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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  December 19, 2023 4:00am-5:00am PST

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career starts with the ultimate enlistment. right of passage as they share the members of the armed forces of the united states. they begin this ceremony as individuals. at its conclusion they will forever be part of a team. >> steve: that was so nice. thank you very much for the invitation. >> thank you for coming. >> steve: we should have some sort of sell bra tore drink. >> jingle juice. >> steve: so cute. the place with 4 million light bulbs the drink is a bulb. >> merry christmas. >> merry christmas. >> steve: in the jingle juice it was titos. >> brian: edison would have been proud. >> steve: no kidding. 7 different -- that place is so cool. the place was -- there were hundreds of people there they got locations in kansas city, las vegas, milwaukee, san jose, scottsdale, st. petersburg and washington, d.c. >> carley: that's fantastic. ainsley is on the naughty list. >> steve: i know. who knew? parking ticket.
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>> lawrence: the person you least expected to be on the list. >> brian: great job, steve. >> steve: a lot of fun. >> brian: in honorable of that would you do something special for this hour? >> steve: i would love to. the second hour of "fox & friends" started 17 seconds ago. ♪ ♪ hey santa ♪ hey santa ♪ hey santa ♪ santa ♪ if you hear me,. >> steve: i could use another jingle juice. >> carley: you could use jingle juice in your coffee. digital fireplace and saw digital santa. crossing the morning sky near all-american christmas tree. not the same santa as the one who put ainsley on the naughty list. i'm scratching her off that list. she is perfect in my eyes.
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she deserves to be on the miss list. >> lawrence: santa must really love "fox & friends." in the first hour he drove by. then he went around our tree again. >> steve: right. >> lawrence: there must be a lot of love for fox. >> brian: it's a lot different from that one year, how many years ago? was it 10 when elf, when ad he had asner crashed his sleigh. >> carley: in the movie elf. >> brian: 10 years. >> steve: longer. 15. >> brian: seems much more different now. central park. >> steve: avenue of the americas. >> brian: did we used to send a reporter out. >> lawrence: we did fox news alert. >> steve: steve harrigan. >> ainsley: came out in 2003. 20 years ago. >> lawrence: wow. >> brian: just make an announcement. dawn wrote me and she has been watering the tree. the tree will live. >> lawrence: not only does she have to get rid of the snow. >> carley: she shovels the snow.
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>> lawrence: water the plants. >> brian: i was away. >> lawrence: cleans. >> brian: does everything. >> carley: a beautiful boutique and pretty as well. total package. >> brian: very happy with dawn. >> carley: we are. >> steve: dawn is the best. good morning. merry christmas. if president biden is watching tv right now. you might want to turn it off for the next 30 minutes, the latest. >> brian: look at tom shillue. >> steve: latest fox news poll revealing the majority of voters are not satisfied with the direction america is heading. >> brian: yep. that could make all the difference in world 2024. nourished much voters calling the economy most important issue. >> carley: approval numbers sling behind kamala harris. >> lawrence: so embarrassing. peter booze doocy is at the white house. that may be the best news for the president. >> peter: peter keep hearing from people here at the white house.
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they think the economy has improved because they compare it to when they took over peak covid. just 14% are saying that they feel helped by president biden's economic policies. 46% in the fox poll say those policies have hurt them and that's got 78% of those surveyed by fox saying the economy is in bad shape. the pollsters could only find 21% who say that economic conditions are positive right now. the white house needs that number improve in an election year but 44% are guessing the economy is going to get worse in 2024. 22% believe it will get better. who is ultimately getting the blame for this in the top of the democratic ticket, according to monmouth university, president biden's 34% approval rating is a particular tick lower than vice president harris' 35%. >> the average american is not really benefiting economically. people are really sad about what
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things are going on because of that. the biden administration is in trouble. >> the prices are through the roof. when i sat down and looked at what they are telling me, inflation was 6%. 8%, 10%. i roughly say for me it was about 30, 35%. >> seeing a tuition increase at my university of 10% in the past three years has been really hard on top of growing food prices and gas prices. again, especially no, has definitely been a challenge. >> peter: i know this firsthand, any time that president biden is confronted with bad poll numbers in public he says we are looking at the wrong polls. but there is no cherry picking here. the trend for him is negative. back to you. >> lawrence: peter, we are learning, also, that the president privately has been confronting his staff about the polls. >> peter: yeah. he thinks it's their fault. but you go back to the summer.
