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tv   FOX and Friends Sunday  FOX News  December 24, 2023 4:00am-5:00am PST

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♪ ♪ ♪ holy lord, holy lord. ♪ holy, or holy, holy lord. ♪ can we do that one more time. ♪ holy lord, yeah, holy lord. ♪ you are the holy, or holy lord. ♪ holy lord muck -- ♪ o, lord ♪ nicole: good morning and merry christmas eve. that was the incredible sounding
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vincent bohanan and sound of victory choir. we asked you guys, our viewers, how you are celebrating this morning before christmas, and your photos are pouring in. griff fluff yeah. like this one from rick in florida with his reindeer and americaning flags. nicole: and this is from michael, his dog decked out for christmas. i love it. [laughter] will: and check out the lennox family, already up on this christmas 'morning, and guess what? they're wearing their matching christmas pajamas. gnu. nicole:ny they look great. will: we're having a debate today. i know everybody gets pajamas, but you wear them for the picture x then you're with done. e-mail us your photos at you wear them lounging around the house. the only place you don't wear them is to sleep. nicole: absolutely. you wear them christmas morning, you do all of the presents, you have a great breakfast, you
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lounge around and then you change out of your pa a jam maas and have a nice dinner. that's what we do. griff: my family has pajamas coming. i blew the surprise now, but one of the family member's pictures -- nicole: pajamas. will: that's tough. [laughter] griff: e-mail us at nicole: we need to know. will: it's christmas eve, and millions of americans are getting on flights to head home for the holiday. bill melugin with spotted special lines at the tucson international lines in arizona allowing non-u.s. citizens without passports to bypass ordinary screening and board domestic flights. this is the picture that bill found,you can read -- this was the sign at the immigration line that he saw. he tweets this at i tucson airport last night where personnel were directing illegal immigrants who had been released
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with their dhs pauperwork, non-citizens with no u.s. passports, this was at tsa security, not as customs, not at international. so, obviously, the suggestion is illegal immigrants with very little vetting bypassing security leans, there's reports that delta airlines is allowing them to go on without proper identification. nicole: honestly, i have a really big problem with this in the sense that just compare tyly speaking, think about what you have to go through to fly not only domestically, but international through through -- internationally. you can't even bring your toothpaste, shoes off, jacket off, belt off, myself, my kids, and they actually have -- goodness forbid your passport is going to expire many 30 days, you can't come back to the united states even if you're a u.s. citizen. but they have this entire line for illegal immigrants, non-u.s. citizens without a passport, and you get a free ride. you don't have to go through the tsa check.
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i mean, at what point are you going to actually start turning people against them because they're not being treated fairly? griff: yeah. so i've encountered this in san antonio's airport, i've sat next to migrants on my flights that have the folder, some of them say i don't speak english, please help me navigate the airports, and i have done that in my poor, broken spanish. they're humans. but the problem is, and i said this in the last hour, it's almost a form of a back door amnesty that they're creating with this sort of efficiency and moving them. there are, and this is a number that's not public, so i'll share it with you, there's now as of this morning more than 700,000 migrant encounters at the u.s. border since the fiscal year began on october 1st. it's, like, 706,000. in the most recent data from i.c.e. about the removal, so these flights are going to u.s. cities somewhere that they're
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the headed, not back to their home countries. they've been released with these notices to appear en masse. that is the focus and the priority of this administration's policy. in the fiscal year 2022, only 3% of those who were encountered, 2,300,000 encountered, only 722,000 were de-- 732,000 -- 72,000 were deported back to their home countries. you cannot tell me that 50, 60, 70% of these migrants are release -- reach a critical fear threshold. will: what was the percentage again? griff grefe so there were 2.3 million encounters in 20322, the most recent year we have data for. i've been working with i.c.e. saying let's see the numbers that you're doing, you've been touting you're spending people back. 2.3 million encounters in 2022, only 72,000 were on deportation flights. that's 3.03 %.
