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tv   FOX and Friends Saturday  FOX News  December 23, 2023 5:00am-6:00am PST

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♪ griff: tree is up and stockings are hung and we're two days from christmas in the spirit filled stockings. i like christmas trees and presents. nicole: we like stockings over the mantle. griff: my parents would do like candy and fruit and one surprise gift that was thoughtful. it's good stuff. nicole: i do socks for all my kids and husband in the stocking plus candy. they count on that . will: my parents had the stocking game nailed down. the trick, so the problem, of course, i got to be careful
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because i don't know who's watching right now. december 24th is difficult. christmas eve is difficult. you have a nice dinner, you have a few drinks and there's a lot of work to do. then you're up late and then the problem is that you have to get up early the next morning because there's people read db of interaural go and kids ragaini ready to go and my parents used the stocking as a time delay mechanician and it would be delivered to your door and had something to look at and go through so you didn't rush downstairs or knock on the door and say, hey, it's time to go to the living room so the stocking was something we got to do for a while. griff: that's next level genius. nicole: that's pretty clever. will: as a parent now that i'm in that world, i mean, you need that extra hour or two that stocking is not going to buy you two hours but maybe an hour to sleep because you were up last night on christmas eve working. nicole: or i hear what you're
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saying -- or but maybe you should have gotten some of that stuff done prior to christmas over. christmas eve is actually, i think it challenges christmas day for me. i love christmas eve. we have the big dinner and sit down as a family. we watch a movie afterwards but then i have to go to bed. i can't do anything else. will: good for you. you buy your presents in october and get your work done in november. the rest of us have things to do. nicole: you've known me for a long type. does any of that surprise you? griff: no. nicole: i'm pathologic which white chevrolet it comes to that stuff. griff: you're more prepared than santa claus himself. will: he's got a lot of work and we have a little work to wrap the presents. he has the real work. griff: if i was santa, i'd be all kinds of anxious right now. nicole: i love tracking santa all night long. it's the best. griff: he's got like 100% success rate so every year it gets that much more pressure to deliver. not get stuck in a chimney, he's
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getting older and maybe a it almost fatter. nicole: or he's on ozempic and gotten thinner and can fit down. griff: ozempic santa is not something i want to see. that would be something. will: i wonder if santa, is he crossing into american territory. i'm trying to find out if he's a southern border crosser or come down through canada. nicole: look at that transition. will: or come from the pacific or atlantic. nicole: i think the southwest border because everybody else is. southwest land border and migrant encounters all time high november 2023, 242,118 and up from 2022 and we're on track to have more terror watch list encounters for this fiscal new year than ever before since october 1, there's been 30. all of 2023 fiscal new year,
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169. griff, you've spent a lot of time on the border. griff: yeah and the numbers are going up and up and up and i'll say it all weekend long, my hat goes off to the border patrol agents from lukeville, arizona, to eagle pass because most will be working on christmas day and christmas eve and taking away from family gatherings, and it is because they're at what is known as broken arrow and overrun and absolute breaking point and that's where they are now and you see in places like lukeville and you see where bill melugin has been doing great coverage all week long. eagle pass where i spent most of september, october, and then obviously ten days just a few weeks ago. you've got this 100, 200-1 ratio. there's only about 10-20 agents dealing with 3,000 migrants every day in either of these places and i'll tell you,
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christmas came for some migrants and that's the 386,500 that came across our border illegally crossed and were released with the notice to appear with court date five, ten years later. whether or not they show up? who knows. they're here and that's the message this administration has favored a policy of mass release. that's driving more migrants to come to places like eagle pass that you're looking at there. when i covered the caravan in 2018 for "fox & friends," we literally were doing a weekend show and we saw this caravan spinning up and i went with aj hall and we went down to honduras and 7,000 miles later and 27 days later we ended up in eagle pass, texas, when migrants crossed in eagle pass. they were seeing on average 2-300 migrants on a busy day. now it's 2-3,000 a day in this area. you know, the fact that we've got agents working on this
