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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  December 18, 2023 5:00am-6:01am PST

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just moments from joe biden. >> this was careful ly not just after 8 p.m. in delaware, the president and protective delaware froze when they heard the sound of that car crash before the secret service quickly and delicately got the president into his armored suv. [video playing] >> peter: you never see video like that, secret service vehicle was struck by another vehicle in wilmington delaware. the president's motorcade,
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departed without incident. secret service surrounded the vehicle. hes has his hands up. wilmington police are investigating the collision and working to determine if impairment was a factor. just before that excitement, president biden was engaging with the press and responding to new polls show him losing with trump and haley and tying ron desantis. >> mr. president, why are you losing to trump in the polls? >> president biden: -- poll. >> peter: that is public line, told me something in november. he is saying something else in private, according to
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"washington post." before thanksgiving, he told his top advisors he thinks poll numbers are low and wants to know what they are doing for the low polls. we have not noticed a change in strategy and there is nothing he can do about the top issue that voters have with him, that is his age. back to you. >> steve: peter, i read that before the crash he told the staff the election was bigger than him and it was about the country's democracy. i've gotten text messages that said it took secret service 10 seconds after the crash to get
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him into the car tomp them, it seemed like an awful long time. >> peter: it is. we don't know the secret service protocol for that. when in public and engaging, officers are instructing people to keep their hands out of their pocket and they do not want sudden movement. secret service, when he's on campus here and walks from the white house to office building, they block both ends with vehicles, because when the president is on the sidewalk, even on white house grounds, that is highest alert the secret service is supposed to be at. they work with local authority
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to close streets to pedestrian and vehicle traffic and have a helicopter that flies overhead wherever we are that is monitoring the route. i've been in wilmington with him a bunch and they keep people and cars further away. we don't know yet if the heavy rain in the area contributed to change in the standard operating procedure, it did seem like the secrets secret service waited longer than you would expect after a loud metal on metal collision to get him to the safety of the car. >> todd: thanks, peter. he is blaming his staff, he says, i have to save the country from donald trump, because he is losing in the poll.
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donald trump whole speech is about saving the country from joe biden. only black and white. here matters most, according to new study, 35% care about the economy, number two is immigration, maybe that is why you should be optimistic we will get things done in january. number three is guns, gun control, school shootings and things of that nature. >> carley: lawrence. >> lawrence: i think the president by posing this question to his staff, lost one asset most americans used to say. he's a nice guy and he's relitable and he cares about me even though i disagree with his
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policy. he has liberal p points of view. basic human issues of people can't afford things. i can't tell you people saying i'm considering or decided to go back to work after retirement. on fundamental level, people look forward to retirement. you don't hear the president talking about that or interest rates or young people that saved up thinking they can buy their first house and they can't right now. the president is failing on that. >> carley: yesterday former president trump made a big speech there. listen to what he says, he is posing a question every american should ask themselves before heading to the polls next november. listen to this. >> biden and democrat party
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incapable of solving any problem, not a problem they have been able to solve, three years of bidenomics. the one he doesn't like is maga. make america great again, he doesn't like that. doesn't like it. average monthly payment gone from $17 46 to $3322 under the biden administration. then you have to ask, were you better off five years ago or today? >> steve: that is one reason why, the "wall street journal" had a poll that showed majority of americans feel like joe biden's policies have hurt them. a quarter say this is helping me
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out. when you have majority of americans saying what he's doing is making my life worse, that is not good. what we've heard about the meeting in wilmington before the car crash, everybody is saying, we know the numbers are going to turn around. that is not good for the boss and people are saying, maybe it is time to switch horses. >> carley: cbp poll, is your income keeping up with inflation? 24% said yes, 76% said no. >> steve: who are the 25% that said yes? >> carley: rich people, i guess. latest poll shows donald trump increased support in the gop primary field. he is only one with a national record and voters look what it
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was like years ago and say, i want that feeling again. >> brian: one thing we will see is joe biden whole camp, his surrogates saying there is danger in donald trump winning and refusing to leave office militarizing the country. instead of elect my guy, you should fear if the other guy wins and using polls of donald trump winning in the last six polls to scare people to vote for joe biden. >> lawrence: to the point of -- >> steve: in 2020, joe biden ran on not donald trump. that is what they are doing again. >> lawrence: it goes to the whole strategy, brian of shame. you should be ashamed to support donald trump and his policies, i don't think that will work now.
