one that people are trusting for his expertise on how to handle a child who is clearly in distress with their physical body, with going through puberty and now we are hearing more and more stories of these detransitioners who are now suffering today from very serious side effects, health conditions due to years of experimental treatment. and my question is where is the aap, where are the answers, where is the transparency. i'm a mom of three children. i am concerned about this experimental model of care being pushed on children in doctor's offices, in schools, and isabelle is so brave and courageous for telling her story, for speaking up honestly about the repercussions where this path led her. >> john: and also brave to be in the lawsuit.
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unlike presha mosley, she is going after the doctor. but she's going after the american association of pediatrics, deep pocketed organization that likely will be prepared to fight. >> absolutely. it is about time doctors face consequences for sending children down this path, because we know children who are now young adults have begun to face the lifelong complications, health complications. isabelle faces chronic fatigue, hair growth in areas no young woman wants hair growth. she doesn't know if she'll ever be able to have a normal functional sex life. she has no idea what's going to happen with her fertility. these things are robbed from children at a young age, and it is about time that the aap answer for its model and talk to parents, talk to pediatricians, question whether it's in any child's best interest to pursue drugs and cross sex hormones on otherwise physically healthy
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children's bodies. >> it's a compelling documentary, well worth a look. appreciate it. >> sandra: a surge in carjackings in our nation's capital big time this year, but a controversial d.c. law could make it easier for younger suspects to get away with it, and a biden-appointed attorney says it has to change. >> john: a special ceremony for some new u.s. citizens at the national archives this morning. melania trump's message for them coming up. >> be proud of yourself. stand your ground. and embrace the opportunities that lie ahead. you are american. f life. if you have heart failure, entrust your heart to entresto, a medicine specifically designed for heart failure. entresto is the #1 heart failure brand prescribed by cardiologists. it was proven superior at helping people stay alive and out of the hospital.
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with 30 grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ahh, -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein 30 grams protein, one gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals, and nutrients for immune health. (♪) >> sandra: police bodycam
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footage capturing that mayhem of a street takeover in connecticut. one of several that happened over the weekend. police say at least 1500 cars rampaged through at least four cities, people then flooded the streets with some shooting fireworks at police cruisers and officers tried to disperse the crowds. at least one officer was injured. several arrests were made with more expected after investigations comb through all of that footage. connecticut. that's a pretty crazy scene, john. >> john: would it be a crazy question to ask what in the world is going on in cities across america? >> sandra: lawlessness. >> john: so kelsey was telling us a second ago that she was just east of where we are, and she almost got carjacked the other day here in washington, d.c. well, car jacking here in d.c. have nearly doubled in the past
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year alone. controversial d.c. law says you can get away with it with barely any consequences. lucas tomlinson has the story for us. what does the law do other than probably at the most basic level promote carjacking? >> called the youth rehabilitation act and gives the judge the option to grant lighter sentences to defendants who are 24 years old and younger to get around the mandatory 15-year minimum sentence for armed carjacking the nation's capital. we spoke to a woman who said the city needs to redefine the definition of a youth. >> if you are over 21, you should not be considered a youth. and you should not get a special pass when it comes to committing crimes. you should be treated as an adult. >> ten teens were charged with operating a carjacking ring in the d.c. area, a biden appointee, matthew graves, blames the law for fueling the rise in crime. >> i've been sounding the alarm the criminal justice system that
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d.c. has built does not meet the memorial we are in. the mayor has correctly flagged the law has swung too far over the last seven years. >> 932 car jacking and only 18% of the suspects were arrested, more than half were juveniles. one d.c. facility to house them ran over capacity last month. 88-bed facility had 100 occupants one day. some were sent home before ten beds were added. >> these are not the crimes of a child who temporarily lost control, they are the calculated crime someone willing to hold a gun to someone's head for money or property. >> according to d.c. public school, 43% of ninth graders had 21 or more unexcused absences. many think it's part the washington wizards and capitals are leaving d.c. and heading to virginia, john. >> john: commanders have their
