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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  December 27, 2023 10:00pm-11:00pm PST

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some facts here. i've got here. we got up to go in. o it's already sold out. espositoi, california. so we're doing a an extra nightr and encore performance, so we're going to add more dates as the year goes, dependinmy cog on my coffee badging at the old fox news and of course, tonight, i'm hosting the gutfeld show. and i pretty much have half the cast of kennedy. >> katie, we're just doingmy big things, so check us out if you get a chance. check out my new book. , joey >> there you go. all right. oey: chey. e awa yeah. check this out. so this truck driver had nightiont nightmare kind of fruition. >> my worst nightmare looks like something out of a he wer-man. sometf movie. that's insane. thankfully, the fireman, above all the firemen level, they rescued him. >> he just is not gonna be able to have insurance to drive anymore. probably. firefiall righghterst.nd first . well, thank you. firefighters always and first responders. that's it for us. see you tomorrow. elcome t
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>> welcome to a special edition of jesse walker's prime time. i'm rachel campos-duffy, and i'm in for jesse. biden's cabinet met with the mexican president today. s cabinethe meeting was closed e press and biden's team didn't talk to reportermeeting s or hod a press conference. but we know that the mexicanepos president wants america to send even more money to mexico and other latiesidennxico american countries. money to fund the governments that keep sendind otg illegal migrants to america. nobody in that meetingl migran d to secure the border. there's too much in it for muc everyone involved. this is more cynical and sinister than you can imagine. whil while the idea is to make you sick, joe biden is doing something about the flood of migrants coming to americante the meetings are actually about how they can facilitatriee the flow more efficiently. >> during the meeting, the mexicaiciently.n president y said he wants america to reopen border crossings. s no
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this is not a prevention mission. it's a coordination and funding mission. fu meanwhile, the caravans are gaining steam and pushing north. the latest caravan could get as big as 15,000 illegals. they come from 24 different countries like iran, syria and senegal. where's biden? on a tropica l island sipping on a pina colada. he just got back fronm his christmas vacation and now he's going on another vacation fo now he'r a week, this time is caribbean. biden is soaking up the sun while a monster caravan barrels towards an already overwhelmed border. democrat mayors are starting prs to feel the pressure. >> you cannot continueur to do the federal government's job. we have spoken to fema and other federal officials who have expresseder concern about the borders surge, but not offered additional help. help. we need action and we need it now.
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the federal government must take responsibility and lead on this humanitarian mt ta crisc instead of leaving it for cities and localitieris to hande . >> do not do this alone. we need more support from the federal government. we need the federal government to lean in to providencia more financial assistance. and our cities have reached a point where we are either close to capacity or nearly out. of room without significant intervention from the federal government. >> make no mistake, these mayors are not calling fore not the borderca to be closed. they just want more federal money to process illegals. and what about small border towns like eaglean small pass? they only have a population of 30,000, but theopulatioy ther get thousands of migrants coming through their town. here's their mayor . >> this is unacceptable. our city here in eagle pass, we've been getting slammed
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with 2 to 3000 people a day. and it's just an0 to unfair, unethical situation. >> what's going on here in eagle pass? wen unfair tuation. feel ignored by the fel government. i called to the government that we need action. >> biden is breaking recordsat in the number of known terrorists and chinese nationals who are crossingte through our country. our open border is one of our securityreats.l threats. my next guest is an arizona next rancher who is raisingis i the alarm about cartel scoutsis on american airlines. jim chilton is here now. jim, thank you for joining us tonight. tell me about whatt what you're seeing in the mountains, our mountain ye seeis. s. my ranch.>> it has five and a half miles of the international boundary and i have five motion activated camera. so wha so what i'm saying is this thousands of people cominge comg through dressed in camouflage carpet d shoes and backpacks.
