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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  December 21, 2023 5:00pm-6:00pm PST

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other. a study shows if you just handwriting somebody for 20 seconds, you decrease your risk of heart disease and your blood pressure goes down. let's hug instead of yelling at each other and listen to people who don't agree with us and come together and show kindness. kindness lowers blood pressure. >> laura: have a great 2024. have a wonderful christmas with your family, take some time, take time offline and spend with people who matter most to you and you will be left in good hands when i'm gone. see you in an exciting year and i'm optimistic for 2024. thank you for watching all year long. jesse is ec92. >> jesse: welcome to "jesse watters primetime" tonight removing guy who tried to
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overthrow democratic election is pro-democratic. they are stealing our votes in broad daylight. where in the u.s. do you want to go to? >> just an address in philadelphia to go to. >> meet your new neighbors. >> good morning, my neighbors >> it is time to get away from liberal snowflakes. >> jesse: dating advice from jesse watters. plus, three wisemen brought jesus a gift, what did they bring him? >> diapers, pacifier? ♪ >> jesse: five years after civil war pro-slavery democrats filled the halls of congress and now they flipped the house. 51 former confederate soldiers or officials were elected into
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office, even vice president stevens landed a seat in congress. another confederate lamar, who drafted sussession plan went on to serve as interior secretary and appointed to the supreme court. how is that possible? we've been hearing how the constitution bans insurrectionists from office, the 14th amendment. how would they be allowed to serve and not donald trump? congress eviscerated the 14th amendment after grant believed national unity and reconciliation after the civil war was more important than holding a grudge. this law has been hollowed out and sitting on the back burner for years, that is until donald trump came along, like every previous attack lawyers take the
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theory from another century to prosecute the former president with. remember alvin bragg had 34 felonies or special prosecutor jack smith having to beg the supreme court. are we allowed to charge the president? his case is arcane, ballot stripping is another hail mary to steal your vote because biden is shot. here is scholar stephen colbert. >> removing guy who tried to overturn the election is antidemocratic, let the chickens decide if he finds them delicious. >> jesse: did you hear how casually colbert says removing the guy. we're just removing the guy, you know, the guy who 74 million people voted for last time. we're going to remove him?
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who cares what 74 people want? it is pro-democratic to ignore the will of the people. democrats are treating this like civil war, which they promised would happen if trump got elected. they said colorado is gone if he is elected. >> first state to legalize weed and trump. they banned him, if trump wins in 2024, don't be surprised if colorado becomes east utah. >> jesse: are democrats planning to start a second civil war? biden is demanding citizens fight. he says greatest threat donald trump poses is to our democracy, if we lose that, we lose everything prompt-slavery democrats thought lincoln was the greatest threat, too, and
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took lincoln off the ballot in 10 states. today they are stripping trump off the ballot in colorado and 10 other states issue trying to ban him, too, or as colbert says, remove the guy. california is saying stealing your vote is the right thing to do. >> when the supreme court of colorado determines in an examination of the facts that donald trump is an insurrectionist and disqualified from being on the ballot, certainly here in california we have to look at that information and make the same determination here. >> jesse: lady, colorado did not determine anything, they did not present witnesses, didn't allow due process, four state judges said trump is an insurrection i felt, biden will have to run against vivek ramaswamy. interesting idea, why not ask what the voters think?
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recently elections have been decided by dr. fauci and the fbi. listen to voters in colorado, a solid blue state. >> what do you think of the supreme court decision? >> it is unfair. >> how come? >> government shouldn't get in that position to control votes for certain candidates. if that was legit mamat thing to happen, he would be arrested. >> outrage, they are going to take away our choice based on their personal belief. >> tony does not take this decision seriously and thinks the supreme court taking trump off the ballot is result of game playing. >> why do you think they are playing a game? >> they are part of the game. >> what is that game? >> not being honest. >> you think that trump has been honest? >> for the most part, yeah.
