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tv   The Great Christmas Showdown  FOX News  December 24, 2023 9:00pm-10:00pm PST

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thanksgiving all of the way to christmas light and then that's that with the finder on the parents have nothing to do with the moment that i do a test test. [laughter] i see that. >> is quite amazing. >> okay guys, is been great very christmas eve to all of you that all of you that doesn't from us we are going to see you back here next weekend and wishing you a very merry christmas say to them, the great christmas from them, starts right now with tom. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ headquarters in new york city. it's the great christmas showdown.
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because nothing says christmas spirit quite like arguing with the people you love. featuring jimmy failla. todd pierro. janice dean. raymond arroyo. michael loftus. kacie mcdonnell and me pete hegseth. now here's your host, tom shillue. i am your host, tom shillue. we've got two teams playing for bragging rights and a cash prize for charity. over here, the red team is ready to rumba. and on this side, the green team. let's get this sleigh off the ground, shall we? we're going to start with one on one debates. first up, jimmy versus raymond. you guys ready? let's go. let's go. okay. now, your question is, what is the most annoying christmas song?
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oh, is it the chipmunk song? christmas. don't be late. or all i want for christmas is my two front teeth. raymond, you are up first. tell us why the chipmunk song should be on the naughty list. i'm definitely on the naughty list. and jimmy, it offends me and hurts me, actually, that you have taken the side of the chipmunk song because as anybody knows, listen to that song. this is about a man who is cohabitating with underage rodents. i just want you to know that listen to the lyrics. but more than that. okay. this was a fake gimmick created by a guy named ross bagdasarian, who is allegedly dave seville. there is no dave seville. it's a stage name. but if you listen to the lyrics of the song, he's recorded this song about wanting things from santa in the voice of these little chipmunks. this thing went on for decades where he just recorded himself on fast play. i don't think this helped. i think it's destructive.
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it's an annoying song, maybe second only to chipmunk love for really bad songs. but worse than that, i know you're you're going to be arguing against me. all i want for christmas is my two front teeth. i would just say to you, when nat king cole and sinatra record the chipmunk song, call me hello, get dang. they sang god dang it over to you, jimmy. i love it. it's time to play the feud with what's going on. i love it. hi, ho, ho, ho, ho! all right, here we go. here we go. here we go. i am here to make the case for the chipmunk song. why? because if we're being honest about all i want for christmas is my two front teeth. that kid needs singing lesson a lot more than he needs teeth. okay. the kid is a self-absorbed monster. and why is that the case? and this needs to be said. okay. santa is tasked with delivering toys to every house in the world in one night. okay. what isn't he? a dentist.
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okay. in fact, he's self-employed. he doesn't have dental himself. okay. but now, in addition to covering the whole entire world in one night, he's got to scream and mrs. claus to go bang out some molars. i think it's selfish. i think if you talk about the chipmunks, it emphasizes the need to be good. because what do they say? we've been good. but we can't last. hurry christmas, hurry fast. and what do they want as gifts? one guy wants a plane that loops the loop pretty easy. the other one wants a hula-hoop. it's 1976. who doesn't have one? the point is, if you were trying to teach your kids at christmas time the true meaning of the season, it's about being selfless. it's not all i want. you know, that's the whole say all i want. the chipmunks are singing about christmas in its entirety. okay. the kid is singing about himself. that is an instagram error song of narcissism, destructive. and if you like it, admit you hate christmas because that's what's happening. oh. oh, wow.
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oh, audience. who gave the better argument? would you say it's jimmy? oh, raymond. jimmy. there it is. there it is. take that, chipmunks. you're going to have to explain. you're going to have to play pope on this and rule as a nature wood person that really is infallible. you are right, raymond. i am the host of the show, and i get to decide who the winner is. and i'll tell you right now, i was on the fence. but, jimmy, you actually did make a good case for raymond. so you helped him out, raymond. oh, yeah. lots of good cheer here, guys. all right. tonight's winners get more than just a spot on the nice list. they can win $1,000 for the charity of their choice. bring the ginormous chair. come on. out. out.
