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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  December 28, 2023 4:00am-5:00am PST

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>> carley: california feels like it's parody but it's not. you mentioned the guy who wrote this legislation. his name is evan lowe; is that right california democratic lawmaker. >> that's correct. >> carley: he said we need to stop stigmatizing what is acceptable for certain genders and just let kids be kids. what's your quick reaction to that? >> well mikesell quick reaction is go have some children of your own and then can you talk to me about how i should raise my children. but, secondly this notion harming children for crying out loud. we have been raising children for years and years and years. we understand how to do so. and someone who doesn't even have children just doesn't need to be weighing in on this. i mean, he said that it came genesis was a staffer of his that had little girl and she wanted to know why some toys were off limits to her. they are not off limits. if they're off limits. they are off limits because your parents made them so. not the store.
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>> carley: it's great point. thank you so much for joining us. >> always. thank you. >> carley: the second hour of "fox & friends" starts right now. ♪ ♪ don't stop ♪ believing ♪ hold on to that feeling streetlights ♪ people. >> carley: good morning. don't stop believing. all across america and especially in providence rhode island where it is also a rainy day and also a city i would look at and not know it was providence. >> griff: no. journey is maybe one of the greatest bands. i feel that song "don't stop believin'" the most popular song ever. never goes away. rocking and always is great? i think it's probably the greatest karaoke song. i feel like i have sang that
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song with five to 50 marines maybe in a bar at least a dozen, two dozen times all over the world in japan and we didn't have cameras back then. probably good for you that there were no cameras back then. >> see where i was going with that? >> carley: no photographic evidence. >> griff: we begin this hour as the bidens vacation in virgin islands in saint croix. house republicans are expanding impeachment inquiry into the president. >> carley: g.o.p. lawmakers are now investigating whether he had anything to do with his son hunter's decision to defy that congressional subpoena. >> joey: our very own david spunt is live in washington, d.c. he has got the details. david? >> the president and his family as you mentioned griff are in the virgin islands for the new year. when he comes back next week to washington, expect things in the nation's capital to intensify even more. house republicans say they want to know if and how he may have helped hunter, his son, skip a
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congressional subpoena. hunter biden appeared outside of the u.s. capitol on december 1st. the same day the house republicans sat inside a committee room waiting and waiting for him to show up and answer questions in a deposition about a myriad of topics. now, the chairman of the judiciary committee jim jordan and oversight committee james comer say they have reason to believe that the pres encouraged hunter to skip the deposition. >> the president was certainly familiar with what his son was going to say and i think what you saw was from the heart from his son. >> republicans putting out a statement in light of an official statement from the white house that president biden was aware in advance that his son hunter biden would knowingly defy two congressional subpoenas were compelled to examine as part of our impeachment inquiry whether the president engaged in a conspiracy to obstruct a proceeding of congress. now produces republicans want documents to see -- from the white house to see if they could
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prove the president did engage in what they are calling a conspiracy democrats meanwhile fighting back and defending the president questioning the credibility in a brand new video posted to social media this week. >> this morning house republicans are pushing ahead with impeachment inquiry into president biden despite find nothing evidence of wrongdoing in nearly a year of investigations. >> wing of the republican party resorting to this political stunt? two words, donald trump. >> while the family is in st. croix, hunter biden was spotted near his home in california yesterday. is he preparing for a january 11th arraignment in los angeles relating to nine federal tax charges. back to you. >> hey, david, what going to happen with eric swalwell? wasn't he the guy who reserved the spot where hunter biden put the podium and made that big speech and then defied the congressional subpoena? he also helped hunter biden as well. >> sure, eric swalwell the congressman from california ironically where hunter biden lives did request the senate
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side of the -- called the senate swamp that's where the press conference was held there are questions about congressman swalwell doing so. but a member of congress is able to request and whatnot. and, yeah, there have been calls from republicans to look into congressman swalwell on this i have not heard any chatter lately since that one. >> maybe things are merry and bright right now. just wait until 2024. things will get even more contentious. thank you so much. >> joey: it is called the senate swamp. i don't know when we say that that is one specific spot. >> griff: david is spot on. senate swamp. very orderly on capitol hill. there is a house side and senate side is whereby we get a lot of these press conferences and the press has aptly named it the swamp. that's why the creatures of the swamp, that would be the lawmakers, show up to talk to us in the press. so he is spot on about that. but, you know, it is interesting
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to look back on kind of the history of the hunter biden saga because you can't just look at the development now today and not see it's likes looking at the hood of your car and not seeing the road you have been on and looking in the rear view mirror. remember, president biden, this all started with him going head-to-head with our own peter doocy saying there is nothing -- i have never had anything -- my son has done nothing. i love my son. and you are just trying to ame. >> carley: we know he loves his son. >> griff: we have come a lot of the miles. >> carley: i wonder how karine jean-pierre feels this morning they are using her words to try to get these documents from president biden. she said the president was aware of what his son hunter was going to say. that's the comment that led to all these questions. >> joey: i think probably the most egregious or at least patronizing part of all of this their mainstream rebuttal is what you just brought up. he lost his son. this is a father who loves his
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son. paint the picture, set the stage like a matlock episode. >> this is a father who loves his son so if he did something wrong, that's why. and you should forgive him. yesterday when i brought this up. i said something either illegally or potentially unethical. the reach why not everything that is unethical is illegal. and there may not be an opportunity to find or maybe in reality joe biden didn't do something illegal in regards to this. with all that being said, this isn't a where there is smoke there is fire. this is where there obviously are unethical things that happened is there a political and/or legal repercussion for the president himself. and i think that's the distinction that democrats are riding on is that it is more of a political repercussion rather than legal because on the political side they can partisan spin that up. >> griff: you know, switching gears a little bit here because we have heard the president calls for impeachment of the president and specifically dhs secretary mayorkas over the border crisis. let's break some news right
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here. just moments ago, cbp sources telling me that the december migrant encounters is set to hit the highest monthly record ever. there have been, as of this very moment, more than 266,000. the highest record that was set last december is 269. we are going in a matter of hours to pass that number right there. and you mentioned, karine jean-pierre, carley. remember back at the end of august when she told us this? >> the president has done what he can from here, from the federal government, from the white house, to put forth and manage our border in a safe and humane way to respect the dignity of every human, as he says all the time, and making sure that our communities are safe. the president has done more to secure the border and to deal with this issue of immigration than anybody else. he really has.
