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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  December 21, 2023 4:00am-5:01am PST

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drinking hot cocoa. >> hot chocolate and coffee just to keep warm. >> carley: pour the cocktail in the cocoa tip to keep you warmer. my goodness. it sounds like you guys have a good at study about this wearing matching sweaters. are you in canada right now? where are you exactly? >> we are just pulling up in canada this morning. >> just arrived you are still in north america a big plot twist. maybe you can get some snow for christmas. are you going to get any of your money back for this? >> they have not -- no. they are not talking about compensation at all, to no one on the ship. none of us. >> carley: they should. it was bad weather in the bahamas. so i get it's not the cruise ship's fault they said listen, rather than cancel it outright we will take you north instead. nikki and val, thank you so much for joining us. you have great attitudes and you
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look beautiful in your matching sweaters. >> thank you. happy holiday season. >> carley: second hour of "fox & friends" starts right now. happy holidays, guys. ♪ ♪ giddy up jingle horse ♪ jingle around the clock ♪ a mix and a mingle and jingle ♪ that's the jingle bell rock. [laughter] >> lawrence: i'm so glad to work here because here we believe in santa. growing up my dad did not tell us about santa. >> lawrence: no. i work all year to buy all these presents do you think i'm going to let some mythical take credit. he didn't buy it i did. >> carley: santa is real and visits all the house as.
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>> lawrence: i'm so glad i goat believe in santa. >> carley: when i was a kid for christmas, santa would bring some of the presents and then my parents would write mom and dad on the other ones that they gave. santa would drop off some. >> brian: a lot of kids watching now i'm just saying lawrence lawrence what you are telling me, brian, my dad took credit for santa's work? >> that's what i'm saying i method him last year. >> lawrence: taking credit. >> brian: it's not like him. big save. rivera of this show. >> lawrence: you a wing man. that's what you do as the face of the show. you save me in the moment where i was getting ready to blow up something. >> i'm no middle reliever, i'm a closer. i'm a saver. >> lawrence: this may be a shack
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and. >> brian: and kobe. >> lawrence: in the making. >> brian: you're 71 and i'm not. listen, let's talk about the other thing. this is so much like sports and that's where i think the primary season is, iowa caucus 25 days away. yup, the new poll shows former president donald trump has a reason to have a bounce in his step today. is he still the overwhelming favorite among republican voters in that state. >> carley: polling shows americans want a strong leader in the house. >> >> lawrence: peter doocy live from the white house with the latest. >> whoever is the commander-in-chief gets to order norad to track santa on christmas eve as he flies all around the world to don't forget to check that out next week as we look at these polls in iowa donald trump has nearly triple the support of ron desantis. he has got more than a majority, 52%. desantis has 18, haley is right there at 16, ramaswamy has 7.
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chris christie focusing his attention elsewhere like new hampshire, 3%. and this is how people are making up their minds, extremely important for 78% of voters there to have a strong leader it is extremely important for 77% to have a candidate with mental ability and stamina and extremely important for 75% to have a candidate who can beat biden strong leader crowd tilting toward trump: and then look at this, since september, the economy in iowa becoming less important to caucus goers. immigration becoming more important. and the way that the caucuses works where people gather in a room like a cafeteria or elementary school gym and physically moving around the room towards candidates that has support -- lose support as theirs have not viable in the actual room, the results will certainly tighten. as of right now trump is the
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overwhelming favorite in iowa back to you. >> brian: peter we speculated on what was going to say about the colorado case. of course it's insurrection. the courts will decide but it's insurrection do you think in your opinion having covering him for three or four years now? do you think he thought that out? you know he is not charged with insurrection. you know is he a lawyer. >> peter: yeah, i don't think it's something he thought out a ton. he knew he was going to get a question about it. it's in line with what he has said about it since he was still in wilmington when january 6th was unfolding before he already won the election but not yet here at the white house. so it's in line with what he has said that's his way of commenting about the case while then being able to say well, i'm not going to say anything about ongoing litigation. >> lawrence: peter, i guess the big question is, and you have been all over the white house.
