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tv   Hannity  FOX News  December 18, 2023 11:00pm-12:00am PST

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the octagon, and the winner gets to beon president. pre >> brad from connecticut. .mayor is taking a cue from joe who said to a crowd, let me start with two words made in america. >> bruce from illinois took your advice and tried eggnog in my coffee and loved it only through the holidays orfe until the stores run out. >> it's only a december thing. let's not get carried awayd . >> nashua, new hampshire. iei don't think johnny has ever seen a bozo in his life. >> he's holding it backwards. >> that was the first timeasin johnny ever held a saw in his entire life. that was the hardest johnny's life was the hardest johnny's . >> and that was embarrassing. alan from oak harbor, washington. .it's to see johnny unable to use a simple buzzsaw, a lumberjack. >>e to he is not. i'm to he is not. waters. is " >>my and this is my
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>> welcome to this special edition of "hannity". i'm kayleigh mcenanyis. and for sean. and tonight, a new family mottof for the bidens. taxes for thee, but not for me b . that's their motto. while the big guy demands that americans all of you pay te their fair share. neither of his adultir couldd bt be bothered to pay their own taxes in full. you heard me right.lunter it's not just hunter. inss not just hunter. alleged million dollar tax fraud scheme, you get away tax that. biden's 42-year-old daughterrau, ashley, also owes thousands in unpaid taxes, according to a tax lien document obtained by fox news. meanwhile more humiliation formn yet another member of thewh accoanother member of thewh according to reports, the president's brother, james, was previously caught up in a federal bribery investigation surroundin upg a shady attorney who once paid james biden's consulting firm an $100,000 in the 1990s. drars now, ultimately, neitherso
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james nor joe were implicateds in a crime, but james was secretly recorded by the fbi. and that leaves me with the question. ttle isn't it just a little strange that the bidens family's thats business venturess frequently seem to involve corrupt partners? we get a new story every single day. of course white house press secretary karine jean-pierre has stonewalled the press, shutting down any attempt to ask the biden family corruption questions that the press are not always so eager to ask, but occasionally vague and antsy. and indeed they did. when hunter. will defiance scheme. but what do we get fromd that karine jean-pierre deflection? a broken record again and again. watca brokenh for yourself. i'm >> look, i'm not going to get into you know, get into the specifics of any of the oversight. >> i would refer you to him. in the end, the doj just notthe going to comment from here. i just don't have anything else
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to share. i will refer you to the white house counsedon't have anythl. r the president was nevere in business with his son. i just don't have anythingwhiten to add. i've been asked this question multiple times and nothing has changed. skedtioniple timi don't have an. >> i'm not going to getng t involved in this. >> that is a question for hunter biden's rep, so i'm not going to get into itbiden'tativh >> we're going to move on. republicans continue to double >>down on a baseless, baseless smear campaign againstar the presiden campat and his fam. i would have to refer you to my colleagues over at the whitoe house counsel's office. >> folks, we've interacted with so many of his sons, former business associates. more than half of voters told cnn they believe the president was involved and he lied. you can't have a response that frames. yes, i'm just not going to get into that. we're moving on. do you think jim acosta would have let me get away with that?n kaitlan collins? no doubt. and then the flaying awag to gen asked a question about hunter biden literally running from the podium . >> well, the whitee house refuses to answer. they are reportedly very upset
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that hunter biden is speaking out in public. just lister biden n to his predu jen psaki. you hablicd this surprise press conference by hunter biden. >> did it help or did it hurt? look, i think if you're sitting in the white house right now, you're like, please, huntease, ryou, biden, we know your dad loves you. please stop talking in public. int helpful to any to beublic. of them for me to be out there. but at the same time, att loves his, >> that takes precedence over p anything elsrecee. talki please stop talking. hunter biden, they're pleading with him and jeniden is exactlyd right on that point. >> she's echoing her friends over in the white house.e look at this story, according to axios. hunter is, quote , ignoringg th the wishes of some white house aides and goingg on on the attack. so they're coordinating with hunter and came after politico reported that some white house staff are, quote, std that hunter is being aggre more aggressive because he is not clearing the tactics in thet strategy. that's not the job of the whit e house. not the job of your taxpayer dollars. so the white house is refusing
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white white house is refusing to answer questions about hunter, but still wishes he would jus, bul t coordinatee his strategy. interesting. joining us now with reaction, house oversight committee chairman james colmer. an jamesthank you for joining m. chairman colmer, you know, chaianan colmer, you know, is this james biden an important character in all of this? ter in af is, we know about the0 from james to joe. >> i kno00 che w you've been in, with his attorney. you didn't show up for his date when he was supposed to have his depositionhe didn'e he. >> do you think he comes before congress? b >> i think james biden will come before congress. comerei we'll eventually get hu. biden. look, we've seen joe biden say, we've seen joe biden that anyone who defies a congressional subpoena should be accountable and they should be locked up. >> so we're going to see iret i >> the attorney general is going to be as aggressive with thee biden family defying subpoenas as was it anyone that was involve d in any of the trump trump investigations. >> but look, this is moredenc evidence every day of they day ofbidens being involvedin
