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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  December 27, 2023 4:00am-5:00am PST

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♪ >> griff: we begin this second hour of "fox & friends" with this: secretary of state anthony blinken and homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas are expected to head soon to mexico to meet with mexico's president obrador about the growing migrant crisis. >> joey: this is coming as a massive caravan -- can you see it there -- is moving toward the u.s. why cbp faces a record number of migrant encounters. >> carley: david spunt joins us live from washington with more. hi, david. >> hi, this is a big trip for secretary of state blinken and homeland security mayorkas. a way to end a record year for illegal border crossings into our country. cbp sources reveal to fox news more than 35,000 migrants crossed the border over christmas weekend. adding to more than 730,000 migrant encounters in less than three months. as we have reported, some people
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aren't getting court dates for seven or eight years from now because of the backlog in immigration courts. now, what to do. well, the administration hoping that having the president's top diplomat head to mexico city to meet with the mexican president will do something poor across the border. blinken and mayorkas will be there only for today, returning tonight. the official release ahead of the trip reads as following: secretary blinken will discuss unprecedented irregular migration in the western hemisphere and identify ways mexico and the united states will address border security challenges, including actions to enable the reopening of key ports of entry across our shared border. we are waiting for blinken too take off and head to mexico. griff, you have covered the border many times. when you read that in this
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statement preview. enable key ports of entry across our shared border beginning of the new fiscal year 700,000 migrant encounters. david spunt live for us in washington. >> thanks. give griff the statement said they are going to address the regular migration in the western hemisphere, it's like no, no, no. you have a u.s. mexico border on fire. having economic impacts port of. we have the are billions of dollars a year not millions. look at caravan in beats la
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huixtla. many grow to 15,000 we're told are from cuba, haiti, and honduras. now, honduras isn't facing a brutal dictator butting their lives at threat. that's a country with a poor economy most of these migrants want jobs. that's what they are coming for. as you pointed out this morning carley so well there is the banner that says. [in spanish. [? >> not coming for fear. brandon judd national border patrol council talks about what he expects of this meeting and what may come of it, it's not much. listen. >> we are setting ourselves up for failure because we are expecting another country to fix our problem they are never going to do it. it comes down to incentive. do they have the incentive to stop this taking place and they don't. the cartels are generating billions of dollars for the mexican economy. so all of this chaos that we see
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that's hurting our country is helping mexican government unless we are willing to give them something they are not going to do anything or unless we come from a position of power. and that's what i don't think blinken and mayorkas is going to do. it's a fool's errand. this administration knows by sending them down there they are going to get the mainstream media to say oh, look, they are doing something. they are doing something. , when in reality, nothing is going to change. >> carley: yeah. so i think it's such a fascinating side by side massive caravan of people are going through mexico to illustrate the exact problem they will be talking about and expectations across the board are so low for deliverables of this meeting for political reasons on both side. mexico as you were saying yesterday, griff, the president of mexico has political calculations of his own as to why he is afraid to turn these
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migrants away so 19 biden administration. caravan i'm sure their expectations or they will be let into this country get a court date 10 years down the road and by that time they're here to stay government officials, i wonder if mexican president obrador trump they are not sending best and brightest. send a couple guys down here continue to take losses in their job. that's a little bit of a joke there. honestly, if you are coming to him hat in hand, what can you give me? like brandon judd you don't have anything to offer or probably more importantly or best case scenario you are not coming from a position of strength this is what we will do if you don't. this is another way to maybe ease the talking point coming out of the holidays going into the new year we are making strides. kamala harris famously went to the root of the problem. what did we get out of that.
