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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  December 20, 2023 3:00am-4:00am PST

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taxpayer dollars should be used to fly hunter around as jacqui heinrich asked she responded also that the president loves his son. his son in his 50's and still needs to be led around like a child and we are supposed to pay about it. what can you say about it, todd, this is where we are at. the white house simply forgot to add his name on board marine 1 with the president. it's utter nonsense. what can you say? i mean, this is why this presidency, this administration is polling so low. they are simply not trusted anymore on the most basic things and they think they can get away with it thank god there is jacqui heinrich ask the questions deserve to be asked. >> todd: underscores kamala's comments this is the most election of her lifetime. joe, thank you. we appreciate it. "fox & friends" right now donald
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trump bowing to fight back after on the ballot in colorado. state supreme court ruling that trump violated the 14th amendment of the constitution because of january 6th. >> the colorado supreme court confirmed that the district court got it right, that he did engage in insurrection. section 3 of the 1st amendment has to apply to the presidency because, if not it's a get out of jail free card. >> literally, jack smith, who would charge donald trump absolutely everything, including jay walking if he could get away with it, didn't even charge donald trump or most of the rioters on january 6th with insurrection. >> presidential candidate and former governor -- current florida governor ron desantis calling it an abuse of power and the u.s. supreme court should reverse the decision. >> katie: the white house hopeful vivek ramaswamy taking things a step further. listen to this.
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saying i pledge to withdraw from the colorado g.o.p. primary ballot until trump is also allowed to be on the ballot. the former president spoke yesterday in iowa. they want to silence me because i will never ever let them silence you. in the end they are are not after me. they are after you. i just stand in the way. steve trump team wants the matter settlezzed before the u.s. supreme court before a january 5th deadline if he wants to be on the ballot in colorado. let's bring in andrew which you can ski andrew good morning. >> what a wild turn of event. >> steve: this only pertains to one state. only pertains to their primary election. but with the supreme court deciding it, this is going to apply to all the states. >> well, there are dozens of other states that are evaluating this same issue.
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so i think that the decision in the state of colorado is something that the supreme court has to weigh in on because defend this is something of a political nature. who going to be the next president of the united states? is that a question of the people of this great country or question for state courts that has yet to be done ever in the history of this country? >> lawrence: andrew, in the opinion, if you read it. they use phrases and they use january 6th, the report as a basis for this as well. they cite things like fight like hell. go to the capitol. go by different rules and that trump supporters and this is their quote the president says they listen to him like no one else. so the president's legal team fought against that as a pretext. the court said that they disagree. but then you go to the dissent. and i think this is the big question here. the dissent said. this. how is the results of this fair? how can we expect coloradoens to embrace this outcome as fair?
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below, protect -- how does this protect the interest of coloradoens in voting for the candidate of their choosing? so, how do you answer that question? how is this fair to the people of colorado? and is this really due process? >> well, it's not fair. and there's about half a dozen reasons why. the opinion from the state of colorado was over 200 pages long. it's easy to grab a headline from that but, as we get deep into the legal issues. one of the legal issues is that they -- the state court that actually reached the ruling that an insurrection occurred used january 6th congressional findings. that's something that would typically be considered hearsay in a court of law. at the end of the day, what we are looking at is a state court judge making a determination that there was an active insurrection relying upon the highly partisan january 6th commission to make that finding in a five-day trial that effectively will change the
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145eu7 of the entire american presidency. this case is based on two questions and one is did trump commit this insurrection and the other is does section 3 of article -- or the 1 14th amendmt can that be applied to the presidency. can you tell us what section 3 of the 14th amendment is. that's going to come up a lot i'm sure a lot of people will want to know about that. do you think the president incited an insurrection. >> the idea of section 3 of the 14th amendment was a clause that was put in after the civil war. and we have to remember what that means. the civil war where hundreds of thousands of americans took up arms against each other, trying to create two separate nations here. that's the notion of insurrection at the time that that clause was written into the constitution. and then to ask the question of whether an insurrection took place here. well, in a nightmare scenario
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where a president who is leaving office attempted to create an insurrection, that's the idea of raising army. that's the idea of blood in the streets where there is a real civil war type event that takes place. the idea of january 6th where there was an angry mob of folks who had a moment of speech where they started to scream and yell at politicians at the state -- or national capitol, while that is something a terrible event to have taken place, who call that an insurrection miss rat with what we are talking about with the civil war, is something that i simply do not see. and i don't see there having been a due process type system taking place to give donald trump the right and opportunity to fight that allegation. >> brian: could you tell me how this looks? you have 13 separate states. they had nine -- got nine of these states got their court case dismissed. not valid. we are going to move on. there is 13 other states that
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are looking to do the same thing as colorado. they are looking to have their case heard and see what the state court says. so, is there a scenario where trump just won't be on certain ballots? and would be on other ballots? or is the supreme court going to rule one time on colorado and is that going to ripple down to all these others? >> there are awfully smart folks on the supreme court. i think they are very well aware of the mess that has been created here. i think they are going to be very quick to answer the mail on how to deal with this. this could be something that the supreme court could issue a ruling in almost a summary fashion. because the supreme court has a whole host of different issues that they have to address with donald trump before the upcoming election. this being one of them. recent case about the interference with government actions going on now. that's not directly dealing with donald trump but it has an effect on the.