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in schemes that involved influence peddling aroundd. the world. that's what we found out that's what we found out one knew about until this washington post story surfaced on sunday. you know, that's interesting. you saidaced o you think you'llk get hunter before congress. you know, he's volunteered to coml t e publicly in that opn door session. but you think he'll come for buy? he'hink he'll come for >> i think he's going to have to. he doesn't have a choice.. is >> this is a credible investigation. the overwhelming majorit yg up w of americans are keeping up with this investigation. the associatedit inves press, w used to be a respectable news outlet, they did havoutle a poli that showed that 70% of americans believe that joe biden did somethin g eitherly illegally or at best, an ethically with.s >> this family's shady business schemes. the american people want schemes.e americto know what ts to receive the tens of millions f miof dollars that they got frd our enemies around the world. >> that's a simple torld questin that shouldn't be hard to answer. and through the course of this
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,not only we found outcourse about the millions of dollars that they've in from foreign nationals, we don't. we've also found out that they s disguise a lot of money a as loans. >> there's no record of of repayment of any of those loans, not o only interestciple payments, but principal payments. and if that's the casets, thenis they owe millions more in taxes. soe in joe biden wants to double hee in joe biden wants to double tax cheats. he needs to look no further than the christmas dinner loo table. if he wants to look at look at a bunch of tax cheatsra who owe the federal government money, i mean, this family thney, i mean, this family by t that taxes are only to be paid by the working people ang pedths the biden family. that's why we're going to continue this investigation. and that's w go contin why thate to have the bidens sit down and be deposed. we have hundreds of substantive questions that we needd. to them. >> and i think the american people deserve the answers.
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>> and you just said it will be american people. a vast majorit peoy. e is s chairman komar believe there is something unethical here. noom w, do they believe that?re not because the media has been telling them the truth that the media has been burying all that you found. >> but we broughg themt it here tonight. let's scroll this. these are 20 pieces of evidence that you have uncovered. you can find them on house oversight committees website. do our devin archer told you joe biden is the brand 20 biden phone calls with business partners. phonethe 2014 dinner with busip partners, the 2015 business dinner with business partners. and the list goers, the 2015s ot so how could the president have told us time and time agai us tn he has no involvement t with hunter? d he he said that he said he didn't know any of these people. we out we knew them all.he sai he said he never communicated with these people. with ev >> we found out he communicated with every one of them, all the people that sent the bidens millions of dollars from around the world who jo e biden saido jo he never met with. he met with them all.
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he talked to them. he had lunch with them. he spoke to them on the they had dinner at cafe milano . they flew on air force two.lano he has not been truthful.ce with the american people.h >> and whyth is it this is aicao simple question, what did you do to receive the tens ten of millions of dollars from our enemies around the world? and then ioflionf you want to go further. next question. why didn't you pay taxes on it? what's af er your calling loans. have you made any payments o on loans? are they loans or did you disguise them as loans? sor did u uise the you wouldn'tt them to the irs? you know, there are so many question res here. and you look at the evidence and i appreciate the fact that you showet thatd the evide on tv when so many in the mainstream media try to say there's noy to i evidence becau that's what the white house tells them to say. there's mountainsas of evidencen why has the president not beentl truthful with th we american?e e what were they doing to receive the money? this is an issue of national securityy?s an issuef nation. ac >> and i think every american is concerned that our president is our for sale. and you have the fbi tapes that reveal that joe, jill biden was trying to dot influence peddling with his
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brother. we know that hunter biden was trying to do that. this has beeiden tn a family but for a long time and it needs to stop. >> and wim te to know what damae has been done because of the family's influence peddling. >> final question for you here, chairman colmer. i saw senator ted cruz ors arsenator ted cruz said that your investigators are working during the holidays. what are they upg duri to? i >> we're we were in floridan today. manyflorida of our staff intere people that were involved. they interviewedople t trustee o americorps health debacle. e this was one of the the influence peddling schemes where jim bide n to a failingcompan health care company and said,,0i if you pay m ce $600,000, i canr use my brother's contacts in theothentacts i middle east you all the money you want. they paid him $600,000. >> 200,000 that ended up in joe biden's pocket. and they ran up. they defrauded that healthcare company and jotheye was involved in that. he got a third of the of thevol. cut. w
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>> this is an example of whate we're going to be doing. we're going to continue to be reviewing.ntinueg emails.o be we're going to continue to be reviewing bank statements. bank statements are still tricklin g in because the family had so many shell companies and so many bank accounts, s ond so many bank accounts, s we're going to work throughout the holidays. this is an important investigation. we're tryingl work to wrap it ug and i think that that support is there from the american people to get answers to this investigatioe n. chairman koma, keep digging. thanirmak very much. >> here now with more w is someone who has followed the money foit ir quite some ti. wisconsin senator ron johnson. senator johnson, we've been all over this. se you've t say i'm surprisedsnt that karine jean-pierre doesn't want to answer questions. we just scrolled wan 20 piecesib of evidence. >> but don't the american onpeople deserve't more fromy to the white house? you can't try to coordinate strategy with hunter coord as.s, >> reports suggest and then stonewall the press. tmas >> well, merry christmas. and yes, the american people deserve the truth.can peu
