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tv   The Five  FOX News  December 27, 2023 2:00pm-3:01pm PST

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hundreds of thousands of. >> they ran they would be more humane on the border. it's not humane taking thousands and thousands of people who we have no idea what their background is and motivations to come into the united states whether they care about america or not. that terrorist threat. terrorist watch list at the border are higher than they have ever been. deaths higher than they have ever been. more criminals coming in than ever before. that is not humane for the american people. it's not humane for the people pipeline. >> charles: we have to leave it there, my friend. sadly this topic won't go away. thanks for watching. catch me tomorrow fox business, making money with charles payne on at 2:00 p.m. eastern time. for now i leave you with "the five." ♪ ♪
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>> katie: i'm katy pavlich along with tyrone, joey jones, kennedy. >> katie: and he's out of office. well, not yet. president biden using the kid stairs and stepping foot down in warm st. croix for the long holiday weekend. joe was hoping for a little rest and relaxation nearly 2,000 miles away from all the problems he is facing in washington which now includes an impeachment inquiry. his son hunter's two indictments and the doom spiral at the border. the big guy is already on island time, skipping a year end news conference. not surprising why he is avoiding the press. who would want to answer the question why you have the worst year end rating of any modern president seeking re-election? biden probably also wants to get away from democrats bickering over whether he has a shot at a
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seconds term. some are more candid about their concerns inch think trump could win. he could win in pennsylvania. i think the thing that biden has to do. he has got to enlarge the youth vote and minority vote. he has got to say to people here is why you vote and here's why it's important you vote. have to get that sense of hope back. i think the word hope is very important like it was for barack obama. >> it sounds to me like if you think if the election were held today biden would lose? >> me and everybody else. >> katie: senator john fetterman use this as another opportunity to tell james carville to shut the bleep up. my man was not been relevant since rung was a thing. >> kennedy: i think exception. rung was a thing. rung forever. >> i think what james carville is trying to do what david axelrod is trying to do what jessica car love tries to do.
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although the bite ites are wonderful propagandist and tell us how rose the global economy and stable the picture is. actually the president is in real trouble. unless you telegraph that to people, they are going to be very comfortable with some of the economic numbers that are coming out right now even though a lot of them are feeling the pain i d i don't know what john fetterman is doing other than trying to make fight with every faction of the democratic party. that boy ain't right. >> katie: where are you on the fetterman-carville saga. >> jessica: i'm team carville and team fetterman. i think this is healthy. i think carville still has a place in the party. we are the big tent. he is responsible for one of the more successful modern presidencies, ones that made democrats and republicans happy
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when you are saying the economy is stupid. he figured it out and said we should be running on that. i'm also with john fetterman insofar as and i appreciate how you opened this and saying that we are trying to come truth tellers about this. at this point joe biden is running. there is no primary. there is no getting him off the ballot. so, it doesn't actually help democrats to having this conversation about, you know, dean phillips isn't going to get it done. is gavin newsom going to get in and gretchen whitmer going to get in? this is hot candidate is. we talked about yesterday on the show a lot of positive things about the biden agenda that you could be discussing and fetterman has been doing a good job of that. carville is in a little bit of a grinchy mood, will come around he is the party elder. he goes on tv. >> tyrus: who, biden? >> jessica: wind ask a party elder.
