tv Jesse Watters Primetime FOX News December 26, 2023 5:00pm-6:00pm PST
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communist, fair to call her that. it is about claudine gay who did not resign in the wake of her horrible response to israel and her plagiarism. she says she plagiarized her acknowledgment, i take no joy in saying this, but harvard president ought to resign. your thoughts? >> she absolutely ought to resign. and she can do it with the understanding that there are quality 10 talented black, white, brown americans who can take her place. >> kayleigh: and there certainly are. thank you very much for joining me. that is it for us tonight. i'm kayleigh mcenany. don't forget to tune in weekdays at 12:00 p.m. eastern time when i cohost the show "outnumbered." with -- rachel in for jesse takes it and from here. ♪ ♪
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>> rachel: welcome to the special edition of "jesse watters primetime." i'm rachel campos-duffy. from tearing down nativity scenes, the banning of the word is a miss, the left's war on christmas goes back decades. and this year, things are truly escalating. from satanic christmas shrines in the capitol building in the heartland of america to gay pride nutcrackers at target and the antiwhite christmas parties in boston and the communist left has officially declared christmas canceled. [crowd chanting] >> while you are shopping, proms are dropping. >> while you are shopping, bombs are dropping. say it loud, say it clear, christmas is canceled. >> rachel: hundreds of anti-israel protesters took to the street, wreaking havoc.
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nativity scenes were splattered with fake blood. what does the holy family have to do with any of this? and rioters attempted to overpower christians sitting christmas carols. >> hey hey, hey. >> no! >> [bleep]. [crowd chanting] >> you may do so voluntarily. no charges will be placed against you. >> rachel: the left try to do this day and turn it into a day of rebellion. they were holding signs with the phrase, no joy in jenna's side —-dash genocide. they were chanting. [crowd chanting]
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>> rachel: while some people try to cancel christmas this weekend, others were using it to push their far left left political agenda. >> what i'm so struck by is that the story of christmas is not about a palestinian jew. a palestinian jew born into a time when his country was occupied, right, they can't find a place for her to even give birth, his mother. they are homeless. they eventually have to flee as refugees into egypt no less. you can't make up the parallels to our current world situation right now. >> rachel: but no religious discussion would be complete without america's own theo theologian, alexander acosta oaks, who says, in the story of christmas, christ was born in
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modern-day palestine under the threat of a government engage in a massacre of innocent. thousands of years later, right wing forces are violently occupying bethlehem as similar stories unfold for today's palestinians. holy children are still being born into a space -- place of unspeakable violence for any child born of any identity and from any place is sacred. especially the children of gaza. sacred children. as aoc found religion, now that it suits her political purposes, when she says marginalized children without voices who are murdered violently, you know what i think of? i think of the unborn. the innocent precious babies that aoc believes should be slaughtered by taxpayer-funded late-term abortions. and while she is right to be concerned for the innocent children being killed in a war in gaza, i am. what about the children in other wars.
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and let's not forget that she founded the war in ukraine to the tune of billions. her own constituents have slammed her for her support of the war. and if you needed any more proof that aoc only cares about children when it fits her own political narrative, just look to the border. where aoc cried in her white jeans in front of the detention center when trump was in office but has not said anything about any of this since biden took over. 85,000 children are unaccounted for. many of them are being sex-trafficked. and aoc has said nothing about any of it. and like a good communist, aoc only cares about religion and children when it fits her clinical and ideological agenda. elizabeth here is the founder of leicester people forget and she joins us now. thank you for joining us this
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morning. it seems ridiculous to argue that jesus was not a jew, so why don't we start with that and let you correct the record. >> as my father would say, it is almost too sweet to have this conversation. i think people have gotten so politicized especially in a country in these last few years. the fact that we are even having this conversation proves how crazy the world has become an eye right now when we are seeing people, innocent people dying in this conflict over in gaza, if you could just come together and realize how lucky we are in the united states of america to not have to see this in our own backyard, a counter together during a time of christmas and the holidays, we will be in a much better place and trying to prove that jesus was not a jew born in israel many years ago. >> rachel: it seems nonproductive if you will to try and disrupt christian expressions of faith on christmas in a country frankly that was founded by christians. we are still a majority christian nation.