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so the winner■s charity gets $1,000, and the losers take home a bag of coal. janice? yes. tell us who the red team is playing for. we are playing for team rubicon an organization. that is very near and dear to my heart. during hurricane harvey several years ago, i went out to meet team rubicon. they're a bunch of veterans and first responders that after their service decide that they want to help in disaster areas. so this is a wonderful, worthwhile cause, bringing together first responders who i love. my husband's a firefighter and the weather, which of course i helped to predict. kacie, what about green team? we are playing for tunnels to towers, another great organization on fox all the time, giving back to those who serve our country, who keep this beautiful land free and safe.
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so we thank them for that. okay, here we go. kacie and todd, it is go time. you feeling ready? i think so. okay, here we go. the day after thanksgiving is an american tradition. it's called black friday. do you love it or do you hate it? kacie, you are up first. why should we love black friday? next. todd, katherine. what the, i guess, war on black friday is. it's the softening of america. you're making america weak. they are scared. they are hidden in their basements, on their keyboards, banging away. you're too afraid to leave your home. you're afraid of your countrymen. you think somebody is going to push you out of the way? this is like the eminem song. your palms are sweaty, your knees are weak, your arms are heavy. if you are afraid to storm the gates of wal-mart,
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how can i ever take into consideration that maybe if there's a zombie apocalypse, you are going to stand your ground? you're afraid of your countrymen. you want that flashy so badly, but you won't go get it. you're going to stay home. you're going to banging away on your keyboard. it's going to come to your house in 3 to 5 business days. then you're going to mosey out when none of your neighbors are around to snatch it. then you're going to call somebody to mount it. okay. keep black friday alive. keep competition in america. thank you. yeah. oh, yes. todd, that was pretty strong. you ready? i'm ready. yeah. tell us why black friday is a no go boom. do it. all right. first off, i'd like to thank the tom for the question. i'd like to thank the audience for being here. i think it's important to remember that when i'm attacked for my conservative principles, it is one ronald reagan's conservative principles
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that led our nation down the path of prosperity. and it was one ronald reagan who decided that in order for our nation to prosper, we needed to eliminate wasteful spending. ladies and gentlemen, there is no bigger day of wasteful spending than one black friday. people, please clap. and it is these conservative ideals of eliminating black friday that i will bring to you, the american people. if i'm elected, the 47th president. i was told this was a presidential debate. on day one, i will sign an executive action eliminating black friday. the sales aren't really that good. they're fake. and don't we want the workers to spend thanksgiving at home with their families? yes we do u s a usa. usa. usa. thank you very much. the debates are done. i have the power. i feel like saint nick himself. i have made my list. i've checked it twice. and i'll tell you in this tough economy, i got to go
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with todd piro's argument. people are hurting. all right. final debate in round one. michael versus janice, are you ready? oh, last year we asked america in a poll is die hard a christmas movie. america was split right down the middle. since it was so close. let's fight it out here. michael, tell us why die hard is, in fact, not a christmas movie. all right. thank you, tom. thank you. audience die hard is a great movie. we all love die hard naktomi plaza. come on. i'll come out to the coast. i'll have a few drinks. it's not a christmas movie. here's what you're confusing it with. because christmas is in the background. christmas? it's wintertime in l.a.. that's it. you know what?
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other movies have christmas happening in the background. batman returns. is that a christmas movie? does michael keaton come out and go on, santa? no, he doesn't. you know what other film famously had christmas in the background? lethal weapon. that's not a christmas movie. it's not. and i'll leave you with this. please. no talking, rambo. oh, come on. is rambo a christmas movie? no more war hero movie. woo! woo! woo! woo! woo! i rest my case. michael loftus. wow. janice, convince us. michael is on the wrong side of history. go ahead. you ready? who has an advent calendar? i do. oh, that would be the die hard advent calendar. hans gruber falling from 24 floors right here. none of the other movies he suggested has its own advent calendar.
