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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  December 21, 2023 8:00am-9:00am PST

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been eliminated and no longer any apparent dangers. an email was sent saying don't go anywhere. stay barricaded in the office. we'll continue to monitor it. >> bill: also reporting to reiterate nine seriously wounded as well. these numbers could change as they so often do in major stories like this. that video is some of the first video we've taken with the ambulances either reporting to the scene or heading to the hospital. thank you for the update and bring you more throughout the day. >> dana: we certainly will. pleasure to be with you today and we'll see you, you know when, harris faulkner will take you through the next hour today. see you on "the five" later this afternoon. here is harris. >> harris: donald trump has done it and now we're set for a
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collision course for the u.s. supreme court and those colorado democrat justices who took aim at the former president. it is set to be an unprecedented showdown after colorado's highest court called trump an insurrectionist and wiped him off the state's primary ballot. i am harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus." republicans are saying it's anti-american. and a huge danger to our democracy. colorado could be just the beginning. legal efforts to disqualify the former president are now underway in more than a dozen states. here is a look. >> the courts don't decide who will be on the ballot. >> this is the worst case of judicial activism that i've ever seen. >> i think the supreme court will take it up and say it is ridiculous because it is. >> harris: even trump's critics are coming to his defense. former republican governor of ohio john kasich. >> you have a partisan court all democrats.
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they barely could say that he should be disqualified. think about the precedent of this. i always worry about that. i know probably a lot of democrats excited about this. i have news for advice for them. figure out how to beat trump. that would be more important decision. >> harris: liberal third party presidential candidate cornel west posted it's true that trump is a bona fide gangster and neo fascist who must be held accountable. at the same time we don't want the courts deciding the outcome of elections. a stark warning, too, from rfk junior running as an independent. if trump is kept out of office through judicial fiat rather than being defeated in a fair election his supporters will never accept the results. this country will become ungovernable. biden ally democrat senator chris coons is defending the high court ruling. >> i was here on january 6th. we had an impeachment trial for
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president trump after the events of january 6th. i think it is undeniable in my view that he participated in an insurrection and as such should be disqualified from holding federal office. >> harris: adam schiff hit social media with this. accountability for inciting an insurrection, it's about time. president biden jumped into the pool as well against trump. of course he did. rich edson is at the white house with that part of the coverage. >> good morning, harris. president biden is looking ahead to a potential rematch with former president trump. biden says he refuses to comment on these court cases though he did -- was asked about something specific, a specific tenet of the case, whether trump was an insurrectionist. >> president biden: i think that is self-evident. you saw it. we'll let the court make that decision. he supported an insurrection, no question about it. none, 0. >> majority of colorado supreme
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court agreed. open question in other states. there are lawsuits if more than a dozen states trying to bar trump from the ballot under the 14th amendment. law fare blog is tracking more than 30 challenges across the country and there may be more. california's lieutenant governor said the same reasons described in anderson. the colorado decision can be the basis for a similar decision here in our state. the constitution is clear, you must be 35 years old and not be on insurrectionist. four indictments and legal challenges former president trump's position in polling has risen. former senior advisor and strategist to president obama axelrod posted all the legal challenges thrown at trump have helped strengthen him in the republican primary as he depicts himself as a victim. colorado will be the same. what seems like kryptonite is battery packs in the gop primary.