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if it seems like a bad strategy on that level. >> it is nonproductive. it is also just un-american. i've had this debate with a lot of people since october 7th. i have made my views on this conflict on supporting israel incredibly clear. however, regardless of where i stand on this issue or any other as an american, i've always supported everyone's right to peacefully protest whatever it is that they support. that is the american way. but vandalism threats, calling for the genocide of jewish people were trying to shut down the religious celebration's of those who disagree with us, the opposite of the american way. that is what we are seeing and that is something that everyone should be able to stand against. >> rachel: elizabeth, i'm also really struck by aoc' is selected nist when it comes to being antiwar. as i mentioned before, she is right on board with the ukraine more and certainly in this case, she is a peacenik. >> our politicians are -- i think it is a lot more important
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to return to your neighbor and see what it is that they support and try to find the reasons and the way that you can come together and does a lot of things at stake that most of us will never understand. during a time of christmas, a time of work at a time of so much going on when we should be, again, coming together to understand that our politicians truly have no idea what it is that any of us are feeling or going through a and then althouh less people than any of us, really to or resonate with in these times. >> rachel: elizabeth, i love your attitude. i love the way you talk about this and i really want to thank you for joining us today. great message. thank you. fantastic. it is not just our politicians and the media that are waging a war on the story of christmas. it pains me to say it is also happening inside of the catholic church. churchgoers in italy were shot -- shocked to find a lesbian nativity scene inside their parents. a cardboard cutout of the virgin mary draped in pride covers.
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there are so many ways of being a family. that is a "back from him, a lesbian richard murray, becoming to a church for you? if pope francis has failed to protect our sacred doctrine and traditions at least one church, the church of the latter-day saints is bringing the true spirit of christmas to all places including time square. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ["solid night" playing] >> rachel: father gerald murray
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joins us now. i want to get to that last thing that was to in a second because it is just so breathtaking what happened here in times square. it was truly inspirational. i want to start with the earlier part. the lesbian nativity scene. this interpretation in terms of same-sex. give our viewers a little bit of explanation on this because especially catholics are very confused. >> they confuse people by saying that you can rest same-sex couples and the church has never said that and the reason is same-sex couples engage in moral sin. the catholic church teaches that sex is for marriage, a man and a woman. >> rachel: which is why they switched out to joseph for mary. >> now homosexuality has become a protected category. we are supposed to accept this
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type of behavior. that priest, i would call him the joker priest and a fool because he is using religion and is blasphemous way. not his own prejudice or -- >> rachel: do you think the pope will do anything about this? >> about that priest? no. i would say discipline him. the pope has said, a whole dynamic where we are supposed to accept homosexual couples. with joins us in marriage is sacred. sin has to be avoided. >> rachel: i want to i want to talk about what happen in time square. when i saw it, i was overwhelmed. i thought it was was the most beautiful forms of evangelization especially at this holy season of christmas and i just wondered, i'm not trying to, you know, take it out on your catholic priest, but what is it the catholic church doing? i have no idea how much that
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costs. but this is the kind of evangelization that i think a lot of catholics would like to see happen and yet what we are seeing is the catholic church acting like it is a social work service for the government, engaging in helping to facilitate open borders with this relationship with george soros, with the many other people who are hellbent in opening the borders. >> i applaud the mormon church for doing that. i would say, you know, the message was given by god to the whole of humanity. i'm glad people organize it. we try to do things in the church. i can't defend everything and certainly, no, i will say this. >> rachel: not me, david. >> social work, blessing gay couples. the primary reason jesus came into the world was to bring salvation to the sooners. so we never create the impression sin is not a big deal for us as long as you are nice to everybody. that is not what we are all about. jesus christ died on the cross, this was the central act of redemption. why? because sin is a district -- he destroyed it by his life.