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>> janice: 6th case. donald trump's immunity claims that jack smith wants the supreme court to hear in short order. and there is also other issues that likely will be heard by the supreme court. so, how they slice and dice this is yet to be seen. they will likely speak loudly. >> brian: clarification on that. if they rule colorado was wrong, is there a reason for the other cases to go forward? because it's the same case. >> well, that's an interesting question. because how the supreme court addresses this and you a who they approach it could have an impact on all of these cases. for example, the question of imhumanity is president trump immune from allegations of insurrection because it's connected to his time in office? or are they simply going to make a decision that the colorado supreme court didn't approach this appropriately? that the finding of insurrection wasn't done using appropriate due process mechanisms? many different ways for the supreme court to approach. this some of them simply could
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quash prosecutions going on. >> lawrence: justice ends it with his dissent. even if we are convinced that the candidate committed daryl acts in the past, dare i say insurrection. there must be procedural due process before we can declare an individual is disqualified from holding public office. procedural due process one of the aspects of american democracy that sets this country apart. democrats have one on democracy for about two years now. how can they say they are for democracy and not give a candidate an opportunity to make his case in court before they take him off the ballot? >> well, it seems like their complaint about january 6th was that there was interference with the democratic process. but, yet, here we are, interfering with the democratic process. the people of this great country are able to speak through their votes. they are able to make their decisions about what happened on january 6th as well as throughout the course of president trump's prior presidency and his prior actions. let democracy work.
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not the courts determine who is going to be on ballots and who is not. i think the american people are well-educated to make that decision. >> carley: really quickly before we let you go. it looks like colorado gave the supreme court until january 5th to rule on this case. is that enough time and what happens if a ruling doesn't come down until after january 5th? what happens then? >> well, the colorado supreme court gave the u.s. supreme court until january 5th to effectively take action on this. and so i expect the supreme court will accept the case by then and issue a stay by then. and that will effectively keep this on hold until the supreme court speaks. >> steve: andrew, thank you very much for getting up early chaos at the border. 12,000 migrants encountered in a second day. new study shows nearly three in
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five illegal families are on taxpayer funded welfare. a live report ahead. >> steve: and switching things up a little bit. chick-fil-a christmas? that's right. that florida mom goes viral with her christmas party appetizers. >> lawrence: i love that. >> steve: that's chick-fil-a-ish. >> carley: there is nothing not to love about that. she is going to show us how it's done coming up ♪ the weather outside is frightful the fire is so delightful, since there's no place to go ♪ let it snow, let it snow, let it snow ♪ doesn't show signs of stopping i couldn't get my hair done. ♪ then my joints started hurting, found out it was psoriatic arthritis.
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♪ >> steve: we are back with a fox news alert. a local philadelphia tv news chopper has crashed in southern new jersey as of last night. and we now know both crew members on board were killed. todd piro joins us in the studio with what we know own though wednesday morning. >> todd: just a horrible story, steve. we know about a pilot and recover from on board that local abc station action news chopper 6 when it went down in wooded area about 35 miles southeast of philadelphia.
