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tv   America Reports  FOX News  December 22, 2023 10:00am-11:00am PST

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candles around the holidays, it was to be a gift and somebody stole them. i know, injustice of it, it's really annoying. >> emily: whatever is in the package you needed but for them, they don't need your really specific eye dropper makeup remover thing. you needed it. >> they want to sell it. >> in the rural communities, you are a little more hesitant to steal a package. >> emily: the racoon, be wary if there is food for the pet, critters like to get in as well. have a wonderful weekend. see you the next time back here on christmas day. and now here is "america reports". >> santa came early last night, when the colorado supreme court ruled donald trump is disqualified from holding
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office. [cheering] >> you go, colorado. >> it's not partisan, it's about applying historic principles. >> what do you say to the republican candidates' argument the voters should have the say and not the courts? >> why are you standing with confederates. >> john: democrats celebrate the move to ban trump from the 2024 ballot, president biden is going to hit the campaign trail, other states are looking into it. >> jacqui: slow start to president biden's re-election campaign, heading to the polls weeks from today, the biden campaign is saying that president biden, kamala harris, and others will fend off his
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challengers in the democratic primary. >> john: the shift in strategy as polls show president biden struggling to energize his democratic base. and much win swing states. >> jacqui: karl rove standing by and whether the effort to ban trump from the ballot might backfire. peter, is the campaign planning a rose garden strategy for the president? >> peter: they say they are not, jacqui, and what we have seen at the white house, president biden is doing way more official stuff here than he is out on the campaign trail. but in listening to the biden campaign side, they seem to think a lot of his problems can be solved by just sticking the 81-year-old president out on a rope line. >> that's sort of our secret sauce. president biden is extremely good and excellent retail politician, we are excited to get him and the vice president
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out to our states, under a guise of an official event, it's important he remains president of the united states. >> peter: the biden campaign manager is saying in the first months of 2024, we will continue to scale up our campaign infrastructure so by early summer when we expect voters to think about the election, the campaign is operating at full steam. on the issues, biden and harris plan to warn voters a second trump term could bring an abortion ban and it could mean the end of democracy. but there are democrats competing in the primary right now who think the real threat to democracy is the incumbent putting his finger on the scale, refusing to debatea good man, a many respect but he is going to lose to donald trump. the democratic party should be promoting a multi-candidate primary. we should be allowing all of you to assess different candidates because that's what we do. but we are not doing it. >> peter: and the president is taking part in a year-end
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tradition for people who hold his office. he got out the pardon pen, the white house tells us that he has commuted the sentence of -- sentences of 11 people convicted of nonviolent drug offenses. jacqui. >> jacqui: peter doocy at the white house. thank you, peter. >> john: karl rove, former white house deputy chief of staff and fox news contributor, our first chance to talk to you about this, and colorado trying to , political will to usurp the will of the people. >> seven democratic appointed judges 4-3, a liberal court cannot come to an agreement. and good reason, section 3, 14th amendment, passed in 1866, ratified by the states in 1868 and eviscerated by an act of
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congress in 1872, they realized the country could not operate that. 1874, confederate military officers or officials are elected to the u.s. house of representatives, flipping the house into the control of the democrats and among them was a former vice president of the confederacy. so, here is donald trump who has not been found guilty of insurrection or rebellion in a court of law, tell me what jury heard that indictment of him and yet somehow or another four judges on the colorado supreme court decide they are in charge of kicking him off the ballot. this is one of the biggest benefits to donald trump he's received in the second half of this year is to be he -- to receive this kick off the ballot by the colorado banana republic judges. >> john: jonathan turley was talking with laura ingraham last night. >> you have four justice of the colorado supreme court that want to prevent millions of people from voting for what is currently the leading candidate
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for the presidency. but you also have people like "new york times" editor that recently said that anyone who questions this ruling is standing with confederates and it's that type of overheated rhetoric that we all have to be unified in condemning. >> john: karl, to his point, not just the judges but a lot of people saying yeah, the judges did the right thing and we saw that segment on the colbert report, now clearly ease -- he's a comedian and going tore laughs, but ideology that seems to be at odds with what a lot of americans are thinking. >> our country is deeply polarized, two political tribes, one is republicans and one is democrat, and hate each other more than they love their own agenda and own beliefs and the democrats who are wildly in favor of this are doing themselves no good favor because it runs counter to the decent
