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tv   America Reports  FOX News  December 20, 2023 11:00am-12:00pm PST

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apprehended and if you are, the penalties are much less severe. >> in san francisco, police started getting aggressive, they have a special unit doing what they call blitz operations, and so far they have made 300 arrests over month actions. in seattle where police staffing is still a big problem, the businesses and their associations are flooding the city with private security guards, both armed and unarmed. it's very expensive, costing millions of dollars and also changes the experience for regular shoppers. many retailers are locking up much of their merchandise. at t-mobile, every display item locked with the inventory in the back room safe. law enforcement is also getting involved. washington state now has a new organized retail crime task force run by the attorney general. >> we have actually now got resources, we have prosecutors and investigators in my office who work with local prosecutors and can charge these cases. >> unfortunately this progress
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is not being made everywhere. we are seeing crime overall, retail theft overall up across the country and especially in new york city, los angeles, and even dallas. >> john: prosecuting shoplifting, what a novel concept. dan, thank you. >> israel is ready for another humanitarian pause and additional humanitarian aid. >> the problem was and has been and remains hamas. the question is whether they are willing to resume this effort. >> john: big news out of israel, suggesting they are open to a temporary ceasefire with hamas in order to free more than 100 people still held hostage. no word on whether the terrorist group will return to the negotiating table. >> sandra: and while fierce battles rage up and down the gaza strip, the u.s. is urging
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israel for a more targeted approach to spare civilian lives. netanyahu says the idf will keep on with its operation to eliminate the terrorist group. >> john: so begins hour two, john roberts in washington. good to be back with you again, sandra. >> sandra: with you as well. i'm sandra smith. the war taking a devastating toll on children. in gaza, tens of thousands of kids are displaced from their homes and schools trying to survive in a war zone. and in israel, we are learning more about the children who hamas held hostage. "wall street journal" reporting on the psychological scars engrained on the kids for years to come. >> john: one israeli doctor tells the journal that a young girl began mimicking the men who held her captive, shouting shut up, sit down, don't make any noise, in arabic. another says the kids "looked like shadows of children." >> sandra: trey yingst has been covering the war since it began. he just got back from touring
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one of the israeli towns hardest hit, where hamas launched its deadly assault, claiming the lives of more than 100 people and taking dozens hostage. >> john: trey joins us now live, what is life like in the kibbutz these days? >> trey: good afternoon. we just returned from the kibbutz, 75 days after the massacre, we were joined by survivors of that attack, and it was emotional day for so many in southern israel. often times going to their homes for the first time since that tragic moment in early october. an 18-year-old was visiting his girlfriend that day, he talked about the psychological terror that he ensued and experienced after being taken into gaza by hamas fighters. also another young girl talking about her father who is still held inside the strip. here is a brief look at our visit this afternoon.
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>> more than 70 days after we first arrived in kibbutz be' rei, we have returned to speak with survivors of the horrific october 7th attack. those like ella, whose parents were kidnapped and held hostage by hamas. her mother was released last month as part of a late november ceasefire deal. her father ohad remains in gaza. >> i can't describe what i am feeling, my heart is broken, so many pieces. it will never be whole again because every piece is a piece i lost here. >> trey: the 23-year-old and her sister returned today, where they once again called for their father to be released. >> until my dad wouldn't come back, we are still living the 7 of october. >> trey: destruction and smell still remain today. 71 days after we first visited that kibbutz when we were there just after the massacre took
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place. there were bodies strewn throughout the area. much of the neighborhood has been cleaned up. more than 1,000 residents lived there before. only a few remain today, but we are told by local residents they are determined to return to their homes. will not let hamas win this battle. john, sandra. >> john: so, on that point, trey, if israel does not destroy hamas, if israel were to give in to international calls for a ceasefire and leave hamas in place in gaza, would the folks going back to places like kibbutz be'rei and nir oz and others, would they ever feel safe? >> trey: they wouldn't, and part of what the young girl told us, she was out of control that day. had no ability to protect her family and you hear this from loved ones who watched their family members dragged into gaza by hamas, and there is an effort by israeli leadership, including prime minister benjamin netanyahu to destroy hamas for
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that reason. you talk about some of these other communities, nir oz, following the example of 79-year-old man who is still held by hamas in gaza. a hostage video featuring him and with his granddaughter in tel aviv and she burst into tears as she watched the video. the families want to return home but have to get their loved ones back first, and part of what is taking place today. we understand the leader of hamas traveled with doha, meeting with egyptian negotiator, but the israelis will continue their efforts against hamas leadership inside gaza until the organization at least in the strip is destroyed. >> sandra: and trey, just remarkable to note that we are just now learning about these individual stories of these hostages, including children, who were taken into captivity and just the awful, brutal things we are learning about their time and some of the
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things that were done and said and this is just the most awful part of war and time will tell as far as the stories that we will hear from those hostages. >> trey: absolutely, and the israelis continue to interrogate hamas fighters they captured or even arrested inside gaza as they operate in the northern and southern part of the strip. hamas elite force was conducting many of the attacks, and you see in this neighborhood, kibbutz be'rei, this was a quiet community known for a printing press and turned into a killing field on october 7th. john, sandra. >> sandra: just so difficult every single story that we have heard, trey yingst, thank you for telling all the stories and your continued reporting from there. thank you. >> john: great work. thanks, trey. >> is trump an insurrectionist, sir?
