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tv   The Five  FOX News  December 21, 2023 9:00pm-10:01pm PST

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to finally lose 80 pounds and keep it off with golo is amazing. i've been maintaining. the weight is gone and it's never coming back. with golo, i've not only kept off the weight but i'm happier, i'm healthier, and i have a new lease on life. golo is the only thing that will let you lose weight and keep it off. who loses 138 pounds in nine months? i did! golo's a lifestyle change and you make the change and it stays off. (soft music) ♪ ♪ >> hello, everyone. i'm dana perino along with
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judge jeanine pirro, harold ford jr., jesse watters, and greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five." ♪ ♪ the 2024 election turning into a free-for-all, maybe. a dozen states could follow colorado in kicking donald trump off their ballots, or at least trying to. now republicans are found to retaliate against joe biden. >> we should all be encouraged by any action that makes it less likely that he will return to the president. >> it's a question of law. if a 14-year-old tried to run for president, would that person be kept off of the ballot because the constitution says you have to be 35 years old to run for president? >> what is the limiting principle for that? why, could we just say biden can be on the ballot because he lead in 8 million illegals into the country and violated the constitution, which he has? >> maybe we should take joe biden off the ballot in g texas. >>utfeld california now lookings
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copy the ballot ban, and a lieutenant governor trying to run for governor nexndpublt yea, that's very political. tri despite serious legal questions, the golden state lieutenanconst governor says she's exportingqu alesl options. listen to her here. >> we are in uncharted territort inor our country, and the decisn out of colorado is a very significant fact. f when theac supreme court of colorado determines in an f examination ofac the facts that donald trump is an insurrectionist, and therefore is disqualified from being on the ballot, certainly here in california we have to look atg that information and make the same determination here. >> dana:e ha all these develop s putting pressure on the supreme court to intervene and allow americans to vote for donald trump. legal experts argue it should be an easrguey case.he >> the core problem here is the denial of due process. it was a 5-day hearing, there was no jury, it was before the judge. they were not able to subpoena witnesses annod compel the
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attendance of witnesses. a the process was a procedural frankenstein. >> and what t colorado did wasas wrong legally, but w it was wrog in terms of our values. >> colorado tried to sort of >> colorado tried to sort of that is not really made for this type of insurrection determination and force a square peg into a round hole, and i think that violates donald trump's due process rights. >> dana: but some in the liberal media seem ts duo arguet trump doesn't even deserve an' fair shake. >> so many of these people aree serving jail timpee and donald trump is not. for one simple reason.ason unlike donald trump, they arena ldnot rich and powerful. so, please, spare me the t antidemocratic lectures. he>> dana: i think people will be anxious and eager to hear from you and your thoughts on all of this. >> first of all, i'm glad to be back at the table. a pleasure to see you all. first of all, the 14th amendment
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was never intended t, o be used the way the court in colorado used it.olorused first of all, the whole idea of an insurrection, and the ideaed encompassed in section three of article 14, is that they would keep a confederate off the o ticket for presidentde ntpost-civil war. that's number one. number two, the question is to whether or not what happened ons january 6th is an insurrection january 6th is an insurrection in with guns? was there a plan to actuallyta take over thkee government, tomt seize control? and the other thing is whether subdivision 3 applies toio a president. it's not clear in the 14th amendment. it talks about judicial officers it talks about judicial officers it doesn't speak specifically about the president and presinsurrection. so right on the face of the 14th amendment, they lose.of the 14th but let's talke about who made this
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urjudges on the supreme court in colorado. from harvard university of pennsylvania, uvk, and penn, al- those elite schools that are very anti-trump to begin with. rsel then you say to yourself, look at the results. a lieutenant governor inlook california is looking to follow governor newsom. is so smart, she thinks the president according to the constitution has to be 40. i mean, it's 35, number one. number two, she said it creates a precedent. she doesn't understand the legal .the legal colorado doesn't create a precedent for california. higher courts declare precedent. for lower courts. this is all about disqualifying a political flow. flow. y nothere is absolutely no basir it. to know, what are the democrats so afraid of? what are you still afraid of?u' you've tried criminal cases,e civil cases, you have impeached, now you want to thro ww them off the ballot. what next?wh why are you so desperate to take this issue away from thean
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american people? >> dana: end, greg, the media on the left seem to be conditioning the environment for any decision that comes from thm supreme court to be political if it doesn't go the way they wantw >> greg: exactlyay. it is so obvious why this is happening. the dems. are freaking out abou frthe poll numbers, and ratherue than play fair, they're going to take the player out. this is the equivalent of drugging thedr opposing stare player before the big game. this ibis why they are doing the insurrection hoax, the hitlerte hoax, the media isri all in, an it's hysterical. they are in a they normalized hitleriz. everybody is a nazi. meanwhile they made sure young people in our education system aren't really sure what hitler is anymore because they call everybody they use "hitler" the way surfers use the phrase "awesome." "that's a hitler jacket, dude." why are they doing this? t here's imagine if you are a blind taste test.