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trump is a party elder and carville is a party elder. >> katie: the numbers are the numbers. comparatively, historically, biden's approve in gallup 39%. trump's at 45%. obama 43%. so, he is having some problems here, joey. and instead of coming out and having year end press conference to talk to the american people about what he thinks are achievements, he bailed on that. when the white house was asked about it, they said well, he had a press conference with the president of ukraine and, therefore, that is enough. >> joey: yeah, it's funny. we had this reporting a couple weeks ago that biden was upset at what the public perception was and he told his team to circle the wagons and come up with the strategy. we realized the strategy was to get him further away from everything. right now anthony blinken might be the most powerful person in d.c. doesn't that make you worried? he is the one that is leading the charge on what is happening with the wars overseas or hat least the diplomacy. is he leading the charge on the southern border we are not in a
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good perception of leadership. i give carville disagreement there. difference in what you caused and what you are responsible for. legislative number one in leadership. i don't care if joe biden has caused all the problems. i care as americans we don't feel like he has the wherewithal to fix them or the team or the policies to fix them. that's going to hurt him with young voters they care about much more if they can get a job and pay for an apartment and hurting him with minorities. those are two factions that democrats think they have the monopoly on. >> katie: tyrus, what is your perspective on vacation from vacation while people are having a hard time with things like inflation? >> tyrus: it's never a good look wherewithal, joey, that was the perfect word. what we are seeing from our president is lack therefore. he barely speaks to the press, when he does speak to the press it's more heavier. it has -- in his last two press conferences have been brutal. now we are seeing the democrats
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are turning the moderate democrats are saying hey, mayor adams he is not speaking to me. sanctuary cities are a mess. carville who lives where i live stating on what he is seeing in the city of new orleans. it's not just in the city. it's spreading everywhere. people are going. that's why we are seeing low numbers and complaining and what we are not getting from like previous administration stuff going on barack obama would give a speech or a press conference and break it down. whether you agree or disagree. you have the information to do what you want queer not getting explanations trump did it or already spoke. that's the scary part. his health must be -- has to be deteriorating a little bit. because we are seeing less and less of the impromptu speeches. no more talking to the reporters from the helicopter. no more of this stuff. he really should have had a press conference going into -- going into the new year.
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>> jessica: this is the usual partisan bickering. we were on tv obama years nonstop golfing 3. 58 personal days of eight years. unless you are jimmy carter who only took 78 days across his four years, did you go on vacation. biden is pacing the same as trump. trump was going to his own places and personally profiting off of that. >> tyrus: he had press conferences. >> jessica: he was rambling. biden give you a ramble and upset about that. >> tyrus: dinners between a ramble. i'm talking fast and saying a lot of things and going -- what? >> kennedy: maybe trump would give you a rumble. going back and forth and engaging the press and insult ising. jim acosta standing up being a blow hard incredibly disrespectful contrast him with peter doocy who would love to
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ask the president right now and two by two with zelenskyy isn't the same thing as a press conference when you have to answer about crime. >> joey: golfing investigations. economy so good haven't been involved in three war the. in fact you didn't start any as a president and the border was a heck of a lot better for most of trump's term. yeah, he took vacation days. biden is outpacing trump, actually. trump didn't take 400 the full first term. >> white house has the problem disconnect between what people are feeling on everyday lice on their economy and what the white house continues to say. it's not the president saying it on a regular basis. it's the white house press secretary. it's their economic advisers. do you think that he would benefit from giving some more access to reporters, not just to answer one or two questions at a press conference about something happening far away from the country but about issues that are affecting americans every single day?
