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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  December 19, 2023 7:00am-8:00am PST

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them talk about what happens with the decline in volunteers, i think it just disrupts business as usual and makes it harder for them to do what they always have done. the longer term impact on the decline and people participating in voll tearing and giving feel less attached to their communities and civil society is weaker as a result. >> dana: if you look to volunteer, does your heart and community good, where can they find information on where to go? >> well, almost every large community has a community foundation. there are united ways throughout the country and websites, one is volunteer match where you can find volunteer opportunities. in general i think talking to other people about that. >> dana: ask your friends and co-workers. >> that's always been the most effective. >> dana: thank you, the do-good institute.
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thank you for doing good. we appreciate it. >> thanks for having me. >> dana: fox news alert. a volcano is erupting in iceland. it had been rumbling for weeks and lava shot 300 feet into the air. now it's diminishing. it forced a nearby town to evacuate because of earthquakes. we'll keep you updated on that threat. fox news alert. the pentagon launching a ten nation maritime security operation to fight drone and missile attacks by iran-backed houthi rebels in yemen targeting cargo ships in the red sea. welcome to "america's newsroom." i'm dana perino. >> bill: i'm bill hemmer. good morning. attacks on the red sea a growing threat to global commerce avoiding shippers to a-- requiring shippers to go south to the cape of good hope, a
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longer and more expensive journey. >> dana: lloyd austin said the attacks were reckless and unacceptable. >> all countries have the right to move freely and lawfully in international waters. but that foundational global right is under new threat today. these reckless houthi attacks are a serious international problem and they demand a firm international response. >> dana: trey yengst live in tel aviv for us this morning. >> good morning. i want to start with breaking news here just crossing the wires right now. israel's president herzog signaling a readiness for israel to enter into another cease-fire negotiation likely mediated by the qataris if it includes hostages being released from gaza.
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again signaling that israel is open to the negotiations ongoing as we speak. it is day 74 of the war between israel and hamas and while the focus is in gaza for the israelis, the entire middle east looking at what comes next for the region. there is an understanding on the ground that the threats from places like yemen, syria, and even iraq will continue by iranian-backed militias and we understand after that visit to tel aviv yesterday u.s. defense secretary lloyd austin announced operation prosperity guardian a 10-country coalition to address growing threats in the red sea to insure freedom of navigation and counter missile and drone attacks from houthi rebels in yemen. we know that two additional attacks took place against commercial vessels late last night according to centcom. after arriving in qatar today austin said this about the evolving threat specifically from yemen. >> this partnership is not just
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focused on respect but trust. our military will continue working together to increase our ability and support regional security and stability. >> here in israel the focus for the military and government remains on getting the hostages out of gaza. on monday cia director burns met with israeli and qatari officials in poland. the aim of that meeting trying to get a new hostage deal in exchange for another cease-fire and release of palestinian prisoners. the country's president indicating the israelis are open to such a deal after the deaths of two additional israeli soldiers were announced today bringing the total since the ground operation began to 131 israeli troops. here in tel aviv the families of the 129 people still held inside gaza once again are calling on the military and government to implement some sort of temporary cease-fire and get their loved ones out of gaza.
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>> dana: trey yengst, thank you on that breaking news is important. >> bill: we want to show our viewers what we're talking about here. the southern arabian peninsula, the southern edge. everything in red is controlled by the houthis. you see the advantage this terror group has fueled by iran right along the red sea that leads up to the suez canal. i'll come back to that in a moment. over here if you don't use the red sea and the suez canal, what are your options? it is a long way around the cape of good hope. in fact you are talking 34 days if you want to do it as opposed to 25 days here through the red sea. this red sea area is critical going back to the mid 50s when the suez canal first opened up. you can see right here now this area where international shippers have used for some time. it is vital for commercial shipping. it is where the u.s., french and u.k. wanted to make sure it can stay that way.