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ef2 products and you list the compliments on both sides, side-by-side. the policies, what was done. what would take like true nonpulp orange juice, and the other would be horse piss. trumd p is the orange juice and biden is the horse piss on that taste test. if you focus on what matters, everyone would favor trump, see you have to favor that is something bad.core hitler. so they would end up voting for the horse peepee.e when youfo say someone is hitlee and followers are nazis, you're immotelling people it would bedv immoral or even evil not to do everything possible to stopou them. hav if you have a chance to kill hitler before he enacted the holocaust, who wouldn't do that? that's why they are posting these to demonize it so you can't. so you can't support him. he would be just as bad. this is why millions of peopledn
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'tdidn't trust the election process of 2020, because one process of 2020, because one basically to exploit everyng single avenue, illegal or not. .lie, cheat, spy in order to get their and they doing it now. but now it is on meth.o dana: colorado has lit a match, and i hope they supreme court acts quickly. if all the states are goinbeifgo try this they need direction from the highest court to say yea or nay. >> harold: i'm leaving for vacation tomorrow and usually i l besay something controversial before vacation, so i'm going to pass. [laughter] 's bill and i'll give you a pass. >> jesse: i'm kidding. e you knowls who else got knocked f thoff the ballot? lincoln. the southern confederates knocked him off ten state ballots.g sianother glaring similarity between abraham lincoln and donald trump. >> dana: [laughs] >> jesse: excuse me?
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[laughter] >> harold: my colonizer. >> jesse: he was acquitted and c never charged criminally with insurrection, and the democrat e are always saying how it is voter suppression when they have to wait in line fo: and r an hoo vote for the candidate. what if you never get to vote for your candidate to? that is crazy. they are talking about stealing our votes. and they are happy about that. now, i don't know if you read karl rove in the "wall street journal." >> dana: i did read that. >> jesse: okay str. he makes the point that there were 51 former confederate soldiers and legit confederates that ended up becoming federal officials. the confederacy's former vice president became a federal official. one of the chief secessionists became an interior secretary and e ofa supreme court justice. >> dana: you don't say? >> jesse: well, i don't, karl said it.
