tv Fox News at Night FOX News December 18, 2023 8:00pm-9:00pm PST
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[music “this little light of mine”] in the world's poorest places, children with cleft conditions live in darkness and shame. they're shunned, outcast, living in pain. you can reach out and change the life of a suffering child right now. a surgery that take as little as forty five minutes and your act of love can change a child's life forever. please call, scan or go online to give a new smile. thousands of children are waiting. [cheers and applause] >> greg: thank you. out of time. thank you charlie hurt, jeff dye, matt whitaker, kat timpf, our studio audience. fox news at night with dreamy trace gallagher is next. i love you america. >> trace: good evening i'm trace gallagher it's 11:00 p.m. on the
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east coast 8:00 here in los angeles and this is america's late news, fox news at night. and breaking tonight, president biden is reportedly getting more and more frustrated with his dismal poll numbers and not just his anemic approval rating but also a variety of polls that show him losing to former president trump. and to add insult to injury, fox news has brand new polls tonight and for president biden there are no bright spots. the chief correspondent jonathan hunt is live to kind of help us break down the numbers. jonathan good evening. >> reporter: good evening trace, president biden's approval numbers remain at dangerously low levels for someone aiming to he were a second term in the white house. with 57% of recommending centered voters saying they disapprove of the president's job performance according to the latest fox news poll. and on specific issues, the poll also makes for grim reading for democrats. almost two-thirds of voters disapprove of biden's handling of border security, the
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israeli-hamas war and the economy on whole while 70% disapprove of his hamming of inflation. for the republicans side still four months from voting and donald trump is ahead of all his chief challengeses setting the stage for a rerun of the 2020 presidential election. >> the voters are going to go into that booth and have to make a choice between joe biden and donald trump and that will be after about a billion dollars of advertising reminding them of why donald trump was a failed president last time and would be a catastrophic choice for next time. >> not just prices in the economy, other than the issue of abortion, republicans are overwhelmingly either leading democrats or democrats are underperforming on issues where they're typically ahead in double digits. >> reporter: now trump will be in iowa tomorrow after telling supporters in new hampshire that immigrants are, quote, poisoning the blood of our country.
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a phrase that, to trump critics, echoes language used by hitler in his 1925 manifesto mind camp. now the biden campaign was quick, as you would imagine to condemn that comment while reactions to trump's opponents to the nomination was mixed. former new jersey governor chris christie called the comment, quote, disgusting. florida governor ron desantis called it a, quote, tactical mistake and four weeks from tonight trace we'll be counting those votes in iowa. >> trace: we will, let's bring in dean of pepperdine public policy pete peterson and matt gorman. gentlemen welcome to you both. ten new fox news polls out tonight or thereabouts. i thought that too because i thought they were instructive and intriguing at the same time. matt to you first. have you been helped or hurt by biden's economic policies? you look at this now, 14%, december of last year, 16%. the hurt number is the same but you have that help number, even
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with bidenomics and this big push going down. people are just not happy with the economy, matt. >> no, they're not buying it when joe biden to the white house goes around and tells them actually no you're doing okay, the economy's doing okay. the messaging from democrats has gone from i feel your pain of the bill clinton era to just telling people that their pain isn't real in the joe biden era. look, the problem is you can't convince people of something when they're the ones paying the gas prices, the food prices, trying to buy a house or a car and not being able to finance it. i was talking to a democrat who worked for obama and clinton, one who worked for a very long time and he said this often happens with democrats who, they think that if only people knew how great i was how great i'm doing i would win 50 states. that's the problem you can't convince people to believe something when they're not feeling it themselves. >> trace: exactly right. the two most important issues pete peterson have kind of remained the most important all
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along we'll put them on the screen economy immigration and border, one and two. look at the numbers change from august of this year until now, we're talking about an 8 percentage point, that's a big shift in immigration and border. you can see the economy has dropped a little bit, you know, most important issue but immigration and border dropping is not good news for the president because the border is a horrific mess. >> it is, it shows government failure and of course this is being led by the administration. we get the reports coming out showing how overwhelmed the border is and we see here in california what's happening in cities like san diego where you have border protection actually bringing people up by bus and dropping them off at bus stops in the middle of san diego where cities are now being overrun. we've seen that also happen in san francisco, oakland and los angeles as well. the biden administration is really showing its incompetence here and the voters are responding. >> they are responding the