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common sense of the american people that this decision ought to be left up to the voters and not up to liberal activists filing lawsuits in front of judges. i bet a dime to a dollar it gets taken up by the supreme court ab quickly reversed, tamped down, and 7-2, 8-1, 9-0 decision that colorado acted rationally and imperfectly. >> john: something else popped up, detroit news is reporting on a recorded phone conversation between former president donald trump, the rnc chair woman ronna mcdonald and wayne county board of election officials, this was about certifying the results of the 2020 election. they quote donald trump as saying we've got to fight for our country, we can't let these people take our country away from us. ronna mcdaniel says if you can go home tonight, do not sign it. that's the certification of the election results. we will get you attorneys,
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followed by trump saying we will take care of that. those two officials, apparently had already voted to certify the results, they tried to rescind the votes but were not able to do so. what do you make of all this? >> i think the former president has a problem with this. they had voted to certify the election, he attempted to force them to change their decision, which they tried to do, i think this is what we would call election interference. and just as he got into trouble in georgia over a similar act, calling the secretary of state and saying find me 11,000 some odd more votes, this is a problem. the former president should not have been doing this. these people are supposedly independent officials who are supposed to certify the election based upon their review of the process and the procedures in place and he's attempting to get them to change their opinion after the fact. this is not a good move if accurate and if the tape is true, the former president's creating another problem for himself. >> john: a problem for ronna
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mcdaniel as well, she's usually very cautious about this. >> i think it is. i think the chairman is in trouble here because she's saying to them if you -- if you agree to make it, change your decision on certification in wayne county, we'll get you lawyers to stand by you, and again, i think that was highly inappropriate. >> john: all right. karl rove, great to see you. hope you have a good christmas. see you in the new year. >> i will. merry christmas to you and your families. >> john: see you again soon. later this hour, talk with democratic congressman from california ro khanna about the trump ban efforts could hurt president biden. don't-miss interview. stick around for it. >> jacqui: crowded airports across the country as one of the busiest holiday travel seasons in years hits full swing. tsa estimates 2.5 million people will pass through security checkpoints today. so far, though, good news for travelers with minimum
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disruptions for now. alicia acuna is live, how are things looking where you are at denver international airport? >> jacqui, you said it. so far so good, especially here at denver international airport. the third busiest in the world. they have hit a lull for the middle part of the day here but is expected to pick up again this afternoon like it was this morning. and with this expected to be one of the busiest travel days in the holidays to fly. we wanted to help everyone out as they head to the airport. today or this weekend, the tsa says the most common thing that slows down the security lines is when someone has a prohibited item in their carry-on and we have some dos and don'ts for you. if you are bringing gifts, put them in gift bags or boxes with tissue paper. wrapped presents are allowed but if it triggers alarm it will get unwrapped. bring baked goods, but eggnogs, and syrups go in the checked
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bags. check with the airport for updates or delays. download the my tsa app to help you out and two or more hours before your flight. we ran into a college student who wishes she would have gotten here earlier. >> i'm actually overweight, so i'm trying to get out my extra clothes. >> taking out my jacket, heavy coats, tie them around me to get through security. >> and caught up with alex and his dog rainier, they were delayed three hours. his first time on the plane. >> rainier, are you going to be nice? empty out your pockets, you've got it?
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>> jacqui, we've seen a lot of dogs at denver international airport and to the cat person in you, i have not seen any cats but it could be they are not interested in television interviews, i think you know that tracks. >> jacqui: for their sake, i hope very few are travelling with cats, i'm about to do it with my 16-year-old cat who does not like to be left alone and it's difficult. it's difficult. thanks, appreciate it. >> it will happen, it will happen. rooting for you. >> ok, thank you. >> jacqui: he does not like to travel but if i leave him at home he stops eating. a protest fast. >> john: good way for a cat to lose weight. the old adage, never work with animals and children. >> jacqui: rainier seems to be well behaved. >> john: we would love to bring our golden retriever, but there
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are very few airlines that allow them unless they are a service animal. >> jacqui: or fit under your seat. and we are thinking of everyone overseas, under tougher conditions. >> john: wish everyone well. an american hostage has died days after the terror group shot down a truce deal with israel. his wife still believed to be held hostage. mark regev joins us on the latest on the hostage talks. >> jacqui: migrants are tiktok influencers as renewed surge is shattering records and stretching resources thin. chris clem on what needs to happen to fill the gaps at the southern border. >> december may be the highest number ever recorded. certain sectors on the southern border, there is not a single border patrol agent on patrol. ee crohn's disease. now, there's skyrizi.