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year end press conference they are not going to do. >> jessica: whether end of year or start of year or just because it's tuesday, i think president biden does well when he speaks to the public. when he talks about he goes to manufacturing plants, he goes to chip plants, et cetera, talks about the jobs that they are bringing back there, he is the ambassador of bidenomics. i have been very critical of his communications team that they're not making it work. whether that's a strategy problem or a delivery problem. and i think that there are some great people who show up and i love that they come on fox like jared bernstein, john kirby is out here all the time talking about what the administration is doing. but it's too far and few between. >> katie: he is the president and he does have the ability to say i want to talk to the press whenever i want. we got to go. shocking new details on the deranged lunatic who stabbed two teenage girls while ranting about how he wanted to kill all white people. ♪ ♪
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♪ >> joey: repeat offenders leaving a trail of carnage in liberal cities. a career criminal with 17 prior arrests randomly stabbing two teenage girls who were visiting new york city on christmas day. the lunatic reportedly yelled "i want all the white people dead." thankfully, both the girls sustained non life-threatening injuries. cops arresting 36-year-old homeless stan steven hutcherson for the ruthless attack. is he facing multiple hate crime charges including attempted murder. two weeks ago houstonerson pleaded guilty to third degree assault after he reportedly threatened to kill a man but the judge let him out. victim in that previous attack telling the "new york post" that hutcherson shouldn't have been on the streets at all. the new york city mayor eric adams is weighing in on what happened. >> any time you have incidents in these high profile locations
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we have to zero in and make the arrest as soon as possible and make sure we get those repeated offenders off our streets. >> joey: kennedy, people don't feel safe because somebody with 17 priors and gun walking around on the streets. >> grand central. want to visit the center iconic and christmassy that's where you go. nice american from south america sitting down and trying to have breakfast. this guy comes up and stabs one girl in the back and the other in the thai. they are very lucky they weren't murdered. that's what he was trying to do. he is has had this intent. the prior with the gun and the man he was telling i don't care if they gave you a green card. go back to where you are from. he is racist. is he violent i don't know what the junction are waiting for to happen next. that's why it feels unsafe because it is unsafe. they are doing a really, really bad job of keeping violent people already committed violent
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felonies off the street. guess what they are going to do. doesn't matter if organized retail theft theft or assaults they are going to do it again. they feel emboldened. i get is he mentally ill. the judge releases him over and over again but to no psychiatric care? it's -- it is mind boggling and not just about feeling unsafe. the mayor is also not doing enough to work with the d.a. to make sure these people are kept off the streets. >> joey: jessica, that's the premise here this guy is insane, i guess. but he is also racist and trying to kill people. is he violent. so, with 17 prior offenses, the most recent one being pulling a gun out or allegedly, holding it to a guy that wasn't white and saying why are you working for white people and then threatening to kill him for going to work justice system he has mental problems they don't want to put him in jail. there is a lot of talk in this city about people the places mentally ill people used to go
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that are shut down and there are reasons for that what's the answer to it. >> jessica: make more of them who run properly and treat people who are mentally ill with dignity and get the care they need. make sure the shelter system isn't overcrowded with people who shouldn't be in it. i have very little bad to say about undocumented people who are here in the country but they have taken shelter beds away from new yorkers and people from chicago and baltimore and all these places who have a right to be part of the system here. and that's a big problem. so there was abuse. should be creating more. i'm not for the island in wherever sending them away to some sort of colony. mayor adams is doing the right thing in talking about feelings because crime and safety is one of those issues that is a feeling issue. that statistics. we went over the last week.
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new fbi stats do not hold up that things are worse than they were. gotten so much better year over year from 2022 to 2023. violent crime, property crime. murder has plummeted at the fastest rate ever recorded those are the facts. there was obviously a huge spike at the beginning of the pandemic it has come down. safer than it was last year. period, end of story. you can't change the way people feel about it products are locked up at cvs. this is happening at grand central where you feel safe or you should feel safe, penn station never feel safe grand central to me. that is the problem. but we need proper humane care. >> katie: on the statistics issues documents cities like new york. a lot of crimes aren't properly recorded therefore the crime stats are going down even though when mayor adams says well people don't feel safe. no, it's not that they don't
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feel safe. there is a big difference between feeling a way and in reality of not being safe. if you can't sit down at grand central, one of the most famous tourist destinations in the entire world on christmas morning with you're family without having lung collapsed by 17-time offender you are unsafe. that is happening all the over the place with people randomly stabbing girls, bodega owners and so interesting that in this city they are really tough on someone who is wanting to follow the rules. wants to get a handgun to defend themselves. if they break any of the laws they are going straight to jail but this guy pulls out a gun and threatens someone with a deadly weapon and he gets out back on the street so can victimize these young girls from another country again. that's the whole point. if you let these people out of jail under the guise of mental illness not an excuse by the way especially if they are violent, they are going to hurt someone else. you are putting innocent people in positions where their lives will be changed forever as a
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result of those decisions. it doesn't have to be that way. >> joey: the shop keeper with video surveillance footage showing he was defending himself with a knife. goes jail no questions asked. have to rally to get him out of jail for defending himself with a knife. this guy has 17 priors, tyrus, he uses a knife and let's hope he stays in jail this time. >> tyrus: here is what is disheartening, the police department -- the defunded police department did their job 17 times they arrested this guy did their part. this guy wants to kill white people he figured out this is a defense he is oppressed. even though he is stabbing people from south america and man of color, doesn't matter. they are doing the hamas thing where we attack, pill alan, do whatever we want to. if you say it's because the other group started it first a million years ago. he says i want to kill all white people. it's a defense now. it's a defense.