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and he mentioned the fact that, after the civil war, thessed republican congress passed this great amnesty package where it kind of provided for a little more reconciliation to allowli some of these people to beatf th brought back into the union.ou so if there is more ofgh a spirt of reconciliation and national unity after the civil war than there is today in 2023, that's bananas. >> dana: harold, we do hear a e on both sides ofe do hear a the one aisle there is a concern about the crisis of confidence in our institutions, and this seems to throw a match on a t problem that the courthr, hopefully the supreme court cano pepush forward. but if the supreme court rules and says, this is ridiculous, and it's not 9-0, do you think it will just turn into another political food fight? >> harold: i think we'll certainly analyze the make-up of the vote s for pushing this back. i think, i said yesterday i thought it would be overruled. i think what will likely happen,
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kennedy talked about that same guy in the profiles and wrote about the guy that karl rov coue talked about. our nation i s not perfect. we strive every day to make it perfect. every day to make it i believe the most important part of the engine that allowsgi us to do that is that we are built on a rule of law. the rule of law allows for steadiness, allows for fairness, allows for accountability and predictability. in this instance here, democrats may be upset with me for saying this, but the record that theyor looked at in colorado, as i read the thing, they looked at the politica l hearing that took t place, the january 6thoo hearin, and viewed that as a tribunalas and looked at those facts when the subject of that matter, the target of that matter, mr. trump, didn't have a chance for he didn't have witnesses to putt forward. so there are a bunch of questions and the judges know this better than
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they don't want to deal with all the questions around, is he an officer? there are so many difficult questions, and bill barr bar b said it best, it's basically ae' denial of due process. so i think these questions, to will just these questions, to push it back to the cour t and say, look, answer all of these atallow witnesses to come befor, because barr said it best, you can't have a few days ofll hearg and not allow someone that'sowa going to be disallowed to be on a ballotde to be elected to offe to be decided by -- i hear everybody saying, the reason iyg hope there is a 9-0 vote, and,yg judge, you were making a point about some of the law schools, i think americans need to see that judges are impartial agents of d adjudicating the law. and when the law is clear, and i think in this case here there is just not enough ofe a record here for this to be decidedfo like is been decided. i was frustrated hearing the california attorney journal, i think you don't just look at another state because you likeii their politics or like thecs politics of the decision and say -- you look at the law, and
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if the law allows you to do thie if the law allows you to do thie whether you agree with it or not to determine whether your own laws are consistent with that. but i'm hopeful the court will look at this quicklyn and we cn find ourselves not talking about t this like we have been. >> dana: okay. b >> dana: okay. b straight ahead, more insanity at the migrants are becoming socialom media stars. ♪ ♪ ♪ simply having a wonderful christmas time ♪
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♪ ♪ >> greg: move over, dylan mulvaney. migrants are, the new social media influencers. migrants are documenting their checks to the united states online, posting detailed videos of their routes and the dangers they face along the way.
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♪ ♪e ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> greg: their videos serve aseo guides for others to find their way to the u.s. withoute smugglers, some reportedly making so much money after the b videos blew up that they no longer need to live in america. and while the border turns into an even bigger disaster, the texas governor now charteringfo flights for migrants to sanctuary cities like chicago after the liberal city interfered with the buses.e one chicago democrat calling oun his own mayor for turning a blind eye on who is really to blame. >> my mary is blaming everyone except the person who needs tond get the blame, and that isn an president joe biden and
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kamala harris. and not calling out secretary mayorkas for allowing asylum-seekers come to this country under false pretenses, and giving them court cases ten years from now. couit's outrageous that common sense is nowhere to be found in the democratic party anymore when it comes to this issue. n >> greg: jesse, this is g reinteresting. the social media migrants, they are already assimilating. how soon before they start dating kardashians? but maybe they found their own solution. they become capitalists.theythey they don't have to come here. >> jesse: one guy just keeps going back and forth. he never even makes it. he's getting paid so much on the journey. i've been at this company, greg, for 20 years. 20 years ago, when i produced "the factor," and i didn't produce it, i was when hdue of y mende people who did, but i wasp cutting tape for it, and wele gacouldn't find illegal alienn footage. we used to have to run the same grainy black and white footageay over and over and over again. we actually had to hire formerir military guys to go to some remote location in arizona and set up l aoc camera and then cae
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them scurrying across. and now we are not only getting some of them every day, they are filming themselves while we film them. it's never been this bad.u remember that mtv show, "roadd rules?" this is what it's turned into.op and i know people who would pay $10,000 to go jump in a central american waterfall or to kayak through a beautiful stream in guatemala.oc thiske makes a mockery of the immigration system, and joe could put a stopstop to it righw but he won't. speak to you know, dana, the agents are outnumbered by a factor of 200 to one, which hichraises the question, who ise lucky guy? joey jones, pete hegseth, or lawrence jones? >> dana: to be determined.nes? we'll find out. if it's jesse watters, why doesn't the white house used dylan mulvaney? if you need a social media influencers to counter this,edia have dylan mulvaney go work at