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>> jesse: cnn just found out no one watches them, so we send jerry out. if democrats want to play games with cobweb laws from a century ago, only time section three of the 14th amendment was used was to remove a socialist who provided aid and comfort to the enemy. in 1919, victor burger was caught helping germans in world war i. we can strip biden from the ballot for giving comfort to iran, china, venezuela, he is letting their people sneak into our country. texas should, as colbert says, just remove him from the ballot. this election is nine out of 10, they raided, arrested, censored trump from the ballot and there is 10 months to go and none of it has worked. i have a bad feeling about this, i should not have gotten that
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tarot card reading. robert ray joins me now, independent counsel for whitewater investigation. i doernt like how this is going, feels like we are leading into a dangerous place. how do you view it? >> me, too. i just -- it is disheartening, i guess good you are seeing some voices rise above this, even on the left saying that the supreme court will have to overturn this, i don't think jamie raskin thinks this will go colorado's way. ruth marcus from the "washington post" agrees and thinks the decision to be unanimous to overturn it. she can't buy into clarence thomas having a vote on any matter relating to donald trump, but it is in the country's best interest to shove this back down colorado's throats. you just had a handful of people on there, what is disheartening
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to me in final analysis, more common serns among a handful of people than displayed by a lot of courts and liberal activists who are going to be embolden by this decision to continue this effort in any number of more states beyond the 17 the graph showed to try to use legal process to remove trump from the ballot not withstanding and ignoring the will of the voters that is orwellian to me and amazing people are not shouting this down. that is the disheartening part. if you ask the average voter to exercise sense, they are with the people consistent with lincoln, ultimate justice of the people. we have lost that in this country and need to get it back. >> jesse: you rather be ruled by the first 100 people in the
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phone book than the harvard faculty. when you see history where confederate officials who killed people or drafted susession plans, you see them come back into federal government, how are t they -- how are they better than donald trump? he didn't grab a bayonet, he said march peacefully. >> it has all sorts of problems, first amendment problems, due process problem, whether or not it even applies to president of the united states and easiest off ramp people recognized is the 14th amendment under section three used as a sword, which is what colorado has done against donald trump is not self-executing and congress has to act before that can happen and during the civil war era,
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congress did act and provisions to override and allow to serve in government and a president recognized reconciliation is more important than excluding people from office and allowing will of the people going forward, even if you don't agree is more important value in the long run. democrats will rue the day they be start playing games, which is what voters recognized, to excludepeople from the ballot. you take donald trump out, it is sears infringement on the will of the people and franchise and something to pay attention to and be concerned about. >> jesse: sure, i don't want ballot stripping on another side. if trump wins relack, revenge term will be interesting. robert, thank you and merry christmas. >> merry christmas to you, thank
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you for having me. >> jesse: the last three years have been a pretty filthy soap opera, trans flashers, cheats, first family love videos and gurus stealing luggage at airports, orgy of blackmail opportunity and just happened again. dr. jill biden press secretary forced to resign for inviting strange foreign men into his hotel room last nato summit. michael larosatried to bring his dates to secured area where the bidens were staying and got caught. he did it twice and it was the last straw. larosa said only once for a night cap and if you work for the president and on foreign land at nato, you don't invite
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strange men back to your hotel after midnight, it is a set up. trump had a piece of paper locked up and guarded by secret service, but foreign spies sleeping in the same hotel as the president? come on. the way the country is running, we should assume the politicians are being sexually blackmailed, how do you explain all the bs coming out of that town. congressman tim burchett says blackmail is part of the deal. >> you are out of the country or out of town or in a motel or bar in d.c. and some whatever you're into, women or men or whatever comes up and they are attractive and laughing at your jokes and you are buying them a drink. next thing you know, you are in a hotel room with them naked and
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you are about to make a key vote and what happened? a well-dressed man comes up ands, there are tapes out on you, were you in a hotel room with whoever? uh-oh. you ought not vote for this thing. >> jesse: i thought only one eric swalwell, there are dozens. major development in the harvard plagiarism scandal. we'll be right back. , i've got symptom relief. ♪ ♪ control of my crohn's means everything to me. ♪ ♪ control is everything to me. ♪ feel significant symptom relief at 4 weeks with skyrizi, including less abdominal pain and fewer bowel movements. skyrizi is the first il-23 inhibitor that can deliver remission and visibly improve damage of the intestinal lining. and the majority of people experienced long-lasting remission at one year.
