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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  December 19, 2023 3:00am-4:00am PST

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convictions or any agenda is he pushing. he is very wishy washy with these things. she knows he caves to pressure. the squad is good at getting their way. they have a better record than joe biden does. so you are already seeing. this you can see that he is fearful of losing this part of his support. i think it's a smart strategy, honestly. >> todd: 10 seconds to you. can joe biden win back the muslim vote and if so what does that mean for the jewish vote? >> i think if he is going to win it back at this point he is going to have to cave and, knowing joe biden, and just hearing some of the things that he said recently about israel, i think he will cave. >> todd: that is not good for the jewish vote. you are seeing a lot of staunch jewish democrats saying no go joe in 2024. grace curley thank you very much for your time with that, infor"fox &friends" begins righ. ♪ ♪
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♪ i will be hanging every light i find in this house ♪ playing christmas music ♪ this year christmas won't be quite so blue ♪ and i'm going to shout too much ♪ and dance ♪ >> lawrence: that's dope. that's what i'm talking about. allen, you are outdoing yourself now. he has been creating all of these graphics. it's not a graphic. >> steve: that is real that is our chimney. >> lawrence: already started to make his way to give out presents. >> brian: i'm worried about what is on fire. >> carley: stockings hung by the chimney with care. >> steve: that chimney doesn't
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look properly vented. >> did you notice the details of cookies and milk? i love that graphic. >> brian: what's the christmas song leave beer for santa? >> steve: we talked about that the other day. mr. pardi. >> lawrence: we don't want a drunk santa. >> brian: get your house you get what you want. >> steve: the drunk santas were santacon last weekend? >> carley: oh my gosh santacon. all the 20 year olds come into the city that girls dress up as santa and so do the guys and go to the bar crawl. >> steve: and then what happens? >> carley: they get drunk. >> steve: and then. and then the kids see santa passed out on a great and who g. >> brian: isn't it for charity? i thought there was a charity angle to it. >> steve: what charity is going to take money from drunk santas? >> brian: give up your saturday.
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>> carley: that could be a profitable saturday. >> lawrence: welcome to "fox & friends" on this december the 19th. >> brian: go and write it off. not anymore. i can't write off myron gold. friming explicit video not senate hearing room. >> steve: that's a polite way to say what happened. alexandria hoff joins us from washwashington, d.c. i think he was caught off guard. >> he was. he had previously fired this staffer by the time he put out this statement or made this end which. it is the first time that the marilyn democrat speaking about the scandal it. came to light on friday when the daily caller published a video of the two men having sex in the hart senate building.
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>> it's my understanding capitol police doing the investigation. it's a personnel issue. we clearly will be effected. i'm not going to comment on the personnel issue. it's under investigation. >> senator cardin said he is not aware of any further explain that his former staffer would be facing and, you know, the legal gray area here is only added another layer of bewilderment to the story. we aren't talking about a broom closet or restroom. i'm not sure that's exactly condoned either. the hart senate office building room 216 where this alleged sex act took place, sex tape allegedly was filmed. it is home to supreme court justice confirmation hearings. the 9/11 commission hearings were had there. former fbi director james comey's hearing, too. the location was not bold enough, the person who is believed to be the staffer wrote this on social media about the fallout. he wrote this has been a difficult time for me. as i have been attacked for who i love to pursue a political agenda. some of my actions in the past have shown poor judgment.