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practice facility out there, 20 miles west of here, ashburn, and lots of space out there. they could put a stadium out there. see what d.c. would do if they did that. i don't understand, and so many people in the city don't understand why they can't do something about this. more police on the streets perhaps. >> people are calling to sports talk radio saying they don't feel safe going to cap one arena. >> i went last night for trans siberian orchestra. it took us a half hour to get out of the parking lot. >> did you see police on the streets? >> a couple. >> sandra: melania trump making a rare public appearance to speak to new u.s. citizens. in her address, she recalled her own personal journey and the challenges she faced to become a u.s. citizen. rich is live in washington for us. rich, a pretty poignant
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backdrop, right? >> really was, sandra. 25 new american citizens from 25 countries taking the oath before the declaration of independence, the constitution and the bill of rights. former first lady melania trump spoke of her own path to u.s. citizenship for moving from s slovenia. >> be proud of yourself, stand your ground, and embrace the opportunities that lie ahead. you are american. be a beacon of inspiration for your children and those who follow in your footsteps. may your journey continue to be filled with endless possibilities. >> u.s. archivist personally invited melania to the ceremony. melania spoke in the rotunda of
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the national archives. the archives also set off a major investigation of her husband over his possession of classified materials. prosecutors eventually charged former president trump with dozens of counts, accusing him of mishandling classified documents, obstructing justice when the government tried to get it back. he has pled not guilty. and a major issue in next year's election, republicans have criticized the biden administration border policies as customs and border protection have encountered millions over the border. he says he will have a crack down on the border if elected again. >> john: tipflation, tiktok trend taking tip culture to task and jimmy failla's reaction
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coming up next. >> sandra: plus retail spending is up, but are shoppers pulling up from the most pricey items out there? how the luxury market is faring ahead of the holiday.
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side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. need to get your a1c down? you may pay as little as $10 per prescription. >> what is the service this tip is for? isn't the man just basically turning around? isn't that really all it is? i think we are tipping people now just for the absence of outright hostility. >> sandra: i love "seinfeld," busted, from baristas to cashiers, automatic tipping is too common and people are now cutting back. according to a pew research poll, 72% of americans say tipping is expected in more places today than it was just five years ago. our next guest knows a lot about
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the tipping culture, he was a new york city cab driver before his career in comedy. jimmy failla is here, fox across america, been looking forward to this. >> it's a big deal. can i tell you something, as a taxi passenger, i have survivors' guilt, because i was a cab driver so i am tipping drivers to the point they think i'm romantically interested in them. i have like guys waiting outside my house with roses and a bottle of wine, like jimmy, i thought we had something, you gave me all your money. this is the problem with the tipping culture now, infiltrated everything you buy because of the credit card transaction. you buy a pack of gum, what is the first thing you do, stick the card in, they spin the screen around and give you tipping options and now awkward standoff, they are clearly judging your tip for something you would never tip for in the first place. but the time of year it is, we are also juggling traditional tip, garbage by us is obviously a big one, which is great, i get
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good service, it's tip month. >> sandra: dry cleaning, mailman, all of it. >> my problem, ok, you are sandra smith, you are an upright, you know, dignified member of society. you actually tip and here, i am buying silence, ok. what you consider a tip i consider hush money. the woman who cleans my office, she's getting a tip, an affidavit, a notary involved. >> sandra: when they swing that thing around, and we were talking about it this morning and buy groceries, they shop for themselves and asked to tip, where is that tip going? i don't know if it's going to the cashier, seems it's going into the abyss. >> go to the store now, i make my own sandwich. you want a tip? i'm in a self-checkout line. how do i owe you money? >> sandra: seems the culture is pushing back, we have gone so far into the tipping culture. hourly tip earnings are down among nonrestaurant, leisure and
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hospitality jobs, so that is happening. but like let's not swing the pendulum so far. tipping is important, let's be clear. the percentage, often leave a tip at a sit-down restaurant, 92%, it should be 100. getting a hair cut, 78%, buying a drink at a bar, taxi, jimmy, buying coffee, fast casual restaurant. doing your own grocery shopping and tipping is not top of the list. >> i don't owe you at cvs for deodorant. >> the things that get if you are a decent person, delivery, like do you want a tip and tip as you place the order online, but i go outside, a buy on a bicycle, it's 32 degrees and rainying, he deserves the money.