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people voted for him because of that emotional plea, look at us now, it is not going well. you will not be able to shame people inform this diner today, they are not going to work. this lady behind me says she has to go back to work now because she will not be able to survive with her retirement. >> brian: right, the other big story is schools. i tried to open up and talk to people, schools come up, even without kids there. interesting editorial, talk about lack of discipline, forget curriculum, what about discipline. performance is in the toilet
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that is offer from naomi shafer temperature is time for schools to basically take what happened with crime and say if are you late, detention, not dressed right, detention, let alone body slamming a teacher, no detention. here is why she wrote the policy. >> the ideas was small infractions because those things lead to the more vileents, more significant offenses. pay attention to attendance, dress code, if kids are disruptive in class. you will start to see, when you
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do this in younger grades, when you tell a 16 year old, we will not tolerate that, it doesn't have much effect. when you tell a seven-year-old, it has a long-term impact on way they think about school and environment they are part of. >> steve: brian, great interview you did with her. little things snowball to big things. what is common in school is for kids to beat someone up and post it online, it is crazy. to boast, look what i did and what i got away with. >> carley: she says new york has seen a surge in violent crime, north carolina seen instances, increase from 2018 to 2021, rise in violence in denver public school led school board to reconsider school resource
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officers on premise. increase in crime happened and now we made a mistake and need them back. >> lawrence: carley, i'm glad you brought up overall crime in thatirria. my first job was working in juvenile court. our schools are a direct reflection of what is happening in society. reason kids are acting up is because society is acting up. criminals can do whatever they want to do. everything is behind glass now, people blocking streets and protesting. you got people doing smash and grabs, robbing people, murder at an all-time high. we wonder why kids are acting a fool. for adults, there is no consequence sayses and we want
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to fix schools, fix sidewalks first. >> steve: and people crashing into the president's motorcade. >> carley: kids cannot learn in school worried about getting beat up. u.s. officials say the uss carney helped a chemical ship attacked by houthi drones. there have been 11 attacks in the red sea. that is why bp is pausing shipments passing through the region. in light of the shipping situation in red sea, bp will temporarily pause all transit through the red sea. cbp officers finding 10 million dollars worth of drugs hidden in containers of jalapeno paste
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>> 349 suspicious packaged found containing meth and cocaine. the 28-year-old driver is a valid border-crossing cardholder. and wendy cooper has found god. danica mckeller opening up on "fox and friends" this morning. >> i've been around christianity, but is never clicked. my good friend, she brought me to church, all i can say, something happened. i was flooded with love and understanding. >> carley: so nice, she is finding faith and love in her movie "a royal date for christmas". with a few days until christmas,
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still time to enter the cooking with friends sweepstakes, we have another one. post photo or video of recipe you made from cooking with friends cookbook, using hashtag, cooking with fox to win a sherpa bl blanket. this is the sweepsstakes for you. >> steve: that is the same blanket you often are wraned up in. >> carley: i will be wrapped in sherpa blanket and ainsley give me the barefoot dreams sherpa robe. >> steve: like that rob moss -- >> brian: who pretended he was nuts. >> carley: are you saying i look nuts? crazy? >> steve: he was muttering to
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himself. >> carley: not doing that yet. >> brian: kept him out of prison. >> steve: millions of people in the northeast under threat of monster storm with holiday season in full swing, tracking it as it heads north. >> brian: entirely predictable, how investigator described chaos that pursued after president biden's afghanistan withdrawal. he is next. >> carley: and day six of 12 days of christmas. today we will highlight tunnels to towers. ♪ ♪
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>> brian: house foreign affairs committee making progress in the investigation into president biden's withdrawal from afghanistan. what we've learned so far, this was entirely predictable.
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the state department had blinders up since taking over in january 2021. chris douglas helped write the report on the withdrawal. what do you think about the process? >> when they say entirely predictable, this is predictable, this is taking a long time and from what i read in the article, the administration is not entirely assisting or making efforts simple, go through all the people, what information was provided to who when. >> brian: the president said nobody in the military briefed him about the effect of leaving the way he was leaving, could that possibly be true? >> no way that could be true. central command, chairmen, communication with the president had to have been direct.
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>> brian: when you talk about the big problem was callazod negotiating the doha agreement and the taliban said we are not doing it if the current government is represented. >> i would say that was a mistake. they negotiated without the government, the taliban wouldn't negotiate, there was still conditions-based agreement. established by the previous administration, the fact they were not meeting obligation of the existing agreement -- >> brian: where is it going wrong, colonel? was the state department running this and had no business running it? was the president too arrogant
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to understand leaving the way he was leaving? >> this is me speculating. the fact is that middle east is the most chaotic place on the planet. the people closest to the president didn't have the understanding of the middle east and afghanistan. defense department is saying, this is going to happen. >> brian: is the white house curious about the results of this investigation or your investigation? >> speaking from our investigation and we briefed everybody with the exception of the president. t the -- there appeared to be interest. how interested are you in -- >> brian: you wanted to brief the president, he first said what? okay, verbally first written,
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you offered 10 minute and what did the president say? >> my understanding, as we were supposed to brief the president, we did not brief the president, we briefed the secretary, chairman, jake sullivan and those around him, never got that brief. while we were prepared to give it, never executed it. >> brian: what are ations about the way we withdrew? >> it doesn't affect us, it affects our allies and partner nations. physical effects are people that were lost, those stuck there and afghan friends trying to get application into the united states or get approved while they are there. mental and moral effect on
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military families are without words. >> brian: why did i sacrifice and go there? i'm not the same and you left that way, how dare you and maybe there is no ukraine invasion if it happens and billions left behind that might have turned up in gaza and around the world. thank you. coming up, fox weather alert, manner under threat of a monsoon. first polls show donald trump dominating the republican field, but nikki haley seems to stand the best chance against joe biden. lawrence. >> lawrence: who thinks the country is heading in the right direction raise your hand? who thank yous the wrong direction? who is joe biden supporter in here?