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i love my job and would never disrespect my workplace. so, there are no pending charges in this case right now. but a security source did not rule out to the possibility when speaking to fox news. guys? >> lawrence: what's been the reaction on chol from the democrats? this guy has tried to weaponize his sexuality i thought whatever people do in the privacy of their home shouldn't be the concern of everybody not what is on capitol hill in a briefing room. >> when this first came out on friday there was a lot of buzz going in d.c. initially there was rumors that this was a republican staffer. of course, that meant that the tone was different coming from the left. initially that quickly died out. i think it was really fascinating. i have heard from people around the country. maybe some people haven't been to d.c. before. they ever surprised that this doesn't happen more often. >> steve: really? >> carley: what is wrong with people. >> that's the opinion about
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people in d.c. right now. >> carley: that's actually a really good point. my goodness. >> steve: that's true. alex, thank you very much. i was reading in the "new york post" today, to her point about that. >> brian: you have a lot on this. >> steve: this is the front page. >> carley: he is prepared. >> steve: a lot of it i'm not going to say out loud. >> brian: look how researched he is on this one. >> steve: do her point, in the "new york post" today, in the op-ed, which we have all got in front of us. the writer says d.c. has never been a paragon of virtue. you are more likely to catch an std in those buildings and this the flu. >> carley: gross. that is a quote that will wake you up. i believe this guy is 24 years old. he is young. not an excuse, but just saying that his decision making is probably not fully formed yet. although some 24-year-olds are it's just sad. he threw away his future. >> brian: not apologetic,
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carley. >> carley: i know. that's the other thing. as there could be some level of sympathy for the fact that he made this dumb choice. i don't know if sympathy is the right word. but you kind of feel bad like what was he thinking? but, then when you think about his reaction saying that he's the victim, that's crazy. i mean, it goes without saying. if this was a man and a woman, having, you know, doing this in the senate hearing room, it would be equally terrible. >> steve: absolutely, naked people. "nuff said." let's move down to texas where yesterday the governor of the te great state signed a bill. it gives texas law enforcement to power to arrest anybody suspected of coming into the country illegally. they have made it a state crime. that's a little different. the way the united states runs right now is border enforcement is the purview of the federal government. so there are going to be legal
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challenges. but, nonetheless, because texas has had their hands full, they got to do something. in addition to that and this is the part that i think will withstand legal scrutiny, a package bill also includes mandatory 10 year sentence for people smuggling. people will think twice about that. mandatory 5 year sentence for the operation of a stash house. that's where they hide people somewhere in texas. whoever runs that, five years in jail, boom. >> lawrence: let's run through some of the bill. this is senate bill 4. there's a senate bill 3 as well. i will talk about that later. up to six months in jail and $2,000 fine for the first time conviction. >> steve: coming in the country illegally. >> lawrence: that's correct. up to 20 years in prison for the second time conviction. a lot of these folks are being deported and coming back. the second time they are saying 20 years in prison. the police must transport them to a port of entry after serving their sentence and can face a felony charge for refusing to
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return to mexico. >> carley: that's the outline of the bill. you are right to point that out. just remember what jeh johnson said 1,000 illegal border crossers in day would be a crisis. just two weeks ago we were up to 12,000 a day. a lot of these people coming in from texas, eagles pass according to bill melugin may have just hit a record high yesterday as well. so we talk about seasonal changes. sometimes penal say the summer is worse. we're in the winter months and they're still coming. clearly policy driven. i think this is a really interesting idea, obviously it's going to be caught up in a whole lot of legal tape because, critics are saying this is unconstitutional because it's a federal responsibility to manage illegal immigration. governor abbott's point, federal government is not doing it. so it falls on me. similar to border funding as well. which is something that he just passed. he just passed $1.54 billion in
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state money to keep building the border wall because the federal government isn't doing it. >> brian: this is a fight that governor abbott wants to have. so does everybody. so does katie hobbs. it is worse in arizona than it is in texas trite now. he says i'm going to build a wall in 2021. he has 40 billion to do it. so he is trying to get that done. that was a couple years in doing. but there is a lot of private land issues and you are suing back and forth and trying to find out who actually owns the land. but, go ahead, sue them like you did the rio grande flow station devices that they said was hurting marine life. and the federal government, what is your case? are you actually going to say you sealed the border? there is evidence that you have not. guess who is upset by you? democrats? katie hobbs is a democrat. gallego wants to be the next senator for arizona is a democrat. cuellar is a democrat. he has been begging for someone to pay attention to him at the white house.
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this is an epic disaster. this is such a great move. why did it take so long? so me i would would have done it three years ago. >> carley: realizes it's going to get caught up in the courts. >> steve: to that point the reason it took so long if you resh 11 years ago. coming on 12 years ago in arizona. they passed a similar law where essentially arizona had jurisdiction over immigration. it was struck down by the u.s. supreme court. so, you know, form 11 years, they have tried to figure another way around it. this is it because and to greg abbott's credit, he is probably calculating on this is a much more conservative u.s. supreme court. so, if it's going to get through, this particular bench could actually do it. >> lawrence: greg abbott was the attorney general for texas for a while. arguing to the court. >> brian: keep in mind, too. people are pushing back. joaquin castro calls it racist. >> carley: shocker.
