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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  December 20, 2023 4:00am-5:00am PST

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in a pattern or scar ter them around the kale tree? >> i don't put them in a pattern, i scatter them around the kale tree. i got mine here. >> brian: as tinsel, you use this special sauce? is that what you do? >> lawrence: chick-fil-a sauce, brian. >> no you do not pour the sauce on the tree. i put them sauce in little bowls right on my platter right here. so people can remove the chicken nuggets. >> steve: mackenzie do you use hot nuggets these ones we have are chilled for handling purposes. what do you use? >> so what i did this morning, i took the nuggets that were -- i had them last night for my friends over at the chick-fil-a. i put them in the oven this morning because they gave me
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instructions to heat them up so they are warm. and then i put them -- >> steve: mackenzie before you go. i don't know if you have return video. which of these trees looks the most mackenzie like? >> i got to see them a little closer. >> steve: here is one. all right. and now here is the other one. >> brian: don't surprise if the first one is a little better. don't be afraid of hurting their feelings. >> carley: this is ours. >> i do like the first one a little more but i like carley's pants. >> lawrence: like carley's pants. if you are going to make this tree have some red pants. mackenzie. >> carley: i will contact you on instagram and tell you where i got them after the show. you are the best. >> steve: mackenzie if people want to follow you on instagram, where is whagedz.
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>> ima kenzi behl i share easy ideas that elevate your life. >> carley: this is great. >> brian: great tree and great pants. see you, mackenzie. >> bye. >> steve: the nuggets are delicious. hour two of "fox & friends" starts right now! ♪ >> we begin this hour with a fox state supreme court ruling violated the amendment because of january 6th. >> lawrence: peter doocy joins us from the white house for reaction: >> peter: this court ruled 4-3 that the majority believes former president trump violated section # of the 14th amendment which disqualifies candidates who engage in insurrection. >> the colorado supreme court
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confirmed that the district court got it right, that he did engage in insurrection. think section 3 of the 1st amendment has to apply to the presidency because, if not, it's a get out of jail free card. >> i think that the supreme court will make fast work of this theory. i hope it does. but i think this court, i think, did great damage to its own integrity with this opinion. >> the trump campaign says the colorado supreme court issued a completely flawed decision tonight and we will swiftly file an appeal to the united states supreme court and a concurrent request for a stay of this deeply undemocratic decision. and now, even some trump primary rivals are backing him up. >> we don't need to have judges making these decisions. we need voters to make these decisions. so i want to see this in the hands of the voters last thing
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we want is judges telling us who can and cannot be on the ballot. >> america is not a country where a small group of aristocrats. a small group of effectively monarchs decides who can and cannot corn in this country. that's not america. i stand strongly against that. >> peter: it's tough to win a primary if you are not on the ballot. it's not impossible. remember, joe biden not going to be on the ballot in new hampshire by choice because he wants south carolina to be his 2024 debut. but he does have allies launching a write-in campaign there. back to you. >> brian: hey, peter, has there been a comment from the white house on this? >> not yet. the first chance we are going to have to hear from the president himself would be at about 10:30 this morning when he heads out to the helicopter to fly to wisconsin and then there is going to be a briefing with karine jean-pierre on board air force one this morning. >> steve: speaking of the helicopter, peter, you were out watching the president get off
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the helicopter yesterday, and you are the one who broke the news that there was somebody on the chopper who wasn't on the list. >> yes. hunter biden for the first time since he defied a congressional subpoena and since he was indicted against in los angeles. and it's not like they were trying to sneak him in because there was a press corps there; however, he was not on the official list of travelers that we were given, that we're always given of who is flying with the president. and the white house says that it's just their standard protocol because he is a member of the family. so they say they are not going to change things. >> steve: so hunter is hiding -- hunter biden is hiding at the white house? >> peter: i don't know if he is still here. but it would be a great place to lay low if somebody was going to come and try to stick a microphone in your face or like serve you a subpoena. >> steve: good point. >> lawrence: thanks, peter. >> brian: you got to figure with all of these challenges one of them was going to get through.