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amongst the aides there, is it still the belief that trump is going to be his opponent or does the president believe that there's going to be another candidate there because they are going to be taking him off ballots in all these states? >> peter: we hear a lot more about white house aides paying attention to things that trump is doing than anybody else. debates recently candidates talking on stage, the biden campaign which is now wilmington based was focusing on a rally trump was holding at the same time. >> carley: i'm so sorry to cut you off. there is reporting -- finish your thought. >> peter: no, we can talk about santa again if you want. >> carley: i was so excited to ask my question i was barreling full force into it. but there is reporting this week that just came out that jill biden is worried about the president's health. and how active he has to be as
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president. and is telling -- recommending that he slows down in 2024 during an election year. do you believe that? that that's what the first lady is telling the president to do? >> i believe that he is going to do whatever she suggests. she, though, if you remember, this time last year, when the bidens were all getting together over the holidays, they were in nantucket and then they were in, i believe it was saint croix, they were having family discussions about whether or not it was a good idea for joe biden to give it another go and run for re-election based on everything we heard at the time including from the first lady's office directly. she was supportive of his re-election campaign. but, when you think back to the convention, when we were all sitting in a parking lot in delaware watching on a big screen and everybody else had to watch from home, they made a big point to talk about how she is a tough behind the scenes philly
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girl going to make sure things happen for the president. and so you i think that report something in line what we have heard from years. >> brian: i know you are land locked but it sounds like a boat race around you. >> peter: you guys ask a question is jill biden worried about joe and suddenly somebody goes and finds a gas powered piece of equipment and revs it up. >> carley: snow falling in d.c.? >> brian: most cases start a lawn mower early you get a lot of complaints but there is no neighborhood. >> peter: they want to make sure that the guy upstairs is awake. >> brian: doesn't get up for two more hours. thanks, peter. >> peter: thanks, guys. >> carley: we want to get to other story about minnesota unveiled new state flag that's because critics previously panned the one that they had originally had as being racist against native americans. and this is all happening as well. the separate story here. you could see the old flag versus the new one.
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and now there is some criticism facing the new one as well and why they had to change it at all. >> lawrence: i guess, look. >> brian: i'm not seeing it. >> lawrence: me either. even if you did see it, all of this is symbolism. like, when you look at all the groups of people that are black folks, hispanic folks, native americans, they're experiencing record low when it comes to jobs -- when it comes to unemployment numbers, when it comes to paycheck-to-paycheck. the inflation hitting them hard. crime hitting them hearted. and you would think they would be trying to improve the lives of the people. instead, how is this going to make life better for those folks? >> brian: other thing with confederate statue of arlington put in 113. put it up to salute the south. the controversy should you be saluting rebels that tried to divide the country. confederate statues are an interesting combination. turned out in the beginning of the 20th century. some of the south looking to reestablish some of that
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mindset. some of them put up there. >> people explained to me that's not why that was put up. salute people who fought. they were wrong about slavery but they were americans. and saluting those who were in arlington. but, after despite a brief stay, it's going to be removed to a confederate museum. coming out of arlington. we will have to leave the pedestal in the ground. >> lawrence: i think texas did the model. confederate monument in there. we put a little plaque at the bottom of it. >> brian: most people. >> lawrence: people i'm not one of those confederate flag guys for obvious reasons back during the civil rights movement when people had a confederate flag out front intimidation you are not welcome here. i'm not one of those people who says go ahead and tell someone else because it may represent something else for them because their family fought in the war or something like that. but. >> brian: that actually is a good transition to what is going to be on this weekend. saturday at 9:00. my normal one nation slot. we have been for the last year