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>> brian: sue texas where he lives to stop this from taking effect. he assert the authority over federal immigration. he says for joe biden even to think about negotiating on a separate note. that's racist. that's the mind set of some of these people. >> steve: aclu has already said they are going to sue. buckle up. >> carley: fox weather alert. volcano in iceland erupts. spewing lava and smoke. we have the devastating scene coming up. >> brian: i might not go there. gen z recruits turn to social media about whining about bad bd pay and. >> why did you join the army. >> i don't know. >> why did you join the army? >> i hate my life. >> lawrence: i hate my life. bomb tech joey jones on what it really means to serve our country. >> steve: six days until christmas i caught up with a very important person world's largest light maize in kansas city. >> do you actually keep a
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naughty and nice list? >> i sure do. >> really? >> yes. >> what about some people i work with? >> steve: who made the naughty list this year? the answer will shock ya on this tuesday "fox & friends" live from new york city. ♪ santa, make him hurry, tell him he can take the freeway down. ♪ run, run rudolph ♪ i'm reeling like a merry-go-round. ♪ santa to a boy childel ♪ what havepe you been longing for
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address this threat. >> carley: the international coalition includes france, the u.k. and italy and shipping giant a.p. mohler marist is the latest company to stop sailing through the region saying out of
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safety reasons pause will now be rerooted around africa being the cape of good hope. bp also pausing sailing through the red sea as well. turning now to a fox weather alert. several northeast cities are cleaning up this morning after a deadly storm rocked at least the east coast yesterday and overnight. the intense winds causing a tree to fall in massachusetts killing a man. officials also reported drowning deaths in south carolina, pennsylvania and new york. for more on this story, download the fox weather app. or stream fox weather on any connected tv device. look at this. the hum blest christmas tree in the world selling at auction for thousands of dollars. >> i never thought it was such a bad little tree. it's not bad at all, really. maybe it just needs a little love. >> carley: that's the move. >> this is the tree the sparse
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artificial trees purchased for pen ys in the u.k. back in 1920. the original owner kept the tree her entire life until she died at 101 years old. the auction house credits nostalgia and the magic of christmas for the more than $4,000 sale those are your headlines, brian, over to you. look at that little tree. >> brian: i know. reminds me no one has watered my tree in two weeks. >> carley: your tree is about to look like that. if anybody is up right now water the tree. >> brian: do you mind if i take it from here? the u.s. army missed recruitment goal 010,000 soldiers from this past year as many young gen zer go to tiktok complain about what it is is like serving. >> why it are you serving. >> i hate myself. >> these are the top five reasons not to join the military. reason number one is pay. ♪ ♪
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>> brian: here to react retired u.s. marine bomb tech and fox news contributor joey jones. joey, we missed the army recruit by 15,000. only 9% of gen zers are considering the military. does that tape bother you. >> 9% down 1% before the pandemic. what's the role that something like a pandemic has played in this? listen, this is a problem we have had coming for a long time since before the trump administration. we had amber smith on this show or on the network a lot. she flew helicopters in the army. she has been screaming about this for at least five or six years because i had her on my podcast five or six years ago talking about it. that being said, this is a generational problem, not a military problem. my son knows how to shoot guns. he knows thousand play sports. he walks around like this. communicates with the people sitting beside him. if i ask him to got dry cleaner to pick something up, that scares him to death. that type of human international is not what this entire generation has grown up with they haven't been embarrassed or
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ashamentd or bullied and have things grit to get over. when you have the join the military it's not innate in you like it was in just about every generation before. >> brian: it's supposed to jar you, be part of a unit. you know you are requesting to be putting your life on the line. you are not supposed to love it. if i put a camera -- you weren't allowed to talk to me. if i put a camera in your face in the middle of paris island training you wouldn't be saying this is the time of my life. no i would be saying some of the things you guys said in the last segment. i hate my life. life sucks. those are ironic statements. you are supposed to say embrace the suck. the food sucks. we don't get paid enough. the mission is important and i'm somebody that can do it. that self-confidence bravado innate human nature set a bar so high i don't know i can reach it. the adventure is learning to reach it. those aren't things satisfied by dei, lowering physical fitness standards. one quote in this article the army soldier said be immensely
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told you are not a good soldier if you can't run two miles in 18 minutes. >> can i probably run two miles in 18 minutes with fake legs. if you can't run. you are now a liability. somebody who needs saved rather than someone who can do the saving. that shouldn't be acceptable in our culture. you know, injuries and things notwithstanding. but by a well-bodied person, decent physical fitness is not a deterrent it. should be an expectation. >> brian: exit question. some of these guys have a million followers. if damage being done is bad pr really happening right now people look at this around the world around the country maybe some potential recruits. >> talking about it now a million at people at home watching it. at the end of the day, give me one good man or woman over 10 that don't want to be there i'm less worried about numbers. more worried about quality. the numbers will come if you focus on quality and i hope the pentagon is listening. >> brian: that's why most people are against the draft that are in the military. they want people there that choose like professionals like you.