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including tylenol, mucinex, zicam, and nyquil / dayquil. the combat symptoms and boosts immunity. biovanta really works. >> john: migrant encounters at the southern border on track to shatter monthly records in december. crossis have already jumped do. former yuma sector border patrol section chief chris clem is standing by, but first bill melugin from lukeville, arizona, nine days left in the month, bill, does it look like we'll hit 300,000? >> bill: easily, john, the way it's looking right now, and we are at nearly 700,000 migrant encounters since october 1st, a population bigger than the city
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of boston coming across the border in two and a half months. the lukeville port of entry has been closed for week closed port of entry waiting to be processed by border patrol. this is not what the port of entry is supposed to be for. we are supposed to have vehicle traffic to and from mexico. take a look at the video we shot less than an hour ago. pouring rain, storming all day long but still has not stopped the mass illegal crossings. it's a group of several hundred migrants crossing here. i cannot stress it enough. be see people from all across the planet. the tucson, arizona sector reporting, one week, 19,400 apprehensions, the highest weekly total recorded. we talked with guys from ecuador yesterday, told us why they
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came. [speaking spanish] >> pennsylvania. >> new york. >> chicago. >> chicago. >> more sanctuary cities. in the meantime, the border patrol union tells us more agents than ever will have to work this christmas holiday. they tell us while our agents are more than willing to sacrifice the holidays to protect fellow americans, that is not what they will be doing. they will be processing the illegal border crossers for release not u.s. while large parts of the border will be left wide open to exploitation by organized crime. these will not be happy holidays for the hard working men and women of the border patrol. back out here live, release numbers are jaw dropping. cbp sources telling fox news since october 1st, border patrol
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alone has released more than 386,000 illegal immigrants into the country with what's called a notice to appear, nta. more processing, more releases happening underway right behind us right now with these agents. back to you. >> john: and every time someone is released, a signal to somebody not in the country, now is the time to try. bill melugin in lukeville. thank you. >> yep. ♪♪ >> jacqui: migrants using tiktok to show how to illegally cross into the united states, and some posts are getting millions of views. videos document the travels without smugglers and pointing out potential dangers that might be in their way. former border patrol chief for the yuma sector chris clem joins
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me now. chris, thanks for being here. you know, you watch these videos and you read about some of these creators as they are called. basically giving road maps to people to make their way illegally into the united states and you think about for a moment that this is profitable for both migrants and for the social media platforms, but there has not yet been anything to stop it. do you think that it's time for these social media companies to step in and regulate this? >> thanks for having me on. it's amazing these numbers that bill just reported, it's crazy. but back to the social media, so we started seeing that uptick of people reporting on different platforms over the last few years, but now it's really gotten out of hand. and you know, it seems interesting and it may be normalizing this dangerous journey but what it's also doing, it's showing, you know,
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the smugglers and the cartels, you know, the human exploitation that's going on. it's really tracking what is happening, right. and it's putting people in a very vulnerable situation and so you know, yeah, it's time for social media platforms and congress to step up to address this. but look, since i've retired, i have not waited for that, i'm working directly with an a.i. company to follow these things so we can track this because this is what's going to happen, right. everybody that is posting their journey, i mean, they are caught up in this victim's vortex, they don't realize it. when they get over here, they have a piper to pay and so we have to be able to use technology not only to support and law enforcement, but also to rescue these people. they don't realize every time they post on this, they are putting themselves in harm's way. so let's use technology to our advantage to mitigate the problems that they are causing themselves by documenting their journey through these horrible conditions. >> jacqui: let's just play for
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folks watching some of the sound from the videos. a lot is almost glamourized, take a look at this -- i guess we don't have it anymore. chris, you obviously know this material pretty well, but you know, talking about the responsibility of social media companies, there is to some an argument that if you were to step in and regulate it away, you could be violating first amendment protections of those companies or, you know, owners of those accounts if they were american citizens. but you also wouldn't, you know, post instructions to hot wire a car without expecting a response. so, where is the response? >> well, so this is exactly kind of what we are doing right now, at least what i've been doing since i retired, is using technology and the platforms available to us to go after these people that are exploiting humans and trafficking. you know, look, it is documented that people are using social