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these are hustle jobs and nothing i can like to reward than the people that are trying and busting their butts to get ahead, we have a lot of people doing nothing, i'm not breaking ground saying that, half the country is doing nothing. so if you get out there and hustle, we should encourage that. it's a better society when we have more of that. >> sandra: when you were driving the taxi did you ever get stiffed on tips? >> no, but people like me. as a cab driver, you are an affordable therapist. they know they will not see you, they tell you about their life, and good morning, cowboy, look who is back in the saddle. >> hi, which floor? >> three, please. >> excuse me. ♪♪ >> body of christ, amen.
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>> let him get up, let him get up. [laughter] >> sandra: not far from reality. >> jimmy: no area of your life now where you are not within three feet of tipping for something. think about, you go to a restaurant, a bathroom attendant -- i was at a steakhouse last night, i'm paying you to leave me alone, it's weird. i'm with you. tip the people who deserve it, but the way around what you see there is pay cash. it's digital currency doing it to us. when you hand them cash, they can't spin the screen around, like hey, you want to tip me, put out a tip jar but it's less awkward. >> sandra: and some on the other side, i have them often times now just hit no tip, they feel awkward about asking for a tip when they did not offer a service.
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jimmy, thank you. happy holidays. safe travels, i know you are headed to florida. >> jimmy: let's get 'em. >> sandra: just sit there until we go to break. >> john: the times is becoming the publication through which progressive elite talks to itself about an america that does not really exist. that from a man ousted by the "new york times". now, the question remains, rather than a champion of free speech, is the old gray lady an advocate for shutting it down. joe concha joins us with reaction coming up next. my dadd, i'm a cowboy and i'm raising a cowgirl. and discovering that my family come from farmers for generations. this life is in our blood. give the gift of family heritage with ancestry. feeling ughh from a backed up gut? miralax works naturally with the water in your body to help you go... your gut. and your mood will follow. for 8 grams of fiber,
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>> sandra: fox news alert, we have brand-new photos into our newsroom now of two of the three hostages that were mistakenly killed by the idf. yotam haim was kidnapped on october 7th, and another from kibbutz nir and the third hostage's family has been notified but name will not be broadcasted. two of those kidnapped and the idf saying they were not clear at the time that they were killed whether or not they had
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been released by hamas or had escaped or whether they were left abandoned. but this is a look at two of those hostages that are now dead, john. >> john: and this happened in the shogia part of gaza, a couple days ago ten idf soldiers were killed in an hamas ambush. so, everybody on the israeli side on a hair trigger in that neighborhood, and on occasion when everybody is on a hair trigger, sometimes innocents get caught in the crossfire. it's a terrible tragedy, one that the idf is taking full responsibility for. >> sandra: we are thinking of their families. >> john: on to this, former "new york times" editor james bennet was forced to resign after an internal uproar over a tom cotton op-ed that advocated using the military to deal with lawlessness during the 2020 riots. bennet is revealing new details about his ouster now. he says he felt forced to issue a pathetic apology on a
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company-wide zoom call when fellow staff got upset about cotton's piece. the next morning, he was asked to step down. joe concha, this is a devastating takedown of the "new york times" in bennet's column, which he accuses the "new york times," environment of enforced group think and that the bias had become so pervasive even in the senior editing ranks of the newsroom to be unconscious. i don't know about you, but i've worked in places like that. >> sounds like bari weiss, and this is not relegated to the "new york times" and not just the editor. james bennet won two pulitzers for the times, he worked there 20 years before publishing an op-ed, he got eliminated from the paper, and many agreed with
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the op-ed, he concluded the times problem has metastasized from liberal bias to illiberable bias, and tom cotton asked for the national guard to protect people and businesses if the riots were out of control. far left times let by nicole hannah jones of the 1619 project, not only opposed cotton's idea, they wanted it' rised and bennet's head on a platter. the times that is the spine of a jellyfish, they gave the extreme in the ecosystem what they wanted, john. >> john: it's a long essay but well worth reading, the times is now a mere shell of what the founder wanted the paper to be, and that is a publication that does work without fear or favor. bennet writes its journalists