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joey, great to see you. i don't want to take a step aside. i want to check the weather, joey is, that all right? >> joey: that's fine. >> brian: volcano erupts in iceland. caught me by surprise. rum blirntion unbelievable. you will see it elks in. alec baldwin also from massapequa gets in shouting match with anti-israel protesters as they stormed new york city. listen. >> you have already got your mind made up question you got, right? i'm in hollywood. >> is that the answer? >> you ask stupid questions. >> county media -- >> brian: wow, i'm on his side. bad news for bidenomics. new polls show only 1% of americans believe it's helped them while biden's approval dips lower than the v.p. harris. our voter panel is next. ♪
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>> steve: about 6:30 here in the east. take a look at your screen with a fox news alert right now. a live look at lava spewing in iceland after a volcano erupted just last night. it follows weeks of earthquakes there. more than 3,000 locals were evacuated from a nearby town about a month ago in iceland. let's check in with meteorologist adam klotz for our fox weather forecast and adam, that does not look like iceland. that looks like hawaii. >> looks like fire land, perhaps. iceland is green as we know. it is an island. there is a ton of volcanic activity. 130 volcanos across that entire island. 3335 pop active. will grindavik is the community that is closest to this most recent eruption. an area that they have been paying very close attention to.
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that eruption time was 9:00 local. two miles north of grindavik that is the largest they have seen in that area. i will leave you with this. those evacuations there has been seismic activity since november. since november, this has been the most action we have seen but there is nobody there right now lawrence as we know those evacuations took place over a month ago. lawrence, back to you. >> lawrence: looking at that shot is incredible, nature is thank you very much. new polls showing more trouble for president biden as just 14% is i his economic agenda helps them. meanwhile, his disapproval soaring to a record 61%. even higher than vice president kamala harris at 57%. so what do voters think? let's ask them. joining us now our voters' panel independent ohio voter kimberly brown, along with g.o.p. voter and university student roberto
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la gotten necessary and republican voter and retired nypd officer harold delancey. thank you all so much for joining the program kimberly, i want to start with you. when you look at the economic agenda a lot of folks are saying -- that's an overwhelming majority of americans saying it's not helping them. what do you see? >> well, we know that the question is one of the major concerns here in america. and we also know that when inflation occurs the dollar stays the same product and productivity increases. because the average american is not really benefiting economically, penal are really sad about what things are going on, how things are happening, you know, at our federal government. and right now, because of that, the biden administration is in trouble. people are looking for a way out. and at this particular time people don't see him as being the answer. >> lawrence: such a good point.
