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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  December 25, 2023 8:00am-9:00am PST

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>> rich: to the migrant crisis. new record breaking numbers at our southern borders and cities further north are taking action. merry chris marks i'm rich edson. >> claudia: i'm claudia cowen. he may be in charge of a sanctuary city but chicago mayor brandon johnson is threatening to file lawsuits over the border crisis as his city struggles to house migrants flying in from texas. >> we have a governor -- a governor, elected official in the state of texas, that is placing families on buses without shoes, cold, wet, tired, hungry, afraid, traumatized. the governor of texas needs to take a look in the mirror of the
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c chaos he is causing this country. >> claudia: they've said the blue city is at fault. >> how dare this mayor and city council have the guts to give migrants $51 million. they should not be housed in im marginalized black and brown communities where we have food shortages and homelessness. >> we have not gotten anything for our community. and we are sick and tired of being sick and tired. enough is enough. >> claudia: a lot of people upset. garrett tenney is live in chicago to unpack all of this for us. good morning, garrett. >> good morning. chicago is spending around $40 million a month on the migrant crisis that could go for any number of things across the city. a lot of folks are really upset
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the mayor continues to say chicago will welcome anyone who wants to come. because the migrants are taking him at his word and they are coming. this month mayor brandon johnson and city council approved tougher penalties for buses if they don't give the city a heads-up if they're coming. if they drop off migrants outside of working hours. that has led to 96 citations so far and at least one bus being impounded. texas started sending buses to the suburbs where migrants make their way into chicago. but now suburbs like aurora are passing their own regulations the try to not get caught up in the fallout of chicago's sanctuary city status. >> aurora is not in the position to be long-term care for anyone coming into this city. i'm the mayor here. my job is to take care and provide for the residents of aurora. >> chicago owes crackdown on
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busing texas has started flying migrants and saying johnson isn't living up to the sanctuary status. he blames the texas governor not the white house for the crisis at the border. >> claudia: what is crisis it is. garrett tenney, thank you. more now with christ cabrera, national border patrol council spokesman. not the first time we've seen this crisis start to move into the suburbs. but where do you see this going from here? >> this is just going to keep compounding. these cities talk a big game how they welcome everyone in and will take care of them. the word gets out along the southern border and that's where people want to go. if you give out free stuff somebody will take you up on that offer. you know, unfortunately for chicago, they are taking them up on their promises. >> claudia: the numbers are just
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staggering. take a look. biden's border crisis so far in december, 241,000 illegal immigrants here. that's the highest november on record. 242,408, 79,000 plus known gotaways since october 1st. these numbers coming to us from u.s. customs and border protection. when we have these numbers, listen now to senator ron johnson from wisconsin and what he had to say and i'll get your reaction on the other side. >> this is completely out of control. you have an administration that calls it a challenge. the challenge we have in dealing with this administration is they caused the problem. they are the root cause. they want an open border. >> claudia: as you mentioned, the welcome mat is out. what do you think the biden administration needs to do especially with this election coming up? >> you know, i think they need
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to wake up. regardless of election or no election they need to fix this problem. it will just continue. i this i the high watermark has yet to be hit. i think we're in for a long, hard next another year of this unless the biden administration wakes up and sees what's going on. the numbers are just part of the problem. you look at the human suffering that's involved with the women and children with some of the things that happen to them along this journey and senator johnson, i've known him a long time, a very smart man and he hit the nail on the head. the administration has caused this issue. >> claudia: chris, it is christmas day. what are the border agents -- what is their mood like on this day? can you encapsulate that for us? >> border agents, we're pretty resilient fox, you know. we don't agree with a lot of stuff that goes on but go out and do the job. with not enough manpower and we
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do more with less. we may complain but get the job done at the end of the day. my hat is off to the young men and women out there working today. at times it can be a thankless job. they persevere and push forward and get it done. >> claudia: they certainly do. chris cabrera, we really appreciate you joining us this morning. good luck. >> thank you. >> rich: claudia, it is a white-out christmas in the plains and midwest the blizzard conditions expected across much of the region. adam klotz is here with how it could impact holiday travel. >> yeah, major weather system we're seeing stretching across the country that makes a difference where you are. plenty of warm air in places toward the east. you see 50s or 60s. back towards the west it's really chilly out there.