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and his death and then the -- that is the real message. christmas is where it all got started. >> rachel: it was quite a juxtaposition to see this very cd, it has become a lot more as e.d. these last few years in time square, it is kind of crummy place and these beautiful images and the whole crowd just stopped to take it in. it was dutiful. i like to say the catholic church engaging in that kind of evangelization. so i have kind of hit you with a lot of tavistock -- tough stuff. >> my christmas message is a lot of people walking out on the panic saying, what am i supposed to do? what happens when i die? i say look at the christ in the major. that is a good place to start to get those answers. >> rachel: that is a beautiful message. merry christmas, father. >> thank you, rachel. merry christmas. >> rachel: swatting, it is a dangerous prank and even members of congress are not safe. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> rachel: radical leftists are targeting republican lawmakers with a new wave of swatting attacks on christmas. just to make sure that the kids are home, too. to congresswoman marjorie taylor greene and near, congressman brandon williams both republicans were both on the receiving end of the bogus emergency calls that could have put their lives at risk. for those who don't know, swatting is when someone makes a false report of a major often violent crime, such as an active kidnapping or a murder suicide. and the hopes of sending armed law enforcement officers to a target purpose homes possibly creating a deadly situation in all of the confusion. yesterday, a call claimed there
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was an active shooting going on at williams' home and multiple officers were dispatched to respond. partially, deputies and troopers were aware of the congressman's anders ahead of time and they were able to reach out to him before arriving at the scene. >> take it to through the eyes of a police officer, easy on the screen, they are coming, you know, heavy into my house. you know, they don't know what they are facing. and so i tried to just make it easy for them and gather my family in one room and just told them, you know, show your hands, be respectful. which they would do anyway. but you really have to dee eskridge that because it is just not fair for law enforcement, much less it is very violating to my family. >> rachel: the men reporting called georgia suicide hotline and claimed he had shot and killed his girlfriend at congresswoman mager -- marjorie taylor greene's address. and that he intended to kill
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himself. police were notified of the foot and they were able to return to britain's private security to check on her safety and into the validity of the claim. this was the eighth time that marjorie taylor greene says her house has been swatted. past because claim that their bodies were found in the bathtub and other parts of the home. capitol police as well as local law enforcement say that they are working together to figure out the identity of the people behind the calls. swatting has become such a concern that the fbi launched a national database earlier this year to try and track and prevent further incidents from happening. they often run into issues immediately identifying the culprits. but greene says the current efforts by federal law enforcement are not enough and the fbi needs to get their priorities straight and keep americans safe. she slammed the bureau saying, "the fbi can do so many things, it has even abused pfizer to spy on hundreds and those of thousands of americans but can't
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figure out who wants to be killed by a hail of bullets fired by a swat team responded to murder suicide calls supposedly coming from me." at her family's lives are currently being put at risk and the fbi to act like they are only -- their only concern are tracking down every grandma who was in dc on the january 6 so-called insurrection and squeezing congress for more money to fund their $3.5 billion headquarters. from nypd officer bill stanton joins me now. thank you for joining us. so why don't you explain to our viewers just how dangerous a swatting situation is. >> rachel, thank you for having me. well, these self-loathing take a look at miscreant losers, you know, think they're going to empower themselves by weaponize and city state and federal agencies.