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harold, i think the most jarring thing is when you look at the polling now, kamala harris has always been less popular than joe biden. a lot of people have liked him in the past, liked his personality. but, for him to drop lower than kamala harris, i don't think there's a bigger message that the american people can send. >> i don't think so either. i think it's pretty shocking because one thing that we do know, we do know that this will be a donald trump and joe biden race. and as i keep saying people are very concerned about who the running partners will be. a lot of people -- and you see in the polls, they are not favorable to miss kamala harris which, in fact, is going to calls the dems to be in trouble. the other side of this is that penal still remember about the 2020 election when donald trump lost and what happened on january 6th, 2021. that insurrection. so, at this particular time, a lot of people, me being independent, i don't even know
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if i will vote in the upcoming election. i may be a person that will actually sit this one out. i'm not sure yet. >> lawrence: harold, what about you, what do you think about the economy and what do you think voters -- what's on the top of their mind j 6 or current economic state? >> well, to be very candid, i'm tired of hearing about january 6th. when i watched three years of riots, people burning stuff, looting, killing, and the democratic party didn't mention it at all. so i'm a little tired with the january 6 narrative. and insurrection, a thousand people without guns are not taking over a government. that's a joke. >> lawrence: what do you think about the current economic state though? do you think that's going to be a big factor? >> do i most of the shopping in my home, and the prices were through the roof, and when i sat down and looked at what they're telling me inflation was 6%. 8%. 10% i roughly say for meat 30,
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35% easy. >> lawrence: roberto, you are young. this is about the timed you are starting to consider buying your new house -- your first house. probably still have student loans to pay back. what's life like for you? >> well, you know, life has been pretty interesting. being born and raised in hispanic community. we already have our struggles and then coming up from miami to new york has definitely been a change. seeing a tuition increase at my university of 10% in the past three years marred on top of food prices and gas prices especially new york city has been a challenge not only for me but other families as well. >> lawrence: listen, roberto, i was there a few years ago, i hope things get better. we're going to be following this election the entire year thank you all so much for joining the program, all of you. >> thank you. >> thank you. lawrence lawrence remember that pilot accused of trying to turn
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often gin mid flight. he said he struggled with mental health. he might not be the only one, the new focus on pilots as we head int holiday travel season. alec baldwin gets into shouting match with anti-israel protesters in new york city. that's next. >> you already got your mind made up the question you got, right? i'm in hollywood. >> is that your answer? >> you ask stupid questions. >> county media -- i want to keep it real and talk about some risks. with type 2 diabetes you have up to 4 times greater risk of stroke, heart attack, or death. even at your a1c goal, you're still at risk ...which if ignored could bring you here... ...may put you in one of those... ...or even worse. too much? that's the point. get real about your risks and do something about it. talk to your health care provider about ways to lower your risk of stroke, heart attack, or death. learn more at
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steve stove "the washington post" is reporting that pilots here in the united states are hiding their mental health issues so they don't lose their wings, saying, quote: as a result, pilots who may be safety risks remain in the air while those who nitted they need help face a timing, process to meet faa standards for medical fitness. a neurologist and professor of aerospace aviation at the university of north dakota. good morning to you, billy. >> good morning, thanks for having me. >> steve: you have a lot of patients who are pilots the story that they share come together in similar way that is that pilots are required to meet
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medical standards to fly. if they experience symptoms and disclose that during screening, they run the risk of usually temporary locals of their ability to work and fly. which can have these negative occupational and social repercussions. >> steve: right. >> this paradigm can inadvertently pilots seeking care what it might mean for their ability to work and fly. >> steve: absolutely. for the most part right now, isn't it self-reporting? like, if you are a pilot, and you are having problems, you are supposed to tell the faa or you are supposed to disclose you might be having a problem. >> certainly, as it relates to screening. the key tool we have is asking pilots have they experienced these symptoms? have they sought care? this can leave pilots weighing risks should i seek care? how bad are my symptoms? are they worth impacting my ability to work, provide for my family? >> steve: there is some recent things that have happened that have been in the news, you know, and calls into question the mental fitness of pilots, for instance, in 2015 there was that
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germanwings co-pilot deliberately crashed the plane in the app. killed 20 people. delta pilot threatened co-pilot with a firearm. parked at the gate denver international airport with an ax. off duty pilot attempted to turn off the engines later admitted to an undiagnosed depression. billy, how widespread is depression with pilots or is it just about the same as any other walk of life? >> i mean, we think that these one-off stories that are so difficult and are our heart goes out to the millimeter, many, many people impacted by these stories, speak to the broader narrative about the barriers this population, a population we need to trust in seeking care, our study of over 5,000 pilots across north america showed that 56% reported history of healthcare void dance loss of ability to work and fly.
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>> steve: i was reading about the hearing you just had. you were in attendance at it. one of the people who went said i have never seen the auditorium this fall. full. so many people are interested in this particular issue. you want to -- when you see the guy, when you walk on to a plane, and you see the guy in the uniform, he looks so professional or she looks so professional. you don't know what is going on. >> the aviation system is exceptionally safe. that is made so by the professionalism and the skill of the many personnel that work in the system. but i think what we're facing here is an opportunity for great innovation. how do we redefine mental illness in the aviation system of the future. does the lack of a diagnosis or seeking care mean that somebody is well? or is seeking care and addressing concerns early a marker for safety? >> steve: billy, a lot of the people are traveling for christmas and the holidays. we shouldn't be freaked out about this, right? >> absolutely not. this is, instead, less of a story about safety and more a story about health barrier a population we all need to trust faces.