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temperatures in the teens. right along that frontal boundary is where we're most concerned where you are seeing big-time snow across the northern plains. everything in the orange is a blizzard warning that is currently on the screen. you are looking at a big blizzard warning. visibility down to a quarter of a mile. winds intense in the area making it tough to see and dangerous driving conditions. taking you from monday and pay attention time stamp in the corner, the future forecast. not a lot of movement here. if you are in the snow it will snow for a while. some of the pink colors is ice. it will be icy for a while. everything in front of it continues to be a very kind of rainy mess. some of these deeper colors here indicating in south dakota maybe several feet of snow. widespread at least six inches of snow and pay attention just a little bit off towards the east it is a tad bit warmer this is ice. you talk about a realize situation from sioux falls to fargo. some of the lighter colors are talking about getting up to a
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quarter inch of ice. enough to take down branch's power lines. you can be seeing power outages in the area because of these blizzard-like conditions. how warm it is in front of it. now you talk about rain. the forecast for the rest of the country on christmas day. i was highlighting the areas where you see the snow across the northern plains. it is a warm and rainy kind of soggy day from chicago down across the southeast, atlanta stretching into the mid-atlantic and carolinas. the weather system could slow people down and linger for at least a couple of days. >> rich: thank you very much. claudia. >> claudia: more israeli attacks on hamas. the latest strike in central gaza and an update on an egyptian proposal aimed at ending the conflict. age-old questions for president biden. the challenges of trying to reelect him amid questions about his acuity. ♪
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>> claudia: back with a fox "america's newsroom" alert. 68 people are dead after israeli air strikes hit central gaza. egypt is coming to the table with a new ambitious proposal to end the conflict as it floats a transitional government for the war torn strip. our trey yengst is live in tel aviv with the latest this christmas morning. hi, trey. >> good morning. first of all, merry christmas. it is day 80 of the war between israel and hamas. and this year in bethlehem christmas celebrations were canceled. normally there would be thousands of people gathering in the biblical town on christmas eve at the traditional birthplace of jesus. this year while prayers were allowed in the church of the nateivity no large decorations and music. there was rubble and barbed wire to symbolize gaza.
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thousands of palestinians have been killed since the war began. inside gaza fighting continues. 17 israeli soldiers have been killed this weekend so far as the idf uncovers new tunnels like this one. the israelis say the bodies of five hostages were found in this intricate network of tunnels and troops are working each day to clear new areas. this week israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu's wife, sarah wrote a letter to pope francis asking for his help to pressure hamas to free the remaining hostages. in vatican city he delivered his traditional christmas eve mass. didn't mention palestinians and israelis by name but said this. >> tonight our hearts are -- the prince of peace is rejected by the clash of arms that even today prevents him from finding room in the world. >> conflict continues today.