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and i am told by the border patrol that at least 20% are packing drugs. 3050. that means 2400 are coming through and getting through via a patrol apprehends only about 20%. so i'm really concern that the focus is not securing the internationafol border. the focus is not on preventing people coming into the united states illegally. and i'm reallycoming focused on the possibility focu. rorists coming through >> well, sure. theran, there have been a record number of known terrorists who have come across the border since joe biden was in officcomecee. you alerted border patrol. has the fbi reached out to you just in any way, shape or form e
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? no. the fbi has sent in a border h patrol good guys. their problem is this. they've been directem d. to process people. i haven't seen a border patrol agent on my ranch for over three three months. the border is abso totally open, and the places like sosebee and nogales and louisville, they're processing people, and they essentially are decoys. processieople anbecause. right. so you. you actually had the experience your wife did of having ms13 gangs knock on your door. what happened? well, my wife very intelligently realized that they were ms1ligently3 bece of their tattoos and she would not let them in the house and would not leet them use aa teleh telephone. >> and she politely asked
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whether they were hungry and they said yes. so she made some sandwiches and passed them on. >> and they had a picnic lunch on our picnic table. and then they went on to. yeah, well, it's really awful. >> it's really awful. well, i'm sure that must hav. e just terrified you when you came home and found out your wife just gave a bunch of gang memberd wife ja bus lunc picnic table. but you're right. this is this is absolutely intentional. thank you for alerting us for what's going on. and we hope that law enforcement will do more. but sadly, it doesn't look like they will. well, an old and old cowboy me wouldn't give you a steer. jim chilton, thank you for til joining us. thanton,k you. >> all right. we're back with a fox news alert. the michigan supreme court has has a major democrat blow, shutting down an attempt to remove donald trump fromprimr
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the state's primary ballot, meaning donald trump will stay on the ballot in michigay n. all week, democrats thought michigan would be next after a few radica be nel judgesdges o on the colorado supreme court ruled that donald trump was guilty of a crime he was never charged with, and then they kicked him off their ballot c en they . it's a ruling that most legal scholars say will get knocked downegal 9 to 0 in the supreme court. looks like democrats attempt to choose the republican candidate hittinttemptg some maa roadblocks. >> meanwhile, a deranged madman stabbe whtwo girls in new york city. why he was allowedy he won the streets in the firsta place. television's number one new comedy is back again that night cry baby. i like to serve the people. you hate the people. now more than ever, a new season of night court. check your local listings. it's time to hit rewind. this is not a drill. revisit iconic moments from
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- to feel understood. - to begin healing both inside and out. - to feel like myself again. - and now i know anything is possible. (gentle music) (inspirational music) - [narrator] wounded warrior project helps post-9/11 veterans realize what's possible. with generous community support. - aaron, how you doing buddy? - [narrator] we bring warriors together and empower them to become stronger inside and out. - it's possible to begin healing - to get the help you need. - to find peace. - [narrator] and as each warrior's needs evolve, so do we. because these last 20 years are just the beginning. think you will. >> do you feel the winds of change? a deranged lunatic waltzed intoo grand central station on christmas day and stabbed gal
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a pair of teenage sisters whileh screaming about how he wanteild. to kill all white people. and we've learned this guy has a long rapis guy h sheet and he shoulds inst have been behind bars instead of walking the streets. eafox news correspondent alexis macadams hasnt more. >> the suspect has quite the rap sheet this time. sh say he stabbed two teens, leaving one with a collapsed lung. ators sa investigators say this guy, steven hutcherson, pulled out a knife and stabbed thosed stab two teenage sisters on christmas day. the attackbee tw happened whilet they were eating with their family. the 36 year old now charged with attempted murder and assault. both as hate crimes.happen so the attack happened at a restaurant inside of granded central terminal. according to the police report, accoice repo "i in and asked for a table telling the employee, quote, i don't want to sit with the black people tsi. that's when he walked over and stabbed both girls who were visiting from paraguay. according to reports, he then shouted out, i want all the whit i wante people dead. new york city mayor eric adams
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says this is just another examplyork cit ouof someone who shouldn't have been out on the street. >> any time you have incidents in these hig thesyoh profile locations, it sends the feelings of, you know, people don't feel safe. and that's why we have to make sure wafs whye, you know, zero s make the arrest as soon as possible and make sure wele. get those repeated offenders off our streets. >> sources say hutcherson has been arrested nearly two dozen times, twice in thd nearlye past six months. just last month, hutcherson reportedly threatenejustsond tou a guy out in the bronx. the bronx d.a.'s office tellin s fox news that they suggested in-patient mental health treatment. but hutcherson ntal declined, saying in part, three cases were resolved via pleas to the top charge, receiving 15 days jail. and in one case, the court courd delivered a sentence of a conditional discharge over the people. objection. so the suspect is currently being held in jail. hecurrentlhe'll be back in courw this week. >>ee rachel, i feel like this now. for hundreds of years, america's most eliteon institutions were always the most respected institutionss
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.n, when you thought of a quality education, you thought of harvard, where generation ys of young adults learn from the best and the brightest. and when you thoughtbrightesandh of reliable news, you thought of the "new york times", where scrappy journalists chased leads with a pen and paper in hand, real leadnds not made p lies like the russia hoax. but thesike the once great american institutions are crumbling. instead of letting the truth be their guide, they're waging a wangr of words on the american people, and they're using the same communist tactics used by the soviets to do it. in an excellent piece on substack, journalist michael shellenbergeellentr writes, l se the totalitarian manipulation of language is behinites thed tu destruction of harvard, the new york times and other elite institutions. how? by using words with doubleiately meanings that aren't immediately apparent to the people manipulated by the language quote things like pronouns or the left's growingg.