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>> who? >> lawrence: who wants republican as the president next go around? we'll talk to the people coming up on "fox and friends." what can i do to make a better cotton crop? we believe that the best products are made in america and come fresh from the family farm. and produced under the most sustainable farming techniques. from our sheets to our blankets and quilts this is a product that can be passed on. it could be a family heirloom. go to red land cotton dot com and receive 20% off your order with code fox 20.
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side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. need to get your a1c down? you may pay as little as $10 per prescription. >> adam: fox weather alert. major system moving up the east coast. heavy rains, wind gust nothing d.c. and boston 40 to 50 mile per hour. heavy rain coming down several inches for hour. what you can expect today, timestamp, if you live in philadelphia and new york, clears by this afternoon and out
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of boston by this evening. those are weather headlines, back to you guys. >> brian: 25 before top of the hour, new fox news polls show donald trump dominating the field, 69% overall. >> carley: what do the voters think? lawrence is talking to them. >> lawrence: who is your candidate? >> donald trump. >> lawrence: why? >> i am his girl, he shut that border, build that wall. >> donald trump, i'm concerned for future generations and he could be only leader to instill health and safety back to our country. >> trump all the way, oge one that can straighten out this mess obama and biden created.
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trump, secure the border and get economy back on track. >> donald trump, he is strongest candidate that can get the job done. >> donald trump, as a veteran, he will make and keep america great. >> donald trump. for the economy and border. >> what is most important issue facing the country? >> economy, inflation, border and trump is the man, he does what he says he is going to do. >> what is most important issue? >> border, shut it down and get these people back where they belong. >> the border right now. donald trump for sure. >> donald trump take us in the right direction. >> lawrence: that is the consensus here, we have a few
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haley supporters and a few ron desantis supporters. this is full of trump supporters. back to you in new york. >> brian: welcome to long island. >> usa, usa! >> lawrence: can i move here? so much better. >> brian: your voice would be heard. >> carley: patriotic people chanting usa. live at smoke rising over gaza. idf uncovering largest ever hamas tunnel as troons trap gaza's bin laden, architect of the attack on october 7. >> carley: and drop in early admissions as antisemitism
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rages, that is next.
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>> brian: fox news alert. look at this. smoke rising over gaza right now as defense secretary lloyd austin arrived for a meeting with israel defense minister and israel trapped the hamas leader.
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live in tel aviv. trey yingst. a lot going on today. >> trey: we expect to hear from counterparts this morning. unveiling the largest tunnel discovered to date. it goes up to 150 underground. this discovery comes as israeli troops operate across gaza. troops located $1.3 million worth of currency. hamas health ministry reports dozens killed,a midisraeli strikes. searching for survive are ones under the rubble and struck where hamas is located in khan
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yunis and sniper compound in a separate area. lloyd austin is in israel to meet with top officials and will meet with gallant to discuss threats inside gaza and likely to face more questions on how to deal with hezbollah that is firing into northern israel. back to you. >> steve: you will be there live for the channel. thank you. this is related. as antisemitism spreads across american college campuses, especially in the ivy league. harvard is now seeing near ly 2% dip in early admission applications. >> carley: many calling for claudine gay to step down. a second-year graduate at
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harvard university joins us now. when you apply to college early, it means it is your top choice and there has been a drop in those applications. why do you think this is happening? do you think it is related to what is going on at harvard with antisemitism? >> absolutely, this ideology is pervasive on american college camps before october 7, but brought to the surface after the attacks. this ideology created by dei creates narrative you are either an oppressed class or an oppressor. a poll found that 60% of young people think the attack could be justified and support the idea
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that jews are oppressors and 58% admitted hamas would commit another attack like this. the american people are listening to this violent rhetoric are saying, i don't want to be in this type of violence. >> steve: i'm sure that you, although you are second-year student, having thoughts about why did i come to this place, where people have shown this characteristic, the antisemitism and it makes your life uncomfortable. from what we've looked shabbos, majority of your professors back the other side, you you have to
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wonder if you will get a good grade or if you are going along to get along. >> yeah, absolutely. we know the harvard crimeson found 96% of harvard employees -- i want to point out i sit in class with people who on social media, they glorify events of october 7 and say the attacks were justified. we are in a university with them and it is distressing to see that terrorism has found a place on american college campuses, not just any campus, but campus of harvard. and significant amount want to see destruction of the only
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jewish state. >> carley: it is unbelievable that more people can't recognize that and the fact you have to sit alongside students that can't see a terror attack. you are so articulate, in my wildest dreams would you rattle statistics like you. you have a bright future ahead, we appreciate your perspective. still ahead, one week from christmas day, madison has shipping deadlines you need to know and day six of 12 days of giving and we are highlighting tunnels to towers with frank siller. >> steve: he is coming up. first check in with bill hemmer and dana perino for a preview. >> bill: hope you had an awesome weekend, merry christmas to you. ton of new polling out there, see what is moving.