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washington post writes biden seems to be increasingly frustrated by dismal poll numbers. here's biden responding to a question about his polls. watch. >> mr. president, why are you losing to trump in the polls? >> they're the wrong polls. >> trace: they're not the wrong polls, though, matt, that's the whole thing. it's all the polls. you put them together they all have the same numbers. >> absolutely true. i mean, one of the biggest takeaways i took when i was in iowa and the campaign trail with tim scott was people liked trump they liked his policies they just didn't think he could win. by these spade of polls now the last couple of months showing he win it gives elizabeth pipkos for those people who want to vote for him in a republican primary makes it harder for his competitors. other arguments you could make certainly but it also gives them little bit those folks hope that i can vote for trump and it's not a wasted vote. >> trace: jonathan hunt mentioned four weeks from iowa,
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pete, the chair, the gop chair in iowa said the following based on past history i think if ron desantis comes in third or worse i would expect him to drop out of the race so the conventional wisdom seems to be desantis needs to come in a strong second. nikki haley can be three or two but ron desantis needs to be a strong second and donald trump needs to be really good at first. >> those first three states absolutely right. i think haley is thinking she's going to move into second when it comes to h and then the this third primary is in her home state of south carolina so those first three states desantis definitely his only shot is to do well in iowa. >> if she hangs on until she gets to south carolina things bode well for her beyond that. pete thank you, matt gorman thank you. the investigation into the biden family business is now centering on the president's brother tonight. even the washington post is being forced to concede that james biden benefited from his proximity to his powerful brother. jackie ibanez is live in the news room with that story. good evening.
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>> reporter: good evening trace. while we've heard a lot about the president's son hunter he's not the op biden house republicans want to talk to as they probe the biden family finances. they also want to talk to hunter's uncle james biden the president's brother. >> we're communicating with his attorney. we expect to see him in very soon. i'm going to hold off criticism of the president's brother. obviously he has due process and we have heard from his attorney. we're trying to make that work and i feel like that will happen soon. >> reporter: unlike his nephew, house oversight committee chairman james comer says james biden is being cooperative with an earlier subpoena. republicans believe his knowledge of hunter biden's business deals could give them valuable insight if any of them were relateded to the president. tonight we're also learning more about james biden's business dealings. according to the washington post. >> james biden's exertions were recorded as part of an fbi
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bribery probe of a mississippi attorney named richard skrugg he reportedly played james biden's company one hundred you know,$000 in theent ins. that is expected to make waves as he said he would probably not have hired james biden if he wasn't then senator biden's brother. back to you. >> trace: very telling jacqui thank you former national security individualser for the house intelligence commit owe kash patel. cash great to have you on. i want to put this on the screen because it's kind of a quick rundown, right, in a nutshell of the biden family activity for lack of a better phrase. put this up, biden family business probe, gop says biden family and associates created 20-plus shell companies. biden family created multiple shell companies when biden was vp. biden family and associates got 24 million plus in overseas payments banks flacked 150 plus suspicious transactions connected to the bidens and people wonder, cash, where all
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these red flags are coming from. >> well, trace, it's great to be with you and, look, i'll just answer your question as to the data points you put up. insert donald trump for joe biden. insert trump for biden and if you have that collection of data points with hard money figures and bank statements and money lines showing that kind of connection you would have the washington post and the main stream media painting a picture of criminality going back decades. but there is a a 2-tear system of justice at play here in america with doj, with merrick garland and chris wray's fbi preferentialal treatment irs whiffle blowers exposing the corruption stopping the investigation and what you're left with is the main stream media forced to cover up for years and years but now it's like they almost got a gut punch and said wait a second, money doesn't lie. and if money went leak it did from joe biden, james biden to joe biden like it did with