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they have got a coalition formed but to be frank with you, if the u.s. government wanted the take out the houthis, we could do it. so far that decision has not been made. we'll leave it at that now. >> dana: perfect segue to our next guest. co-author of the genius of israel. a new book out. good gift for everybody. dan, what bill just said, we have to be able to protect the seas. and people are wondering if this conflict is in our national interest. oh, yes, it very much is because of the commerce issue. >> 12% of global trade goes through that exact area that bill just laid out on the map. 12% of global trade. so if that trade shuts down or that trade is considerably delayed because of the alternate routes he laid out. the disruption to the global economy is extraordinary. disruption to the u.s. economy is extraordinary and make no mistake, the houthi rebels as bill just alluded to are a proxy
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of iran just like hezbollah is a proxy of iran and hamas is a proxy of iran. iran is working closely with moscow and beijing. you start to see the global dimension. we watch the war in gaza and say it is israel and palestinians at it again. no, it is a manifestation of a much bigger regional global conflict. >> bill: the country of yemen is the poorest country in the arab world and houthi rebels are no match for the u.s. military. that was the point of the map there. the response from a senior houthi official is this. even if america succeeds in mobileizing the entire world our military operations will not stop no matter the sacrifice it costs us. you could go after the houthis or after iran. >> that's the point. none of these proxies matter without the funding, arming, training, logistics and supervision and instructions of tehran. so at the end of the day, israel
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is fighting these wars right now with hamas, could be hezbollah tomorrow. the u.s. is engaged in these pushing back against the drone attacks against u.s. bases and u.s. military personnel in syria and iraq. there are all the flare-ups happening. unless someone deals with iran, all of these disruptions and all of these provocations will continue. >> dana: so take me inside the current white house if you could. imagine what are they waiting for? >> look, i think this administration on the one hand has been very strong in terms of backing israel up in its response to hamas and i give them credit for that. i give them high grades for that and give them very poor grades in their dealing with iran. they want to keep the temperature low in the region. they understand israel has to take out hamas and backing israel in that effort. they would like it to be contained to israel just taking out hamas and not have a regional war like the yom kippur
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war in 1973 was a big mess. it had massive economic implications, the oil embargo. this is not what the biden white house wants heading into a re-election campaign in 2024. they would like to keep the temperature as low as possible to the extent they can. the problem is they can't. they are waking up to the reality as lloyd austin articulated. he said it is reckless what the houthis are doing. it is very deliberate and strategic. they know what they are doing. iran knows what they are doing. >> bill: a violation of international law. london, paris, washington, who is going the stand up? >> they have a strategy. iran has a strategy. they are being backed up by china and russia in these efforts. we should have a strategy, too. the strategy can't be simply let israel fight with hamas. there has to be a reality recognition there is something
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much bigger going on. >> dana: can we get 30 seconds that the president herzog said there might be cease-fire for hostage negotiations? >> two things are going on. israeli government is under enormous pressure to get more hostages back. the tension from what we call the hostage family movement in israel is growing. there was the first serious protest by them on friday and you will start seeing more of that. understandable. the israeli government wants to get hostages back. hamas, there is a direct correlation when military pressure has been very high on hamas and when they've been willing to give up hostages and led to the deal at the end of november the seven day pause. since israel has gone back in they're feeling more pressure. the logistics of these things and implementation get tricky. often talk of we are getting close and we all want it. implementation gets in the way. i don't want to get ahead of it. there is a desire.
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>> bill: dan, well done. nice to see you. they say when it rains, it pours. right now the west wing might need an umbrella. bad polling numbers seem to be piling up for the president. brand-new fox polls on the economy show most voters are not happy with the policies coming from this administration. peter doocy has the follow-up on the north lawn of the white house today. good morning. >> and, bill, polls are just a snapshot, right? they won't matter if they improve in the he loch shun year. the problem is in the election year the problem for the president in the election year, 44% of those polled in the new fox survey say the economy is going to get worse. 31% say it is going to stay the same. 22% think it will get better. and we know all politics are local. when asked have you been helped by president biden's economic policies? just 14% of people say they have. that is way fewer than 46% who
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say biden policies hurt them. 39% feel no difference. and this isn't just a republican complaint, either. majority of democrats, 61% say the economy is in bad condition. that's along with 85% of independents and 93% of republicans. so the pushback from the white house communications director reads like this. over the three years since taking office, he, the president, has amassed one of the most impactful -- he wants to rebuild the economy from bottom up and middle out and delivered the strongest recovery in the developed world. tomorrow president biden plans to double down on bidenomics. >> he will go to milwaukee and talk about investing in america, what bidenomics has done for the american people coming out of the pandemic. we can't forget that happened when the president walked in. the economy was in a tailspin.