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holiday trying to protect the country because as you pointed out, nicole, the terrorists are getting through. we had the picture shown today in eagle pass in broad daylight, a migrant strolls through with a rifle in his hand, will. will: huh, wow. look at that, the if i canture of what you're describing there, griff. of what you took. that's crazy. that is crazy. also crazy in new york by the way. new york post has a quote from a guy named david fitzgerald in marine park and illegal encampments and they're begging door to door in new york and said i've seen them sitting outside stores, the mall and going around to all the houses in the neighborhood and knocking on the doors and looking for money. i certainly sympathize with their situation, but to have people knocking at your door looking for food, that don't speak english, it's annoying and i don't like it. we've never had this before and there's a lot of nervousness in
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the neighborhood, that's for sure. i had a friend sending me pictures of the subway in new york, i lived here for 15 years but don't know. i never saw that. he sent me pictures twice of children begging on the subway. you don't have that in america. now we do. nicole: yes, you co. the gentleman that said that was actually an irish immigrant himself. there's a lot of criticism that when you come out and say something like that saying oh, i don't want people coming door to door and illegal immigrants coming and asking for money and begging for money. there's criticism you're cold and not empathetic and racist. at the end of the day, there's a very big difference of being empathetic and having people coming to your areas begging for money. i mean, taxpayer dollars go to this. we spend billions of dollars on immigrants and to towns and stas spending millions and billions themselves and we are charitable but needs to be done the right way. will: that argument, and i know you're not making it, the argument that anyone would say you're not empathetic, it's absurd. don't ever say that to me till
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you've opened the front door of your house sports to the entire homeless population. your country is your home. if your home is something you feel like is for you and your family and not for the entire neighborhood, then why is your country open for the entire world. griff: taxpayer dollars, nicole, that's a good point because we saw this week, the center for immigration studies found that among illegal alien households; right, 59%, three in five of the illegal alien households in the country are on some sort of welfare support and this administration is enticing them to psychological and we're paying for it. nicole: the sanctuary cities may see a change in tide in 2024. will: triple-a gearing up for a record breaking weekend when it comes to holiday travel. nicole: they expect 7.5 million people will take to the skies and that beats the 2019 record of 7.3 million fliers. griff: but a massive storm could bring serious problems for anyone traveling to the central
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part of the country after rain hit arizona and new mexico yesterday, more than 800 flights are already delayed or canceled. let's turn now to that chief meteorologist, aka ray of sunshine as dubbed by will, rick reichmuth with the weather forecast. >> good morning for me. yeah, big storm and it'll cause problems, but it's not a massive snowstorm. more of a big rainstorm for most and take a look at maps and i'll show you what i'm talking about and it's warm and we have warm temperatures across much of the central part of the country and 44 degrees in chicago on december 23. that is warm. 37 in fargo, fargo eventually you're going to get snow from this system. question have rain out ahead of it right now. much of texas today getting some scattered showers and it's really the sen center of the stm in the areas of the rockies and desert southwest and rain yesterday and flooding rain in parts of arizona and day before that and areas of southern california got really significant flooding as well. all this energy throughout the
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next couple days will very slowly pull to the east and it is a really slow moving storm. that means issues we'll have will be with us till tuesday or wednesday before this is gone. so your trip home might be problematic as well. today some delays across parts of the rockies and also down across maybe areas of the immediate gulf coast tomorrow and kind of a line from up around minnesota all the way down towards mississippi and the heaviest of the rain will be and snow on the backsides of it by the time we get to monday and tuesday, be watching for a bit of ice storm potentially to develop across parts of the northern plains. all right, back to you inside. will: all right, thank you, rick. we're turning now to a few additional headlines and starting here. louisiana's democratic governor pardoning 56 inmates across the state including 40 convicted killers as he leaves office. john bell edwards was elected back in 2016 but plans to step down in january 2024 as he reaches his term limit. he's known for his anti-prison stance shortening sentencings and increasing paroles.
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his state has the most incarcerated in america with more than 1,000 people behind bars for every -- per 100,000. people in louisiana. new reports from the jewish insider say barack obama may have influenced harvard's decision to not oust president gay after her converse y'all congressional hearing on anti-semitism earlier this month. obama reportedly pushed school officials behind closed doors to stick by the embattled school leader. and traveling during the holidays is stressful but officials at the airport in portland, oregon, have a creative way to help. they're using therapy llamas for stress relief. according to airport officials, the llamas were treated like celebrities when they arrived. there they are and those are your headlines. nicole: therapy llamas. will: i think llamas spit. nicole: camels spit.
