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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  December 18, 2023 5:00pm-6:01pm PST

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that she's allowed to happen. >> laura: i'm not sure if a blazer at the football game what do i know? i don't have any standing there. actually, she's cute -- raymond, i have a lot of friends in cleveland who saw your last show but your last show -- we were just recently, with jose feliciano. this will be a riot december 21 this thursday. >> and i have a special code for our viewers. use the code "merry." i'm giving them two for one just for fox viewers. it will be a blast. i can't wait. i'll bring you clips, laura. >> laura: okay. everybody go there, see raymond, have fun, in the spirit of the christmas season. raymond, congrats on everything. that's it for us tonight, don't forget, set your dvr so you always stay connected with us. follow us on social and remember, jesse is next. >> jesse: welcome to jessie
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watters primetime. tonight -- oh, that was the grossest thing i have ever heard in my life. let's go. democrats shoot a gay porn video in the senate. >> oh. >> all rising inside t-mobile arena to pay their respects. >> trump jumps out to the largest lead a palestinian has had in 20 years. [screams] >> jesse: i feel like going, oh, my finger. just kidding. ♪ >> jesse: the heart senate building has produced some of washington's biggest fireworks from condoleezza rice testifying in front of the 9/11 commission or james comey lying through his teeth about the russia hoax, to
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kavanaugh's confirmation hearing right in room 216. >> we drank beer. my friends and i, boys and girls, we drank beer, i like beer, still like beer. we drank beer. >> jesse: last week broke the mold. a gay sex tape. not that there is anything wrong with that. well, actually, in this case, there is. the sex tape was so graphic, kind of made us miss the blue dress. a young man was caught naked on all fours receiving what appears to be a considerable amount of pleasure in the most sacred space in the senate. and no one, no one walked in on them. the two young passionate and enthusiastic young men recorded it and shared it online. now, primetime is a family show, so we're not going to show you the tape but it was something i had never seen before. it confused me. and i still have a lot of
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questions. when the story broke on friday, my first concern was, i hope this wasn't a republican. was i delighted later when i found out it was a democrat. perhaps. then we learned it was a democrat senate staffer, who did he work for. fetterman, schumer, dick durbin? then lo and behold senator ben cardin of the great state of maryland released this statement, he's no longer employed by the u.s. senate. we'll have no further comment on this personnel matter. so who is this fellow? primetime's producers rummaged through photos and immediately had to clear up their search history. let's just say he makes -- look prude. we're unable to show you his provocative pictures. everything he posted is provocative. these were the only photos we
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were legally allowed to show. here he is with joe biden and let's just say aidan is a fan, in a separate post aid. >> sean: an wrote, quote, i want joe biden to spit in my mouth." he released a statement, this has been a difficult time for me to attack what i love to pursue a political agenda. while some of my actions in the past have shown poor judgment i love my job and would never disrespect my office. now, i think aidan and i have a different understanding of disrespecting the office. i thought disrespecting the office was him wearing shorts and a hoody. maybe aidan hadn't heard that the senate reinstituted the dress code. i think disrespecting the workplace would be pulling fire alarms insider trading. usually the sex acts are confined to the white house. the seat of government is not to be defiled.
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we were told, you can't put your feet up on pelosi's desk or carry a podium across a hall. so where does shooting a gay porn film fall? it's unclear. at this point because capitol hill police are still investigating. will we be seeing 16 different camera angles like we did on january 6? that's a tape i'm not going to be demanding the release of, and is it me but does aidan seem emboldened? when i read his statement it kind of says he's the victim. he said, he's being attacked for who he loves. i know it's the heart room but i'm not sure love has anything to do with that. maybe it did. and what political agenda are we pursuing? prohibiting gay porn shoots at work? how is that a political agenda? that seems like your typical standard hr practice. this is what you call the hunter biden defense. i'm a victim.