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>> so ultimately right now the white house wants credit for the way that they think people felt at the start of biden's first term as opposed to how they feel about a possible second term. >> bill: thank you, nice to see you from the white house today. dana. >> dana: the nation today honoring the first woman to sit on the u.s. supreme court. funeral services for justice sandra day o'connor getting underway this morning at washington's national cathedral. president biden and chief justice john roberts will deliver eulogies for her. she died december 1st at 93 years old and must beloved as you can see. >> bill: amazing sight today. we'll watch that momentarily. she said growing up in the ranch in arizona. no country for sis -- for a
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sissy. >> she grew up on a cattle ranch in el paso, texas and very interesting you talk about diversity on the court. there is a need for geographical diversity as well, right? not everybody can come from the esteemed new england states. to have somebody from the southwest in the 80s. i mentioned this yesterday, she was confirmed 99-0 in the reagan administration. imagine the supreme court fights we've had since then. some might say partly because of some of the decisions she was part of that ultimately led to a lot of the discord across the country about some of the supreme court decisions including upholding roe v. wade at one point. >> bill: in 1987 some of her parting words when she was in private life or headed that way our purpose in life is to help others along the way. may you each try to do the same. we remember those words fondly today. sandra day o'connor the ceremony
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about to begin in washington, d.c. cool stuff. 14 past the hour now. >> dana: incredible scenes along the southern border. tidal wave of migrants surging across in numbers never seen before. 12,000 since yesterday and more than 1,000 miles away new york's governor is saying migrants are no longer welcome in the empire state. plus this. >> bill: pete buttigieg is talking about the holiday travel and update from reagan national in washington, d.c. we might see some bad weather. it happens, right? it's december. and if it happens to you, we will send you our best wishes and hope that you pack the highest amount of patience you possibly can during the holiday travel season. last year was a mess. they don't want a repeat. let's hope it is not the case. >> dana: indeed. but we know christmas isn't about something you buy at a store. it's about something so much greater.
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it is the day we celebrate the incredible truth that god so loved the world that he gave his only son. it's not about presents. it's about jesus. join me this advent in praying every day on hallow. cut through the noise and find god's peace.
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>> dana: fox news alert. a live look at what's happening in eagle pass, texas. border agents there are calling this the worst they've ever seen in terms of migrants coming across. and these images are incredible. you will remember the people trying to get on the train last week. the people that got on the train, that's who those people are now sitting outside eagle pass waiting to get processed. border patrol completely overwhelmed and they're 260% over capacity at this point before all of these others come through. at the same time, rust belt states are welcoming them with open arms and so is this fueling part of this? griff jenkins has the story. >> it's fascinating. good morning. most of those migrants you see, many will be bused to blue cities but they have come illegally, however. the rust belt areas the great
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land between the great legs led the country in the economy through manufacturing, they want to get their population and jobs rejuvenated but want to do it through legal, not illegal means. here is the pennsylvania state representative. listen. >> not in favor of chaotic immigration. i'm in favor of orderly, legal immigration that recognizes the needs we have in our communities and recognizes that we need more individuals to rejuvenate these areas. that includes where i am in western pennsylvania. >> they are seeing an increase in migrants in places like pittsburgh. between 2014 and 2019 they had an overall 1.3% total population decrease but a nearly 19% migrant population increase. it is a far cry from what we have seen playing out on the southern border where thousands of these migrants illegally crossed and were shipped to
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major cities like new york and chicago where the leaders there have had enough of illegal migrants who can't work or officially assimilate. they are now training resources. >> we don't have capacity. we have to also message properly that we're at our limit. if you are going to leave your country, go somewhere else. >> democrat leaders are divided. some want to fold illegal migrants into their economies. those who paid lots of fortunes to get through legally think it is unfair. >> dana: it maybe takes too much time. the senate is trying to get that done. >> bill: the man who pays the price for this. a rancher feels the effect of the threat there. his name is jim, fifth generation arizona rancher. good morning to you. you joined us from the newsroom
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in los angeles. you have an extraordinary piece of scenery at the southern border and you have a theory about how the cartels operate. you think this is all just a diversion nair tactic to take border patrol away from one area so the cartel can move people and drugs in different areas. explain that. >> certainly that's what we're seeing on our ranch. our border is 5 1/2 miles but it is even more critical and dangerous than that. it is a possible terrorist operation. people coming through our ranch are in camouflage and carpet shoes and they are coming through not to be seen. they are gotaways. how many are terrorists? the border patrol tells us that about 20% are packing drugs to