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>> william hoffman, we thank you very much for joining us live. >> thank you so much for having me. >> steve: the faa put out a statement they say the faa is committed to prioritizing the mental health of pilots and faa controllers. taken steps to foster greater openness about mental health within the aviation community. all right. 16 minutes now before the top of the hour, brian. >> brian: let's find out some news. let's go with the headlines, this just in. according to the maine attorney general's office, more than 35 million xfinity customers compromised as part of a massive data breach. unauthorized access happened between october 16 and october 19th. the a.g.'s office says customers' user names and passwords have now been compromised. great. a federal judge attempting to block a federal monument from arlington national cemetery. you are looking at it. set to be removed by thursday. workers already started taking it down, fenced it up. a group called defense arlington
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filed a lawsuit to stop the demolition. a hearing will be held tomorrow at 10:00 eastern to turn the memorial's future. now let's talk football if carley doesn't mind. seahawks hosting the eagles. last minute fourth quarter comeback behind a beautiful throw from backup quarterback drew lock. i'll watch. lock, end zone. it is caught! touchdown, seattle. >> carley: brian, can i read this line? >> brian: i think you have to. >> carley: the seahawks handing the eagles their third straight loss 20-17. and those are your headlines. i think you could have delivered that better than i did. i ruined the whole show. >> brian: not the whole show but just this portion of the show. unbelievable. evidently pete carroll didn't want to leave post game press conference went on the field after. he was so happy to beat the eagles again. beat them eight in a row. >> lawrence: needed that win. >> brian: let's talk about something that happened on the
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streets of new york city last night. alec baldwin volunteering to teach an acting class on his way came in contact with protesters who, as usual, anti-israeli protesters. and they were hostile towards the acting legend. >> steve: they were. there is some of the video right there. he, you know, he got into it with them. and he was there just by accident. as brian, as you said, he was supposed to -- he volunteered to teach an acting class adjacent to what happened yesterday. because, these pro-palestinian protesters hit the transit hubs. penn station and grand central station. and they are upset about the united states so supporting israel. >> carley: that's right. they have shut down roads and bridges. they hit grand central station. port authority. penn station yesterday. and you know, they do this to be as disruptive as possible.
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they glued themselves to sixth avenue during the macy's thanksgiving day parade. before we get to alec baldwin because we have the exchange that he had with some of these protesters, take a listen to what some of these protesters were chanting about the nypd. watch this. nypd we know you. [chanting] you imprison children, too. >> you imprison children, too. nypd kkk. >> i df no longer safe. >> they were also holding signs u.s.a. loves genocide. zionism is terrorism. israel go to hell and joe biden how many kids have you killed today? >> lawrence: this is out of control. if you look at the faces, a lot of young people. there was a new poll conducted by harris. >> carley: harvard ha harris.
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>> lawrence: do you think that the jews as a class are oppressors or is that a false ideology. >> between the ages of 18 and 24, 67% agreed with that if you go down to 25, to 34, ages it 5 to 34, 44% agree with that statement. we have lost this generation. i don't think they know the history, brian. >> brian: we lost this group of people who like to screw up new york city and show their ignorance. but here is alec baldwin. i 100 percent side with him. he just wants to walk in new york city. that used to be okay. listen. >> you went to hollywood. do you condemn israel for the actions. >> you have already got your mind made up by the question you have got. >> is that the answer? >> you ask stupid questions. >> can the media -- >> brian: he said i support peace for gaza. he says what are you assuming for? and there is a side-by-side.
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i was looking trying to get as much information as possible. jerry seinfeld also from mass pica in tel aviv. he is going there to meet with some of the hostage families and do his thick in israel. and alec baldwin is walking in new york city and they said who is safer? believe it or not, safer in tel aviv than this hostile group. imagine if the cops weren't there. you see how angry they were. >> they saw trouble so they surrounded alec baldwin. >> brian: there is a lot of them. people in the street people privately starting to change their point of view on this because of the war. i have some friends, i'm not going to blast them but i am going to blast them, that initially were pretty supportive of israel. they are pretty liberal but they say what happened on that day was awful. now as the war has continued, they have altered their point of view because they say it's too much. we knew this was going to happen. >> brian: they don't have to live there. >> carley: this moment with alec baldwin is wild. can you believe it happened? he always seems to be in the middle of controversy. this one wasn't his fault.
