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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  December 19, 2023 4:00pm-5:00pm PST

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>> bret: josh, if you are the opponent to donald trump in the primary, what are you saying about this? >> i think it's just more of the same. you will see all of them come out and attack this. there is just no room in the republican primary at this point for this sort of extra judicial action against a primary opponent namely donald trump. >> bret: guys, thanks for rolling with the punches. tomorrow on "special report," we will talk to journalists from iowa, new hampshire, and south carolina. people on the ground about how the presidential race is developing thie early voting states. a month away. remember, if you can't catch us live, set your dvr, 6:00 p.m. in the east. 3:00 p.m. on the west coast. we had a busy, breaking news show tow today. thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. that's it for this "special report," fair, balanced and still unafraid. "the ingraham angle," which probably will touch on this as well, is coming up now. >> laura: i'm laura ingraham.
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tonight, america is seeing the ultimate in election interference as four unelected state judges all appointed by democrat governors have ruled that donald trump must be kept off next year's presidential ballot. the colorado supreme court in a 4-3 decision wrote that we conclude that because president trump is disqualified from holding the office of president under section 3 of the 1st amendment, it would be a wrongful act under the election code for the secretary to list trump as a candidate on the presidential primary ballot therefore the secretary may not list president trump's name on the 2024 presidential primary ballot nor may she count any write-in votes cast for him. enough to the suit focused on that section 3 of the 1st amendment that's aimed -- was aimed at barring confederates from federal office who engaged in insurrectionist behavior or rebellion. now, remember the case was spearheaded by a left wing group
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called citizens for responsibility and ethics in washington. that's great. now, the trump legal team will need to move fast and appeal this to the supreme court of the united states the decision is stayed until january 4th. >> being able to qualify for the ballot. here is jonathan turley law professor at g.w. university. jonathan, to think that four up elected state court judges could conceivably end up determining the presidential election something that most americans shaking their head tonight saying this can't be the united states barriers to get to where
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it ended up. it adopted the most sweeping, broadest, possible interpretation to get over every one of those hurdles. so, throughout this opinion. it had to adopt interpretations that could encompass a wide array of statements. they use what is called true threat precedent to show that you can view what trump said as encouraging an insurrection by looking at stuff that he said at other times. and that, of course, allowed them to reach this conclusion. in my view the court is dead wrong. this is the first major win for these challengers, they have gone to a number of blue states. this is one of the bluest state supreme court can you get to even with that, i think the opinion is really chilling. i think that the supreme court will make fast work of this theory. i hope it does this court did
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great damage to its own integrity with this opinion. >> laura: there have been other rulings in other state supreme courts, correct? or federal courts that have come to the opposite conclusion here this is outlier, mistake have to be expedited to the supreme court? >> yeah. when you read this opinion, the one thing that keeps on recurring in your mind is where's the limiting principle here? what would not satisfy this test? each one of these barriers, the court could have adopted a fairly moderate or more narrow approach. but, it didn't. and so on every one of these issues, it too long out all the fail safes and went to the broadest meeting. states could engage in tit-for-tat series of decisions. you could have red states
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blocking biden on some ballots and blue states blocking trump. and the way it is viewed by the public is really quite horrific they view president biden on the ropes and the ref just called the match. >> laura: just so everyone understands this tonight. essentially the state supreme court of colorado concluded that the former president is guilty of a federal crime that he has never been charged with which is insurrection or rebellion, which, for which, you know, he could have been impeached as president but he has not been charged with that. that's never been adjudicated. so, with that, could republicans to your point say well, by undermining u.s. sovereignty, by leaving the border open, president biden is trying to undermine the u.s. constitution
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tantamount with a broad view. but is he going to have to be taken off the ballot of name your red state this court just handed partisans on both sides the ultimate tool to try to shortcut elections and it's very, very dangerous. this country is a powder keg. and this court is just throwing matches at it. and i think that it's a real mistake. i think they are wrong on the law. january 6th was many things most of it was not good. not insurrection. it was a right. it doesn't mean that the people that responsible for that day shouldn'ten held accountable. but, to call this an insurrection for the purposes of disqualification would create a slippery slope for union. we need to allow democracy. we need voters to vote. we need to hear their decision.