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so many states have challenges to saying that donald trump shouldn't be on the ballot because of the insurrection, which dates back to the civil war. and the insurrection, crazy thing is has not been charged by even jack smith, the most aggressive prosecutor maybe in the world who is fresh off a stint at the hague. known for overcharging. even if he did get charged with insurrection, where's the due process? he has not been convicted of anything. so let's preemptively knock him off. >> lawrence: if you read the opinion though, they use the january 6th documents and the report there as a basis for this. and, of course, donald trump's team in the middle of this said look, how can you use this when there was really no republicans on there, and the two republicans that were on there, didn't like me. the court says we found it to be credible. we thought that it was a fair report. of course. there was no one there to challenge the point of view, but this goes back to your point, brian, the president was in charge. so, if he hasn't been charged.
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how do you use this as a basis? >> steve: i think part of it goes to the very core of what they are suggesting. because they are using section 3 of the 14th amendment that disqualifies people who engage in insurrection against the constitution. here's the thing. this has never within determined before. this is essentially a novel, legal, and constitutional question. there is no clear precedent for it. the question is does section 3 apply to the presidency? if you look at section 3, it lists several offices but it does not list the presidency. because the president's oath is different. and so, that essentially -- this could be really easy for the u.s. supreme court which, of course now, does tilt heavily to the conservative side. but, that particular part of the law that they are citing does not pertain, you know, in 100 percent way to the presidency. so it would be easy for them to
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kick did out. >> carley: that part remains open question. we spoke to a great guest last hour and asked if he thought that donald trump incited an insurrection and if section 3 would pertain to this case. he says that was written post civil war. and so really what they are doing is talking about, you know, raising armies and blood in the streets and does what donald trump did and what the january 6th rioters did, does that compare to the confederacy rising up against the government during the civil war? this was a 3 to 4 ruling. four justices voted in favor, three against. each one of them gave their own different dissenting opinion. i want to read one of them. this is from colorado supreme court justice carlos sam hour. he said because most other states don't have the election code provision we do that in turn will inevitably lead to the
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disqualification of president trump from the presidential primary ballot in less than all 50 states thereby risking chaos in the country. this can't possibly be the outcome the framers intended they all dissented on procedural grounds. they all agreed. essentially said the supreme court of colorado was overstepping its authority. next up the supreme court. >> lawrence: just to put a button on it, i hope they are making donald trump's case. he said legal system, two tiered justice system trying to take people's votes away. and they are essentially doing it right now before our eyes. >> steve: he is already fundraising off of it already working for him at this stage. >> brian: everything makes him stronger. all seven were democrats. five were put by hickenlooper when he was governor. i hope the supreme court will make a decision and wipe out all these cases the drama that goes up and down with each one of these decisions depending on their makeup. is he not going to win colorado
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anyway. what's the big deal? down ticket. all of a sudden if you don't have a president to vote for. if you are a republican and you go i'm not even showing up. hurt the down ticket downside of the ticket. >> steve: let's see what happens. could impact all 50 states. meanwhile switching gears at 7:10 here in the east. border patrol sources confirming more than 12,000 migrants were encountered near the southern border this past monday. that is a single day record. congratulations, america. >> brian: are no sign of the surge slowing down. customs and border patrol protection calling in reinforcements. now they are using the federal bureau of prisons and using some of those buses and vans. >> carley: griff jenkins was just at the border last week and he joins us live from washington with the very latest. hi, griff. >> griff: good morning, guys. the thing most important is the country has never faced anything like this from eagle pass, texas to lukeville, arizona. separated by a thousand miles, migrants from nearly 30 countries which included by the way lebanon, bangladesh, guinea,