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abc 6 has confirmed that both crew members, like you said, steve, are dead. this crash happening after 8:00 last night while the crew was returning from an assignment over the jersey shore. according to the station new jersey state police are on the ground right now sifting through the wreckage. officials brought in heavy machinery in order to gain access to this densely wooded area. the news station releasing a statement saying we are not releasing the names of the crew members right now. they have a long history with our station and have been working as part of the action news team for years. that chopper that went down was a 2014 american euro cop tore which abc 6 leases from the north carolina based company u.s. helicopters it's unclear what caused the crash but the will be launching an investigation. back to you, steve. >> a terrible story. once the sun comes up they will be able to get a better eye on it. todd, thank you very much. 6:17 here in the east. brian, take it away. >> brian: let's talk china and they have got some problems. you might think we are the only
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ones with problems not so much. the chinese communist party extreme competition intense work. only way to succeed. its new generation, younger generation rejected that path and quote letting it rot. the trend shows many people quitting their jobs and turning to meditation and other forms of spirituality. other fortune teller and buddhist or mountain necessary areas philosophies. some are throwing quitting parties and banners celebrating their new found freedom. next guest says chinese leaders have only themselves to blame. their next generation not so into china. the author of "bully of asia" steve mosier joins us now. i was stunned on this. first keeping an eye on a economy deflation, lack of growth and unemployment amongst its youth at 21%. the ones that are working and can get a job are choosing not to. >> yeah. well, the unemployment rate is actually probably twice that, brian. i mean, it sounds incredible
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that 46 or 50% of the young people in china would be unemployed. but, look, the chinese communist party always lies with numbers. the real numbers that come out of beijing tell me that about half the outcome people in china are unemployed no. prospects, no future, the economy is in decline. the housing market is collapsing, so their economic factors here going on. but let's go back a few years to the one child policy, brian. because these young people in china are the products of almost 40 years of a one child policy. they have no brothers and sisters. no aunts and uncles and cousins. they were raised by two parents who doted on them, four grandparents who doted on them. we call them little emperors for a research. most of them are boys. most of them young men. 30 million young men than women in china. these young men don't have any prospects for marriage. don't have any prospects for having a family. naturally they are depressed. add to that the covid lock june. my goodness covid lockdowns
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here. covid's lockdowns more harsh than ours two. years of social isolation. a lot of kids grelsed in the united states fell behind in their education. it was a lot worse in china. a lot of the these young men and young women are never going to come out of that period of social isolation in one piece again what they talked about a few years ago. laying flat. not doing much. just doing enough to get by we are not going to participate in society. they are gone and i don't know how china is going to get back those millions of young people who basically ci decided they dt want life as the chinese communist party demands it of them. >> brian: always hear negative tifsz things about our own society and next generation. china has it worse but doesn't talk about. it is there is a degree of panic inside that government or are they truly oblivious?
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a digital dictatorship, and they watch -- one of the things that upsets young people in china is they are monitored everywhere. the facial recognition technology is very advanced. the video cameras are everywhere. people are watched. they have to carry their phones everywhere so they can go through checkpoints. that's dispiriting demoralizing. at any time remember china could lock down again they did just recently because of this new mysterious flu in china lock down entire cities again. what does that do to your morale? many people have given up on life. i don't see them coming back any time soon. >> brian: steve, the other thing is this president made himself president for life. wants to crack down on the free market gave people a sense of hope and intrurep. that all is working against it
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venture galvanize their society and give them a focus. steve, you are our go-to guy on this, thanks so much. >> thank you, brian. >> brian: still ahead v.p. harris dishes out latest word salad i will pause. >> people of every asian and gender, by the way, who see something about being the first that lets them know they don't need to be limited by other people's limited, um, understanding hough can do what. >> brian: my head hurts. more of her stellar remarks and insightful wisdom. travel toddlers and tantrums. oh my. next guest has the tips and tricks to best prepare your tiny travelers this holiday season and let everybody else not worry about why they are kicking our seat. ♪ have a holly jolly christmas ♪ and when you walk down the street ♪ say hello ♪ to friends you know
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you may pay as little as $10 per prescription. >> brian: border patrol sources confirming more than 12,000 migrants have been encountered near the southern border. that just happened on monday. that is a single day record. >> that's insane. with no sign of the surge slowing down. customs and border patrol protection is calling in reinforce. s as personnel from the federal bureau of prisons is being deployed. griff jenkins has been to the border several times and he joins us live from washington. >> brian: several? thousands of times. >> lawrence: this is crazy, griff. >> griff: it is crazy lawrence and brian. sources say the pipeline is full meaning more is on their way. yesterday's images are just stunning to see from eagle pass, texas to lukeville, arizona. separated by 1,000 miles. thousands of migrants, illegally crossed overwhelming border patrol agents in texas.