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and i was looking at some palms before the war in israel broke out, and at the time all the major pollsters were asking voters whether a their top issue was. and about three quarters of people saying it's age or they have a problem with president biden at 81 right now. they have concerns with him serving a second term. and so, the age issue has not gone away. and, if anything, it's just gotten two or three months worse for these people. and so, president biden is up in the residence. they are putting their head together, trying to figure out what exactly they can do to make things better that conversation happened the day of the turkey pardoning. we have not seen a big course correction since. >> brian: do you think of the turkey pardon something a bad move in retrospect. >> peter: my understanding in the next wave when the next
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cabinet a lot of crazy stuff going on. if you haven't heard. easy ton do firm. >> brian: we have heard, yeah. and we have seen. >> steve: all the polls show that he is so under water on the economy. and, yet, they continue to put up that stupid bidenomics sign. bidenomics, as a term is not working for this white house. when are they going to have a course correction and fire some people and just say, you know what? we brought in some new blood. take a look. and now look at this. joe will get a makeover? >> peter: no time soon. because the next policy thing on his schedule is tomorrow. he is going to go milwaukee for an event promoting bidenomics. >> lawrence: wow. tone deaf. >> brian: thanks, peter. maybe i will bring you. >> lawrence: when you think about it guys, i see why he is upset with the staff about this. they have been driving this white house agenda from the very beginning. so they're doing -- the president is doing whatever the staff says.
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widely reported this is more of a staff driven white house. and it's not working for the american people. so he is saying guys. i did what you said. explain it away. at least sell it to the american people. >> carley: these poll numbers are so, so bad. and i read that the biden administration was ditching the bidenomics phrase because. it was viewed as tone deaf and out of touch. so maybe they will start to pick a new phrase that people can forget bidenomics. even among democrats, it says all voters -- dissatisfied with how things are going in the u.s. all voters 68% are dissatisfied. 47% of democrats as well. >> brian: so a couple things. i'm reading some of these democratic pollsters. especially this one that james carville and stanley greenberg, two democrats put together. they said the problem is that joe biden keeps saying things are improving. and people aren't there. you have to start with the message "we get it. "we get it. we understand it. they say if you look at the
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factors that are just we experience supply chain problems. rising energy costs. first related to the russian invasion. at least they claimed it. then the surging migration we see. the wars have split the democratic party. political unrest which is a daily occurrence. when you come out and say things are great look how good i'm doing and they don't feel it. then they get mad at you. start using the terms "we get it" "i'm there" "here's what i'm doing" if anyone would listen to pollster, democratic pollsters. joe biden is somebody who should be a leader. don't blame your staff. you have all this experience. >> carley: that's what all the bosses do. >> lawrence: all the surrogates are doing the same exact thing. watch them on the other stations look, the american people don't get it. then they will throw up all these graphs trying to prove to the american people on why things are better for them. >> steve: when you look at the numbers. the numbers look better than they did. but people don't feel it. the monmouth poll came out yesterday. and one of the guys who did that
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said there is a political danger in pushing a message that basically tells people that their own situation is wrong. they feel like hey, i don't have as much in my wallet as i used. to say they are not wrong about that. they just don't feel these numbers. and the problem for the president is he surrounded by people who worked for him. >> brian: think are afraid of him. >> steve: they want to keep the jobs for another four years. what they keep telling him is, you know, you beat donald trump last time. but it was a much different time. there was covid. the current president was in his basement. he didn't go out. and, now, four years later, all the staff is saying is, joe biden has always beaten expectations. but the problem is, inflation. is going to derail his presidency. unless they have a re-set. let's vote on it. who thinks he needs a rye re-set? only two? >> carley: here here. there is also floor major issue facing this country and other