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he feels oppressed. he feels something wrong. the way that they are tweaking the system in these cities everyone should be afraid. 17 times. this man was put in cuffs, book him, johnson, and he was turned out in the street. so if you have daughters and it doesn't matter what color you are, if you are a minority and out there going well he wants to kill white people, this dude is stabbing or attempting to kill from want to say. he is not -- he is smart enough to know what to yell because that will get him attention from these groups who say he is oppressed. >> joey: able brings up the best point about this statistics not labeled when you don't have as many cops writing as many police reports and crimes we know this person is going to be held accountable. >> tyrus: 17 time they did their job from. banninggas stoves to cracking down on washing machines. cracking down on your appliances but maybe not theirs ♪ you can't make it run
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♪ old boys own shotgun ♪ we say grace ♪ we say amen ♪
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>> kennedy: democrats had a busy year declaring war on appliances in the name of green energy. but one liberal leader got a pass on her gaffe. kamala is getting burned online, get it? for posting this photo of her and the second hubby doug emhoff cooking up christmas beef wellington, sounds kinky, on gas stove. which regulating and obsessed the biden administration considered banning over health concerns. it's not just gas stoves. biden's anti-crusade is targeting four more types of appliances dishwashers, air conditioners, washing machines and furnaces. had enough nanny state? i have been telling you.
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how about mayor pete going after your wheels? >> the share of evs has been dramatically increasing every single year. and that's continuing. now, our goal is by the end of this decade to be about half and half. i don't know a lot of people who think that americans in 2050 are still going to be driving that old technology, that combustion technology that we inherited from the 20th century. >> americans like it. americans like it. >> you are not going to meet a lot of people who ever go back after they have gone electric. i think that really tells you something. >> kennedy: it tells me that you are an elitist, secretary pete. let's talk about this a little bit. there are people in this country who are still quite fond of the combustion engine. >> joey: nascar got fuel injection in like the last five years. and what i mean by that the reach why nascar all technology waited that long for fuel injection because people at home had spent some time in their life tinkering with a carburetor
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and they wanted that connection with those people. people care about things they can put their hands on and fix. you can't do that with electronic vehicle. you can't do that with a gas powered vehicle that has too many computers running everything else about it. i know that because i have got one that's been in the shop too many times because it has more computers than it docile ders. so the idea that this technology is to the place where people want to abandon something that makes sense to them for something that spontaneously combusts or something that they can't run on e for five miles and get to the gas station they have to wait two hours. evs don't match up with how americans live their lives. if they ever get there, it's a different conversation. but they are not there and not going to be there at 2050. the idea they will take away something like a stove. i mean, fire departments can't make you put out a fire during a burn ban if you need it for heat. so if they are going to make you get rid of your stove that you need to cook with until power goes out? >> kennedy: can't cook on electric stow if there is power
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outage with all this climate change we have seen in texas and california, they have brownouts and blackouts. and there is a weather catastrophe, you want feel die? tyrus that sounds cruel. >> tyrus: it sounds like well they are full of it politely ascii say during the 5 p.m. hour. hustle pete. 20002000 50. you have no idea. enough to idea to figure out how to get the trains point a to point b. >> joey: or the planes. >> tyrus: now 2050. they say these names. pete was smart enough to do it from cubicle. went to husband house there would be a stove n it. the things with the cars. the more the stuff happen. effect people are completely dependent on the government. libertarians and no. i'm going to got other way. i'm currently shopping for like a 57 cheviy. i'm looking for something that worst-case scenario i can take that moon shiny made from the summer and pour it in my tank
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and get away. without worrying about my car freezing up or being tracked or have a little voice tell me you said you are going to cvs why are you making a left at the gas station. you have allotted 15 miles today left on 100 for the week. >> joey: all about control. >> tyrus: they are not going to do it. when the president turns in his corvette and trades it in for an ev, then i will be like let's pay attention. again, the evs just the fact you are making us dependent on china which should be the last thing we would want to do. owns the entire world. money making hustle. combustibles because they know that they at least can hold on. >> jessica: total technology shift. the problem is with the evs sitting on showroom floors.