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and this is about the love between a father and a son. getting caught breaking the law doesn't make you a victim. if convicted it makes you a criminal. indecency isn't something to be worn like badge of honor. society casting judgment on indecency whether it's drugs, homelessness, moral depravity, illegality, doesn't make society intolerant. it's what makes society function. maybe if we did cast judgment, we wouldn't be shattering records for drug o.d.'s, homelessness, suicides, illegal immigration. having codes of conduct that civilized human beings abide by is normal. if anyone is being attacked it's us having to seen it. -- was confronted just a few minutes ago leaving work. watch. >> how did he get in there? >> i don't know the details. >> personally that you worked
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with him personally? >> i know all of my staff people. >> were you close to the staff? >> i can't tell you that i -- i'm not going to get into my relationship. >> doesn't want to get into his relationship. democrats have been telling us to keep the government out of the bedroom. democrats just turned the government into the bedroom. so where does that leave us? you can mary your brother, shower with your daughter, sleep with chinese spies and no one is allowed to judge. if sticky sammy wants to steal clothes at the airport on your dime he's just living his truth. if hunter wants to deduct prostitutes on his taxes he's not a tax cheater, he's an addict and a victim. if pentagon officials want to dress up like dogs and have pup play it has nothing to do with their professional life. how dare you? cocaine, transflashers, navy drag queens, this is all about republicans pouncing, you see? normally, after getting exposed
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like this you would leave d.c. in shame but today you can monetize attention and we'll soon be seeing him on cameo. only fans watch what happens live. an addiction medicine specialist joins me now. dr. drew, this guy is a victim, he's saying. explain that. >> yes, i can't, jesse. the way you set this whole thing up you get a sense of how topsy-turvy everything is. we are living upside-down right now and what i see in all of this is grave concern about the people in our government, running our government, what is wrong with his judgment? really, that's what we want from leaders is great judgment. this is not showing good judgment, and the whole thing makes me very, very sad, frankly. >> jesse: when you get busted doing something like this and it doesn't matter if it's gay or straight, whatever, why do
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people say you're attacking me? what does that mean? >> again, we don't know all the details of this, how this happened, how it got rolled out. but yes, this notion that you and i right now by discussing it are attacking him is an unfortunate way to frame it. but it certainly is the way narratives go forward today. you have to always portray yourself as a victim, and you'll be safe. >> jesse: if you're a victim does that put you above everybody else? is that why people are trying to become victims? >> absolutely. if -- everything from certain philosophical point of view, everything in life is seen as a power structure, and there are exploiters and exploited. the exploiters are universally bad. this is not my opinion, and the exploited are universally good. so if you can identify yourself as an exploited, you're good by definition. >> jesse: okay. so discovering a scandal and
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pointing out that it's a scandal, you're being exploitive, and you should knock it off and let people do whatever they want. >> i didn't say that. >> jesse: i'm being sarcastic. when you get rid of judgment, when judgmental is intolerant what happens to the rest of society after that? >> we have to be able to judge. things will immediately -- well, we're seeing how things can unravel, and, yes, ability to judge behavior as good or bad, healthy or unhealthy, these are important things. i'm judging healthy and unhealthy all the time so i sit and judge. >> jesse: getting rid of good and bad, think don't like to talk about that because it's too moral, healthy or unhealthy do you think it's healthy to shoot porn videos at work?
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>> i think i can say with categorically certainty, i would call that not a healthy choice. >> jesse: not healthy for you. >> not healthy for anybody and that's what makes me sad. >> jesse: okay. as long as we can agree on that. >> myself, my colleagues, anyone unfortunate to run into my porn, whatever it might be. >> jesse: let's hope the kid isn't pregnant because they say men can get pregnant and we wish him the best. thanks for your expertise. the ufc election when we return.
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>> jesse: so while joe biden has taken the last four days off
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trump hit new hampshire iowa and nevada. he's stopping at college football games and ufc fights. >> donald trump escorted by president and ceo dana white, and they are all rising inside the t-mobile arena to pay their respects to the former leader of these united states of america. donald trump is a massive fan. >> jesse: trump is now doing octagon entrances. the value of an entrance is in the millions but trump is earning that buzz for free and you multiply that by socio-media views and 10 million people saw trump flanked by dana white, kid rock and lopez. getting a standing "o" in front of 20,000 fans and joe rowgan.