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countries around the world as well that is the issue of tiktok. long with the political polling fox news did. fox news came out with another poll about whether or not people agree with a u.s. government, a whole government country ban of tiktok, 51% of people actually favor that. 41%. >> brian: younger people still want it. the older ones see the dangers of it. what you got to do as a leader. democrat and republican is understand the china threat and manipulation of the news feed. if this is the number one app. and kids are looking at this quickly and used to getting in small bites, gradually, subtly, china will begin to fin fill trait. explain that to them. great instagram and others getting close to be as user friendly with algorithms just as effective. just rather not be anti-western. and anti-american. >> lawrence: to your point, brian. and you make this point about ukraine as well. that the white house fails to make the case on why it's in america's interest to be involved. i don't think the white house
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made the case about tiktok either. they haven't made. >> brian: they use it to get the young vote. >> lawrence: exactly. they invite these folks to the white house because they see the temporary benefit for their campaign. but they don't talk about the national security threat as well. >> steve: here's the problem. so, when you look at this poll, people who are most concerned with tiktok, 76% are very conservative. 65% are republicans. only 45% are independents. and 47% are democrats. so, it's like the president looks at his people and he needs the independents. and there's not a majority of them who feel like tiktok needs to be plug pulled. >> carley: it's an interesting point. if you think about what can happen in 2024 and free t. -- what's that person going to do is he going to ban tiktok. by age breakdown. you mentioned age. 60% of people 65 and over are in favor of banning tiktok.
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33% of people younger than 30 are in favor of it as well. which i think is pretty high given how many young people use tiktok. >> brian: if this works to china's benefit. a bunch of military, army men and women complaining about the american army. listen. >> you do not like your freedom being suppressed a little, not really? i wouldn't join the military. you are not going to be able to say whatever you say. >> why did you join the army. >> i hate myself. >> why did you join the army? >> i don't know. >> why did you join the army? >> i hate my life. >> five top reasons why you shouldn't join the military. >> reason number one is pay. we do not get paid enough for what we do. ♪ ♪ >> lawrence: a generation that was not alive during the 9/11. and every issue you see it. you see their anti-american rhetoric. you see what is happening in the streets when it comes to our ally israel. you see what is happening on the college campuses. a lot of these young people just didn't grow up in a climate
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where it was pro-america. >> you got to wonder whether or not they did that, they had those soundbites to be funny. >> carley: yeah. >> steve: also wonder those are very identifiable people. i wonder if they got in trouble for doing that can a are car wonder. >> steve: boss called them in it's tiktok i was just being funny. >> carley: being in the military is hard. you are not supposed to love it. people in the military should get paid more. should get paid a whole lot more for saying they would be willing to put their lives for the country. >> brian: maybe you shut put that on tiktok, carley. >> carley: i don't have tiktok. i'm in the 65%. >> brian: lawrence also a something to say. >> lawrence: there is weather. still ahead fox weather alert with a live look at iceland where a volcano has erupted. >> brian: look at that. >> lawrence: ha report straight ahead. that's beautiful. >> brian: suddenly lava seems nice. >> lawrence: color. >> steve: it's okay if you are not there. people of iceland freaking out.
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>> brian: tell the people of pompe. >> steve: company that built the structures are no longer american owned. the next guest says the move is good for the industry innovation and he will explain about the uss buyout. >> carley: talk about falling on a budget. the new company offering private jet charters starting at just over $100? >> brian: i'm. in. >> carley: tell me more. and tell me now. ♪ going up to the spirit in the sky ♪ going up to the spirit in the sky ♪ where i'm going to go when i die. ♪ ♪(uplifting music)♪ along with significantly clearer skin... skyrizi helps me move with less joint pain, stiffness, swelling, and fatigue. and is just 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses.