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trump gained in general election polling showing him ahead of president biden in several key swing states. harris, back to you. >> harris: thank you very much. dozens of editorials and op-ed's tearing into the court's decision. the post editorial say not so fast. this part of that. what keeps -- claiming that some of those protests in service of abolishing the police might qualify as an insurrection. my guest in "focus" now jason chaffetz. former republican chairman of house oversight. marie harf under president obama. both sides of the aisle, some who like trump and his critics are saying this hurts democracy. >> it does. we are a constitutional republic
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but the idea the democrats are touting the idea that in order to save democracy, we have to make sure that we don't put people on the ballot. the very essence of a democracy is the idea that people can participate in this and that they can run as a candidate. donald trump was never charged and certainly never convicted of being a quote, unquote, insurrectionist. any of the people that were rioting on jan 6th, none of them were charged with that. i don't understand how the democrats can look you in the eye and say we're here to save democracy and the only way to do so is make sure our opponents aren't on the ballot. >> harris: when you were at the state department you were tasked with getting just the right message. you are good at that job. what would you tell president biden after he said he wasn't going to weigh in and then called the president a insurrectionist. >> the bigger threat to
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democracy is what donald trump did. trying to overturn an election. i was -- i think president biden is right not to weigh in on the court cases. the supreme court will take this up. it's a pretty white wing activist court and rule in donald trump's favor. it is curious how republicans pledge such fidelity to the constitution when it's inconvenient for their candidate who we all saw with our own eyes encouraged rioters to attack the capitol. republicans had no problem with the courts deciding the election in 2000. democrats, all should be concerned regardless of the legal case. if donald trump is the republican nominee. >> harris: you say he is not weighing in but he did. he said he have is an insurrectionist. jason, i know you want to go ahead. >> harris, that's not -- >> harris: go back and forth. >> it's a political one, right? >> you are accusing him of being
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an insurrectionist. he wasn't charged or convicted of it. when it came to the impeachment part he was found not guilty. how are you going to exclude somebody? >> republicans gave away. >> he was never convicted of a crime. >> i'm not arguing he shouldn't be on the ballot. i this i the supreme court will settle that argument. i am all for more people being on ballots, not less. that's better for our democracy. i make a political case here. the republican nominee tried to overturn an election and charged with dozens of felony counts and shouldn't be president for those reasons. >> harris: it has to do with what colorado has done. i want to make sure i understand you. what you are saying it was wrong to take trump off the ballot. what you have are also saying is politically you want -- you think he should be taken off the ballot? >> i am not a legal expert. i think the 14th amendment is a gray area where legal experts
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across the divide have different opinions on what it says. republicans pledge fidelity to the constitution most times except for right now which is curious to me. the court will weigh in on this. donald trump should be held accountable. he should be i don't know but he should be. >> we do pledge fidelity to the constitution. and if you are convicted of being an insurrectionist you are excluded. he was never even charged and not convicted of it. >> harris: we'll move to this. marie, you first. the president is peddling bidenomics against despite american voters are telling pollers they don't like the policy. it's painful. here is the president at a black chamber of commerce event yesterday in milwaukee. >> president biden: increase the middle class, poor have a shot and the wealthy still do very well. middle class does well and we all do well. that's when we call bidenomics. >> harris: in a recent "wall
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street journal" poll 52% of voters say they have an unfavorable view of bidenomics. yet he is still talking about that. maybe because his name is in it, marie? >> we'll talk messaging now. i don't think that name that catch phrase has caught on and should probably move on from it. i do think there is good economic news for the middle class. wages up, unemployment down. manufacturing is booming in many parts of the country. it's the biden campaign's job, which they aren't doing well enough yet to make the case for why the poll seals he has put in place didn't just benefit big corporations and rich people like donald trump. >> they don't have a case to make. people know whether or not they are better off. they were better under trump than under biden. you haven't defined bidenomics. nobody has been able to define it other than more government and more government spending.
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>> harris: that's an issue and part of what both of you were saying about messaging. the president doesn't even articulate what it is and it has his name in it. the president and his team are working overtime now to try to win back slipping support among a particular voting block, african-americans. >> president biden: let's be clear, republicans are against so many critical actions that help working and middle class people especially black americans. just remember how the pandemic hit black businesses especially hard. how my predecessor on his watch women and minority-owned small businesses found themselves last in line accessing emergency relief. >> harris: recent polling not good for the president with that critical voting block when it comes to the biden economy. 57% of black voters disapprove. about the same when it comes to his handling of inflation. jason. >> well, that's because it is not working for them. inflation is really the driver here.
