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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  December 22, 2023 2:00am-3:00am PST

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to each other, a study shows if you just hug somebody for 20 seconds you decrease your risk of heart disease and blood pressure goes down. my message for holidays, let's hug instead of yelling at each other. listen to people who don't agree with us, come together and show kindness, which lowers blood pressure. >> laura: have a great 2024. that is it for tonights, have a wonderful christmas. take some time, take time offline and spend with people who matter most to you. you will be left in good hands when i'm gone. see you in the exciting year and i'm optimistic about 2024. thank you for watching all year long. jesse is next. >> todd: a fox news alert, top republican in the house wants president biden to take
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executive action on the border crisis as shocking scenes like on the screen become too often. you are watching "fox and friends," i'm todd piro. >> carley: i'm carley shimkus. the numbers are staggering, 200,000 crossings just this year. >> todd: the biden admin strigz just closed both crossings this week while illegal activity reign supreme. >> carley: alexandria hoff has more from washington. >> alexandria: timing of the letter coincides with influx you were just talking about. in appeal to the president yesterday, speaker johnson wrote southern border of our nation is being overrun and border
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protection is at a breaking point. i urge you to take executive action to stem the record tide of illegal immigration. speaker johnson called on the president to end catch and release and see a grant parole on case-by-case basis, instead of a sweeping role and see president reinstate the stay in mexico program. the white house says they are doing all they can. >> it is not unusual, this immigration system has been broken for decades and the president has taken this seriously to do more. the president has done everything he can on his own. well is clearly diplomatic conversation happening with folks and leaders in the region, we'll continue to have conversations to maine sure we deal with the flow. we need funding. >> alexandria: clear problem
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with how the flow is being dealt with. white house's john kirby had a hard time explaining why they have been given dates out in 2021. >> some are given court dates in 2031, what are they supposed to do for those years? >> that is a better question for dhs. the president is willing to talk and negotiate with immigration policy and border security. >> alexandria: 2031, a long time away. here is a moment bill melugin was speaking with a man who was given a slip of paper. >> where do you want to go to? >> philadelphia. philadelphia? why philadelphia? >> i have people, i don't know the place. there is a place. >> bill: just an address in
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philadelphia to go to. >> alexandria: that address is for a community center in philly. >> carley: just a slip of paper with an address and i'm sure he is not the only one with something telling him where to go in the united states to help him out. alexandria hoff, thank you. former federal prosecutor in the hunter biden political probe, leslie wolf was deposed and the transcript has been reviewed. shoo said i followed facts where they led and made decision in best interest of the investigation, no time did politics play a role in or any way impact my work as a federal prosecutors. wolf testified 79 different times she was not authorized by doj to answer specific questions about the case. congress was hoping for answers after irs whistleblowers claimed
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wolf stopped key parts of the investigation. she says politics did not come into play. >> todd: easy to answer that when you don't answer questions. looking live at the atlanta airport for the busiest travel season of the year. tsa expecting to scan 2.5 million customer mers just today. we gave ourselves time. >> first possibility the captain was not here and then maintenance of the plane and they switched our gate. >> todd: massive storms hitting east and west coast. parts of california already under water and dangerous weather expected to sweep through florida. adam klotz has the christmas weekend forecast.
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>> adam: very active, travel is a main concern and is going to be initially the storm on the west coast that might slow people down. 2.5 million people traveling today, that went through tsa yesterday. these storms moving across southern california, there has been flooding happening across los angeles county and surrounding counties. since yesterday morning, rain in parts of the country that cannot handle that. it stretches to arizona to around phoenix, heavy rain is expected to continue through today and ultimately into early tomorrow. that is the system we're paying attention to over the next couple of days getting closer to the christmas holiday. if you are in the rockies and plains, talking about snow. everything in front of it, that is talking about rain. here is your friday, everything in yellow we are seeing weather
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system and slowdowns, i'll run you through the weekend. into sunday, you see it in the middle of the country and there will be delays. last-minute travel, one big storm system. if you live behind that storm system, it is snow and you get a white christmas. >> todd: i miss living in california, i do not miss having to travel during the holiday season. prayers for people that have to. what is your new year's resolution? eat well, save more? could be hard to meet your goals in joe biden's economy. >> carley: that is the truth, tips to get ahead financially, that is coming up.