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7:20 okay the east coast and live look there as fighters battle a massive blaze in northern new jersey, lincoln park, new jersey. flames engulfing the lincoln park home which is in a flooded neighborhood. it is about 25 miles west of new york city. boats had been deployed to the scene to get water on the flames. it's unclear what caused the fire or if anybody was inside the house when it started we will bring you updates as they come in. that is a sad situation. meanwhile, a developing story on capitol hill.
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maryland's senator, ben cardin is speaking out after a staff member was reportedly involved in filming an explicit video in a senate hearing room. >> it's a breach of trust. it's my understanding capitol police is doing the investigation. it's a personnel issue. so we clearly will be -- i'm not going to comment on pattern nell issue. it's under investigation. >> steve: a staff member alleged to have been part of it has apparently been fired. there are no pending charges in the case right now a security source tells fox news a possibility has not been ruled out. uber of flying private air travel company is now booking budget friendly private planes on demand connect air spelled with a k makes use of its empty leg flights private jet is chartered to a specific location
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the company uses an app. similar to uber to book trips and they start as low as $102. and, carley, i got a feeling a lot of people are going to download that for the opportunity to get $100 free flight. >> carley: apparently inflation isn't affecting the private jet industry. it's about the only one. steve, thank you so much. progressive chicago mayor brandon johnson announcing plans that could strip the city's selective enrollment high schools in order to boost equity despite promising not to do this during his campaign. the controversial move will reportedly take a toll on 11 city high schools the majority of which significantly out performed chicago public schools on sats and other standardized tests. joining us now to discuss is senior fellow at the american federation for children and founder of black minds matter. tanisha allen. good morning to you. can you explain what happened here? what did the chicago board of
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education just do. >> really it's a facade of morality offering students freedom within i would say already a prison type system. students do not have the freedom to move about in government schools and they never will. this move by chicago mayor to increase quote, unquote school district already failing students is a facade. we need to blow up that entire system. give that money directly to parents and allow them to choose the best school that's best for their kid to get them out of these schools like the 4ed of the teacher's union did in chicago. >> carley: so the way i understand it and i may be simplifying it a bit too much, correct me if i am wrong. but these selective enrollment schools are just better than other public schools in chicago. and the board of education shut those specific schools down, why would they do that?
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>> like i said it's a facade of more rattle. these schools are magnet schools. sat prep schools. arts based schools they have been select tia. many people don't think public schools can select the students that enter into their doors. that's simply not the fact. these students are come in. they are majoring in arts. it's a magnet school. and the mayor is basically saying we are going to do away with that system and allow all students. think about the affirmative justice ending at the college level but now in the k through 12 public education level. >> carley: yeah. i guess this speaks to the push against school choice in chicago and if i remember correctly. wasn't it the chicago teacher's union president who speaks out against school choice publicly but then she sent her own child to private school? >> that's exactly right. over 85% of the students in chicago public schools are
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minority. only 11% of those black kids can read on grade level and 7% can do math on grade level. the head of the chicago teacher's union saw the dismal outcomes that's happening in chicago's public schools. and said no way. i'm going to pick a great school for my son. and that was a private school. the hypocrisy is despicable. and, unfortunately, she is denying those same options to other families who are in the same predicament. the families who would like to get into these selective enrollment schools. but, you know, probably won't still test well enough to get in. they can't read and they probably won't graduate from high school knowing thousand read, either. >> carley: wow. >> they deserve a choice. >> carley: this is such a sad turn of events for students who are thriving and who want to get a great education in chicago. and maybe parents, if they have the means, will move as a result. we will just have to wait and see. dinesh shah, thank you very much explaining it to us.