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he did say what you think that these protesters would have wanted to hear, i support peace for gaza, but they didn't like that. >> brian: they're idiots, obstinate and need to be stopped. they are allowed to because we live in a free country. coming up straight ahead mitch album joins us live in studio. >> steve: plus, i went home to kansas city and visited the most enchanting christmas light display ever. we're going to take you there, coming up next. >> how many light bulbs? >> over 4 million. >> steve: really? >> yes. >> steve: what is that? >> it is a maize. it is the world's largest installed christmas light maze.
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3:53 am
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♪ >> lawrence: so the world's largest christmas light maze has come to kansas city. >> carley: look how beautiful that is the winter wonderland took over legends field head of the kansas city monarching covering 10 acres with 4 million lights. >> steve: of course, as the kansans i went to go see what goes into pulling off this kind of epic event. so let's go to kansas city. ♪ everybody come out quick, look at the lights ha ha. >> steve: anybody who has ever strung together a few christmas lights like that, feast your eyes on this. welcome to kansas city, kansas. this is enchant christmas kansas city. right now somewhere on a ladder
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clark griswold is going "there are no words] ♪ hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah ♪ hallelujah. >> steve: how are you? >> welcome home. >> steve: thank you very much. good to be back home in kansas. >> thank you. >> steve: how many light bulbs? >> over 4 million. >> steve: and what is that? >> it is a maze. it is the world largest installed christmas light maze. over a thousand seasonal workers will come in to assist us in building. this it takes us approximately four weeks from flooring to the star on top of the main enchant christmas tree to really complete this event to welcome guests in kansas city. >> steve: let's take a tour. >> let's go. ♪ there is fantastic, who came up with the idea on thrgets owner and founder kevin johnson started hanging christmas lights on people's homes. then he asked to borrow the keys to his dad's truck and he and
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his best friend set out to grow and continue to build what we know as enchant to this day. so what happened here in kansas city, eddy's miss chiefous self-left out the toys. we need your help finding all of them to get them back in time for christmas. this is an incredible immersive fun event for family and friends to walk through the maze, find the toys, and then drop these off to santa to get on the nice list. >> steve: do you actually keep a naughty and nice list. >>s i sure do. steve what about people i work with. >> okay. >> steve: lawrence jones naught are or nice. >> is he nice. >> steve: brian kilmeade naughty or nice. >> nice. >> steve: ainsley earhardt naughty or nice?
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>> naughty. >> steve: tell me why. [whispering] >> steve: parking ticket? >> yes. >> steve: sorry, ainsley, no barbie dream house this year. [bells] >> as a military mother. >> i am. both of our boys are currently serving in the united states armed forces and we could not be more proud of their decision to serve this country. here at enchant christmas, we are hosting military night and an induction ceremony. so 27 enlistees from kansas will choose to enlist or reenlist in the united states military and we wanted to make that a special occasion for them and their families. these men and women are about to leave home, not be home for the holidays. and we wanted to create this incredible night for them to be able to enjoy it with their family and friends. thank you for being here for enchanted christmases. military appreciation night.
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every service member's military career starts with the ultimate enlistment. right of passage as they share the members of the armed forces of the united states. they begin this ceremony as individuals. at its conclusion they will forever be part of a team. >> steve: that was so nice. thank you very much for the invitation. >> thank you for coming. >> steve: we should have some sort of sell bra tore drink. >> jingle juice. >> steve: so cute. the place with 4 million light bulbs the drink is a bulb. >> merry christmas. >> merry christmas. >> steve: in the jingle juice it was titos. >> brian: edison would have been proud. >> steve: no kidding. 7 different -- that place is so cool. the place was -- there were hundreds of people there they got locations in kansas city, las vegas, milwaukee, san jose, scottsdale, st. petersburg and washington, d.c. >> carley: that's fantastic. ainsley is on the naughty list. >> steve: i know. who knew? parkin


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