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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  December 25, 2023 3:00am-4:00am PST

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sandra: that brings to a close our west point holiday show. we would like to thank everyone at west point, especially the west point bands in allowing us to join them in this holiday season. happy holidays to you and yours. good night
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♪ ♪ ♪ joy to the world ♪ the lord is come ♪ let earth z. her king ♪ let every heart ♪ prepare him room ♪ and evan and nature sing ♪ and heaven and nature sing ♪ and heaven, and nature her ♪ joy to the world ♪ the lord is come ♪ let earth receive her king ♪ let every heart ♪ prepare him room ♪ and heaven and nature sing ♪ and heaven and nature sing ♪ and heaven and nature sing ♪ and heaven and nature sing ♪ and heaven and nature sing ♪ and heaven and nature sing ♪ and heaven and nature sing ♪ and heaven and nature sing. >> griff: joy to the world. merry christmas. that is our christmas choir, pastor lindsey williams and divine connection on fox square.
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it is here. the stocks are hung. you can see kevin corke joining us on the couch along with carley shimkus and a bit of a d.c. tick over here. a d.c. christmas. what a wonderful morning and great time to be here. thank you if you are waking up opening presents joining us on this christmas morning. the greatest story told of man. it's the audacity of christmas. it's really powerful when you think about this baby came on a donkey through poverty and was born the son of god. the king of man. and here we are and people are going to be opening up their presents today. tuning in watching. we want to see how your christmas mornings are going. send us email and some pics merry christmas. >> carley: merry christmas. kevin kevin merry christmas. if you are up already. you are probably up before your other family members how
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fantastic does that sound coffee by the christmas tree. >> griff: if you can kids, it is not quiet. >> carley: maybe sleeping in and about to get real loud in a couple minutes. >> kevin: sitting up in the hotel, so many people out there. they are still bustling and shopping and moving about. even this morning as i was getting yesterday for work and walking over, i saw people still outside just psyched for the day. wonderful. >> carley: totally. you are staying in midtown, right? >> kevin: yes, um-huh. >> carley: really crowded in midtown where i live. more residential. totally dead, which i love. everybody is at home with grandma and grandpa, family members. they are out of the city. so, that's another thing about christmas that i love is there is no more traffic. >> griff: people are back and shopping. and i was joking filling none the weekend for "fox & friends." each day we were talking about i procrastinated not buying gifts. rally shut down fifth avenue.
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so i'm going to get deals tomorrow. >> carley: okay. all right. you mentioned shopping for christmas. sometimes that you do can be so long. you are shopping for family, friends, co-workers, and you forget about the real reason for christmas. we wanted to start the show this morning by reading one of the most beautiful passages in the bible. about the birth of jesus christ. >> kevin: this is so special. i hope you enjoy it as much as we have enjoyed it. practicing and thinking and meditating on it. this is about the birth of jesus: do not be afraid. i bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. today, in the town of david, a ssavior has been born to you. is he a the messiah, the lord. ythis will be a sign to you. you will find a baby wrapped in clothes and lying in a manger. they when they saw him they spread the world.