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angola and china, overrunning our border. overwhelming border patrol agents leaving texas officers helpless. hoping razor wire is going to stop them. fox news by the way just learning this morning that so far this month more than 190,000 apprehensions with 11 more days to go. it cops after you mentioned monday's daily record set with 12,600. and they are still trying to process the remnants of this group of 4500 migrants crossing. they already had 5300 already in custody. at a facility that is 260% over capacity. it's gotten so bad the federal bureau of prisons personnel being sent in to, quote: provide limited transportation resources to assist border patrol on the southwest border. meanwhile, cbp commissioner troy miller releasing a statement saying the encounter levels we are currently seeing across the southwest border are presenting
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a serious challenge to the men and women of cbp to meet this challenge we are using available resources to ensure the safety and security of our agents and officers and the migrants who are often misled and victimized by the transnational criminal organizations. finally, jewels for the big perspective, the data on the economic front, the impact of this crisis, the new report from the center on immigration studies shows that nearly three in five illegal alien households are on taxpayer funded welfare support. guys? >> lawrence: griff, they are using the federal bureau of prisons and using the personnel, should we expect these people to be transported to the federal bureau of prisons as well? >> i highly doubt that. i can't rule it outment, i suppose. i will ask questions. it's a great question, lawrence. because the problem of with all these numbers these high numbers coming, it's because the numbers that are being released. remember, we reported last week as many as 5,000 a day are getting released, that's fueling these high numbers. and because of current
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facilities for ice, which is where border patrol hands are full. they have to release people. perhaps the federal prison would be an option. but i don't think that's on the table right now. >> steve: stress that number three in five illegal migrant households are on taxpayer-funded welfare. that's something they don't talk about at the white house. >> lawrence: couldn't get any better. >> brian: no, give them three meals a day they throw out most of them. isn't that great? >> steve: they don't like them. >> brian: don't like the food just toss them. i'm sorry, we should give them a menu. it's our fault. >> steve: how about a infantry that that. >> i can't spell it but pronounce it. a little too left a new study finds kids from conservative households lower risk for mental illness. the impact on mental health ahead. >> carley: clock is ticking get your hands on apple watch as fight claims of patten infringement. >> steve: just as we are getting into the thick of holiday
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travels no more lectures because of self-screening. >> lawrence: is it too good to be true? kurt the cyberguy has the answer next ♪ eligible ♪ and i was done settling. if you still have symptoms after a tnf blocker like humira or enbrel, rinvoq is different and may help. rinvoq is a once-daily pill that can rapidly relieve joint pain, stiffness, and swelling in ra and psa. relieve fatigue for some... and stop joint damage. and in psa, can leave skin clear or almost clear. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal;
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>> lawrence: back with a fox news alert. a philadelphia local news chopper crashing in southern new jersey last night, killing both the pilot and recover from on board. action news chopper 6 went down in a wooded area about 35 miles southeast of philadelphia. officials brought in heavy machinery in order to gain access to the densely wooded area. it's unclear what caused the crash. but the faa has been notified. and will be launching an investigation. this just in. the biden administration announcing it will spend $600 million to fund thousands of environmental justice projects. that makes it the largest climate investment in u.s. history. 11 grant maker also receive the funds to push biden's green agenda. according to the white house, those funds will be available by next summer. wow. we need that, huh? tomi devito making peace with
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the new jersey pizza owner yesterday after disagreement over an appearance fee. the giants quarterback also known as tomi cutlets was supposed to verify the restaurants to sign autographs canceled after devito's agent tried to double the fee from 10,000 to 20,000 luckily tommy and the restaurant were able to cut a deal. devito made a brief stop at the pie shop. supposed to return to work behind the counter and hang out with fans. i'm glad they were able to work that out. those are your headlines. >> steve: tommy cutlets. lawrence, thank you very much. it's timing to break down all the latest in tech news this week and that's why i'm here at the special touch screen. i just touched it airport security line getting a revamp. tsa is rolling out a self-screening security check point for prechecked passengers at the airport in las vegas kurt