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let's get real clear. if you have psoriasis and are experiencing joint pain, it could be psoriatic arthritis. both are believed to be caused by excess inflammation inside the body. get real with your dermatologist and ask about real clear skin, today.
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(announcer) are you frustrated with your weight and health? before considering drastic measures with side effects, why not try a healthy and sustainable solution with golo? (amber) i was on the verge of getting gastric bypass surgery, and i saw the golo commercial, and it was the last thing i tried 'cause it worked. golo's changed my life in so many ways. before, i was over 300 pounds. (announcer) on golo, you take one release supplement with each balanced meal to take control of your hunger and sugar cravings and increase metabolic efficiency. after i got married, i really struggled to lose weight. nothing seemed to work. i've lost 75 pounds with golo, and i've kept it off.
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loving this pay bump in our allowance. wonder where mom and dad got the extra money? maybe they won the lottery? maybe they inherited a fortune? maybe buried treasure? maybe it fell off a truck? maybe they heard that xfinity customers can save hundreds when they buy one unlimted line and get one free. now i can buy that electric scooter! i'm starting a private-equity fund that specializes in midcap.
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you do you. visit today. >> todd: bidenomics is a bust, according to many americans who are not hopeful about the economy heading into the new year. according to fox news poll, 22% of voters think the economy will get better in 2024 compared to 44% who think it will get worse. dan ricotto, university of san diego. dan, i will give you more numbers, fox news poll, 78% of voters have negative feelings about the economy and their personal finances and 46% of americans say biden's policies hurt them. why are voters pessimistic about
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joe biden's economy? >> hi, todd, good morning, thanks for having me. kitchen table recession. there is plenty of jobs out there. reality is as we sit around our kitchen table and try to buy groceries and pay car insurance, some costs have gone high. we have had 33 months, 33 months, todd, of inflation greater than 2%, which is the fed's target. around kitchen tables, there is a lot of pain. >> todd: biden administrations gas went down, if you are going up 2% per month, you don't feel that .1. let's be positive, what can we do to improve personal financial situation heading into 2024? >> i'm glad you said that, you and i can't control what happens
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in washington or state capital. we can control what we can control. update your budget, just put it on a piece of paper. what do you expect to learn and where are you going to spend it. cancel subscriptions you are not using, many of streaming subscriptions, you don't need those channels. you only need our channel. boost your rainy day fund just in case you lose that job or get sick or something like that. how about avoiding the minimum payment trap. we have a billion dollars in credit card debt, if we can add extra, we can get rid of that. a lot of credit cards are 30% interest. one favorite is try to save 15%
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of your income. the best way mere mortals can do it, 401(k), comes out of your paycheck, you won't see it or feel it. middle-class folks for us, best way to accumulate health. great plan. what i call right sizing your life, forget keeping up with the jones's, they are broke. focus on our lives and fit our lives into the income we have. >> todd: 401(k)s involve the stock market and many instances, your employer am match. it is important to note, stock market for the rank and file is not something we take money out in calendar year 2024. it is something for retirement, whaen years down the line. when biden administration says
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we have an amazing stock market, that helps the rich who are doing day trading and taking out money, it does not help you and me, the rank and file. it is important to keep pressure on this inflation and lower inflation. final thoughts, dan? >> dan: the end of the day, go back to the kitchen table, it is you and i sitting down, can we afford to buy burritos this weekend. families have to make their budget each week. >> todd: that is crucial. dan roccato, looking forward to 2024, follow dan at dan roccato. a shocking name you chose for
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social media. >> carley: love dan and his tips. >> todd: closer republican primary race, tomi lahren will tell us about the numbers. >> carley: it is a trend going in the wrong direction, teen homicide rate is three times higher than 1960. what is causing this strike in teenage violence? jack brewer is here to tell us what we need to know to make this world a safer place for our chi children.