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that's exactly the house is going about doing. they are building on the record that senator grassley made a built in terms of the inflowmh of tens of millions of dollars from countries that are adversarial to thi os nation. dd you know, the bidens did nothing. and then what the chairman thenn colmer and jordan and smith have been doing is they've been telling all the detailbeen filse you know, where this money flow out to the irs whistleblowers for key. rs wer but let's face it, it's been known that the bidens been operating something called biden inc. i didn't term that. so i didn't coin that term wasn coined by the politico years ag polo. . so the press was on the bidens that they knew that the bidens were sellinge influence, tradig off the family name. >> but once he became president, once he became the candidate of the democrats, they buries,d it all the undermine our investigations, said the senate. granteoud our soliciting the 70 russian disinformation. does that sound familiar? so, agaiton, this very massive cover up. you see the corruption within the news media, but you'll see corruption in our federal law enforcement. ent,
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the fbi, the intelligence agencies, which is as big a if not bigger than the corruption of the biden crimes family. sty so it's a huge story. i mean, look, i look at the testimony from from joseph ziegler, from these whistleblowers, gary shapley. . these are not partisan figures. these are people who aret part t republicans. these are people who have integrity and came forwarrepublicthese ard and saie our investigation be stymied time and timste. w th i mean, is thisvern how the government operates will cover up fomentperates?r bc and takes a whistleblower, a man of great couragea to com. forward to stop it? >> yes. i mean, that ii s what has been revealed now dating back to the hillary clinton email scandal clind that same castl scandal of characters that were in charge of crossfire hurricane. ossfire rricane,they're the onet the editing of the james comey exoneration memoinames of hillay clinton. so this corruption does exist in quite some time. it is a major story.. the corruption. th. trruption.
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but we also need to geth ou the truth on the bidens. and i thought it was probably very interesting about thee in indictment is all the cash that huntell ther biden went the over the four years where he will pay $1.4 million in taxes. he spent $4.9 million, $1.6n million of that was in cash. that's. $1,000 a day, by the way. is that maybe how joe biden got his 10%? is the big guy in untraceable, cold, hard cash? >> those are the kinds cash, ch those are the kinds cash, coleman needs to ask hunter biden in a sworn, you know,worna a sworn affidavit, a sworn deposition. that's why they need to get him behind closed doors and remove losed doquestions from from legl experts. $ you mentioned the 4.9 million. and what's interesting about that , you have kevin morris, you know, the star studded morris, attorno reportedly, according to joseph ziegler, lent huntero jo biden 9 million for all kinds of payments. i mean, who just shells outnd
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money and says, hey, here you go. wh here yoy he do that?edalin >> more influence peddling. what is thisd wh? that's another $64,000 question, isn't it? r it's obvious some kind of the influence peddling. he's expecting something in return and people want jus to show up to that kind of money without expecting something in return. you know, another thing that's, i think, very troubling, i think the media really needs to ask thianother veroubling,s, i know you're troubled. i know you have a drug problem, . no, not everybody. the drug problem spans $800,000 and women and it don't entertai,000 on it abusing trafficked women. >> that'd be a question. women the media. how many women hunter did you abuse? therer, e trafficked to international sex trafficking, which is grotesque and you know i know president biden was shelling outn wa or offering to about a half thousand dollars over a four month period whener hunter was spending tens of thousand dollars on theseiodh women. so, again, this is corruption. it is vile. womenand for her to come out he
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and play the sympathy card and sa sympathy that, you know,e we're attacking him. we're not we just need to get to the truthed because an american president part is the hit. the top of this biden crimehe family is compromised and it could be impacting our national security. >> when you say it's a question for the media, i can tell you ifs an i was standing at the podium, the president's name was donald trump and you had ka at in the press the question would be asked. senator johnson, thank you very much. now let's turn to another let'so 's turn to another almost too shocking to believe. it's pretty gross if you have kids if yo. you might want to moveht b on the side right now because it might be the most dishonorablee graphic scandalof to come out of the washington swamp in years . our ow here now with the very latest,ts our own jonathan hunt is with us. jonathan cayley, room 216 in the senate, heart has previously hosted the 911 commission hearings and confirmation hearings for supreme court justice nominees
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brad kavanaugh and sonia sotomayor. now, it's also been the setting for an explicit sex tape that showed up online. and the capitol hill police are in the making and sharing of the video. could lead to several charges, according to legal experts, including lewd and obscene conduct. >> and there's also questions about trespass that were used quite extensively againstt peop people over the january 6thjustb riot. just because you have access teo a room as a staffer doesn't mean that you have access for any purpose. >> this was obviously a non-official purpose. >> now, the person seen in then video has not been officially identified, although id cardin,, although the democrat, acknowledged tonight a staffer in his office has recently been fired for breach of trust. fi upon seeing the capitolun