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the cyberguy joins us with his take. how would this work where you self-screen? >> well, it would be like this. it would be like going to an atm machine or any other kiosk like a self-checkout we were talking about earlier in the week. at the airport, good morning to you, steve. called screening at speed program at the tsa more of a exception mode where they are standing around. but you really do all the work they are going to be testing these concepts. one of them is interesting. put your bag in either on conveyor belt or inside of a pod and moves on. as you are doing that, it's actually screening you. it's noticing what you are pulling out of your pockets. it's scanning your body. you just keep walking. there is not that moment to even wait. so you can imagine the speed increases that are possible at the airport. the question really remains and
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we'll be watching this very closely. does it really catch what it is that we are worried about when passengers show up at the airport with bad intentions? >> >> steve: okay. next up, bad apple. on my apple watch, just moments ago. i did my blood oxygen because it does not do blood alcohol at this point. blood oxygen said i'm 95%. this is a big problem for apple. going to stop selling a couple of them did they steal somebody's technology? >> they would say so no. mossimo. if you are admitted and put that thing on your financing tore measure the oxygen in your blood. that is likely made by mossimo. those are the people that have that monitor. they filed some patents. apparently apple says after apple came out with this technology, and they don't think that's very fair. so there's this big dispute
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going on. what has happened is that apple has actually taken these two latest apple watches off the market effective tomorrow. if you want the ultra 2 latest greatest apple watch or series 9, the latest regular apple watch, today is your last day. they will stop selling them tomorrow. and then interestingly, president biden sits with a decision of whether they will be able to restart these sales effective december 25th is the deadline where he can say okay, i will let that happen look who is on the board? vice president gore. what have those back channel calls been like? i have tried to push on apple. i have tried to push the white house. i haven't heard any background on are whether or not they have actually been in discussions but certainly apple hopes that will happen they are working on a technical solution. they will realign it so they might be able to regain those sales either.
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>> steve: you haven't heard from the white house. i will have peter doocy yell at the president. maybe he can get an answer. kurt i sent him an email. >> steve: smart carts. finally a.i., rather than killing off humanity, is going to help the people at instacart and amazon shop smarter? kurt kurt this is wild am zahn and instacart bought one of these shopping cart technologies. it's physical shopping. not online. go to the store, mainly grocery stores and the cart itself has a display on it. as you put groceries in it it's calculating how much you are spending. if you are on a tight budget you say i don't want to go over # hundred. it's going to measure it. you never check out at a checker pause you have associated your credit card with that cart. and it will be the future, undoubtedly keep your eye on this for '24. by the way tracking two stories this morning also in uptick in a russian malware attack and also holiday shopping scams for shipping notifications. be on the lookout. >> steve: all right.
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check it all out. go to cyberguy cyber look at that i made my own graphic. >> kurt: merry christmas. >> steve: coming up. new china's wuhan lab. a live report what it means what it means for lab leak theory. plus, every parent's worst fear. can you breathe? breathe. breathe. >> steve: the inventor of that device that saved that little girl's life next up on "fox & friends." i couldn't get my hair done. my psoriasis was all over. then my joints started hurting,
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>> carley: eye opening new report plans to create a covid like china years before the deadly 2020 pandemic. todd piro joins us live with all the details. hi, todd. >> todd: that report shows that ecohealth alliance, remember them, new york based nonprofit that uses government funds, your taxpayer dollars to conduct medical experiments essentially laid out the blueprint to create a covid like virus in a 2018 proposal to the defense department: now, according to the proposal. professor would lead a team to create a transmittible disease and use drugs and vaccines to treat it. she is known as the quote bat lady for her experiments on bat coronavirus at the wuhan institute of virology. scientists at the facility would then reverse engineer spike proteins and synthesize them to become easier to transmit to humans. they would then attach those
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proteins to coronavirus strains and infect mice to see how ill they would get. the documents also revealing the wuhan lab was specifically proposed as the test site with scientists telling the defense department it would cut down on costs. they did not reveal the lack of safety precautions at that lab. now, a member of the team even wrote that u.s. researchers would, quote, freak out if they knew the lab did not have the proper safety precautions for testing coronavirus. the defense department ultimately denied the proposal but, brian, it begs the question why are we doing this kind of research in the first place? >> brian: i know. we are still trying to get to the bottom of that thanks, todd. let's change gears. one simple handheld device, having a huge impact. lifevac is credited with saving over 1,000 children from choking and this one was caught on camera. let's watch. >> can you breathe? cough it up. cough it up. [screams] [crying]