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this child, told about this child and all who heard it are were amazed at what the shepard said to them. but mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart. the shepherd returned glorifying and praising god for all the things they had heard and seen, which were just as they had been told. >> carley: how beautiful is that. i was watching a video this morning getting ready for work. putting my makeup on at 2:30 in the morning. i was watching a video to center myself and remind myself about the reason for the season. the reason is the birth of jesus christ. and in the video the person narrating it said i thought it was so powerful a powerful phrase incapsulates. in a moment the world was transformed by the arrival of humanity's savior who would of course go on to die because of our sins. because we condemned him to death. he called himself the king of
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the jews and the king of the jews did not like that. he saved us from our sins on what started what we now call christmas day. >> griff: having been on the couch on christmas day. honor to fill in. you and i were together. and this year too, kevin. i have made a tradition of going over to sa saint patrick's cathedral a block away on saint patrick. take in mass there at midnight. timothy cardinal dolan was doing the big one. couldn't go that one the few hours of sleep we get of sleep so we're awake on the couch. cardinal dolan did do a message for our viewers on fox. he spoke directly to our viewers this year. here's what his message was. >> hi, everybody, and a blessed christmas. cardinal timothy dolan. i prevent the opportunity to walk down the block from saint patrick's cathedral. it's an honor and joy for me to actually be in the living rooms and kitchens and homes of america's family. this is a day where families are
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together. where people are smiling. where people are hugging. where people are giving gifts. >> this is a day where everybody, deep down, i think this is the way it's supposed to be all the time. this is the way god intended it. and if we can -- if we can kind of use this christmas day to call us back to the divine intention. to remember what god wants for us, his design, his plan, it's going to be a great christmas. a blessed one to all of you. >> carley: we love cardinal dolan on this couch and people around the world love him as well. when he recorded the message he talked about the importance of midnight mass and why it is celebrated. darkest part of night before the dawn. which is a symbolization of what christmas really means. why is christmas december 25th? it's usually the darkest time of year. and then christmas happens and then there is light. >> kevin: i love that i have had a chance to go to that midnight
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mass before. energizes you. we had to sleep last night for those of you. if you are up this early you should be sleeping. to say if you are up this early and went to midnight mass, good four. >> griff: steal my message from another pastor and theologian max. let's be donkeys. mary, joseph, that humble donkey expects nothing. goes to the night through the manger, delivers jesus, does his part, toils through the journey. asks for nothing. stands aside. his job was to carry the king and savior. he in his op-ed says maybe we should all just continue to be donkeys, toil under our struggles, expect nothing, and could it for the greater good of the glofertion of jesus christ. and i think that's a message that, you know, we can also sort of think about this christmas. and my level. my skill set, being a donkey is
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exactly right. good for me. >> carley: i love that message though. not about -- some people especially with social media it's always about the look at me moment. and it's about, you know, celebrating yourself and the celebrity of it all. but let's all be conkeys. do the work for the greater good of humanity without the celebration associated with it. that's wonderful, wonderfully said. >> kevin: well said, my friend. don't go away. we have so much coming up this hour and for seller hours on the couch. coming up next, a fox weather alert. christmas blizzard hitting the midwest. canceling and delaying flights. adam klotz has the forecast and update on any travel chaos that might be happening out there. >> carley: you are going to love this story. best friends reunited in time for the holidays. air force staff sergeant and former military dog will be together this christmas for the first time in two years. they will both join us to share their feel-good story. >> griff: that is the story of the day. but, fresh osprey his busy
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night, santa claus is going to join us live on "fox & friends." ♪ san. >> santa's coming to town. >> santa! oh my god! santa's here? i know him. >> griff: he is here. right here. the big man in the red suit is here with a recap. fun and busy christmas morning here on "fox & friends." stay with us. >> kevin: eggnog. ♪ with the freestyle libre 2 system, know your glucose level and where it's headed.
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cive. >> kevin: back with a christmas fox weather aleft. 120 flight cancellations and hundreds of delays this christmas morning. >> carley: snow in colorado causing headaches at denver international airport where more than # hundred flights were
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canceled over delayed on christmas eve, yikes. >> griff: about 2-point # million people are expected to hop on flights today with more than 23,000 flights scheduled and tomorrow it's going to be even bitzier with 41,000 flights scheduled. check in with adam klotz for fox weather forecast. merry christmas, adam. >> adam: merry christmas to everyone. it is fairly pleasant, actually out here on fox square. two sides of the country if you are in the east. looking fairly warm. in the west it's warm. that's what's fueling that blizzard. take a look at those temperatures. can you imagine right where that system is. right? everything in those blue colors, that's where we are talking about snow. if you live off to the east of that, instead, this is going to be a rain system for you. currently very heavy snow falling across high northern plains. nebraska, think running up into the dakotas. we are under blizzard warnings right now. that means visibility will be down under eighth of a mile, very, very windy conditions.