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shooting feature. it's on fox nation, part of it right now. teddy and booker t. two american icons path to racial equality. think about this. they are both around with children during the civil war. at 9 years old. booker t. washington was called to the main house and told he was free by union soldiers. teddy roosevelt looking out window watching the body of abraham lincoln coming down broadway still see the apartment there. talk about how these two from desperate places in america came together to push us forward. i'm standing in front of an iconic college, tuskegee university. and that's the university that he founded that started with one dilapidated church house where some of the students would hold up an umbrella while he taught. because there were holes in the roofs and ends up being the sprawling incredible campus. graduating more people than they were at almost all ivy league institutions. >> lawrence: i'm so glad you decided to cover. this one ever the first books introduced to me by my father
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was booker t. up from slavery. >> brian: unbelievable. >> lawrence: one of the most monumental. we need booker t. impact on america. add monuments instead of taking away. >> brian: here's a little of the special and give you an idea what tuskegee is about. >> tuskegee university, this is where booker t. washington began his quest to become a national and global figure. he was named president of this institution. and wasn't nearly this nice. this is 3,500 students. now, the original building was a mile down the road and had a leaky roof. and he had no students. he had no teachers and no funding. he had to change that in 10 days. on july #th, 1881, the 25-year-old did just that. >> brian: that's just the beginning and just to talk to those professors walk on campus and see that teddy roosevelt was on that board and spoke at his funeral and commencement address. i think it's a story you guys will like this weekend. and that will be coming up
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saturday at 9:00. also, i have a big event we are going to be live and stream on fox nation but for those in illinois, juliet, i will be live on stage where i bring all the books, patriotic, motivational, inspirational day on stage. you helped me out last time in new jersey last year. >> carley: it was this time around last year. i can't believe it's already been a year. these shows you do, you are so good and you get -- you let the viewers ask questions it's really cool what you do. >> lawrence: as i travel to the diners they have been saying lawrence, why haven't you been invited to one of these. had. >> brian: lawrence, can i invite you now. >> carley: he will invite to you illinois no questions asked. >> brian: new hampshire. just go to brian and i will see new person. 1 minutes after the hour. >> lawrence: coming up rain and slow slams the west. christmas eve storm threatens
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holiday travel. adam klotz breaks it all down ahead. >> brian: migrants given phones, housing, and now even a flying premium? >> it looks like we have a whole lot of migrants who are also boarding this flight that the u.s. taxpayers are paying for. this is what the u.s. taxpayers are paying for right here. premium seats on delta. >> brian: our next guest was on board that flight. she joins us on biden's border fallout, next. >> and two time nba all-star alan houston inspires the faith ahead the holidays, coming up. ♪ every nation. ♪ all the world to see ♪ let there be love ♪ and joy to all the children'sk ♪ let there be peace on earth 25 days of deals... where you can discover these last-minute offers. buy now, pay later with lowe's pay.
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there's something going around the gordon home. good thing gertrude found delsym. now what's going around is 12-hour cough relief. and the giggles. the family that takes delsym together, feels better together.
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i'm a little anxious, i'm a little excited. i'm gonna be emotional, she's gonna be emotional, but it's gonna be so worth it. i love that i can give back to one of our customers. i hope you enjoy these amazing gifts. oh my goodness. oh, you guys. i know you like wrestling, so we got you some vip tickets. you have made an impact. so have you. for you guys to be out here doing something like this, it restores a lot of faith in humanity. s. >> carley: ntsb is looking to the cause of the deadly news helicopter crash in southern new jersey. 6 abc action news releasing the names of the two staffers killed when the helicopter went down. the pilot was 67-year-old monroe smith and the recover from was 45-year-old christopher doherty. both worked at the station for decades and remembered as highly
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skilled in what they do and loved their craft. to a fox weather alert. the volcano that erupted in iceland is starting to weaken. that is good news for the nearly 4,000 residents who live in the surrounding area. they are going to be allowed to briefly return home today after being forced to flee over a month ago meanwhile engineers are working to build barriers around key areas in case activity acts back up. erupted monday night after weeks of earthquakes. hulk hogan announcing he has been baptized alongside his wife you see happening there the 70-year-old saying on social media total surrender and dedication to jesus is the greatest day of my life. no worries, no hate, no judgment, only love. hogan is no stranger to faith. throughout his pro-wrestling career, he was known for telling his young fans to say your prayers and eat your vitamins. those are the headlines, brian, over to you. >> brian: always be thunder lips to me.