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my a1c was up here; now, it's down with rybelsus®. his a1c? it's down with rybelsus®. my doctor told me rybelsus® lowered a1c better than a leading branded pill and that people taking rybelsus® lost more weight. i got to my a1c goal and lost some weight too. rybelsus® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't take rybelsus® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer,
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or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop rybelsus® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. gallbladder problems may occur. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking rybelsus® with a sulfonylurea or insulin increases low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. need to get your a1c down? you may pay as little as $10 per prescription. >> carley: new study resleels teens are being killed at a rate triple what it was decades ago. ages 15 to 19 in 1960 3.9%, in 2021 it increased to 12.8%. jack brewer joins me now. this trend is going in the wrong
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direction, how do we get back on track? >> we have to look in the mirror and see the reason that we've had such a massive increase in homicides with teens, follow this nation with 18.4 million fatherless kids and look at the fact 20 times more likely to have an encounter with law enforcement if you are fatherless. kids shooting at each other, most of them don't have dads at home. that report said black kids are eight times more likely to get shot than white kids. a little black girl is more likely to get shot than a little white girl. it has to do with homes and foundation that we're building
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for our families and our schools. our schools are not being held accountable. we removed god from schools. look at church participation in gen-z and millennials, it is down 30 to 40%. if you don't have spirituality and fear of god, you will commit heinous crimes and lose love in your heart. this country should be focusing on this, this is touching everyone. fact you see a spike like this in youth homicide is really telling of the culture we created in this nation. >> carley: you have become a father figure to young people who may be going down the wrong path. when you notice that in a young person, what do you tell them that resonates with them?
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what do you say? >> it starts in juveniles, i serve on the state advisory group appointed by governor desantis. we've seen increase in violence when it comes to guns and weapons. we try to bring in rehabill taative approach and influence young men to find mentors and young women to find people they want to aspire to be like. so many kids are around the wrong people and keeping the wrong media in their ears and eyes. they are watching things they should not watch and consuming music that is really empowering them to go out and harass and steal and kill and normalize this behavior and then the last thing we do, talk about importance of faith. jack brewer foundation, we have put faith-based curriculum
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together for kids and juveniles who are getting in trouble. it is inner pa parenting, as well. we don't have a child issue in america, we have a parenting issue. our parents are just not prepared to take on and face all the challenges of today. we've as a nation and society, have to find a way to put accountability back into family and hold parents accountable to not expose kids to this madness and need a push to put god back on the thrown and to realize no matter what you believe, the facts are facts. these kids are not kids sitting at sunday school on sunday morning. these kids have listened to leftist approach. >> carley: there is a sports
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story, started with a social media post from rashard mendenhall. he posted this saying i'm sick of average white guys commenting on football, y'all not even good at football, can we replace pro bowl with all black versus all white bowl so these cats can stop trying to teach me who is better at football. robert griffin just responded, take a listen. this is the tweet -- don't be -- prejudice, racial ideology would set up back is shes, we don't want to go back to old times, i don't want to participate. probably wouldn't get a shot because patrick mahomes would be the quarterback of our team. rashard mendenhall stop saying -- >> carley: curse words in the mix, you understand the c
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sentiment. >> i agree with robert, other than the cursing. continue this fal see we should be looking at everything in our nation through perspective of race and color and black and white. you don't hear them talking about whether you are middle eastern or asian, it is always black and white. for national football league player, playing in the n.f.l. was a blessing and playing with players of all races, you hate to hear this, this will perpetuate and people love talking about this black team against this white team. kids like mine, three different races, they have to focus on things that don't matter instead of love of christ as one love and one nation.
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i cast that out in the name of jesus, and pray and hope to god that rashard mendenhall is okay psychologically, hope he doesn't have cte, those words are out of left field. >> carley: we love having you on and have a very merry christmas with your beautiful family. over to you. >> todd: black players, white players and simon players. taking down the saints thanks to buca. >> to the right side and looks that way and throws that way. macua touchdown. >> todd: awesome nine, finishing with nine catches and 164 yards. rams win 8-7 on the year and giants qb devito filing for new
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trademarks, looking to own the phrase passing cutlets, wants to sell injuring drinks, pasta, pizza and more. after hopping off the bench and leading the g-men to several victories, they have zero chance of making the playoffs. you can catch that game on fox 4 p.m. eastern and yamamoto, going to the donlers, i'm very angry. >> carley: you were angry. >> todd: not a good morning. >> carley: baseball? is that it. selling pasta, pizza and bobble head dolls. >> todd: brawl with new york city mayor eric adams defending himself against a teachers
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union. >> carley: tomi lahren is here to tell us what that is all about. >> todd: tomi friday. ♪ ♪ our future will demand more energy than ever. and with innovations in natural gas and oil, america can deliver. but washington keeps pushing extreme policies that limit america's energy. their plan? restrict oil and natural gas produced in america. government mandates for how we fuel our cars and cook our food. a future where energy could be less reliable and more expensive. tell washington - stop the extreme policies and let american energy deliver.