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inflation is what really hits your pocketbook and the labor participation rate is again far too low. and the president has also had an open borders policy pouring millions of people here illegally. guess what? they have to have jobs and they'll compete for jobs with americans. that has an effect. it also has a huge massive effect on housing. people need housing. low wage housing. but you can't have that when you throw millions of people in who are here illegally. that will take a huge part of that sector. >> harris: marie, it is interesting you look at places like chicago and we'll go deeper on this later in the hour. but you have black residents there who are holding public events so that they can speak out against their jobs, their spaces, their low and affordable housing being taken away as illegal immigrants are moving into the sanctuary cities. >> you also have parts of the progressive part of the party now who are very mad at joe biden for other issues, his support for israel.
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i have think when we get closer to the election these different parts of the democratic party that are out in the wilderness right now are frustrated. joe biden isn't their perfect candidate. when we get closer to the election they'll come home. they have to be helped to come home from the campaign and messaging and policies but when faced with another donald trump presidency i believe they will come home and back to vote for joe biden. >> harris: the people telling the truth how their lives are impacted by this president's economy according to you are just roaming around the wilderness. >> the political wilderness. good to see you both. merry christmas. >> harris: brand-new fox polling ahead of the iowa caucuses shows president trump way out in front and republican rival ron desantis is in second place. for all the rising in the polls all over the place recently nikki haley and all the talk
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about her, desantis, who hit all 99 counties in iowa, wants to make a big showing in that state. ron desantis in "focus" coming up. plus this warning on the biden border crisis. >> this is a humanitarian crisis of epic proportions but it is also a national security crisis. >> harris: our border agents are outnumbered more than 11,000 illegals pouring in like water across our southern border in just 24 hours. some states are making moves as desperate times call for desperate measures. florida congresswoman kat cammack in "focus" next. my plaque psoriasis was so bad... i couldn't get my hair done. my psoriasis was all over. then my joints started hurting, found out it was psoriatic arthritis. who knew they could be connected? for me, cosentyx works on both.
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5 years and counting. did you know people with psoriasis on the scalp have a 4 times higher risk of developing psoriatic arthritis, which if left untreated can lead to permanent joint damage? cosentyx works on all of this and helps stop further joint damage. talk to your doctor. find something that works for you. serious allergic reactions. severe skin reactions that look like eczema and an increased risk of infections, some fatal, have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to, or if ibd symptoms develop or worsen. cosentyx. still workin' for me. ♪see me♪ find relief that can last. ask your dermatologist about cosentyx.
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>> harris: breaking news on donald trump's federal election
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interference case. special counsel jack smith has just filed his reply to what the trump team did. remember, they want to delay on the former president's behalf. jack smith wants the opposite. he wants the u.s. supreme court to expeditiously consider trump's immunity claims hoping to keep the march 4th trial date that smith set up. the special counsel also says it is vital that the court decide as soon as possible. again, trump's team opposes fast tracking this with both sides now responding, the supreme court can move forward and could make a decision on that immunity at any time. we'll keep you posted. president biden's border crisis has exploded. governor abbott is making big moves oz texas is drowning in illegal immigrants and flying hundreds of them to the sanctuary city of chicago, illinois. people living there have been unhappy for months now over the resources flowing to the
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illegals while citizens are struggling. just a quick flashback from not too long ago from black taxpayers in chicago. watch. >> how dare this mayor and city council have the guts to give migrants $51 million. they should not be housed in marginalized black and brown communities where we have food shortages and homelessness. >> we have not gotten anything for our community. and we are sick and tired of i can sick and tired. enough is enough. >> harris: okay. that was may 31st. can you imagine how they feel today? they continue in that city, the citizens of chicago, to be vocal. they are about to get another load of illegal immigrants. now, abbott isn't the only one sending them there. these people come across the
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border and say where they want to go. bill melugin popped up showing us this on a daily basis. chicago is one of the places they want to go. and now let's get to the border. bill melugin is there and you know, bill, when you see how american citizens are concerned that their own resources are soaked up over the mass of humanity still standing behind you and streaming in like water crushing our nation's sovereignty, you understand why people are upset. >> harris, you absolutely do. those sanctuary cities better buckle up. they have a lot more coming their way. look over my shoulder. another mass illegal crossing here in lukeville, arizona this morning. you are looking at hundreds of adult men from around the world mostly from africa waiting for border patrol processing now. had a chance to talk to some of these guys. they told us minnesota, new york, chicago, new jersey. some of the cities they are heading to in the united states and show you how they got here.
