tv Hannity FOX News December 22, 2023 11:00pm-12:00am PST
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the holidays. chef grill, one quick question for you. you know, i don't think i've ever seen a on a traditional christmas meal. i mean, we don't do goose, you know, whatever. i mean, i've seen pasta, i've seen roast, i've seen beef wellington. what is the most common traditional meal for christmas ? i would have to say any type of roast. and that's why pushing this on here. finish it with some nice herb butter, extra roasted garlic, and you're all good. that's christmas right there. eating meat, getting your protein. all right, chef andrew gruel. and he's prepared this for how to make that perfect roast. thank you. thank you. >> all right. thanks for watching. jesse watters, primetime. i'm will cain. if you hadn't order your copy, jesse's new book, get it together. go to. jesse signed. welcome plus new episodes of the will cain podcast available right now. check them out at fox news podcast dot com or wherever you. i'll see you tomorrow morning on fox and friends.
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welcome to this special edition of "hannity". i'm bruce in for sean. >> it's the friday before christmas and the u.s. supreme court just offered up a giant lump of coal to biden's doj in order to fast track its case against. former president trump out of washington, d.c., and get a verdict before the 2024 election. federal prosecutors frantically asked the court for an expedited review of trump's presidential immunity claims. today, that request was flat out denied, and many experts are saying there is little chance that this case will go to trial before the election. here now with the very george washington law professor and fox news contributor jonathan turley. >> jonathan, your columns are always in formative. i'm always tweeting them out, telling people to read the whole thing in your book. this was not necessarily a complete surprise. but give us your point of view with your legal background,
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what this really means and how good of a christmas gift this is to president trump. >> well, it was not a surprise. many of us felt that this was the correct decision. what the court did is it stayed regular order. it said that, you know, you haven't stated why we should deny this defendant an entire layer of appeal. that's what smith was doing. he was saying, i want you to allow trump to have his case heard before the d.c. circuit. >> well, that has a huge impact on a defendant. you know, that's part of the record that goes to the supreme court. there could be concession ins made in oral argument. >> there could be mistakes made in oral argument. but importantly, you have more eyes looking at this issue as these appellate judges state their view. so what the court did is it said we're not going to treat trump differently. he's trump. and you haven't stated a reason why this has to be expedited. >> and so all smith were saying is that, look, is a really,
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really, really, really important case. >> and what the court was saying is that, all right, well, why if it's important, why shouldn't we take the time to make sure we get it right? yeah, exactly. i mean, the one argument was because it's important we should rush this through in a blur. and think and trump's argument was because it's important you want to look at it more carefully. i mean, wouldn't that be the natural thing in addition to what your what you've said, which is the natural process that everyone gets to go through, the appellate court, the supreme court sees the issue mature, you will. and then they hear those other issues and, thoughts, and then they'll make a decision if they have. >> but wasn't it obvious at this point? didn't didn't this kind of highlight the partisan nature of what smith is doing here? >> well, i mean, the whole argument that this is so important, you should have
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less judicial review. >> it really didn't sit well, obviously, with the court. they didn't share the sense of urgency, but more importantly, knocking out an entire level of review for a defendant is no small matter to that defendant. so i think that they did stick with regular order. >> now, is this going to upset the plans of jake smith? >> yeah. i mean, if you crunch the numbers, this it's not good. >> i mean, so you now have an oral argument set in january, even if they put this on the rocket docket and get out a decision in a week two, if trump can appeal for an in banc review, which is the larger court. >> they have to file those those briefs and it has to be reviewed by those judges. that's pushing you into february, right? >> then you can then trump is allowed to go to the supreme court. and if the supreme court sticks with the regular order,
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that can take months. yeah. >> so that the march date is gone in all practicality. >> right. so too may be the chances before the general election. >> well, again, this is a very issue why you would want to tie it to an election. smith says he worries that, you know, trump would be president. well, then that is a given or at least they're admitting that this is a man who the majority of americans might want to have be president. >> so this is this is good news regardless of what you think of donald trump, that this is about regular order, despite the efforts to change that. professor turley, thank you very much for joining me. i appreciate it. >> now to a major problem brewing in colorado as. this law fair continues where four activist judges have a very unusual view of the u.s. constitution in order to save democracy. they've decided to usurp democracy to, protect us, of course, from ourselves. in a 4 to 3 decision, the colorado supreme court removed trump from, the 2024 colorado ballot pending an