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the state department and make different videos to say thattate actually it's not so great. the thing is, that looks fun, righright?sn well, maybe right there doesn't look fun, bu'tt t the way they put the music to it, and nobody is listening to kamala harrisan and joe biden when they say don't come.y that's the answer, don't come. so you could make videos fromomt the state department or the cia ane d put them out there and shw people, actually, it's not that great.e. you risk losing your life. you risk being raped. you risk being turned away once you get here, and all the other campaign of horribles that go with it. eoon the video point, the migras themselves are providing free content for republicans, who content for republicans, who into 2024 using this very thing. >> greg: that's a good point. reg:you know, harold, texas arel yiflying migrants to chicago, so maybe the democrats are right. they want thght.e illegals to d. >> harold: no, i -- so, these stories -- i mean, it's amazing
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to me that they are usingto technology today the way our technology today the way our and it's not so amazing. dana is right, they are t advertising and showinheg how great it is. their lives where they are coming from must be horrible, to make this journey and to make this track. having said that -- >> jesse: they had plenty ofpa time to pack. >> harold: the noisiness and dysfunction on our side makes it even more likely that more andnm more will come. issues don't change. ilmafor councilman lopez of chio to call ouz tht his own mayor ao put the figure where the fingerp has to be pointed, or at least has to be pointed, or at least doubt we need federal policy, a new federal outlook on all ofou this. and it's not hard to figure out what to do. the first thing isth asylum process, reform, more law enforcement on the border, land do something they haven't done in 35 years, which is to figure out ways in which we could invest in smart efficient ways to help make their communities and make their countries more palatable for them to want to because i agree, we have notwe'v
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done enough to dissuade people from coming, but the one thingg we have to acknowledge is that their lives are in a state of affairs or a state where they are willing to risk their lives to come to our country. >> jesse: but, harold, they're coming from every country in thp entire world. th cane united states taxpayer t make every country in the world better so nobody wants to come-- here. >> harold: i'm just talking about our hemisphere. >> jesse: there's a lot of countries in our hemisphere, too. we' >> harold: we spend trillions in other parts of the world tobi help stabilize it. i think we have been shortsighted not to think abouto our owmen hemisphere, as well. >> greg: whaell.t harold is saying, judge, is we should invade these countries, take them ovetrier so they are more e the united states, neil con. >> judge jeanine: he's looking to colonize! [laughter] >> harold: they are rubbing off me! >> judge jeanine: maybe i can talk for a second. all tal first of all, when you talk abouabt not getting video years ago, but we've got now is the
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normalization of illegal behavior. this guy is doing these videos, this guy is doing these videos, behavior. because that's what joe biden m wants, i think he should make him the director of tourism for the united states, okay?, thfor i mean, this guy is makingby t money. by the way, it is dangerous. there's mountains, there's forests, river deltas, there is flooding. if you are sleeping,rive the fld can just take you and literally you drown in the and yet theyer are making it lok like, oh, it's just a great thing. t so you say to yourself, why is president biden doing this? if 200,000 people have come in this month, in december, and it's not even the end of the month yet -- i grew up in a town of 40,000 people. that's five towns like what i40 grew up in. they are bringing in footballf stadiums of illegals.
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to what end? how many is enough? why is no one stopping it? someone had an argument with me, and they said, "you have to have congress act." i said, "what do you want congress to do?" "well, i don't know, i'm not a politician."m noaybe jus i said, maybe we ought to just enforce the law. but in the end, there is anso agenda here, and the agenda is to get them all in so that, on election day, maybe there is motor voter registration. maybe they will be able to vote. maybe someone will want them to vote. so this guy is advocating coming to this country illegally, saying it's easy, and thescomie people coming in from afghanistan, egypt, iran, syria, uzbekistan, lebanon, jordan, mauritania. what's going on? >> jesse: lebanon, my goodness, get them out of here! >> jeanine: they are good cooks, anyway. bring 'em in. to what end?fo >> greg: straight ahead, did
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joe biden create a debt bomb the rest of us will be forced to pay for? ♪ ♪
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♪ i don't ever want to go back to wearing a 4xl shirt or not being able to climb up stairs without taking a break. so i'm committed to golo for life. ♪ she was a big star ♪ ♪ where she sang karaoke every night ♪ >> judge jeanine: did joe biden just create a student joe biden just create a student for three years and promising to wipe out their loans? college ob after the pandemic pause was pau lifted. so why are grads refusing to pay back their loans? young borrowers claim they don't care if their credit gets crushed, because they won't beri abler to afford a home someday anyway. anyway.