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list of genders. you don't know what it means, but if you don't use their woke terminology, you'll be punished, censored. and excluded. this is exactly what they did in the soviet union and in cuba, in those communist countries. . the media and the education systems were controlle d by the state in america. the new york times and harvarde. are the institutions that are manipulating you. are man communists. they they look you in the eye when they do it. dent when harvard president quadri was caught in a massive plagiarism scandal. what did harvard do? they denied itmacandal, and th. to cover it up. barack obama, who has his fingers in every destructive cause, privately lobbie d harvard to let a gatekeeper job. >> when the new york times let let senator tom cotton write a piece called send in the troops durin senatog the floyd riots, the new york times, pressured by all their leftist staffers, fired its editor and then
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they told him to lie about it and pretend that it was his choiced that i to resign. truth used to be their motto, ne but that all changed when we filled our schools with marxistu activists from the ivy league. and then we pumped other cultural institution then pums like the media with liberal radicals. a study find rads that only 3%3f of american journalists are republicans. amerit's not a fair fight. and that's the point. their ideaat's thes are unappeag and they don't work, so they have to controley don't tho they can control you and turn this countryo they into a commut state. a gone is the author of bad news how woke media is undermining democracy,mocrac and she joins us now. batya, it's alwaysy,s us to have you on. so when i think of clinton day, i can tell you she doesn't seem like the most intelligent or qualified person to ru doesn't n harvardrun ha ,and she's clearly usingrv the i
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i, you know, industrial complex to get this cushy job. so how mucomplex t h of this is just about the depth of merit? thank thank you so much for having for me, rachel. and a belated merry christmas to you and your gorgeous, gorgeous familto youy. eed to the thing that your viewers need to understand is that modern day is not some mistake d that harvard made. you could not have asked for a better symbol of what harvard is in 2023 than a serial plagiarist who has no moral compass. and what i mean by thao t is our universities are no longer institutions of higher learning. unthey are now simply places where affluent, privileged, progressiv aree sit around and confer plaudits and credentials on each other. and then they turn around and say, if you don't have that credential, con each ot yot get the american dream. because, rachel, that, of course, is the larger problecredentim here, thanks ink part to president obama, we now have an enormous divide where the american dream is only available if you havamericane ae
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degree. and if you are working class today, you are working c secondr that is the larger problem here. and that's why i honestlm herey rachel, i hope she doesn't resign. i want a harvard to have to livel, i ho shee with the iny of having a serial plagiarist leadin g it because it's nots no the problem. she's only the person who made >>e problemst the visible. well, that would be one solution party. i think real justice wouldt andi be if they just reverse it and gave the job back, to give the job to carol swain, who sheo plagiarized. that would be real justice the in my book. but whatever, you know, they brought it some pretty you know, this is my glimmer of hope here by baracker o obamn came in and to her defenseher and is advocating for her job. those are some pretty big guns. that tells m pree they're nervos that this whole game is crumbling. th i being overly optimistic bei here? >> what what's your takeng over i don't think you're beingon't overly optimistic. i think what we're seeing now is the world class, the democrats have realizedem
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that everybody else is onto them and onto how this is nonsens ande and how their we agenda was always class warfare againsainst the working class. >> you're right. they know it and they're scareda of thared.t. it's so true. it's always i guess it's class e. far it's never been about race. it's always been about class warfare. but you're alway bn abous spot . thanks for joining us tonight. >> thank you. new details coming out a about the christmas eve massacre in nigerichrista that 0 nearly 150 people dead. the attack took place in the country's plateau state and ranr through 15 different villages over the course of a few hours. nomadic herders used machetes and automatic rifles to carryc i out the attack. the muslim attackers ravaged villages burning down homes and lighting cars and motorcycles on fir and liget and while that was going on, it took over 12 hours for securityw agencies to show up in response to the attac up k. this is a reminder that the persecution of christians,