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there are 800 palestinian christians who live in gaza and normally be attending wide services across the strip. there was a small gathering in the southern city of rafah. as you mentioned just yesterday there was an israeli strike on the central part of gaza that left dozens of palestinians dead. claudia. >> claudia: such sad news. to consider that christmas has been canceled in bethlehem this year is just -- it boggles the mind. thank you for that report. rich. >> rich: for more on the latest israel/hamas war developments let's bring in will ruger, president of the american institute for economic research. will, merry christmas and thank you for joining us today. what is your assessment on where israel is in its mission to defeat hamas? how close could we be to the end of fighting? >> well, i guess we could say here on christmas blessed are the peacemakers. but we can applaud the attempt for peace but it doesn't seem
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like it is going to happen, right? israel has talked about deepening the war and continuing the conflict. its war aims have not been met. we can expect on that side more pressure on hamas. they have rejected peace deals with hamas. more conflict ahead which is unfortunate. israel has to meet its security needs but at the same time you can mourn for the suffering of innocent people in that area. so it's a very tragic situation because, of course, israel after october 7th needs to meet its security needs while others in the region are clearly in the crosshairs. >> rich: what does post-war gaza look like? what governs the gaza strip after this operation is finished? >> that's the hard thing about any type of conflict like this. the united states saw this in iraq and afghanistan and other places. what comes next? even if you're successful
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tactically on the battlefield how do you meet the war aims and the forward operations? i don't think i've seen a good answer. it's one of the things i'm sure the israeli are wrestling with. what do they do after they've had quote, unquote success? are they able to truly eliminate hamas? it's doubtful. what does it mean going forward? how will they actually govern this area that has so many people there that are hostile to the israeli regime? that's a real challenge and something i'm sure is going to be a focus of israeli war planners. >> rich: it is such a small battle area. iran is backing hamas, hezbollah, militia's across the middle east. we have had more than 100 attacks on american positions in iraq and syria since the middle of october. how does the u.s. deter that? is it doing a good enough job? >> well, one thing to ask yourself is do we have our troops in the right places?
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clearly the united states has national interests in this region. but should we have, for example, forces in syria and in parts of iraq where they actually are targets without much of a mission, right? so again it doesn't deny the united states should have forces there particularly naval forces in the red sea to make sure international trade can flow but is it necessary to have troops in syria long after the counter isis campaign has had the success we saw years ago? i would say that we should be much more careful about our troop deployments, especially because there is a kind of local knowledge, a local ability that places like iran and others have to make trouble for us in ways that we may have difficulty responding given so many challenges around the globe from asia to ukraine to the eastern middle east. >> rich: the u.s. keeps getting
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dragged back into the middle east. thank you. >> claudia: coming up former president donald trump is challenging special counsel jack smith's election subversion case with a claim of presidential immunity. we'll look back on some of the biggest scandals that made headlines in 2023. stay with us. >> happy holidays from my family to yours wishing you love and light this holiday season. merry christmas and happy new year. my little family is me, aria, and jade.
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just the three of us girls. i never thought twice about feeding her kibble. but about two years ago, i realized she was overweight. she was always out of breath. that's when i decided to introduce the farmer's dog to her diet. it's just so fresh that she literally gets bubbles in her mouth. now she's a lot more active, she's able to join us on our adventures. and we're all able to do things as a family. ♪ get started at
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>> rich: mercedes benz stadium received an award in efficiency. 90% of the stadium's waste is recycled and kept out of landfills. madison is live in atlanta with more on this story. hi, madison.
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>> hi. with more than a 50 events in over 3 million visitors each year, this worldwide recognition for mercedes benz is that much more impressive. it's the first professional sports stadium in the world to receive this recognition. total resource use and efficiency platinum certification. it means at least 90% of all waste created inside of atlanta's mercedes benz stadium is diverted from landfills. >> it is pre-sorted. >> employees work through the night in that ram sorting through waste. sometimes with a quick turn around. efforts go beyond sorting. whether it's aluminum recycling >> all the proceeds from the aluminum cans is donated to habitat for humanity and build homes with the money. >> the on site garden. >> we grow some fruits and
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vegetables and everything served gross here. >> hot dog turns into mulch and able to use it at the stadium. what started as a food item can end up as mulch in the backyard. >> it's all what they call sustainability playbook. >> i believe a lot of others once they see and understand it they will say yes, we can do that, too. it is important. >> officials at mercedes benz say while it's great to be number one, the work is not over. they say that diverting 90% of waste is not the limit and hope to keep pushing boundaries and doing better. rich. >> rich: madison, thank you from atlanta. claudia. >> claudia: well, rich, from a royal family rift to country ballads and expelled congressman 2023 had its fair share of drama and scandal. ainsley earhardt breaks down some of the year's biggest.