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do llamas spit? griff: i can't confirm that. alpacas do but i don't know about llamas. will: i think llamas, i don't see it happening there. nicole: but they're kissing on the lips. will: that's not therapy. griff: who kisses the therapy animals. that's kind of not a normal thing and a new thing. nicole: if you don't have a therapy llama, you may get in the christmas spirit by watching some of these holiday movies. griff: that's right. if it's a holiday movie. nicole: non-christmas movies for the holidays and continue holidays and continuevessels lae themed, little women, meet me in st. louis, no. 3 you've got mail, no. 2 harry potter and sourcer's stone and no. 1 die hard. these are non-christmas christmas movies. there's a poll, is die hard a christmas movie?
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50% says no. that surprises me. 26% yes and 23% unsure. what do you think? die hard a christmas movie? griff: every year we have this debate, which is a non-debate. of course it's a christmas movie. nicole: what make it is a christmas movie? griff: it happens in the movie and talk about christmas and they talk about santa. it came out at christmas when it was released for those of us that were old enough to go to the movie theater. this is maybe the top behind jingle all the way 2, the top christmas movie. nicole: jingle all the way 2? will: i'm usually game for the meaningless debates and it's right downs fairway for me and i don't have a strong opinion on whether or not die hard is a christmas movie. to be a christmas movie, not enough to take place at christmas. nicole: griff says if it takes place at christmas time. griff: has christmas muse and i can has run dmc song in brooklyn
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and catchy hip song at the time and debuted there and christmas trees in it. santa, the whole thing. that's a christmas movie. nicole: i'm failing to come up with a movie that takes place at christmas time that's not considered a christmas movie. if i would think of one i would say it. griff: e-mail us at and are you we many or not. will: if h what is your favorite non-christmas christmas movie. nicole: i like you've got mail and there's a christmas time in it. will: i remember the movie, what's the christmas part? nicole: well, she's closing her shop and it's christmas time and decorating the little tree and thinking about her mother who died. i wouldn't call it a christmas movie. that's just a very heart warming feeling. griff: one in new york and one across the country. nicole: this is aol and the dial up and first you've got mail,
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hence the title. it's very clever. griff: let us know what you think. and coming up, a win for president trump. supreme court rejects special council jack smith's request to fast track trump's immunity case and fox news gregg jar retrjarrettjoining us live. will: and janice dean joining us on the toy express campaign. ♪ as someone living with type 2 diabetes, i want to keep it real and talk about some risks. with type 2 diabetes you have up to 4 times greater risk of stroke, heart attack, or death. even at your a1c goal, you're still at risk ...which if ignored could bring you here... ...may put you in one of those... ...or even worse. too much?
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because it seemed significant to me that the high court wasted no time in a single seasons with no dissents saying no. go with the regular appellate process. we're not taking this. what's your read? >> hi, griff. always highly unlikely the supreme court would take this at his juncture and the justices want to hear from the appellate court and dc circuit and that's the normal process and for good reason. the intermediate court refines the issues and scrutinizes what is essentially a novel, legal theory here of immunity and untested so their opinions are quite valuable to the supreme court and the justices also don't like it, griff, when somebody tries to butt to the front of the line and rob them. the justices, of meaningful legal judgment. here the special council really
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offered no compelling reason except obviously want as trial of trump in the middle of a presidential campaign i think to damage him to the benefit of democrats and joe biden. and perhaps the justices saw this for what it was, election interference and saying trump should be treated like everybody else he says. okay, then appeal it like everyone else. >> it seems to me that what ultimately had the court taken and would jack smith intentionally or not accomplish showing that the court can be bullied and feel political pressure when they are the institution that should be independent. >> yes, and the supreme court, griff, doesn't like such antics or imaginations and they may
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decide the argument and it is a credible one that he acted consist with his sworn duty to uphold and enforce all laws and that includes ensuring free and fairy lockerbie bomberses if he suspected there was fraud or faulty vote counting. well, he's entitled to pursue challenges under the law and even contest the electors, which democrats obviously did in priory lockerbie bomberses and somehow it's okay for them to do it but -- prior elections and it's okay for them but not republicans? griff: gregg, if it goes through the appellate process it could end up in the supreme court and could this end up having implications on future presidents? >> oh, it's a precedent-setting case, you know, as to whether a president enjoys absolute immunity, limited immunity, what is the conduct and the course and scope of presidential
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duties? these are all open issues that u.s. supreme court has never directly decided. the supreme court doesn't like to take political cases. in the end they may be forced to. we'll wait and see. griff: we shall see indeed. gregg, you'll have christmas and merry christmas to you and anybody else that hasn't done their shopping like myself, go out and get gregg's great book, the constitution and the united states and other patriotic documents. gregg jarrett, thank you very much. coming up, spreading holiday cheer first responders are delivering toys to 100,000 kids this christmas. janice dean is joining us live with the toy express campaign next. hey, janice. >> hello, griff. ♪ there's something going around the gordon home.