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dps officers were just standing by helpless, hoping razor wire will stop them, which it didn't. fox news learning just moments ago, brian and lawrence, the total number for this month so far in december 190,000 plus migrants. it's on track to shatter records. and it comes after that monday single day record set with 12,600 in a single day. fueled by the utter chaos in eagle pass. they are still trying to process that giant group from yesterday. 4500 migrants. you are looking at right there on your screen, 5300 in custody. there are 260% over capacity. and by the way, in that group of 4500. let's note there were 28 different countries from lebanon, to slovenia, to bangladesh, to china no place to put them. indeed. now you are looking here federal bureau of prison's personnel full screen they gave us. it's a quote because the prison's personnel being sent in to quote provide limited
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transportation resources to assist border patrol on the southwest border with their crisis. meanwhile, we did yesterday get a statement from the cbp commissioner saying this quote the encounter levels currently seeing across the southwest are present ago serious challenge to the men and women of cbp to meet this challenge using all available resources to ensure the safety and security of our agents and officers and the migrants who are often misled and victimized by the transnational criminal organizations. note: they don't use the word crisis there i want to give you one more piece of data. that's the economic impact of this crisis. a new report from the center on immigration studies shows nearly 3 in 5 illegal alien households, 59% are on taxpayer funded welfare. brian and lawrence? >> brian: unbelievable. what a cost. and congress is going home for vacation. and let them enjoy the holidays. thanks, griff, meanwhile fox weather alert. lava gushing from volcanic
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eruption in iceland. experts warning it may not end for months and a pollution warning has been issued to the surrounding area as smoke and ash fill the area. meanwhile monday night's eruption comes after weeks of earthquakes is the fourth and largest eruption in the region since 2021. more than 3,000 people living nearby evacuated about a month ago but the lava appears to be flowing away from the town, giving locals hope that their homes have not been damaged. new overnight senate wrapping up the year with a final vote for 2023. lawmakers meeting today no votes scheduled. lawmakers will then head back to their home states for christmas break. last night the senate passing a reauthorization of the faa averting a lapse in the faa's authority. and those are officially your headlines. i'm going to go diagonally down to steve and carley. >> steve: thank you very much, brian. we'll be talking about what you were just talking about. this week and this weekend one some of the busiest travel days of the year. and we want to help many of
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those of you who will be traveling with tiny travel companions. >> carley: little ones. here with the tips, inventor of tsnoo sleeper. i love the snoo, it saved my life when brock was first born it put him trite sleep. travel tips for us. tell us how to travel with the baby. >> first thing with a baby or a toddler is don't if you can avoid it, don't. have people come to you. because it's like you going to a jungle. everything is new. and for the toddlers disorienting. but the thing you want to do is prepare. >> a lot of ways to prepare. if you are going to be changing going through time zones. start shifting the bedtime routine 15 minutes every day or two so that they start getting used to the time zone that they are going to be falling asleep. in another thing make a little book about everything you are going to go through. getting on the airplane, going to grandmas, what you are going to do at grandma's.
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every day you look at that book with your child. they start processing and preparing. and at nighttime it's called bedtime sweet talk. something i talk about in the happiest toddler book where you are all cuddled up and you start going over what's going to happen, who you are going to see. what's going to be fun. the more they are prepared in the mind, the less they are going to be screaming. >> steve: my daughter that sally was traveling with her son arthur who also had a snoo growing up. what they did they took your advice. they kind of shifted because they live in another time zone to the east coast time zone. but, what happens, dr. carp, if you are on the airplane and the kid is strapped in, and the kid just decides to have a meltdown? >> and you are giving everybody liquor all around. >> steve: bring that beverage cart. hello. >> the first thing you do is you acknowledge it. but you acknowledge it in a very special way. it's called toddler ease. language of toddlers.