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>> carley: and many others. >> brian: i wish him the best and hope he will be back on the show. migrants will be shipped on delta airlines flight new york city all at the expense of the american taxpayers. watcher what she discovered i'm at the phoenix airport right now waiting to board my flight to nnew york, jfk. a whole bunch of migrants also boarding this flight that the u.s. taxpayers are paying for. this is what the u.s. taxpayers are paying for right here. premium seats on delta. >> brian: how does that? what about the background checks when asked delta representative told her quote what does it matter? they're humans, too. babylon bee contributor ashley joins us now. thanks so much for telling this story. what made you say to yourself i'm taking out my phone and taping. this when i tried to speak to the delta representative hey, are these people being properly
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screened? medically i have a 2-year-old son at home. his response is they are humans too. would you like a mask. i decided to go out there and document what i was seeing. i have been down to the border. i have been down to these processing centers. i recognize those bags right away. those are the bags you get after you have been detained from crossing our border illegally. i decided to show everyone what was going on. what is handing on 11:00 p.m. red eye flights. >> brian: what do they use for i.d.? i know what we need if you don't tsa show your license no, water to get through. do they go through the same process we went through. >> they absolutely did not. a variety of exceptions that these people are making for not having proper identification. many of these people are also using arrest warrants. that may sound crazy but that is the drew ii. >> brian: for what? >> as identification. so these people are being detained. they have come here illegally and using arrest warrants as identification. >> brian: so no one denied that these were illegal immigrants crossing the border put on the
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plane. where do they go after? >> to our home, to new york city, all over the country. after i posted this i had pilots tell me they are shipping them to new york city to charlotte, to philadelphia some people might not care they are coming to sanctuary cities now. it's new york today and your place tomorrow. >> brian: does it blow you away. we used to see one or two and see the clear bags and names in it. okay, what are they doing and what are you up to? now you are talking about most of the plane. >> yes. i had one pilot tell me about 10% to 20% of all the flights now he is seeing the commercial airline pilot. the scariest part is these pilots are left totally in the dark about what is happening. they had no idea. i had one who called me. he wanted to stay anonymous. he said ashley, i have no idea who boarding my flights. >> brian: disturbing. what's delta's reaction to you. ample you did it. they started following you around. >> they did. the representative that i had asked about this, he started watching me and following me. and i was i wrapped him on a
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video call. he followed me to the other gate as if i was a security risk while people our flights arrest warrants. >> brian: do you think delta would take action to you. >> that would be foolish. they would be subject to discovery. we will find out a lot of information about what has been happening for a very long time. >> brian: what are you going to do with this story. >> if you work at one of these airlines and have information, you are not alone. i have dozens of people reaching out. my dms on x are open and feed us information. >> brian: for all we know the government is leaning on them you bitter do this like they do the car companies and make these mandates or build electric cars. so maybe they want to come out and say their side of the story. >> that's the question. and we need to know who is funding this. a lot of it is the ngos heavily subsidized by the government. who is funding. this are the proper medical screenings being done. are proper security screenings being done? i would bet you the answer is no. >> brian: some of them are catholic tharts.
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>> funded by the government. the one that i saw paperwork from, some of the catholic services community services of southern arizona, they just got a lot of money from the government, from the state government, from the federal government and $5 million from jeff bezos up believable this is what they said. we have not received official response. we will follow this story with you and please keep us up to date on thousand this moves. >> thank you so much. >> brian: colorado g.o.p. considering a primary overhaul after the state orders trump off the ballot. the effect on 2024 ahead. but, first, president biden addresses america's most pressing issue. >> by the way the new corvette come out this one electric, 60.9 seconds. >> are you going to drive that one. >> i'm going to give it to the shot. >> can i distract the secret service. can you make a run for the car. >> brian: this latest series, this interview with conan o'brien straight ahead. ♪ i have moderate to severe crohn's disease.
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>> carley: we have a story that's new overnight. some of the 10 americans freed in a prisoner swap with venezuela arrived overnight at a texas military base. griff jenkins is here with more on who the u.s. had to free to get those citizens back home. and it is controversial, griff, good morning. >> griff: it is, carley, good morning. that's a key point there. this administration is getting a reputation for negotiating because the deal for the release of these americans, included the u.s. freeing colombian businessman alex saab. considered by intel analyst as a bag man for president maduro. the u.s. went to such great lengths, carley to get him. they deployed a u.s. war ship to prevent his escape three years ago. maduro held a hero's welcome for saab you see here.
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this is being viewed as a major concession to maduro. >> why is it okay for the u.s. to be negotiating with the maduro government sending back people justice department custody? >> it's okay because american people held illegally and made a deal with venezuela that they will hold free elections. so far they have maintained their requirement and that's it. >> do you worry that by giving back -- >> -- no. >> >> griff: the good news, some of the 10 americans back on u.s. soil grateful to be freed from a south american nightmare. >> free at last, free at last, thank god almighty free at last. i don't know if i would ever make it back. and it's really scary to be in a place when you are used to having freedoms and locked into a cell. sometimes with four other people, very tiny cell. and to realize am i ever going to get out of this?