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(horse neighing) - [horse owner] i can't take care of her anymore. (soft guitar music begins/horse grunting) - easy girl. - alright.. (horse grunting) - we're gonna get you cleaned up. (birds chirping)
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- come on. you got this. - she's beautiful! - want to meet her? (horse neighing) - hi sweet girl! (horse neighing) ( ♪ ) growing up, hughes and cowboys were one and the same. my daddy's a cowboy. i'm a cowboy and i'm raising a cowgirl. and discovering that my family come from farmers, for generations. this life is in our blood. and we ain't stopping no time soon. give the gift of family heritage with ancestry. >> carley: new york city teachers union is suing mayor eric adams over his budget proposal, slashing education by
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$547 million to pay for migrants. >> todd: they say it will impact teachers and new york city children. outkick host tomi lahren joins me now. this migrant crisis seems to be ecposing huge cracks in the democratic foundation, right? >> tomi: you heard the snake eating its own tail and that is what we have here yet again. never thought i would agree with the teachers union, i do in this. i'm talking about democrats put in positions of power at the top with joe biden himself and what he's done to the southern border, if you can call it a border at this point. illegal immigration, costs tens of thousands per week, it is
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unsustainable and this teachers union says, you are slashing budgets for schools and nypd and other important areas. you are slashing budgets, we have children to educate, so we need more money. it goes to show, simply throwing money at the problem will not solve it. there is not enough money to take care of the problem sanctuary cities have created. the snake eating its own tail and this is just the beginning and will hit hard in next several months to up cannel of years. >> carley: new numbers show full-on blue state exodus, new york lost 100,000 residents in 2023. california second with 75,000 residents leaving and illinois with 30,000 leaving.
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new york congresswoman elise stefanik said with cost of living far beyond national average, the mass exodus is far from over. what do you think about this? >> tomi: i see it everyday, i live in the great city of nashville, tennessee. all the new yorkers are coming south to tennessee, florida, to texas. you don't see it the other way and there is good reason for that. i spend quite a bit of time in new york city, i love to see you all, going to new york city is not my favorite place. it is dirty, dangerous, illegal immigrant crisis. no wonder people are leaving. why would you pay taxes to live in small places when you have illegal immigrants getting things for free. we can't wait to have fox news
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here. >> todd: i'm paying for this. i don't mind paying for kids, i mind paying for this. nikki haley trailing donald trump by just four points in one new hampshire poll. what happens next? >> tomi: polls are a snapshot in time. other polls say trump is up by 50 points and nikki haley up in new hampshire. it is early, what you are seeing are people getting nervous about donald trump, being kicked off the ballot in colorado, some people are getting nervous and nikki haley has been able to fill that void. trump has not started going after nikki haley like he has ron desantis. when he starts turning targets on her, expect same thing to happen to her that happened to
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ron desantis. it is the trump effect and nikki haley will feel it. >> carley: she is in the race for a reason, she's a tough lady. merry christmas. if you follow todd on social media, you should, you will remember this moment that completely blew him away for good reason. >> which one did you end up buying, say it? >> todd: skittels. >> skittles? really? hold your hands up for me. >> todd: what? >> carley: yeah. >> todd: that was a mentalist, i called him a demon. >> carley: he is not. >> todd: i'm here to see if he can do it again, challenge accepted. don't go anywhere.
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>> don't open your eyes, imagine you are at a store and walk in. don't open your eyes, todd. imagine that you see candy all over, all different candy and
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you impulse buy. tell us you just bought it, which one did you buy? say it. >> todd: skittles. >> hold on, really? hold your hands up for me. >> todd: you have got, what? i'm walking off set. >> todd: that was completely stunning on halloween. here with carley and me, otis pearlman. you have blown up this year, the michigan video, hardknocks. i don't think you will do it today. >> this time of year, merry christmas, kids are itching for presents. i just look at my wife and i
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know what she wants. best presents are ones you want to get yourself, but you are not willing to treat yourself. imagine making a list and i will give you time. while we are doing that, i want you, carley to imagine, you are having a celebration. christmas is more than that, family, faith, friends. imagine a birthday party and give me a sense what kind of party do you like? big blowout, intimate? >> carley: both, but a milestone birthday, a big party. >> you write down names and maybe todd will make the cut. you have one person and you look down and you circle it and zero in on one person for whatever reason. now notice, carley has this look, i will not do somebody
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obvious. 50/50, i think it is a female you focus on. >> todd: that is easy, i could have said that. >> any way i can know who you thought of, anything about them? >> carley: absolutely not, in my brain alone. >> if she had a birthday party, would she invite you? >> carley: she would. >> carley goes, when is her birthday, try not to react, january, february, april, march, december, hands were nervous and one point they stop moving. cover your eyes. >> todd: i love this. >> show the camera. todd, a peek. open your eyes, we have never met, no way i could know, what month is this person born in? >> carley: march.