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americor transaction americans at the polls have a right to know what is going on, at least when it comes to a presidential election even putting aside the criminality. >> trace: yeah. here's what's kind of concerning for the biden family. i was looking at these things. i was listening to house oversight member anna paulina luna today and she was saying, we know james comer's a banker by trade so he knows the everyoning baaing activity. i mentioned earlier the 150 plus sar, the suspicious activity reports. anna paulina says the bad news for biden is the banks are now cooperating with house oversight in this investigation into the president. that's not good. >> well, as a former federal prosecutor who invested foreign crime, having bank corruption tells us the suspicious activity reports have turned into actual criminal investigations. it's one thing to have an sar and to have 150 thousand but once you get that next step of cooperation that basically tells me as a former federal prosecute
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that the banks are admitting that not only are they suspicious but directly tied to criminality and the banks don't want to shield that information from house oversight. i don't know that doj would ever act on it. >> trace: kash patel great to have you on as always sir. thank you. >> the fox news at night common sense department is stunned by the results of a new harvard harris poll that shows 51% of americans ages 18-24 believe the long-term solution to the israeli palestinian conflict is for, quoting here, israel to be ended and given to hamas and the palestinians. in other words, a majority of this country's 18-24 year olds are not saying israel should ceasefire, they're saying israel should cease to exist. common sense notes overall the poll shows the vast majority of americans support israel but
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among those 18-24 it gets worse. 66% of them think the hamas attack on october 7th was genocide. but 60% of them think the hamas attacks were justified by palestinian grievance. so in this case, genocide is justified. rape, murder, mutilation, defensible. this is the same generation, by the way, that last month was very impressed by oh sam a bin laden's 2002 letter to america they were so impressed the letter went viral on tik tok and the harris poll also shows 18-24 year olds are fine with hate speech on college campuses. so when hate speech, hamas and bin laden all get the thumbs up something is going down and maybe it's time to maybe step back from ideology and reach out for a little common sense. like the mug says. let's bring in sonja shaw sheen a valley unified district school
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board president, julie hamill from the alliance of parents and christina pascucci democrat candidate for us senate in california. i want to put this up because this is the pollster mark penn put it on the screen here to you first on this julie he says quoting here, the truth is that false narratives have been allowed to fester and sink large number of generation z students. it is kind of amazing when you look at these students and 51% are saying, you know what? let's get rid of israel all together and give it to hamas and the palestinians. >> right. so this age range, these people have been trained on dei. they are trained to see everything through a lens of oppressors and oppressed and if you read this complaint that was filed against uc berkeley the lawyer of the law students for justice in palestinian admit that making jewish people feel uncomfortable is part of the goal because their end goal is to weaken support and eliminate support for israel.
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>> trace: they have made them feel uncomfortable so they've succeeded in that. christina a i want to put this up robert george from princeton put this on social media, 18-24 year old, geez i wonder who's getting these ideas, who's stuffing their heads full of this stuff? such a mystery? it starts a while ago but these college students are getting it from somewhere because they're all parroting the same phrases across the country and they didn't have a meeting one night. >> yeah, i think it's important this point in time to think back to the civil rights movement to quote martin luther king junior judge a man by the cashing content of his character. those groups areville tied being pinned against another resulting in a net loss for america. >> sonja to you because you talk about deal with so much these public school issues and such and a lot of people wonder is it coming out of public schools into colleges, are they getting kind of a running start as they go in to some of these schools
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ass this anti-semitic behavior. >> absolutely. you almost see them as being inching baited and groomed in the public school system. these are the same age group tearing down status of our founding fathers and it's no surprise that they're anti american. they want to destroy america. they're taught to destroy america appear dei is for division exclusion and indoctrinate and that's what they're doing to these students and for them to submit to terrorism absolutely should shake every american up in the countrien say enough is enough. >> trace: as the lawyer on the panel julie i want to go back to what you were talking about the lawsuit against berkeley it was some jewish groups suing cal berkeley for quoting unchecked spread of anti-semitism. what they're saying is thee students have to forget about their identity so they can blend in and not be harmed in any capacity, and some are saying you're asking people to literally ignore their identity so that they can be safe when the schools should be doing that. >> well, and what the complaint says is that there are