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but i will also say this movie is all about christmas. it takes place on christmas eve for 12 hours. he comes home just to see his family for christmas. his wife's name is holly. okay. there are presents in this movie. there are christmas carols in this movie. it snows at the end of this movie. and yes, there is even santa in the form of a dead terrorist at the end of this movie. the writer of this movie has said that it is indeed a christmas movie, and so has the director. die hard is indeed a christmas movie. i told myself i wasn't going to cry. the fact that we're having this debate means it's not a christmas movie. it identifies as a christmas movie. in this day and age,
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if you identify as a christmas movie, you're a christmas movie. thank you. that puts it over the top. why did go? we are just getting started here, folks. the epic battles continue with some big surprises after this. the time is now. okay, here we go. it's your last chance to sign up during fox nation's once a year sale. this offer won't last, and it's your chance to start streaming our biggest show. i'm rob lowe. and this is liberty or death. boston tea party with the biggest stars. perfect. it's just perfect. and your fox favorites every day. start streaming fox nation now for just $19.99 a year. your last chance to lock in our exclusive offer. sign up today.
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♪ limu emu & doug ♪ [bell ringing] and doug says, “you can customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual.” he hits his mark —center stage— and is crushed by a baby grand piano. are you replacing me? with this guy? customize and save with liberty bibberty. he doesn't even have a mustache! oh, look! a bibu. [limu emu squawks.] only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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welcome back to the great christmas showdown. it's red team versus green team and the mittens are coming off. oh, yeah. oh, yeah. in round two, the degree of difficulty ratchets up. our elves have cooked up some devilish distraction.
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so hold on to your santa hat. this could get messy, todd and raymond, are you ready? we are. let's go. all right. always wear suits. the question is christmas lawn inflatables. are they terrific or are they tacky? todd, you will argue for inflatables, but stay where you are. elves, bring in the first distraction, please. oh, yes. all right. while you argue, todd, you're going to have to untangle this string of christmas lights. how well, you do will be factored into my verdict. are you ready, tom? take it away, todd. first, tom, i'd like to thank you for that question. and i'd also like to thank the audience for being here. i'm reminded of another statesman of the eighties, one whose memory i honor here today with this beautiful sweater. one clark w griswold. it was clark griswold who brought lawn ornaments into the public conscience
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in 1989 by lining his lawn with said lawn ornament. it was clark griswold who is skewed the protestations of his yuppie neighbors, margo and todd, and carried on with the tradition that he determined he was going to put out there for his family. it was clark griswold who reminded us that christmas spirit cannot be confined merely to one's inside of their house. yes, that's right. but it must be shared, forced down the throat, if you will, of your entire neighborhood for a month, if not longer. amen. so be like clark griswold this holiday season. get an industrial strength. air pump and make your lawn the jersey- licious lawn that it yearns to be. ladies and gentlemen, put out a lawn ornament this year and make america and christmas great again. yeah. yes. yes.
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all right. okay. let's put the lights up on the tape. that's good. not bad. not bad, pyromania. okay. okay, stop. time has expired. i'm sorry. all right. sorry. this is okay, raymond. you are against lawn inflatables. i am. go ahead. i'm against lawn inflatables for many reasons. first of all, this is a decoration. cop out on inflatables. and i want to pick up on something todd was saying because it's so important. cramming decorations down your neighbors throats. no one wants that. the other thing is, anybody who's had an inflatable on the lawn will tell you and i can attest to this, when they start to deflate, when the compressor dies, you're there with a bike pump trying to get the trash bag on your front lawn to blow. and it doesn't work. it's a nuisance. it's an outrage. and look, i undid all the lights. i'll end with this. jesus did not come so you could pollute your front lawn with snoopy and a dragon
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from some movie we never heard of. i rest my case. tom, i'm going to just inspect the the lights pretty quickly. inspect the lights pretty quick. that was very good. very good. oh, you even have to inspect this stuff. so we did it. very neat. it was done. all right. you know, i was watching todd, and i was informed by my producers that raymond did a little cheating in his oh, oh, oh, cheating on the wire with no way. now, tom, i'm going to protest and i'll bring laura ingraham in to make the argument for you. all right. there were no rules. there we go. here we go. hold this jacket. oh, my gosh. anyway, i like this case. it's fighting. help me with the jacket, tom. here we go. i'll just say this. there were no rules that stipulated when we could begin touching the lights. am i right? oh, no, no. maybe the royal wants to live in a society without rules.