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>> tyrus: you said word of mouth. most people get the evs come up to and talk down to you. i'm going electric. we call it flossen. the -- they are flossen about their ev call you up it's really cool can i catch a ride? because my ev won't start. >> kennedy: if they were so great people would be snapping them up with all the credit the federal government is offering. climate change and total scam. electric vehicles are not climate neutral, they are not carbon neutral. they take mining in places where you don't want to look because it is so severe for the people getting that cobalt and everything out of the ground with their slave labor and then what do they do? put it on ships that use diesel fuel to get it here. and then they go away or sit in lots like they are because it's costing ford $36,000 per vehicle that they're making with the government subsidy and the government is going to tax us more to subsidize this transfer
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because it's about control. and when it comes to the consequences of this, how do you think that gets out of the ground with diesel. not getting out. ground with electric vehicles. you have these proposals to go after things like gas stoves, that seems silly. in new york. they passed a ban for gas stove hookups for most residential buildings starting in 2026 there are exceptions to hospitals and industrial buildings, why are there exceptions? because fossil fuels work. we have our modern lifestyle as a result of fossil fuels and to take it away and aspect like this is going to cause a lot of human suffering they are not telling you about. >> it's not just gas stoves. dishwashers, washing machines, furnaces, air conditioners, i do not want to be a sticking you're that i know. >> kennedy: contend. >> jessica: just proposals. new york 1 construction.
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not going into people's homes and telling you you have to do it. there are a lot of carveouts. no one is mentioned conversation about getting rid of gas stoves it's because of childhood asthma. gas stoves is responsible for 12 hers of the childhood asthma cases in the america. >> katie: that's not true. >> jessica: 21% of the cases in california. it's a health and safety risk more than it's just about liberals wanting to exert maximum control over the populous that we think we are smarter than. and it's not going to be implemented on a federal level so, yes, in new york city, if you have a problem with it, i'm sure restaurants are going to carveouts too. you go a steakhouse and they are not going to have a gas stove, that's not going to happen for people. but you can't forget the difference between what is actually happening and what could happen. >> regulations and air conditioning units absolutely someone put in and they're not
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necessarily they are certainly not more cost efficient. they are almost 50% more a year for electricity whether it comes fully renewable. >> whether it becomes. >> jessica: no one is coming into your house. >> just wait. >> jessica: temperature gauge is at 68. >> try getting a certificate of occupancy in california. they are coming into your house, they are nitpicking everything and they are making damn sure that you are living up to every overregulated letter and then they will give you the occupancy and then you are squatting. thank god libertarians believe in squatter's rights. >> tyrus: living in louisiana. >> kennedy: with james carville which is odd. >> kennedy: quiet quitting. brand new way new workers are phoning it in. ♪
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>> jessica: quiet quitting, bare minimum mondays and coffee. new ways to put in the least possible effort and avoid return-to-office mandates. the latest is the aforementioned coffee bandaging. workers go into the office long enough to drink a cup of coffee only to slip out of the building. it's apparently a way to comply with the minimum inoffice. 58% of hybrid employees said they were joining the trend. i didn't think this was real. a little shocking. >> katie: i'm a proponent of people working in the environment they are most efficient. you look at these statistics, 22% want to be in office full