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>> dana: and we'll talk to voters in iowa. >> bill: pressure is on. overseas massive tunnel found in gaza, what that means for the ongoing war. >> dana: and applications at harvard have taken a nose dive. we'll discuss that. a brand new hour at the top, see you then.
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>> steve: last minute gift giverers. with one week until christmas we have deadlines for shipping you need now. >> fox business is live at a dhl facility for us this morning. good morning. >> good morning. if you still need to get your christmas presents out, good news and bad news. good news you have time. bad news, it is going to cost you. at this point you will need to pay for some sort of priority shipping. if you go the fedex route do two-day freight and ship out as late as december 22nd but paying for same day shipping at that point. if you send your mail with the postal service this is the last day you can send priority mail. any later you need to pay for
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express service. many packages will pass through dhl facilities like the one i'm in right now. what is super cool and new this year is the robotic arm helping sort packages. they deaf niftily have their work cut out for them. i want to bring in ken, the general manager of the facility. we look at the robotic arm. how many packages can the robot handle per hour? >> 1,500 pieces per hour. >> the robot is not yet as fast as the human co-workers but helping with the task. you have a lot of packages to deal with from black friday through christmas how many packages pass through here? >> 10.3 million this facility. >> bill: thank you so much. we're officially in the final stretch. good news for the last-minute shoppers. you have to get moving, guys. send it back to you steve, carley, merry christmas.
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>> steve: thank you, madison. today is day six of our 12 days of giving and this morning we're highlighting the work done by our friends at tunnel to towers. >> carley: the foundation is currently in the middle of their fifth annual season of hope between thanksgiving and christmas they give 41 mortgage-free homes to fallen first responder families, gold star families and injured veterans across the country. >> steve: frank u you have accomplished so much. what is your focus this year? >> we're blessed and have so many of your viewers donate to us every year all year long. the last couple of weeks we count on the big surge. good tax break that you can have if you want to do good with your money. how about a gift for somebody that served our country that maybe lost someone in the line of duty or a first responder, you know, that died in the line of duty and left a young family behind? we paid off 41 mortgages just in
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what we call our season of hope from thanksgiving to christmas. but we also this year we've rolled out the big plan of eradicating homelessness amongst our veterans. that's a big ticket to say the least the amount of money to raise for that. we get 3,000 homeless vets off the street this year alone. >> steve: you say 41 houses, amazing number. you said you would pay for the mortgages. you don't have all the money yet. you still need to raise the money and where our audience comes in. >> when somebody dies in the line of duty and let they them tunnel to towers will make sure you don't have another mortgage payment the rest of your life. we come on here most times "fox & friends" or americas newsroom from fox for sure and count on your viewers to donate $1one a
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month. but we also count on corporations. we just had american express that came on board and we have home depot foundation. general motors. blessed with great companies to help us. >> carley: people want to help you help other people. you gave jason's family a mortgage free home. tell us about him. >> a firefighter from buffalo fighting a fire just this past march gave his life while doing that. left behind the wife, sarah, and a young daughter. and that's a promise that we made. tunnel to towers. i believe it's a promise fox viewers have made, if someone goes to serve their country and community and don't come home we'll take care of the family left behind. >> brian: were you surprised how bad the homeless crisis was? >> i see it the warmer the
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climate, the more there are. a tremendous undertaking we made a promise to eradicate it. tunnel to towers with your viewers we do something. 3,000 this year. with all the services they need. >> steve: you need the money. we have the audience. folks, help frank out. get the homes for the needy americans at >> carley: seven days to christmas. counting down with the advent calendar. day 18. >> we've been counting down the days. 18 is going to be, pull out my card here, the peeps brand. everybody's favorite when it comes to the holidays. i think we all know this get it at target and wal-mart and dollar tree. treats. >> carley: bye, have a good day.


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