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we'll appreciate it. still ahead a fox weather alert live look at iceland where a volcano has erupted. look at that. that is live right there. a live report coming up next. after 122 years the company that built the nation's most iconic structures is no longer american owned. the next guest says the move is good for industry innovation. he is going to explain that coming up. ♪ ♪ i'll have a blue christmas without you ♪ i'll be so blue just thinking about you ♪ decorations
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>> brian: fox weather alert now. lava spewing out in iceland this after a volcano erupted last night. follows weeks of earthquakes. more than 3,000 locals were evacuated from a nearby town about a month ago bryan llenas was in iceland a few weeks ago. thought it was going to happen earlier. bryan, your thoughts about seeing it now brine . >> unbelievable. the video is spectacular. for the last 13 hours or so the world has been watching this volcanic eruption live as fountains of lava spew from two and a half mile long fissure or crack on the earth's surface on the peninsula iceland. located two and a half miles northeast of the fishing town of the grindavik. the town of about 4,000 people was fully walked on november 10th as iceland prepared for an imminent eruption. we were there last month. but, yesterday, as 5:17 p.m. new york time, it erupted. here's the moment during the first few hours of the eruption.
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lavas was spewing at 66,000 gallons per second. but the intensity is now about a quarter of that this morning. iceland is now monitoring which way the lava will flow which at this point does not appear to be heading towards grindavik. there is a nearby geothermal power plant and famous blue lagoons hot springs. the defensive walls neared to divert lava away from both in an effort to protect them it. says that the eruption does not present a threat to life there are no disruptions to flights to and from iceland and international flight routes remain open. experts say they don't expect flights to be impacted moving forward, brian. iceland's minister of infrastructure telling the local station there they seem to have been, quote, quite lucky with the location and development of the location so far. incredible images. >> brian: unbelievable. like yellowstone park with those types of reflections. thanks so much.
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appreciate it, bryan. let's go over to steve. >> steve: thank you, brian and bryan. some breaking business news after 122 years, u.s. steel, the company that helped build some of america's most iconic structures from the superdome to the bay bring sold at auction for $4.9 billion. with steel demand expected to increase, company stock jumped a whopping 26% in one day industry giant in pittsburgh under the same name but many changes expected. here to react texas policy foundation vice president chuck devore. chuck, good morning to you. >> good morning, steve? is this a sad day u.s. steel no longer owned by a u.s. company. >> certainly is a sad day. at one point in time u.s. steel was the largest corporation in the world. things change. and the use of steel as the share of the economy has declined. plenty of companies that are hundreds of times larger than
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u.s. steel and it's important to understand that japan today is an ally. this isn't 1941. >> nip upon steele improve the quality and competitive it will still be in america and made by americans. of course it is a sad day. one last thing, steve, if you want to prevent these things from happening. we need to change some of our tax code and allow for immediate expensing for major capital investments ands are need to stop spending so much money on our massive federal deficits and our huge trade deficit these two things have to happen to balance out the dollars. >> steve: chuck, stop making sense, okay? senator john fetterman from the great state of pennsylvania where it will continue to be held and housed said. this the acquisition of u.s. steel by a foreign company is wrong for workers and wrong for pennsylvania. i'm going to do everything i can to block.