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griff, you would know before the two of us. nothing. we got more migrants showing our viewers blinken getting on plane. kamala harris was not on this. i thought she was the border czar. >> carley: she has been dealing with the root of the issue for three years with little to show for it. >> carley: fox news alert. growing tensions for u.s. forces in the middle east. the navy shooting down antiship ballistic missiles launched by houthis in the red sea. it was the first time the navy has ever done this in battle. >> griff: more than 100 u.s. base targeted by problems since october. including christmas day attack in iraq injured three troops leaving one in critical condition. >> joey: to give us more expertise on this. our next guest knows all about fighting the war on terror. we are having retired navy commander kurt lippold and he is joining us now. commander, thank you for joining us we have talked about this. i sound like i'm beating a war
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drum here that's not what i'm trying to do. my brothers and sisters and nephew in terror strike groups. already at war. on targets water and on land. we are not taking that seriously here at home. perhaps even the administration. give us your assessment of all of these attacks and now three service members injured one in critical condition. >> well, joey, i think you are absolutely right. right now the united states is in a period of extreme strategic danger. look at what is happening rush, china and especially now with iran when we send our men and women forward to defend our national security interest around the globe, there is an expectation if something were to happen to them, there would be a response by the u.s. government. i lived through the fact that our government didn't respond to the attack on my ship when 17 sailors were killed. and when you look at over 100 attacks now on u.s. forces with virtually nothing being done that is cause for concern for not only the men and women that serve our great nation but also
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the american people, because what it is sending a signal is that we are unwilling or unable to defend our national security interests around the globe. griff griff kirk, i want to ask you why is this this organizatis not be terrorist designation: they have been launching attack after attack. remember in november that video of armed houthi rebels looked lilike a hollywood movie. if that's not terrorism none i don't know what. >> why the biden administration has not moved more swiftly to designate them as a terrorist organization. they moved from disenfranchised minority challenged the government that was saudi arabia backed earlier several years ago, and they have created problems. but now iran is using them as one of their proxies to continue disrupt and destabilize the middle east. they are giving them weapons
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that are now being used in a terrorist stick fashion. so, consequently they should be designated as a terrorist organization. at the end of the day, griff, i think what you have to look at is we have to solve the problem, not the symptoms. and the problem is iran. we must at some point come to grips with the fact that iran is behaving as a terrorist nation and they are threatening not only us, not only israel. but the entire region. >> carley: the united states has announced this coalition of 10 countries to respond to these attacks in the red sea by the houthis. it was about two weeks ago that that announcement was made clearly that hasn't been a significant enough deterrent. what should the united states do? and not just the u.s. these missile attacks in the red sea are targeting ships from countries around the world. >> cashly what it's going to come down to simple but effective word that is leadership. president biden needs to exhibit
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the kind of leadership that the nation is yearning for right now. when we started with this coalition that we were building to protect maritime traffic in the red sea, the strait of ba ba man deb. the gulf of aden, the bottom line is many countries said they were willing to participate but not allow their ships to come under u.s. control. why? because they don't have faith in u.s. leadership right now we are going to put together a coalition that is going to be able to defend it. consequently what have you is the united states is not acting in a manner that is going to safeguard that maritime traffic and you're going to have these shipping companies that are going to continue to be reluctant to send their ships through the suez canal, through the red sea and consequently you have a disruption of maritime traffic around the world, which the united states cannot afford because that sends a signal to china when it comes to the south china sea. >> carley: it is all connected. kirk lippold, retired navy commander.
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thank you so much for joining us. >> thank you, carley. >> carley: coming up georgia poised to be president biden's election state? a tough matchup. we will talk to voters on the ground who can explain why. >> griff: first, too little too late to apologize. doctors against genocide scrapping an event at the holocaust museum. only after major public outcry. douglas murray reacts do that outrageous story. ♪ oordash, so you don't have to leave the couch. oof! that was fast. mucinex. available on doordash. it's comeback season.