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police investigation as a personal issuedersta. so we clearly will be impacted it we clearly will be impacted issue and the staffer to whomat. senator cardin was apparentlyfen referring wrote on linkedin, quote, thig e ons has beenn a difficult time for me as i have been attacked for who i'd love to pursue a politicale some agenda. while some of my actions in the past have shown poor judgment, i love my job and would never my workplace any attempts and e actionsany attempts otherwise are fabricated. and i will be explorin areg what legal options are available to me in these matter ares. capitol police say they will be conducting interviews, kelly, but yet there has beenas o no arrest. >> kelly thank you, jonathan. well, coming up, former president barack obama is now reportedly very worrie is nodloi that biden will lose in 2024. that's pretty good reason. 20he haswe'll break down the lat
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polls straight ahead. plus, florida governor ron pohead plu will join us when we come back as this special edition of "hannity" continues . the time is now. okay, here we go. we're giving you fox nation's once a year sale just in time for the holidays. get our lowest price of the year to start streaming our biggest shows. i'm rob lowe and this is liberty or death. boston tea party with the biggest stars. perfect. just perfect. and your favorite fox personalities start streaming fox nation today for just 1999, a year, our lowest price of the year for a limited time. only sign up today. >> when did doing business become more about culture warsc. and about, well, business? >> some companies today bring politics into the boardroom, then into our living rooms. then into our living rooms. 1792 exchange here. i cath a sounn search more than 12 companies to see if they care more about divisive social issues than
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with ultimate confidence fresh threads. welcome back to the special "ha edition of "hannity". >> biden's dismal poll numbersi. to sink ever further.
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according to a new walrther.l sn journal reports. the problem has gotten soha that former president biden is now worried that democratt fm lose in november. a person familiar with the a pe says obama,r with the quote, knows this is going to be a close race. >> he feels that democrats very well could lose and thatpublican republicans are dangerous for democracy. >> yes, they're all dangeroueror for democracy. while another washington post story says" president and first lady jill biden, quote, have told aides and friendsiden theye frustrated by the biden's low approval ratinstrateg. and in recent weeks they have grown upset that they are not ha tha more progress. are not well, maybe fix the economy, numb, maybe fix the economy, your poll numbers will change. meanwhile, a new monmouth lle.survey shows biden with his lowest approval yet at,ok a just 34%. look at that. this comes after the bad newat s that joe biden had his lowest approval and the pew survey
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survey, that's at 33%. he is getting dangerousl33y cloe to the twenties, is in the 30s, edging towards the 20s.e biden's problems do not end's there. the rise of third party candidates rfk jr, cornell westb and jill stein is threatening bud jill stein is threatening to trump. but apparently the biden campaign is completely out of touch with reality because according to a report new york magazine, there is an alarming calmness within the campaign. nt here is the president embodying that strategy with, total serenity about his sinking ship. hismr. president, why traveling the world? the wrong polls. right. ng pbut hasn't stopped other s democrats from sounding the alarm squad member. >> congresswomang th ilhan omar claimed that she warned biden he may be in trouble- ifu he ignores, quote, heartbroken young muslim voterbls. "h
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here is reaction, co-host of the big money show on fox businessyoung , brian green, washington examiner opinion editor kayleigh mcghee, and fox news contributor leo terrell. leo, so this new york magazine piece says that there was this gathering in chicago at the sheraton with team biden, the campaign and some obama folks. >> and this line was so funny. after a night of partying more than 100 of them rolled out of bed to hear the bidens detailedhan a hu strategy to wih they were less than impressed. teamr obama. essed. >> i'll tell you why. kelly, thanks for having me, because joe biden has bought ter all credibility with the american people. >> he's unlikable. he used to bwith the ericane cae but now he's unlikable. >> why? because he lives joe and thes. american people don't like liars. he lied about the border. americans don'.he lied about afa he's lying about the crime. he's lying about the economybou >> he's lying about inflation. there is nothing that comes out of joe biden'ss
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mouth that is the truth. >> and the american people have nothing in commod e n with joe's war stories about scranton, pennsylvania. >> they have nothing in common with the everyday american. >> the the or the the fact tha that barack obama is talking about joe biden is in trouble. that was done intentionally becaustentionae joe biden can'te >> the only person, keli bedveic believes that joe biden can win is joe biden. >> he's in denial. he needs to show denia me one poll where he's ahead. >> he can't. can't. he can't and can't lead, he says. you're just lookin says, you'rge wrong polls. every single poll i've looked at say maybe he won two orth three. he is losing to every goree,p r. contender in the race. >> right. and the reason why he's so confiden rightt and why his staf is so confident, despite these abysmal poll numbersnfident, ise he's expecting another abl 2020 race when he had the luxury of being able to hide in his basement when isr ree in his basement when didn't have a four year record to answer for and when he had a medir foena was willing to an.