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media platforms to recruit and facilitate narcotics, human smuggling, there is an ethical responsibility to make sure we are doing things the right way. that's fine. post all you want, but you've got to be very, very careful and very, very cautious, you are putting yourself in harm's way and there are story after story about people that are getting trapped by the social media platforms and the smugglers taking advantage of it. >> jacqui: let's touch on that. look at the deaths in the el paso sector, 2017, 6 deaths fiscal year. in 2023, it's 149. there is a really, you know, tangible increase here in the dangers and we ask the white house all the time about what they are doing about it and cannot point to anything specific that's happening right now to address it. listen to the answer that they gave about what they are doing to address the spike. >> have those efforts in this
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administration made any noticeable difference when you talk about the spikes that we have been seeing? in migration. >> well, we obviously as i just said in recent weeks and months now seen a spike. i think before the recent big surge there was a general decline in some of the migrant flows. again, not -- not perfect, not saying it was down to a level that was comfortable for anybody but had been a decline. >> jacqui: white house always points to congress saying they need them to act to do something to address it. do they have any additional options right now? >> well, look, this is classic washington, d.c. politics, point the finger at somebody else. this administration did not inherit this problem, they created this problem, just like any other administration that has taken efforts to secure the border and create, you know, a safer and healthier environment. we just went backwards the last few years. let's be very clear on this. this can be changed right now
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and fixed right now by policies and direction coming out of the white house. back to the migrant deaths, this is pure human exploitation by the smuggling organizations because this administration has not, you know, followed through with securing the border, backed by policies, and creating better legal pathways for those that want to come in here and have the right to come in here because they have a qualified need or a working benefit. but look, i've lived through the border crises in el paso and yuma and points in between. there's always a spike when things change, right. but let me tell you something. the pipeline of people coming in to or coming to source countries to make their way to the united states has not slowed down. so these smugglers are going to exploit them and put them in harm's way just to make a dollar. it's a commodity to them, it's not people, and we need to really secure the border and focus on the security apparatus, but also the policies to prevent
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people from making this dangerous journey that puts themselves in the hands of smugglers and in harm's way. >> jacqui: let's hope that issue gets some action when congress comes back in the new year. thank you, chris clem, appreciate your time. >> john: heart disease is the leading cause of death in the united states. new technology powered by artificial intelligence could help change that. our dr. marc siegel talks about a potential medical breakthrough. plus this. >> and i urge speaker johnson to understand that as we approach the january 19th deadline, without bipartisanship we will not get anything done. >> jacqui: senate majority leader chuck schumer urging to work across the aisle to avoid a government shutdown next month. nancy mace will join us on this, as well as congress's full plate when they come back from the holiday break.
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>> jacqui: a u.s. official is confirming to fox news an iranian spy ship has been giving information to the houthi on ships in the red sea. so far 100 attacks on commercial ships in the region. greg palkot is live in tel aviv, israel, greg. this is big news. >> greg: jacqui, very good reporting on that, iran is involved in another front. we know they are backing hamas and active with the fight in gaza. we know they are backing hezbollah in the north and we pretty much figured out that they have been backing these houthi rebels as they shoot rpgs, rockets, you name it, at shipping and disrupting shipping in the red sea. more direct connection, the spy vessel sitting in the red sea, feeding realtime information
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about the ships going back and forth to the houthi rebels causing more disruptions in the region. 13-0 at the u.n. security council, for a humanitarian pause. some called it watered down, some called it compromise language but got through without a u.s. veto. just russia also abstaining, due to what it called soft language. saying the conditions should be created for the cessations of hostilities, not an immediate ceasefire. also saying steps should be taken to allow in more humanitarian aid, not the exclusion of israel involved in the aid screening. a strong enough boost from the international community, israel telling residents in one area of central gaza to evacuate because
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it's going in, building troop strength in the south as it goes after hamas headquarters there and trying to wrap up things in the north where the ground war is going on for about eight weeks. as the humanitarian situation in gaza worsens, according to the hamas-run gaza health ministry, 50,000 injured, a lot of women and children, and hospitals are not working. and it was announced that a 73-year-old israeli american held hostage by hamas is dead in captivity. he was shot and killed on october 7th when his kibbutz was overrun by hamas, his body was then taken into gaza. the first of eight american dual citizens held who we know has been killed. he leaves behind a wife judy, who was kidnapped by hamas as well as four children, seven grandchildren. this as talks between israel and hamas along with a lot of go-betweens seems to be halted.