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serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to. liver problems may occur in crohn's disease. ♪ now's the time to ask your gastroenterologist how you can take control of your crohn's with skyrizi. ♪ ♪ control is everything to me. ♪ ♪ learn how abbvie could help you save. hi, i'm ben and i've lost 60 pounds on golo. (guitar music) with other programs i've tried in the past they were unsustainable, just too restrictive. with golo i can enjoy my food and the fear and guilt of eating is gone.
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goli, taste your goals. goli, taste your goals. >> jesse: the entire third world is walking through the backdoor. when they get there, they are given a court gate to appear a decade from now. >> court dates in 2031, what are
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they supposed to do for seven years? >> i'm not in a position to talk about specific cases like that. >> jesse: for a decade, lay down roots and probably vote in local elections. thousands are coming in everyday. bill melugin is at the border with the latest. >> bill: jesse, this small border town continues to be inundated everyday. you can see over my shoulder right now and we'll show you footage from this morning just after sunrise. enormous single group of 700 people crossed through a breach in the border wall. many adult men from africa, going to sanctuary cities. we spoke to a man from guinea who said he was going to philadelphia, but didn't know
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why. take a listen. >> where you from? >> mali. >> senegal. >> guinea. >> guinea. okay. where in the u.s. do you want to go to? >> philadelphia. philadelphia? why philadelphia? >> um, i have -- i don't know the place, i have a place. >> just an address in philadelphia to go to. >> take a look at this video in eagle pass, texas today, another part of the border overwhelmed this week. eagle pass seeing more than 10,000 illegal crossings in the past day. border patrol encountered people from lebanon, amman, new guinea and bangladesh. border patrol is overrun in both locations and cbp sources confirming to fox news, there
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have been 200,000 encounters in the first of december, that is a number of people that can fill two rose bowls and have some left over. back to you. >> jesse: harvard president claudine gay plagiarism has caught attention of legacy media and harvard is trying to change definition of plagiarism to save them shame of having to fire its first black president. gay is guilty of 40 instances of plagiarism, two-thirds of her scholarly work, which was thin already. harvard is finding new instances of plagiarism, but do not call it that. gay used dupe licaative language. it is not homicide, the suspect
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caused bleeding resulting in heart failure. even cnn who redefined looting as shopping without money is not having it. how will harvard be able to punish any students found guilty of the same offense without inviting a lawsuit. if she gets away with something students can't get away with, that could be messy. >> jesse: yeah, things could get messy when you don't cut her loose because she is black. how do i know? because harvard fired larry summers for saying men and women are different, which is undeniable truth. if white male harvard presidents can speak the truth and women presidents can lie, cheat and
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st steal. diversity, equity and inclusion is not about making people equal, creating different standards for different races and genders. lower standard is racist, assumes they are not capable of meeting same level of conduct others are expected to meet. by not terminating gay, it tells people you are not equal, you need special treatment. what year is it? there are hundreds of black female academics who would make marvelous presidents at harvard and have not plagiarized their entire career thchl is sult to blacks and to women. by protecting gay, you are hurting blacks and women and insulting all of us. to grade on a racial curve at harvard, the pinnacle of
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meritocracy, sends a message not to strife for excellence. the ivory tower of the ivy league has been poisoned and trickling down and destroying our institutions. dei is dying and harvard has to do the right thing and pull the plug and send a message to america about who we are. plagiarism, like cheating on taxes and bribery has been disqualifying. >> university president resigning after admitting to plagiarizing in his admission speech. his words were nearly identical to a former head of operations. >> jesse: he resigned for plagiarizing two paragraphs in one speak. president gay has plagiarized her entire career and does not have integrity to resign. that is because harvard academics are defending her.
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it is part of right wing attack on elite institution, if it came from another quarter, i might grant it credence, but not from these people. if biden took chinese bribe, harvard probably wouldn't believe it, actually just happened. greg co-author of "cancelling of the american mind."greg, what message is this sending that harvard is keeping this woman around? >> greg: yeah, autobeen a terrible year for harvard and under claudine gay short tenure, they are dead last on free speech ranking. they got a negative score, they flubbed antisemitism hearing, did a terrible job at this and serious plagiarism allegations. this is bad for harvard.