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and i've been working with the administration saying people are seeing now migrants on their flights flying to u.s. cities released with notices to appear. that's why they came, because hay know -- will: to be clear, 99.7% are meeting, according to the administering, that credible fear threshold to stay in the united states? and that's the ones, by the way, we're not counting gotaways, this is encounters. griff: correct. we don't know exactly why they were deported, but the majority, the lion's share, as you say, are meeting the threshold. the point is when you see this in the airport, particularly for me as a reporter that covers it, it's perplexing because the administration says they're doing everything they can, using every resource to try and deter the surge which karine jean-pierre says is not unusual. of it's highly unusual. in fact, it's so unusual, it's breaking the border patrol's resources and spirits and morale rah. but at the same time, you're seeing efficiency the likes of
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which is assembly lines you would expect at amazon in these migrants. that's their goal, to get to that end point, ands it is definitely not having those that are thinking about making the journey think, you know, maybe i shouldn't go. nicole: yeah. it's an, ployation of the entire asylum process, and it's unfortunately for -- unfortunate for those who are sought legal means. it's out of control at the southwest border. the busy travel weekend, however, is still in full swing. airports are crowded, migrants and everyone else trying to travel across the country, especially in new york and new jersey. will: flightaware is reporting more than 530 cancellations and delays throughout the u.s.. >> i think the kids are disappointed, actually, that we're not going to wake up christmas morning. we go down, we film them coming down the stairs, film them opening their presents u jumpers and that type of stuff and, no. griff: christmas jumpers are a
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pajamas. meanwhile, ride-share drivers could be protesting again in atlanta for fair wages. let's turn now i to chief meteorologist rick reichmuth for our fox weather forecast. how's it looking? rick: one big storm, but it is just kind of isolates. i'll show you where it is, across the central, from denver over towards minneapolis st. paul. it is so warm, we're going to be breaking record high temperatures -- temperatures for the day from chicago up towards mel waukee and green bay. fargo today, 45 degrees. rain showers. eventually, that does turn into know and, in fact, we're going to be watching a really big know storm develop here, that a blizzard warning around norfolk, nebraska, over towards a lot of places dealing with about a 2-day blizzard, very window conditions along with that snow, and that is going to be a big problem for you. how much snow?
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some spots maybe 8-12 inches, maybe more in some isolated say from capgtop up towards pierre with. aside from that, an ice storm going to be developing later on tonight through the day on tuesday, and we could be watching some really rough roads. so if you're driving across that area or especially start thing tomorrow morning, be air confidential, it's going to be -- can be careful, it's going to be a treacherous one. bill: all right -- thank you, rick. nobody loves christmas as much as a "fox & friends," and with one day to go, we're going to put that to the test. nicole: fox nation if host tom shillue is here to quiz us on some of the hardest trivia he could find. terrorist griff tom, they asked us if with we studied, and i didn't know -- nicole: we didn't know we were having a test today. >> yeah, somewhere just raise your hand, this is old-fashioned. question number one, what did e the other reindeer not let rudolph do? will was first --
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will: play in their reindeer games. nicole: is this a height thing? >> i'm going to keep my eye on you, doctor, but he did have his hand up first. okay, question number two. in home alone, where -- [laughter] sorry, you're first, you know it. minnie he's reading the prompter, i'm listening to you -- will: they're going to paris, tom. >> you can't read the prompter. i have notes here. don't look at the prompter. dr. nicole, what is the rule -- they're going to paris. will: you made up the rule finish. [laughter] >> here we go. which cup did eggnog come from -- country did eggnog come from? dr. nicole? nicole: holland. you get -11. griff: i'm in second place with 0, right? the answer. >> it came from if ending land. nobody gets the point. okay, which one of santa's
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reindeers has the same name as another holiday mascot, a different holiday? think about it. griff. griff: cupid! nicole: that's a good one. >> they're hey, that's good. you were studying your reindeer, griff. question number five. according to or the song, what did my true love give to me on the eighth day of christmas? will: i can't do it. griff: that's hard. >> what? sing the song, guys. gnuny eight minnie -- new york new york eight -- >> nobody gets the point, maids a milking. seven swans a swimming. i thought these were easy. heir tougher than i thought. what is the best selling christmas song ever? will cain? if. will: i think it's mariahcare reice now -- mariah carey's.