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appeal. >> there are now growing calls for biden to denounce this authoritarian act, which we expect that he'll never do. as i pointed out in my column at a macro u.s., desperate democrats have gone nuclear and want to blow up democracy by barring trump from running for president. instead, the effort will blow up in their faces. >> joining us now with reaction, the author of the new book, the war against jews how to end hamas's barbarism, him, harvard law professor alan dershowitz, along with the author of an explainer to quote the u.s., the constitution of the united states and other patriotic documents. gentlemen, both fox news here, legal analyst, great jared, of course, both of your books obviously incredibly timely. and thank you for joining me tonight as well. professor dershowitz, you're effectively the professor of america here for us. >> it is a remarkable turn of events in colorado that this would happen, and especially with such a close dynamic of
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all democrats there, you would think this kind of decision would have to be handled like we handle death penalty cases where we're a jury needs to be unanimous in making such a dramatic decision. >> what is your take on what's happened here in colorado? well, it wasn't a jury at all. and article five of the 14th amendment requires that congress, not the courts, not states, certainly not the colorado supreme court, enforce that provision of article three. now, imagine the framers of, the 14th amendment. >> there were a bunch of radical meconium republican people who wanted reconstruction. can you imagine them saying, oh, you know, maybe we'll leave it to the states. to mississippi, alabama to virginia. to south. to north carolina. to louisiana. let them decide who the next president is going to be. it is the most a historical, absurd legal argument i have heard in my 60 years
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of teaching and practicing criminal law. that doesn't mean that professor tribe doesn't support it. and jamie raskin support it. and the other is you can always be counted on to manipulate the constitution to come out the way they wanted. you won't support it. the american public won't support it. and legal scholars should not support this power grab by a state against the authority of the federal government. well. well, professor greg craig, this is it's because you think that if this were to continue on or would be acceptable, what vote or what sector of the american voter framework would accept the end result of an election with this being part of that process? if they never think about the next day. greg is is that the kind of dynamic, do you think democrats have thought about what next day, the day after would look like? >> no, they're myopic. >> they can barely see in front of themselves.
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if joe biden were smart and he's not he'd denounce kicking trump off the ballot. >> i mean, his refusal. >> tammy now looks like he is so desperate to. >> hang on to power. he's willing to win by hook or by crook, which means banishing his opponent from the ballot. i mean that colorado ruling was absurd to the point of being laughable. >> you know, i brought out the popcorn to finish reading it. >> it's already backfiring to the benefit of donald trump biden is tacitly endorsing something that looks anti-democratic in the equivalent of election rigging. >> but it's also a very slippery. >> there are some republicans who are drafting bills to remove joe biden from the ballot in various states. so this is the stuff of dictators and tyrants banned their opponents from running by expunging their names from
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the ballot. >> yeah, republicans should not go down this road, although democrats, tammy, certainly set precedent and they all but invited it. >> well, you, professor dershowitz, i think that they're trying to make a point in a certain way that this is what would occur. but isn't the worry that we had this this supreme court, a state supreme, not this apparently not even consider the damage that could be done, like, you know, the mutual deterrence strategy with nuclear weapons. you could do something, but you because of the impact that can be had. >> is this a bad sign, the judiciary in general, sir, or do you think this is just a one off because of the hysteria surrounding trump. >> well, it's about the hysteria surrounding trump, but it's not a one off. we've seen this over and over again, punishing lawyers, going after people, doing anything to keep trump off the ballot. i mean, failing to acknowledge
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that article five of the constitution, article five of the 14th amendment, which says what congress shall have the power to enforce by appropriate legislation and provisions of this article. and magically, the colorado supreme. oh, you don't need legislation to enforce it. it's enforcing isn't telling you how to do it. do you need to have a prior conviction? no, it's self-enforcing. so we can ignore the text of the constitution. >> generally, the policy issues. this is against the text of the constitution, the meaning of the constitution, the history of the constitution. but that doesn't mean supreme court necessarily is going to necessarily overrule as i think it probably will. i think it will take that case on a fast track because there's no intermediate court deals there. but it did the right thing today, not taking the case from d.c..