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>> i think it's self-evident. you saw it all. whether the 14th amendment applies the court will make that decision. no question about it, none, 0, and seems to be doubling down on everything. >> john: president biden weighing in on donald trump but not on the colorado supreme court decision to boot the former president from the republican primary ballot. the court deciding that former president trump violated the 14th amendment by inciting an insurrection. bret tollman, good to see you. so, looks like donald trump is going to be asking for an expedited hearing on this at the supreme court of the united states, just down the street a little bit. do you expect scotus will take it up? >> john, sandra, thanks for having me on. i think it's important for us to back up a little bit first because if i've ever read an opinion where the authors of the opinion were almost apologizing
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for their bad legal take, this is that opinion. in essence, they said we are going to boot him off of the ballot but we are instructing the state to keep him on the ballot until january 4th and to keep him on if he files an appeal, and to keep him on until the supreme court decides. well, if the supreme court takes it, and decides, they are going to decide in favor of president trump. this clause is very plain and it is you have to engage in insurrection, there is no finding, no case that has found that donald trump engaged in the insurrection. so, it's going to be one of those moments where i think the supreme court says yeah, we are going to have to quickly decide this, and they will do so. >> john: just to help folks at home understand 14, i have the 14th amendment in front of me, it basically says no person shall hold any office civil or military under the united states
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who having previously taken an oath as an officer of the united states to support the constitution of the united states shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. this is a civil war era amendment to prevent c confederates from gaining power again. how is this applicable in 2023? >> i'm glad you highlighted that, this is a specific part put into the 14th amendment, individuals to take up arms against the united states, against those that had formed the government and were -- authorized to serve in those positions so you nailed it. and that's the problem with the court's decision and colorado i think this is a stunt and i think it's an opportunity for them to do what they -- many of
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their backers hoped that would happen on the left, but i think the supreme court is needed more now than ever. >> john: so the colorado republican party says that if the supreme court for some reason didn't rule in favor of donald trump that it would move to a caucus process instead of a primary, which it used to have as a matter of fact. but that might work for colorado. but there's 15 other states here that either have cases in the works or pending. what could this mean for those states? >> yeah, this has to be something that the supreme court very quickly, decisively puts down. you know, it would be one thing if you had donald trump with weapons in hand and leading a surge of individuals trying to overthrow, you know, the power seat in this country. that's not what happened. those aren't the facts. we can't make up the facts and we certainly can't apply parts of the constitution without a factual basis that would
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eliminate and disenfranchise voters in the country. >> john: we'll see if scotus takes this up. thank you. >> sandra: the northeast dealing with impacts of monday's powerful storm as many gear up for christmas. will it cause chaos for your holiday travel? >> john: and president biden in milwaukee once again making the push for bidenomics, but voters say his policies are not working for them and instead are hurting them. so, why isn't the white house listening to voters? jason chaffetz standing by next. >> people believe the federal reserve is working for wall street and not the interests. and the transitory mistake, this might be a far worse mistake. this is a hot flash. this is a hot flash.