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if i■m elected your president... there were no rules. okay, you know what? my producers informed me that. yes, raymond did a little prep work and a little bit of what you might call cheating while raymond was talking. todd also adjusted his lights like, oh, there was cheating on both sides the argument goes with raymond. yes. well done. thank you. thank you. yeah. next up, it's michael versus jimmy. guys, here's a question that is going to keep you up at night. who do you save from a burning building? frosty or rudolph? jimmy, easy. jimmy, you're going to go first, and you're going to tell us why frosty gets the lifeline. but, oh, dear. to keep things interesting, elves bring in the next distraction. yay! wow. while you plead your case oh, you must decorate this gingerbread house.
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oh, dear. okay. neatness counts. don't touch. don't you touch that gingerbread house until the debate begins. jimmy, you have the floor. okay, really quickly. i just want to correct you that it's frosty the snow person. oh, i see. and we're all canceled. but for my money, there's no debate here. i just want to make sure this is properly opened. excuse me. i'll make a nice, fine gingerbread house. there's no debate here. and this is why, ok. rudolph can fly. yes. so he should be saving you. oh, my. the fact that he's not saving you makes rudolph a bit of an a-hole. i'm not going to lie. i'm not to lie. okay. there's that frosty would die. it■s over. we just won. frosty would die. frosty would die purely from exposure to the heat. do you understand? but understand for rudolph, okay, he would fly away. but even. even even if rudolph could not fly away. okay. there's still no point in saying to help.
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oh, but just stick with me. even if rudolph could fly away, there's still no point in saving him. why? because that bright red, shiny nose means every hunter in the woods is going to spot him anyway. okay. that's why they didn't make a sequel. he got shot in the opening scene when he got back to the woods. it would have been called rudolph the red-nosed venison it would've been called. frosty, you put a hat on him. he wishes strangers a happy birthday. this is a good man. he lets kids sleigh ride on his back. rudolph just has a vendetta against some bully reindeers who actually made him better at leading a sleigh. if anything, he's an ingrate. he deserves to die. wow. hi. okay, take a look at that. that is not a bad look. it was good. it's good. it's gingerbread house. okay, michael, you are arguing for saving rudolph. go ahead. now, some of you may think, wow, mike's talking slow
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just to give his teammates time to decorate the house. wow. no, that's just my cadence for this part of the program. he would let rudolph die not knowing. yes, sure, rudolph can fly, but not if he's chained to a radiator as he is in this scenario, we were told. it's what i made up. now, frosty the snowman. does santa need frosty? i think santa needs rudolph, who kind of guides the sleigh. i never remember santa saying, where■s frosty? where■s frosty? but frosty is a creep and a lunatic. okay, that cartoon scares the crap out of little kids because we see him melt and come back to life. frosty the snowman who shows up, doesn't want to hang out with adults. at least rudolph hangs out with people like grown ups and other reindeer.
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frosty just wants to hang out with little kids. what's up with that? oh, there it is, michael loftis. and let's take it. let's put all that beautiful. you know, that is down to fall. it may come down to the green team. clearly has a better gingerbread house, but, you know, michael didn't participate at all. red team gets. oh, wow. oh, yeah. oh, here's the cliffhanger. our final matchup, janice versus kacie. you two better be on your a-game because this is a doozy of a distraction waiting for you after the break.