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>> griff: group of anti-israel physicians. only after serious backlash. doctors against genocide now insisting, quote: the golf our event was to visit the holocaust museum to express our empathy for the horrors of that genocide next guest frurend israel where he got a firsthand look at hamas sites and met with israeli terror victims. fox news contributor douglas murray joining us now. douglas, here is this group of doctors against yi genocide that are going to go to the holocaust museum protest what they sees a genocide in gaza. what about the massacre on october 7th? >> well, i mean, it's -- the whole thing is a what thing,
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isn't it? what on earth did this group think they are? doctors against genocide? everyone is against genocide. i don't see these doctors speaking up in any war. they don't speak up for the actual genocide of christians in the north of nigeria or mass again massacred over the christmas period. groups like this never speak up against gal genocide going on. outrageous libel against israel. what israel is doing in gaza is very far from genocide. it's nothing like genocide it a very precise tactical attack against hamas leadership and hamas leaders who carried out or coordinated the october the 7th massacres inside israel. it's extraordinary to me that people who claim to be professionals or in any way dedicated to truth could ever
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label this action in the gaza genocide. appalling definition of the israeli state. griff griff i'm not a doctor but as i understand it there is hippocratic oath where you are sworn to heal, protect, do everything you can for whoever they are and, yet, this protest and you saw this group on capitol hill, we have been showing you pictures of it, with people like rashida tlaib who censured by the house of representatives recently for her position, which is essentially boils down to jew hatred. >> oh, yes. i mean, that's absolutely certainly at the root of this. i'm interested in the way in which these accusations, these allegations, these smears and libels get so much attention. you know, if you poll young americans about their attitudes towards, this a large number, actually, do think there is some kind of genocide going on in gaza rather than a war. and that's because professionals
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like these adults, the people meant to be adults in the room, get away with this kind of activism in the guise of being professionals. and they get away with making accusations just simply flat out wrong. i mean, for instance, if the years since 2005, when israel disengaged from gaza and handed gaza over to the palestinians, everyone of course they voted in hamas who then killed other palestinians and had a r reign f terror. population grew the population of gaza has risen by almost 1 million. almost 1 million what do doctors think they are doing they are proveably demonstratively lying. they are misleading american youth among others who should be able to trust doctors to have some connection to truthfulness. >> griff: douglas, in the last 30 seconds i have got on that point and, again, everybody is agree to their first amendment rights and to express themselves how they want, but what message
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does this send to american jews doctors are saying? >> well, i mean, it's very clear. groups like these are trying to make america and every other country in the west the hostile environment for jews. israel is the one jewish state in the world, it is a state most light lied about any state in the world. these people know what they are doing. they know when they select a holocaust museum what they are doing. i think they have their right to say what they think but we, people like me, have the right to say what we think as well and call out these bigots who are using their profession as a cover for making absolutely disgusting smears. >> griff: we will continue to follow and sigh where else they turn up. this protest canceled. we will see if there are more. douglas murray, thanks for joining us. >> great pleasure. >> griff: carley, send it over to you. >> carley: more headlines to get to. a person is in critical condition after a mall shooting in tulsa, oklahoma yesterday evening. officers are still looking for a suspect.
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tulsa police say two people were arguing just outside of one of the north exterior doors of the mall. the argument turned into a fight and the suspect pulled out a gun and shot the victim. according to police, a suspect left the mall property starting on new year's day california will be finding stores that don't have a gender neutral toy section for kids. the bill which was signed in 2021 requires stores with more than 500 employees to have gender neutral displays for child care items. if they don't, they could face a $250 fine for their first violation and a $500 fine for every other violation and those are your headlines. still ahead, it's been nearly three months since hamas' brutal attack on israel and the ensuing war and for all that time israel's volunteer medical service has been saving lives on the frontline. we get an update from the
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remarkable organization coming up next. ♪ my a1c was up here; now, it's down with rybelsus®. his a1c? it's down with rybelsus®. my doctor told me rybelsus® lowered a1c better than a leading branded pill and that people taking rybelsus® lost more weight. i got to my a1c goal and lost some weight too.
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>> griff: coming up live on the fox news channel secretary blinken, secretary mayorkas are in route to mexico city as the massive surge at the border continues. then, at 9:00 a.m. president biden leaving for week long vacation. he and first lady jill biden will ring in the new year from the caribbean island of st. croix, bring your sunscreen. tonight, 6:00 p.m., a big town hall in new hampshire, nikki haley holding that town hall in berlin, new hampshire as the 2024 race for the white house heats up she is in second place