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i on the fast track, especially since the judge in that case had already said over and over again, we're not treating trump as if you ready to be president, we're treating him as an ordinary citizen in the jackson system. there is just no you can't treat him as an ordinary guy. >> you've got to speed it up, get your act together. vote right. well, professor, thank you so much. greg, appreciate you being here. thank you, gentlemen for that assessment and that critique. i mean, it's just it's the wild, wild world right now. all right. even some of the mainstream media are denouncing colorado's ruling as foolish and openly worried that it will do nothing to help biden's ailing reelection bid. there is no other way to put it. biden's poll numbers are bad for an incumbent president who is running for reelection this point in time. you know, he's got the record now. americans are worried about the economy, of course, the chaos overseas, the border crisis and the shady biden family business. even nbc news is reporting details about the unusual
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and communications between then-vice president biden and, one of hunter's top associates, in 2014. of course, another major problem that voters have with joe biden is his age and, of course, mental acuity. so what is the biden campaign strategy moving forward? apparently, he plans to call trump and his supporters, of course, a threat to democracy over and over and over again. that's it. joining us now with more, fox news contributor joe concha ,wyoming congresswoman harriett hagan and adviser to bill clinton, and democratic pollster doug schoen. thank you all for joining me tonight. you know, it's friday. you think it's going to be like quiet and that's just the only big news is like santa is getting ready, right. something's going on in the north pole. >> but no, no, it's great news. doug, let me let me ask you first. i mean, this is you're fair. you're a democrat. >> you know how both sides of the aisle work. was was all of this and what's transpiring now. even shocking to you, or
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is this none of this a surprise, considering what the last years have looks like? >> it is shocking and disturbing to me because i felt all along that our democratic system was not in question. what the colorado court did and what jack smith tried to do are anti-democratic. and i make the argument from point of view of my party what the colorado court did helps donald trump and hurts joe biden. so in my judgment, this is really a new low for our democracy, bad for my party and bad for the country. >> again, i it's a very good way to put it because i think people don't realize that, joe, that, you know, this is not just, you know, something for all of us to talk about and tomorrow will be another day, just like any other day, that this is this is very serious. and we have to watch it. >> and we thank god for the supreme court at this point
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,which is maybe why the left is always going after them at this stage. do you agree that of the about the seriousness of what this means and portends, we move forward? >> candy, seriousness is the perfect word. >> irony is another word to use here as well, because here's the irony of ironies. democrats want to end democracy by crushing it. they want to save it, by crushing it through weaponizing the legal system through partisan means. and you know, the word democracy used to have some weight. it used to mean something. now, democrats in the media, they use it as a punch line. democracy to them means one party government, and trump is portrayed as anti democracy when he's simply the biggest threat to their power. not to the united states, but to their power, which, you know, in the this is a hail mary of political stunts because they know joe biden at 33, 34% approval. doug schoen knows exactly what that means. >> that's nixonian levels that we saw in december 73 before he resigned in 1974. and they know that this
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president cannot win when he's polling this low among black voters, hispanic voters, young voters, independents. and this will have a boomerang effect, serving as jet fuel to the trump campaign because people see this for what it is, tammy. >> right. i think we've seen that represent a segment i mean, we've seen it in the polls as president trump got indicted, you know, he was running a little ahead of ron desantis in the beginning of this season. and then he gets indicted. and then there was more support moved to trump. some people said it's because he's portraying himself as a victim. i don't see it that way at all, obviously. but what are seeing are is a confirmation of what his complaint has been, which is a two tiered system of justice, a rigged system of justice that the government is weaponized against who uses its opponents. is that what you see in this framework? >> absolutely, i do. and i think what's important for people to understand
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is that under our constitution, we're actually guaranteed republican form of government. >> what does that mean? it's a representative form of government. >> and we're the ones who get to choose who our representatives will be. >> so this is just a classic of the democrats weaponizing the courts to make it so we are not allowed to choose. >> so my view is get the information out there. >> you disagree with donald trump. let's have the debate. let's have the discussion. >> right. but what we're seeing, weaponization of the federal government is they want to shut down the debate because they know they can't win on policy. the details of the issues, doug, are key. you know, you can make your issue, make your play and argue and out what what matters. but it seems at this point that they believe that that biden can't win at all. that if trump is it with the polls it's clear trump seems to be you know in certain averages and it real
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clear politics and various of the polls is beating biden but then so does nikki haley. ron desantis at least ties him. so is this just kind of an end run to to genuine lee? is it the only way they feel they can win and or do you think that they will finally try to replace him with someone else? or do you think this leads for the democrats? >> well, i think there is muttering about replacing him. problem is, kamala harris is as weak, if not weaker than joe biden. joe biden was run around the country talking about biden nomics. i think looking at those polls, tammy we would all agree that that hasn't worked. and the biden basically has taken the attitude that they've got to go negative on trump, say he's anti-democratic, say he's corrupt, etc., etc., which is their right to do. and that's fine. but they don't have a positive argument. so anything de-legitimize is done in the views of my party is fair game.