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one good thing coming out of it for us about higher education, no serious person can say there is not something very seriously wrong, particularly at harvard and elite education today. >> jesse: if harvard is the crown jewel, it is up on the crown with the rest of things that make america great. if this crown jewel is roton to the core, what does that mean for the rest of the country? >> ivy league all did terrible, other schools are doing good job, university of virginia, university of chicago have done a good job, we have to rethink how we do this whole thing. one great thing that came out of antisemitism hearings and president magill stepping down is alumni, and donors presented a statement that relies on free speech and does not rely on
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ideology or gross misconduct. if schools follow that, they stand a fighting chance. >> jesse: i don't know if this country has a fighting chance, people go to harvard and have been infected by this garbage, how do you undo this? will it take a generation? >> we talk about this in cancelling of the american mind, how to keep your corporations out of the culture war. corporate leaders told me they were not hiring ivy league kids anymore, they were dysfunctional, but afraid to say that out loud. we should hire people from ohio state and not harvard. >> jesse: maybe penn state. no offense. pick a favorite.
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>> jesse: thank you and merry christmas. merry christmas, take care. >> jesse: up next, dating advice from me. ah mornings! cough? congestion? i'm feeling better. all in one and done with new mucinex kickstart. headache? better now. new mucinex kickstart gives all-in-one and done relief with a morning jolt of instant cooling sensation. it's comeback season. in a rocky mountain setting? spanning over 280,000 acres, three forks ranch is the destination for luxury and adventure. enjoy private skiing with 23 runs for every level. kick back for intimate performances from the best in country music. enhance your wellness and longevity through our mayo clinic programs, or plan your meeting for a memorable corporate retreat. discover the west kept secret. go to to book your luxury experience.
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>> jesse: so it is friday night, gentlemen. you have a date with a beautiful young woman. you pick her up, open the door for her. bill comes, you pay, right? apparently that is a foreign concept to women today. >> i went on a date today and felt feminism leaving my body. >> i went with a guy playing for everything, it activated something feral in me. he turns to me and hands me his credit card and goes, here is my card, get us whatever. might be time to get away from
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liberal snowflakes. >> jesse: you can almost see the feminism leaving her body, all it took was a man acting like a man thchl should be normal, but it is not. droves of women say they are done going dutch. >> i expect a man to pay for the date, including my uber to my date and back to my house. if you can't afford uber, you can't afford kids and a house. >> jesse: media is starting to reverse course. should men pay for dates? we owe reparation to blacks and women now. why are guys letting women pay for dinner? let's ask dating connoisseur julia rose. is this a thing now?
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i always paid when i was dating. are people splitting the bill now? >> i sure hope not, not the dates i go on. girls offer, it is about the man, will he let the girl pay? >> jesse: it is nice if you offer, cute, kind of funny, but we don't take it seriously. are guys doing this these days? this girl was shocked the guy handed her the card. >> i guess some guys are splitting the bill, more women are offering. i guess, i mean, i don't know what kind of guy would let a woman pay on the first date. >> jesse: the date will not go well. are men expected to pay, what is ballpark for a dinner now?
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100, 200, 350, depending on wine? >> what is a beautiful wam? priceless. i guarantee you that woman exfoliated and shaved every inch of her body, what is that worth? more than a dinner. >> jesse: okay, and the uber ride, too. if we can't afford uber, we can't afford kids. how elaborate, seriously, we're talking dinner and drinks and after dinner drinks. >> we're talking lobster and caviar, all of it, this is a woman you are taking on a date, first impression, a date is like a job interview and the woman is interviewing you, what kind of impression do you want to leave? >> jesse: lobster on the first
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date, you know what comes after that, don't you? >> lobster and caviar, finest for women. >> jesse: half the country just went bankrupt. guys, open the wallet, priceless. dating connoisseur, merry christmas. >> merry christmas. >> jesse: our famous christmas quiz, up next.
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only at vanguard, you're more than just an investor, you're an owner. our financial planning tools and advice can help you prepare for today's longer retirement. hi mom. that's the value of ownership.
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goli, taste your goals.