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short phrases. reputation like 10 times and mirroring a third of their emotion rather than saying sweetheart, listen, calm down. i know you are upset. we a little bit more to go. rather than do it in that kind of patronizing voice. dramatic voice. you say no, no, no. you don't want to do this. you say no, no, no. sounds like you are encouraging it but you are not. you are actually acknowledging it in a way that he understands. and so what happens you do that five or 10 times and then they start to calm down. and then you have to do something for your child like come on, let's get up and walk or i have got a treat for you. you distract them at that point in time. don't distract them right away. you first acknowledge their feelings. >> steve: in addition to the snoo which changed all of our lives. soothing devices which are great to travel with as well. >> sleep is the important thing. you want to get your child on a good sleep routine when you are traveling. get up early. get sunlight.
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because that gets the brain established to the new time zone, and use white noise at nice and darken the room 30 to 40 minutes beforehand. don't give too much sugar. sugar is the problem. >> steve: would these work for people who host morning shows. >> the truth is adults use white noise as well. this is called snooby. teaches children slow breathing. when they can practice slow breathing they start being able to monitor or mediate. >> carley: find all of it on happiest >> yes. >> carley: check out all of dr. kampe's stuff. >> thank you for joining us. >> the colorado supreme court yesterday removed donald trump from the 2024 ballot. could congress step. in house minority whip tom ehmer on the fallout coming up. >> carley: kamala harris dishing out latest word salad. >> people of every asian and gender, by the way, who see
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something about being the first that lets them know they don't need to be, um, limited by other people's limited, um, understanding of who can do what. >> carley: we are going to try to unpack that. >> steve: plus a new survey shows 34% of americans don't consider family gatherings a vacation. stay with us. you are watching "fox & friends" live from new york on this wednesday. ♪ run run rudolph ♪ santa's not far behind ♪ run, run rudolph ♪ santa's got to make it to town ♪ ♪ e most affordable ev in america. ♪ a super strong and capable chevy truck. ♪ and a high-tech chevy suv.
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♪ >> we need voters positions. i want to see this in the hands of the voters. we're going to win this the right way. we are going to do what we need to do. the last thing we want is judges telling us who can and can't be on the ballot. >> if he is not going to be eligible to be on the ballot that's not america. america is not a country where a small group of aristocrats. a small group of effectively monarchs decides who can and cannot govern in this country. that's not america. >> lawrence: g.o.p. candidates sounding off as colorado bans donald trump from the primary ballot. so what role can congress play
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in stopping it? house majority whip tom emmer joins us now. congressman, thanks so much for joining the program. i want to address a portion of the report as they say in section f of it. donald trump says, look, they shouldn't have used january 6th report in the investigation here. and the court goes into defense of it and says look, there were republicans on that committee. republicans in the staff. they say that the report was, quote: trustworthy. what do you stand on the report being used as a premise in this investigation from the supreme court in colorado? >> well, first off, lawrence, thanks for having me. >> lawrence: a pleasure. >> let's put it on the table right away. voters should decide elections, not liberal activist judges. look, the nancy pelosi committee that was set up to study this thing and do a report was a sham. it was a one-sided deal. they like to say republicans but a couple of people on that committee that were very -- they
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were leaving the congress and they were leaving the republican party, quite frankly. so, regardless of how you want to look at that you've got all democrats appointed to the colorado supreme court and they have ruled 4-3 that somehow donald trump should not be allowed on the ballot because of the 14th amendment? you have had five states, lawrence, throw this ridiculous thing out. this is election interference. and, really, i think our supreme court will take care of it in short order. >> lawrence: yeah, the supreme court here in colorado secretary of defense that these were duly elected republicans and republican staff members. i think can you look at their public statements and see where they fell on if they liked or disliked donald trump before. i want to move on to this though because senator tillis is threatening to withhold election funds from states for the misuse of the 1st amendment. explain how that process would
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go? do you see that actually happening? >> you know, the senate can do some things to delay funds, i'm sure. but, lawrence, we do not want congress running our state-based election system. that's exactly what democrats would like. they would like to have it all happen out of washington, d.c. because it would be easier to control. the state based system works. and i think we have to trust in our supreme court to actually do the work. the u.s. supreme court that decides constitutional issues by the way. u.s. constitutional issues. and i have a feeling that they will tell this state court very shortly that that decision is flawed. we are not going to let a partisan court interfere with the election and donald trump will be restored to the ballot. >> lawrence: i only got about 10 seconds, congressman. real quickly, how do you think this impacts the republican primary here? do you think this only, you know, puts more pressure on the other candidates to get out and
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solidify and coalesce behind donald trump? >> well, it definitely puts the former president in an even stronger position. because people believe in fairness. americans, regardless of what your political persuasion is, believe in fairness. clearly this smacks of something other than fairness that's going to benefit the former president. >> lawrence: begs the question. why are they trying to take him out before the election? do they not think they can win against donald trump? we will see. congressman, thanks so much for getting up early for us. >> thank you, lawrence. >> lawrence: to a fox weather alert. faa is opening military airspace to commercial traffic to keep holiday flights moving. that action comes as cleanup agains across the northeast after devastating flooding. thousands waking up without power in maine and massachusetts. check in with adam klotz for the fox weather forecast. >> adam: hey there, lawrence. keeping with that travel theme.