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>> march. >> todd, were you born in march? >> he is like, how do you know that? >> todd: that is easy. >> beginning, middle, end. i come prepared, i brought a card. hold this card. don't move, beginning, middle, end. >> carley: i'm going to cry. >> close your eyes. todd, you see it. open your eyes, what connection? who is this person to you? >> best friend from high school. >> what is her birthday? >> march 16th. >> march 16th. >> carley: my gosh, how do you know that? >> what is her first name? >> brittney. how does she spell that? >> brittany. >> todd, read first line of that card out loud. >> dear carley, i want to wish you a happy birthday and hope
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brittany is able to join you. >> pause, todd, visual, what is somebody putting in your stocking? tell me. >> todd: no way, i only told my mom this. i always wanted to go to peter luger steakhouse >> carley: for the celebration, nothing hits the spot, as todd said peter luger gift certificate is a perfect choice. >> todd: dude, there is no way. there is no -- >> brittany will join us for steaks. >> todd: only way to do that -- >> in the phone call. he will start calling his mom, has he hacked my phone? >> todd: only way is if you have like some kind of thing that sees where i look online.
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>> todd is concerned with his browser history. >> carley: why am i shaking? >> how could she have known about brittany. >> todd: okay, he gave me a pad, i don't want to make an imprint on the pad. i wrote it on the ground. >> carley: obvious question, how do you do that? >> she was deliberating about another friend and you didn't go with her. >> carley: i love you more because you said go blue. >> todd: i said you have no chance about this, i've talked to people about halloween thing. there is limited candy you could have chosen, you had a 1-30 chance. for christmas list, everything in the universe. >> carley: that is amazing. >> peter luger better call and
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send you a gift certificate. >> carley: you are amazing, you nailed it. thank you for joining us. >> todd: they call him my favorite guest. i don't like you anymore. i am angered. she is scared of you. i am going to call security. >> todd has one year to get over this. >> carley: pleasure to have you on, so fun. >> todd: awesome stuff. >> carley: get back to politics. president trump getting an ooh lie in his fight against the colorado supreme court. joe concha is up next. >> todd: lawrence will look at what is coming up on "fox and friends." predict what is coming up next three hours? >> lawrence: so hard, carley, can you help? thank you so much. coming up on "fox and friends," biden border crisis rages on and
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speak with the mexican president and will dispatch secretary mayorkas as southern border sees migrant encounters for this fiscal year and just started and immigrants are using more welfare programs than american-born citizens. houthi attacks rock the red sea with 80 billion of cargo diverted, the impact on our economy, we'll discuss. heavy rain flooding the west as the u.s. prep for christmas weekend storm. tips for your holiday travel. cardinal dolan will share his christmas message and gavin degraw will perform. we have a big show coming up on "fox and friends" top of the h hour. with skyrizi to treat my skin and joints, i'm getting into my groove. ♪(uplifting music)♪
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along with significantly clearer skin... skyrizi helps me move with less joint pain, stiffness, swelling, and fatigue. and is just 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. skyrizi attaches to and reduces a source of excess inflammation that can lead to skin and joint symptoms. with skyrizi 90% clearer skin and less joint pain are possible. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine, or plan to. thanks to skyrizi, there's nothing like clearer skin and better movement... and that means everything. ♪nothing is everything♪ now's the time to ask your doctor about skyrizi. learn how abbvie could help you save.