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whiteout conditions. very heavy snow widespread maybe 6 inches of snow. areas we will see well over a foot of snow from this system. this is our in-house exclusive model it. shows how long that snow lingers. taken all the way through monday and through tuesday. it is still snowing across portions of the plains. if you live off to the east of this and curious, this is just a rainmaker for you. here your forecast across the country, stays warm. 54 degrees in chicago. 62 degrees in atlanta. kind of a soggy raw day for a lot of those folks. that's your forecast here on this christmas day. for now tossing it into to you guys. >> carley: thank you for that christmas forecast. we appreciate you as always. florida grandmother thankful to be back with her grandson after a serious travel mixup. spirit airlines putting a 6-year-old on the wrong flight alone from philadelphia to orlando. he was supposed to be on a flight to fort myers.
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a flight drawing serious comparisons to home alone 2. >> you have to board. make sure everyone gets on. >> don't worry, ma'am. we will get everybody on the plane. >> merry christmas. have a nice flight. >> bye. >> bye-bye. ♪ >> hey, wait up. it's us. wait for me. >> spirit airlines now saying, quote: the child was always under the care and supervision of a spirit team member and as soon as we discovered the error we took immediate steps to communicate with the family and redirect them. right now at the vatican. pope francis, is delivering his annual christmas day address. thousands are gathered in st. peters square as the leader of the catholic church discusses his hope for peace around the world. and now a look at the most googled christmas movies across the u.s. this should be very interesting. a new report revealing elf is the most searched christmas movie in seven states and then there is a three-way tie for second place between love
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actually, four christmases and a nightmare before christmas. >> why are you smiling like that. >> i just like to smile. smiling is my favorite. >> make work your favorite. that's your favorite. okay? work is your new new favorite. >> carley: in colorado the holiday was the most searched movie. four christmases most googled in tennessee where griff was born and raised and my home of new jersey certain diplomate most searched this year. a criminals story because that's, i think, where the movie was filmed. >> griff: have you seen serendipity. >> carley: i know there was one where they sell fancy hot chocolate. >> griff: i will have to search. >> kevin: is die hard a christmas movie? >> griff: yes. >> carley: i say no. it's a split decision what say you real quick? >> kevin: i say yes.
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>> carley: good one. >> kevin: this morning something else absolutely love. air force staff sergeant and he gets to spend this christmas with his not like a friend. we are talking about his best friend. his military working dog. and the dog's name is great. what's what happens the dog's name, carley? >> carley: john. i love people names for dogs. >> kevin: i love that, too. this is after being separated for more than two years. >> carley: worked together nearly three years. split up when the service member moved to a new base. recently he heard the 10-year-old german shepherd was retiring and contacted the humane society. reuniting just in time for christmas. >> griff: get your tissues ready mike ocala joins us now along with former military working dog john staff sergeant. this is the kind of story on christmas morning that just warms our hearts. what -- i want you to tell the story. but, first, what does it mean to you, right now, to be sitting and petting john on christmas morning?