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especiallye in africa, the middle east and china is real. and thmiddlet, ande mainstream t giving this enough attention. the latest attac k is the bloodiest violence in nigeria since 2018, when more than 200 people were killed during a series of fights betweenthe hd the farmers and the herders. that's a christian muslim and fight. >> now watch. you can call, sir. this trans activist might try to get you fired
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what do you mean? you do impression? i don't know what you're talking about. >> hey, do you reckon i can say button my button, call me biscuit on my tv. urse, i do not think you should say that. that. ducksk i still love to surf. qu snowboarnol'd and of course, sk. snowboarnol'd and of course, sk. >> so i take magnesium to support my muscle and bone health, kilos, extra stroke, high absorption, magnesium helps me get the full benefits of magnesium tuna. >> the brand i trust i'm a trans actor having a meltdown at the airport and accusing a delta staffer of committing a human rights violation formisn misgendering him. tommy dorfman went on a tirade against a gate agent after a different employee accidentally referreainst d to him a as he. >> and what about when adults
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employee in this genders you intentionally lie? >> she thought. wow, he's talking. you're talkings you. you just misgender me again. okay. mule times both of you have wasn't intentional, but if you want to take it personal, that's awesome. >>d do it dial -- intentionally. why? i thought you said she. tw you said herendescend you're being condescending. and if you want to continue, scr i have full authority escort you out the building right this morning. >> if you want to play the builthat game with me. >> despite getting ambushed with the camera in his fac e, the delta employee handled himself with class and poise while tommy tried to film some kind of gotcha moment to get more views on social media, tommy had a pretty for, acticting career but after coming out as nga transgender in 2021, tommy shifted priorities from acting tommg an online trans activist. now tommy has a podcast and he pals around with people like dylan mulvaney, where they talks about such pressing issues, such as postinsuesg naked photop online. >> last weekhoto i showed my
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on instagram like through a see through dress and that last we . really like, i think you. but it was taken down, got>> slw tiktok, the tik tok got takenn down. i got a flaga that was my firstflag. flag ever on tik tok. >> is this what they think's myl women sit around and talk about? but the trans psyop isn't justta happening in america. canadapp is demanding that all government bathrooms, regardless of gender, provide free tampons, administration products. what?menstr regardless of the country, the left is determined to eradicateua gender and demean the beauty and purpose of womeno . live action founder and president lila rose joins me nowme under an. lila, welcome. wee what concerns you the most about the transgender movement. well, first of all, lookingveoo at what you just said about canadaat wha i'm going to sayme something crazy, men do not need tampons. dorachel and the canadian government would be wise to figure that out. s, racbut, you know, it's deeply
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concerning because womanhood is an incredible, beautiful gift and it's something unique and it deserves it s acknowledgment in society. and to have that completely just hijacked by activists who are calling it a human rights abuse, to call a man a man. the human rights abuse in america today is the fact that we kill 2500 babies in the every single day. it's notion is that we are treae people with mental health problems and saying, oh,s and accidentally calling them the wrong pronoun as the y say, when really it's a problem to elevate a mental health n it's aproblem as the identitya person. so i think we need a heavy dose of reality here in the us andthg in canada and throughout the west. it's a it's a problem creepingh. throughout the western world. yeah, there's no question about it. what lessons can you learn or can all of us learn from the way that that delta learoyee handled that situation? i mean, the delta employee was polite , but he was firm and he wasn't going to play games. who an, i think it
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actually hurts people who struggle with gender dysphoria to play games with theirity an reality and to say that, no, you are not your own that . owx you're actually some other idea you have about yourself. itut actually is going to hurt them in the long run. we know from stories of detransition orin the it's le chloe cole and others that this whole game that we're playing with younger people, especially to say that you can change your biological, which is completelally thau cay falset actually harm them in the long run and they want to detransitiose, you harms thne and they struggle with physical problems because of the drugs and thrinife and e hormones thae given and the treatment that they were given. so i actually applau the d the delta employee for standing firm in reality, being polite, being kind in, but saying, i'm g going to play this game and call you something that you're not. yeah, it's a great point. as for justin trudeau, i can't understand why that wants tampons in the bathrooms.e bath i've just i don't know whyro they want to impose that lunacy on everybody why t. t clearl but clearly this is an ideology and an agenda that is, as i see, no sign of abating. and that's why i see n it's impt