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i don't think it's going to work because the democrats, joe biden actually now weaker than jimmy carter, was in 1980 when he faced a historic debate. yeah, indeed. >> and joe, people have seen crazy things happening. >> trump. they thought perhaps people would leave him when he got indicted. 91 times more, more than al capone. know he got the raid at mar a lago. you've got this stuff about incivek. it's almost as though i would argue that americans topped out when it comes to things that are said about trump, that anything else said now is going to just go in one ear and out another because of the shenanigans that we've been watching. >> absolutely. i mean, even go back before the end of this presidency to trump russia collusion dominating news cycle for three years. the robert mueller report comes out and there is one big nothing burger without the bun. and now we have a situation here to doug's point, where can joe biden run on his record?
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can he run on inflation and the economy. no, he cannot. can he run on crime in major cities driving people out of san francisco, chicago, new york and other major cities to places like tennessee and texas and florida? no, he can't. can he run on foreign policy where the world seems like it's on fire at this point? no, he can't. and he cannot run on the us southern border, which is past crisis point. >> we passed that ten years ago. we're now a catastrophe in terms of humanitarian and national security implications where no one likes what's going on there. there is no record to run on. there is no core base to support biden. >> therefore, this is where we're at at this point. all right, representative eggman, if you took an office from a state in state that was very unhappy with its previous representative, you're in there now with all of your your, you know, the republicans and the democrats together. we know what's wrong with the democrats. we know what's wrong with their policies. and yet, 22 was a blowout. what the republicans
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recognizing that it's one thing to point out everything that's wrong, but it's entirely another to say what you're going to do to fix it. like, who are you? we know trump is able to do that. >> he's able to define what matters to him. what can you tell us what the republicans are thinking about this coming year and how they're going communicate with the american people? >> well, i actually think that the republicans in the 118th congress have been quite successful in adopting in pursuing policies that are in the best interests of the public. >> h.r. two is the very best border security bill that has ever been passed by the house of representatives. >> but the problem is, is that the democrat senate will not take it up. many of the seven appropriations bills that we have passed for the first time in many, many years, we've been passing individual appropriations bills. >> they are good conservative policy bills that are in the best interests of the american public. again, the senate will not take them up. the democrat controlled senate
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will not take them up. have been pursuing good policy and will continue to do so in 2024. but we are being blocked by both president and the democrats. >> yeah, well, it would be a good idea. but beyond, you know, coming on television, speaking to someone like me is every week, tell the american people, what you've been doing and what won't get through the pipeline just so that we have a sense of what's coming up and what the republicans can offer us next year. all right. thank you, everybody. appreciate you being here now. coming up, is border crisis spiraling out of control? that is. i think that might be a trick question and there's no end in sight. sara carter leo terrell and tom homan react to the latest as this special edition of "hannity" continues . >> well, it's that time of year when everyone is spending a little more than they expected, but that's okay because, genius, you joined one the app and cashback debit card can help you earn rewards on those ugly sweaters
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>> welcome back to this special edition of "hannity", our southern border is completely overwhelmed with illegal immigrants forcing the federal government now to shut down key border crossings because, you know they can do it when they want to. >> so that agents, though, process the massive flow of migrants. now, those closures are starting to have an economic impact potentially. billions of dollars of international trade is at stake, along with the livelihoods of small business owners along the border. now, as crisis spirals out of control, ice is sending agents to the border to assist the border patrol. but again, for, i guess, management, so is the bureau of prisons. they're sending people as well. house republicans are also planning a trip to see the dire situation for themselves. but according to john karine jean-pierre, this is all totally normal. >> take a look. what we're seeing here at the border, the migration flow increased migration flow, certainly. you know, it ebbs and flows
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and. we're at a time of the year where we're seeing more at the border and it's not unusual. this is an immigration system that has been broken for decades, and the president has taken this very seriously to try do more. that's why we have the comprehensive immigration policy, the legislation that the president put forth on day one. >> so, yes, there's more to be done. >> well, you know, no wonder american voters are looking funny at the biden administration. here now with reaction are news contributor sara carter, former acting ice director tom homan, and fox news contributor leo terrell. leo, let me let me start with you. i mean, this is it's now been absurd for quite some time. she might as well be that meme you see on the internet where it's like a dog sitting at a table and the whole room on fire and the line is, yeah, this is fine. yeah, it's not fine. and they keep lying. what's your take on their continued approach to gaslight the american people? >> well, thanks for having me, candy. and merry christmas.