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it is he right? >> >> i don't think so. if you look at history, it was a huge u.s. steel strike throughout the entire sector in the late 1950s, that first caused the detroit automakers to turn to steel manufactured in both japan and germany. and that marked the long, slow downfall of the 2k078 2k078 dome of america's steel industry. all fetterman is proposing is more of the same failed policies. >> steve: all right. let's switch gears and talk about more what is going on in the middle east. british petroleum has stopped sailing tankers through the red sea because of attacks by the iranian proxy force. the houthi rebels. take a look right here. shipping paused or limited from all of those companies. that's going to impact our prices, right? >> this is a form of warfare. we saw this once before in the 180s when you had the
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iran-iraq war. you had what was called the tanker war. what was happening is iran was seeking to drive up the insurance rates because if you can't have insurance, for these vastly expensive tankers, you are not going to sail where you don't have insurance. let there be no mistake what we are seeing houthi rebels are a proxy of the islamic republic of iran. they are using weaponry from the people's republic of china. our response has been underwhelming which is why it keeps happening, steve. one last important thing is unless we go to the source and do like we did in 1988, with operation praying mantis which i was a part of the planning for the year before in the reagan administration. unless we go to the source and exact pressure directly on iran, this will continue iran has a communications command and control and intelligence ship in the red sea right now. coordinating illegal attacks
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against international shipping. why is that ship allowed to sail and put our own sailors and allied sailors in harm's way? why are we continuing to soft pedal this? i will tell you why, the biden administration doesn't want the cost of oil to shoot through the roof because if you think his poll numbers are bad now, wait until the price of oil goes north of $100 a barrel. >> steve: stay tuned for that chuck, i had no idea you were involved in operation praying mantis. >> yes, i was we did with a games. the response we ended up doing in our war game ended one 50 casualties. the soft pedal response you are seeing from the biden administration right now ended up with 1500 casualties during our simulation. >> steve: all right. something to think about. sobering ideas. chuck, thank you very much for joining us today from austin. and merry christmas. i see the tree behind you. >> thank you. yes, merry christmas, steve. >> steve: indeed. all right. 22 minutes before the the top of
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the hour. still ahead, speaking of texas, governor greg abbott taking bold new actions to stem the surge of migrants as new video out of eagle pass shows 4,000 migrants. look at that, in custody. dps lieutenant chris olivarez is on the ground. is he going to join us next. plus, pro-palestinian protesters take over major new york city transportation hubs yesterday, comparing the idf and the new york police department to the kkk. >> [chanting] kkk, idf no longer safe. >> steve: bestselling author mitch album's latest book explores the dangers of anti-semitism and mitch is coming up next. ♪
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we're traveling all across america talking to people about their hearts. - how's the heart? - good. - you sure? - i think so. how do you know? let me show you something. put two fingers right on those pads. look at that. that's your heart. that is pretty awesome. with kardiamobile, you can take a medical grade ekg in just 30 seconds from anywhere. kardiamobile is proven to detect atrial fibrillation, one of the leading causes of stroke. for a limited time, kardiamobile is available for just $74. hurry, these prices won't last. get kardiamobile today at or amazon.
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>> brian: welcome back. here's the region to watch the chapel a lot breaking secretary of defense lloyd austin will take part in a bilat with the qatar prime minister working to get the hostage talks back underway. transportation secretary pete buttigieg will hold a press conference at #:45 with the faa administrator and make sure we have no problems traveling on the holiday. lastly 7:00 donald trump will take the stage in iowa with a gigantic lead in that first