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that we're talking about it. i want to thank you for joining us, lyla . >> thank you, rachel. thank i mean, we don't call babies babies in the anymore. we y't don't call men, men anym. women, women. we need to get back to reality. and that startmens with biologi> facts. yeah, back to science. all of the science racl: back e >> thank you, lyla.ank yo all righu,t. >> being a pre-teen isn't always easy. boys and girls begin to goerent through certain changes, and it's normal to be confusedch as your body begins to develop during puberty. but the everyday discomfort with a changing body is being warped into a false diagnosisino of gender dysphoria by big pharma and, the trans industrial complex. and instead of reassuring kidsan that the uneasiness with puberty is typical, many doctors and social media influencers are exploiting vulnerable pre-teensexpl and encouraging them to seek puberty blockers, whicoirable p they claim are reversible. and worst of all, they're lyinbu about dangerous life altering effects of this medication. >> fors li bone blockers are a
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series of injections and or an implant that you can putu can ha in your arm that temporarily pauses puberty. >> however, once you stop taking puberty blockers, your bodhowevey will then go ino puberty. >> and that's why it's only temporary. to pubernd that'as puberty staru be hormone blockers, whichbe are or puberty blockers which are totally reversible. s or but that's not true at all. p sure, you can prevent yourself from goingubch are t puberty wi, but the idea that it's completely reversiblthroughe ist out lie. >> i feel a responsibility as a physician to be honest about puberty. >> blocker s and hormonal therapy in teenagers. this can lead to infertility, and i don't know if that's really well known. give your body time to complete the process before you start changingomplete things that coug long ters m and implications. and infertility is justlo one of several possible long term effects of this drug. one ey blockers are lupron,
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which is the main drug that is used to halt pubertgy is entirely experimental. >> now, activists will tell you it's i been used for decades,it h but they don't tell you that it's been used to chemicallyas castrate sex offenders to treat prostate cancer and endometriosis. this drug was rarely, if ever, used on children until just a few years ago. n childrand to prescribe kids sn intense medication with no long term research is quite simply medical malpracticlong-tere. independent researchers are determining that people taking lupro n long term or even short term can experience possible brainshort te bone ande damage. and when people don'd rvet step in and speak out, these kids are left to fend forelve themselves. >> it's my dream not to have children, and it breaks my heart that that could have been taken away from me ify dr d been encouraged just a little bit more. i just wan if i t everyone wan to consider my own perspective
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and my own experience as someonet everyo who has detransition. >> i was born biologically female. i began transitioning and taking hormones when i was 18 years old. i had becomebegan trkinghormonee with how society had seen me as a woman, and so i kind of gotfortablehad seen completeo that just as a matter whatever i did to my bodi did ty is kind of permanent. i can fully go back. sometimes a bitter truth is better than a smooth lie. as i said, i wish somebody just hugged me and said like, notand knowing what i'm like, you know, i'm never going to be one. no matter what you do. when our kids are being experimentalu do our k it ownedg pharma, to create a revolving door of customers, they're permanently medicalizing kids and creating customers for life under the guise of trans acceptance. e >> and ixcf people continue to turn a blind eye, more and ple contturn amore children wilw victims of the trans industrial complex. ill becoall designed by big phar big profits. join independent journalist josh lacoste joins us now. josh, thank you for joining us. what tell us a little. >> r