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will: christmas game early for new yorkers and first responders bringing christmas cheer to underprivileged kids across all five boroughs. janice dean is here joining us now. kris mast eve eve. >> this foundation is near and dear to my heart and my husband is a firearm for 28 years now and i know what it's like to be the spouse of the first responder and the foundation came know and i got to emcee an event a couple of weeks ago and help sponsor the lighting of our christmas tree and recentlyives able to go out on their toy drive, which is their big
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christmas event where they bring toys to less fortunate children. the smiles on their faces, you want to just take a look right now much it's amazing. >> super heros, princesses and the grinch and even santa swarm new york city this week. >> ho ho ho, merry christmas. >> but they were law enforcement officers under cover for a very special mission. handing out toys to children. >> they're not running into day today and call ago bundle of friend and giving joy and gifts. >> nypd sleigh ride is one stop on the first responders children's foundation toy express that gives out gifts to children around the country. >> we're in 145 communities across the united states with 200 first responder agencies and
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over 125,000 toys and doing this till the end of the year. >> chicagoing off how much they care about our communities and bringing the community and police together. >> merry christmas. >> going into community and seeing kids that need christmas joy. >> yes, maybe the only toy they get and they'll get it from the police officer. >> i'm grateful to be part of that situation with bringing that only gift to that kid. >> rudolph was resting up for christmas and police lights lit up the way. >> we started at jfk and we're in staten island and let's give toys. do you like your presents? >> yes, i love them. >> merry christmas. >> we're excited for the kids in our community.
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they're so excited. >> this is amazing and giving to the kids and giving back to the community. synergy home i'm really excited to have another christmas with you guys. >> what's it like seeing smiling faces today? >> it's hot and i love it. today means everything. give ago kid a gift. reporter: all the police officers dress up for the kids. >> yes, they have and everyone is enjoying it and everyone is having a good time. are you having a good time? >> i'm having a great time. >> best way to celebrate christmas and it's a really great time giving a i way toys to all these wonderful kids in all of the boroughs and thanks so much to the first re-responders children's foundation for having us and of course to >> one thing we
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thought would be really special is to ride out handwritten cards to give to our first responders to thank them for all they do for us every single day of the year. can i give you a handwritten card to say thank you from fox news? thank you so much for all that you do. thank you, merry christmas to you. thank you so much for everything you do. nicole: janice, that was so special and it's a tumultuous time for first responders and it's a way to bring the community together and giving kids toys in 150 communities across the country. >> for them to get inside the communities they represent in their costumes and say we'll be
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here for you right now and talking about this is one ovthe fifth events every single year and getting into the community and say we're here for you and we love you and we're here to protect you and it's hard to watch it without having a tear in your eye because some of these kids this is the only christmas they will see. >> there's been a tarnishing of law enforcement reputation and of those like your husband and other first responders that serve truly at the end of the day, the community for the young kids if their first experience is a positive one. maybe it'll help perhaps with where that stands. >> yeah, i absolutely agree with that and the police officers that i talk to say this is one of the reasons why they love to do this. they have super hero uniforms on and first time they get to meet the kids in their community and those kids look up to them saying i got to meet the police
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officer and they were giving out presents, that is a lasting impression on them. nicole: they're also giving out gifts to children of first responders whose parents died in the line of duty. >> yes, absolutely. the first responders children's foundation and basis is to make sure they're taking care of families that lost a loved one in the line of duty and that's why i'm so grateful to be able to represent this wonderful group of people. will: we're grateful you highlight it had, janice. it was beautiful. that you tho much. will: learning more about what janice was talking about and go to the children's foundation on the bottom of the screen and >> merry christmas, everybody. will: coming up, we may be two days away from christmas but there's another holiday to honor today. >> the tradition of festivus begins with the airing of grievances. i have a lot of problem withs you people and now you're going
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to hear about it. kroger, my son tells me your company stinks. will: from barbie fraud to meth monkey, senator rand paul is airing grievance. griff: where to see a white christmas next. in at 4 months. and skyrizi is just 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine, or plan to. with skyrizi, nothing on my skin means everything! ♪ nothing is everything ♪ ask your dermatologist about skyrizi. learn how abbvie could help you save.