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in this case, swatting. and what they do is they will either call from a burner phone or a nontradable line and they will either call or text in the alleged threat. and what they are doing is they are committing a crime. they are making false allegations. they are wasting taxpayer money. but the most important thing is they could potentially be endangering the lives of the address they are going to and the officers involved. because if someone is coming up on my house in plain clothes and they are not properly identified, someone is going to get hurt one way or the other. and this is what they are hoping to cause, constant chaos, because they have no relevancy in their lives. >> rachel: a comment, people have -- have been killed because of swatting. marjorie taylor greene has faced this eight times. i'm sorry, bill. where is the fbi? they can track down all kinds of stuff, as i mentioned before, the j sixers currently being tracked down. where is the fbi on this and how much of their inability for
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example to find marjorie taylor greene's in the, the eight people who have done it to her to have to do with politics? it seems unavailable with the amount of resources and money we have in the fbi. >> well, i share your frustration. and in my opinion, they rank-and-file feds, they want to get the bad guys as much as we do. you have to go up the food chain and look who is creating policy. and unfortunately, we have to look at politics. and we see where current politics are going. where they are targeting churches, where they are targeting right-wing nonprofits, and pta meetings. that is where resources are going to. we have to change the paradigm and go after the people that are looking to hurt americans. >> rachel: absolutely. bill, i think a lot of conservative unit, just activists in general are calling those are figuring out if they should call their police station and licked them the way marjorie taylor greene and this officer
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did as well because if not, you know, somebody just shows up, they are going to get killed. they were lucky this time that they were alerted ahead of time and not many people have that going on. bill stanton, former police officer, thank you for joining us. there's a massive migrant caravan right now heading towards the border. up to 15,000 illegals. it is the biggest caravan of the year. 730,000 migrants were encountered at the border since october. that is bigger than the populations of denver, seattle. over 200 people on the terrorist watch list were top -- stop at the border this year. more than 20,000 chinese nationals also crossed. remember, these are just migraines that border agents encountered. we don't know how many others have snuck through. in los angeles, ice arrested 26 illegals who were sex offenders,
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some of them convicted of child sex crimes. none of these people should have never been left into our country. the white house does not care. biden is setting blanket -- and marcus down to meet with your daughter's mexico's president. marcus is the guy who testified time after time that the border is secure. and blinken is the guy who gave millions of dollars in. >> to the taliban. clearly this is a fake mission. no one in this meeting, including obra door has any intention of closing america's border. polls show that our open borders are becoming one of the voters' top issues. but instead of closing the borders which are citizens of clearly said they want. the democrats. they can win by pandering. here is the governor of col colorado. ♪ feliz navidad ♪ ♪ feliz navidad ♪
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>> rachel: that is the definition of cringe. he think doing a funny dance and watching a spanish song will get them votes. hispanic people who came to america the right way see right through this. but this is just what democrats do. >> say it with me. the future is ours. >> rachel: if you're going to pander, at least learn how to pronounce the words. it is "si se puede." brandon, thanks brandon, thanks for joining us this morning. this is just getting out of control. i think just in the last month, a lot of americans who were hoping that something might change are starting to lose h hope. >> and every single one of us should lose hope with this administration. that they are not going to do anything that is going to protect united states citizens. we think about my work is going mexico, that is a complete joke
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that they are going to be there because nothing is going to come of it. what lopez obrador is going to want to get concessions from the let's taste government, marcus and blinken know that they can secure the border tomorrow if they were to do the proper policies right here in our country. we can't rely on other countries to protect our citizens. we have to be able to rely upon our own government. lopez obrador knows that biden is weak but he is going too blinken and mallorca is like biden is weak and he will try to get things out of them. >> rachel: are used to -- i still often think about, why is this happening? why are they doing this? i would say six months ago, a year ago, if you asked me that question, i would have said, it was to get votes. that they want to bring in a whole new publishing of people. that they think might vote democrat. over the last couple months, as i have seen this, the increase in flight. the level of coordination
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between our government, they u.n. cards, debit cards with money coming in, the u.n., the w.h.o., some of these governments, it all seems so much more coordinated. and much more globally coordinated than some political domestic issue. what is your take on this? help us understand what is happening at this moment and the scale of it in terms of this coordination with even non-american entities. >> you, these open borders activist, they want to change our country's fan mentally. it has nothing to do with race. it has everything to do with what our culture is. the rule of law. they want to get rid of the rule of law. that is why they are constantly attacking the police officers and police agencies around the country. and they are correlating with dangerous cartels. they put themselves in the hands of the criminal cartels. all there is what the end goal