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>> ainsley: there is never a shortage of scandalous headlines. the royal family's lips are sealed not offering a response to prince harry's memoir. he lobbied a host of accusations against the family including william attacked him during an argument in 2019. he made the trip across the pond in may for his father's core nation. involuntary manslaughter charges dropped against alec baldwin following the fatal shooting on his movie of rust. now they are attempting to charge him again citing new facts in the shooting that killed alina hutchins. danny masterson took 30 years behind bars after being found guilty of raping two women. he plans to appeal his convictions.
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masterson's friends feeling the fallout from the verdict. they issued a public apology after writing letters of support for masterson before his sentencing. musician is facing a lawsuit from three of her dancers accusing her of sexual harassment and creating a hostile work environment. one dancer saying she was fired after gaining weight. she said allegations are false. late night host jimmy fallon hit with allegations of fostering a toxic work environment. current and former staffers accused him of being drunk at work and exhibiting erratic behavior that affected employees' mental health. ♪ >> ainsley: country star jason aldean not backing down over his
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song try that in a small town. musician accused of promoting gun violence with his lyrics. others saying the music video that had black lives matter, it soreed to the top of the charts. >> you are changing that boy's life. >> ainsley: many blind-sided when michael orr filed a lawsuit against the tuohy family saying they didn't share proceeds about his life story. court documents show he was paid more than $138,000. the conservativeship was ended in september over him. capitol hill. george santos expelled from congress in the wake of an ethics committee report. he allegedly lied about his background to get elected and illegally using campaign funds.
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disgraced founder holmes reporting to prison. she was found guilty of defrauding investors out of hundreds of millions of dollars, making false claims that technology at her company would be able to diagnose a number of health conditions with a pinprick of blood. ftx founder sam bankman-fried found guilty of stealing at least $10 billion from customers and investors. >> he perpetrated one of the biggest financial frauds in american history. >> ainsley: he claimed he never committed fraud or meant to cheat customers. he faces up to 110 years in prison with sentencing expected in march. there was plenty of success on the field. questionable actions behind the scenes for the university of michigan's football team. analyst for the team accused of in-person scouting against opponents. head coach jim harbaugh denied any knowledge of the wrongdoing accepting a three-game suspension. the scandal not affecting the wolverines performance. the team is set to play for
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their chance at the national championship on new year's day. 2024 is sure to bring us some scandalous stories and fox news will be here to cover them all. in new york ainsley earhardt, fox news. >> rich: what a year. we have another week. former president trump says he is absolutely immune to the election subversion charges against him. president biden's poll numbers get worse and worse. what that means for his re-election efforts coming up next. i can see from your expression that you find that shocking. ...aaaaaaaand, you don't have ears. book an exam today at
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>> rich: former president donald trump has a lot on his legal plate trying to cut down on what he can. his attorneys now urging a federal appeals court in d.c. to dismiss special counsel jack smith's election subversion case against him saying he has presidential immunity. he also faces pending litigation in more than half of the 50 states aimed at removing him
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from the 2024 ballot. david spunt is live in d.c. with the latest. >> rich, the claim of absolute immunity came in a late saturday night court filing to the court of appeals. the same claim donald trump has been making all along, that he is immune from federal prosecution because he was president at the time of these alleged crimes. on page 19 of the 71-page filing his team writes president trump has absolute immunity from prosecution for his official acts as president. the indictment alleges only official acts but might be dismissed. the plea comes after the u.s. supreme court declined late last week to jump ahead of the appeals court in line and hear arguments over whether or not donald trump is indeed immune from charges. the supreme court may still hear arguments, but after the appeals court does on january 9th. this is certainly a delay, rich, for special counsel jack smith, the man you see here. likely means that march 4th
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trial will be pushed back. he hoped to begin it one day before super tuesday. now the appeals court hearing in january means things could get pushed back and the supreme court could hear arguments late spring or perhaps early summer. meanwhile there are still efforts to keep donald trump off the ballot in several states. we know the state supreme court in colorado did so, though it is expected to be overturned by the supreme court. there is also an effort to keep the former president off the virginia ballot and california ballot. gavin newsom, the governor of california, a democratic political enemy of former president trump came to his aid and defense. he says it's unproductive. in california we defeat candidates at the polls. everything else is a political distraction. rich. >> rich: david spunt live in the capital city. thank you. >> claudia: president biden heads into an election year with his poll numbers continuing to