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>> you have a weakness, because you don't watch old movies. minnie white christmas! >> that's right. we need a tie breaker. it is 1, 1 and 1. what is the top selling -- i'm making this one up, what is the top selling christmas album ever? if album. who's the artist? think about it. minnie -- new york new york bing crosby. griff: elvis presley. >> pulls out the win! will: so griff won? >> i can come over here -- griff: i won. you know, i've only won with one other time on "fox & friends." it was a lawn mow or race, and now thanks to being from memphis and elvis, the king, look at that. i'd like to dedicate this to all the people in memphis. merry christmas. [laughter] will: thank you, tom. that was a good time. >> watch those old movies. will: still ahead, a new report claims the biden administration
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tried to keep that chinese spy balloon a secret. former secretary of state mike pompeo on the lack of transparency. griff: plus, it's christmas eve, and and if you still have last minute shopping to do, that's me, fear not. lifestyle, ebert carrie rely has last minute ideas. stick with us. ♪ ♪
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griff: back with a few headlines now. california governor gavin newsom says he's against banning former president donald trump from the ballot in 2024. he says, quote, there is no doubt that donald trump is a threat to our liberties and even to our democracy, but in california we defeat candidates at the polls. everything else is a politicals distraction. this comes after the colorado supreme court ruled trump was ineligible for the 2024 presidential election. and this, former secretary of state john kerry weighing in on critics calling out president biden over his age. >> at 80 i can do everything i used to do when e was 50, but i
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don't remember what it is. la. [laughter] >> it must really tick you off, all this stuff about biden and his age. >> it does. i think that's ageism. he's done a brilliant job, i think, the president. griff: 80 is the new 50, apparently. if reelected, joe biden would be 82 at the time of his inauguration, more than a decade older than any other president in american history. and this, an air force staff sergeant will get to spend the holidays with his best friend after the two were separated for more than two years. he and his working military dog john had to split if up when the staff sergeant was assigned to a new base. he heard the 10-year-old german shepard was geting retired, and john got to meet the staff sergeant's daughter. those are great stories, and those are your headlines. will: thank you, griff. tensions growing for the u.s. as forces in the mideast, the houthi militants, have been
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targeting more cargo ships. as recently as yet. ed an iranian commander now reportedly threatening to shut the mediterranean mediterranean sea down. it comes as more than 100 u.s. bases in iraq and syria have been attacked by iranian-backed militias. fox news contributor and former secretary of state mike pompeo joins us now. mr. secretary, great to have you on the program. i'm curious, from the beginning of the war between israel and hamas, we've talked about this war me tsa the sizing, growing into something bigger. nation-state the conflicts including iran, perhaps hezbollah. it seems to have done so but only sort of through proxy, behind the scenes. has that gone how you expected? >> well, will, good morning, and it's a special day, christmas eve. thanks for having me on today. it's gone -- i suppose it's gone about as a one would expect. the iranians often fight this way, right?
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they can go after americans while we go after non-iranians. we go after the proxy forces all around the world, we respond to them in the defensive fashion, and it allows them to essentially fight without putting themselves at any risk. so it doesn't surprise me that we've had this many attacks on the united states. when an administration like the biden administration is as weak as a it has been for the three years it has been this weak, this risk always accelerates. the iranians only understand one thing, they understand power. and so long as we are announcing that we stopped two of the three drones or we successfully foiled a plot somewhere in europe, that's music to the iranians' ears because that kind of defensive, back-footed posture increases risk not only to israel, the gulf arab states, but folks around the world and americans here at home as well. we've will if that is the tactic, and it has been for quite only time, then is the threat to potentially shut down the red red sea is real, a real
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threat? >> certainly. it'll be difficult for them to do, but you know these locations, right? you know the strait of hormuz, everyone's now become familiar with the southern entrance to the red sea. it doesn't take much to not just shut it down, you don't have to do it physically, you just make the risk high enough that commercial ships won't travel through there. already some of the big ship orers have decided to divert their cargoes around africa instead of the red sea. they're, expensive, a lot more manpower required. that'll come right home to the united states of america in terms of higher costs. they can do it if the united states isn't serious about pushing back the iranians. if we allow these guys in yemen to just launch these iranian rockets and threaten the world and we don't go after them, take the out the places from which these rockets were launched and. maria:, the risk is only going to become greater, will. we've will we had this discussion early on today, so is nbc news is reporting the u.s. secret effort to track and
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surveil the chinese pie balloon. that's the headline. before it was spotted publicly, there was the intention to study it and let it pass over and not ever tell anyone about it. they weren't paying attention. so the biden administration wasn't going to share with the american public the existence of the spy balloon. there just seems to be more to this story that we understand. you know, as i look at this and try to analyze why would they have taken this approach, you know, it's east, yes, they did want to study it and that's why they were going to let it fly, they had some ability to limit the amount of intel it could gather, or they were just highly embarrassed by the entire situation and wanted to hide it in that way. i just can't figure out why they would have chosen the path they chose. is there an explanation that we haven't yet discussed on the way this went down with the spy balloon? >> well, there are certainly things that happen that for a moment intelligence agencies, american intelligence agencies rightfully ought to share with the american people as a you're trying to make sure you keep them safe.