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can you breathe? can you breathe? can you breathe? breathe. breathe. >> brian: wow. it's tough for you to see that arthur lee is the inventor and ceo of lifevac and joins us now. because of the advent of the ring doorbell with cameras everywhere. we are seeing lives saved with your device, arthur. what is that like seeing that? >> that's powerful. especially around christmas, man. we got a thousand kids celebrate christmas tomorrow. going to wake up and go instead of going to a grave. i watch that, and that child that pulled the little piece of foam off a brush. they can choke on anything. and, like you said, we are capturing it now more and more. you watch that, it hits you. it hits me because that's a thousand children that are now going to celebrate christmas tomorrow. >> brian: i have seen them
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life-saving event. catching up in terms of saves. see the families toke older younger and younger brother that wouldn't be here. during the holidays, especially, that's when kids, playing with kids, they pick up stuff in their mouth. and what do you see at lifevac headquarters? >> well, because what we see is we have seen legos. we have seen pieces of plastic, like the general public and it's good. cut the grapes and hot dogs. christmas see things on the floor and pick up everything. we have pulled out everything from a strudel wrapper to a leaf to a piece of foam brush. and the holidays busy, things are flying around. the kids are going to pick something up. it just doesn't have to happen. >> brian: say to myself it reminds me of a fire extinguisher. i have never had a kitchen fire. no one choked in your house yet. can you imagine if you decided to wait to get it. >> i don't want to imagine that. you got four minutes.
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at least with a fire you could run out. let your house run. you have four minutes. without air you die. average response time is seven minutes. and we don't have to have a choking death. one child every five days. 5,000 people a year. you just saw it. that child is still here. >> brian: show me how it would happen. it's in my house, there is an incident. >> it's as simple as place push pull. and that pulls the object out. and the beauty and the work and the effort was to make something that simple just push it down. give it a tug and you save a life. >> brian: you just came up with this in your garage. got all the clearances and got this approved. how many have you sold? how many lives have been saved? >> we have sold about 3 million all over the world. we have saved lives in 21 countries. and we have saved 1,000 children and almost 2,000 lives. >> what does that feel like for you? >> it's very emotional because like, you know, i have had sudden loss. and it doesn't have to happen.
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when i see these kids at that event playing, three of them, playing together and then picturing them nothing there, it's like christmas story, christmas k5eur8 they are gone. they are not. think of it tomorrow a thousand kids, because of this simple thing, are going to go down and get their presents. >> brian: how tortured if they ever the one that left something out that put in their mouth. >> a sibling gives it to you. gives you candy. >> brian: making a difference every day. congratulations on another milestone. not just for little kids. it's for seniors, especially when you struggle. >> adult mask. save yourself and you go now, we can still get it to you by christmas. >> brian: will schools reach out and contact you will send one to all the schools. >> free. >> brian: you are tired of seeing people die. >> arthur lee inventor of lifevac, business stories where everyone wins. thanks so much, arthur. >> you are the best. fox has saved some keep going, buddy. >> brian: thanks so much,
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arthur. meanwhile fox news alert colorado kicked trump off ballot for now. francey headaches. volcano still erupting as experts say it could go on for months. we will explain this graphic. why my treemendous mistake and how my wife saved christmas. who saves christmas at your house? that story, next. ♪ jingle bells ring ♪ snowing and bushels of fun ♪ now the jingle hop has begun ♪ jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle bell rocky, ♪ y jingle bell for long-lasting cough and sore throat relief. chime
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>> carley: fox news alert. shocking ruling banning trump from the state's 2024 primary ballot. critics warn this sets a dangerous precedent as similar cases are pending in more than a dozen states. our next guest says this ruling should shock the conscience of every american. former federal prosecutor francey hakes joins us now. good morning to you. tell us more about how you feel about this. >> well, you know, carley, it really is a shocking opinion. i read it. it is a couple hundred pages of hot garbage.