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if i don't pay my student loansd what are you going to do? ruin my credit so i can't buy the house that i wasn't even going to be able to buy ever in my lifetime anyways? >> judge jeanine: and thankfully joe biden isn't the one crunching the numbers. abo the president bragging about relieving debt for over 130 million americans, evenn though there are only 40 million with loans. >> i went to the supreme court to eliminate student debt thatou is out there. and guess what? [applause] the supreme court ruled against it, but i still that 136 million debt relieved. that 136 million >> judge jeanine: dana, what is he talking about? ing >> dana: well, i don't know how they arew ho counting the numbers.e this is the problem of trying to buy votes. he over-promised andun under-delivered. the supreme court said youderd e do this, he said, "right, i got it." then the left went nuts and heh,
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said he'll do it anyway, andwa they did a half measure. but the young woman was saying, that did the tiktok a video -- this is a real issue for young people. candidates from both sides of s idthe i'll have to figure out se sort of message for them., what is the futurewh?tu what is three hope? there was a time when paying off your debt was a source of pride and relief. and you're like, i did it. they have a lot of jet but they also have degrees, and there's a problem with universities charging way too much.un i read today about how much iti recosts for test room and boardt these universities, because the have apartments at that are nicr than anything i lived in when is was first in college. a you promised a path to citizenship, you promised thatr you'reom not going to do deportations, you promised there's not going to be a problem finding work in this thi country. when you're running for president, you don't push thatha back, no wonder the migrants don't stop coming. wonder they won't pay theirg to student
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but i'm concerned about young people feeling like they can't make it, and that's probably why you see in the polls young people starting to say, let me at leaste look at the other party. even if they don't likeli president trump directly, they might be ablke e to say, let memi e to say, let memi clearly these last few years ar not working for them. >> judge jeanine>> j: harold, if you look a yout the tiktok, thea people arere making $50,000 a year, a debt of $38,000, and the average house is $400,000. is this because of bidenomics? b >> harold: firstid of all, i would question the college or the college education oneed receives if they graduated from college in one of their first acts is to say they're not going to pay back their college debt, and then advertise it on tiktok and self-promote and hide behind this absurd notion that you don't want to pay your debts off, that you don't care if your credit gets crushed, because you're not going to be able to afford a home anyway. this is a young woman who has no idea what her future holds. i would hope she would want to
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work hard and play by the rules and take some chances and risks. that's what we shoul.womare d bepe s promoting. i've said all along, blanketan forgiveness is not i what i woul have done. whai understand trying to incentivize people to go intoneo incentivize people to go intoneo workers, we need more thinkers,a ndwe need more dealers, being in g the medical field, the teachi field, thewe law enforcement field, thewe law enforcement we talked about truck drivers and others. but just to give it to anyone,an and then to hear this youngjust lady, this is a piece of advice anyone who's not going to pay their debt back. i've triedg to to pay my debts don't go on tiktok and say you're not going to padey it bak because you don't care. because you don't care. that are doing that, you shouldg send the notice is saying, please don't send money back to the university. come back ancod let us give youn economics course, because you have tseo pay her debt back.nd and the president should be sayingshou the same thing, as w. people got a big pause and i we are asking everybody to chip in and do their part. >> judge jeanine: isn't the president incentivizing these high costs and the high costs of college by even trying to begin to payege the loans for these g
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people? aeople? conspiracy theorist -- >> judge jeanine: yes. >> jesse: if. thi would say they broke the bas of the rates get jacked up, which forces young americans to move back home with their parents so then they are not dating, and then they're not getting married, and then they're nod t having babies, whe drives the birth rate down, so biden can open the borders for population growth. if i were a conspiracy theorist. >> greg: but you're not. >> jesse: but i'm not. >>today.u' hundred is the same thing. why should anybody pay their loan off when the son of the president doesn't even pay his taxes? and he is conspiring with hisow so un to blow off a congressionl subpoena. they don't cart the about theseh peopleat. they do whatever they want. e >> judge jeanine: in the end, it's about a moral core. somebody>> else should pay the billou you are contracted to pa. >> greg: andthat the person that pays is going to be a taxpayer pays his bills.the a taxpayer that is what always got me about
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this, why it was so immoral and isjust wrong. you could have done this differently if you wanted tofo focucus on practical majors,ethe whether it is stem where pre-med, science, nursing, engineering.t' but also, let's say jill biden had come up withup a plan that had come up withup a plan that let's say you pay $250 a month on your college loan, right? the recipient forecir it while s $100. the governmentay pays $50. the bank pays $50. $50. the schoolho pays $50. share the relief. but that didn't happen. why? because joe didn't even bother to think about it. did it didn't occur to them, because they see the american public, the u.s. taxpayer, as this vast money pit that you can just scoop it out like it's an it'sli anke all-you-can-eat buffet witwithout a cover. it really is no better thangr aba smash-and-grabber. that's how they look atht you. that should drive you insane. >> judge jeanine: okay.