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this certainly couldn't become one of them when we had live pictures of it. moreover, my sense here is that the the reason they didn't want to disclose this wasn't for intelligence collection. you'll recall the fist story was this wasn't even spying on the unite, this was just a lost weather balloon x then the story was this happened under the trump administration. the story keeps varying. my guess is -- they made the decision the it was out of sheer embarrassment that they had allowed this to take place over the homeland. that's never a reason not to share information with the american people. i don't know if this story true, but we remember. they allowed a chinese spy balloon to fly over our country for five days and did nothing and, frankly, now we are months and months and months later, and they've never even brought this up to xi jinping saying this is unseven bl to violate american sovereignty in that way with. will: mike pompeo, thanks so much for being here. merry christmas to you. >> blessings to you as well. will: take care. coming up, who is getting coal
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for christmas in the list of political figures we put top the naughty list. but first, the reason for the season. christmas proves love triumphs over hate even amid war, suffering, tragedy and you are the howl. fox news' chief religion correspondent lauren green is here on the message of hope we all need to hear this time of year. ♪ santa baby, a 50-foot convertible too, light blue ♪ i'll wait up for you with, dear or. ♪ santa, baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight ♪
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unite this was just a lost
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♪ everybody say ace men -- amen, ace men. ♪ amen, amen, amen. ♪ everybody or say now amen. ♪ everybody say, amen. ♪ everybody say amen, e amen, amen. ♪ everybody say now amen, ace men. ♪ amen, amen ♪ nicole: and that again was the yun lifting sound of the sound of victory choir performing live on fox square this christmas've. but this year millions of people are celebrating under the cloud
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of war and tragedy, and while joy to the world may feel like a hard concept, our next guest says the message of christmas simply proves love triumphs orr hate. fox news chief religion correspondent lauren green is here to explain. good morning, lauren, thanks for being here. i have to say as i told you during the break, i love this piece. >> thank you so much is. nicole: i think it's the wonderful. what prompted you to write this? >> one of the things that i was just end thralled by -- enthralled by the poem i heard the bells on christmas day, and there was a film about it, and i've loved it for years and remember bringing it -- it brought me to tears after 9/11. but he brings you through the traditions of christmas and hearing the bells, and he suffered his own tragedy of his wife dying in just a tragic accident. and his son critically injured in the war. and he questions, is -- how can there be peace on everett, how can there be peace on earth. so he goes through this process
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of the bells saying it's really wonderful, christmas is wonderful, then he hears the bomb blast, and he questions god's existence. in my despair, i brought my head because there is no peace on %, i said. hate is so strong. but then he lets the bells actually start ringing god's real truth, which is that god is not dead, that hate will not prevail and that the wrong shall fail and the right will prevail. and this is the powerful message of the incarnation which is what christmas is. we celebrate god coming to earth, the creator coming -- becoming the creature and if coming close to us because jesus is with us, emmanuel, god with us. nicole: one of the things that you mentioned was one of our greatest mess fortunes today comes from not letting the carols of christmas take their rightful place of importance, and you give some exampleses. what do you mean by that? >> the carols, the real carols, are actually little mini sermons about the toes pell.