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>> jesse: holiday season definitely stressful, especially when you are traveling. if you are on spirit airlines protect eyes, nose and throat. watch yourself on the street. in long island men beat each other with large pieces of wood, i think that is wood. you probably want to fight when you live in rhode island. when you are doing last-minute shopping, anything can happen. >> everyone involved was
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related. threats were made before a f full-out fight. once it calmed down, we ran to appleby's and they were arrested. >> jesse: every tuesday, beat the piss out of everyone. what is driving americans to the edge? staring at phones? rewiring our brains into macho or the cocaine? we thought we would ask ratings fella jimmy failla. >> jimmy: cnn is calling this a mostly peaceful fender bender. throwaway joke. the phone is why everyone is on edge, it is curated to make us the center of the universe. you are the king -- >> jesse: king of your digital
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castle. >> jimmy: i want pants, overnight them to my house. we know this is long island based on the amount of people in a fight. no one has a one-on-one fight there. >> jesse: why does everybody have a weapon? >> jimmy: long island, everybody is always on edge. >> jesse: we have not spoken about an overturned car right there. where did that come from? >> jimmy: no concern to anybody. there are probably three people in it, they probably have to get this out of their system. >> jesse: probably a baby crying in there. >> jimmy: only road where you signal after you have made it into the next lane.
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put on your blinker and ha, ha, i made it. >> jesse: they go to appleby's. >> jimmy: disco fries. >> jesse: appleby's is saturday night thing. >> jimmy: that is where you go before a crash like this. >> jesse: frozen sugary drinks, they came from appleby's, got into a fender bender. >> jimmy: beating themselves into sobriety. that is hot, i pay on craigs list. >> jesse: are you appearing anywhere? >> jimmy: hosting fox news saturday night. >> jesse: the ratings fairy. holidays are not easy, as we just saw. you remember my thanksgiving this weekend. car wash closed sooner than i said, dad opened the wrong
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bottle of wine and i almost got rabies. the holidays are about family, like in the new movie "on fire," where a family has to stick together to survive a wildfire. watch. >> no, no, no. >> help. hey, hey. sara, look at me, you okay? you okay? hey, clay -- >> yeah. >> you okay, huh? >> jesse: star of twilight, peter faceneli. thanks for having me on. >> jesse: what do we have going on? a lot of people hope a fire catches their house and they don't have to talk to their relatives. >> yeah, well, sometimes, sometimes for sure. then you go to appleby's and everything is better. i'm buying stock in appleby's,
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everyone comes together, new slogan. >> jesse: if you are seen at appleby's, you would probably hide your face, peter. do they have movies to make us feel good or just to scare us? >> someone asked me, is this a horror film, action film, thriller? a little bit of everything, cautionary tale in there. when i signed on, there were a lot of fires in newspapers and news and it still continues to be that way, it is a problem we need to fix. there is a lot of takeaways in the film and nice ride of a disaster film and a family coming together to overcome an obstacle. >> jesse: family-friendly film and a thriller issue good for around the fire this christmas whachl is your family like? do you have tense conversations like politics or more copa stetic? >> no, i think we learned to
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just -- don't talk religion or politics, everyone has their view on things and i don't think that is the time to come out over a bottle of wine over the holidays. you don't see each other that often, keep it more, don't go deep in that direction and more about what you are up to with kids and your family and what movies do you want to watch and twha is a good movie to bring everybody together like "on fire." >> jesse: do your parents try to keep you under control. around the christmas dinner table, it is like pas the butter. no, they are so not affected by what i do, it is hard to impress them. i said once, i'm doing this movie with drew barrymore. my dad said, is he nice? they know nothing about the
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business. i stopped trying to impress them. i am the quiet one around the table. i have to fight for attention at the dinner table. i still am, my family is theatrical, i let them do the dinner theater there. >> jesse: the family sounds fascinating. >> did you see those people that were on that clip, i have to zoom in, it might be my relatives from long island. >> jesse: a proud, proud town, we get around. peter, merry christmas, check out "on fire." happy holidays. thank you. >> jesse: it's beginning to look a lot like christmas. everybody loves the christmas tree, what did it originate in? >> i need a hint.