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apparently at least 23 student groups including law journals where, in order to join the journal or join the student group, you have to repute 88 scionism boycott the sanctions movement and take a course on palestinian 101 so the complaint alleges that because of that, they are intentionally excluding jewish students from participating in these groups. >> trace: yeah, kind of crazy. now to a now subject sonja, moms for liberty. so mom, we've had them on a burn of times here and the southern poverty law center says they're a hate group now because there has been some sexual controversy at the top of the ranks from a former member who was a co-founder now they're saying they're dead in the water. this group is dead in the water they have no political persuasion, no influence at all and they're saying, oh, yeah, watch us and a lot of people around the country are saying, yeah, we think we still do. what's your take on this? >> i think honestly we continue to see the attacks on moms for liberty. we see groups forming throughout even here california and the nation to destroy moms for
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liberty but what they don't understand is they're not going to destroy the movement to protect our students. we're going to continue to unite for any group and do wa we can to protect our children throughout the nation. they can attack individuals but at the end of the day our kids are worth the fight. >> trace: speaking of protecting people this is the video i want you to see christina because it's alec baldwin near penn station in new york, there is a pro palestinian protest and alec baldwin they go after him. he's not jewish has no fight in this thing, he would not condemn israel and they went after him because he's a public name and it's a way to what, get notoriety? what's the point here? >> yeah, he's about to face potential charges again, he's going through a lot high stress levels and then he has this mob coming after him. my question is what is their end goal, what are they hoping to get from this and what is the meaningful change they want to create from this moment because i see it as completely pointless, just hit piece. >> trace: really is, great point because that's the whole thing
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we have asked again and again. what's the goal? what do you want, just tell us what it is what you really want, forget the river to the sea you don't know what river or sea so tell us the point and we haven't quite gotten that yet. thank you so much christina, julie sonja so nice to see you >> nbc news taking a hit for pushing a bias headline saying a gay sex video taken was pushed by con sievetive news outless. it came after he published an amateur pornographic video a congressional staffer engaging in sex with another man. an aid to senator ben cardin has been fired but not explicitly linked to the sex tape. senator cardin called the incident a breach of trust. senior congressional correspondent chad pergram. >> reporter: fox learned the video was recorded last week in a prominent hearing room in the heart of the senate office building but the time of day is unclear. a congressional security force tells fox there will be a quote
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thorough investigation with interviews upcoming. under dc code it's illegal for a person to engage in a sex act in public but there are no charges yet. >> the capitol police may want to know if this video was done with any intent for commercial or financial advantages. they may want to know whether it was shot with the intent to make it public or distribute it to a larger group of people. >> reporter: it's illegal to improperly use government property certainly for financial gain if the video was sold for profit. and then there is trespassing however that's a gray area because this involved a senate aid and the hearing rooms are unlocked. >> it's not clear whether this would be considered a public space when this occurred. it was a closed committee room. so even though the hearing room itself is generally public, it wasn't open to the public at that time. >> reporter: the hearing room in the hart senate office building is among the most iconic on
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capitol hill built for television the hearing room has hosted everything from hearings about nip 11 to the russia investigation, hearings about iraq and most score confirmation hearings. the senate sis ca papers caps one of the most bizarre moments of 2023 in what has been a truly weird year in congress. trace. >> trace: thank you. coming up, how much do you know about the christmas truce of 19 14 when the world was at war and something remarkable happened on the front lines. one might call it a christmas miracle. it is a story that you do not want to miss. >> and later in the nightcap, what if dogs could talk? one woman says that's what she trained her pup to do and she caught it on video. it's gone viral more than 70 million views, and we are going to play it for you right now. whale the dog said. watch.
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>> trace: ha ha. what do you think the dog is saying. her owner is convinced she knows. let us know on x and instagram on trace gallagher. some of the comments are very clever can't wait to hear what you think in the nightcap. 8:21 in the west coast and now a fox news at night trip across america first a life look at california's capitol city of sacramento they say rain is in the forecast. now to logansport louisiana where they made christmas spirits bright. finally an earth cam look at baltimore maryland scenic inner harbor. if you can't join us live don't forget to set your dvr and watch us anytime and maybe you can figure out what the dog is saying. we're coming right back. hi, i'll have the avocado toast... minus the avocado. so, toast? yeah. everything is so expensive these days. hey, chevy gets it. that's why they're keeping prices down to earth.