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donald trump has extended his lead to 3.5 points in the average. a republican hasn't had a lead like that in 20 years. mccain, romney, trump, both past elections, have never been ahead that much. not since bush was beating carey in 2004. biden is losing every swing state and his approval rating hit an all-time low. 34%. but biden says the polls are fake. right as the sudan slammed into his motorcade. watch. >> mr. president why are you losing to trump in the polls? [inaudible] >> jesse: biden is acting cocky in public but behind the scenes he's furious. he delivered some stern words for the small group assembled. his poll numbers were
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unacceptably low and he wanted to know what his team and campaign were doing about it. no one likes to blame their staff more than i do but biden hired the staff, and they can't sell the public on policies that aren't working. these are biden policies. if biden could sell them, then he wouldn't be taking four-day weekends. this isn't 2020. he can't hide in the basement and have the staff spin the press. even barack obama knows he's going to lose. a source told the journal obama knows this is going to be a close race. and feels the democrats very well could lose but hillary is in joe's corner. >> part of the problem that biden has is not that he's old. he's old, okay, that's an issue. it's a reality. he's gotten more done as an old man than many people half his age could have gotten done. >> not true. >> but he's boring, but why is he boring? because he gets up every day and
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does a job. he' he's. >> jesse: who needs friends when you have hillary. first tell me about this ufc situation. he did the college football thing. the season is almost over. now he's going to ufc fights. this looks like it's having a little bit of an impact here? >> of course it is. i made an entrance there. i get hit with a full heineken in the chest. >> jesse: if you can't grab it. >> that's right. look, he's so smart. first, that's right where he belongs. kid rock, i'm pretty sure he's got that boat locked up. then he goes to mario lopez so he's trying to lock up the latino vote and the gay vote so this guy knows what he's doing. [laughter] >> jesse: i thought mario was straight. >> no, he's straight. i'm saying, guys love him like myself, i mean, the dimples. >> jesse: he's got dimples for
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days. so joe biden, his motorcade just got rear ended. you got senate staffers -- but like how can you sit there and tell the press, nick, that you're reading the wrong polls. >> that girl is like reading the wrong polls, i'm reading all the polls. and joe is like, well, me and jill took one for our family and i'm only down by half a point in that one. look, the sex thing real quick, i'm a comedian i have to touch on this, no pun intended. >> jesse: touch on it. >> all they had to say, all this guy had to say was, me and my boyfriend were just demonstrating what the biden administration has been doing to the working class for the last 20 years. [laughter] >> jesse: i heard the guy was german on top. did you hear that? he's german. i mean, once again, once again, getting taken advantage of by the ger mans. >> that could have been really
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ugly. i'm not going to to go further than that but germans have a certain history with porn. >> jesse: we've got to go, before we get into too much trouble but i'll see you at the next fight. i'll get you a heineken so you don't have to get hit in the chest. how is that? >> thank you for having me on, jesse, and happy kwanzaa. >> jesse: happy kwanzaa to you, too, and that's a very vivacious shirt. >> that's home spun polyester from beijing. >> jesse: looks beautiful. that's not the black handicap santa claus that he's dangling down the chimney. it's been a rough year for new york city mayor eric adams. he's been grappling with a migrant crisis, rat infestations and a slew of subway slashers. oh, and then there is the sexual assault claims in the campaign finance probe but the mayor is keeping a stiff upper lip and we respect that. he sat down with a local station
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to sum up the year. >> when you look at the totality of the year, if you had to describe it and it's tough to do, in one word, what would it be and tell me why. >> this is a day where you wake up and you could experience a plane crashing into our trade center to a person whose celebrating a new business that's opened. this is a very, very complicated city and that's why it's the greatest city on the globe. >> jesse: one word. new york. why? because 9/11 could happen at any second. am i beginning to miss bill deblasio. ahead, a new insider trading scandal in congress. right back.