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mostly green for the skies. one spot we are really paying attention to forecasting travel trouble that will be up and down the west coast because of several rounds of major rain currently moving in. you can see it pin wheeling there now. this is the forecast on the day. a lot of 40's, 50's, 60's that rain is going to be a big story. in southern california, get around los angeles, stretching down to san diego. those are going to be spots where flooding could really be an issue. expect 3 to 5 inches of rain. that is enough to cause major problems. of flood watches are currently in place across this region. i will leave with you. this i'm jumping ahead of myself here. this is sunday and monday. who maybe will end up with a white christmas? here is what we are forecasting there across the rockies into the plains. these are spots where folks could be waking up on christmas morning with a little bit of snow on the ground. those are the weather headlines for now. >> you just delivered good news to those folks in those states. who doesn't like a white christmas. adam, thank you so much. headlines to get to, starting with. this police arresting dozens of anti-israel protesters inside
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the capitol rotunda. 60 protesters taken into custody for standing -- for staging the illegal demonstration led by a liberal activist linda sar sore. capitol police say says the group did not have a permit. protesters are now facing charges for crowding and obstruction. and here is a question for everybody to ponder this morning is a family gathering a vacation snz new survey 34% of people don't think so. >> there are 15 people in the house and you are the only one who has to make trouble. >> look what you did. you little jerk. >> i made my family disappear. >> the survey responded gave multiple options of where they would prefer to stay. 55% say they would rather post up in a hotel when visiting family. 40% would prefer to stay in a
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bed and breakfast or a hotel. and 25% say they would like to stay in a short-term rental instead of with a loved one. tell us how you really feel 40% would like to stay in a hostel which is like a dorm with 50 other strangers? >> brian: share a bedroom? >> carley: that is a headline. >> steve: i'm with the 55%. too many strong personalities. and we can only take each other for so long. >> carley: let's hope some of the joneses aren't watching this morning. >> lawrence: they know they have stronger penalties. >> steve: you said for so long. is one day okay or like ben franklin said after three days guests like fish start to stink. >> lawrence: dinner the dinner and breakfast. everybody thinks they are right about everything. >> steve: over breakfast? >> lawrence: how do you think i got here? this is what they do in the jones household. everybody thinks they are right.
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foreign policy expert. crime expert. >> brian: that's the only time you get to know people is like the next day if they stay over. because that's when you go hey, buyer the way, what are you doing now? what are you doing for fun? i took up shooting. i'm playing lawn darlts. >> steve: took up shooting? >> lawrence: not if you have nosey family members. >> brian: those are curious. >> steve: good thing about staying overnight you can be there whether they apologize for something they said the night before. >> brian: in your pajamas. brianance ains we have some news on the vice presidential front. vice president kamala harris was on msnbc yesterday and she is known for doing this every now and then. >> brian: i heard. another word salad. >> every election cycle we talk about election of our lifetime this one is i have been fortunate and blessed during the course of being vice president have many situations where it becomes clear to me that there are, you know, people of every
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asian and gender by the way who see something about being the first that lets them know they don't need to be limited by other people's limited, um, understanding of who can do what. and i think that's important. and it relates to all people. [laughter] brian. >> steve: i read the transcript. i still don't get it. i don't know the context. but none of it makes since. >> brian: it's the most election. >> ainsley: i think she meant to say most hits tore rick election of our lifetime. >> brian: this is what she should be doing. right in the middle of this. she was given this assignment early on. find herself early people saying she should be the president and the nominee. she should be right in the middle of the record surge and saying there i'm going to solve this problem. and then all of the sudden people go what cass kamala harris done? she was given an assignment to stop the border surge and in the end she worked on it every day and made some real progress.