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well, to ask him about neither of those things and press him on anything at all. now, this is different. m abbiden is polling way behind, which means that he's going to have no choice but toail an get out on the campaign trail and prove that he,e th as anold 81-year-old, has the mental acuity to serve for anothe four years. >> that also means that the media is going to havr four start actually covering what he is saying. year exposurend and coverage has not worked out well for biden. ther ally thae is a reason why i past presidential campaigns failed. there'dentcampaigns s a why he r over for hillary clintonre i in 2016. and there's a reason why obama was hesitant to even endorsee hn him in 2020, in the first 202 place. because democrats know that joel biden is a failed candidate when left out on his own . brian, you know, this frustration that biden has,s so it's so interesting to me, so intes, he anden'tng to me, so jill, but the polls aren't happening to him. h tthey are happening because of him, because of his economy
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,his actions. >> yeah, i mean, the guy was, gu really thrust raided. mig he might change policy. i don't think he's selngf frustrated. i'm not even sure that hee believes in himself as a candidate. i think the problem is he doesn't exactly know goingan on in the country. and americans know that. am, our economy forthat. a second, we're supposed to haved te unemployment under , but only 14%. he econo americans think that the economy has gotten better underr . how in the world can you square those two numbers? you nevequarr see numbers like that. and the answer is because people don't think biden's policies have made life better. in fact, what they know is andw this is the dirty secret biden-nomics gets worse with age. interest rates go up, pricesup go up, regulations multiply, choices shrink. that's biden-nomics. it gets worse.
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>> people don't want to seeee what comes next. . >> well, i want to see if see his poll numbers hit the high twenties because he isangerous dangerously close. brian kelly, leo clo thank you m much. so what's fueling this polling disasteruch.pollin for biden?re one big reason, the crisis at our southere crisn border, h important to americans. and it's not just republicanams upset with him. earlier today, democratemocra new york city mayor eric adams called biden's actions on the bordeyorkr, quote, bafflb and called out the administration for abandoning the crisis. his comments came as new york cityonine now housing over 67,, migrants and shelters. >> that's over three times what' year. so what's eric adams plan to address the crisis? listenericdams' plan to this ve. his, quote, decompression strategy would involve shippingv you tegy would involve shippingv you know, the same strategy democrats derided. r
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governor desantis and governor abbott for. according to adams quote, the way instead of havingg 14 140,000 coming here or a thousand coming to chicago, we're spreading it out throughout the entire country. g other democrats are also being forced to take matters spre their own hands.matters arizona governor katie hobbs." is ordering the national guardet to the southern border. here is reaction. 2024 republican candidate for president, florida governor desantis and texas congressman chip roy both live from iowa. you know, governor desantis, soo you send these illegal migrants from florida to new york city city florida to new york city sanctuary, sanctuary city jurisdiction, and then the sanctuarn. y mayor says we can't provide sanctuary. i thin >> well, that's exactly right. i mean, i think the left got o on this horse because they werey trying to oppose everything trump was doing back in 2016, who was pledging a border wall and border security. and so they tied themselves upsg into saying that they should
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just have an open border whenrd. faced with the realities of that, whetheren fac it's marr vineyard, whether it's new york city, whether it's chicago, loks angeles. they want nothing to do with the effects of an opeo n. the fact of the matter is, democ you have major democrats in this countrrathisy now acknowledging you cannot have an open border. cannot oyou cannot have 9 millin people, 8 million people comeeae in and a three year period. we don't know who they are. they're imposing burdensri knowt society, criminal aliens, fence and all the whole nine yards. this is probably and you've pointed out biden's doing verypr poorly. ings but of all the things he'se all the things biggest dereliction of duty. he has not satisfiedt dereli hih of office as president of the united states to keep this state countr tes toy safe. there's no doubt about it. you know, congressman roy, your governor, governor abbott,a he also sent illegal migrants from texas around the countrbbo do you think it was actions of governor desantis?