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>> it means the world to me. it means the world to my family. just couldn't be happier for us and for him to be able to live out hits retirement on a couch with a toy in his mouth. >> carley: and with you. who you have worked so closely toghe i understand you said your bond was strongs when you started working together and stronger when you finished. tell us the story about the relationship that you have when you found out that he was retiring and the steps you took to make sure that he is now at home by your side with you? >> yeah. so i found out he was retiring. of course i had to reach out to my people at that base. and make sure that i can go about this appropriately. and then, unfortunately, it's quite the cost to be able to go out there and retire him and bring him back. so i was able to reach out to american humane from a buddy
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that i had, who had recommended them. and they were gracious enough to float the bill and pay for him to return to me. and that was just a true blessing for us. >> kevin: i'm partial to john. i grew up with lady, a german shepherd. i think it's a beautiful dog. so loyal, so smart. if there is one thing you want the folks at home to know about john, what would that be? >> just about how selfless he is. he served 10 years, almost 10 years of his life to be able to serve this country. and he did it with, i mean, as much as you can see a smile on his face. and all the energy in the world. and so he j just deserves this retirement through and through. i'm going to try let him live up every moment that he has. >> griff: star sergeant, take me to the moment when you were
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reunited with john. what was john's reaction? what was your reaction when you guys saw each other again? >> it felt like we picked up right where we left off. just the best of friends getting to see each other, reunited. he is a little bit older and more ginger now. but he still has that fun-loving energy. and it clicked right away for us. us. >> carley: we're so happy to see you together on christmas morning as it should be him and you on the couch as you said and he will be with you for the rest of his life. staff sergeant and john, thank you for joining us this morning. merry christmas, it's a great story. >> thank you. >> carley: we appreciate both of you. >> thank you. >> kevin: merry christmas. isn't that great? i'm a dog lover so i love that story. katy nickel performs in jesus' name right here on "fox & friends" this christmas morning. you will not want to miss that that is coming right up.
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>> griff: big merry christmas from our "fox & friends" family. we have a few staff photos we want to show you right here. this is associated producer ashley husband and kids kayla and danny. line producer kate in the control room with us. here she is with her parents he a jersey shore. and this is associate producer brian with his parents and brother. and, this producers anthony and aerial pictured last night over christmas eve dinner here in new york city. >> carley: i love to see all those pictures. thank you so much for all you do for the show. you are our christmas gift all year around. >> griff: two trouble makers right here. >> carley: on the nice list with that coming up. you better watch out. you better not cry. you better stay here for more "fox & friends" because santa claus is here live spreading all the christmas cheer this morning. hi, santa. >> so good to see you.
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>> carley: he is 10 months old ♪ come to all if we just follow the light ♪ fill your hearts with the christmas cheer ♪ santa claus comes tonight ♪ ♪ ♪ peace on earth will come to all and i was done settling. if you still have symptoms after a tnf blocker like humira or enbrel, rinvoq is different and may help. rinvoq is a once-daily pill that can rapidly relieve joint pain, stiffness, and swelling in ra and psa. relieve fatigue for some... and stop joint damage. and in psa, can leave skin clear or almost clear. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin; heart attack, stroke, and gi tears occurred. people 50 and older with a heart disease risk factor
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♪ christ, the lord ♪ o come let us adore him. >> carley: you are listening live to our wonderfully talented christmas choir, pastor lindsey williams and divine connection on fox square. we have the special guest. he has been hard at work delivering presents to children around the world. >> griff: literally more than a billion. joining us now this christmas day message off his busy night, the santa claus. how many presents did you deliver? >> santa: as far as i know it was close to a trillion. >> griff: what? >> santa: come have more than one. >> griff: how do you haul? >> santa: tele poor station. i have a set of buttons on the sleigh. the presents are still at the north pole when i'm about to enter a house. press a b button, bag fills and i'm.
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in. >> carley: don't use the chimney anymore? >> santa: no. all that. >> griff: i feel like we are breaking news here for sure. the chimney is out. >> santa: chimney is out. i could do it for a movie. if somebody is watching, you know. >> carley: maybe use the chimney? >> santa: there is a video belief using a chimney online somewhere. >> kevin: i want to know about the milk and cookies are you really eating all that every time you make a stop? >> santa: i, you know, the problem with the milk and cookies is the parents eat them. they don't think i'm coming. they don't trust me. they eat the milk and cookies and the worst part is they lie to the children and say i ate them. >> carley: does that make them parents on the naughty list. >> santa: i don't bring the adults gifts anymore. as soon as i got here you guys gave me oreos. >> carley: what is y favorite
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cookie. >> anything with chocolate. a mall omar and rainbow cookie. in canada they had this thing called a whip-it which is mallow mar cookie with strawberry inside. >> kevin: one of the best parts about being santa is the kids love you but sometimes they get a little nervous. >> carley: like my son. >> kevin: how do you work with that? >> santa: if the another is okay with it. i will make believe i'm crying, too. it makes an amazing picture. it really does. >> griff: talking about kids. kevin brought that up. go past the baby stage. i have always wanted to know where is the line between naughty, no presents, and nice? like how far can you go without going over? >> santa: it's a point system.