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there is simply no defense for this anywhere in the constitution. in fact, what these four unelected judges in colorado have done for the rest of the 300 and some odd millions of us in the country has decided, are without a trial, without a jury, without any due process, that former president trump committed a crime. that is insurrection. which is akin to treason, which carries a very heavy, substantial criminal penalty. they have decided, these four, that he committed this crime and should, therefore, be left off the ballot because of the 1st amendment that was passed in the wake of the civil war, carley. it isn't even applicable. it's never been applied before and it is a shocking decision on their part. >> carley: couple hundreds pages of hot garbage is certainly a quote to be clipped for the record books. there are definitely people who agree with you on that. and one of the reasons why is that, you know, by saying that trump can't appear on the primary ballot, these judges,
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aren't they in effect putting their thumb on the scale and impacting the election results all the while accusing the former president of inciting an insurrection to impact the election results? so what about that part? >> well, the ultimate irony here, carley, is that they accuse president trump of an insurrection. they say he is a danger to democracy. when, in fact, it is decisions like this that pose the greatest risk of all time to our democracy. when you take a law, that was passed 150 years ago, in response to the civil war, for men who were raising literally armies of armed people and rebelling against the lawful governing of the united states and equating that to trump making a speech on the ellipse on january 6th. it really flies in the face of all constitutional construction and all core principles and all notions of fairness and due process in this country.
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>> carley: what is the supreme court going to do? they have until january 5 to it decide whether or not to take this case. >> i think they will take the case. this is the actual kind of case the supreme court was designed for. it is about a federal constitutional question. it is directly from a state supreme court. and it is about a federal election. so it is right in their wheelhouse. i suspect that they will take the case quickly. they may very well rule quickly and hand down an opinion that says the presidency is exempted from the insurrection clause. but, frankly, carley, i hope they reach the merits of this. i hope they go all the way and tell everyone that this is not how you run elections or a country. >> carley: what the supreme court decides could impact the other states who have pending cases of a similar nature. so, we are rolling in hot into 2024. francey hakes, thank you so much for joining us. thank you for your perspective, always. >> thank you, carley. >> carley: steve, over to you. >> steve: thank you carley very much. we have headlines and start with a fox weather alert.
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actually not so much weather as it is about a volcano and lava gushing from that volcanic eruption going on right now in iceland. experts now warning the imagine that, the hot lava stuff hot stf could be flowing for months. smoke and ash fill the area. monday night's eruption comes weeks after earthquakes. it is the fourth and largest eruption in the region of iceland since 2021. meanwhile, a new study finds children from conservative households are at a lower risk for mental illness. researchers found 77% of kids raised with conservative or very conservative parents claim to have good or excellent mental health, that is compared to 55% among liberal households. you can read all about it. >> brian: it was a big story that happened yesterday. i don't like to relive this moment. but i think it's important for
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the audience who might have been busy during our show. >> steve: a flashback. >> brian: talking about christmas trees. i have been away for four or five days and i'm realizing i'm the only one who waters the tree. this is how it went down. >> brian: just reminded me no one has watered my tree in i don't think two weeks. i just realized that. >> carley: your tree is about to look like that. >> brian: if anybody suspect right now somebody water the tree. >> carley: get the watering can. >> brian: dawn wrote me and she has been watering the tree. >> carley: what did she say? >> brian: she said i'm watering the tree, thank you. and, basically, don't overstate your usefulness. that's what i read between the lines. but, you know, i do feel as though i add the prolong. i sit there i'm all the way down and pouring what is from a -- we boil tea in, and i pour it into the. >> steve: kettle? just use a water bottle.