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joy to the world -- the gospel. you to the world, the lord has come. heart attack the herald -- hark the herald says in the line, the flesh that god had seen. another carol, farce the curse is found. the curse is the sin that god has now taken care of through the incarnation of jesus christ and his death on the cross. so even in the carols, they always look at the future of the cross. you cannot look at the babe in the manger without understanding that jesus was born to live the life that we could not live and die the death that we actually deserve. it is god reconciling with sippers now, and it's done -- sinners now, and it's done. that's the joy of christmas, but there's also sorrow in that we ourselves are such great sinners that god himself had to take the wrath of his own judgment in order to keep us close with him. nicole: i was speaking with a texas school board where we've gotten so far away that we can't say merry christmas anymore in fear that you will offend
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someone and trying to get back to not only being able to say merry christmas but being able to celebrate the profound importance of it. >> it's so important to understand that merry christmas is kind of under attack. and i hate to say this. if you understand the nature of evil, you know this is where it comes from. jesus' words are true that i'm the way, oring the truth and the light, that no one comes to the father but through me, then that is true whether anybody if believes it or not. so if that's true, who -- the greatest attack would come from the greatest evil. and i think that's where it comes from. people really must understand that christmas is powerful. it's not just a little babe was born and the teacher of love. no, this is god coming to earth, breaking that boundary between heaven and everett and -- and earth and coming to be with us. there's a power that exists in this world today prior to 2,000 years ago. it's like we all won the biggest lottery ever imagined, you just
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feed to cash in that ticket. nicole: as the world is going through a tumultuous time, your parting words is, yes, hate is strong, but god's love is stronger. >> absolutely. nicole: thank you so much for joining us on christmas eve. >> the thank you. merry christmas. nicole: still ahead, grammy-nominated singer or-song writer gavin degraw performs a christmas song coming up live. but first, it's the place no one wants to be. >> your father, he's on the naughty list. >> no! nicole: that's right, it's santa's naughty list, and we have the political figures who are topping our 2023 lust. don't move, coming up next. ♪ n investor, you're an owner. our financial planning tools and advice can help you prepare for today's longer retirement. hi mom. that's the value of ownership. - bye, bye cough. - later chest congestion.
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don't miss enjoying a moment with fast repairs in our onsite labs and 20% off your custom dentures. plus, we have a denture money back guarantee so you can smile with confidence. aspen dental. book today. >> can't wait to see my dad. we're going to go ice skating and eat sugar plums. >> that's the other thing i wanted to talk to you about. you know, buddy, your father, well, he's on the naughty list. >> no! [laughter] will: it isn't only buddy the elf's father making the naughty list, santa has several other
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big names that weren't so good in 2023. griff if griff that scene, by the way, never gets old. i love that one. let's turn to our wall and see the top five starting with this one, the president, joe biden. now, he's got the worse approval of any modern day president, 39%. that's the worst in 40 years, will. will: i think the american public's naughty list ors but continuing to fail at your job while blaming others and then bannering to constituencies to divide the american public against one another, i think, i'm pretty -- i feel fairly confident saying i'll bet, i'll bet, griff, he's over there on santa's naughty list as well. griff: look at that, naughty. and if you know what he's doing to treat himself in going to st. croix for the new year with. a caribbean are reward. will: nice little beach vacation. i don't know if he'll be on marine one, air force one, but he usually is by by side to have president, and i think it's a no-brainer, hunter biden ought
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to be on the naughty list. we can talk about tax evasion charges, illegal gun possession charges, crack, hookers, cocaine, illegal foreign business dealings. i don't know which one in particular might have gotten hem on the naughty list, but it could be the totality -- griff: he had the substance abuses which he detailed in his memoir with, although oddly when he got sober, he forgot to pay his taxes facing those nine counts of charges and what the special counsel says was a 4-year scheme to not pay $1.4 million worth of taxes between 2016-2019. that lands you on the naughty list. will: let's be honest, if he isn't on the naughty list, there's no point on a naughty list. how about senator bob menendez of new jersey? if you open that jacket pocket, you might find -- [laughter] a gold bar from egypt. if. griff: and 2 you go into the -- if you go into the home that the fbi raided in his bribery scheme that they are pursuing, you'd