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drones caught footage of what people are calling a record-setting voyage. national correspondent bill has the latest. bill? >> jesse, month of december is typically one of the slowest at the southern board but we've been seeing massive illegal crossings taking place every single day. take a look at this footage. earlier today, mass illegal crossing out there. they got buried with thousands of people crossing after sunrise this morning. you can see masses of hundreds upon hundreds of illegal immigrants streaming into illegal pass and waiting for border patrol processing and that's completely overwhelming border patrol resources. we've seen similar scenes. take a look at this video that we shot. another breach in the border wall. another mass incursion into arizona. you will see hundreds of people walking down the border wall path here after they have crossed illegally. a lot of single adults many coming in from africa. this tucson, arizona, sector has
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had more than 54,000 illegal crossings in the last three weeks alone and then we want to show you what's happening on the nearby indian reservation here close to lukeville. take a look at these photos. they are rare. border patrol saying they get up to a thousand people every morning there and sometimes only have three agents on hand. jesse, it goes back to saying the white house has previously said this border crisis is seasonal and it changes with the weather. it's been going on for almost three years now. it has nothing to do with the weather. it's all about policy. we'll send it back to you. >> jesse: america's school children are struggling to read and write so why are we teaching them about sex all day? which is why this caught our attention over the weekend. instead of using bible, a pennsylvania school board president swore in on a stack of graphic sex novels. and i'm not talking about "to kill a mockingbird." we're talking about deeply sexual content, way too graphic
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for school. some school board members in fairfax, virginia, did the same thing last week like carl -- current vice chair and soon to be chair of the board. >> i do solemnly swear that i will support the constitution of the united states and the constitution of the commonwealth of virginia. >> jesse: those books he was sworn in on, they have been banned in senior districts for depicting things like underage gay porn. an outraged parent spoke out about all of this and one book we spoke about was gender queer and lawn boy. >> both books include pedophilia. sex between men and boys. both books describe different acts. one book describes a fourth
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grade boy performing [ bleep ] on an adult male. the other book has detailed illustrations of a man having [ bleep ] with a boy. i can't wait to have your [ bleep ] in my mouth. this is not an oversight at fairfax high school. >> i'm sorry. >> this material -- >> there are children in the audience here. >> do not interrupt my time. >> jesse: carl went on to mock that parent calling her testimony an exorcism. i didn't know he was so deeply religious. since carl joint the board he's bragged about how he's the first openly lgbtq member elected to local office in fairfax and apparently it's been exhausting for him. >> making lgbtq ia history is exhausting but it's critical work. >> jesse: ia? when did we add ia? that's new. it's no surprise carl is playing identity politics. he's learned from the best. from working for senate democrats to spending time with
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every democrat under the sun, biden, obama, mayor pete, beto, my favorite, kamala, he was even director for media matters. and now on january 1, carl will official take over as the board chair. the only problem, well, one of many, carl doesn't have any kids. he has a partner, evan, who you saw holding the stack of filthy books. evan is the school choir director in fairfax but they have no kids. why is a media matters maniac with no children invested in the local school like this and why is this man insisting that the curriculum be so sexualized. he's not a parent or a stake holder. he's an activist. you think that guy is going to boost test scores? he's not there for that. you know exactly what he's there for. nick is a virginia state
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delegate. i'm a little alarmed by this guy. does he make you suspicious? >> >> jesse, when you look at this, i don't think it -- i understand why parents are mad. i don't understand why they are surprised anymore. this is just the sort of thing, this is part of the agenda. this is not a bug, this is a feature of the agenda and you have individuals like this who, like you just described, are far less interested in their reading and writing and their ability to comprehend mathematics, and far more interested on exposing your 13-year-old to pornography in the public school library so i think at this point, again be mad but stop being surprised. you're going to see more as we go and it's going to get worse. >> jesse: as an alphabet crusader you don't hear a lot about improved math, science and reading scores. you don't hear that. you just hear about graphic porn novels that the kids must read. they must understand them and everybody must be tolerant of that is there any outrage at all at the local level or is this
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basically now long gone? >> this guy won with 65% of the vote in his district. here's the thing i want to get across to parents because it's always this idea of banned books. i've got news for you. these books aren't banned. he showed up with them. a stack of them. what some of us tried to do in virginia say this is not appropriate material for 13-year-old kids in public school libraries and we got called book burners, we said we wanted to censure. we had a bill in virginia that said we won't ban any books, but if you have books like this you need to be able to keep a list on your public school library website and parents need to be able to go in, see that, and if they see a book that they think is inappropriate for their child, they get to prevent that book from checking out the book. >> jesse: you're not allowed to see. it's not transparent. >> not one person voted for that bill. not one. >> jesse: do you think it's odd that guy with no children wants to be on the school board? >> okay, every time we bring you
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have up stuff like this we get called divisive, being outrageous. i'm telling you right now, within two to three years we're going to see prominent elected democrats and prominent democrat college professors advocating for the idea that pedophilia is not a perversion. it's a preference, and they aren't pedophiles. they are minor attracted persons. when i say that now everyone says i'm being divisive, hyper bol lick but if five years ago i had told you there would be an active push to keep these sort of pornographic materials in your children's public school library, they would have said, nick, you're being ridiculous. nobody wants to do that and then they would gas light you the moment that you proved that did you want to do it so that's where we're at. the message i have for parents is show up to your school board and get upset and clearly vote for better people but if you can, and believe me there are more resources now than there ever has been to do this.