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ahead, a christmas travelht nightmare. ma.a cruise ship headed for thea bahamahas ends up in canada instead. ♪ ♪ ♪ now i know how richard petty feels ♪ ♪ i've been around the block a time or two ♪ and you can do the exploring. you can do the splashing... ...the sightseeing... ...and the playing. calquence is an oral targeted therapy for cll. more patients begin with calquence than any treatment of its kind, and calquence is proven to work better than chemoimmunotherapy in patients with previously untreated cll. calquence may cause serious side effects, which may lead to death. these include serious infections with fever, chills, or flu-like symptoms; and bleeding problems that may increase with blood thinners. decreased blood counts are common and can be severe. new cancers have happened, including skin cancers. heart rhythm problems with fast or irregular heartbeat, dizziness, feeling faint, chest discomfort, or shortness of breath, have happened.
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♪ ♪ ♪ jesus, suite jesus ♪ ♪ what a wonderful child. >> millions of americans areof taking to the skies and the roads this holiday season, but isn't itis better to just stay home?? thousands of cruise passengers left fuming after their dreamr vacation to the sons of bahamas got switched to freezing boston zingand canada at the last minu ticketholders were informed justtholders were informed one day beforetick departure, wh the company claiming bad weather. passengers are notture happy toe their christmas room ruined. >> we didn't believe it.t we thought that they would reroute to the bahamas, but no,
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we went to boston instead, and>i portland. >> it keeps getting colder! >> my son was disappointed. "mommy, where's the beach? you told me the beach." because this is our only christmas gift. c >> we reservedhr a banana boat! [laughter] >> harold: bless their hearts. it could be worse. millions of americans expected travel in coming days.xpected transportation secretary pete buttigieg is already g storms for anticipated holiday travel chaos. now, we -- >> we may see some bad weather in packing travel aroundd ne christmas and new year's. the faa is working closely withc airlineslo to plan for that possibility. so fart this year, on the cancellation front, we are att 1.2%. below 2 is what i would conside healthy. closer to 1. if we can keep i.t that way, that's encouraging. mores encouraging. attention to the issue of delays, and depress the airlines on how they are behaving.av >> harold:in i like to tell everybody, christmas is always
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december 25th. july 4th is always 25. july 4th. we seem surprised at times, we seem surprised at times, arrived. some in the governmenttry, do. what is your reaction to the transportation secretary? >> judge jeanine: my reaction is a negative one. eaniit started with palestine ae just went on from there. look, he knows there were problems last year, but do you remember thanksgiving? he wanted to blame the extremist republicans for whatever delays are going to happen at thanksgiving, shut the government down, which didn'twh ichappen.n. but here's the thing, i want to talk about this thing. >> harold: the cruise >> judge jeanine: these people get less thanen a 24-hour notic. people taking off from work. your kids are off from school. the dog -- they save the money.i this is s a christmas present. they got a banana boat. b and then they say, we are going. to boston. so what they should have done is they should have given them their money back. their money back.