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time. 31% hybrid and 41% full remote a lot of jobs where you use a lot of efficiency by commuting to and from the office a lot of waste and time people in the office space people coding or doing work that doesn't require that you be in a collaborative space. but, if this is the rule where your boss wants you to come to the office and they want you to be involved in the office community and the work that you are doing, this kind of cutting corners is pretty infuriating and if this is the job that you are in, the leadership of these offices has the opportunity to say if we see you bandaging in and out and coming for a cup of coffee and not actually doing your job, that's a problem. at the same time they are having trouble keeping workers. the workers have the advantage in a lot of these situations. >> jessica: tyrus, in your book have you advice for millennials. >> kennedy: why not gen z? >> tyrus: what can we say to them? i'm a gen xer. we are boots on the ground. we work. you know, but you work hard in the beginning so you can chill
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out at the end. what somehow got mixed up is they think it's chill in the beginning and turning on at some point at the end. kids, when it's the end, it's the end. okay? this isn't fashion choice. wirthering. >> joey: i feel that tie identify this is the time when i should be looking for my exit strategy. but i dilly dalyed to be polite and now i have to work forever the point is first of all what job is this because i would love a job where i could just -- could i just check none the gutfeld show. call in the middle what it is tyrus is checking in. how are we doing? all right. knock knock, who is there? click, i told my joke i'm good for the month. i have never had a job like this other than sound like computer jobs, coding because i have never had a computer job. i have had a lot of jobs. but what job can you just show up, grab a cup of joe and go?
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i want to know what that job is i might want to fluff up my resume and slide in there to just have a cup of joe and go. like that's an amazing job. i'm with jessica. i refuse to believe that this is a real. >> jessica: or at least 50%. >> tyrus: if you are working your way up, trying to get somewhere and you start at the bottom, that's the last time you don't get to show up. you have to be present. especially if you work hands on, supermarkets, construction. you can't just coffee badge. you got to get your little fingernails got to get stuff called dirt underneath them and work, america. >> jessica: there is this other career career cushioning keep your resume updated for networking events that actually seems what you should be doing. >> kennedy: this the problem with millennials and gen zers. >> katie: not gen z. >> kennedy: absolutely not gen
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zers. i birthed some of them. i know the difference. they think they invented everything. they think they invented leggings. they probably think they invented coffee and all the. >> jessica: scrunchies. >> kennedy: junkies were around in the 80's. they did not invent fanny packs and florescent collars. they did not invent idea of keeping one eye on the bulletin board and figuring out if there is a better job around the corner and making sure you have got your resume all built up and fluffed so if this is your jumping off point you go and leap to a new opportunity. everyone has been doing that forever and i'm sick of people on tiktok trying to take credit for things that have been happening for decades. >> tyrus: human debauchery has been around forever. each group thinks they invented it. you didn't. >> jessica: joey, what do you think? >> joey: i didn't invent anything. i work for a living mailbox
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money. go car washes and mailbox money. already i hear about it past its prime. never got in front of anything. the people who can coffee badge work for the federal government. 20% does all the work. other 80% have been coffee bandaging since the 1990s since bandaging was able to be a thing. maybe that's where this is happening. i don't know much about corporate america. this is the closest thing to corporate america i have ever worked in. this is a very different job here. but, when it comes to gen zer's specifically. i understand the argument of work from wherever you are most efficient. but efficiency is only part of it. if you have three tasks some form working from home that's great efficient my son is 1 years old absolutely brilliant. compared to where we were. it's easy for us to say yeah, can you work from home. in our 20's and 30's we were