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>> brian: imront to use good. >> steve: when your spring bottle is empty put water in it. >> brian: that would be a good idea too. >> steve: that's what we did before we went to electric. >> lawrence: you fired off a shot. you secretary of defense you were the only one watering the tree. that wasn't true. i think dawn has been watering the tree all along. >> your tree may be overwatered, actually. >> lawrence: overwatering the tree that's what has been happening. >> brian: i do feel when i go to the tree emergency situation. all of a sudden i will see nothing there at all. i'm wondering could this be the day we lose it entirely? and then i just feel as though i didn't give anyone instructions. >> steve: brian, i think the larger issue is maybe you and dawn should talk from time to time. hey, i have been gone for five days what is happening? >> carley: treemendous neglect. >> brian: snow storms they want to see her on set and she has to shovel. >> steve: what snow storm. we haven't had a snow storm in
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three years. >> brian: that's why dawn has been off for two years. she hasn't been training. we will see if this is the year. bigger than the kilmeade >> steve: who waters the tree? >> brian: was that the transition. >> steve: brian, you have made the perfect case for people getting artificial tree. >> brian: who waters the tree in your house have you quit and gotten an artificial tree? >> carley: first year first of all that i have had a christmas tree because this is the first year my husband and i were in the same apartment. look at the tree. i got it on amazon. it's so sad. >> steve: is that a real tree? >> carley: it's fake. >> brian: you 7'7". >> carley: that is so-to-scale. how small the tree is it was going to look like one of the studio tries. beautiful. >> brian: whole point of the segment is write us and tell us who waters your tree and how you take care of it. watering schedule or do you just
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do what steve does and get artificial. >> carley: artificial or real. >> steve: if my wife is watching right now. do not water the tree because you will get electrocuted. >> carley: it's fake. >> brian: that's good. >> steve: there for a second i was just channeling regis philbin. >> brian: i miss him by the way. write us and let us know what you think. >> lawrence: how do i transition this. >> steve: just read that. it just says tease. >> brian: just participate in our show and now you can take it away. >> lawrence: thanks, brian. [laughter] biden's crisis at the border becoming everyone's problem at the federal bureau of prisons now being tasked with migrant transportation that's still ahead. >> carley: plus our 12 days of giving continues with the wounded warriors project you know them, you love them. the kingston family tells us their incredible story of recovery coming up next. >> brian: general lendington, too. ♪
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>> carley: live today on fox 1:45 p.m. eastern, the president will tout his bidenomics agenda to the swing state of wisconsin. at 2:00, vice president kamala harris will chair the u.s. space
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council and the undocking of the spacecraft from the international space station. we will bring it to you live. and opening commercial air space to holiday traffic to keep traffic moving. thousands waking up without power in maine and massachusetts. check in with meteorologist adam klotz for the fox weather forecast. >> adam: the skies look pretty good, mostly clear conditions. only spot you are paying attention to and worried about is west coast. yellows mean we could see a slow down. storms coming up along the west coast, that storm system, pay attention, if you live in southern california, you could see pretty decent storms coming.
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this is a flood watch currently across areas of los angeles down to san diego. you could see three to five inches of rain. those are weather headline and now tossing it 12 inches to my right to lawrence. thanks. this morning we continue 12 days of giving with wounded warriors project, organization helps injured injured army veterans like kensington. wounded warrior project has been with him. retired general linnington and his wife, both army veterans and their children ireland and chloe. general, take it away, been a fan of your organization for a
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while. how are you guys able to do this? >> we do it out of generosity of american people that support us. those who serve since 9/11, 7000 made ultimate sacrifice and many have invisible injuries. the kensington family. they give back temperature is about reconnecting, about purpose and about military family and holidays are about families, make no mistake about that. >> lawrence: thank you for your service to our country. how did this change your life? >> my husband was deployed twice. we came back and left the military, there was a big transition process and wounded warrior was there to upon had us
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move from military life to civilian life. we've done a lot of different activities and reconnected with people just like us. >> lawrence: i spend so much time with veterans and i've seen first-hand the transition period. a lot of people don't know what it means to serve, there is a big transition going back into civilian life. what does the day-to-day look like? >> it is difficult, in the military, you have crazy experiences no one can really understand and you build this family with your service members and their families. when you leave, you need to reconnect and build the same bonds after the service. >> lawrence: how can we support special help the next veteran family? >> fox has been huge supporters,
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tim and i were talking a couple years ago here and first event 2004. go to wound warrior, reconnect with other organizations in your community, find ways to give back and for 25 cities we have a full-time presence, we're in hundreds of cities. if you are a veteran today sitting in isolation and not taking advantage of the opportunities, please get involved. isolation is a killer, lawrence, as you have seen first-hand. reconnect with a tribe through wounded warrior. >> lawrence: i know your term is coming to an end at wounded warriors. you took on the challenge and represented the oergsz organization so well. guys, make sure to go to wounded warriors to donate


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