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bottom out. he have is ending 2023 with just 39% of americans approving of his job performance. that according to the latest gallup poll. that's only part of the problems that he faces. chad pergram is live in washington, d.c. with more. it is a bit of a list here, chad, is it not? >> indeed. good morning. the president and his campaign argue that he hasn't gotten much applause for the economy as inflation eases and unemployment remains low. there are concerns about president biden's age. he turns 82 just before inauguration day. now 48% of democrats surveyed don't believe mr. biden has the stamina to tackle the job. his polling is the worst for any sitting president since jimmy carter at this point in his term. this comes as house republicans tee up and impeachment inquiry for the president in 2024. >> the whistleblowers have asked that we have a special counsel appointed. why are we having partisan
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people, regardless of who appoints them? why is merrick garland and others trying to slow walk as the whistleblowers testified? >> it's unclear if the house will ever have to votes to actually impeach the president. expect the legal problems ever his son to be a feature of the 2024 campaign. president biden faces international crises in ukraine and the middle east to say nothing about growing problems at the border. >> if you look at what has happened since october, october 7th hamas invasion took place in israel. christopher wray said that the number of alerts from national security standpoint have gone up like a christmas tree since that happened. they have encountered over 150 nationalities crossing the border illegally just since october. we don't know who is in our nation. >> the administration is concerned about non-state actors launching a terrorism strike in the u.s. after the war in the mideast. >> in the current conflict, it is causing, i think,
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contributing to a heightened threatened environment. what we're seeing is foreign terrorist organizations taking advantage and calling upon their adherents to act to do something. >> bipartisan negotiations about a border solution are on hold through december 27th. lots of democrats are now pushing for border security considering how vulnerable they could be politically on this issue. claudia. >> claudia: indeed. chad pergram. thank you very much for that report. rich. >> rich: for more with democratic strategist brad howard and republican strategist mat keeling. i want to start with the president is campaigning on. he isn't campaigning that much now but what he has been saying on the campaign trail. >> president biden: bidenomics, bidenomics is another way of something the american dream. they started off making fun of it calling it bidenomics. guess what? it is bidenomics. a little more breathing room.
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that's what bidenomics is all about. the middle class does well and we all do well. that's what we call bidenomics. >> rich: president biden sticks to bidenomics message despite 2024 campaign worse. first to you, brad, the president's polling numbers especially on the economy are pretty upside down here. should he continually be mentioning the economy? >> they have to improve on the messaging. numbers and indicators are going in the right direction. inflation is coming down. consumer confidence, how americans feel about the economy is ticking up and positive news from the white house and president. they have to make sure they are telling this narrative in a way that convinces americans that things are better. but also what will you do for them in the next four years? that message is starting to get out and resonate and starting to see in the polling numbers and consumer confidence numbers. >> rich: do you think it could
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be something for a point of traction for the white house hiring remains strong, other issues that we just heard there that the white house can point to and say the economy is actually doing pretty well, what do you think? >> rich, actually it will be a merry christmas if joe biden continues to run on bidenomics. the american people absolutely think it's failed. they don't feel any of the comfort he is talking about. and it reminds me of the andy williams song "it's a wonderful time of year." scary ghost stories, now i know what it means. 20 years from now i will tell my grandkids about the scary christmases of joe biden where you couldn't afford to put gas in the car to see your family or buy the gifts for your family. that's bidenomics. please run on it, joe, please. >> rich: how about the age issue? the oldest person to run. not exactly like his assumed perhaps challenger in former president trump is that young,
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either. the age issue really has come up for the president. how do democrats talk about that? >> it's tough but not like it is surprise. nothing you can change. his age is his age. to your point president trump isn't far behind him, three or four years behind him. i have think you just have to continue to make your case. as we've seen the polling numbers and approval ratings. you have to look at differently for democrats. our base of our party is never happy with the way things are. they want it to be bigger and better and bolder which is why they're progressives and always pushing. that doesn't mean they'll vote for donald trump. the folk upset with joe biden handling of the israeli war aren't going to vote for the most anti-muslim candidate we've ever had in history. that base of support will consolidate. i think when you present it at the ballot box, age isn't just the issue. what are the options? two candidates, which one do i want to go with?