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>> the court here just said you are not going to get that in colorado we're not going to let you vote for donald trump. can you dislike trump. can you believe he was responsible for january 6th. this isn't the way to do it. it is, for people saying they are trying to protect democracy. this is hands down the most anti-democratic opinion i have seen in my lifetime. >> and it's worth noting that three of the judges in dissent were also democrat appointees. the whole court appointed by democrat governors. so, it was right down the middle, 4-3 decision. again, the country hangs in the balance. the court is going to have to decide. this jonathan, thank you. >> laura: joining me now for the political angle is ned ryun. i know you have a throat say tonight. the trump team just issued a statement saying in part democrat party leaders have lost faith in the failed biden presidency are doing everything they can do stop the american voters from throwing them out of office next november.
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we'll swiftly file an appeal to the u.s. supreme court and concurrent request for a stay of this deeply undemocratic decision. ned, you and i have spoken a lot about this concept of lawfare. meaning using the judicial system to stop the people from getting what they want and what they support. this is not playing out tonight? >> 100 percent, laura. as jonathan turley just said breaking democracy to save democracy according to the left. they don't want the voters to decide. this i think there is obviously this deep fear of donald trump potentially winning the white house back and what he would do back in office administrative state and the status quo. i have to tell you, laura, looking at this, pretty toothless ruling. if i'm being honest looking at the clause where they said if there is a stay before
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january 4th. that stay will be in place. if there is appeal to the supreme court. the provisional ruling is the hands of the supreme court. correct ruling. supreme court will make quick work of this again, this is the left trying to decide that they are not going to let donald trump be in front of the voters next year. because i think it is a deeply seeded fear of donald trump, he is existential threat for their plans for the future. >> but everyone has to understand is this is just the opening salvo of what is to come. >> of course. >> in the next 11 months. this is just like one thing. like a little pebble in the pond they are going full bore at him. they do not want the american people have a vote. they are not doctored in that democracy as they claim they are trying to protect democracy. that's the truth tonight. we are seeing it play out abouth the border. outrage in a few minutes with
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the border, net, swamping this country with indigents and now this. and then jack smith and fani willis and then it goes on and on. >> they are not going to go quietly into that good night, laura. they are not going to throw up their hands and say donald trump is going to be on the ballot donald trump will win. we tried our best. we are just going to stop now. no, we are in december of 2023. it will only continue to accelerate as their fear increases that donald trump will win the primary. he will be the g.o.p. nominee. he is polling extremely well against joe biden in the key presidential battle ground states. they are not going to throw up their hands and just walk away from. this you will see an answer increase in the lawfare and attempts to bring donald trump down. and really refuse to let the american voters decide. that's the correct outcome, laura. if we really were going to have free and fair elections. they would stop this and stop it immediately and allow the american voters to truly decide was donald trump guilty of insurrection? was he guilty of anything that
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the left has claimed? if so, obviously on the ballot they can choose to accept or reject him. they don't want the american people to be able to make that vote. >> laura: the great, again, the great defenders of democracy don't want the people to have their say. they tonight want new immigrants who can vote for the first time. they don't want suburban women they don't want any of these women to vote. they want elected judges in one state. this is tells you -- ned, we got to go to the next guest. you nailed the political angle. thank you so much. joining me now is our guest chris landau former law clerk for clarence thomas and antonin scalia. former ambassador to mexico under president trump, chris, given your extensive experience at the court also as a advocate at the court what do you expect the court to do here and your reaction to this -- the first
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time ever section 3 of article iii of the 1st amendment, section 3 has been used to bar a president from the ballot? >> laura, i hope everybody's irony meters are just going off the charts tonight. because this is one of the most anti-democratic decisions we have seen in american history that four unelected judges on a state supreme court have taken it upon themselves to disqualify someone who otherwise meets all the qualifications the constitution imposes from the ballot of the united states of america. i think the u.s. supreme court will take one look at this and say well, this cannot stand so in a sense i think that's the silver lining here that it won't stand it is terrifying to me as an american that this kind of lawfare is being waged that courts are so president trumpous that they think it's up to them
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to decide who can be on the ballot to let democracy work. they are free dislike donald trump. especially people who tonight like donald trump should be terrified at this decision because the worst thing, frankly for them is to say the courts took him off the ballot. we should be able, as american citizens, to have an adult conversation on this and vote. why are these people so terrified that they are bending all the rules to get trump off the ballot? let the people vote. >> laura: now, chris, president trump is going to address this, we believe, in moments in iowa. but, first, we have reaction on msnbc from the colorado secretary of state. watch. >> trump's actions are unprecedented. the colorado supreme court coffin firmed that the district court got it right that he did engage in insurrection. but how the supreme court differed from the district court is that they said that section 3 of the 1st amendment does indeed apply to the presidency.