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welcome back! to the great christmas showdown. the score is all tied up because i'm in charge of the score and i like to keep things interesting. janice and kacie, here is the next debate topic. christmas card, mass mailings, definitely or no way. and elves bring in the distraction. ladies, you have to make your case. like a fox weather correspondent in a raging blizzard. elves. i wonder who has advantage protective equipment.
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i was a traffic girl, i never did the weather. this is my favorite thing. casey, you are first, you have your protective goggles. we want to be safe here. sure. okay. tell us why mass mailing have no place on your mantle. coming to you live from i don't know what the name of the studio is, but we're doing the christmas debate. my, i guess, counterpart in this debate, janice dean. she's written. oh, my god, it's in my mouth. she's written ten, eight books. i mean, she's from canada. she's the nicest person ever. she's married to a hero. she has two perfect sons. you are mary poppins. you're practically perfect in every way. you have the competence to cultivate, execute, distribute christmas cards to your loved ones. get out of here. my one year old is hungry all the time. he eats everything. i am always in the kitchen preparing food for him.
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i'm tired. i only look like this because we have highly trained makeup people here at fox. i don't have the energy or the strength to find matching outfits. come up with a slogan. god forbid, i said merry christmas to the happy holidays, cousin. and then the whole family reunion is ruined. well, let's go back to the economy. who can afford these christmas cards? these a.i. bots are taking people's jobs to make these christmas cards. i have to pay for postage. it's very expensive and i don't want to do it. we come back, live from hunter biden's house. that■s the best joke of all. janice, tell us mass mailings are great. i have to do this too? are you ready, america? you know who else? you know who else is ready?
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you know who else is ready, todd and i. we're not walking away. we're going to be in the blizzard. you■re doing this with me? they■re weathering the storm. all right, kacie, you just had a baby. there is no way that you are not going and booking your studio time and getting your outfits for your little baby and going to the studio and paying good money so that you can give out christmas cards to everyone in your family and those that you don't particularly like. i have brought more props i have every christmas card than i have ever made since my children were born. blood, sweat, tears went into this writing on the back, letting grandma know what happened during the school year. every single one. and here are my babies right there. yes. we support industries here. we have to support the photographers who are also taking these pictures and the printing companies.
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and i'm putting the stamp and i'm also helping the u.s. postal service. janice dean. both sides made great arguments. but the winner is janice dean i like christmas cards. i really do. all right. pete hegseth hit the streets to find out what other people think. contestants, you're going to have to guess how they will respond to these questions. take it away, pete on the street. thank you, tom. it's pete on the street here in the big apple. what's your name, ma'am? i'm lindy. lindy. and these are your two boys? yes, they are. what are their names? kash and kason. kash and kason. and how old are you, bud? 12. 12 and 13. 13. do you guys love christmas? yes, you do? yeah. what's your favorite part of christmas? the presents, of course. how about you, joy?
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look at the holiday spirit in this kid. so, are you guys a big fan of christmas movies? yes. yes. who's seen the polar express? you both have. mom, have you seen the polar express? i have not. you have not. okay. so this question is coming down to the kids polar express. is it classic or is it creepy? you guys are going to answer together. okay. they already know. wow. green team. which do you think kash and kason will go with? is the polar express awesome or creepy? well, the book is awesome. the movie's creepy. oh, so you think it's. but those are too little. yeah, there's a lot of psychology going on. we got. we got to analyze the problem with the polar express from from a hollywood perspective is the eyes there. exactly. they're like frosty the snowman is eyes made out of coal. we're not going to get back into that, the kid. but they have to say they love it because they watch it every year. they're going to go. it's like, it■s a classic. they■re not understanding
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every character wants to kill them. and that's the psychology going on there, guys. i think they're wrong. so do you think they're going to say a classic? we'll find out right after the break. stick around. i remember when i got my first glimpse of the mountains. i had to take a breath. i began to understand what was so special about it. you guys ready? there is something that we should be thankful for. the human will to convince other people that this is worth keeping. sure. with times like that, when they all question the monumental task that was in front of them and they started to realize their mission to exploit the region was the wrong path.