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you've done some some deep research into lupron. this this puberty blockingg. drug. telltus a little bit more abou what what worries you? is there'sries me there long term studies that shows that this is going to not cause downstrearm studimw children as young as eight. you know, you usually give theim m 11 to kids 11 or 12 years old for puberty. n but this has beeonn on the markt for 38 years. tthe industry and doctors knowtd the effects that this drug has on adultrus alone. 's goi so i just can't imagine what it's going to do to childrengn who have a mental, you know, mental anguish. you're going to add this and give them physical anguish. it can send their bonegive thesz it can sterilize. and as you mentioned in the segment and another thine entiog that i like to mention, it's rarely mentioned when you cover this drug isthis d that this drug is is userud to e the the biggest settlement with the justice department in 2001 for false claims
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and marketing for $875 million. markeso they kind of forget tol you that whenever they're saying that this is for gender-affirming care, you know, it's -- it's just terrible what they're doin-affig given to these kids with no long term studies and basicallyh they are the study. so we're going have to wait years to see how this affectey. s g them. >> you know, i kind of canpharma get how big pharma is just interested i in profits in this situation and these lifelong customers that they're creatings e with these poor children. childhaveust really disguste at the complicity of doctors who have taken an oath to do no harm and also of our government, who is clearly doing enough to regulate this. in fact, they're encouraging it. we see that with rachel levine, you know, the so-called, you know, health and human services bureaucrat who says is just all fine and good. in fact, you know, let's have more of it. >> yeah. i mean, planned parenthood.secod
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is the second leading distributor of hormones across l sex hormones. the government is involved heavily with this. n on t you would think being that this drug has been on the market foh 30 years and it has a profile and there's a known side effectere is nects,s that they k twice about giving it to children. but as they say, follow the the money. when you take a look at how much they're billing insurancest for this drug, it's double or triple the cost of what they would give it to fo it'r someone with, say, prostate cancer. so it's thprostate cane first ss medicalized issue of these children for their life, because after that, they get to cross-sex hormones and then it is potential surgerieormoness that they call a mastectomy, top surgery, surgical, euphemistically. so, you know, it's just making a lifelong customer. and we've seeing that more and more detransition issues are coming out, pleading with us to say, hey, we have detrtop thise . yeah, i'm afraid only lawsuits are going to end this. i'mlyjosh, thank you for joini. and shining a light on this important topic. >> got it. what's the hidden message
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>> art often imitates life. vincent van gogh painted the starry night to capture the view painted from his bedron insane asylum. da vinci'soo last supper depicts his final hours with his apostles before hours his crucifixion. and right now, as the world feels like it's teetering on its edge. the obamase world els like stard apocalypse movie called lead the worl star-std behind is doig big numbers on netflix. igit's been high on the megaop streamer's top ten list sinc tet it debuted three weeks ago. the thrillerhr. followsows tw two families during ano apocalyptic cyber attackan apoca by who? >> we're never sure.d and while crashing, planes whe crbeached cargo ships and a of murderous tesla seem scarcay the greatest collapse isn't of society. it's something you feel as of a family. every new disaster shows justuno how dysfunctional they are without technologyna holding thm
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together. their marriage is frayed, thei, he's a useless baiter buffoon who can't protect his kids. >> i have no idea what i'm haveo supposed to right now. i can barely do anything without my cell phonithoute, my chips. i am a useless man for my son who is sick and my daughter is missing. is >> the family is completely detached from one another and they refuse to unite in times of crisisy . better >> t and the kids are no better than their dysfunctional parents. >> i never will find out what happens to ross and rachela . >> why do you care so mucht sh about this show, anyway? i careow about. maybe you should, just that you're probably right. >> the way things are going,ow you're not going to see that show ever again eve. >> writer for the federalist. co-founder
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of the chicago thinker and my daughter ted duffy says there's daugh actually some profound messages hidden in the movie. it's just not the ones baracte . and michelle want us to hear. and she joins us now. hose ed, what are those messages that you think are hidden inside of this movie? >> well, the main one ise is to fortify your family. i think what was so impactful for everybody that watched this film was that this family had no control over this cyber attack. that's the main conflict in it. right. and that's something that if it happeneds sog that, in in rea you would have no control over. we would be sort of at the mercco ould be y of the cyber attack. t but what i actually think is interesting is there are a few thingshi there a in these uniquelywe liv uncertain times that we live in that we de o have control over, and the main one isily, our family and that we don't and need to be like the family in this movie, which is which. they're completelythe dysfunctional. the parents flirt with the idesa of cheating on one another. >> the siblings are mean to one sibl the cyber attackem in