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they were part of a group of more than 700 that came through a breach in the border wall cut by human smugglers and crossed illegally into lukeville. this happens every single morning out here, harris. arizona's democrat governor katie hobbs said she was sending the national guard here. we haven't seen one in the area of the mass crossings or helping with border patrol. we don't know where they're at. you can see what border patrol is having to deal with every single morning out here. take you to eagle pass, texas. live fox news drone over the scene there where eagle pass has been inundated in recent days as well. more than 10,000 illegal crossings in a span of three days. you can see hundreds of those migrants camping out waiting for processing. they're coming in from all over the world there as well. they have encountered folks there oman, lebanon, bangladesh.
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that's part of the reason why governor abbott is switching up the game plan. look at this video. he is flying illegal immigrants to sanctuary cities. video you are looking at the first flight of 120 mai grants which landed at chicago's o'hare airport tuesday evening. he says he is going to start flying migrants to sanctuary cities in chicago in particular for this reason. he tweeted this, quote. sanctuary city chicago started obstructing and targeting our busing mission. texas will expansion our operation to include flights to chicago. until biden steps up to secure the border, we will continue to provide overwhelmed texas border towns with much-needed relief. back out here live it goes out to what you were talking about at the top of your show. these sanctuary cities brand themselves like that and proud to do so. texas is essentially saying well, you want them, you are going to get them. we'll send them your way. based on what we're seeing in
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arizona and eagle pass, texas, the cities better buckle up. a lot more are coming. almost all these people will be mass released. >> harris: what we've been learning from you every day is they know the names of the places that they want to go and they know how to get there. they know they will be bused, put there. the border states are sending people. bill, you have shown us these people already have target cities and know they're sanctuaries for them. great reporting as always. thank you. congresswoman kat cammack, republican of florida now. every time we talk about this, there is another slide away from holding our national sovereignty at the border. >> yeah. this is infuriating to see those images and frustrating. we have been trying like hell for years to support our border patrol agents, to secure our border. when you have people coming in from over 151 different
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nationalities, this is a crisis of epic proportions. i know that everyone is focused on the now but we need to look ahead to a couple weeks when congress, when the republican-led congress will have our shot to actually force the administration to secure the border. at risk of sounding like eminem we have one shot. we have one shot. we can't miss our chance. we have to use every tool in the tool box and every piece of leverage that we have and make sure that we have the toughest border security package in the first part of january. there is no other option. failure is not an option. our national sovereignty and security is at stake. >> harris: you know the american people will look at this and see that there is disingenuousness about how urgent this is among republicans. couldn't you have gotten this done rather than taking a break? >> it is so frustrating. obviously we have a two-vote margin at this point with people
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being out for cancer treatments and family emergencies. it makes our margin non-existent. with all of the competing personalities and priorities, it is really frustrating just as a member with a state that deals with this immigration crisis on all sides. we are a coastal state in florida. in my hometown community, we're seeing fentanyl poison thousands of people. we know that this is a crisis and i have yet to talk to one republican, even i have democrats that say it is a problem. the white house is the one who is saying we won't give you x, y or z if you move forward with this. it is simply unacceptable that the republicans have not done everything possible and continue to actually acquiesce to the democrats. we shouldn't be taking our marching orders from the senate and white house. in january you are going to see
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a blockade of republicans who will not support a cr, who will not support any ukraine funding. who will not support anything short of the toughest, most comprehensive border security package in american history. >> harris: we'll cover that. when you talk about all those other personal things, people can understand that. but when you talk about disagreements and personalities nobody gets that. on regular jobs you have to do what you have to do with your co-workers to get stuff done. >> it's unacceptable. >> harris: let's move forward now. more bad news for harvard president claudine gay. it reveals harvard received a complaint involving 40 incidents of plagiarism. didn't they do a background check on her? she takes other people's words and stuff. the house announced they plan to expand the scope of the investigation into harvard's handling of anti-semitism on