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going to college and work. learning to, i don't know, take an insult. learning to, i don't know, not be upset by being misgenderred something like that. we now have a generation of adults, that came to adulthood. before during covid. they are four or five years into it now. they haven't seen the world the way we did and learned from the other people in it the way we did. they learned from it here. we learned how different of a version of yourself so we have a generation be as vulnerable as they are in some way. can't walk into a drive-thru without having interaction with someone that english is their second language. that's the problem with not having people come to work and interact with each other. not learning the idea of we are only as strong as our weakest link or everybody last something worth investing in so even if they annoy you, maybe you should see what it is they do well and
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learn how to work with them. we don't get that anymore. that's the problem. it. >> katie: i grew up in a car wash. there was no mailbox money. i was shoveling mud in a blizzard, okay? taking out the trash. so just to clarify there is no mailbox money coming at the car wash. >> jessica: all right. the fastest is up next. ♪
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2:52 pm
>> tyrus: time for the fastest. first up, this is plain rude, an unfortunate passenger filming every window passenger's nightmare is someone filming over your shoulder. check this out. ♪ >> okay. that dude is getting way too close to comfort so he can take photos of the outside of the plane. you know what in the more i watch it, the more -- you no, no, no. just so happens she has the camera in perfect position to
2:53 pm
catch him like enough of this. this is the -- you are going to have to take heat on this one just like when dx messes up we have to own it. this is the problem with the group. they try to create random acts of oh, i can't believe this is happening to me looking clearly asked to take a picture. >> take this back to the last segment. she doesn't have the skills to have a conversation with him to go hey, maybe don't do that how about, you know, take three pictures or interact with him enough decent person. cute old man wants to take pictures and stand up and say don't do it. i do take issue with the characterization. every window seat nightmare is watching the engine fall off. >> tyrus: person next to you giving birth something way more stickier. >> kennedy: i'm a window seat
2:54 pm
flier so if a guy reaches over me repeatedly, do you know what i'm going to do. latch on to his arm and go and just hold ton his arm and not let it go the whole flight. >> tyrus: counter his creep with a much higher creep. >> kennedy: much higher creep. only way to do it. >> jessica: i don't get people that like the window seat. i also go to the bathroom like 700 times on a flight i feel so guilty even asking one time to get out that i wouldn't do it. i like the stage analysis. as an elder, elder millennial i'm terrible with my phone. i would have never been able to capture it perfectly. >> tyrus: explain on behalf of all gen z. i don't have to be a scientist. millennial. >> i will show myself out. >> miss generationing me. >> tyrus: this is made up.
2:55 pm
please don't reach across me. >> katie: people lean in before. if i were in her position i would say do you want me take it for him that way he would know it's inappropriate. >> i feel like this might be a parent. that's how i feel. >> that's her dad now? >> i feel like this is a parent. we are done with this segment. i'm so upset with it. one more thing is next. ♪ i'm going back some day ♪ come what may ♪ to blue
2:56 pm
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2:58 pm
2:59 pm
>> katie: time now for "one more thing." kennedy? >> kennedy: my hometown of portland, oregon may have a horrible mayor and worse d.a. therapy llamas to calm weary travelers' nerves when you are walking around the airport give them a kiss. llamas love you and keep you warm, too. >> tyrus: that llamas spit. speaking of spit i'm spitting some facts here.
3:00 pm
already sold out he i doing exta night. encore performance. so we're going to add more dates as the year guess, depending on my coffee bandaging at the old -- [laughter] >> tyrus: tonight hosting the gutfeld show and pretty much have half the cast. kennedy, katie, we're just doing big things. so check us out. check out my new book. >> katie: there you go, joey? >> joey: check this out. this truck driver had his worse nightmare come to fruition. my worst nightmare. looks like something out of a spiderman movie. brother is a fireman, rescued him. he won't have insurance to drive anymore, probably. >> katie: thank you, firefighters, always and first responders. that's it for us. see you tomorrow. ♪ ♪


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