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me. be very clear. there is no border policy. there's an amnesty policy. >> they want immigrants to come into this country. kareen jean-pierre is a professional liar. >> she's sitting there knowing that she's and the american public have rejected these lie. >> these are historic numbers. historic numbers in number of illegals who are crossing the border. >> and you know, tami, we need to import crime. >> look at cities, democratic cities, where the governor of texas is sending these immigrants to chicago, lost. >> there's more crime. and there are now democratic cities who are begging for president trump to take over because we had a policy to control the border. we had our moment in charge. >> and this is what is destroying america right now . >> the border policy or the lack thereof, is the two issue in this country behind the economy, and that's why joe biden is going to move and we're going to stop the lie from white house secretary. >> yeah, it's a remarkable thing to watch, tom. i mean we you know, these
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numbers, i think i think people are finally understanding the extent of what's happening here. >> the number of illegal immigrants since joe biden has come into office is now more. it's -- it's the equivalent of 41 states, individual states. it is a huge number of people. and it's the people on the known or suspected terrorist list. >> over 700 have been apprehended year. you could imagine the got away framework. that gives you an idea of just the number of people trying to move through when we know that september 11th was implemented by 9018. >> so this is national security . it's an economic dynamic. these many of these people's lives are going to be destroyed as this country does not know to get out from under this. what do you think our moves are right now? >> what should the biden administration be doing now that they'll do it?
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well, look, they got the game. they got the game plan. they got they got they got the book or they got just sort of trump policies which were proven effective. >> look, joe biden is the first president in history. >> this nation came in office, an unsecured border. >> they inherited the most secure border in my lifetime. early immigration down a 25 year low, down to 83 to 90%. and he came in and purposely, purposely this isn't mismanagement. >> this is incompetence. this is by design. and the scary thing about this for two years, i mean, screaming, this is the biggest national security vulnerability i've seen since 911, because you set it under administration in four years. >> we had an 11 on 11 watch list. there had 18 and 18 and one month. >> wow. >> i mean, that's that is a huge difference. and they can that's what we know, sarah, this we now have to get down to and you're at the border a lot. you talk with these people. you know the dynamics the beginning when they were still trying to hide it from the american people.
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>> what's your take on the seriousness of and the impact on the country? i mean, this is this isn't just an inconvenience. this changes everything. >> the american people. >> it absolutely does. tami, and put it into perspective of we lost over 112,000 americans this last year to fentanyl poisoning and fentanyl deaths and overdoses. we go to the border. i was just there this week. you could see the government once again is still trying to hide it from the american people. >> they obviously we think that we're stupid. karine jean-pierre goes up on stage to the press corps and says, well, you know, it's just the ebbs and flows. >> no, karine jean-pierre. this is the flow that president biden purposefully made when he came into office and just eliminated all of president trump's executive orders. >> he just remove them
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completely. and he basically said come in. our border is wide open. the drug cartels, the human traffickers and every other nefarious organization working overseas said, thank you very much, president biden. thank you for partnering with us. and since that day has happened ,people have flowed into our country. our nation is facing justice, tom said. just as leo said, a massive we are literally breaking at the seams. cities like where there's the deaths and this is just one child that that got attention. but the death of a five-year-old child in a shelter in the freezing cold. >> do you know how many children i've seen sleeping in the streets right. sleeping with people that aren't even their parents. they aren't even their guardians. go overseas to mexico. president biden. look at all the children that are dying there before they even reach our shores. and the united nations is now saying the most dangerous land crossing is between the united states and mexico.