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if you can, pull your kids out of schools because that guy won with 65% of the vote and he's not done. >> jesse: and if guys without kids want to be on the school board i'm sure there are plenty of good people out there that are invested like that, but a lot of them are insisting on swearing in on a copy of lawn boy. that's where you know something is not right. paul, thanks so much. >> jesse: thanks, nick. washington, d.c. is a magical place. anybody can go there and get rich. if they have the right friends or the last right name. the bidens made a family business out of profiting off joe's power but they aren't alone. congresswoman debbie dingell says nepotism is great if you work really hard. >> big picture congresswoman, are you comfortable with a politician's family member profiting off their last name in any way? >> look, i was working before i
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ever married and i had to work 10 times harder than any other person i knew just to show i could do the job. so you've got to be careful. we have to be open and we have to be transparent. >> jesse: in the spirit of openness and transparency we would like to know how debbie knows which healthcare stocks to trade. because debbie dollar signs who sits on the health subcommittee bought as much as $50,000 of med-tronic stock and then just days later they received fda approval to sell a heartbeat device. and that announcement sent the stock soaring up almost 10%. it's almost like debbie dollar signs knew the company would get fda approval. maybe it had something to do with the fact that her committee gave medtronic $27 million this year. they take your tax dollars, give it to companies, and then get rich when those company stock prices go up. we've reached out to debbie dingell to ask her how she
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became a better stock picker than pelosi. we haven't heard back. another biden doesn't pay their taxes. and johnny goes christmas tree hunting.
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>> jesse: hunter isn't the only tax cheat in the biden family. joe's daughter, you remember the one with the diary, also doesn't pay taxes. she owes the irs since 2015 and she only owes $5,000. she could run that through her credit card but she's been sitting on an unpaid tax bill for years. what is it with the bidens? democrats love destroying statues, columbus, lincoln, washington, if you had anything to do with making this country great, goodbye. this week they are trying to bulldoze a statue in the arlington national cemetery. it's called the reconciliation
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mont. -- monument, it's a symbol to show we're able to move forward even after a civil war. it's a huge part of the history of this country. democrats say no. we're not moving forward. we're getting rid of reconciliation. shawn davis is the ceo of the federalist. explain their thinking, please, sean. >> i think they are trying to do two things. one, we know they want to destroy the constitution and in order to do that they have to de construct our founding. they have to cast in a racist light all of the founders and part of this confederate war memorial attack is about erasing the founders so they can erase the constitution but it also deals with them trying to erase their enemy which is why this is their target. it's not enough to erase the past. they also want to erase their enemy and this idea that you can ever truly reconcile with a foe, even one you fought a war against. it's a really awful concept,
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something that a former secretary said, it's an attempt to erase the generosity of the past due to the bitterness of the current age and it's an awful thing we should reject. >> jesse: the democrats were on the losing side of the civil war. does that have anything to do with it? >> it may. they may want to erase their own complicity and what happened with slavery in the civil war by think most of it is an attempt to rewrite history so they can rewrite the history. it was orwell said those who control the past control the present. and those who control the past control the future. they want to rewrite history so they control the future. >> jesse: i thinknk they should erect a statue of the democratic staff. thank you so much. >> thank you, jesse. >> jesse: i never claimed to be an art expert, you know, i don't get the buzz over hunter's
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paintings. i can't believe they are half a million a pop. maybe i'm just not that aesthetically engaged but i do know times have changed and this is a marvel statue from the 1700s. carved into solid rock but sculptured to look like it was a figure draped in a shroud, and i think we can all agree that whatever this is, isn't what leonardo da vinci had in mind. [heavy breathing] [screams] >> jesse: this is akusca, it's turkish, describes himself perhaps as a monster who wonders between the walls of binary genders and even breaks those walls or attempts to break them.
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definitely looks like he was about to break it. this performance piece is apparently called something that means welcome in turkish. it's supposed to represent the struggles of transgender and queer artists in the traditional art world because they have been struggling in the art world for quite some time. usually people use a brush but whatever you want. johnny, looks for the perfect christmas tree. >> when you're looking for a tree out there, what's most important? tall, skinny? >> like the women i used to date.