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you're sitting by governort abbott, that finally forced mayors like mayor adam fs call out the federal government and saying, you know, you're not doing your job? >> yeah, actually, i think that's right. i mean, last september it wasr the actions of governor desantis. i'm proud to be sitting next to governor abbottdesantisoud k saved the elections for house republicans. i think we have a majority in the house because of theirth leadership. and importantly, what we're seeing at the border right nowes . with 300,000 encounters in november, decemberight r is n track for 300,000. that's 10,000 a day for300, that perspective000,, jeh johnsn said a thousand a day was a crisis under president obama. this is exacting an enormousus toll on texans. >> i had six kids in the schoolrii district in which my wife and my family and i liven wif, six kids who died last year from fentanyl poisoning. ranch is getting overrunix kid,g from fentanyl poisoning. americans are feeling it across the countr y. and the fact is we have a a solution. house republicans passed h.r. two a strong border security bill. the key is we need to forcey is getting it passed and force the president to sign it.
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and if he won't do i to fot, wee to elect a president who will actually sign that into law. unliken presiden president trumm 2018 was signing with paul ryan to try to pass an amnesty first rather than border security first bill, which ah lt left us with the situation we're facing right now. >> you know, governor desantis, you're both in iowa. you've made itkaleigerno to 99 l there in iowa. you're currently in second place in the polls, governor. trace in the polls, governor. 30 points. i understand not a single vote's been castby 3ts. >> your reaction to the latest polling? e well, what we're doing, kelly, a caucus is different than erena normal in the sense of ite a process. >> you've got to be there for a few hours. goto bere fso what we do is wee people that commit to caucus for us. wecur have tens of thousands of people in the hopper. we're adding more every day. wee just finished a greater bandwidth with with chip roy, governor kim reynold an s, who'd endorsed me, my wife, casey. we're bringing more people into the fold. mor so that's how you have to doth it. and i think that's why the polling typically hasn'tt
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predicted the results, because it's trying to measure something that'sth just going different. so going all 99 counties is the right way to do it. showin 99 coung in these commu. and when you do that, when they're able to hear you and as they k you a questions, that when they commit to caucus for you. so we're excitedo th where we an i think we have a better head of steam than the previous t winners of the caucus, and i thank for having people likeving chip on board that are that are here on board that are that are us. >> yeah, i hope they understand. >> yeah. yes. >> o yeah. on the on the polling point. right. look, the polls are supposed to reflect opinion, not shape it. that's the reality. and what's going to decide this election. 's the ? the people on the ground not polls, the people in iowa. that's the beauty of our the .s. r prinuty of our we're four principles, not princes. we don't coronate anybody. we don'tcit ces. let polls deci. it's the american people through this process and the people of, iowa, who take it c very seriously. it's awesome. it's a great experience. my kide anyb's a gres are out h they said that this is kind of like a congressional race
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now whernde they thought it'd be bigger and they're like, no, you're out shaking hands, meeting with peopld bee. the governor's men, the 99 counties is absolutely killing it, outworking han everybody being out here in iowa. and that's the process that wilor is oul that actuallyi i think, send the rightt candidate to be the republican nominee. and that'sca governor desantis. >> and congressman, that herengressman, in iowa monday, tuesday, wednesday, from what i understandn mon, what you seeio on the ground as you travel around with governor desanti arm >> well, i'm seeing an enormous amount of enthusiasm. it's great to be here. you know, we met with a great group here as republicanwe mt gu are the backbone of the the republican activists out there. activists e got a great tour ovr the next few days. my friend thomas massie wa fries here saturday. >> they had some great events, great enthusiasm. but people.t even are thirstingr a new generation, a new vision, looking forward, not looking ere backwards. somebody who can serve for eight years, somebody who won his electionor in florida by byo an enormous margin, one and a half million votes won whe 62o of hispanic voters, 50% of single female voters.