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israel saying one week and we want to exchange hamas saying no, we want total cessation of fighting before we do anything. so different things are active, including the new information about iran and the houthis, back to you. >> jacqui: could you distill very quickly why the u.s. abstained from the u.n. vote even as the u.s. advocates for more aid into gaza. >> greg: their way of voting for it in a way. biden administration has been saying from the beginning they will not tell israel when to start fighting, when to stop fighting, and there is a hint in this resolution that there would be a call to go forward towards a cessation. so it doesn't want to seem to be dictating what israel is doing, but it would like to nudge and this resolution, in fact, nudges, jacqui. >> jacqui: thank you, greg palkot, thanks so much, greg.
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>> john: artificial intelligence could be the answer to detecting and preventing one of the leading causes of death in america. heart disease. at least one digital health company is using its a.i.-powered remote monitoring system to detect conditions like atrial fibrillation, among others. dr. marc siegel, so, doc, a.i. is really making in-roads into the healthcare field, particularly in the area of cardiac monitoring. >> john, you brought this to my attention, and that shouldn't surprise our viewers that you do that. i talked to the ceo of a company called infobionics, stewart long, and the next phase. what they have done, they have been doing monitoring for a long time to look for irregular rhythms. you mentioned atrial fibrillations that affects 5 million americans and can lead to strokes and heart attacks and we don't always find it because
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you could be asymptomatic, and halter monitors, three days of monitoring or event monitors, hopefully it will be triggered and the doctor would find out, a perfect place for artificial intelligence. you could have it monitoring the strips and infobionic is working with the mayo clinic. there are a few other companies, i-rhythm is a company that has compared with the three-day monitor and with the help of artificial intelligence, it's a huge, huge improvement and this company working with mayo i mentioned, infobionic, they have six leads, they are looking at different parts of the heart simultaneously. they can go for 30 days straight with a.i. monitoring all the time. they check your blood pressure, check your oxygen. so if you have arrhythmia go into the rhythm i talked about, you are going to figure out when
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you went into it, why you went into it, that helps cardiologists enormously. >> john: i know the folks at scripps in la jolla have this. i have atrial fibrillation, it comes and goes, probably have to have a catheter ablation at some point, what can this do that a cardiologist or electro physiologist can't? >> great question, and the ablations are usually quite successful. they can help the cardiologist figure out whether they got rid of it. after the ablation you want to know whether it worked. how do you know that? you know that with this, it's going to monitor you however many days the cardiologist wants. and we want it to be very sensitive. the problem with the devices on the market now, without a.i.,
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they are not sensitive. a.i. adds another set of eyes and machine learning where it's comparing tracings to billions of other tracings before. again, doctors are still in the picture. cardiologist in the picture, but getting more and more information. when to do an ablation, whether the ablation is working, whether the medications are working, and down the line useful for angina, too. because with six leads, they can see different parts of the heart. if you have insufficient blow flow to the heart, that will be something that we'll be alerted to. >> john: the ongoing monitoring is a plus, the matrix never sleeps. doc, always good to talk to you, thank you. >> great to bring that -- thanks for bringing it to my attention, john. >> john: absolutely. >> jacqui: outrage is growing from democrat's efforts to block trump from being on the 2024 ballot. could republicans start similar
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move over president biden? >> over 14 million jobs under president biden, and applications to start new businesses, that's helping wages and wealth rise. >> john: the biden administration likes to say bidenomics are working for middle class americans but some democrats are warning them to pump the brakes on touting the state of the economy. we will ask california democrat ro khanna about that coming up next. my plaque psoriasis was so bad... i couldn't get my hair done. my psoriasis was all over. then my joints started hurting, found out it was psoriatic arthritis. who knew they could be connected? for me, cosentyx works on both. 5 years and counting. did you know people with psoriasis on the scalp have a 4 times higher risk of developing psoriatic arthritis, which if left untreated can lead to permanent joint damage? cosentyx works on all of this and helps stop further joint damage.