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find four gold bars that were recovered in 2013 from a robbery linked to his case. that's just the start of it. by the way, his wife, nadine, also involved. will: right. griff: so she helped land him on the naughty list. will: you know, griff, it is pretty stunning, and we don't talk enough, there's a lot of talk about biden, talk about the trump's criminal indictments. i mean, this is a stunning case that a talks about foreign influence peddling here in the united states, criminality, bribery. the senator not from new jersey, or but the senator from egypt. griff: yeah. there's a lot more probably coming on that case as well. now on our list there is one from where i am many d.c., george santos. and george santos, by the way, may be getting kicked out of congress for a lit gnu of thinge of which include wearing ferragamo loafers which were paid for. . he did get kicked out, but his career seems to be flourishing. he's making cameos for, like,
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$500 that you can get to send to friends if on instagram. will: look, most of george santos' sins that would have landed him on the naughty list have to do with lying. and, i mean, he's been everything from a division i volleyball player to i don't know what else. but i will say this about a george santos, and this group isn't finding themselves on this particular 5-person naughty list, he didn't have sex in the senate hearing chambers, he didn't have sex in the judiciary hearing chambers, and he did have a few things to say about that inappropriateness which, is there anyone among us that would say that doesn't land you on the naughty list? griff: he's out there railing about the migrants flying through airports, and he says his favorite airline, delta airline, he hopes they won't be doing it. so maybe there's a post-congressional life for george santos -- will: i think so. griff: for this year with it look like he's on the naughty list, a lump of coal for him. will: i don't know if there's going to be a post-career
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resurgence for these three individuals, although one of them -- actually or, two of them are still in the height of their career. you have liz magill from penn if fired, denoted -- griff: she resigned. she saw the writing on the wall and said i've got to step down because i handled the congressional hearing wrong, and the three of them could not bring themselves to condemn what's happening, the pro-palestinian rallies and putting students in danger. will: or find a consistent message on free speech. this lady who nobody can remember her name, and, of course, claudine gay from harvard who's now kind of enmeshed in her own plagiarism scandal. i say kind of because a lot of protection for her including former president barack obama. but, look, plagiarism, inability to con semianti-semitism, inconsistency on free speech. griff: they wore santa hats, but they're e getting lumps of coal. they are on the naughty list.
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we will see, by the way, if more pressure is brought to bear on claudine gay. she's no, i don't think, out of the clear yet -- will: that your first call walk? griff: that is. will: you did a good job. [laughter] stay tuned if -- for our "fox & friends" nice list coming at 9 a.m. nicole, over to you. nicole: nice job, guys. griff, great job. you did it e like a champ. [laughter] now turning to your headlines. san francisco police arresting 18 people in a shoplifting sting operation earlier this month. officers issuing citations to 12 of the suspects before letting hem go. six were booked, and it's all part of the the president's shoplifting blitz which started in october. a school board president in calling on officials to say christmas break instead of holiday break during this time of year and is officially making sure christmas break is printed on next year's school calendar. he joined us earlier this morning.
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>> can call christmas christmas. it just seems like this inclusivity ideology has gotten so out of whack that it's now in order to be inclusive, you have to exclude things like christmas. nicole: and brian also mentioned he wants teachers and parents to recognize christmas without the fear of facing retribution. and now the grinch usually steals presents, but this year he's helping law enforcement crack town on traffic violations. a florida police officer donning the grinch's signature costume to hand out tickets or onions to anyone breaking traffic laws. >> we give our violaters a choice because it is the holiday season. if they're just going a few miles over the speed limit, no more than 5, what we'll do, we'll give you a choice of the citation or an onion. nicole: you know, i kind of like that idea. it's not a bad trade-off. drivers are warned by officer
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grinch to slow down and stay off their cell phones, and those are your headlines. now let's turn to chief meteorologist rick reichmuth of for our forecast. rick: probably not many takers for the citation. i tell you what, i've billion standing outside for just about 6, 7 minutes would want a coat, and it's really nice. which tells you we're not getting a white christmas. there's one storm that's going to be impacting us, but with this warm air across the central part of the country, none of it is going to be falling in snow. behind it, a blizzard in effect across parts of nebraska and south dakota. but you get the idea, it's really warm as you're waking up this morning. 49 degrees in chicago on december 24th. we're bicycle to be breaking record -- going to be breaking record high temperatures for the day today. a line of storms down from across parts of texas, oklahoma, up into nebraska, and we have snow on the back side of it. that snow if eventually is going to become big, but right now heavy rain in towards areas of texas could cause a little