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is and that is changing a country environmentally. >> rachel: yeah. it is about ending the idea of national sovereignty. i'm completely convinced of it at this point. brandon judd, thank you for joining us. always insightful. expected to be with you, rachel. thank you. >> rachel: joe biden snaps. that is next. ♪ ♪ nt. the world will reel with concern from watching the strange, mind-boggling, and unbelievable video footage that goes viral across the globe. "then we who are alive and remain "shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the lord in the air." (david jeremiah) when christ comes for his people, it will be in the twinkling of an eye. billions of people will exit this planet in an instant, but billions will be left behind. it will be chaos on our globe but incredible, glorious joy in the skies. (male announcer) capture a thrilling glimpse of the rapture
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♪ ♪ >> rachel: joe biden does not like answering tough questions. it is wyhe a really talks to the media without reproving the questions. it is also why he called out our own peter doocy, called him a stupid s.o.p. every once in a while, the press gets to law an unscripted president asked this question at the president. they caught him as he was jetting off for the first leg of his luxury christmas vacation. he spent the last few days in camp david and he said -- except to lead in the virgin islands tomorrow to bring in the new
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year. >> what is your outlook on the economy next year? weather all good. take a look. start reporting the right way. >> rachel: voters can see it. why can't the white house. >> they are telling me that the economy stinks. they are telling me whenever they go shopping, whether they go out to eat, you got people who are trying to buy a home right now, people who may have missed a payment on their credit card. air talk about the 17% inflation that has happened since biden has taken office. and they hear him complain about it, that, you know, the media is not giving him a fair share. a fair shake. the fact is, finally, you know, these news outlets that have been ignoring him, giving excuses, blaming trump have got to start reporting on this because what i'm hearing is they are sick of it. they are seeing the policies. they are seeing it everywhere. and it has got to stop and they need to prioritize it and the
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person that they are blaming, three she is right. the number of americans that are falling behind on car payments a 30 year high in september. home prices climbed nearly 5% in october. an analysis from the u.s. senate joined economic committee shows american households will spend an additional $11,000 per year just to maintain the same lifestyle under former president trump. even with the fawning press, realclearpolitics has been down two points to trump. biden's rounding out 2023 with the 39% approval rating. why? to "james carville, it is the economy, stupid. a whopping 78% of americans say our economy is in bad shape. including 61% of democrats. that is up eight points from 2021. host of the bottom line on fox business and my husband, sean
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duffy joins me now. what is your reaction? >> donald trump a look at the press he had with russia collusion and all the stories, joe biden does not get questions on the economy, on a spending. he does not get questions on hunter biden. to complain about the media, this is rich. and talking about a 17% inflation. so prices have gone up for goods and services over the three years of joe biden's presidency by 17%. so people have not gotten to 17% raise. they are worse off than they were under donald trump and they feel it and it is coming up in the polls. 46% of americans say that joe biden's policies have heard them. only 14% say joe biden has helped them. so this is devastating. only 14%. >> rachel: of those must be people in the griddy energy
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business. >> rachel: you kind of alluded to this. joe biden's poll numbers and 39% are the lowest of all of them at this point. he is worse than jimmy carter. he is worse than all of them and so his team has to look at this and say, we have to turn it around. but what is -- he is like, i want the messaging to the media to change. you got to change your policies. >> rachel: any chance he will? >> i don't think joe was a hard left us when he was in the senate. but he has brought a whole lot of hard lefties and so i think they're going to ride this pony until the election and you won't get different results if you don't have different policies and he is not going to change. i think we will continue to see inflation grow and i think they are going to hold joe to account. >> rachel: and i think it is the war on american energy that is driving so much of this inflation. they are committed to the green new deal. >> so these electric vehicles
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are on lots or three, four, five months. because americans don't want them. they are going to buy gas vehicles. they can -- it gives them freedom. they don't want electric vehicles. pushing things on us that we do not want and by the way, all the spending, that led to the inflation, we have not seen the results of that. i'm not seeing new roads and new business -- businesses. you mentioned those in the green energy space, they have gotten rich. his cronies have gotten rich. the rest of us, we have not felt any of it, just the inflation. so until people's lives get better with this president, joe biden's poll numbers are not going to go up. >> rachel: it is a very good points. if you want to change the message coming from the media and for people, what people are feeling, but they don't want to change their policies. and will be interesting to see what happens. put his numbers for any lower? we will have to find out. i think they can.