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campus to include its president, claudine gay questioning whether the ivy league university applies the same standards of discipline to its faculty as it does to its students. what is your thought about that? >> plagiarism, anti-semitism sounds like president gay is a candidate for the u.n. secretary. i think that could be her next gig, perfect fit in my opinion. we know their credibility is on the line. this is nothing short of just absurd double standard hypocrisy that has actually gone back to the early 90s when the harvard review pointed out that her work had issues. that it was regrettable i think was the word that they had used. and so we know that she has continued to steal other people's work and failed to give them procrit. dr. carol swang is one of those
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individuals. if the board of trustees is serious about maintaining the last shred of credibility they have they need to fire her immediately. absolutely -- >> harris: on that note a new op-ed is asking why can't harvard fire her? the presidents of harvard and university of penn hedgeed on calls for genocide of jews on campus. you don't need a harvard degree to understand that ms. gay, the school's first black president, advances the diversity imperative of the institution where miss mcgill, who is white, does not. liberal he leitz maintain all black people are off limits to criticism. those are some tough words. >> you know, if only she could misgender someone, that i think would be the thing that would get her fired. it is unacceptable, harris, we know something has to be done. i think her tenure will be short
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lived. she seems better fit for the u.n. with her background than she does as a university president. but time will tell how long the alumni will allow and stand for this. >> harris: you make that point and at the same time the back drop of people locked in closets and places on campuses because they are jewish. people calling out where are the jewish students? it's frightening. congresswoman, always great to have you in "focus." thank you. >> good to see you, merry christmas. >> harris: congress ending the year with a lot of drama. maybe more than law making. you heard her lay it out. we'll lay out why some are calling it a do-nothing congress and dig into all the drama. kat cammack had a lot to say about that. singer/songwriter lee greenwood coming up. yeah. everything is so expensive these days.
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>> harris: you heard me talking about it with congresswoman cammack with all the things
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going on at the border, everything. both chambers of congress have adjourned for the holiday recess marking the end of what has been an historically unproductive year for lawmakers. the house held over 700 votes and only 20 managed to pass and become law. there was so much drama. so much drama. senior congressional correspondent chad pergram has the tea, as we say. chad. >> good morning, harris, congress finishes the year with a microscopic 19% approval rating according to a recent fox news poll. you mentioned the 27 bills which became law. it was just 22 as of a few days ago. bipartisan lawmakers are disappointed. >> i think history proves that sometimes it takes us months, even years, to get nothing done. >> congress flirted with two government shutdowns and tangle with the debt ceiling and house
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censured three democrats for their conduct including bow man of new york for pulling a false fire alarm. concern republicans squandered their majority in the house. >> one thing i want my republican colleagues to give me one thing, one, that i can go campaign on and say we did. one. anybody sitting in the complex if you want to come down to the floor and explain to me one material, meaningful, significant thing the republican majority has done besides well, i guess it's not as bad as the democrats. >> perhaps the year in congress is best known for the unprecedented removal of former house speaker kevin mccarthy. then the expulsion of former representative george santos and use of a hearing room for a sexual romp. two deadlines to fund the government over the winter and talks continue over the holidays as lawmakers try to get a deal
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on border security and immigration. harris. >> harris: chad, thank you. ♪ i'm proud to be an american where at least i know i'm free ♪ and i won't forget the men who died who gave that right to me and i will gladly stand up ♪ >> harris: the artest has a special christmas message. he lays out the three ways to preserve our nation this christmas. one, family. two, a return to god, three, immersing ourselves in the origin story of our nation. by putting others first, family or fellow man, we are able to rise above being mired in our sense of self this holiday season. a return to god, family and country isn't just a cliche for the holidays but something that america is depending upon. grammy award winner lee
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greenwood is here. so great to have you. and you know what? i have no doubt your love of country would give birth to such philosophy about this. talk to us more about these three things. >> first of all, i think it's important that we show who we are as americans and that is be an ambassador for our country. understand the realism of the border crossings are illegal. we have to stop the illegal process. we need to support our military. with the war in ukraine and in israel, sooner or later we'll have boots on the ground and it scares me to death. i remember vietnam. thirdly, we need to remember this is a christian nation. the world is watching and this christmas season we need to acknowledge the fact that we are who we are. we are christian first and that's why if we need to return to faith, it is time to do it now. i have the answer in this book. this is the king james version