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♪ >> trace: breaking tonight we have live video of a volcano in southwest iceland and as you can see right there if you look all across the bottom of the screen there are several different outlets spewing lava finally erupting after weeks of earthquake activity in the country. of course the earth quake, the seismic activity, that is the first sign that these volcanos could be happening. nearly 4,000 people were evacuated from the fishing town last month and they closed the blue lagoon geothermal spa. the tourist attraction partially reopened sunday but we are going to keep our eyes on this because this could get bigger. you can see the spectacular images and for those nearby this is bad news. keep you up to speed on the breaking news from iceland >> military recruits not afraid to step out of line on social media calling out the army for
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thousand they're being treated on bases overseas. jonathan hunt back with more a on that story. >> reporter: not unusual to hear people klain about their jobs of course it is unusual to hear very public complaints about the u.s. hill taker from inside its ranks. listen here. >> you do not like your freedom being suppressed a little, not really, i wouldn't join the military. you're not going to be able to say whatever you want to say. ♪ push. >> reason number one is pay. we do not get paid enough for what we do. >> reporter: and those tik tok users have more than a million followers in all so their complaints could have a real impact on recruitment which is already suffering. at a congressional hearing last week pentagon officials testified that during fiscal year 2023 the military collectively missed recruiting goals by about 41,000 recruits.
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the officials describing the continuing annual shortfalls as one of the military's, quote, greatest challenges since inception. the reasons officials said young people have more options in the economy, they have fewer family members that served in the military. gen-z has a low trust in traditional institutions as if we didn't know that. those videos might spark more debate about whether tik tok should be banned in the u.s. the latest fox news poll out today shows a limb majority of voters, 51%, favor a ban on the chinese-linked social media platform and we all know, trace, a pretty big political push to ban it as well. >> trace: maybe some of these new recruits should talk to my brother-in-law who was drafted in vietnam, no complaints about the food or the tree dom. >> reporter: they were busy. >> trace: very busy. the u.s. met again with israeli leaders calling them to exercise restraint in gaza.
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the senior foreign affairs correspondent greg palkot is in tel aviv tonight. . >> reporter: as the israel hamas war rages across gaza, efforts to reign in the fighting intensified. defense secretary lexie rigden austin meeting with prime minister netanyahu and others, saying how the fight should go. >> we will continue to stand up for israel's bed rock right to defend itself and we will also continue to urge the protection of civilians during conflict and to increase the flow of humanitarian aid into gas a. >> reporter: israel listening but determined from we will prevail because we are fighting for the right values and for our survival in this region. >> reporter: israel notching up more gain showing a massive hamas tunnel network it discovered near the gaza border and displaying over a million dollars uncovered in the terror strong hold as funerals continue for the three hostages killed mistakenly last week by israeli forces.
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officials mourn the loss and pledge to learn an incident also boosting ceasefire talks and angry protests boy hostage families demanding the rescue of remaining captives. >> we are here to fight for them appear remind our government it must be the first priority to win back home. >> reporter: it must be the first priority to bring them back home that man says. some extended family members have been taken and released by hamas, others have been murdered. at lowest one still remains in captivity. troubles here hitting a lot of people in a lot of different ways, trace. >> trace: greg palkot in tel aviv. greg thank you. let's bring in israel's general to the pacific southwest israel bachar and watchman host erik stakelbeck. great to have you both on. hamas says no more hostages released until and unless israel stops firing all together. no ceasefire, not temporary, until they stop firing all together.
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israel had the following comment. this is from the military spokesman daniel, quoting senior hamas officials declared the return of hostages possible only with an immediate end of the ground operation. it's important to mow to collar foy the idf is determined to dismantle hamas and as you say israel has now seen, gaza is now a war machine top to bottom. >> correct. what we've zone after 73 days that every square meter in gaza has been used for a terrorist infrastructure. aboveground and underground. we just see the tunnel this week, the four kilometers, 15 meters deep of tunnels, i call it tunnels from hell is what i call it. regarding the hostages, israel the number one goal is to bring all the hostages home, however, we are not willing not to topple hamas. we are going to topple hamas whether we have the time for it, whether it's going to be difficult for us.