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caucus state but they are closing in a bit in new hampshire. we're going to bring you the live coverage of all these events only on fox news channel if you watch only with different music. now let's go upstairs to lawrence. >> lawrence: that was really good. >> brian: surprised somewhat, aren't you? >> lawrence: thank you. i was. texas governor greg abbott taking the growing border crisis into his own hands. with a new bill allowing police to arrest those here illegally. the growing surge not slowing down. our next guest is live in eagle pass, texas where more than 4,000 migrants taken into custody yesterday alone. lt. chris olivares is a spokesperson for the department of public safety, the last line of defense. l.t., good to have you on this morning. first, let's talk about what we're seeing in eagle pass right there. been to the border a ton of times. bill melugin, griff jenkins we haven't seen that massive amount of migrants crossings border. what is happening right now? >> you know, lawrence, good
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morning. yes, you are right. we haven't seen this type of flaw probably haitian situation back in 2021. back in del rio. this has been a consists tent flow historically for the month of december apprehensions low. we are not seeing this now with the border situation. i'm saying this is not your ordinary border situation. we have moved past beyond chaos and how this situation has gotten much worse. this is the deliberate inaction by the federal government to secure our border. it's evi evident what we are seg now especially in the images somehow sans coming across in single area no. deterrence no, consequences, people will continue to many do. that's what we are experiencing right now. because of that, it continues to overwhelm border patrol agents. as of right now, points of entry are closed. legitimate trade and travel has been shut down. points of entry, especially inspection stations by border patrol have been shut down. they are diverting those resources to process more illegal immigrants that are coming across the border. and, again, that exposes more
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vulnerabilities along the border. we have to step in as state to try to fill those gaps. >> lawrence: l.t., when i have been down there with you all and texas dps is doing arrests, detainments,going through the brush and being on the land of the ranchers, you always tell me look, l.j., we can only do so much. we don't have the legal authority to do it. now this texas senate bill 4 changes all of that. up to six months in jail or 2,000ness a fine up to 20 years in prison for the second time conviction. now, police must transport them to the point of entry after serving their sentence. or they could face a felony charge for refusing -- for refusing to return to mexico. tell me how this bill is going to help you guys as y'all en40s law. >> you know, first off, you know, lawrence, what governor abbott has been able to do in the last three years along with the texas legislatures and state leadership in texas is really take this fight to the federal
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government. to say really stand up for texans as well as law enforcement in the state of texas. by taking historic action. by having that moral courage to stand up to the federal government. now, being able to give state lawmakers more tools to actually enforce state law. to prevent some of these illegal crossings. whether a this is going to do, lawrence is, give us a much broader authority now to make arrest on those individuals that enter the state of texas illegally. think of it as criminal trespass, which we have been doing for the last two years. we have made over 10,000 arrests for criminal trespass. this is a much broader aspect of criminal trespass. you have to have consent from owner or authorization to be on that property and make those arrest the. >> now we have that much broader authority, give as you much wider scope to make arrest for illegal entries. also prevents the reentry part of it too, as well. we know many individuals when they get deported back to mexico. they make it back into the states the following day or that same day. now we can actually apply those consequences and prevent reentry by posing another additional
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state charge where up to 20 years in a state facility. so we're actually putting consequences in place to prevent illegal entries and to end catch and release. that's what the federal government should be doing. when it's all said and done the federal government should thank the state of texas for doing their job. >> lawrence: quickly before i let you go, also in senate bill 3, $40 billion to dlool clone ridge housing development that we have been reporting on. l.t., we will be following. i will see you in the new year. we will be live from the border in the great state of texas. thanks so much. >> appreciate it, lawrence, thank you. >> lawrence: you got it. over to you with headlines. >> lawrence: happening today in washington, supreme court justice sandra day o'connor will be laid to rest at the washington national cathedral. o'connor was the first woman to serve on the nation's highest court. president biden and supreme court chief justice john roberts will speak at her funeral. justice o'connor died from complications of dementia, earlier this month at the age of 93 years old.