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>> germa -- >> germa-what? teeth sensitivity is so common. it immediately feels like somebody's poking directly on the nerve. i recommend sensodyne. sensodyne toothpaste goes inside the tooth and calms the nerve down. and my patients say you know doc, it really works. i have moderate to severe crohn's disease. now, there's skyrizi. ♪ things are looking up, i've got symptom relief. ♪ ♪ control of my crohn's means everything to me. ♪ ♪ control is everything to me. ♪ feel significant symptom relief at 4 weeks with skyrizi, including less abdominal pain and fewer bowel movements. skyrizi is the first il-23 inhibitor that can deliver remission and visibly improve damage of the intestinal lining. and the majority of people experienced long-lasting remission at one year. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to.
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liver problems may occur in crohn's disease. ♪ now's the time to ask your gastroenterologist how you can take control of your crohn's with skyrizi. ♪ ♪ control is everything to me. ♪ ♪ learn how abbvie could help you save.
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♪ ♪ >> jesse: everybody's excited for christmas. you can feel it. but does anybody know why we celebrate it? we tried to find out. ♪ ♪ >> is it merry christmas or happy holidays? >> i think merry christmas sounds better. >> it could be both! anything! >> come on, this is fox news! its merry christmas all the way! you know that. >> they like to say merry christmas. everybody loves it. >> what does christmas mean to you? >> family. >> the gifts. >> i love the music! ♪ it's beginning to look a lot like christmas ♪ >> that's all i know. >> oh, yeah. how does that go again? ♪ ♪ >> where was jesus born? >> i can't recall. >> heaven.
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[buzzer] >> i looked up and i said, it's not even close. >> bethlehem connect i live near bethlehem. >> where is bethlehem? >> it's like upstate new york. [buzzer] >> gaza? [buzzer] >> new jersey. [buzzer] >> middle pennsylvania? [buzzer] no? >> jerusalem. >> i can't think of it. >> that's the answer. >> it is jerusalem? >> oh, my gosh. >> how silly of me. >> what was jesus' profession? >> manager? >> cashier? >> a car salesman. >> he was a carpenter. >> police officer? >> it's b.s. they made it up. they lied. >> the three wise men all brought jesus a gift. what did they bring in? >> diapers. [buzzer] pacifier. [buzzer] and a baby bottle. [buzzer] >> a little drum? >> ba-dum-bum-bum-bum? >> wisdom cannot help me,
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please. >> throw me a frickin' bone here. >> candles? >> frankincense. myrrh. >> what are you doing? >> what is that smell? >> that the smell of desire, milady. >> myrrh is the sound i make when i'm a little backed up. myrrh! >> couldn't do it. >> everybody loves the christmas tree. but what country did it originate in? >> i don't know! i was not ready for this trivia! >> what are we actually doing here? >> norway. [buzzer] >> germa... >> germa? >> germany? >> palestine. >> this isn't controversial! >> name santa's reindeer. >> there's rudolph. >> prancer, francine. [buzzer] i was thinking donald for some reason but that's not right. [buzzer] >> that would not be my first choice.
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>> jesse watters, you're going to be on his show, and he loves christmas. what do you want to tell him? >> aww, that's exciting! i hope you have a great -- aww, i'm nervous now. >> i love jesse watters. he's the man. >> keeps owning the libs, my friend. but let's celebrate together and have a happy christmas. >> i'm pretty sure jesus was born in bethlehem? pretty sure about that? ♪ ♪ four days away. that's right. you have four days until christmas, meaning there's still time for you to get my book, "get it together." you're not going to actually get the book, you get a signed copy certificate. go to you get this beautiful, beautiful little envelope you can just put right there in the stocking. imagine opening up that. better than jewelry. let's do text.
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steve from new hampshire, "i can't wait to see what trump's plans are for colorado on his one-day dictatorship." it looks like we have 49 states now. samantha from texas, "harvard does not lie, cheat, and steel. they elaborate, collaborate, and braille." well done. "no lobster on the first date. it's too messy. also there's an expectation --" we don't need to get into that. jerry from new jersey. "i've been happily married for 37 years and i still pay the bill. i don't ever end. but that's the end of this show, and the end of "jesse watters primetime" for the years. well, hosted by me, of course. merry christmas. i am watters and this is my world. ♪ ♪ >> welcome to this special edition ofhait


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