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actually hits. you see them in the car together. they're nothe ca tot talking to oner. another. they're all consumed in their phones. they're nothey aheirt a cohesivy unit. and so what i think is really interesting is w e before anything that horrible happens, right, a potential cyber attack, we canle happe actually fortify our own families, not be like them, be a cohesive family a be like e one another, care about one another, pay attention to one. another and bond. because in the end, if there's going to bs goine a major attac a crisis of some sort, the people that are going to havth te your back that you'n going to want to depend on is your family. yeah, that's right. brins g the tribe together. fortify the tribe. you know, prepare yourselvestheb in some way. you know, physically, we saw in combat it was the weak and those who weren't, you know, healthy that fared the worst. so, you know, physically, economically, start preparin d thgprepar for what could happen. and also, of course, spiritually and with your familinn, y bond.d fa what i find fascinating is that there's a lot of options out there to watchere't of opt and s is really going you know, people are reall iy watching th
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in big numbers. i think there's a sense that everyone knowis a s thas te next year and a half is unpredictable. a ha is unpru say, in that the case, when you don't know what the future holds foture hor the next year and a half, all you got is your family. a so right.nd and i think there's a there's a second point to that, too. we don't know what's going to happen, but we cannot succumb to fear. t right and that's actually, i think, perhaps a point of this movie. this movthey want you to feel h. they want you to feel afraid. so then you give up essentian yl liberties. we saw that happen during covid. we're seeing it happen right now with acovid,ee it ha e climate crisis. >> perhaps they're making us now afraid of allrh mak of aa cyberattack or a financial crisis. if you live by feal crisis. r, you willies. give up essential liberties. and if that happens, you really don't have any autonomy. you won't be able to defend yourself. you become yourself, dependenttt on the government or a global government. that's very scarhey. so for so i thinkti fortify your family and don't succumb to the feasucr borne. oh, i love that message. thata. e., alved
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>> thanks, mom. all right. meanwhilu, ie, new polling shows gen z does not believe>> m 70 $4,000 a year just qualifiesm belihe middle. one man actually did the math. >> the take home after taxes for one kane health insurance is 40 $300. the average college monthly insut on a loan is about 500 bucks a year, down to 3800. let's say this person to ss is financially responsibl decides to split a two bedroom apartment in a medium sized citynt like orlando so that ther payment is 1200 a piece, 200 for utilities of 1400 unlessless they're going to have lucky charms and peanut butter and jellre goingo hay, their grs are going to cost about 600 bucks to have a $400 car payment,600. $200 in insura, 150 for gas, $100 for a cell phone leaves you with 950 bucks. this is no savings investment, o no emergency fund. let's give him at least 300 and enjoy life a little bit better luck with only 60 dollars. >> let's bring in economist stephen moore. stephen, i almost thought you were going to do that. i al video.sts it sounds like you are putting
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all the numbers together for us. you know, it's so interesting, the middle, the middle class that goalposts is moving, isn't it? >> and young people are really feeling it. it is. >> you know, i have two minds about this, rachel. on the one hand. come on, these generation z folks, if you have a $74,000 income, you're richer than 95% of the people in the world. >> so this this is a great w country and we have a high living standard. a hiand young people shouldby appreciate that. and by the way, we all, when wee were younger we , you know, peat butter jelly sandwiches and you did that, right?, grow remember that? and so so come on, grow upp,,uy. guys. but on the other hand, the the flip side of this is that it is true that under biden, the cost of living has just haf. through the roo and let me give youe one concrete example. i mean, the pathwaconcre y towardsdream, the american dream, one of them is to own your own hom othem is well, guess what? the mortgage payments on a new home under under trump'ss we policies werree about $800 a month. >> you know what they are now,