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>> carley: all throughout the year. >> santa: exactly. always redeem yourself at the last minute. >> griff: you actually know when people are sleeping and awake and doing bad things. isn't a sand sometimes i have to add my eyes especially if you are going to the bathroom or something i don't want to know that. >> carley: toy system children should know santa is watching in june and july not just december. >> santa: a lot of times i will send the elves on the shelf in august to spy on the kids. >> carley: is there is a country that has the most children on the nice list? >> santa: hmmm, i think it's holland. >> carley: they are friendly. new zealand seems to be a nice country, too. >> griff: will cain was asking a question. updates to the billions of presents. seemed like a higher number than ever before. and his question was do you need more elves for that? isn't a sand i have a little
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over 3 million. >> carley: elves? >> santa: started working on next year's presents already. we figure out what's the best? what's the draw? am i allowed to name a brand? >> kevin: the girls have been asking for the stanley cup. before the elves explained to me it was a drinking cup. i thought they wanted me to steal it from the national hockey league. i can't do that. >> carley: no because that would put you on the national naughty list and the world would go kerr flewy. thank you so much for answering our questions now we are going to open it up to our viewers. >> griff: you are not going anywhere. >> santa: oh no. >> carley: email santa your questions and we will have him back on later in the show. if you have a question email us and he will answer it a couple hours. in the 8:00 hour.
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>> santa: absolutely. >> carley: thank you so much. san. >> santa: you are welcome. >> carley: peace at christmas time in a world of war. a message of hope we all need to hear this time of year. >> kevin: s what's your family's gift tradition all the once, one at a time? unwrap? >> kevin: we will unwrap that full debate next. >> griff: special performance katy nichole you don't want to miss. stay with us. as our special edition of "fox & friends" continues this christmas morning. ♪ call you jesus. i will call you son ♪ o what a king ♪ heaven knelt before you ♪ adores youne ♪ ow , what a king a good thr? [sfx: video game]
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i'm a little anxious, i'm a little excited. i'm gonna be emotional, she's gonna be emotional, but it's gonna be so worth it. i love that i can give back to one of our customers. i hope you enjoy these amazing gifts. oh my goodness. oh, you guys. i know you like wrestling, so we got you some vip tickets. you have made an impact. so have you. for you guys to be out here doing something like this, it restores a lot of faith in humanity. >> today, in bethlehem, amid the deep shadows covering the land and undying flame has been lighted. today the world's darkness has been overcome by the light of god which enlightens every man
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and woman. every little ones whose life has been devastated by lord these are the little jesus of today. >> that was the pope giving christmas message from the vatican making a theme. celebrate under the cloud of war and tragedy. joining us now with a message of hope and triumph. retired navy seal mike sarraille. mike, merry christmas to you. thank you for being here. thank you for your service. and coming on this morning to bring your message of peace. i want to talk to you about that. but you heard the pope there in giving his message and his message he really was hitting what he called the futile logic of war in the very land where jesus himself was born. what are your thoughts? >> well, first off, merry christmas, griff. peace on earth should be our pursuit. especially for those coming
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behind us. also a multifaceted concept it. requires a deep understanding of the harsh realities of the world where power struggles and conflict are just a part of human nature. but, for those that have seen the worst of human conflict, we understand that peace on earth may not mean the absence of conflict on -- in its entirety. now, peace is not a passive sort of statement simply happens. it happens by us making it so. by actually pursuing it and sacrificing for it. especially when it's uncomfortable or unpopular. now, here's the hope is that we learn and grow so that we break the silence of or the cycle of violence by passing those lessons onto the future generations should they live in a more just, compassionate and safer world. >> that's such a powerful message, mike. and nobody knows the true significance hope like war fighters like yourself. there are no atheists in a fox