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in the polls closing the gap with frontrunner donald trump. we will see what happens tonight and we will bring you live coverage of these events on the fox news channel. carley? >> carley: we certainly will. thank you, griff. it has been nearly three months since hamas' brutal attack on israel and the ensuing war to eradicate the terrorist group from gaza. for all that time, united and all volunteer emergency medical service in israel has treated the wounded throughout the country. when we last checked in with them back in october, their critical medical supplies enough to last a year completely depleted. what can do you to help? united hat zal la who embedded with them after the october 7th terror attacks who indicate how crucial this work is you say
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it's volume material at its finest. what do you mean by that? >> yes. i think that ellie beer is one of thousands of points of light in a world that is quite dark right now and the situation is very dire in israel. elly is someone who gives people hope and really renews our faith in mankind and in woman kind as he deploys this amazing volunteer base that responds to emergencies within minutes and i saw it firsthand by myself when i was there elly is a hero in a world where we often overuse that word. he is a true hero in every since of the manner. he really is. >> carley: now we can speak to that hero elly. and i know you don't do it for the praise but you do do such good work i don't think there is something like united hats la in
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the united states something bad happens and you come rushing in 90 seconds before traditional ambulance services arrive to really bridge that gap. what have you seen and experienced since october 7th? how have things changed for your organization? >> first of all, we see a really bad increase of people who have blood pressure related emergencies such as heart attacks heart attacks and stress. leads them to car accidents at work pressure over the people in israel. i never saw this before we have been to wars and situations before. ing people under pressure. people serving in the idf now. so many people have family members leading to more
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emergencies than ever. something we definitely see now happening. >> carley: wow, and emergencies that i don't think a lot of people have considered because this is such an emotional time for everybody in israel. you experienced a lot of what this organization does. you say that you what experienced a rescue mission in real time. can you tell us about that? >> yes. well, there were seller of them i was on my way to a meeting with eli. i received a notification on my map in israel you keep your phones closes because there are apps that alert you when there are missiles heading your way and apps that alert you when there are terror incidents in your vicinity. we did receive an alert there was a terrorist incident. traffic came to a halt. we knew it was within just a very short distance of where we were sitting in traffic. and then by the time i got to
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united hat sla it was relatively empty there really were i asked where everybody was and of course they were a few blocks away responding to this incident. in fact, they saved lives. it was in real time i was listening to the radio transmissions. he a emotional time. 24-year-old pregnant woman was killed in this terrorist incident and others were injured. but eli and his crew saved lives. and it wasn't planned that day, obviously. we don't hope for these things to happen. but i was able to see them do what they do best ellie how does your organization respond so quickly? >> well, the whole mission of the organization is to have volunteers on motorcycles, we call them ambulance cycles. deployed everywhere. they are all volunteers. they don't get paid.
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if something happens, we have an app. that alerts them that someone nearby them is choking, having a heart attack requested forbid violent attack or shooting. we have volunteers jewish, muslims, and christians they run to the scene and get there in 90 seconds. that's the goal 90 second response. paramedics on motorcycles, the fastest medical response in the world. we're lucky to have that because we county traffic and situation we have in israel we must get there immediately when people are so in a situation where we could save them and prevent brain damage and that's how we get there so quick. we just jump out of work. we jump -- this is not the people's jobs. volunteer volunteers of united hatzalah are trained but they don't get paid for it. >> carley: remarkable what you
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do. your services are free available 24 hours a day seven days a week. i know some viewers will want to help you save lives. eli, if people want to donate where can they go. >> go on our website it's israel go on and donate vests like you see in the pictures here. medical supplies, even ambulances or motorcycles, all of these necessary medical equipment and machines are all going to be used very soon on the field. it's a good time right before the new year to support a great cause of saving lives, no matter who you are. we are not a political organization. we are just a life-saving group of people. 7,000 of us. >> carley: 7,000 strong. mindy thank you for shining light on this organization and eli, thank you for all the good
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work you do to save lives. >> thank you for you, for everything you do. >> thank you, carley, happy new year. >> carley: happy new year we talk to voter on the ground to explain why. with the freestyle libre 2 system, know your glucose level and where it's headed. no fingersticks needed. manage your diabetes with more confidence. freestyle libre 2. try it for free at
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>> joey: welcome back a key swing state he barely run my home state of georgia may be president biden's toughest challenge. in a potential rematch against donald trump. back in 2020, biden won georgia by just under 12,000 votes but recent polls show him lagging behind trump. so what do the voters think? i'm going to bring in some voters and ask them now. we have a panel from georgia tina and g.o.p. voter dorothy harp and john german. thank you guys for joining us. listen i'm a georgian. i live in georgia. probably a little more rural area than some of you guys. i find this incredibly interesting because of how 2020 transpired. we have two democratic senators but governor kemp is incredibly popular won his re-election pretty quickly. tina, i want to go to you first.