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this cruise," and the people onh the cruise, like 40 percent didn't go, they didn't even give them a better cabin. they didn't give them an extra thing here or there. thing here or there. >> this seems like thesh cruise ship -- something that secretary buttigieg should be focuset se bd thosose people needs and brevit. >> jesse: i think his focus on the band boat instead. i didn't know you could reserve a banana boat so i'm going to be taking johnny make mye i like control.i whenli you put yourself on ay lo cruise ship, you totally lose control. u are at the mercy of the captain. the i want to be the captain. why i'm flying out theda day after christmas and i'mg going downdo south, and i just want to make sure everybody inai the audience is aware, it's much cheaper to travel in january.u' ifre you're listening, don't travel ibetwn between christmasi new year's. n travel in january. i'm not saying that selfishly so it keeps the airport,er, i'm just saying it's c going talo se you a lot of money.
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>> harold: and that's from a man leaving december [laughter] >> jesse: true. i read an article in the post saying that there's not goin, go be a white christmas.ra nocit racial, harold. bthere's going to be no snow. i don't know how mayor pete is so ahead of thnow e curve on th weather. the weather is going ton to beri great. >> judge jeanine: it wasn't for the cruise. buttigieg have thoughts on this travel, dp? >> dana: this does not alleviate any of my concerns about going on a cruise, but i think this company in particulae doesn't sound like a good one, necessarily. it doesn't have to be the weather. weather. to ski over in europe, they wers at jfk airport, ready to go. there's a fire somewhere at jfk airport. they are told, "we can get you w flight in four days." what did they do?wh theyat packed up the kids, got their luggage back from the airline, went home, and had a nice christmas at home. >> greg: that's a happy ending for really rich people who get to ski. [laughter]
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>> jesse: the swiss ski chalet will have to wait. >> greg: what are your thoughts about this?ayor >> greg: are you sure he's not working for the cease-fire? is better at hindering transportation then any mob of filmin g every holiday travel season is, the very first one ever. "i didn't see this coming!" he acts like it's covid.wo "this just surprised us!" h ashe has one job and he acts li it's beneath his pay grade. he's unlearning, not learning on ththe job. to take some blame off him, the travel season is always chaos because everybody is doing it once, and among a season of thee worst weather. i think we neen d to treat it l alternate parking, or like thepk olympics. if your social security number ends in an odd number, then you celebrate christmas one year or stay home, and the other part of the country does it, and then you flip -- >> dana: i kind of like it. >> greg: or one group
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celebrates christmas in th eh >> jesse: thatci is one hell of an artificial stance. >> dana: that's actually a real stance. >> judge jeanine: some people keep their lights up until julya >> harold: southwest airlines had a bad christmas with travelers. they said they fixed theirfixe systems. we wild thl see.see if they did, we will congratulate them. >> dana: and mayor pete just find them $140 million. who do you think wilill have to pay for that? obviously the customers. >> greg: yeah ad.>> in you ir face, harold. >> harold: i want people to be able to go where they want to go, and i don't want my flight diverted to someplace you really don't want to "the fastest" is up next. ♪ ♪ ♪ teachers keep on teaching ♪
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[ applause ]
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♪ ♪ther >> jesse: welcome back. there's no shame in taking asi sick people are using and abusing cold medicine and it's thanks tn something called sick-shaming.ha gregve, have you ever taken a sk day when you weren't sick? >> greg: you know what? maybe i have, but i'll go back to what i said before.this this is the blind acceptance of letting all things happen at hap
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once. old saying, time exists so everything doesn't happenn at once. think of this season. why is r everybody all stressede out? you have traved l stress, whethr stress, holiday gifts and treesa stress, a work commitment.. you might work for a place thatd increases, doubles youour workld up to december 23rd and then tells you happy holidays. you get sick from being indoors all the timeindo. you're gorging on food, because b everybody's giving you "here, have some s candy!se have some cheese! here's a candle!" so we suspend the recipe for healthy living that we'vine done all year, and do all these improvements. vemei go back to my alternate parking. cut this in half.t let halfth the population do it onlee year and half the i population -- that way nobody is sick, people way are traveling . >> jesse: you make me sick. >> greg: thank you. >> jesse: are you one of those new agyoe people who says don't come to the office and get everybody sick? ore "you better be in at