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there's a lot of banking options out there. but one is not like the others. pete hegseth asked kash and kason whether they think the animated film polar express is classic or creepy. green team said that they will say classic we don■t agree with that, but that's what we think they're going to say. okay, kash and kason what do you think? classic or creepy? one, two, three. creepy, creepy. great. oh, that's great. janice got to him. janice gave him a calendar. red team, it is back to you. oh, watch the tape. ah, what was your name again, sir?
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gary wallace. gary wallace. and where are you from? huntsville, alabama. and what's your favorite show on fox news? fox and friends on the weekend. there you go. there you go. i didn't even tell you to say that you have your favorite musical performance. like, is there any or songs? i like a lot of the old classics. any of them that roll off your tongue? oh, gosh. we said chestnuts roasting on an open fire, chestnuts roasting on an open... okay, so you like the classic stuff? yeah. you're the right guy to talk, to hear. then who is your preferred modern day christmas crooner? is it michael bublé or is it harry connick junior? oh. oh, gary wallace from huntsville. will he choose buble or connick? what do you think red team? we■ll go with harry connick harry connick for the win. what made you say that the fact that when he said michael bublé, the guy appeared to google in his phone, oh, oh, you just sing.
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i didn't see that michael bublé is canadian. this is the all american christmas. so if it is bublé, throw it out. gary, who's your favorite modern christmas crooner? harry connick jr that■s whats up take that advent calendar. yeah. thank you, everybody. it was very close in our audience poll, 52.7% for michael bublé, but still very close. back to you, green team, roll the tape. all right. what's your name, sir? mark. mark and kim. and where are you guys from? buffalo, new york. both. are you from buffalo? yeah. you guys like christmas, love? i love it. i love it. merry christmas. lots of snow up in buffalo. were you in a suburban setting, a rural setting? where was your christmas when you were growing them? suburban. suburban. yeah, suburban. where do you get your tree? do you go to a christmas tree farm or do you go to the pop up mark and kim from buffalo, where do they get their tree tree farm or a pop up store?
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green discuss it. yeah, well. kacie you kind of think it's, i think, local. i'm from small town pennsylvania, and we go to a tree farm, fun and that's that's what this guy, he says he's suburban. suburban. and that's a concerning fact. but is he going to say what what we want him to say? i think it's a i think it's one of those little stands, right? yeah, but let's go tree farm. no, i don't see i'm from new orleans. we got to target, you guys. so i don't read raymond. raymond, you better. you're going to go with kacie. you're going to go with michael. i think i, i, i said suburban. it's i know the suburban thing. pop up, pop up. well, pop up, pop up. let's see if you're right. mark and kim, where do you get your tree? christmas tree farm cut our own tree down. oh, yeah. he was really at work. here is you didn't listen to kacie. that's really what happened there. it's okay. it's okay. it's okay.
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we■re still a team. yeah. back to the red side. you'll never know who you run into in times square. and on this one, pete met a familiar face. roll that tape. geri, come here. yeah, you've got a camera. you're leaving the building and you have a camera on you. would you talk to us for a second? you have no change for you normally. that is why i'm out here. and you strike me as someone with a lot of christmas spirit. i have a lot of christmas spirit. i love christmas. this is a big question. this is something that's contestants are going to determine based on what they think they know about geri willis. okay, door to door caroling, is it awkward or is it awesome? oh, whoa. i think she like our own gerri willis. what did she say? red team. awesome. yeah, she's going to go awesome. yeah. you think? do you think she likes to? carol, do you know this? do you have any insider information? i don■t. i just know geri is awesome. yeah, and she loves christmas. i'll give you some dough.