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poison our people and yes, the operations in lukeville and other places in texas, where massing people through the border results in a diversion, a decoy. how many people are coming through in these huge gaps that are not secured? i haven't seen the border patrol person on my ranch for the last three months. the border is open. >> bill: wow, three months. and you are there every day. you talk about the threat to our country. this is what the terror watch list has produced in fiscal year 2024. 13. we're just getting underway as of october one, 249 a year ago, 165 the year before that, 118 before that for a total of 545. your governor says the federal government refuses to its job to
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secure our border and keep our communities safe. we can't stand alone. arizona needs resources and manpower to reopen the lukeville crossing, manage the flow of migrants and maintain a secure, orderly and humane border. they are coaling everybody. they are controlling where everyone goes on both sides of the border, jim. >> the cartel controls the border and they essentially are controlling the portions of the united states where these people are coming through. bottom line, we need to secure the border. we need to build the wall, finish the wall. we need the electronics put in in the trenches next to the wall and we should have our national guard and our military, in my opinion, at the wall, secure the
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wall. people should come into the united states through legally. ellis island used to be the spot where people came through. and everything was legal. we need to follow the law. >> bill: understand your point, jim. you are living it firsthand. i have seen the cameras around yuma. they have never been turned on. imagine that. jim, we'll see in an election year whether or not you get your wish for the protection you need on your farm, ranch and for our country. thank you for coming on today. >> thank you. >> dana: a good man right there. new york governor kathy hochul signing a bill on reparations. legislation creates a commission to study the proposed payments. here is what the governor said at a ceremony a few moments ago. >> new york would like to think we're on the right side of this. slavery was a product of the south. the confederacy. we're proud of the legacy of incredible warriors for justice and liberation.
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today i challenge all new yorkers to be the patriots and rebuke and not excuse our role in benefiting from the institution of slavery. >> dana: there will be a commission and a review and if the state of new york follows california did the same thing. or san francisco. california has a statewide one. i noted last week on "the five" the san francisco commission and its work had to be halted due to budget cuts. so >> bill: did she mention money today? i don't know. >> dana: they'll study it. how long they study it will probably be a source of controversy, i imagine, as well. also get you to this. there is a funeral service that will be held at the national cathedral in washington in 33 minutes where the funeral for supreme court justice sandra day o'connor will begin at the national cathedral there. president biden and chief justice roberts will speak and give eulogies. the former attorney general for barack obama, his name is
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escaping help. eric holder. you need to help me point out people in the crowd at this event. we'll keep an eye on this and starts in 32 minutes as washington gathers to say goodbye to sandra day o'connor. nikki haley surging in new hampshire and drawing the attention of former president trump. what it means for the race at large with bret baier. >> then i heard that trump is going to go on the attack against me tomorrow. stay tuned. we'll have fun with that one.
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>> bill: another look now at the volcano in iceland that started erupting just yesterday after weeks of earthquakes. it is in the most populated area of iceland.
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geologists say for now lava is flowing away from a fishing village evacuated about a month ago. they are watching this and so are we. if it plays out in a way that's safe for folks that are there it is quite a sight to see. >> dana: something to see. we'll bring it to you here. >> nike haley promised. >> i will not, not now, not ever, support raising the gas tax. >> really? not now, not ever? just 24 months later high tax haley flipped. >> let's increase the gas tax by $0.10. >> bill: starting to get interesting in new hampshire. a super pac for donald trump going after nikki haley as she sees a bump in her polling. some people see that as significant. we'll find out in the end whether it is. bret baier joins us. why don't you characterize it? i think in that poll trump still led by 15 but his lead was less
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than what it had been before. >> yeah, good morning. i think it's moved a little bit. it's only one poll, cbs poll that shows haley moving into the 20s and she is the closest competitor in new hampshire. she is not there in iowa. donald trump the former president on the stump says where is the surge? i've gone up ten points. she has gone up one. or gone down in some cases and he is right in some polls it stayed about the same and he has seen an increase in the national polls especially. we are focusing on new hampshire. independents play a big role there. democrats could vote in a republican primary. it is a sweet spot for nikki haley in how she is pitching things. she hasn't run any ads that i know of against donald trump. this is the first one that targets her from the trump folks. >> dana: from nate silver, a political analyst and he said would a haley win in new hampshire cause republican