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it doesn't matter. we have one goal in our mind which is to eradicate hamas once and for all. so we're going to bring the hostages home, whether we're going to do it through negotiation or through military operation or throughout an army winning. >> trace: and erik stakelbeck, to you, because the pressure is mounting. the international pressure, you can see the biden administration is kind of a daily, there's a daily drip drip drip right? and the u.s. is now pushing israel to back off on the wide scale war and to do these targeted strikes. what do you think the change in pressure, the change in strategy? >> yeah, i mean, israel trace at the end of the day is a sovereign nation. israel needs to do what's best for israel's security no matter what the biden administration says or the eu and i believe israel will finish the job here. trace, israel really has no choice. if it agrees to a premature ceasefire if it leaves hamas
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alive to fight another day, that will absolutely embolden hamas, not to mention hezbollah, the irany regime the houthis and the rest of the iranian ring of fire so leaving hamas alive and starting is a non-starter israel must finish the job of crushing hamas there is no alternative for the jewish state other than more war and more october 7th style attacks if hamas lives to fight another day. >> trace: meantime, moving to yemen now and the houthis attacking the ships and concluding commercial ships in the red sea, general jack keane said the following today. watch. >> i think it's really quite shameful that the discipline strakes is -- administration is waiting until soldiers or sailors get killed in this. the idea of having a military is to deter. we have to conduct a significant attack against houthi capabilities, rockets, missiles, storage sites and their command and control.
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not a pinprick. >> trace: yeah, you talk about diplomatic efforts, right? what should happen here is is roll in your estimation. doesn't seem anything is working. >> i don't think military has been used by the coalition. if diplomacy's going to work everyone will be happy but i have my doubts, i think with the organization there's only one way to speak which is in force, diplomacy doesn't work with terrorist organization, we've zone it with hamas, we made the mistake before it's not going to work with the houthis. you have to understand not just the houthis we're doling with, iran is the one that is financing, the with the arms and directs the houthis in the region. >> trace: all the proxies the senior member of the houthis said quoting here erik, we say to the americans you have no right to talk about the humanity
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you are slaughtering from vein to vein in all parts of the world. they're pointing fingers and firing at the ships in the red sea. final 15 seconds here. >> trace and they have faced no consequences as of yet, unabated on a daily basis are launching missiles rockets and attack drones. we'll sew if there's teeth role force behind the international coalition that the u.s. is going to load. i hope so. israel made a great point at the end of the day the ed had of the snake resides in tehran that's the ultimate problem. >> trace: great point fair point as well, erik stakelbeck, israel bachar thao both. >> thank you. >> trace: our own benjamin hall while covering the war in ukraine joins us live to talk about his new fox nation special about the christmas truce in world war one. such a great story. and it's next.
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>> trace: what in the world is that dog saying? let us know. we'll tell you coming up. ok, someone just did laundry... no, i add downy light so the freshness really lasts. yeah, most scented stuff gives me a headache, but this is just right. and i don't like anything. but i like this. get a light scent that lasts with no heavy perfumes or dyes. ( ♪ ♪ ) (fisher investments) it's easy to think that all money managers are pretty much the same, but at fisher investments we're clearly different. (other money manager) different how? you sell high commission investment products, right? (fisher investments) nope. fisher avoids them. (other money manager) well, you must earn commissions on trades. (fisher investments) never at fisher investments. (other money manager) ok, then you probably sneak in some hidden and layered fees. (fisher investments) no. we structure our fees so we do better when clients do better. that might be why most of our clients
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♪ >> trace: it's called the christmas truce of 19 14 when the world was at war, soldiers on the front leans of both sides put down their weapons for a short time to celebrate christmas. that remarkable story being told in a fox nation special. let's bring in benjamin hall with more on that and other things. benjamin great to have you on as always. i want to get your take first and foremost because we are going to talk about the christmas truce of 19 14 but i want to get your take, we were talking a little bit with israel bachar about the whole concept of the international pressure ramping up on israel to really put this ceasefire into place for an extended period of time. they say no. does international pressure win the day at the end of time? >> it's interesting i think we
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saw secretary austin in israel the last couple of days and he was sending that message, he wants to see transformation into a more surgical form of attack from the israelis and the israelis say exactly the same thing but the caveat is they won't do so until they annihilate hamas and the hostages are back and according to benjamin netanyahu the prime minister that may be months in the progress. yes they want to move move forward but won't do so until they achieve their goals. just today the un security council will vote a cessation of hostilities the us didn't vote against is they asked it to move forward a day. they will in a couple days vote not in a cessation of hostilities but a ask us suspension and in israel they're starting to see the biden administration turn away from them in a way i don't think they thought would have happened so quickly. i think they are worried that they will be totally on their own without the level of support
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from the u.s. they once had. i don't think it will stop israel. israel has its goals in mind and that's what they are out to achieve. >> trace: yep there is definitely a pull jack from the biden administration. i want to play a sound bite now from the christmas truce of 19 14 and then get your take on this. watch. >> i think the legacy of the christmas truce is really about the fact that it's now become a firm part of the history of the first world war. many games of football took place and the spontaneous act to share commonality in the bloody conflict did indeed happen and surfs as a symbol to date a determined and vital symbol that sport, music and common humanity can survive those awful circumstances that humanity finds itself in. >> trace: as he said benjamin it did indeed happen such a fascinating story.