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and, honestly, i think section 36 the 14th amendment has to apply to the presidency because, if not, it's a get out of jail free card. >> laura: chris, the fact that this woman is the secretary of anything, i wouldn't have her be a secretary in a local county clerk's office let alone of the state of colorado is terrifying. >> it's terrifying because these are the people. what a secretary of state does is administer elections. this is the person, folks in colorado, who is adds ministering your election. you think this person is a fair person? to administer your election? god bless you if you think that's the way it is. >> laura: go ahead. >> i was going to say one thing to emphasize is that these seeds were planted by the democrats on january 6th itself. it was no accident from the very beginning that they insisted on calling this an insurrection
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right? again, what happened on january 6th was extremely bad news, right? but, to say it's an insurrection, to say it's like the equivalent of the u.s. civil war, which is what this was -- what led to this clause in the constitution, is ludicrous. okay? i think they were very clever that they wanted to use that reasonable doubt would. people were insisting from the very beginning very important to be called insurrection. how convenient that's exactly the word the constitution uses. this was all being set up really for the past, what, two and a half years. but, again, i think as a lawyer, this seems to me to be an incredibly feeble argument. and, again, if people don't like trump, if people think that this january 6th was disqualifying, fine. let people vote on that. that's why we have elections. >> laura: but, chris, i think this is a good time to tell our viewers that what they saw in this decision, what they are seeing in this decision, is
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judicial activism, they take the constitution and turn into a piece of silly putty for political ends. that is classic judicial activism, is it not? >> it is, yes, laura, and it is good to have the mask ripped off. you can see the fangs here, folks. these people don't care a whit about democracy or your right to vote for how think is the best president. this is a raw act of judicial power for unelected judges in the state of colorado question of federal law, thank goodness. they don't have the final word on questions of federal law. that goes to the u.s. supreme court. and i am confident that the u.s. supreme court will reverse this because it is a lawless ruling and politically, it may wind up benefiting trump. who knows. but it is not good for our country at all, laura. >> no. and i hope the voters of colorado are watching this very
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carefully tonight because you have four judges on your supreme court who don't believe you have a right to cast your ballot for whom you want unless you support biden or the other candidates. if you like trump and you are in colorado and you are on the fence? guess what, they don't think you count. chris, thank you for your analysis, so important tonight. we really, really appreciate it. we are going to continue to monitor president trump in iowa. i imagine he is going to address this ruling. we are going to bring that to you when he does. and, coming up, a former nfl player says that former white house players shouldn't be able to commentate on football. i thought i would use my angle to respond to that suggestion and more. stay with us. ♪
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>> laura: a vicious race to the bottom. that's the focus of tonight's angle. welcome to biden's divide states of america. no matter how much they try to portray him as a sweet old grandpa type. never forget what he is really all about. and what he, his cabinet, and the top leaders of his party think about our country. >> racism. the ugly poison long haunted and plagued our nation.