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why would she not love carolers? yeah. that fair, geri? yeah. it's absolutely awesome. i love it that! deck the halls with boughs of holly. fa la la la la la la. yeah, yeah, yeah. geri, what do you think, guys? thank you, red team. you're really kicking it in this round. you seem to be dominating. okay, moving on to the final round where we find out what america thinks. our elves pulled a thousand people all across the country. your job is to guess the results of the. here we go. when do you take down your christmas tree? before or on new year's day? or do you take it down sometime after new year's day? green team. what do you think? america said my my guess is just because you see the the tragic tree litter like the day after christmas. so i guess more a little more on because then everyone has to go back to work right before or on before on but they're wrong because the twelve days of christmas. we will find out when americans take down their tree
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right after this. the time is now. okay, here we go. it's your last chance to sign up during fox nation's once a year sale. this offer won't last, and it's your chance to start streaming our biggest show. i'm rob lowe. and this is liberty or death. boston tea party with the biggest stars. perfect. it's just perfect. and your fox favorites every day. start streaming fox nation now for just $19.99 a year. your last chance to lock in our exclusive offer. sign up today.
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so it's decided, we'll park even deeper into parking spaces so people think they're open. surprise. [ laughs ] [ horn honks, muffled talking ] -can't hear you, jerry. -sorry. uh, yeah, can we get a system where when someone's bike is in the shop, then we could borrow someone else's? -no! -no! or you can get a quote with america's number-one motorcycle insurer and maybe save some money while you're at it. all in favor of that. [ horn honking ] there's a lot of buttons and knobs in here.
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we are back. the question on the table is when do americans take down their tree before or on new year's day or after new year's day? green team, you said before or on new year's day. is that is that your final answer? that's what you're sticking with. yeah, i think so. and america said after new year's day. yeah they did! we asked 1000 people if their family's own matching
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christmas pjs. do you think america owns matching christmas or is this about a majority? you know the answer is no. the answer is no. no, it's not happening. they do not have matching pjs. no matching pjs. america matching pjs? yes or no? the answer is no. yeah. no, no. one. there is still hope in this country there■s still hope in this count they put them on for instagram picture and then they change back. no. you■re all liars. i want to inspect the janice christmas cards to see if this is true. green team we asked america about ugly christmas sweaters. not that there's any here in the studio are they fun or are they flaky? what do you think america said? oh, i think they're fun. they're fun. right. and if you don't think they're fun, they're not american. okay. yes. all right. that i guess they're going with fun. you know, when you're sitting around
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in your non-pajama sweatpants, watching your tree die in march. yes. you guys need to come back. ugly christmas sweaters in america. say fun or flaky? they said fun by a large margin. large margin. tell them large. you know what? that was a night. that was tonight. that was a tough question. and it was actually worth... it was actually worth six points oh, okay. it■s all tied up. you sicken me. can you believe the drama when we come back, one question is going to decide the game. that question is worth a hundred points. what's on top of your tree? is it a star or is it an angel? we will find out what america prefers right after this.
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this next question is so important, it's going to be worth 100 points. what it means, it means winner take all. okay. you will get $1,000 for your charity and bragging rights and the other team will get coal in their stocking red team. we asked america what is on top of your tree? an angel or a star? what did america say? star? yes. well, we think a star. wow. no discussion needed. no discussion. very confident. keep in mind, a lot of these answers were they were the opposite of what we keep in mind. we said star, oh, we're down to it people. this is for the game, america. what is on top of your tree? star.
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red team wins. it■s over. boom so in the spirit of the season, both our charities are going to get a check. oh, you get a check. you get a check. everybody wins except jimmy. elves, give jimmy the coal. thank you so much for joining us. the great christmas showdown there's one thing we all agree on, merry christmas everyone! come on everybody.


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