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police are searching for a group of thieves who ransacked a chanel store in washington, d.c. on sunday night. suspects taking off with over $250,000 worth of merchandise. police say one of the suspects discharged a fire extinguisher to create a distraction. officers believe this is one of the suspects you see his picture right there. to a fox weather alert. several northeast cities are cleaning up this morning after a deadly storm rocked the east coast yesterday and overnight. the intense winds causing a tree to fall in massachusetts. that tree killed a man. officials say reports of drowning deaths, also occurred in south carolina, pennsylvania, and new york. now let's check in meteorologist adam klotz for more of our fox weather forecast. hi, adam. >> adam: good morning, carley. that storm system has made such a difference here on fox square this morning. yesterday morning 60 degrees currently sitting closer to 40 degrees and some more folks
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are feeling the impacts. bringing much colder air and snow across portions of the northeast. this is what it looks like nationally across the country in temperatures. 18 degrees currently in chicago. it is 40 degrees here in new york city. i'm complaining a little bit too much. there is plenty of snow being pulled back behind. this that's lake effect snow across the great lakes and some upslope snow across west virginia. where they had recently seen winter storm advisories because of all that snow. good news is we do warm up and turns out to be a decent day. next weather system moving across the west. see all that rain, we will be watching it in the week ahead. those your weather headlines now though brian, i'm tossing it back inside to you. >> brian: thank you so much, adam. anti-israeli protesters targeting major new york city transit hubs talking about penn station, talking about grand central station. all against the idf and the nypd. listen. nypd we know you. [chanting] nypd we know you
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♪ you imprison children, too. >> you imprison children, too. >> you imprison children too. >> nypd kkkk. >> nypd kkk. >> idf no longer safe. >> as anti-semitism skyrockets around the globe, our next guest is highlighting the dangers of human nature during history's darkest chapter. in his book the little lier set during the holocaust, bestselling author mitch album joins us now to discuss. mitch, had you no idea this is really based on the holocaust and world borrow 2. >> i want to write a book about the truth and how the truth gets perverted. i story narrated by the actual voice of truth tells a story about a young boy never told a lie in his life and a young girl who loves him for it.
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and how the nazis invade and find out about his honesty and decide to use his honesty as a weapon. they ask him to go on the railroad tracks and tell people that they're going to new jobs and new homes. and he does this thinking he is telling the truth and making people feel better. and only after the last train is sent out does he find out that they're being sent to the cremps. and it shows the effect of that one lie on him the girl who loves him and family. nazi who tricked him for the next 40 years as he tries to be forgiven and seeks forgiveness it. speaks about when we lose the truth what price we pay he naively did this. why was it important to have a character known for being honest and taken advantage of. >> because, during that war it was lies that really, you know, i would say the nazis didn't do what they did because they had bigger guns, they had bigger lies. they lied to the people. they lied to the world. they lied about the concentration camps. and they came up with a sentence
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a lie told once is easily seen as a lie. a lie told a thousand times becomes the truth. i thought that was a cautionary tale for where we live today. today the truth travels like that on social media a lie can travel the same way. and so, i tried to create a story that valued that. >> your books have sold over 40 million copies. you said one of the keys is you try to get books that make people think about their own lives. >> yeah. >> what do you want people to think about or what are they telling you they think about whether they close your book? >> what's the billing biggest lie that they ever told and what would they do to be forgiven for that lie? i always say that every one of my books since tuesdays with maury has a peace with maury in it. theme maury and i discussed before he died is a big part of this, too. because we all seek to be forgiven before we die and seek to be forgiven by other people. people that have read the book already told me they relate. to say that and hope.
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which is really important, brian. especially in the time we live in now. the scene a lot of people have referenced in this book during the actual concentration camps where the grandfather of the family pulls everybody together in the barracks and says you have to say one good thing that happened today. how can you say a good thing that happened in a concentration camp? one says my rotted tooth fell out. one says i had an extra spoon full of soup. the one who says the guard who beats me didn't beat me today. the you still look for something going forward that's positive that ends up carrying you through tough times. we are in a state right now where, you know, people lose a lot of hope. it's important to retain it. >> brian: my words not yours but a lot of people on the streets who don't know what they're protesting. and they protesting against jewish community, against israel. on october 6th they didn't even know it existed. suddenly they are motivated after this brutal attack on october 7th. "the little liar" name of the book number one in the country. thanks so much for coming in and
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telling us this story. >> i appreciate it, brian. good to see you. >> brian: especially during the holidays it's a great theme. >> i appreciate it. >> brian: scandal on capitol hill, senator ben cardin breaks his silence after one of his staffers involved in explicit video in a hearing room. live report at the top of the hour. hey, doc, quick question. okay? if you had to choose, would you give yourself a root canal or run payroll? run payroll, no question. you know how tough payroll can be, right? no. we switched to gusto, and paying my team couldn't be easier. gusto gives me unlimited payroll runs,
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