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hole. you have been in a lot of fox holes. expand a little bit on what that means for those like yourself who have served and made sacrifices for our nation and now at this time of christmas, reflecting on, you know, the sacrifices you have made for that promise of hope. >> well, griff, what a lot of people don't understand is that the military is in the profession of peace, trained in the art of war. you know, a lot of people don't pray to god when times are good. but especially on the battlefield where when matters are life and death. you find yourself close to god. there is something interesting about being with your brothers and sisters in arms. you will never feel an emotional intimacy of love as deep as that, that that is all you have and you are thankful for that companionship, that homecoming and belonging despite income a war zone. and the hope is that the
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conflict ends quickly. and, you know, i wish more people could experience it in a way i'm glad they don't but ultimately, the sacrifices of our soldiers right now for those who gave their lives on the global war on terror the whole point is so that others don't have to go forward and do it. the reality of the world is we have got to actively pursue it and be vigilant. >> griff: mike, in the last 30 seconds i have got left i want to give you a shout-out not only of the men and women sacrifice but also to the chaplains in the invasion of iraq 2003 had the honor and privilege of listening to an easter sermon from a chaplain. it really galvanized the unit of marines we were with in a very difficult time in the battle in iraq. >> well, i want to send my blessings to all the gold star families, all the military families who have ones deployed in the chaplains. all i can say is they were our spiritual and emotional rock in
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watching them do some of the things they did on the battlefield was inspiring and it gave us hope. >> griff: mike is a rally thank you to you your family and loved once. thank you for being here. >> likewise shooting colorado springs mall on christmas eve. one person dead, three others hurt after gunfire rang out at the citadel mall. police say it all started when a couple of groups were fighting earlier in the day. meantime, thousands of migrants are set to be joining a massive caravan in southern mexico on christmas eve. officials say it may be the biggest group in some 18 months. they are said to be on the march toward the u.s. the caravan leaving just days before secretary of state anthony blinken is in the country to discuss mass migration with the mexican president. to the nfl now, the patriots pulling off a wild 26-21 victory
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come from behind victory over my denver broncos, pats scoring two nowdz seconds. >> steps up. runs to the end zone. making a few plays what that can do to your confidence drops it again unbelievable. big win for the pats. dolphins are celebrating. dallas cowboys in a christmas eve thriller. how about them cowboys? browns star wide receiver amari cooper making news this morning 11 catches, 265 yards and a win over the texans. by the way that victory is not just a victory. it's a victory with a new franchise record for receiving. that's huge. and be sure to tune in to fox this christmas day game coming up a little bit later. it's the eagles taking on. g-man the giants. our coverage wins today 4
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o'clock p.m. eastern time. now to a fox weather alert. about 2.8 million people expected to hop on flights this christmas day but a powerful winter storm is moving across the northern plains and the midwest and already causing a lot of headaches. we are talking about more than 120 cancellations and hundreds of delays. snow in colorado causing headaches at dia, denver international airport. more than # hundred flights there were canceled or delayed on christmas eve. we want to check in with meteorologist adam klotz for the very latest our fox weather forecast. good morning, adam. >> good morning, kev. we were talking about two different sides of the country here. east and west incredibly cold and fueling that blizzard. let's dive right into it. you can see on the temperature map across the country, everything there in the blue, 14 degrees currently in denver. on the eastern side of the country a lot more of the 50's that big line in the middle is where you are seeing either rain or snow. the snow coming down 4e6ly across the northern plains, nebraska into the dakotas.