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>> sandra: a live look in iowa and new hampshire where two gop presidential candidates are on the trail just weeks away from the first primary. can you believe it? it comes as the front-runner, former president donald trump was banned from colorado's primary ballot, that happened last evening. will this set a precedent for other states to follow suit? let's ask jason chaffetz. feel free to answer that question. see it from other states? >> jason: go ahead, democrats, you keep stepping on your own story. you say and telling us that republicans and donald trump, that they are going to use their power to go after their political opponents and that's what joe biden is doing. they keep telling people the economy will be worse but the economy is worse under joe
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biden. they keep saying that donald trump would start wars, and what happened under joe biden, we got more wars. and so if you are going to try to take him off the ballot for something he's never been charged with let alone been convicted of, and you are going to say that hey, we, as democrats are here to save democracy and you won't even allow your opponent on ballot, guess what. independents and people prone to vote for republicans are looking at republicans. up and down ballot. you are doing more to help the republican party than the republicans could do themselves. >> sandra: that may be the case. 2024 candidates, they acted to the trump colorado decision, what they are saying on the trail. >> we don't need judges making the decisions we need voters to make the decisions. so i want to see it in the hands of the voters. >> if they are not going to run a free and fair election from colorado, i'll remove myself
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from the primary ballot too and call on every other republican to do the same thing. >> i do not believe donald trump should be prevented from being president of the united states by any court. >> i expect it to be reversed by the supreme court. >> sandra: seems only fueling the fire for the gop. meanwhile, ask you about some of the other key states we'll be watching, georgia one of them. "new york times" on biden's problems in that state, why biden could lose georgia next year, jason, reads far from the hustle of modern atlanta and rapidly growing suburbs, rural land, shuttered swimming pools, under funded black colleges and american promises ever deferred. many voters tell me they have seen and heard nothing to suggest the democratic party understands their problems. committed to improving their lives or even cares about them at all. and maybe that's not just a georgia problem, maybe that
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could be a problem all over the country right now, jason. >> jason: a few things happening. you have the four presidential republican candidates and donald trump talking about fairness. principled adults in the room. i've never met anybody who says oh, my gosh, i am so proud of joe biden, i can't wait to do this. you know, i know he just told us that he never ever had any of his family members make any money from china and every story out there is about how their family is enriching themselves in china. people don't say oh, joe, we need joe. so few and far between and not independents and you have to drive across the country, you don't see joe biden and certainly not kamala harris signs out there. there is a total lack of enthusiasm, even on the democratic side of the aisle. >> sandra: he surely seems to be
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hurting with some of them. charles payne joined us ahead of the president's remarks in milwaukee last hour, the president just spoke from wisconsin, doubling down on bidenomics saying this is working for the american people. charles payne said this. >> he's going to go black people have had more jobs now than ever before. a job doesn't matter if you can barely pay your bills, right. if i get a low paying job don't tell me i'm doing great and i think that's where he's going to make his mistake. >> sandra: the president is touting jobs growth, but to charles' point, if you can afford less on the dollar you are making, are you really feeling great about this president's policies? >> yeah, this is the problem for joe biden and kamala harris. it's about safety. i think it's safety in your wallet, can you afford more or afford less under joe biden and kamala harris. i think the crime in our streets and how so many people in urban
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areas don't feel safe. our border is not safe. internationally, we have all the wars going on. none of that happened under donald trump so they can continue to try to demonize donald trump, whether hispanic americans or asian americans or black americans, pick any demographic you want, you will see they know their money is worth less than it was just three years ago under donald trump. they get it. >> sandra: jason, always good to have you on and happy holidays to your family. >> jason: thank you, merry christmas. >> john: hunter biden was caught taking a ride on marine one but his name was not on the visitor log. jordan joins us next on another headache for the white house, the biden impeachment inquiry. >> sandra: plus, new polling shows voters are increasingly concerned about images like this coming from our southern border.
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what seems to be an endless flow of migrants on a daily basis. so, will this cause democrats to finally wake up to what is happening there? >> i visited a facility earlier today that has a max capacity of 1,000 people. in there was nearly 6,000. i mean, the numbers -- i've never seen it this bad. rs are cg newday to pay off credit card debt that's been piling up. many were shocked to learn they've been paying 22% on their credit card balances. and if payments were late, as much as 30%. that's over three times the interest rate on a newday 100 va home loan. pay off high rate credit cards and other debt with a lower rate newday home loan. you can save $500 every month.