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are afraid to trust readers with the mainstream conservative article such as cottons and leaders are afraid to say otherwise, why so many have lost trust in it, the times is failing to face up to a crucial question it has lost faith in americans, too. it's -- basically, he's seeing, become an echo chamber. >> it has, and the times talks about diversity and stress diversity and how important it is. but they don't embrace any more the diversity of thought, the diversity ideas and different perspectives. and the times action speak for themselves. they have not endorsed a republican presidential candidate since endorsing eisenhower in 1956. that means they endorsed walter mondale or john kerry, i could go down the list. but clearly they don't have the pulse of the people anymore and again, you look at the "new york times," you don't hear or think objective, you think serving at the pleasure of the democratic
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party, unfortunately. >> john: just quickly the other topic, mutual topic of yours and mine, megan mccain is considering legal action after one on "the view" said megan was travelling on the family name as influence peddling, she is the daughter of a senator, but many others are who made it on their own and like them, she has made it on her own as well. so, what in the blazes is anna navarro talking about here? >> megan mccain earned where she got to be. she did a radio show and i guest hosted with her sometimes and 7:00 at night downtown new york, she grinded until she got to fox and then eventually "the view," and mccain has every right to be irate. we really should consider never referring to the ladies of "the view" as ladies moving forward, that implies class and a host like anna navarro, on john
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mccain's hispanic council during the presidential run to make the baseless run, it leaves the show open for a defamation case. "the view" unknown to man, falls under the news division, and for a news program to accuse her of criminal behavior, it's slander here, i think, john. >> john: we'll follow it and see what she does. thank you. >> sandra: forget barbies and hot wheels, some kids as young as 8 are hoping to find designer items under their trees this year. apparently not everybody is willing to shell out for the big ticket items. madison alworth has been talking to shoppers. find out what they told her, next. ♪♪
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>> sandra: okay. i have material girl out of my head. shoppers are not splurging on high end items. sales are hitting new lows. madison alworth is talking to shoppers what are you hearing? >> sandra, when it comes to the stores, this should be the busiest time of the year. shoppers are not spending on luxury. we have new credit card data from barclays that shows that shopping and spending on luxury is down 15% from last year. that's not to say that people aren't spending on credit cards because they clearly are. credit card debt has soared to 1.3 trillion nationally. that is the highest we've ever seen. analysts are saying that this pull-back in luxury retail is one like they haven't seen in 15 years. it is very clear here in new york. >> there's more people praying at st. patrick's at midday than
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there were shopping at saks fifth avenue. when there's crowds, people are browsing madison, they're not buying. they're cutting back because record credit card debt, 61% of people are living paycheck to paycheck. >> now, because of this, inventory is up across the board. at this time of year, you expect inventory to be balanced. what we're seeing is in excess of 10 to 15%. that's good news for any last-minute shoppers. that means you should expect good sales as retailers try to get rid of inventory before the christmas season. as we normally expect, there will be good sales after christmas. wait till next week. you should be getting good deals. sandra? >> sandra: last minute shoppers will be rewarded. thanks. john, you're not one of those, are you? >> john: no, but shoppers may not be spending on luxury, but some kids sure want them to. the "new york post" is reporting that kids in new york city, where else, right?
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maybe los angeles, are no longer asking for toys and games for christmas. instead, they're looking for luxury. 750 puffer jackets, $670 bracelets. those are according to the "new york post" just some of the designer goods on the whist lists of children as young as 8 years old. >> sandra: not happening. >> john: if our twins asked for that, they'd end up with a lump of coal in their stocking. >> sandra: i hope everybody is having an enjoyable holiday season. enjoy your families and your weekend. set your dvr. never miss "america reports." we'll be back monday. i'm sandra smith. >> john: good to with you. hope you have a wonderful weekend. i'm john roberts. "the story" with martha starts now. >> martha: thanks very much, you guys. good afternoon. i'm martha maccallum. this is "the story." brand new reaction right now from white house's john kirby.


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