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of the bible. in the back of the bible we've included the constitution, the declaration of independence, the bill of rights and the pledge of allegiance. by ordering this, you can have this on your coffee table and show anyone you are proud to be an american. how is that? >> it is always important to read the bible and you reminding of that is critical especially right now. i want to ask you this christmas you laid out some of the things that we're facing. and from your perspective, this is an emergency. so what is one thing you would say to anybody watching right now just in terms of those three things you pointed out? >> you know, when we're desperate for an answer we drop to our knees. i think we know need to make sure we have faith in our life. if we do that we'll be stronger. talk to our neighbors and make sure our communities are all together on the same page about supporting america and what we
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stand for. to me it's faith first, family, of course, i love my wife so very much. kim and i are about taking care of our two sons. married for 31 years and we have businesses we work because we enjoy working and we also believe that america gives us a chance to work. we're still a free nation. as long as we keep it free, we'll have those who come after us who have a chance at the same great freedom we have enjoyed for our lifetime. >> harris: lee greenwood, i don't go to a holiday, particularly july 4th, where we don't sing your song. your voice and your lyrics are all over this country and now we have some christmastime philosophy from you and we appreciate it. god bless you and kim and your family this holiday season. >> thank you, harris, a very merry christmas to you and all your listeners at fox. >> harris: the first 2024
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nominating congress is 25 days away. gop candidates in iowa are going at each other but united on one thing. opposition to colorado's decision to kick donald trump off the ballot. >> i don't need a judge to go take him off the ballot. >> i don't believe it's good for our country if he is precluded from the ballot by a court. >> harris: there is a voice you didn't see and we'll hear from him coming up. some experts predict this will actually help the former president. we'll get into all of it with presidential candidate who is running second in a new iowa poll. governor ron desantis in "focus" next. (dogs barking) - hey, we're here to get you. (whimpering) - it's okay. - don't be scared. - let's go.
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- that's a good job. - can i see him? - this is our home - and this is our room. (♪) my plaque psoriasis was so bad... i couldn't get my hair done. my psoriasis was all over. then my joints started hurting, found out it was psoriatic arthritis. who knew they could be connected? for me, cosentyx works on both. 5 years and counting. did you know people with psoriasis on the scalp have a 4 times higher risk of developing psoriatic arthritis, which if left untreated can lead to permanent joint damage? cosentyx works on all of this and helps stop further joint damage. talk to your doctor. find something that works for you. serious allergic reactions. severe skin reactions that look like eczema and an increased risk of infections, some fatal, have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms,
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had a vaccine or plan to, or if ibd symptoms develop or worsen. cosentyx. still workin' for me. ♪see me♪ find relief that can last. ask your dermatologist about cosentyx.
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>> harris: on january 15th voters in iowa caucuses will cast ballots. a new fox business poll shows former president trump keeping his lead with republican voters in iowa. trump support is now 52%. the first time it has crept above 50%. gop presidential candidates have been all over iowa especially in recent days focusing on knocking each other out of the race. >> trump, is he running as a conservative at this point?
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no. haley? no one would even try to say she is a conservative. we know she is not. >> haley a surging because she went from nine to 11. i went up seven points. she went up two points. >> nikki haley's foreign policy is closer to biden's than mine. >> when your opponents are attacking you doesn't it mean we're doing something right? >> harris: donald trump is in a similar position in iowa far ahead of the pack. former u.n. ambassador nikki haley has moved into second place nationally tied with ron desantis. but in iowa, it is ron desantis right after donald trump. florida governor ron desantis, republican presidential candidate, in "focus" now. good to see you. first of all i know you have gone to all 99 counties. let's talk about iowa now. strategy there and what happens for you in the next 25 days,
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january 15th? >> well, merry christmas, harris, thank you for having me on. we have accumulated tens of thousands of people who have committed to caucus for us. we're adding more every day. i was at an event outside iowa city and we were able to get a bunch more people. i will do an event right after this interview and keep doing it. we'll keep doing that and have the best organization that's ever been done in iowa. we are doing what i set out to do in terms of amassing the support. but iowans want to see you, ask questions and shake your hand. when you are on the ground here. i know people do polls. a lot of polls haven't done well in predicting an actual caucus. it is a different beast. a lot of fluidity and a lot of people who haven't made up their mind. probably close to half could still change their mind or fully make up their mind. i have think the last stretch once we turn the new year will be very impactful.