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>> america has a long history of systemic racism. >> the systemic racism still effect our laws. >> addressing profound inequities, including systemic racism. >> racism is the poison of america, still. >> laura: their hateful racial bile breeds more of the same. plus it should come as no surprise that a former nfl player feels perfectly entitled to broadcast racist views against white people on social media. >> rashard mendenhall who has played five years it the steelers to limited success seems to think that a racial litmus test is in order for anyone interested in a job as a football analyst. he wrote on x saying i'm sick of average white guys commenting on football. y'all not even good at football. can we please replace the proball with an all-black vs. all white bowl so these cats can stop trying to teach me who's good at football?
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now, when i first read this last night, i thought it had to be some sort of joke. a put on. forget the sugar bowl or rose bowl. rashard wants a race bowl presumably because he believes that black players are more talented than white players. well in outkick today bobby burack called the post racist and noted that none of the activist figures in the sports media usually hear from denounced it. ditto with the anti-racist activists who are usually so quick to slam bigots when politically convenient. now, aside from the utter ignorance of mendenhall's tweet, it's not like he was some super star on the field himself. remember in the 2010 season at super bowl 45 klamath thiews, the packer's white linebacker tackled mendenhall and forced a fumble. was that on a really critical play in the fourth quarter and the packers went on to win the entire thing.
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his online race tantrum is it just sour grapes in the casual utterance of obviously racist sentiment allah mendenhall or is an act of active racist campaign of the kkk more prevalent? which one do we see more? well, for many decades our nation was collectively abhorred the goals and existence of groups like the can kk all but drummed out of all corners of civil society that's obviously a very, very good thing getting millions of dollars of fund something a new acceptable racism. even prestigious harvard university is all in for this type of racism. but the word doesn't begin with an r. it begins with a d. and it's cloaked in the goal of diversity, equity and inclusion. and a new expose by chris rufo in the city journal we are now
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learning that claudine gay harvard's president plagiarist commissioned a task force on something called visual culture and signage. now, this dopey group issued a list of recommendations to accomplish an historical reckoning with racial injustice. their recommendations included a mandate to change spaces whose visual culture is dominated by homogenous poor poor that temperature of white men about white guys on the wall all white are the same. offended by the supreme court's decision on racial preferences last june. in which college admissions. >> for many, this decision feels deeply personal it means the real possibility that opportunities will be foreclosed. but, at harvard, it has also strengthened our resolve to
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continue opening doors. >> laura: so the nation that you cannot discriminate on the basis of race is actually hostile to her entire outlook. which, again, is based on discrimination. probably the reason she got her job. so they want no illegal impediment in the way of their mission, is which is to take power from people they don't like and give power and benefits to people they do like this is the same reason why the boston mayor tried to laugh. >> geraldo: minority only holiday dinner. i. >> i mean, i think there is some -- there is a significant amount of misinformation out there. we are still very much a city that is living with our legacy of being very divided and you see that segregation in all different spaces today there is maybe a shock that that presents to some people of what does leadership look like?
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>> laura: by the way, harvard educated. how does this woman still have a job? like what sort of fairness in listening to that can any nonminority person expect from the city of boston as long as she is head of it? the dei industrial complex is going to destroy any institution whether it's allowed to operate and thrive. because of earned success will be over just look at what has happened to disney. again, the ivy league. the permanent bureaucracy has already adopted dei and the government of course. of the military we see it's been captured by it as well. if these dii set asides are allowed to expand and we see them expanding, the fbi will not be fair. the irs won't be fair. the courts won't be fair. everything will be rigged in favor of the dei privilege and, against everything they hate, which is merit, excellence,
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objective standards, and tradition. and democrats wonder why they are losing the blue collar voters? >> what we expect from corporate america is that they will, number one, affirm their commitments to diversity, equity and inclusion to ensure representation at the highest levels from the c suite to the board of directors. >> laura: congressman horse ford knows this dei scam is finally, finally being exposed and he is freaking out. one prominent resource exec told the guardian he is already seeing ceos go away from dei. good, it's about time there must be no corridor for this whatsoever. there cancer must be excised and immediately. and that's the angle. up next, the worst day we have ever seen. that's what border agencies told fox news about the invasion and, yes, it's an invasion, currently
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ongoing at our southern border and welcomed by the biden administration. and shameful new twist to this american betrayal. we are going to tell you in moments. ♪ my most important kitchen tool? my brain. so i choose new neuriva ultra.