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am i ever going to get home? how did i get to this point? it's very will thatting situation. >> griff: also part of the deal, the u.s. gets fat leonard back, remember him. >> leonard francis busted nearly a decade ago bulking the u.s. military out of $35 million braving military officers with booze, hookers and lavish gifts. he escaped custody lastier and fled to venezuela where they arrested him. finally, senator marco rubio is slamming the deal on x this morning saying disgraceful decision by president biden to release alex saab, the administration's policy of impeachment only emboldens narcokick territory. we will see if there is any more fallout from this deal, lawrence? they do a lot of prisoner swaps. >> no editors anymore who say
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you can't print that. >> lawrence: what is he talking about in the media is so favorable to him. and the little negative stories that they talk about is too much for the president? i don't get it. >> lawrence, it's insane. i mean, once in a while there will be some truth that slips through the cracks, but you have never seen a media so hackish and so deferential to a person. they helped him get elected there is no president in history who should be on his knees thanking the media more than president biden. funny part is when they are not accurate they are lying for him
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about the hunter biden laptop. laptop, or lying mr. inflation or crime or the border. they're not accurate but they are helping him. >> lawrence: allowed him to stay in the basement entire campaign with no bushback at all. there was also this moment where he referred to donald trump that villain voldemort villain from harry potter. take a listener. >> the other guy says we can work with putin. he's smart, yeah. >> the other guy, i like that he's the other guy. [laughter] he is voldemort now. his name shall not be mentioned. >> well. [laughter] >> good point. >> yeah. i plead guilty. >> lawrence: what do you think about that? >> i think that he is as much as he won't say, he's obsessed with donald trump. and this is a note to all the journalists out there. like all the people at fox who actually try to get biden to respond. that's the key. you wills in the lawrence at any time a journalist says to him
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any time a journalist says why are you, you know, trailing trump in the polls? that's when they get the reaction out of him. he says you have the wrong polls or read the polls, jack. because that's his weakness. he has a glass jaw. he is very sensitive. he can't stand the fact that trump might actually beat him. to him, that is unacceptable. and to so that's the way to get under his skin, i think. >> lawrence: his temper has been getting out of control lately. got to ask yourself why. maybe it's all the negative polls happening across the country. people don't like what is hang in the country. thanks so much for getting up with us this morning. >> thanks, lawrence. >> lawrence: stranded at sea a crews passenger sounds off after her bahamas trip gets rerouted to canada. >> it's cold, cold like wind blowing cold like. officially cold. >> lawrence: it's cold, cold. she spoke to us earlier. that update coming up. but, first, trump gets booted
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from the ballot and now colorado's g.o.p. is threatening major changes. what they have in store next. hey, you should try new robitussin honey medi-soothers for long-lasting cough and sore throat relief. try new robitussin lozenges with real medicine and find your voice. you know? we really need to work on your people skills.
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there are healthy routines we start as children that continue throughout our lives. staying up to date on vaccines is just one of them. although vaccine recommendations may change as we age, the need for protection does not. so, keep washing your hands, brushing your teeth, eating healthy, and getting vaccinated ... because your health depends on it. learn more about vaccines for life at ♪ ♪ ♪ [raining ashes] ♪ [firefighters siren] disasters don't take a break for the holidays. with your help, neither does the red cross.
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>> carley: this morning growing fallout over colorado's shocking ruling banning donald trump from his 2024 primary ballot. and the state g.o.p. is now fighting back, looking to possibly switch to a caucus system to give trump supporters the chance to vote for him anyway. colorado g.o.p. general assembly minority leader mike lynch joins us now with more. mike, good morning to you. what a moment for your state certainly the biggest news story in the country right now. it's 75 days until the elections in colorado. so, how do you do this? how do you switch from a primary to a caucus in that amount of time? >> right. good morning, yeah. this is a scary time for folks in colorado. i mean, they have lost faith in the borders, now the elections, and now the courts. something that, you know, we thought was sacred in this state and now we are discovering that, you know, they are being weaponized against our candidate. i'm getting calls left and right from people all around the state saying, you know, what do we do now?