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we're in the position to capture all that energy. >> harris: a couple of things. obviously the former president is upwards 30% ahead of you. the other thing in this fox business polling it showed 83% of people who support trump have made up their minds. so it's an interesting place to be to see where people are going to flow and maybe change. we'll have to watch that closely. how do you close the gap? what is the goal in iowa? do you think you can close 30 points in 25 days? 30 or more, or is it just to have a good showing and that would be second place? >> well again, i don't think that the 30 points, the polls have not done a good job of assessing the caucus results. i think it is difficult to poll. so i think we are going to get the plurality of the vote. we're working hard to do that. we'll be going every single day between now and caucus night continuing to add voters and that's really what it's all
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about. there are a lot of people that are up for grabs, no question about that. >> harris: some criticism lately about your campaign. >> what's that? i haven't heard it. we've been doing really well. those are pacs that i don't control or have any involvement in in terms of any of the decisions being made. that's just the way it is set up. so i don't know what happened in all that. i know the media likes that. i can tell you there hasn't been a single person from iowa that asked me about super pacs. they are talking about can we get the border secured and get bidenomics reversed and finally bring in administrative state and bureaucracy to heal? that's what they want to see. >> harris: so no concerns? >> look, i focus on what i can
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control and what i can control we're getting the job done. doing well and will continue to do well. >> harris: the decision by four colorado judges to bar former president trump from the state presidential ballot is sparking a lot of backlash and heard you talk about it and other gop candidates. let's take a moment to watch. >> what they're doing to trump right now. look what is happening in colorado is ridiculous. i would remove myself from the colorado ballot and any other state where they remove trump forcibly. >> i don't think donald trump needs to be president. i think i need to be president. that's good for the country but i will beat him fair and square. >> i don't believe donald trump should be prevented from being president of the united states by any court. i think he should be prevented from being president of the united states by the voters of this country. >> there was no trial on any of this. they said you can't be on the ballot. how does that work? what's the limiting principle for that? >> harris: your take on where we are right now. >> well, what's keeping a
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republican state from saying biden shouldn't be on the ballot? he let 8 million illegal aliens into the country. maybe that's an insurrection or rebellion. what the colorado court did had no precedent in american history. it's not something that is going to be upheld by the supreme court. ultimately, what we want this election to be about is not about the january 6th or all the legal issues and all the controversy that is swirling around the former president. what we want the election to be about is the failures of joe biden. what we are going to do to turn the country around. that's how we frame the election to win. i think the democrats would like nothing more than to keep doing all this legal stuff and make 2024 just a referendum on all the trials and everything else that is out there. it is not fair, it is politically motivated but the democrats are going to use that to their advantage, there is no question this colorado thing, i think it will be reversed but that's the opening salvo.
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they will come with a lot more stuff and it will be a story line as we get into 2024. >> harris: i have a few seconds. we've been concentrating a lot on the border. how do you fix it? if you had no congress to help you if you make it to the presidency what would you do first? >> declare it to be a national emergency. send military down there. shut off the invasion. build the border wall and declare the mexican drug cartels to be foreign terrorist organizations. they are poisoning tens of thousands of our citizens every year, killing them. we'll use lethal force against them and win that fight. >> harris: governor ron desantis, 25 days to the caucuses in iowa. appreciate your time. merry christmas to you, your wife and your children, your whole family. good to see you, thank you. >> same to you, thank you. >> harris: thank you for watching "the faulkner focus." be blessed this christmas. "outnumbered" after the break.
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