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>> okay. >> joey: you live there. you call yourself an independent voter. president trump and president biden you said you are looking it for someone to bring the two parties together. do you see that possible with either biden or trump to get legislation done. >> i think it's a hot mess between those two if they are going to be our choices. i think it's kind of like which one do you pick? which devil do you pick, right? i think it's one of those things where they both have major, major issues for the american voters. i think that people don't know like myself who to vote for we are looking at capability. we are looking at integrity. and we just don't have the right candidates right now. and i think georgia, those 12,000 votes may swing a different direction if we get the right candidate. >> joey: you know, dorothy, tina brings up integrity. i don't know that we get to say that with politicians very often. we have president trump who has
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legal problems around the country. we have president biden who republicans in congress feel like they're really getting close to finding out that he may have broken the law or done something unethical. you live there in fulton county. and there is a court case against president trump there. do you feel like president trump -- because you say you support him as the nominee. do you feel like that was galvanized georgians toward trump or doesn't factor in because ever the policies that he showed in his first term? >> i don't believe it effects any policies because i believe that the people want someone back in office who will put america first and with the policies that president trump had we didn't have all these inflation we are having today about gas prices, our homes, our rent. and everything we associate with around living expenses going up and continue to go up. president trump will be our
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nominee. i think he can get this country back on the right track. >> joey: dorothy, you spout out common sense there things that matter to us as americans maybe not partisan politicians on who can win and who can't. john, i want to come to you, you are over there in consumption, georgia where my family grew up. it's a little bit more rural. you are strongly supporting president trump and that has a lot to do with it. >> i certainly am. joe biden who can't put a complete sentence together. is he going toned up being proven [inaudible] really no surprise considering that he is a lifetime politician. but we do need somebody who has some common sense. is he not in the back pocket of the chinese or anybody else to actually make some good decisions for the american people prices for food, gas, energy right now is actually a big deal. power bill shooting up about 15% i want to say it's ridiculous.
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we need somebody to know what we are going through quid pro-joe has no idea what americans are going through nor does he care quite frankly. >> joey: tina, throw this question back to you president biden won the state in 2020 narrowly. we have a presidential election coming up but first we have a primary. do you think president trump will be the nominee and do you think he will win the state? >> i mean, he should be the nominee. and, you know, if people are tired of living under the current conditions like they say they're, they should vote for trump. i mean, just because for the common sense that when we were under trump initially we were doing well. and now we are not. >> joey: dorothy, tina, let each of you answer quickly. will president trump win be the nominee and win the election. >> i think trump has got to get the nomination. i just think if he pats it down just a little bit or a lot, and he might, with the economy and inflation 30%, grocery spike, he
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might just win. >> joey: we call that bless your heart diplomacy. dorothy to you. >> bless your heart diplomacy. >> yes. i believe that the people have made their choice and i believe that when we look back over and see what 2020 we went through with 2020, people don't want the repeat of 2020. so we are going to put forward and vote for president trump. so we can get this country back on track like it is supposed to be. put america first always. >> joey: tina, dallas-fort worth think, jon, thank you so much for joining us. >> thank you. >> joey: thank you for sharing my state with you. >> thank you,. >> happy new year. >> joey: go dogs. >> haughty to they. >> jesus loves you. >> joey: all right. listen college football going with georgians. you are going to get something back. check in with meteorologist adam klotz. is he going to give us a fox weather forecast. >> adam: good morning, joey, a
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little drizzle starting to come down. rain is going to be a part of the forecast in the east coast next couple of days. still tracking that blizzard that's moving across the middle of the country. let's dive right into it. beginning with that blizzard still winding down. you see the temperatures hovering around freezing. still some light snow. still some winds out there. those winds were up to 60, 70 miles per hour. this really is winding down at this point. and we are beginning to focus more and more on what is moving towards the east coast. and this is the rain that i'm just now seeing just a couple dristles from. but you are seeing showers from the carolinas up towards the great lakes. over towards portions of new england. just a small chance of some flooding either today and tomorrow. those are the weather headlines. for now though, i'm tossing it back inside to all of you guys. >> carley: okay. adam, thank you so much. so we have a christmas controversy involving kamala harris in the kitchen to talk about. on christmas she posted this picture. and it says -- she says merry christmas to all. may your day be filled with
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love, family and good food, ps, we are has been christmas beef wellington. and if you see in the bottom right of your screen, there is a gas stove in the background. and this may seem familiar. why is that, griff? >> griff: because the gas stove that you see in that photo first was seen on thanksgiving from this photo, from our family to yours, happy thanksgiving. there it is again. >> carley: prominently displayed in that one. >> griff: as a gas stove owner and i do all the cooking in my family. if there was beef wellington be served i would be stuck figuring out how to cook it. gas vs. electric is night and day if you have ever cooked anything. because can you control the heat on a gas stove you cannot. on an electric stove. so i think this is her subtle way of sending signals to gas stove owners i still got you. i know what we're doing but i still got you. >> carley: the comments are so
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funny. everybody -- just like a little portion of the tiny bit of the right-hand side. but, of course, there was a couple months ago the biden administration was considering possibly a ban on future sales of gas stoves and then there was all this controversy and they said it wasn't us, it was another organization. so everybody is hitting back now. >> joey: it can't be a rules for thee but not for me thing. what really bothers me about it you see this picture right here. you actually see two normal looking people like getting ready for dinner. >> carley: they look like a cute couple. >> joey: could you not be that version of yourself more often? if you could give us that more often you could win people over. i don't mean like in the kitchen looking normal and happy and doing something other than repeating the same line over and over again. so, when i see these pictures, the gas stove stuff, i know the hypocrisy is there. but it does remind me if our politicians are normal people sometimes, does that mean they are so purposefully not when they are out doing their stuff.