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unlike some others, it supports 7 brain health indicators, including mental alertness from one serving. to help keep me sharp. try new neuriva ultra. think bigger. israel is under attack. the war against israel began with the murder of hundreds of precious children. in this orphanage bomb shelter, we're praying for god's help, praying to avino malkino, our father, our king. countless israelis are enduring the devastating anguish of lost loved ones. thousands of rockets have forced over a hundred thousand israelis to become refugees in their own homeland. israeli families are in crisis. the international fellowship of christians and jews is on the ground, reaching jewish people of all ages. children, mothers, the elderly, even holocaust survivors. but we can't do it without you. your gift of $45 will make
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sure that the people of israel have mobile bomb shelters, emergency supplies, and the hot, nutritious meals that they so desperately need. our teams are working on the ground, often at great risk to themselves. they're delivering meals to the elderly and families who are living in bomb shelters. this would be an incredibly important time for all of the friends of the international fellowship of christians and jews to stand with our friends in israel. let them know that we are not only praying for the peace of jerusalem, but we're also praying and acting in their interest because we believe it's what god would have us do. i simply can't stress enough the urgency of this situation. it's more dire than ever before. this is your moment. this is your opportunity to make a life-saving difference.
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it's your prayers and gifts that give hope to the people of israel. call, scan, or visit our website now to make your life-saving donation.
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>> we did it. we did it, joe. >> laura: they really did. the border c border czar and hes broke another record at least 1,600 illegal immigrants crossed the border yesterday. the highest number ever recorded for a single day. that does not include the got-aways. doesn't include the thousands still haven't been processed. and joe is not going to do a darn thing about it. so texas, they decided we are going to take matters into our own hands. governor abbott signed the bill giving police the authority to arrest illegals who cross the border and then gives will the
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local judges the ability to deport them joining me now is lt. governor dan patrick. dan, the white house said today this law won't make communities safer your response? >> so, we spent a lot of time, law, on the city writing this bill along with the governor. and we believe we have a bill that will survive any type of supreme court challenge because we are being invaded. arizona tried this about 10 years ago. but our law is different. it simply says that our law enforcement can arrest anyone, take them in, do a background which can photograph, do fingerprints. if they saw them cross the border illegally, we can do that or if they happen to reveal in the arrest stop that they crossed illegally, and then the magistrate will send them back and will escort them to the border. and they have a choice. they go to jail or they can go back.
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and if they go back and dry to come back again and rearrest them again, the penalty gets even higher. we are fed up. in fact, seeing what happened in colorado, laura makes me think except we believe in democracy in texas. maybe we should take joe biden off the ballot in texas for allowing 8 million people to cross the border since he has been president. disrupting our state far more than anything anyone else has done in recent history. and so so this is so outrageous. 10,000, 12,000, 14,000 people aday crossing the border. enough to be the 12th largest state it's incredible. >> laura: i think the numbers kind of people are nudge to the numbers now. it's the shear mass of humanity humanity that is obviously taking over cities, local communities, school districts, healthcare systems, homeless shelters. i mean, it is overwhelming already overburdened state and
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local budgets now, dan, this congresswoman jazmine crocket decides well, it's time to go after texas. watch. >> i'm very concerned because the republicans have never gotten immigration right. and when you look at somebody like greg abbott, my governor, and his solution, his solution is to basically say hey we are going to kill people that are trying to come in. that's not a solution. >> kill people? >> laura: congresswoman from texas, you are trying to kill people, you and abbott. >> she is jazmine crackpot, not jazmine crocket. that's just absolutely ridiculous. our bill, senate bill 4 says we can arrest them and send them back. we also passed another bill to put another 1.5 billion into building more wall. and we filed another -- past another bill, excuse me, to deal with human smuggling because the biden administration is doing nothing, laura, as we all know. we know that hundreds of people in the terrorist watch list have
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been apprehended. that doesn't count all the people we don't catch. we know sex offenders, rapists, murderers have crossed the border. >> laura: they don't care. >> they don't care. laura, our founders. >> laura: they don't care. dan, they don't care about the constitution. they don't care about the represented kepple crazy. they don't care about democracy and certainly don't care how many americans and legal immigrants have been killed or brutalized or beaten or robbed because of the people they -- they don't care. that's all a klatt derl damage, dan, we have got to roll. thank you for joining us, now as texas is focused on protecting our borders. some in the senate have some other ideas, joining me now is missouri senator eric schmitt of the armed services committee. senator, your colleagues are still trying to smash through or combines our border, ukraine funding, israel funding, now, in money for taiwan?