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rachel? are nalmost 35, 30 $600 a mont. >> so fewer people can.o affo young people are able to afford to buy a house. and i hate that because homeownership is so critical to our country. >> yea h. ght, t now, no question about it. i think you're right. i think there's a part of it that like there are the generation is a little bit payoungerlittle b that canlive t ,you know, live the waheyving n that their parents are living now and forgetow the that their parents didn't live like that, you know, when they were in their twenties. so i think there's an elemen i n elementof of that. but i do think it's getting tougher because, you know, abo of all the things that you've talked about, including the interest rate situation. so uding thate what this mean for g joe biden, he needs young people, especially any door, everyone , to vote for him in order to win. but, you know, the young vote was a very reliable vote for the democrats. what happens now? >> yeah, not so much anymore. in fact, the polls are showingoe that one of the reasons that trump is beating biden in so manatingseventeey states is g people are just not identifying with biden or his policies and they feel financially stressed outfinancia under bides
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policies. and look, trump is the optimistic candidate.. he's the one who says there's going to be a great future for this country, believfuturee in country, put america first. >> i think those are policies that young people really lik ink those. >> yeah, i think what's r w interesting is the democrats thinhat isk and there's a lotjoi of people that want to switch out joe biden, they think they can switch out joe bidede d and still win. but the problem is the policies will not change. he'sbiden's policies se polici k obama's policies. he's running the party. whoever is ing the pn office orr is running on the democrat side is going to double downnd eve on the green new deal and everything else that's destroying american energy. ryelse tying amestephen moore, t having you on youtube. u all right. ake >> want to make everyone mad at you? block traffi c front of two major airports two days after christmas. major airpthat story and more n >> the time is now. okay, here we go. it's your last chance to sign up during fox nation's once a year sale. this offer won't last, and it's
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for a start i tell you, finding the perfect gift is hard so a di a daily mail writer. let chatgpt do all oly mail fhie his christmas shopping this year. it picked a pair of running shoes foarit pr mom, telescope r dad and a sister got a beauty h is skit. is he cheating or is he gaming the system? gamingtommy, what are your thou? >> well, i'll tell are you this hour. we that bad off and that antisocialand and unable to communicate with one another in 2023, almost 20, 24, that weu have to let a computer tell us what our loved ones mightved want for the holiday season. here is a great solution's aha to that.t. >> maybe just ask your friendsfa and family what they want for but stmat s you don't have to go to a computer. but you know, i understand this is the wave of the futurderstan you're trying to be creative. this man wanted to be creative and find new gifts, but boy, itd would just be nice if we could have some of that creativity in our own brains, our own. imagination. a computer is not going g to s all of your problems,
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my friend, so i hope that we could just maybeso i get bac hke to discussing things with one another. like the good old days of, i don't know, 20 good ol, 22? >> yeah. i couldn't agree more with you, daria, on that. reeonall right. next, anti-israel protesters made no friends today blocking the main entrances to two major airports in nes w york and l.a. they think making people misse.d their flight will end fighting in gaza. who's going to tell them? jammin itg? >> yeah, you know, i checked recently the headlines overin te in the middle east, and it's been confirmed that this little stunit's beet solved absolutelyo problems for anybody in the middle easrybody it on, either h of that war there. but what it did do is it ruined eventsat was and holidays and vacations and work schedules for hardand americans and travelers who simply wanted to get back home or go towho simpget be their loved ones. you know, this is actually dangerous as well. causre blockins actualg traffic, you're causing problems for people. >> and this ends when thesg e sy enough is enough. and they put decent, hardworking people abovegho
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troublemakers and those who simply seek attention. i can tell you thimply seetentin i don't think this would happen in texas. i don't think it would happen here in nashville, tennesseewoud . so these liberal cities with these liberal airports start applying some consequenc ethese and see how quickly these people scatter. >> yeah, i bet they lost a lotp> of support today. tomi lahren, thank you so much . good to see you, rachel. much. you, too. g oothat's all for tonight. >> don't forget to check out t from kitchen table podcast.m th of course, sean hannity is nex


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