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>> david: it does not seem so. president biden and his son hunter are close, it's not unusual for a father and son to be close. but what makes things a little more interesting and perhaps more difficult for the president is the fact that hunter biden is twice indicted federally and he's also skipping out on a subpoena in congress that can complicate things for the white house. the president says he loves his son, travelling on marine one, getting off with the hat in the back. the white house left his name off the manifest it releases of those travelling with the president. >> will the white house announce hunter biden's presence on marine one moving forward? >> that's something that we have never done. this is the family, the family gets to travel with the president and that's been the case with every other president. >> david: on monday, hunter joined his dad at church in delaware to honor his late
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mother, the first wife to the president, she and his infant sister naomi were tragically killed in a car accident in 1972, he and his brother beau were in the car but survived. washington post reports the president's brother james biden, you see him there, used his last name to wield power and influence, and that james biden did not provide services to a healthcare company despite gets $600,000 loan from them on the premise they could bring in funding from the middle east. he was supposed to speak a couple weeks ago to congress but looks like it has been pushed obviously until at least the early part of the new year because congress is out right now. sandra. >> sandra: ok, david spunt live outside the white house. thank you.
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john. >> john: bring in house judiciary chairman jim jordan, you probably heard what david said there, your colleague does not want to say anything bad about james biden, what do you think about his involvement? >> i think we had get a chance to talk to him, our lawyers and the oversight lawyers have reached out with the folks we want to talk to, their legal counsel, we think we will talk to james biden, and others, and one who paid a large portion of the tax bill, we'll have them in for deposition at the start of the new year. jim biden gets paid $600,000, and that same day he sends $200,000 to his brother and seems to me it was always about giving access to the brand and the brand devon archer, one of hunter biden's business partners told us under oath the brand was the biden name, joe biden. that was the operation they were running and i think the facts point that out. >> john: so this is an
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impeachment inquiry, which means the trail that you are looking for would lead to the president, potentially, again, your colleague in oversight, james comer tweeted this, bank records, 150 plus suspicious activity reports, irs whistleblowers, email, texts, transcribed interviews, the evidence is overwhelming, joe biden benefitted from his family business schemes. what has not been uncovered yet, we don't know if it exists even, and i think a lot of people want to know about this, where is the evidence of wrongdoing on joe biden's part? >> i always go back to the involvement of the biden family with this ukrainian company burisma, hunter on the board, fact one, he's not qualified to be on it, fact three, the executives who put him on the board ask him t you weigh in with d.c. to help us deal with the pressure we are under from the prosecutor. very next thing he does, this is
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again from the deposition, is we ask devon archer, joe biden, he was there when the request was made, what did he do after he got the request and he got on the phone, hunter biden got on the phone and called his dad, and then what did his father do, then vice president, he went to ukraine and conditioned release of american tax dollars to ukraine on the firing of the prosecutor pressuring the company his son sat on the board. and maybe most compelling, attempt to sweep it under the rug, david weiss investigation of hunter biden. particularly letting the statute of limitations lapse for the years when the primary, the bulk of the money came in from burisma to the biden family. when you do something that benefits your family financially and you are a public official it's not supposed to happen. that's what it looks like took place. >> john: all right, we expect it to kick into high gear as the
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new year turns. i want to ask you about the colorado supreme court issue kicking trump off the ballot. do you believe the supreme court will take it up and is it possible this could backfire on democrats in colorado by getting more sympathy and support for president trump? >> the first question, i think the supreme court will take it up. i think they will say it's ridiculous because it is ridiculous. anyone with common sense can see, even jack smith who has been out to get the president has not charged him with insurrection, what they cited as the reason for keeping him off the ballot. the 14th amendment does not talk about the office of the president in that section of the amendment, so i think it's -- frankly, the president was put on trial and found not guilty by the united states senate when the democrats did their second crazy impeachment of him before. but the scariest thing of all in my judgment, john, the escalation with what the left will do to try to keep donald trump out of the white house. i mean, first it was spied on
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the campaign, then the mueller investigation, impeachment, raiding his home, indicting in four different locations, two jack smith at the federal level and two state level, atlanta and manhattan and now trying to keep him off the ballot, this from the party who talks about protecting democracy. it's ridiculous and the company sees through it. it may help him in colorado but certainly i believe it's going to help him around the country and already doing so as evidenced by the poll numbers, show him winning in every single poll. >> john: all right. well, we have a lot to watch for in 2024. jordan joining us, looks like you pretty much have the place to yourself today. a lot of people have already gone home. thank you again. appreciate it. >> you bet. >> john: merry christmas, too. >> sandra: jack and jim in the cross hairs, yes, american made whiskey and bourbon. what will it mean for your
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wallet. >> john: and millennial parents are saying no from boomer grandparents. what kids want may surprise you. reaction from kennedy on the other side. ♪♪ my a1c was up here; now, it's down with rybelsus®. his a1c? it's down with rybelsus®. my doctor told me rybelsus® lowered a1c better than a leading branded pill and that people taking rybelsus® lost more weight. i got to my a1c goal and lost some weight too. rybelsus® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't take rybelsus® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop rybelsus® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. gallbladder problems may occur.