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what's the biggest problem you see in combining these all together this with negotiations? >> the main goal is to unlike the ukraine money. i worry about that, right? if you are tying the border in and compromising with the democrats who are not interested at all in securing a border. this sun precedented, laura never seen anything like it. no nation has opened up a border like we have right now. put those numbers in perspective. that's almost 400,000 people a month. that's a st. louis. that's a pittsburgh. that's a kansas city. every month. right? and so let's deal with these issues separately. i have been saying this from day one. there is no reason these things should be tied together unless your goal is to send another 60 billion to u.k. i fear as you negotiate away border security, there is no negotiation on this ukraine money. there is no negotiation on the accountability. no negotiation on european allies. there is no negotiation on any of these issues as it relates to
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ukraine. and so i wouldn't trust mayorkas to run a lemonade stand let alone secure the border. they are dealing with the same people that have created open borders used to be white paper exercises. now they are in the white house. they want an open border. they have exactly what they want. millions of people coming. we don't know who they are. asking for trouble. very concerned about very secret negotiations. >> laura: i have a very bad feeling about it. first time i have seen john thune today talk about the open border i mean, is he really worried about american border. i'm sure he is. but i have never seen him on television really hitting the border until ukraine fund something on the line to me that says it you will a ukraine first, american border, yeah, if we can rope that in. maybe we will throw a few bones to the pro-enforcement crowd. senator, hold tight on this, please. we are relying on you and a few others. >> laura: up next biden breaks
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the economy and then blames you. we will explain what that all means in mommy's.
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>> whether you believe it or not or if you feel it or not, the united states economy, macrolevel, under president biden is, according to nearly every metric we use to measure
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such things in excellent shape. >> laura: really? is that why biden's economic approval is sitting at just 36%? well, try again. bidenomics is not working. it's never going to work. as long as they stick with the same disastrous policies that have delivered us lowering wages and lower standard of living, which sounds like what they plan on doing. >> we are on the right path. we got more work to do. we must stay the course, okay? >> laura: here's what being on the right path means to the biden administration. 62% of adults said they are living paycheck to paycheck according to a report from lending club. >> folks, bidenomics is just another way of saying the american dream. >> laura: a new monmouth university poll reveals that 44% of americans are struggling to remain where they are financially. that's up from only 20% three years ago. only 12% say their financial situation is improving. >> it's a little more breathing
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room. that's what bidenomics is all about. >> laura: homelessness is up 12% since january. and hit its highest level since 2007. >> under bidenomics, you don't have to leave home or your family to get a good job. >> laura: if you think it's going to get better next year? think ben again. the cbo is predicting millions of americans will lose their jobs in 2024. >> folks, it's no accident. it's bidenomics in action. >> laura: joining me now is brian brenberg, co-host of "the big money show" on fox business. brian, they keep thinking that this is a messaging problems. >> right. >> laura: what are they really saying here? what are the voters saying? what are the people saying? >> yeah. bidens keep saying why haven't you gotten this yet? why haven't you gotten the taste for bidenomics like it's a fine wine and somehow it gets better with age? what all the voters know it
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doesn't get better with age. it gets worse. it's less affordable with age. houses are more out-of-reach with age. and, the government gets bigger with age. you talk about unelected bureaucrats running your life, let's talk about gas stoves and furnaces and dishwashers and the cars you can drive and you can't drive. that's when they look at 2024 this isn't going to get better. this guy doesn't know how to make it better. all he knows how to do is complain about the fact that the rest of us have had it with the path he has us on. >> i love, by the way, how the biden people are trying to spin bidenomics and kjp did it again today. watch. >> when the president walked into this administration the economy was in a tail spin, it was. the economy is in a better place but i understand we understand that americans don't feel it right now. that's why we are going to continue to talk about junk fees. >> laura: junk fees?