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we have all sorts of weather center weather alerts. everything in the orange is a blizzard warning. means really low visibility. one of the other major concerns isn't just the fact that it's snowing. it is really windy. this is a big snow storm. winds, 30, 40 miles per hour. gusting at times maybe up to 50 miles per hour. 60 miles per hour. that means drift something going to be a serious concern. this will be next couple of days. here is the christmas day forecast. i will leave you with this. the snow is in the plains. if you live in the east you see it. temperatures in the 50's. kind of a rainy day for folks in the midwest stretching down into the southeast. those are your weather headlines on this christmas morning. for now, tossing it back inside to you. >> adam klotz outside for us fox square fox weather report. thank you so much. >> carley: a lot of the people will be opening up their presents around the christmas tree in about an hour, maybe you are doing it early now. we want to pose a question. what is your christmas gift opening tradition? do you do it all at once or do
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you take turns? griff, what do you do? >> griff: it is on multiple occasions nearly divided. the family relationships. but we take turns. it's all you have to take turns. it's go i got something. i might be knowing when i'm getting something else. i got let you open something and wait for kevin and come back to me. i think that's the way to go. >> carley: i never thought about it before what we does a family. you do as a little kid all throughout the teenage years. what you do christmas morning. my parents -- i have a sister. she opened up and then i opened one. we autoed and awed over the gifts and my mom would take the wrapping paper from the gifts and put in a bag didn't get mess j. >> carley: which i'm going to do i'm a total neat freak. clean as you go. so it's not all left to the end. my parents would open their gifts, last. >> griff: i agree with that. >> carley: what about you? kev i agree with the garbage
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bag. we did the same thing. and the bag and the bag for sure. i'm the ninth of tenth. it was like free for all. >> griff: you buried the lead. >> kevin: catholic family no cable. usually as i got older, it was like everybody just sort of like you do yours, i'll do mine. you are right, mom always got her last. parents always get theirs last in the household. let the kids do their thing and then the parents would come around and do that when i go visit family, i always just let everybody else have their fun. >> carley: christmas must have been such fun chaos at your house with 10 kids. >> kevin: chaos and neighbors. whether you have a big family, you have friends everywhere in the neighborhood. people come over. it was crazy. >> griff: did you have -- did the parents take pictures every time you opened one? that would have taken a long time. >> kevin: polar rode. we would have been doing this
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all morning. >> griff: parents be judicious. you don't have to take a picture of every gift that's open. i have learned that over experience. >> carley: really quickly, where are you in the line of 10? are you the oldest? the youngest? somewhere in the middle? >> kevin: ninth of 10. >> carley: email us your christmas gift trad tradition we will read them later in the show. music to reflect on the reason for the season. >> kevin: yes, indeed. shear a very special performance in jesus' name by christian music artist katy nichole ♪ i speak the name of jesus over you ♪ in your hurting, in your sorrow ♪ i will ask my god to move ♪ i speak the name because it's
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all that i can do ♪ in desperation ♪ i'll seek heaven ♪ and pray this for you ♪ i pray for your healing ♪ that circumstances would change ♪ i pray that the fear inside would flee ♪ in jesus' name ♪ i pray that a breakthrough ♪ would happen today ♪ i pray miracles over your life ♪ in jesus' name ♪ in jesus' name ♪ i speak the name of all authority ♪ declaring blessings ♪ every promise he is faithful to keep ♪ i speak the name no great
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could ever hold ♪ he is greater ♪ he is stronger ♪ he's the god of possible ♪ i pray for your healing ♪ that circumstances would change ♪ i pray that the fear inside would flee ♪ in jesus' name ♪ i pray that a breakthrough ♪ would happen today ♪ i pray miracles over your life ♪ in jesus' name ♪ in jesus' name ♪ o ♪ ♪ come believe it ♪ come receive it ♪ o the power of his spirit ♪ is now forever yours ♪ come believe it ♪ come receive it
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♪ in the mighty name of jesus ♪ all things are possible ♪ i pray for your healing ♪ that circumstances would change ♪ i pray that the fear inside would flee ♪ in jesus' name ♪ i pray that a breakthrough would happen today ♪ i pray miracles over your life ♪ in jesus' name ♪ i pray for revival ♪ restoration of faith ♪ i pray that the dead will come alive ♪ in jesus' name ♪ in jesus' name ♪
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