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colombian-born businessman alex saab, a close ally of the venezuelan president, nicolas maduro, and venezuela will extradite back to the united states a fellow named leonard francis, the lead figure in a large scandal involving the 7th fleet of the navy named fat leonard, apparently he bribed some officers of the 7th fleet with about a half a million dollars for classified information about ship movements as well as other confidential information. so, he will be heading back to the united states to finally face justice and ten other americans will be coming home just in time for the holidays. sandra. >> sandra: we'll follow that story for everybody and see if there is continued reaction to that. meanwhile, christmas lists for tween girls are looking different, and sorry mom and
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dad, probably more pricey. instead of asking for games or art supplies, they are asking for skin care, like this. that's right, face cream costing upwards of $60 is the hottest christmas gift for girls ages 10 to 14. and the "wall street journal" says it's all thanks to colorful packaging promoted all over social media. tiktok, instagram, influencers are telling them they have to have it. kennedy saves the world podcast host. hello, kennedy. i don't know if i have a problem with them being into face cream. there could be worse things. >> kennedy: you should use ponds cold cream and that's it. maybe some crisco in your hair. i go to my daughters for advice what i should buy, i'm not dying for tiktok but always dying for a good beauty secret and as long as it's not make-up, i don't
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mind. >> sandra: apparently these are like $24 lip masks, 29 -- >> kennedy: the linege lip mask is fantastic, i use it every night. for my 18-year-old. >> sandra: face mists, and serums and face masks. one mom lamented her daughter packs an entire duffle bag of her skin care products to go to a sleepover, a new jersey mom on her tween skin care craze, the other week my daughter went to a sleepover with a duffle bag filled with skin care. she said when i was 11 i probably made mixed tapes and watched tv. did not care about moisturizer. and now tweens describing their skin care routines.
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olivia likes to make a nighttime smoothie, a 10-year-old in the u.k. made a powerpoint presentation for her family to learn about what she wants from her holiday skin care picks. i don't have a problem with routine. i think any kid getting into a routine is a good thing. >> kennedy: they are sharing it on social media. used to be we had big geographic differences and when you got to go to another city people looked and sounded different and now kids are pretty much all the same and the same access to the same products and so they are excited to share something. i would much rather buy a $50 moisturizer than a $500 ipad. >> sandra: fair enough. skin care is expensive but comparatively, to technology, that is. millennial parents say well meaning boomers are gifting junk to their grandkids. so the millennials that are parents now are telling grandma and grandpa, stop giving our
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kids junk. i guess, they make the point toys are cheaper than ever, parents are out buying them, the grandparents are, and the parents say it's clutter in my house. >> kennedy: what people did during the pandemic, decluttered, got into organizational programs and realized unless it brings you joy, set it free and very freeing for so many parents, rid of a lot of stuff the kids don't use and now grandparents, they want to do something, they want to feel useful, that's why you need an open line of communication. otherwise they are going to buy those little tiny mercedes, the cars the 3-year-olds can drive and you -- i guess it's part of the joy of being a grandparent, you want to spoil them. for a lot of people rent and housing is so expensive, people cannot move up like they used to. you cannot up size like a few years ago. >> sandra: a grandparent listening, what should they do? >> kennedy: $60 moisturizer.