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griff: here we go, triple-a gearing up for a record-breaking weekend when it cops to holiday travel. more than 830 flights are already delayed or canceled and number going up and up. turn to chief meteorologist rick reichmuth that tells us why in our fox weather forecast. hey, rick. >> a couple days ago we had the storm bringing flooding to southern california and yesterday to arizona and it's on the move now and it'll cause problems for about the next places on the map and could be a really big mess and not all this happens at once and today through tuesday and rain for everybody and central plains at a big shot of snow and see that peak and potentially a big ice storm monday into tuesday and if you're driving on christmas morning and you have to be really careful in the area and could be quite dangerous and down across areas of the south today and big rain showers
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across much of deposition exhibit no. and could cause a few delays in the airport and energy across the parts of the four corners it's our weather maker and it's a white christmas outlook and here you go. not much. anyone in the east coast forget about it and a little bit of lake effect on there and it's the most of u.s. by land and most snow we've had is 63% of the lower 48 with coverage and the least is 21% and, give, it's going down as least white christmas ever and lower parts of the next 48. >> i'm okay with that. griff: no snow. griff: rick, thanks. police looking for four suspects that they believe stole this french bulldog at gunpoint in dc and the owner put one-year-old mocha up for sale to find the
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new dog a loving home and agreed to meet a potential buyer at 3:00 p.m. yesterday and that's when police say the four suspects snatch the pup pulling the gun owner when she tried chasing them and the owner is staying positive hoping she gets mocha home before the holidays. navy seal waives in california are up in arms after the local library let them have veteran re-patriarch books and we had them on earlier to discuss their fight. >> we had vet veterans with hers and navy heels and going through these basic constitutional rights at ours. griff: the library is a government agency and not allowed to participate in religious programming.
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apparently not even at christmas. those are your headlines. nicole, tossing now to you. nicole: thanks, griff. transgender monkeys, russian cats and billions in improper payments. these are some examples of absurd government waste laid out in rand paul's annual festivus report and monica crowley is host of the annual report and thank you for joining us this morning. you know, right now we're finding that we are actually having to borrow money from china to pay interest off of our debt. it's in a dangerous cycle. can you explain why? >> yes, good morning, nicole. merry christmas to you too. look, this is a national security threat and the fact is that government has not been able to get spending under control and this report indicates that in fiscal year 2023, the government just to
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servicer the debt laid out $659 billion that we, for the most part are borrowing from china to service that debt. and that number is only going to climb because the government continues to spend at outrageous levels. of course the american people once left holding the bag and getting the negative consequences of this in the form of skyrocketing inflation and annual budget deficits and $2 trillion and unfathomable national debt and that's a severe economic security and the economic health of the nation is a national security issue. the laws of economics are hard and fast, nicole, and pretty soon they're going to put the brakes on all of this and the results are not going to be pretty for you and me. nicole: well, ex-sorb tent
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spending goes on both sides of the aisle but rand paul's festivus list and when you do this you have to chuckle and it's not funny at all and taxpayer dollars and using them to apply for ppp loans and it was approved and ai didn't pick up on it and dod destroyed $609 million worth of military equipment by leaving it outside and the millions of equipment left behind in afghan tan and nih approved funding for researchers to study the sleep habits of monkeys on meth. we can go on and on. one of my favorite things and you call yourself a happy warrior and i love hearing you say that every time. then you also say we as americans are paying for our own destruction. what do you mean when you say that? >> we're funding this government with the hard-earned tax dollars and have to work a little harder and on the treadmill and people laugh about that and it's no
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longer funny because these numbers are so destructive to the future of this country and for our children, grandchildren, and subsequent generations. we are paying to fund the government. this government particularly under joe biden with the wide open boarder and chaos in the cities and this kind of wasteful spending, foreign boarders with -- foreign wars we have no business being involved in in eastern europe and elsewhere. we're paying to fund our own destruction and very few things outrage me more than that. and of course, you know, the people of washington who are spending our hard earned money are just laughing all the way to the bank. they're enriching and empowering themselves at the expense of us and the future and security of america. and it is completely outrageous and one of the big reasons why we saw the raise of donald trump in 2015 and 2016 and likely why he's going to be reelected again because people want someone that
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has a sense of responsibility and puts america and americans first. nicole: monica crowley, merry christmas and thank you so much for being on today. >> thank you, thank you, nicole, merry christmas. nicole: coming up, did you procrastinate your holiday shopping? don't worry, 142 million americans will be shopping beside you this super saturday and griff will be one of them. once you grab the perfect gift, we have tips on best way to wrap them. lifestyle expert is next.