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junk economy. so that's their big idea to get american people back on their feet, brian? junk fee presidency? >> yes. it's crazy. does anybody like junk fees? no. do they think the president of the united states should be focused on junk fees? no. was this economy in a tail spin? my goodness sakes, we had interest rates below where they were now. gas prices below where they were now. wages inflation lower. laura, these guys all they have is spin. i'm sorry, but americans can't live and feed their families on spin. that's what they know and that's why in these polls they say give me something else. anything else, preferably capitalism is what i would say, something that creates opportunity not a bigger bureaucracy. >> laura: well, the fact that real wages -- real income is down from when biden was sworn in, i mean, even nate silver, pretty big liberal got into a big fight with all these progressives. i think it was over the weekend
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saying guys, you don't get it. people don't have as much disposable income because things are more expensive. that's why biden is in the toilet, plus the other issues. brian, great to see you don't. merry christmas. all right. a photo miss happen that one family, you know, one family taking home the picks of an nfl legend plus epstein's famous pals are shaking in their boots now. jimmy failla is next. let's hope he isn't one of them. ♪
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>> laura: all right now it's time for wtf. what the failla. the new book, "cancel culture" is available. more than 170 people who are linked to jeffrey epstein are about to be exposed thanks to a manhattan federal judge who
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ordered long-sealed document says to be released. any names you're looking out for? >> it's a bad day to be a dirt bag laura. >> i always considered epstein's proof both parties can work on a bipartisanship level if they want to get it done. if you are a guy looking for work as a food taster, now is a great time to submit your resume. there's probably a a lot of dirt bag names. i'm not going to name mine. one of them rhymes with bill gates. i'm not saying he's on it but you we read a lot of salacious stuff but there's nervous people out there, laura. >> laura: well, maybe the depends are being changed more than once an evening. jimmy, one unsuspecting family
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placed a photo order at cvs and expected to get this and ended up with this. a photo of tom brady with his family. >> i love this story. >> i'm blown away they could even get access to photos at cvs. everything is locked up at my cvv. it's impossible. i am amazed they got the photos. i was going to make a joke about the cvs receipts but it was too long. >> i remember sending my film away from the packets you get that was inexpensive and you send it away. you waited 10 days and get your photos back. i still have the photos. all the others you don't have in your phone. the ones you got developed. the quality was pretty darn good of the photos. i like the anticipation of waiting. you look really fat in the
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photo. you look terrible. now it's like, just delete it. somehow it's not as fun for me. >> you sound like my mom after she watches me on tv. you look fat jimbo. >> your mother is hilarious. tis the season for scamming. police are issuing warnings for gift cards. watch this >> they heat up the envelopes where they can open them as carefully they can. remove the card and cut the top of the card off. they took the bottom of the card which means nothing. put it back into the envelope, reglue it shut and just can like that, you have a brand-new gift card. >> wow. jimmy, if only these people were as, they had as much diligence in actually finding a job as they have in cutting the little thing out. resealing it. >> that's such a really good
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point. to be clear, this doesn't affect me, most of the places i hang out only take cash if you pick up what i'm putting down at the dog track. the point is, this stuff is awful and the people behind it to your point okay could probably be making like year round money. how good does scamming gift cards pay? apparently well enough. now we know why the bidens insisted in getting paid in cash. >> do the cards work at the dog track or horse track? >> it's tough luck. you don't know in this day and age. >> i have a lot of gift cards that are expired, i lost them. the whole gift card thing is a mess. set your dvr to stay connected for us. it's america now and forever, jesse next. >> jesse


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