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voters to rethink the race when they have had every opportunity to rethink trump from 2015 and never done so? i want to play for you the two of them going after each other. call for number two here between trump and haley. watch. >> where is the surge? where is the surge? they kept saying she is surging. she went down a point and i went up ten points last week and they do a story that she is -- and she is surging. >> then i heard that trump is going to go on the attack against me tomorrow. stay tuned. we'll have fun with that one. >> dana: maybe there is a little bit more of some argumentation directly between the two of them. that's not happening between trump and ron desantis. partly because trump's pac has gone after desantis for many months before this. >> yeah, remember ahead of the 2022 election he spent more money on ron desantis than he did on supporting gop lawmakers
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around the country. so yeah, he spent millions, the pac has, on ron desantis already. the interesting thing about new hampshire is that 1996 was bob dole, 2000 was george w. bush, both won the nomination without winning new hampshire. the only two times, though. new hampshire is usually a bellwether. the thing about desantis is his second choice, the voters who are going for him, the second choice is the former president. if chris christie got out of the race before new hampshire, maybe that would shift to nikki haley. but how much would it close the gap? there is a big lead there even with that, with the former president. >> bill: i think both of them are playing nice with each other right now. maybe there is a reason down the road. joe biden hits an all-time low, 61% disapprove. 34% approve. also in the polling, bret, his
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approval among independents is 24%. how do you win a national election a year from now. >> it's right. democrats are freaking out really about these numbers and 14% of the people polled say the biden economic play helped them? 14, 1-four. that is not where you are running on bidenomics. that's just -- it is not translating. so tonight on special report i will talk to austin goolsbee. he has a perspective. it is interesting to see the disconnect between the numbers they are touting and how people are talking about it and feeling about it at home. there is time. it could change. but this is really bad right now. >> dana: if i could just point out in that same monmouth poll it says there is a question biden is prioritizing the issues most important to you yes was only 31%. no 63%. what's interesting that's both republicans but increasingly not
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only just independents but deme dementieva -- democrats feel that way as well. >> it could be completely different. domestic and foreign. when people don't feel good where the world is, that sometimes translates in other poll numbers. >> dana: good to see you. looking forward to "special report." see you then. >> bill: social media has been ablaze by a realistic fictional movie produced by barack obama and michelle obama. it's called "leave the world behind" depicts a covert attack on america by an unnamed enemy believed to be china, iran, north korea or all three working together to take down the united states. a clip from the film. >> i need to think everyone is going to be okay. >> everything is going to be okay.
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isn't it? >> we're seeing ongoing cyberattacks across the country. >> bill: conspiracy theories are all over the board on this. maybe it's just a good movie. i haven't seen "oppenheimer" yet. have you? i will check that out over the holiday. >> dana: do you want to know that greg watched this movie, greg gutfeld? he said it was fine. not the greatest but he had a point about how some of it is like some of that -- all the woke stuff is embedded into it and you think you know what? i don't want to watch. he watched it and greg is a good judge of movies indeed most of the time. he doesn't like "love actually." iceland is lighting up the sky as earthquakes continue to rattle the region. a u.s. navy officer jailed in japan over a deadly car crash has been transferred to u.s. custody. this is good news but we need to get more good news out of this story. we'll talk to his wife about efforts to win his complete and
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final release next.
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>> bill: there is a funeral service about to begin, national cathedral in washington, d.c. honoring justice sandra day o'connor, the first woman to serve on the u.s. supreme court. she retired in 2006 and died at her home in arizona earlier in month. david spunt has more from the national cathedral now. >> she retired in january of 2006, almost 18 years since she left the supreme court. her legacy lives on. today at the national cathedral she will be remembered by family and friends and colleagues. kicks off at 11:00. president biden and chief
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justice john roberts and her son jay o'connor will remember her. she was the first female justice appointed by ronald reagan in 1981 during her time on the bench, she was a moderate conservative active in oral arguments and built a power base as the swinger deciding justice in key cases including the 2000 ruling that aloud george w. bush to win the election in the bush versus gore case. her body was in repose yesterday. the vice president and her husband were there to pay their respects. former justice anthony kennedy was spotted as well. when ronald reagan appointed her to be on the supreme court he said she was a person for all seasons. someone with many talents. she will be remembered by that today and again as we wait for this to kick off here we remember justice sandra day o'connor who passed away earlier this month at her home in phoenix, arizona. >> bill: david spunt. thank you for that. moments away.