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>> jesse: primetime would like to issue a correction. we usually don't do this but i made a mistake. last week i predicted that boston mayor michelle wu's anti-white christian party would turn out to be a banger but i was wrong. wu shared a picture of her dinner for the electeds of color and it looked lame. i don't think the uninvited whites missed out on much but still, if the electeds of color were made to suffer, the whites should have suffered, too. whites and blacks must sufficient together at rotten christmas parties. christmas is a week away. did you get your tree yet?
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i hope so. we sent johnny to the hidden pond christmas tree farm in new jersey to-you pick one out. ♪ >> what's your favorite holiday? >> christmas. >> oh, come on now, christmas. >> there is a big debate out there. is it merry christmas for happy holidays? >> it's merry christmas all the way. >> i say merry christmas everywhere. >> nowadays i tend to say happy holidays. >> that's very progressive of you. >> you know. ♪ >> they will have to chop one down. this one looks a little too small. let's look at this one. smells nice. i felt like joe biden there for a second. >> what does a christmas tree mean to you? >> happiness. >> the birth of jesus. >> gives the family a reason to gather around it. >> you like to rock around it? >> yes, definitely do. >> getting down for the funk of it. >> why do you think a real tri is better? >> real tree is environmentally
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the correct choice. >> a fake tree isn't a tree. it's just a decoration. >> hear the ornaments fall all of it every year and break. >> what do you think of people with fake trees? >> there needs to be some punishment installed. >> they are missing the boat. >> come back. ♪ [piano music] >> i thought i was going to chop this one down but the branches, they are a little crooked. it's a hillary tree. [laughter] >> when you're looking for a tree what is it you're looking for? >> maybe a little slender but not too she learned. >> make sure not too prickly so when we're reaching for the gifts nobody is being hurt. >> tall, phat, skinny, like i used to date. >> what do you think about this tree? >> a little too small. >> what do you think about this tree. >> this one is bigger. >> a little too big.
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>> climate crazies say chopping down trees is bad for the environment. what do you say? >> we've got bigger problems. >> drill, baby, drill. >> do you want to support an american farmer and buy a real tree or support factory worker in china? >> don't ask me, ask china that question, okay? >> i think this is the perfect tree. >> it's tall. it's very full. >> i'm going to cut it down. >> okay. i feel it going. oh, my finger. >> just kidding. >> got you. >> i think something is wrong with the saw. ♪ >> five hours later. >> i think we got it. >> boom. >> i'm cheating the system now. >> here we go. >> is it going to come off? yes. there we go. >> we did it, joe. >> what is santa bringing you for christmas? >> an electric scooter. >> what are we leaving for santa? >> spicy peppers. >> he likes spicy peppers?
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>> yes. >> is joe biden like santa claus or the grinch? >> oh, come on, the grinch. >> he doesn't even know what he is. he's probably thinking it's easter. >> anything is possible in america. ♪ >> i thought working for jesse watters was hard but this was probably the hardest work i have ever had to do in my life. we're going to bring it home. erect it, and have a merry, merry christmas. >> let's go hit up at the snack bar. i'm tired. ♪ >> jesse: major announcement, nope. not running for president. yet. we have a new book out. almost out. but you can pre-order it. it's called "get it together." trouble tales from the liberal fringe. remember how i used to go out and interview crazy people. not crazy but different.
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we decided to make a book out of it and i interviewed over 20 people, a sal lynnist, one of those traffic blocking climate extremist, a black supremacist, drag queen, a homeless addict. someone with an emotional support squirrel and what i learned is, it's not all about politics. a lot of it is personal. and we'll tell you those stories, and my brilliant insights. order it now. you can put your phone up to that qr code and it will send you right where to order it from or get it off amazon. it will be arriving in march, in the stocking. best christmas present ever. let's do texts. >> from flagstaff, arizona, the senate had a dress code. apparently now they have an undress code. hairy from florida. george constanza didn't think sex in the office was wrong. yes. don't go by george constanza. hank from louisiana, let's put
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trump and biden in the octagon in the winter. gets to be president. fred. from connecticut. mayor adams is taking a qu from joe who said to a crowd let me start with two words, made in america. bruce, from illinois. took your advice and tried eggnog in my coffee and loved it. it's only a december thing, let's not get carried away. nashua, new hampshire, i don't think johnny has seen a saw in his life. it's the first time johnny has ever held a saw in his entire life. worked, it was embarrassing. it's sad to see johnny unable to use a simple bosaw. a lumberjack he's not. apologize on behalf of johnny. i'm waters and this is "my world." *
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