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talk about that. >> absolutely amazing and imso proud to have made this, it's on fox nation at the moment but one incredible story from christmas of 1914 where in some of the worst trench warfare that we have seen in history germans on one side the english on the other it was christmas and as the junior mens started to sing christmas carols the english came out of their trenches right into no man's land where bloody fighting had been happening and something brought them together. they began singing hymns and playing soccer together and they were brought together boy that shared sense of humanity and it talks underneath all conflict there are things that bring people together. in this case it was also christianity they prayed together. and we live in a world that sees so many wars at the moment we must remember there's humanitarian in it and this film
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1914 shows that. incredible video from back then, a reminder we may feel we are split apart with you we can always come back together and look for those things to unite us. so if you have a minute please go watch it. >> trace: i hear it is remarkable. very quickly benjamin your new podcast searching for heroes give us a nutshell version of what it's about. >> i suppose it's based on a similar thing to the special, i covered conflict for phone years and saw so many wars and what i was amazed is yes they're horrible but there are heroes amongst them, i don't think we spend enough time talking about the heroes in our community and i found all across america and each podcast will be about someone who has gone through something really difficult, like i did, bad injuries, terrible events, pulls themself together comes out the other side and uses what happened to them to spread good and help others do great things and we are surrounded by heroes in all our communities and i have to give a voice to some of them. it's uplifting and optimistic
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and again reme understand us how bad things are you can pull through it and do well and on the other side there's always something good. >> trace: searching for heroes from our in-house hero benjamin hall. thank you. we appreciate it. coming up in the nightcap, here it is one more time. what in the world is this dog saying, her owner says she knows proceed sizely what it is. but do you? we're coming back with exactly what this pup is telling its owners at least from their perspective and still time for you to weigh in on x and instagram at trace gallagher. the nightcap crew is next. ♪ shingles doesn't care. i go to spin classes with my coworkers. good for you, shingles doesn't care. because no matter how healthy you feel, your risk of shingles sharply increases after age 50. but shingrix protects.
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♪ >> trace: we are back with the nightcap crew, jackie ibanez, jonathan hunt, sonja shaw, julie hamill, christina pascucci tonight's topic sadie speaks. this woman goes viral after teaching her dog said country to say a very specific phrase. can you guess what the dog is saying, we're going to play it one more time for you. listen closely.
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oh, yeah. yeah, might as well hear it twice. jackie ibanez, what is the dog saying. >> that is so cute look at the dog's reaction. i think the dog is saying "i love you". that was eww first take on it. >> trace: mr. hunt, jonathan hunt what -- >> it's saying why are these dumb humans trying to make me talk. >> trace: sonja shaw would you look i can to weigh in? >> let's be real i think it was mom i love you. >> trace: okay, intriguing. christina pascucci, do you have a -- >> i heard something similar but, you know, just depending on my poohed of day i would have saying whatever words i needed to hear, very therapeutic. >> trace: it says what i want it to say. julie hamill, what did the dog say in your view. i think it says don't sell me because it saw your nightcap from the other night. >> trace: don't sell me. >> you would sell your dog for 200,000 tars. >> trace: me and kevin corke
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both sold ours for $200,000. to pay for those children. we asked x and instagram followers if they knew what the dog was saying appear the results were the following, yes, 68% on x, 55% on instagram, responses, chung says i'm hungry feed me, role 0, he said this explains why you're still single. dre i want my snack, frank, i love you or why does it hurt when i pee. here's what the dog is saying. watch this. >> trace: you missed-tow the woman was saying i love you i love you i love you. the dog said i love you and that's why they're dancing. thank you for joining the nightcap and for joining fox news at night with trace gallagher. i'll see you back here tomorrow.
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