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they don't want an election that's close where you're counting ballots singular. they want to winion at'sse. by an overwhelming margin and take their country back. they're enthusiastic for governor desantis. >> governor desantis, final go for you.e esantis, final i mean, you've been there a ton iowa all over. owa,what's the number one issue you're hearing from voters when you travel around? n we >> well, when we startedrted the process, i would have said economy clear one, border clear, number two. now, i would saytw economy is oe way and border is one. b, i think people are seeing effects of the border. we just did a ride along with a sheriff and sheriff department in wayne county, which is a rural county in iowa. e hich is they are seeing impacm the narcotics that are coming in. so every community has become a border community under joe biden. you run into angel parents in all corners of this country now who have lost kids to fentanyl. and a lot of times are kidsing i that are not addicted to drugs. maybe they took one pill, think it was somethingds tha. fent it's laced with fentanyl
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and they get poisoned to death. so we have tens of thousands of deaths every year. joe biden doesn't seem o to car. about that. about that. to carthd.e about it. and i think when you talk to iowans as well as people in new hampshire and otherrl early states, there's the sense that's accurate, there i that pr who are running this government do not care about th note people they were elected to serve. we need to change that. serve.d toand 2024 gives us an opportunity to do so. , governor desantis, congressman roy, thank you from iowa iowa merry christmas to you both. coming up, u.s. soldiers targeted abroad. and while anti-semitism spikes here at home, america an-semiti the world is a much more dangerous place under biden's leadership u. . full analysis straight ahead as a special edition of "hannity" continues . >> humbug. it's one of the most beloved christmas tales of all time.
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45 and up. it's on us to stand up to cancer once and for all in the wake. >> the war in gaza. iran has unleashed its violent proxies across the middle east. american service members stationed in iraq, syria have come under attack more than 100 times, and the iran backed houthi rebels have been launching so many missiles and drones against cargo ships at several have decided to avoid the red sea altogether . so far, the biden administration has done very little to counter.
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but today, the defense department did announce operation prosperity guardian, the new effort to protect shipping channels in the region. but just hours later, the military confirmed that there were yet again to do the attacks on commercial ships that keep coming. meanwhile, here home, another crisis simmers. you will not believe this, but i couldn't it when i read it. this is a harvard harris poll released last week, and it shows that 51% of respondents aged 18 to 24 said the best way to resolve the israeli-palestine conflict was, for, quote, israel be ended and given to hamas. the same poll showed that two thirds of young people think, jews, one of the world's smallest minority groups, are, quote, oppressors and should be treated as oppressors. and worst of all, 60% of young people said that the horrific
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october seven terrorist attack was, quote, justified made by the grievances of palestinians. babies literally put in ovens and the word justified is something they agree with. don't forget that a different recent poll that 20 percent of adults under 30 said that the holocaust was a myth. this is unbelievable. what are our kids learning? this should scare every single one of us. here now with reaction is brook goldstein of the lawfare project and florida congressman michael waltz. >> brooke, i want to start with you. i'm scared for the kind of world i'm going to live in. if young people thought that attack justified, kelly, i feel you. i am equally scared. and the clients that i represent are also scared and they're subjected to violent assaults, discrimination on campuses, retaliation. we have reached a very low low
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where academia is scary, and the issue is here that we are weak. we weak internally, and we are weak externally. you also that u.s. troops are being targeted over a hundred times. and this all comes back to iran any problem, any radicalization either even at home or abroad, comes to iran. >> let me explain that. iran is in syria. they're propping up bashar al assad. they give him military equipment. they're funding the pro-government militias there. and we also know bashar al assad is engaged in a massive amount of gender based violence. there's a shia militias backed by iran in iraq. we all know that iran funding hezbollah in lebanon. iran is funding hamas in. and who's iran's partner? qatar. qatar is funding to the tune of billions of dollars anti-american radicalization happening within our borders. and how do we respond, this
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appeasement? the biden administration just announced that they're going to inappropriately reward the palestinians with another palestinian terror state. >> they created a terror state with iran's support in gaza. and now we're signaling appeasement to them, appeasement to iran, give iran billions of dollars for a couple of hostages. this is a really scary situation that we're in right now. yeah. and congressman mike waltz, i mean, look, so now they're going to take this seriously in the red sea and put together this coalition. but put forward a bipartisan letter with democrats saying just go back to designating the houthis as terrorists, as trump did. >> have you gotten any progress on that, that president trump called them what they. the houthis are iranian backed terrorists. and in his first months in office, as part of his appeasement strategy, biden de-listed them. and i can't a straight answer
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on why they would call them what they are and send the right signal to the world, not to mention cut off money and other types of aid. >> but, kayleigh, here's here's the fundamental problem. >> it is the biden week appeasement strategy. they couch it in terms that sound innocuous, non escalation. >> but really what that is, is that essentially telling the schoolyard bully, no matter what you i don't want to escalate. and what is a schoolyard bully take from that? >> well, i can get away with taking more lunch money and, other kids lunch money and doing sowing all kinds of mischief. >> what do you have to do with the bully? you've got to punch him in the mouth and hopefully with the moving of ships and announcing of this coalition, they will do that. >> but the problem is, as pointed out. >> even if you shoot the houthis that are shooting these missiles, it still all roads go back to iran. >> you have to make iran costs . and then finally, kayleigh, why
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should every american care? well, if global shipping companies are pulling back and 15 to 20% of global trade flows through the red sea, insurance is going up, the cost of goods are going up, the price of oil is going up. we don't feel that just at the gas pump. guess who gets richer? iran gets richer. russia gets to fund their terror all over again because of biden's policy. and then he wants republicans go to our taxpayers through this supplemental and literally spend against ourselves. it's ridiculous. it's asinine. it's got to stop. it is. it's fantasy foreign policy. well, thank you for trying to hold him accountable and say, let's just release the houthies. i mean, it seems like common sense. congressman? well, we've just got to wait for 2024 carefully. yes. all right. that, too. very important. thank you all. up next, taylor swift did not exactly receive a warm welcome from patriots fans. we'll explain. jimmy fallon joins us as we continue the special edition of "hannity" with go.