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so, i mean, the facts are the facts. the american people see it and the american people are going to make that decision in 2024 based on what they are seeing. i truly believe that. >> but god help us. god help us before that. well, you know, it is we are participating in this just karmically because we know this is happening and we do have a chance. everyone, thank very much for joining me tonight. it's a horrible dynamic, but got to know about it so we know what has to get done. so thank you all. now straight ahead, big updates out of the war in israel. plus, is barack obama the reason harvard's president hasn't been fired yet? carol markowitz, enjoy murdoch. join us next. >> israel is under attack. the war against israel began with the murder of hundreds of precious children in this orphanage, bomb shelter. we're praying for god's help. praying to a venus volcano. our father, our king.
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countless israelis are enduring the devastating anguish of lost loved ones. thousands of rockets have forced over 100,000 israelis to become refugees in their own homeland. israeli families are in crisis . the international fellowship of christians and jews is on the ground reaching jewish people of all ages. children. mothers. the elderly. even holocaust survivors. but we can't do it without you. your gift of $5 will make sure that the people of israel have mobile bomb shelters, emergency supplies, and the hot, nutritious meals that they so desperately need. >> our teams are working on the ground often at great risk themselves. they're delivering meals to the elderly and who are living in bomb shelters. this be an incredibly important time for all of the friends of the international fellowship
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of christians and jews to stand with our friends in. israel let them know that we are not only praying for the peace of jerusalem, but we're also praying and acting in their interest because we believe that's what god would have us do. i simply can't stress enough the urgency of this situation. it's more dire than ever before. this is your moment. this is your opportunity to make a life saving difference. it's your prayers and gifts that give hope to the people of israel. call, scan or visit our web site. now to make your lifesaving donation. >> well, that was a doozy on tv
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well, today we received the sad news that 73 year old gadi huldai became the first american to die in hamas captivity. his wife is still being held as a hostage there. and earlier today, the u.n. security council voted to increase aid to gaza, demanding a humanitarian pause . the u.s. abstained from voting. meanwhile, pro-palestine protests continue to arise across the country, including this one in detroit during a local michigan democrats christmas party. this brawl sent at least one attendee to the hospital, leaving others injured. >> get this. according to a new report, former president obama has quietly lobbied in support of harvard president claudine guay following backlash over her controversial testimony on anti-semitism. so there's a lot to unpack here. here with reaction, "new york post" columnist
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and host of the carol markowitz show. carol markowitz and fox news contributor deroy murdock. carol, let me ask you first, immediately out of this is israel. >> well, you know, we run the risk of becoming inured to news about americans in peril, especially after afghanistan, dan, there was outrage, understandably, over our 13 troops being murdered in that environment. but in all of this discussion, we believe this is the first american to die in captivity. but we have like 30 americans killed in the the hamas attack . how do you view this unfolding now as? >> more and more details come out and we have this horrible news. it's so pathetic. the white house released a statement of condolences. but where is the outrage that an american got? hagai had been killed? where is the american president to at least have some harsh words for the killers? we're seen as weak on the world stage because joe biden. americans being murdered abroad cannot go without mention.
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>> a lot of people, you know, like to understate misunderstand when a jewish american like me says that there needs to be a reaction. >> i want to be clear. i do not want american boots on the ground. but how about some harsh language? how about hard look, anything? you know, that's a great point. i mean, you also this transcends whether you're jewish or not. fact, though, all of us should be. yeah, fine. to identify as jewish because this is about a minority that people think will be abandoned as it has been in the past. and so this is fascinating to me. we've got, you know, again, americans, you know, over a dozen now, you know, 30. >> who knows how many really have been killed that we don't know. and will be. and yet it's like the white house shrugs. we've got ships being attacked through the iranian proxy group hootie. they put out a video earlier. america. i mean, where does this go.