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thank you, sean. i will see you after the show. up next, al gore says a billion migrants are coming to your door. ♪ ♪ when moderate to severe ulcerative colitis takes you off course. put it in check with rinvoq, a once-daily pill. when i wanted to see results fast, rinvoq delivered rapid symptom relief and helped leave bathroom urgency behind. check. when uc tried to slow me down... i got lasting, steroid-free remission with rinvoq. check. and when uc caused damage rinvoq came through by visibly repairing my colon lining. check. rapid symptom relief... lasting steroid-free remission... ...and the chance to visibly repair the colon lining. check, check, and check. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin cancer; death, heart attack, stroke, and tears in the stomach or intestines occurred. people 50 and older with at least 1 heart disease risk factor have higher risks. don't take if allergic to rinvoq as serious reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. put uc in check and keep it there with rinvoq.
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♪ ♪ >> rachel: al gore has made a lots of predictions that have never panned out. in 2009, he said there was a 75% chance, the polar ice caps would melt by 2016. guess what. they are still here. in 2006, he said sea levels could rise 20 feet in the near future. they have gone out a couple inches in the last three decades. the only thing that has risen his al gore's bank account. his faulty predictions have made him a very, very rich man. and now al gore is saying if we don't all start driving electric cars, there's going to be a brilliant man migrant caravan. >> the scientists who warned us of these mega storms and the floods and mudslides and droughts and the ice melting and the seam level rising and the storms getting stronger and the tropical diseases and climate
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migrants crossing international borders in larger numbers, they were dead write and so we need to pay more attention to them now. here's one thing they say. if we don't take action, there could be as many as 1 billion climate refugees crossing international borders in the next several decades. >> rachel: turn on the news, al. there's already a migrant crisis. and they are coming -- if they are going to be a billion ingle goals, is the more reason to finish building the wall? or is it the first democrat to claim the border on the weather? here is aoc. >> it is not a border crisis. is an imperialism crisis. it is latin america. they are going to be experiencing the floods, wildfires, in droughts in a disproportionate rate which has already started migration crisis. >> rachel: micro-nano is the publisher of the climate depot. it is so ridiculous to suggest
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that the immigration problem has anything to do with the weather. it is ironic that she brings up imperialism and poor people. it is the coming into that is hurting poor people in the third world. >> yes. yeah, in fact, it is where it. you think they would love this if this climate migration because the l.a. times, a climate activist, actually wrote that they want more hispanics from the southern border coming in because they are less likely to vote for climate deniers. they are actually -- they actually want hispanics to come in because they think they will vote democrat and they said the quiet part out loud. kamala harris, root causes of climate change, at the bottom line is the climate agenda that is causing massive pain and suffering for people around the world. look at what happened in sri lanka when they went all in all the climate agenda with farming. they overran the presidential policy and try to impose the same thing in the netherlands. but it is coming here for the
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u.s. have john kerry coming after american farmers. they are getting after our energy. that is what causes displ displacement. bad policy could not climate change. 99% drop in crime related deaths over the last hundred years. >> rachel: so watching al gore, just reminded me, what a shot and he is. how rich is he? >> [laughs] he started out when he left the white house, he was worth about a million dollars and then within a few years after, one of the fast -- 100 million and for course, he sold his net worth to al jazeera and he profited off of obama's stimulus and went to a lot of the countries. it is hard to say how rich he is now. he may not be quite a billionaire. but he is pretty close. >> rachel: it is interesting because we talked about how the green new deal has been hurting the third world. it is also impoverishing many americans. i mean, this is a war on american energy. you have called it a war on modern lights. i can't disagree with you more. what our viewers want to know is