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how do we go -- how do we go and voice our votes when we can't even, in this case, in this ruling, they can't even do a write-in candidate. so, it's scary for folks. i mean, and if they can weaponize these courts here, you know, all americans need to really worry that this could come to your candidate in your town. across the nation. and so, we're looking at all the options we have out there to go around this ruling. we're hopeful that the supreme court will do the right thing but, you know, procedurally, we'll figure out a way to make sure that our citizens can vote for the candidate that they want to see out there and leading our nation. >> >> carley: that certainly would be the goal in a democratic republic that we are. in order to make this switch though, i was reading the colorado g.o.p. would need cooperation from the colorado secretary of state's office. >> right. >> that's going to be a problem. >> that is a real problem. i mean, when you talk about
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weaponizing branches of our government, ourselves has made her point very clear that she is -- she is behind this all the way and her number one goal is in party with this decision to keep trump off the ballot here in colorado. >> carley: colorado general assemblyman you have your work cut out for you. thank you for joining us. mike lynch have great day. >> thank you. >> carley: brian over to you. >> brian: now a story involving a real life grinch. a female suspect was arrested in florida for allegedly stealing packages off front porches. police say she stole nearly $2,000 worth of items. officers were able to identify the woman's car from security camera footage. they say she was wearing a pair of stolen shoes when she was taken into custody. and authorities found cocaine in her pocket. sounds like a real dream. new census data shows a whole lot of people are leaving new york and california in favor of florida and texas over 100,000 people leaving the empire state in the last year.
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california losing net 75,000. meanwhile, texas is seeing a huge influx of more than 470,000 people. and florida growing by more than 365,000 people over the past year. i believe new york is number one net losses. hey, deputies in fort collins, colorado going viral over this clip. struggling to bring in a giant christmas tree. it seems like they are channeling an iconic scene from friends. >> i just don't think it's going to fit. >> oh, yeah it will, up, up, up. up. yes. >> here we go. tip it, tip it. tip it. the sheriff he is is the back breaking work brought smiles to everyone's faces as staff members lined the hallways to cheer on the deputies, they couldn't pivot the tree inside
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settle the leaving it in the lobby instead. good audible. i'm fully in favor. now to a fox weather alert. notice they go live. they are not putting it together in their attic like lawrence. fox weather alert. crowds building in hartville jacksonville airport in atlanta. one of the busiest travel days of the year. aaa is expecting 115 million people to travel, 50 miles or more during the holidays no. extreme weather in atlanta today. a different story out west. parts of northern california under a flash flood watch after days of heavy rain. that same storm also bringing lots of snow to sierra, nevada mountains. now let's turn over to adam klotz. adam did, i say everything you needed to say? do you have anything to add? >> almost nothing left. i i can't believe how much i gave already. unbelievable how i have been trained to do this. >> adam: see my breath a little bit. on the cooler side as we are experiencing cooler air 37 degrees. not horribly cold. i will talk a little bit about
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what brian was talking about. some of that rain on the west coast which actually might slow down a little bit of travel. here this morning it's really focused in los angeles and areas further to the south. this is not an area that handles heavy rain very well. you are seeing flood alerts stretching across southern california, over towards the phoenix area. i will leave you with your airport forecast here the next couple of days. those systems going to slow things down. today into friday you see more of a slowdown happening across the southeast and midwest and folks traveling on saturday a larger system sweep across the country. those are the weather headlines, what was left of them anyways, tossing it back inside to all of you guys. >> brian: you almost did it as well as i did. you added something hey, can you see my breath. >> adam: i thought it was cute. >> brian: it was cute. >> carley: so this is one of the busiest travel days of the year. you know, everybody is trying to get here, there, and everywhere for the holidays. and there is one story that piqued our attention, it's sort of sad and guests we had on to
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talk about it. there is a cruise that was originally departed from new york. it was supposed to go to the bahamas. everybody on board was going to take this beautiful trip to the bahamas, warm, get off the ship. laying on the beach. that's how they wanted to spend their christmas vacation. and instead, about hours before, according to these guests, the boat left, everybody got an email saying there is bad weather in the bahamas. instead, if you want to do this crews, you're going to canada. so, we spoke to two of the passengers on board. their names are lakeya allen and value montgomery. here is how they described their current scenario. >> i called val at 9:00. >> we didn't believe it. >> we got on the crews reroute to bahamas no we went to boston and portland. >> it keeps getting colder. >> my son is disappointed. my son like mommy, where is the beach this is my only christmas gift. >> we reserved the banana boat.
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[laughter] >> brian: fantastic. they had to go buy clothes. >> carley: personality wearing matching sweaters. buy sweaters. >> lawrence: can we talk about how positive they were? if this happened to me, i would be so ticked. think about save all this money. they bring the kids together, and then you end up in canada? >> brian: could have you gone to florida? >> carley: i don't know. >> lawrence: why did they pick that? you are exactly right. >> carley: the cruise ship did all the right things. they emailed everybody in advance of boarding the boat. didn't give these people enough time. you know, like you said, lawrence, they save all this money. >> brian: already packed. >> carley: spent $4,000 to do this trip. they packed, they said, you know what? rather than stay home i guess we will go to canada. that's what they did bad weather. >> brian: worst audible ever. go down south. do they have a steering wheel? you can't turn it around? >> carley: they said in one interview we wanted to drink concocktails. we are drinking hot cocoa.