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>> carley: nervous. >> joey: makes me wonder how some people. >> carley: i actually agree with you. i noticed how -- i thought both pictures the thanksgiving one and now this christmas one the stove is funny and the comment section is hilarious. they look so cute together. it is nice to see the vice president sort of let her hair down in a way, at least in a still photo. as much as we can get. >> griff: i can't even see the couple. i just z. the gas stove. i'm for real legitimate worried that he they're going to come for the gas stove and other apalestinianses. listen to john kerry and the administration in the midst of all the problems in the world they are still saying that the climate is the biggest concern and, you know, the gas stove is not where we are saving the planet, people. let me just put that out there right now. see, twice, once maybe hypocrisy. twice is intentional. this is a coincidence she standing for the gas stove. >> carley: new york city made that crack down on wood fired ovens. people were saying she is eating
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red meat on a gas stove, two things democrats are trying to ban. [laughter] >> griff: good for her. >> joey: maybe she is tired of biden, too, and we are winning her over. who knows. >> griff: we shall find out indeed. sympathy for the devil. a kansas city school district giving the green light to students looking to establish an after school satan club. joins us next as district officials come under fire. ♪ hi, i'll have the avocado toast... minus the avocado. so, toast? yeah. everything is so expensive these days. hey, chevy gets it. that's why they're keeping prices down to earth. like on the most affordable ev in america. ♪ a super strong and capable chevy truck. ♪ and a high-tech chevy suv. ♪ why is chevy making affordable vehicles, connected by onstar? so together we can do more.
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>> outrage this morning as student's request for after-school satan club is approved at a high school in a
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kansas city suburb. >> ainsley: our next guest signed the petition and gregory austin joins us now. can you believe you are on tv talking about a satan club at a high school? how do you feel about it and so many other parents, as well? >> no, i didn't expect to have this conversation right after christmas. i'm shocked and surprised this would be on the table as a discussion. i signed it and posted on my facebook and thought community pressure would prevent the club. not allowing the club would not be winnable in court.
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why is this happen something what is the root cause of this club? we all want to feel love and significance if any of the young people have felt purse cuted, we failed in our mission to love our neighbors as ourselves. i don't like the club is there, it was founded based on our constitution. >> joey: the club established and is recognized as a school club. i may be pronouncing this wrong, at onlathe. are these students truly wanting
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to practice this. i remember fellowship of christian athletes brought kids in every morning. is there an effort to make this club active or to get headlines going? >> good question and it is a push, maybe the kids felt marginalized and left out. i don't think they are looking to do anything bad and this church, whatever you call it, this club talk about ben evolene and apathy. i have a message for the students, our country has enough going on and showing people love
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and peace and joy is fundamental to what we are taught by jesus, but many christians miss the mark. show kindness, they are seeking belonging and it is our job to share that truth to them and be an example by loving behavior to begin with. >> griff: great message, greg, thank you for coming on and talking to us. we couldn't believe it. check the bylines, suring there is a clause that says ink inconsistent with ideals and beliefs. >> carley: third hour of "fox and friends" starts right now.


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