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localized flooding. getting some beneficial rain in across areas of louisiana. it's the northern side and back end of this storm that's going to be bringing heavy snow and the wind associated with it x. that's going to last for about two days, some spots getting maybe up to a foot, foot and a half of snow. that is going to be a white christmas. nicole, back to you inside. nicole: you're breaking my heart. maybe next year. i think it was, like, 2009 the last one in the new york city area. rick: wow. looked at you. i had no idea. [laughter] nicole: coming up, political distraction. newsom breakfasts plans to block trump concern blasts plans to block trump. of shannon bream will join us on that. plus what's the best dish at christmas dinner? a.i. has come up with its own list. uh-oh. we'll show you that next hour. plus, the night -- twas the night before christmas. the best last minute gifts for your friends and your kin. ♪ -- everywhere you go. ♪ take a look at the five and
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ten -- ♪ glistening once again ♪ money, i started a dog walking business. i was a bit nervous at first but then i figured it's just walking, right? [dog barks] oh. no it's just a bunny! calm down taco. sit duchess. stop! sesame no no. archie! walter don't, no, ahhhh. ahhhhh! you're lucky you're so cute. only pay for what you need. ♪liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty.♪
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♪ ♪ griff: guess what? christmas is tomorrow. nicole: and if you still have some shopping to do, our next
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guest has last minute gift ideas for nip on your list. -- anyone on your list. will: carrie reilly joins us now. >> hi there. you can two out and get everything on this table tonight, and it's to go tomorrow, everything. first up, this is a great stocking stuffer, it's the my q smart garage control. never if worry did i shut the garage door, i don't remember. or if you want to open if close it, go right on the my cue app, and it makes your garage door smart. you can add a camera, a video, you can see who's coming, going, let your dog walker or babysitter in. i found this at target, $24.99, 17 president off. will: we have that for the date for the driveway, and my wife's always opening it for somebody who needs in. >> it's so convenient is. this is go if go smart wheels, so cute for kids, police officers, which we love. also the go go smart wheels spiral construction tower which you can put then under the tree. this helps kids with motor if development. a lot of different skills that
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they're going to need as a kids. we love v-tech because if you press this button, it makes sirens and noises, but we don't want today that -- will: no, not right now. [laughter] walmart and target, you can pick that up today. this is the ali's, 511 stores in 30 states, it is 70% off your typical bougie brands, which we with love. a spa for mom, this is $29.99. griff: you say mom, but the card says, to will. >> for will. [laughter] this is a drone, usually $9.99 -- 79.99, board games are only $5 -- that's it. you should go to ollie's, they are open, ready for business, and they have all these name brands on sale, and this is pittsburgh, parks headquarters, which we always love anything usa, right? griff: absolutely. >> hug letters. this is a monthly family newsletter subscription.
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i made one here for you guys. and this is so cute, it's chicago-based. you upload your photos and stories to the hug let ier app, hay design, print it and ship it. personalized newsletter directly to your home. this is made in the usa but also a fox friend code, 20% off if you say fox friends, and fox vet e irans are going to get -- veterans are boeing to get 30%. philny i love this. >> we love them or they're 155-year-old company, family-owned, they're apple farmers out in california. if you go to their web site is, they have the most incredible cocktail recipes for kids, it's mart knellly' everybody needs one because we have to most for your -- toast for our cast eve. but this is a great hostess gift or dog walker or hair dresser e. i went to the grocery store, you can go there the tonight, but this is also also at wal-mart. minnie my kids love these. enter the cocktail, turned $5
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you have a give. will: beautiful. you want the nerf gun? [laughter] griff: nerf guns come with me. will: cheers. merry christmas can. >> merry christmas, everybody. will: thank you, carrie. all right, still ahead, we are tracking santa. a live report on where the big guy is now. plus, shannon bream, jason chaffetz if, charlie around note and jonathan morris all join us live.
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sofia vergara: one child saved at st. jude
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helps save kids with cancer worldwide. you'll find our treatments and research breakthroughs everywhere, from a college freshman's room in america's west to a college graduation in america's south to a medical school in south america. ava: that can be me someday. marlo thomas: give thanks for the healthy kids in your life, and give a gift that could last a lifetime.
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♪ ♪ ♪ holy night ♪ all is calm ♪ ♪ all is bright ♪ ♪


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