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why. you are one of the people who have really imported the y. you believe it is population control. >> yeah, i mean, al gore -- yeah, they want less people. that you went to climate activists have said the carrying capacity is only about a billion people but you have to remove about 7 billion people. al gore bill gates event with bill gates sitting next to him lamented that africa would have more population than china and india combine by mid century and he urged ubiquitous fertility management, or whatever that means. you can imagine what that means. but that is what he was urging for that. so make no mistake. he is saying we're going to have to give up our freedoms unless we tackle climate change. he is saying to give up your freedom now to the world economic forum to the u.n., the health organization which wants to declare a public health threat. give it up so that we can then make it so that you won't have to give it up later. he is basically saying give up your freedom now or else you will have to give it up later. the promise is if we give it up not to fight climate change, we
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will never see our freedom again. they won't grant it back to us. >> rachel: oh, it is definitely a liberty issue. the big green climate scam is the biggest form of imperialism that aoc complains about. it is the ultimate western imperialism and they are subjecting not just americans but the whole world to this ideology. mark randall, always great talking to you. i appreciate it. take care. killer robots and christmas surprises. ult. ♪ ♪ eze fade defy plug. and i use this. febreze has a microchip to control scent release so it smells first-day fresh for 50 days. 50 days!? and its refill reminder light means i'll never miss a day of freshness. ♪
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biovanta is the only number one physician-recommended product chosen over all others, including tylenol, mucinex, zicam, and nyquil / dayquil. the combat symptoms and boosts immunity. biovanta really works. >> rachel: will come back. let's see what little post christmas headline roundup with my friend, okay, 'twas the night before christmas and all through the house, a three-year-old boy snuck around like a mouse. he open to each present sitting under the tree and sported a big
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one and needed to see. it was spider-man shooters from the top of his list. they go on your hands and shoot webs from your risk. why did he open the rest of the gifts? his dad says he has a good excuse. >> my son's version of the events is he came downstairs and wanted to open all the presents and was confused and they all knew what they had gotten. that is his story. >> rachel: this is my favorite story. i think of the entire christmas season. the three-year-old comes down and opens the doors at 3:00 a.m., everyone is sleeping. he opens the entire family's presence. he just wanted to make sure everyone was not confused. >> this is a parent' purpose worst nightmare. that poor six-year-old brother that he had, the prince had to go and rewrap it and use the old wrapping paper because they had run out of wrapping paper. now, i am going to confess, i
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did something very much like this. >> rachel: as a child. >> my sister and i got up before my kids, we unwrapped a couple gifts. we played with them. it was a little ms. pac-man. you remember those? we wrapped it. back up and put it back under the tree. yeah. >> jesse: up next, when robots attack. watch this. so according to an incident report a tesla robot attacked an employee leaving him battered and bloodied. the robot which was designed to move car parts sank its metal claws into his back and arms. is the robot revolution already here. >> julie: that was actual webcam video from inside the tesla factory, which is amazing that we are able to obtain it. >> rachel: this actually came out a while ago. they hid the story.
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>> julie: 2101 is when this happened. i'm not going to lie, tesla annoys me. i don't like electric cars. and then i think robots in place of humans taking the jobs of humans is annoying. this was an accident waiting to happen. robots should not be doing the jobs of humans. >> rachel: i cannot agree with you more. if fox started to have a robots, it is going to start going to start with the weather department and so i think -- okay. yeah. no, we are all going down. and finally, they are those canadian women is taking tree hugging to a whole new level. she says she is in love with an oak tree. watch this. >> began to stop daily at this particular oak tree and i began to lean against it and hold it and feel held by it and i noticed that i was experiencing erratic -- erotic attraction. >> rachel: what is your take? >> julie: i could understand why she would fall in love with a three. it is not talk back.
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it since there. it does not disagree. it does not argue. i say go for it. but erotic? that is going a little far. stimulating, is, because i do all the talking. i actually am going to look for an oak tree after the show. >> rachel: i'm not sure about ecosexualism. it is super twisted. >> julie: i identify as a branch. >> rachel: she sounds very -- i'm going to pray for her. >> julie: the giving tree, that was sweet. they fell in love with humans by a tree. great lovers, i guess. >> rachel: julie, we love you. >> julie: i love you. >> rachel: that is all for tonight. all right, that is all we have tonight. thanks for joining us. i guess make sure that you watch from the kitchen table podcast. stay tuned for julie. sean hannity is next. ♪ ♪
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