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the biden campaign has got to convince voters that they are safer and better off and more predictable with joe biden. >> rich: former president trump look at what he has done through in the past year. several indictments. colorado kicked him off the primary ballot there. his poll numbers have only increased. does that continue, though, in a general election? >> i think right now the voters feel like stuff like this colorado decision is absolutely insane. it will be overturned by the supreme court. everyone says it will be overturned by the supreme court. why did the four judges come opt with the decision to deny americans the opportunity to choose their president? on christmas i will do something really strange. i will agree with gavin newsom. he is absolutely right. americans have the right to choose their candidates. the biggest problem for biden and brad quite frankly and the democrats is when people look at the two presidency next to each
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other. trump in the rearview mirror and joe biden's presidency we're living through now they are choosing the trump years for the economy, for the security, and for the world order that we were in then. we didn't have wars in the middle east. we didn't have wars in ukraine. we didn't have tension in the taiwan strait. right now the problem is joe biden's world is on fire and he cannot put it out. >> rich: brad, what about all of these indictments? you can respond but also about the indictments on the former president. do you think democrats are putting too much hope he will be convicted and it will turn into something positive in the polling for them? >> i don't think any democrat is hoping to see a former president in jail. i think what we're hoping to see is the judicial process pay itself out that applies to every other american in the country. number two i think we see a consolidation of the president's
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base of support. that is a consequence of the indictments. but that doesn't mean he has consolidating a base among independent voters who remain skeptical of a trump presidency. we have to be careful he is talking about the previous two presidency. president trump is promising a very different second term. he is promising a second term where he is going to take what he is quoted as saying dictatorial actions. he will use his presidency as a vengeance on folks that have disagreed or slighted him. not talking about what he will do for the american people. understands and knows that. the biden presidency has been focused on the economy. i hope we get a deal at the border. that is an important issue and it is an achilles heel for president biden. not like we didn't have tensions in the taiwan strait before president biden. it is not like there weren't tensions in the middle east before president biden. it is more important to come
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together. >> donald trump delivered middle east peace. listen, joe biden is in a tough place right now with the american people. they are not buying what he is selling. he has been on the campaign trail for the last three months selling bidenomics and his numbers keep getting worse. they can't treat the american people like they don't know what's right in front of their face, which is that everything is more expensive, inflation is crushing the middle class. >> rich: thank you both for joining us. merry christmas. >> claudia: anti-semitism on campus, harvard taking heat for standing by its president despite a surge in jewish hate at the prestigious school. that's next. (dogs barking) - hey, we're here to get you. (whimpering) - it's okay. - don't be scared.
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- let's go. - that's a good job. - can i see him? - this is our home - and this is our room.