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>> i mean, how much worse can this get? it could get a lot worse, i'm afraid. look, people, first of all, to express my condolences to the family, you've got to have gone i'm sure this is very painful for and nobody involved in this deserve to have what's happened take place. but this could come here. hamas is not just a problem for israel, as you said, is a problem for americans. 13 were killed there. about 14 were held hostage. some are still held hostage. the germans, dutch and the danes just a couple weeks ago broke up a hamas plot to engage in terrorism in europe. there are people crossing the border from all over the place. god forbid, that hamas decides, hey, let's go put some pressure on the americans on american soil. so this is not just an israeli problem. this is already become an american problem, as on october 7th. and it could become one if, god forbid, hamas decides to come and spread the terrorism out of this country. yeah, and considering the open border years ago, the state department told us about how hezbollah and hamas were running some of the drug cartel from south and central america up into this country.
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you know, for the money. i mean, it's so this is where people have got to be ready for for horrible news. >> and we've got to be prepared for it. but i do want to move on to the nature of politics here now that are happening, carol, regarding obama and according and harvard, now, obama is very influential man. obviously, she has been, i would argue, a failure. it is. as a feminist, i was it was wonderful to see three women heading universities speaking to congress and then they all failed. right? they all kind of, you know, jumped in with the establishment. and for four women who understand bias and, unfairness, and you have problems getting good jobs and being treated equally, you know, we should be on the side of everyone who has been, you know, attacked or faces hate crimes or distinctive bias.
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>> why is obama, you know, spending some of his cachet for her? >> well, obama lobbying for her isn't a surprise. i mean, claudine is on the team, wolf. politics is a team sport and she's on it. >> i'm honestly glad that so many of my jewish liberal friends have been realizing that their application for the team has been denied. please try next year. look, she's going to be pushed out for her plagiarism, and that's fair. i'd be fired for far less if i did close to what she did. but i hope she's remembered as the woman who argued that calling for jewish on campus had to be put in the proper context. her inhumanity towards jews should be her legacy. i know it's going to be the plagiarism that actually forces her out, but i want it to be that. yeah, that's a very good point. >> i'm going to give you the last word here, because there's a this is just about that woman or the situation with harvard. this a systemic problem, especially with the rise of anti-semitism it really is. >> i mean, look, if the question had been, does it
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violate the speech code or the regulations, people at harvard, for somebody to say, hey, let's have against blacks to wipe all all the blacks out, she would've said, yes, that's awful. we wouldn't permit that. but the question is, well, what about against the jews? well, it depends. put it in context. who really knows? unbelievable. i mean, that should be a very easy question for her and the other college presidents to answer the fact they botched that shows because show how deep anti-semitism has crept into the left. and this is one of the reasons i think she ought to be booted, as well as the 40 different examples of plagiarism and any harvard freshman knows you don't do that. >> she did it 40 times. she ought to be booted. yeah. talk about also a double standard with administration versus students and who gets booted and who doesn't. but also the commitment. maybe it's obama's commitment to d.c. that this is a symbol of the failure of that theory. and perhaps they just don't want the american people to see that. >> carol, to roy, thank you very much. now, up next, senator rand paul released his annual festivus report highlighting,
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government waste. what were the big culprits this year? well, we'll tell you. you stay right there as this hannity special continues. your camping buddy luke gets ready to do it. >> i thought you were driving. i thought you were driving. >> well, i never said i was driving. well, i definitely can't drive if you're high. just don't drive. it's illegal everywhere. if you feel different, you drive different. >> get new floors during empire, today's gigantic 75% off sale. that's carpet, hardwood, vinyl and laminate. 75% off. empire makes getting beautiful new floors easy. see samples in your home, get a free estimate and have your floors installed. update your floors with empire
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a lifetime. make a difference. choose your future. >> choose americorps. >> welcome back to this special edition of "hannity" just in time for christmas. senator rand paul, his annual festivus report, which breaks down a whopping get ready, you guys, 900 billion in wasteful spending from 2023. the senator holds both parties responsible. of course, both parties are for this careless spending, stressing how members on each side voted to raise the debt ceiling, leaving our country ¥34 trillion in debt, up from 30 trillion a year ago. how great.