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instead, she said i'm not really into that. i'm going to make a few zoom calls and we provided an idea of what immigration reform would look like. and it looks like republicans haven't taken it up. this is the number two story in america. >> lawrence: number one issue and her approval rating now is better than joe biden which is sad. >> steve: by one. >> lawrence: she is one of those people who wants to appear smart. sometimes things are simple. all she had to say is people shouldn't be limited by their background and identity. >> carley: i'm sure she is -- has such an incredible resume. and that's why these moments are a little perplexing. she is doing a lot when it comes to progressive issues right now. she is talking -- she is doing a tour about, you know, women's reproductive rights. she also does a tour of college campuses and she loves again z. and president biden have differences when it comes to recall. have a she is saying that the biden administration needs to appear more.
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>> brian: compassionate. >> carley: pro-palestinian. >> lawrence: college tour with opinions anti-israel, too. >> steve: i think if the writers of the tv show veep had selena meyer say those things go in the writer's room this doesn't make any sense, nobody would ever say that i'm not going to buy it. she said it. >> brian: yup, and she did go to law school and she was an attorney general. her resume looks good. performance a little different. >> carley: the most election of our lifetime. >> brian: tsa rolling out a self-screening check point for prechecked passengers. kurt the cyberguy and the future of travel. >> steve: first, a chick-fil-a christmas this florida mom goes viral for holiday party appetizer. she is going to show us how to make it after a brief time-out. ♪ before it begins. get all-day and all-night heartburn acid prevention
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>> steve: you are going to want to make. this florida mom is going viral with her christmas tree appetizer made from chick-fil-a chicken nuggets. >> lawrence: her video has more than 1.1 million views. we thought we would give it a try. >> carley: here to show us how it's done florida mom and digital crater mackenzie behl. this is the first time chick-fil-a is going to be anywhere nearcally. near kale.tell us how to could .
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>> i'm so happy to be here creating chick-fil-a tree with you guys. >> brian: how? >> cone like structure are you making it with me. >> we sure are. >> steve: we lipped ahead a few steps. what we have done is taken the cone, we have wrapped it in the parchment paper like you suggested. and now we are in the process of attaching the kale on the outside of the tree. >> absolutely. okay. you guys are a little ahead of me. so i love that so perfect. you will wrap -- you will attach the kale with toothpicks around the tree. >> yep. >> take your chick-fil-a chicken nuggets. and you will start sticking them on the tree. >> steve: right. so on the toothpicks that are sticking out. we just secure them. we make chicken cabobs like that.
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>> absolutely. >> brian: you dick sporting goods where do you go? >> get them at a craft store. so you don't get all the chemicals on your food i wrap them in parchment paper first. i use kale to resemble the tree and then i did the chicken nuggets. i tree on my major go majorly viral prosecco grapes. strawberries. this chicken nugget tree. everyone loves chick if i play. >> how did you get this idea? >> great question. like i said. i had some other tree goes majorly viral on my page. this is loving this. structure. kids birthday party. i looked out chicken nuggets eating it. eat them lukewarm. warm. kid friendly tree. and that's how it all started. >> carley: so easy to do. >> do you put the chicken news
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in a pattern or scar ter them around the kale tree? >> i don't put them in a pattern, i scatter them around the kale tree. i got mine here. >> brian: as tinsel, you use this special sauce? is that what you do? >> lawrence: chick-fil-a sauce, brian. >> no you do not pour the sauce on the tree. i put them sauce in little bowls right on my platter right here. so people can remove the chicken nuggets. >> steve: mackenzie do you use hot nuggets these ones we have are chilled for handling purposes. what do you use? >> so what i did this morning, i took the nuggets that were -- i had them last night for my friends over at the chick-fil-a. i put them in the oven this morning because they g


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