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here's why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your devie
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duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine like google, but it's pi and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. >> claudia: calls from both sides of the aisle to remove president harvard gay after her plagiarism allegations. kat cammack says harvard's board must fire her to main tin the school's elite credibility. >> this is nothing short of absurd double standard hypocrisy that has actually gone back to
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the early 90s when the harvard review pointed out that her work had issues. that it was regrettable i think was the word they had used. if the board of trustees is serious about maintaining the last shred of credibility that they have, they need to fire her immediately. >> claudia: joining me now seattle radio host jason rantz. good morning to you. if you look into the crystal ball, 2024 is claudine gay still the president of harvard? what do you think? >> well, here is the answer to that. really don't know until after the new year. i think -- i'm guessing that harvard right now is hoping that the attention is going to be short lived. that it is going to go away after the holidays. that they can go through this storm, if you will, because it is the holiday season where people are paying attention to their family, not watching the news as often as they otherwise might. they aren't reading it as well. kids not on campus. professors not on campus and
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they think if you go into the new year and all of a sudden the narrative starts to shift they can weather the storm. i think what you are starting to see now, it will be important to actually continue this, some more of the democrat voices speaking up. the media that has been sort of the left wing media that has started to frame this in a more honest way. you know, last week "the new york times" had a piece out that framed this as well it was the conservatives making a big deal out of this because they want to go after dei. now you start to see in the "washington post" that had a column today or yesterday saying yeah, i sort of thought of the story in that way as well that it was about the conservatives. the more i look into this and reflect on it, i have to agree it is time for her to resign. >> claudia: a new report from jewish insider reports president obama privately lobbied on behalf of claudine gay amid the
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anti-semistism controversy. a fox news headline that obama privately lobbied on gay's behalf amid anti-semitism and the controversy there. so we're seeing support coming from behind the scenes. do you expect to see more of this ahead? >> look, she has some very powerful people who are allies of hers. they are going to continue to lobby on her behalf. i think this is also an issue i mentioned dei. i think it is harvard wanting to maintain its position of defending someone who happens to be black and a female. they see this because they've been taught to see things through a dei lens and believe that any kind of criticism leveled towards someone who is a part of their team, a part of their group, who shares certain kinds of check marks on the list, that they are going to be seen as -- i think this is
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unfair, but be seen as the head of dei. if you go after her, it takes away from the entire movement. that's how they are viewing this. i don't necessarily think it's a realistic way to look at this. i think they've chosen to create this symbol out of dr. gay and they don't want to see it go. >> claudia: we'll switch topics here. rich, i will let you take it away. >> rich: one of the best parts of the christmas season, the movies. researchers at a home internet service provider dug into data to figure out which are the most searched, elf takes first place and followed by four christmases, love actually. nightmare before christmas and diehard missing the top ten home alone and classic like how the grinch stole christmas and it's a wonderful life. national lampoon's christmas vacation was in at 16, should have been higher.
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diehard isn't a christmas movie. i said it, claudia, i said it. it's not. >> claudia: a lot of people might disagree. i do agree with you. one of my favorite christmas moments in the movies starred my mother, barbara rush when she appeared at the end walking along here on the arm of bing crosby walking by dean martin, sammy davis junior and frank sinatra filmed in 1964. the ever elegant bing crosby and my beautiful mother staring on. she place marian to frank sinatra's robin in the movie. i love the christmas scene and the way everybody is so elegant. >> rich: how cool is that? did your mom talked about that experience? >> claudia: all of her films all the time and she loved that one.
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i need to wish my sweet mother a happy birthy. she turns 97 next week on january 3rdrd. it has been fun to be here with you, rich. thank you and we'll be back at it again tomorrow. >> rich: so much fun. thanks for joining us. merry christmas, everyone. "outnumbered" is next. yeah. everything is so expensive these days. hey, chevy gets it. that's why they're keeping prices down to earth. like on the most affordable ev in america. ♪ a super strong and capable chevy truck. ♪ and a high-tech chevy suv. ♪ why is chevy making affordable vehicles, connected by onstar? so together we can do more. marlo thomas: my father founded saint jude children's research hospital because he believed no child should die in the dawn of life. in 1984, a patient named stacy arrived,
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