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so without further ado, here are some of the ridiculous ways the government is spending money. for example, nearly $500,000 for the forced feminization of a of male monkey. >> great. two hundred million on support to small business concert venues and family owned theaters, which actually went to big like post malone, lil wayne and chris brown and 6 million to boost tourism. >> oh, but in egypt. >> i don't know. this is just the beginning of a long and shocking of how the government spent your money this year. and we're going to discuss it now with the co-founder of the committee to unleash prosperity, steve, along with fox news political analyst g.a. caldwell. gentlemen, welcome aboard. >> merry christmas to you guys. yes, steve, you're your committee. i think you understand it's we don't increase prosperity by by spending. let's see here. oh, the national institutes of health allocated funds to study rushing cats
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on treadmills. now, they should have spent that money on me for my brand of treadmill, but they didn't. steve, how much longer can we sustain this? >> because this is not a sustainable way behaving, is it? you know, we laugh at this, tammy, but it's deadly serious . >> i mean, if you want to understand why americans are so infuriated by what's going on in washington and why they hate biden-nomics, it's this i mean, $900 billion of waste in the budget. by the way, americans know that we're not stupid and that's three times the entire california budget. >> that's how much is being wasted every year? i'll just give you one example. there is a 300 billion, not million, $300 billion green energy slush fund in the biden. no one knows what's going on with that money. it's all going to buy this in the green environmental groups. >> it's not it's not changing the temperature of the planet. >> there are 40 different special ed programs, 50 different programs that deal
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with job training. >> the left out of the government doesn't know what the right hand is doing. it's outrageous. not a penny, tammy. not a penny of new taxes until we get rid of this waste in washington. >> you know, that's a great point zero. we've got when you think about, you know, you're from chicago. i'm from los angeles. i live in new york. you know, we live in a no urban areas where, you know, what would a 100 billion do for the people in your city? 100 billion. right. we're crime and funding the police and education and an air conditioners for people living with the summer comes up. i mean what do you think when when we think about this for the american people about what this money could mean to make life better in this country? >> you're exactly right there. and i tell when i read this report, one came to mind a song by chris brown, which is called under the influence. >> i wonder what bureaucrats in d.c. were under the influence when they decided give chris brown post malone and lil wayne and others almost
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$200 million. these are insane numbers. >> we're talking about almost $1,000,000,000,000 in wasteful spending, which could have been better spent on the border, which could have better spend, and police departments across the country or with our veterans, as you just just mentioned there. now, i got to tell you something, because something else came to mind and i know this is unpopular in some circles. >> i'll go for that. gates was right. he was absolutely right for raising the fact that we should be doing single appropriate bills because we can cut through some of this waste if we were to do that. >> now, i got to tell you, for our 2024 budget, we got now earmarked for 47 100 projects, seven billion dollars from members of congress. and that's something that we have to look at, too. we need to be carefully be considerate about state funding and what the government is doing. steve, i don't know. i look a little askance at things like what congress does. this is money that's like monopoly money that becomes fungible in a sense, and just
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it flows like water all around the place. and we never know where it goes. >> am i wrong to be cynical about that? >> i think everybody is cynical about it. by the way, i forgot to mention there was $200 billion of fraudulent payments in coded payments. >> i mean, nobody did anything. nobody did anything about it. look, we could do the math here is simple. we're running a $1.8 trillion deficit. $900 billion of waste. in other words, if we just get rid of the waste, we could eliminate half of the government borrowing every year. >> and, you know, g.a., this is what's interesting. i know we do turn to with its process, but let me give you the last word about the fact that, you know, this is like fraud, like they mean to have the money disappear and then like with the pentagon and we they lose. >> in one case of this report, has they lost $169 million worth of gear. don't you think this is more about fraud and malevolence than it is about, you know, just meaning?
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>> well. well, no, absolutely. there's a ton of fraud that's involved and government spending. >> that's why we need a forensic audit of government spending. i think that's really important, right? absolutely. that's a great point that things got to get in there. gentlemen, thank you very much . now more of the special edition of "hannity" coming up after the break. >> a must in your medicine cabinet call on scams. the number one cold shortening brand highly recommended people love scams, unique zinc formula. it shortens colds that can shorten that cold on to
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12:00 am
you noticed something wasn't right and got her to a doctor. i thought i was okay, but i had a concussion. sometimes it's hard to tell on your own. don't mess with your melon. >> if you had it, get it checked and never leaving this bar. >> welcome back to special edition of "hannity". before we go, i want to wish everyone a very merry christmas and a happy new year, especially those serving our country abroad who are not able to be home for the holidays. and please join me with prayers for israel and the jewish people all around the world. unfortunately, that is now all the time we have left for this evening. be sure to check my column at mac dot us. have a wonderful weekend. gutfeld is up next
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