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6:00 a.m.!" >> dana: if i hear peter's knees al peol say, "are you get, a cold?" and then my next thing is, "i hope you feel better." in my next thing is, "i hope i don't get it." a i'm one of those but i'm also suspicious about but i'm also suspicious about >> jesse: a healthy skepticism. harold, you are sick a lot. [laughter] >> greg: he's had 47 covid tests. >> judge jeanine: how many man times have you had covid, seven? >> harold: it is 50. t i've had it four times. i agree with dana.a. everything dana said, i agree with. judge? >> judge jeanine: i don't likeie to take sick days. if i'm home, i'm going to workay anyway, so it's just as well goy to work. because of covid, all, all of a sudden everybody became paranoid. "are you sick?" if you have a cold, who cares? t everybody's worried aboutes? getting covid. that's wha abo t it's all about then you have to be after five days. some people, that's a good thing. >> jesse: and thd e vaccine
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prevents you fro m getting covid,>> j so it's perfect! d oe>> judge jeanine: it doesn't. >> harold: it prevents you. from being sick. >> judge jeanine: okay, harold. >> jesse: he's got covid already! "one more thing" is up next. ♪ i want to wake up in a city that never sleeps ♪ now i feel free to bare my skin, thanks to skyrizi. ♪(uplifting music)♪ ♪nothing is everything♪ i'm celebrating my clearer skin... my way. with skyrizi, 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months. in another study, most people had 90% clearer skin, even at 5 years. and skyrizi is just 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine, or plan to. thanks to clearer skin with skyrizi - this is my moment.
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grand wagoneer and grand wagoneer series to search new inventory and locate a dealer near you with widening income, decking military homes for the holidays. oh, my god. the transforming centers helpers bring america's heroes a gift to remember its faith, its family, and its beauty. and it's all wrapped up in one home front for the holidays. >> saturday. it's time now for one more thing and judge jeanine kicks us off. okay, so a man and his girlfriend go to a park in arkansas. >> it's called the crater of diamonds park. and apparently over the years, people have found diamonds. >> so he sees something he thinks is a piece of glass. >> he, after a few weeks, decides to send it to guia gemological institute of america. >> it is a four point eight seven carat diamond that it is absolutely colorless. it's a colorless diamond. talk to me and all that's worth . they say it's worth almost $1,000,000. so everybody, this is known as the crater of diamonds in the state park in arkansas.
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and that way, it's like the gold rush. he gets to keep it. yeah, it's is awesome. >> he returned to the loan, though, which was weird. not great at all right tonight. oh, what a great show you got. >> emily compagno, joe devito, kat timpf tires, all an all star panel in your face, bret. >> all right, let's do this. >> greg, did this dog just talk? >> listen to this dog and ask yourself, did it just talk? >> i love you guys. i love i. i know you. >> how you get so excited. i mean, it sounds like you at the christmas party. oh, yeah. after five drinks. that sounds like great. all right. the denver zoo enlisting the help of a man who has declared many a father when they were unsure, of which orangutan fathered a four month old baby sasquatch. >> when it comes to the orangutan, four month old cisco barron, you are the father.
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>> yes. maury povich. he donned a tuxedo and did the big reveal of the orangutan who is the father of that little, little one who is next year? >> how would you like me in your stocking on christmas morning, dad? >> the answer is yes, i do. now he's going on vacation, too. this is what you're going to get. it's the iou sign. copy of my new book. get it together. so go get it together. go to jessy sign book, preorder a signed copy stick this in the stocking. >> it's a stocking, so those kids will love that. >> that way. well, and so will the grandparents. i love the title. >> really happy birthday to my favorite little girl. georgia walking ford will have a great day tomorrow. that's s o sweet.2. >> all right. that's it for us. >> j a great night, everybody. >> welcome to jesse watters. prime time tonight, removing
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the guy who tried to overt


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