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thanks. >> dana: u.s. navy officer who was involved in a deadly car crash in japan is back on american soil to serve the rest of his prison sentence. lieutenant was behind the wheel in the 2021 crash that killed two japanese citizens. he briefly lost consciousness due to acute mountain sickness. japanese prosecutor and judge say he fell asleep while drowsy. now his family is pushing for his release from u.s. prison. let's get brittany here, rich's wife. you have been on with us before. now so he is no longer in japan, but in los angeles. still in jail. you have been able to see him. how are his spirits and how is he doing? >> yes. he is incredibly disappointed. this is harder. this is a lot harder being in prisoned by his own country when everyone knows there was no crime actually committed.
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>> dana: right. he was not even given a medical exam in japan, is that correct? >> so he was held in solitaire confinement for 27 days. during that time he demanded alcohol tests, drug tests. he demanded medical care. he repeatedly told them i don't know why i lost consciousness and they said that a medical examination was not necessary. that they knew what happened. >> dana: i read that vice president kamala harris and jake sullivan worked to make this happen to get him here. but why have they given you an explanation, why ridge has to stay in jail to finish his sentence? the paperwork has been clear. if i know it, the u.s. government knows it. >> the paperwork is clear. ridge's c.o. reviewed the navy's investigation and conclude i had there is no fault. ridge should receive his
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promotion, that he should continue with his career. i am incredibly grateful to everyone that worked so hard to get ridgeback here. but it doesn't make sense to me why you would work so hard just to keep him in prison. and so no, no one has told me why. but i don't believe it has anything to do with ridge. i think, as we have done for the past 2 1/2 years, we're still more concerned about appeasing japan than actually providing justice in returning my husband back to his children. >> dana: britney, this morning i did a quick scan. i don't speak japanese but i tried to look at japanese media to see what's the reaction there about this? i didn't see anything. i don't know what the concern is. >> there isn't. >> dana: i don't know if you have asked, you seem very dignified, gracious person. but is there any possibility that president biden will
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commute this sentence or even pardon him before christmas so that he can spend it with you and your children? >> i cannot say that. that is up to the president's discretion. it is his choice alone. it is undeniable he does have the power to do so, even if he were not to commute the sentence, if we go through the normal process through the d.o.j., like i said, there is nothing difficult about this case. he could be home. he could be home in time for christmas. when i was driving my kids home from their grand parents' house last night she sat in the back seat commiserating over repeated nightmares that they have and they all have to do with ridge not coming home, with their dad dying in prison before he comes home and it is unacceptable and it is unnecessary. he could be home today if the u.s. government wanted him to. >> dana: indeed.
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he could be home today and he hope he does get home today or very soon and before christmas would be ideal. britney, thank you. we'll stay in touch. >> thank you so much. thank you. >> bill: best to you, britney. stay strong. in the meantime and as we leave that story, we move to cedar rapids, iowa, lynn county, eastern part of the state. ron desantis is on stage. we are t-minus 27 days into the iowa caucus. wanted to share that with you. on stage with chip roy. we'll see how the event goes throughout the day. come back right after this. >> i was there, one tour. we're taking that passion and channeling it through our farm to home bedding bath, and apparel at red land cotton. we grow cotton in the rich red earth of north alabama. and we want our products to be made here in the usa, from the seed in the ground to the final stitch.
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continuing to look like an invasion. stunning new video of what a crisis really is. art del cueto, steve forbes, "the faulkner focus" top of the hour. >> dana: transportation secretary wrapping up his travel update for the holiday. a short time ago and grady trimble is live with the news. did he have any good news? what's the forecast? >> i hope so for all of us traveling this christmas. he says that the airlines are better equipped now than they were a year ago to handle what could be record air travel this holiday season. but he is concerned about storms along the east coast that could cause flight disruptions. we're talking about the record number of complaints this year against u.s. airlines. transportation secretary says it's a good thing. the department is handling complaints and getting passengers compensation for issues. secretary buttigieg also touted that the cancellation rate is at
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a five-year low. i asked him about delays, which has ticked up compared to a year ago and caused a lot of issues for passengers especially those trying to make connections. he says that the faa, which is experiencing an air traffic controller shortage, part of the problem. airlines are part of the problem but he also blamed climate change saying severe weather events are part of the problem. something they are working on in the future, dana. something also to pay attention to at 7.5 million americans hit the skies this christmas. >> dana: i might be one of them. grady trimble. thank you. >> bill: did we leave anything on the table? >> dana: i still need to know about this go-ahead pass thing. touchdown thing. we'll figure it out. >> dana: harris faulkner will take you through the next hour


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