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go to sephora and find it. >> john: 12-year-old daughter would love to get some drunk elephant. border talks will likely stretch into the new year. negotiators tried to cut a deal before the holidays but senate says there is more work to do. new pictures in from texas, the state flew 100 to chicago and not bussing them. aishah hasnie is on capitol hill. how could the border affect democrats in 2024? >> aishah: it's something democrats cannot ignore, especially the red or swing states and new polling out there shows eight out of ten voters out there describe the southern border now as a major problem if not a full out emergency. and 63%, john, disapprove of the
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job president biden has done on the border. even lead gop negotiator tells fox he's noticed the pressure on democrats, convincing more and more on the left to find the solution even if they don't love it in the very end. arizona senator sinema, an independent, tells fox she's bringing up the record number of border crossings inside the negotiations every day but when she was asked if a deal would actually inform her decision to run for re-election, she said that's a dumb question. here is what vermont senator peter welsh told me about ramifications for democrats. >> vulnerable democrats in the toss-up states like john tester -- >> the border is a real issue. whatever the outcome, showing there's a really determined effort on the part of democrats to be part of a solution here. >> aishah: negotiators will work
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through the holidays virtually, but set it up for a messy government funding deadline, it's up in the air, can they do it, we don't know. >> john: so many things on the table when january 1st comes along. >> aishah: punt it, kick it to the curb. >> john: what they are go at, that's for sure. >> sandra: whiskey and bourbon makers are breathing good news right now, but the tariffs may not last long for them or those who drink them. chad pergram, live from the whiskey wall. lucky you, chad. er plan is veri. (dad) no way they'd take this wreck. (carolers) ♪ yes, they will, in any condition. ♪ ♪ get iphone 15 pro and ipad and apple watch - all on them! ♪ (mom) please forgive him. (carolers) ♪ it's all good - just a little awkward. ♪ (soloist) think we'll wrap this up.
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♪♪ >> sandra: liquor lovers rejoicing after the e.u. postponed a 50% whiskey tariff to go into effect january 1st, but distillers have concerns after the years' long process to age the product. chad pergram live at the whiskey
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wall. what effect on whiskey drinkers. a lot in the u.s. >> chad: better than covering congress. trade negotiators shell what would have been 50% tariffs on the spirits sent to the european union. >> it's a devastating potential impact on us and we weighed in on a bipartisan basis to get the administration to take a deal to take care of this. >> chad: the tariffs would have hit distillers of american bourbon and whiskey and also farmers who produced corn and barley for the mash. tim kaine was stunned to learn how much whiskey coctoctin creek sold to the european union. >> i thought you sold whiskey here, but they said 40% at that
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point is for export. >> chad: europeans apparently enjoy sweeter spirits from the u.s. compared to smoky scotch whiskey. could be an up side for u.s., if it's marooned in the u.s. because of the trade war. >> if you are a bourbon fan in the united states, well all of a sudden you raise the price of shipping bourbon overseas, you are cutting off the distillers' markets, it may decline the price in the u.s. >> chad: the tariff pause does not satisfy american producers. they want a permanent fix. bourbon must age at least three years. instability makes it hard for american distillers to gauge the future of the european marketplace. >> sandra: suddenly i'm thirsty. chad, thank you very much. >> chad: we have plenty here if
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you need something. >> sandra: it can be delicious in very small quantities. john, are you a fan? >> john: i am, a bourbon phone, mickter's toasted barrel is about the best i've tasted, even though it's not a rare one, i got it at a marriott in kentucky, could not find it anywhere else. but i also love a good scotch as well, as long as it's an island malt. >> sandra: lovely. >> chad: we have a lot of those behind us here, from the whiskey aisle of isla, and this right here from isla, bellmoore over here. >> john: and senjura. >> chad: across the sound. >> john: talisker from the isle of skye. i'm coming over, chad. >> sandra: is it true it's only bourbon if it's made in kentucky? >> chad: oh, no. congress passed a resolution in 1964 saying that bourbon is a
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distinct american product and can be made in all the american states and funny, a few years ago, mitch mcconnell invited chuck schumer to school at the mcconnell school of government at the school in louisville, and brought him a bottle that was made in new york city, and mcconnell said oh, no, no, no, it's only in kentucky. >> sandra: only chad would have that answer on the fly. a walking encyclopedia. thanks so much. >> john: appreciate it. catastrophic storms pummelling the northeast leaving dangerous flooding. evacuation and thousands of people without power. we are live near a river in maine which hit records, levels, rather, not seen in decades. stay with us. i hear it all the . people tell me they'd love to buy gold. but because it's gold - they think it must be complicated. it isn't. not with rosland capital.
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>> john: six are dead, two missing after a storm caused
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widespread flooding in the northeast. katie byrne is live in maine along a river that hasn't swollen to the levels it's at in decade. katie? >> impacts are still being felt days later from this storm. you can see the river is overflowing on to what would normally be a parking lot. we're told by neighbors a beautiful wharf. you can't see any of that. the parking signs almost completely submerged in water. rivers are cresting at record levels. that's why we have flood warnings impacting people through tomorrow. 230,000 still without power. they hope once the water keeps receding, that will speed up power restoration efforts. guys? >> katie byrne, thank you. sandra? >> sandra: thanks for joining us. i'm sandra smith. >> john: i'm john roberts. "the story" starts right now. >> martha: good


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