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♪ if i could be you and you could be me ♪ ♪ for just one hour ♪ ♪ if we could find a way to get inside each other's mind ♪ ♪ walk a mile in my shoes ♪ ♪ walk a mile in my shoes ♪ ♪ well before you abuse, criticize and accuse ♪
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♪ walk a mile in my shoes ♪ >> todd: let's gather ourselves and get back to the news. "the washington post" editorial
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board urging the supreme court to strike down colorado's ruling removing trump from the state ballot, quote, not only has mr. trump not been convicted of refresh your recollection from a jury of his pierce or from the bench by a judge, he hasn't even been charged with it. prevent the country's citizens from choosing an elected official to lead them. the supreme court hopefully understands that. fox news contributor and columnist for the messenger joe concha joins me now. joe, that is the only thing you need to know. "the washington post" set it forth beautifully. but the bigger picture, if the "the washington post" is taking that opinion, that seems to me like a pretty good sign for donald trump and wait for it, democrats' favorite word, democracy. >> it was written by ruth marcus. who will never be invited to cpac any time soon. anti-trump liberal. "the washington post" to your at some point has never endorsed a republican presidential
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candidate ever in its history mute 6-3 point partisan line or 9-0 vote. we hope it's unanimous. you know what the news cycle is going to look like if it only goes 6-3. see, this is the weaponized court of conservatives taking trump side. you hope some liberal justices there see it this for what it is. you're obviously a law student at one time. you understand the law. this is not what the 14th amendment, section 3 was designed to do after the civil war. let the people decide, todd. very simple. you don't want trump to be president, 11 months from now we have an election. if he is the nominee, he probably will be the nominee. let the people decide who should be president. courts should not be involved here. >> that's the big picture, beginning more granular, the supreme court has an opportunity to prevent a huge problem. i know the supreme court doesn't issue advisory opinions. i don't want to get to wonky the day before christmas weekend. but, in this decision, they need to make sure that nothing like
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this can even be tried again and they need to have it fettered down to other aspects of our electoral process. i understand the states' right argument. they need to cover all bases. it needs to be written and written well. that said. >> joe: yes. >> todd: i'm skeptic of everything you saw me with oz a second ago. is there ulterior motive here. are they worried because there are more red states in total, not in population, but in total than blue states that those red states would all try to kick biden off the ballot and basically disqualify him that way? is that their concern at "the washington post"? >> joey: that's interesting that's a 3-d chest type of move, right? i wonder. all i hope in the end because i don't know the answer to your question, i would be speculating without any real basis for it, michigan, wisconsin, nevada, arizona, all have suits right now to take donald trump off the ballot. colorado doesn't matter per se
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because donald trump lost by 14 points there. the states that do matter are michigan, wisconsin, nevada, arizona. if trump wins those four states and everything else holds like it did in 2020, then he wins the election. if he is off the ballot there, i don't even want to know what the reaction would be in this country as far as people not having the right to decide who will be the next president based at the ballot box. >> todd: based upon what you just said, joe, that's the reason we can't have anything other than an overturning by the supreme court. i got in the car with somebody said who said hey i heard trump was kicked off the ballot he can't run for president. there are mismisconceptions period, anything is allowed to stand with regard to this decision. so, to your point, it's got to go and i think it's got to go 9-0. with that, let's get to a more serious topic. your top five christmas music os of all time. >> todd: home alone tops the list followed by elf, love actually, die hard and how the
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grinch stole christmas. what are yours, joe? >> joey: first with the holiday, indicate wins let, jack black jude law. >> todd: as 5? >> no. i submitted these. reverse them on the screen. then i go elf, how do you not go elf. will ferrell in his prime 2003. home alone i saw it as a date on college once to date myself completely and watched it with my kids. it is complete total classic. >> todd: take me the day before the holidays. did your date go oh, it's joe concha or no? >> joey: maybe after, perhaps. that's aster for another time. christmas vacation which i will be watching tonight but die hard is number one. i know it's 5 there but number one on my list. the whole promise, however, that the plaza and the corporation said you can't go home on christmas eve, we're having our
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party tonight to coggi the guy who ran knock tommy, he deserved. you cannot have a christmas party on christmas eve. >> todd: unacceptable. we both have christmas investigation elf in the 3 plot. fred claus brian kilmeade favorite in the fourth spot. love actually and number one wonderful life. >> joey: here's the thing about a wonderful life. if you want to be depressed for 99% of christmas eve. watch that movie only at the end where an angel gets his wings. that's the only part. >> todd: that's what nbc does to you tries to depress you christmas eve. honorable mention, bad santa. if you haven't seen it don't watch it with the kids amazing movie. merry christmas to you. >> merry christmas, sir. >> todd: with that, merry christmas to you. "fox & friends" right now.


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