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>> jacqui: polls show americans have mixed feelings about the state of the economy heading into 2024 and causing some alarm. among democrats over president biden making bidenomics a major focus of his re-election campaign. let's bring in california democratic congressman ro khanna. thanks so much for being here. i want to start off with just
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some graphics of the price change on some big sectors since the president took office and now. if you look at gas, it's up 27% over this period of time he's been in office. electricity, 23%, food 20%, rent 18%, and if you go over to borrowing rates, 30-year fixed rate mortgage, 140%, car loans nearly 60, the list goes on. that's reflected in the polls why people are not happy about the state of the economy. do you think that the president should stick with bidenomics? >> well, i think we have to acknowledge that rents are high, interest rates are high, food and gas prices are high, but wages also have gone up and this president has ushered in a manufacturing revolution to bring back jobs. the secretary said no, we are not going to allow a steel company to buy u.s. steel, i
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think the administration needs to reject that deal and emphasize bringing manufacturing home. >> jacqui: does bidenomics itself work? i mean, if you ditch bidenomics might look like a failure on his big re-election initiative but does to people seem out of touch. do you think he should stick with the moniker? yes or no. >> yes, bidenomics is about bringing jobs back, and increasing wages for the working class. you acknowledge interest rates are high caused by the fed. you acknowledge that prices are high. >> jacqui: ok, you are team bidenomics, appreciate that. go to the news in colorado, efforts to pull trump from the ballot there and republicans say it could tee up a problem for president biden. listen to this. >> maybe we should take joe biden off the ballot in texas for allowing 8 million people to cross the border since he's been president. >> look, if somebody's convicted
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or something of some of these things, there was no trial on any of this. could we just say biden can't with be on the ballot because he let in 8 million illegals in the country and violated the constitution, which he has? >> we are going to see tit for tat retaliation by republicans. yes they are going to take biden off the ballot. they are going do that. >> jacqui: do you support the ruling and do you think it poses a problem for president biden in 2024? >> i think we should all agree politicians should not be opining on this. i have confidence in the legal system, it's going to go up to the supreme court, they are going to interpret the 14th amendment section 3 and make a decision. and so why don't we just let the court process play out. >> jacqui: in terms of what it might mean for president biden though, what would you make of efforts for texas, for instance, to say he also violated the constitution by leaving the border wide open. >> i think that clearly would get struck down by the supreme court. the idea that the president's
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border policies, that's a political judgment and i wish the republicans would spend money on border patrol agents. we have been pushing for that. but this is for the courts. >> jacqui: do you not see the trump issue as a political judgment, given there has not been a finding in a court of insurrection? >> i believe the supreme court will determine that. the supreme court will make the determination on section 3 of the 14th amendment and whether the evidence was there, and i really think whether it's a republican or democratic politician, it's not for us to decide on the constitutional eligibility of running for office, it's for the supreme court. >> jacqui: congressman ro khanna, appreciate your time. thanks for being here today. >> john: a crime spike in washington, d.c. showing no signs of slowing down. is the white house planning to do anything about the violence in the president's own back yard? >> jacqui: and during holiday
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travel you might pull into a rest stop for a break. if lawmakers in one state, why they want to force 24/7 hours and are they targeting chick-fil-a?
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>> john: shootings in broad daylight, carjackings on capitol hill and smash and grab crime causing a crisis in the nation's capital. chaos has some questioning whether president biden is doing enough for public safety. hillary vaughan live at the white house with more on all of this. hillary. >> hi, john. yesterday a drive-by shooting around the corner from nationals ballpark here in d.c. that left two people dead and another two injured. the white house responding to fox questions of rising crime here in d.c. and the country, saying president biden believes every american deserves to be safe in their own community, why he's fighting congressional efforts to defund the cops program to make it easier for violent criminals to get guns. it does not seem the policies have made a dent in the district's crime. violent smash and grab, chanel was hit by a gang of thieves, a quarter of a million dollars worth of merchandise, not just
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luxury stores targeted, people are, too, do not wear canada goose jackets because kids wearing them are robbed at gunpoint for their coat, john. >> john: well, i don't know how many kids should be wearing canada goose jackets anyway, those things are very expensive for a child. hillary, thank you. >> jacqui: violence erupting as pro-palestinian storm a christmas party for lawmakers. what must be done to stop the violent protests. that's coming up. (♪) my plaque psoriasis was so bad... i couldn't get my hair done. my psoriasis was all over. then my joints started hurting, found out it was psoriatic arthritis. who knew they could be connected?
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racking up credit card debt. dana marie in florida. >> i can tell you, it has been an extremely busy day, stores opened early. tomorrow is super saturday, the biggest shopping day of the year, bringing even more shoppers out than black friday. retailers are excited, consumers are spending record-breaking amounts of money. >> i panicked this morning, ran to the mall to get this done. very, very last-minute. i'm glad they opened so early and glad they have a great selection here. >> i'm trying to get -- i'm thinking about a pandora charm for my grandma, and i already have something for my grandpa but maybe like a t-shirt, and i don't know really what brand he likes. >> they say shoppers on average spend $875 on gifts, holiday ti


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