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the fun to order all of your guests at the fox news shop when you can watch, listen, get the latest news business and news headlines on sirius xm anytime, anywhere. >> fox news radio on sirius xm america is listening. welcome back to the specialtiono edition of "hannity". >> taylor swift was at the chiefs game yesterday cheeringgn on her boyfriend, travis kelce, and a against the patriots. her appearance was metatri with both excitementots., so-cac swifties and anger from the quote, dads brad's and chad's. as taylor referred to her nfl critics in her time magazine interview, swift was sitting next to patrick mahomes, wife brittany, who shared this photo on instagram. take a look at it. she. a cooki they're sweet poking fun at the haters. but of course, thi fun os didn' patriots fans from getting angry over swift's cameoiot's fn the patriots twitter account posted this, which was quicklykl met with outrage from fans. someone suremet with to be outr.
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here with reaction, the author of cancel culture dictionary, fox across america host jimmy fallon. jimmy, welcome. i've got to know if you're a dad brad, a chad, or you're like my daughter who saw a little bit of the taylor swift. >> she's running around going, i'm a swifty mommy. oh, that's funny. this is a tough story for me because, as you know, wardrobe doesn't want m ae talking about cookies ever again because none of my jackets. abo >> but as far as the taylor thing goes, the patriots fans freaking out because the team account tweeted at her. her the teamsthe patriot should be doing is asking her to play quarterback. they're terrible. they use all the helpght they can get right now. but as for the commentno f orabout dad's and chad's, the controversy is somet of people feel like this is like a slight of white guys, which i should warn her, if you're going to start insulting whiting whit e people, they will make you the mayor of boston. so be careful on that one.obviol >> okay.
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but the bigger issue is obviously, she's dating a whitnge guy, travis kelce. most sports fans are a little tired of the antics. >> but i think the brittany mahomes thing is very emblematic of brittany mahomes loves the spotlight. >> she was always in it before taylor camc ofe along. >> and now i think this is an example of if you can't beat them, join them. so despite her knowing a lot of brad's and chad's, i think she's going keep baking cookies and put them on instagram. >> well, i can assure you there are no chads or brad's in my household that a lot of swifties, though. >> but artificial intelligence, you mentioned cookieg tos, you mentioned wardrobe. they don't want you talking about that. but i brought something else for you. artificial intelligence creeping into our daily lives. >>icia one company called ai zia cheated a.i. microchiplleds that can be incorporated into everyday life, and ceo said they'reca helps make lifeak safer and more intelligent using the example of a refrigerator. this is for you, jimmy, telling you ththis ie value of your foot and sneakers that tell you if cs
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you eat too much during christmas and adjust the cushion for your weighr you yeah, i mean, who wants a wearable whole monitor nit picking you for your behavior like a fridge that at me for the nutritional content. >> that's not a.i., that's a wifethat's n. that's what jenny is doing. like, really. another hot. really? i can't get behind this. it just seems to interest. >> i mean, the thing about the sneakers is also kind of dumd t you know? we're going to need to deflatemy sneakers, jimmy, because you're looking very slim. can't waituse you're to see youn the hallway. >> the camera adds £10, but you. you're looking good. jimmy fallon e camera adds , you played up on these, all right? >> in these spanx for nothin o. >> the best. keep it up, jimmy. well, that's all the time wet have left for tonight. remember, you can catch me weekdays you c at noon on outnud right here on the fox news channel. gutfeld nextay noo. x havene a great night