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>> carley: you should put the cocktails in the cocoa it's not that bad. >> lawrence: i think they should get their money back, i do. especially how positive they have been been. >> carley: some sort of compensation. >> brian: the problem is, too. when you are on a cruise, being on a ship is supposed to be cool. you are out. >> lawrence: you can't do it in the cold. >> brian: they have to go to the indoor pool. so crowded they have to get up at 7:00 in the morning to do it. >> carley: merry christmas. >> brian: one of the best christmases i ever had was whether we got flooded with sandy. whole house was flooded we always host christmas eve dawn just says let's just do it anyway. we got particle board, put it over the cement. and stacked tables. and everyone still talks about. >> lawrence: made the best of it. >> brian: that christmas eve. remember that christmas eve when sandy came in? and we sat there with light poles in the back. >> lawrence: could have been negative but you decided to -- >> carley: i think that's what their attitude is. you just reminded me one of my favorite vacations i took with my husband when we just started dating first time we ever went
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on a vacation together. we went to puerto rico. and there was a hurricane hit puerto rico while we were there. we didn't leave the hotel room or the hotel for five of the seven days. >> brian: if you survived that might as well just get engaged. >> carley: it was fun. and do you know what? really quickly, my husband loved it. because every single channel on the tv was in spanish, except they had the nfl network. that was the only english channel they had incredible. >> lawrence: do you speak spanish? >> carley: no. >> brian: because you are puerto rican. >> carley: first time i went to puerto rico. >> carley: two time nba all star and knicks legend allen houston shares new platform aimed to inspire the next generation. is he here live in studio with more. ♪ ♪ every day, every hour of the day ♪ all your life ♪ you be working every day and night ♪
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1 out of 5 young people struggle with disorders like depression, dyslexia, adhd, ocd, eating disorders, and anxiety. every year, over a million young people visit the er because of suicidal ideation and suicide attempts. 5,000 die by suicide. when we ignore mental health, we lose our children. the child mind institute is a reliable, relentless, and revolutionary voice for children. give today at >> lawrence: former nba all-star allen houston teaming up to launch a new campaign set to inspire next generation from all walks of life to be vocal about
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importance of faith. >> fizzle, faith, integrity, sacrifice, leadership and legacy is about making an impact and this campaign is about having conversations about faith and activating your faith. >> we want you to create a short video about what faith means to you and the importance on your life. >> brian: general manager joins us with more. >> lawrence: allen, what made you get involved and launch this? >> mentoring mentee relationships, father, child, so much youth need inspiration and people who genuinely care about them and faith is foundation of that relationship for me. i got it from my father. we started doing workshops, faith, integrity, leadership and
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legacy, fisll. i met nate, who was working out and he said, i want to help. i love what you are doing around faith and he wanted to launch this campaign. we got together and here he is, he's been inspiration to me. when young people adopt faith and value, that is what it is all about. >> brian: what is your message? why is it better coming from you? >> i go to a jewish day school and we talk about faith there. as a 17 year old, i'm still learning what faith means to me and the role it will have in life. we want kids to get involved in this campaign to have conse conservations about faith.
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>> lawrence: how has this program changed your life? >> it's been amazing to work with someone like mr. houston, he's been a real role model and i've learned a lot from him and it's helped me. >> brian: allen, a lot of stuff you got from your family, you can try to affect it and create stuff that usually comes from family. >> it is all about relationship and what nate described, it is having conversations and we want to foster conversations and young people have values inside them and biggest influence is our family and those who don't have direct family connection, there is someone. he still has other people and same for me, i had other people in my life that could impart values and it is about fostering
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network of people who can have conversations with other peers and foster, when you are in locker room, traveling on the bus, lunch, what are you talking about and how are you building each other up and talking about things that impact your life. we want to in an age of life and technology and disassociation and being, we talk about being antisocial, we want to be socialized our young peep and he will give them values to talk about. >> lawrence: a lot of kids don't even go outside anymore. how can people get involved? >>, join the campaign. faith is the foundation, we want people to be excited about faith and future. do what nate is doing and spread amongst your family. >> brian: put the phone down, right? i love the


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