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>> we've been counting down with the advent calendar here at "fox & friends" and we're up to the 23. >> see what we have here, guys. all right. nicole: it's the perfect last minute gift. will: comes up as for griff. nicole: you don't have to choose
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one store. there's a bunch of fun themes and zero fees and popular brands you can shop from and find them and find them at retailers nationwide or gift or instant e gift delivery. griff: thank you, e gift cards, you did my shopping. my christmas shopping is literally done. nicole: your girls can get what they want. don't have to return things buy. will: the calendar with zero things on it. learning how to gift wrap. nicole: gift wrap. if you have an e gift card instant delivery, you don't need to wrap it. griff: it's not christmas without more. will: that was made by our next guest and she's here to help us pick out gifts she's done that and now we learn how to wrap the gifts and it's a little more great. it's been fun opening them all. nicole: we have to wrap our gift. >> nicole, you weren't a fan
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when kim kardashian did it but it's a big trend and using fabric or cloth as gift wrapping and take your gift and just going to wrap it will: you're using napkins? >> yes, this is part of the gift and tie it in and make it look pretty and then put embellishment on top and this one went quickly and looks really pretty. nicole: this is great for adult gift and house warming gift and kids drift mast gift under the tree. >> definitely for the adults and you bought a gift and can't get the sticker tag out of and it's annoying and hack is take your blow-dryer for 30 seconds and peel off and doesn't have to be. nicole: do you have a blow-dryer, will? will: i don't have one. >> so now this is like if you're wrapping and gift and doesn't
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quite fit, you turn it 45 degrees so it's at a new angand will open a new roll. griff: why do i never think of that. >> turn turn on a 45 degree angle. griff: that was really smart. >> this is a favorite, favorite one. kind of playing on a gift with wrapping in one and take cozy socks and wear them as a gift. it's ones with alcohol and self-care like lotion or something. put that on top. and then will: it's the peanut butter whiskey. >> yeah, from the advent calendar. i had an extra. griff: if i gave someone whiskey in my sock -- >> it's a cozy night in and put a bow on it and have a nice
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relaxing -- will: screw ball peanut butter whiskey. >> yeah. you're put to the test now and giving you a bit of space and everyone has some of the hacks and you also have gift wrapping and you're going to come over here with a minute on the clock. will: no instructions? >> i've given you them here. if you want to win, use one of my tips. will: i'm going diagonal and learn that had lesson. how do you tie it? that's the real problem? i got it. don't worry. griff: it's not working. nicole: no helping. >> you guys are doing a great job. >> i don't have anything to die it with though.
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>> tie it with itself. the wrapping is the actual cloth. griff: 30 seconds. >> look at you. nicole: griff's going to win this one. one. griff: we've got kim kardashians over here. will: can you use tape on cloth? >> why not? will: i think i'm done. did i just win with my cloth wrapped present? nicole: i did cloth and should have done the paper. will: who won? >> you did obviously. will: i've never one won of these kind of competitions. all hi to do was get pete and rachel out of here. griff: "fox & friends" when we come back.
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