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>> griff: it's december 28th. we have got three more full days. this number is going to go higher. it's clearly this is not the president that has done more than anybody else. in fact, he has done more than anybody else to make it an open border, an insecure border. the border they say is closed. it's not. it's wide open. that's why you are getting tens of thousands coming a day. >> joey: when she makes that statement and you are sitting in the press pool, no matter what your personal politics and leanings are how is the next question not as a matter of factually if this president has done more to secure the border than anybody else, why does he have the worst numbers? why is the border -- why are the facts what they are? and i don't understand how they spin their way around it. >> carley: just too much of a reasonable question. and there would be no answer to this it. this is all clearly so political when donald trump ran for president. he. ed to shut down the border. president biden wants to reopen it. and all these repercussions
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there was this seemingly important meeting between alejandro mayorkas and blinken and president of mexico in mexico city yesterday. they were talking about how to secure the border. this was a photo of all of them meeting yesterday and anthony blinken shaking hands with mexico officials. and now we really don't know what came of it. it's been said that it was a productive meeting but people on either side of this issue haven't said that -- they haven't announced anything that has changed dhs secretary mayorkas did say this on x. we had a very productive meeting with president obrador and members of his cabinet today in mexico city. the regional challenge of migration requires regional solutions and we appreciate mexico's commitment to continue its efforts alongside us and with others. so, that's a lot of words saying a whole lot of nothing. >> griff: word salad you mean? >> carley: well said word salad but i would give it that title.
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>> griff: blinken went back to meet with mexican officials clearly that didn't do anything. now he is back there. and by the way, vice president kamala harris didn't go. remember she was put in charge of the border czar. was going to solve the root causes of irregular western hemisphere migration. she has now apparently been relegated to gas stove selfies. i think the question you asked joey which is how can karine jean-pierre do that spin? as an observation as a reporter who covers this, i would tell you there really is no other conclusion than at this point they are outright lying. they are lying and offending the intelligence of the american people who see the videos, see our drone. that see bill melugin and others reporting down there and giving you the numbers. i just gave you let me tell you another number. there were 7426 mtas yesterday. among 9,000 encounters. out of 9,000 that crossed the last 24 hours. almost 7500 were released with a
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notice to appear. that is the catch and release policy. >> joey: that's the contingent that the administration touts as evidence that they are taking care of it it's also what everyone who has hands on this process says that notice to appear might as well go in the trash can. it just doesn't happen. >> griff: it is a knee on linking welcome sign come now, this your opportunity. >> some of those notices to appear the court date is seven years down the road that's what going to do? >> griff: what it does is incentivizes the cartels, the transnational criminal organizations to absolutely take advantage and exploit the vulnerabilities that the border has now under the policies of this administration there is no other way to put it. >> when we send cabinet officials down to mexico we talked about this yesterday. you don't go hat in hand begging. you go either with leverage or you go offering something and from what your interview earlier it sounds like they went there to get support for funding ukraine. >> i think they went photo op.
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they did not go brandon judd. the stick is threatening nic consequences threatening the remain in mexico under the trump administration to be brought back which mexico doesn't want. if there was a take away. if there were deliverables as they say of these high level meetings, something we could look at, then we would have seen that in a press release. that statement you just read of blinken, i retweeted it with the quote and i just wrote what's the plan? >> carley: gobbledygook. the numbers to that are near record highs by the end of the kay. deals have broken record. >> griff: the u.s. navy shooting down a because rawj houthi rebels in the red sea. how iran is backing the group, next. >> joey: plus, 34 days and $40,000 in damage. squatters destroying a florida home. the landlord's plan to fight back right here. ♪ life is a highway
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♪ i want to ride it all night long ♪
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this morning tensions growing for u.s. forces in the middle east. the number of bases targeted by iran proxies 106 since october. lattist attack coming as the antiship will will launched by the houthis in the red sea. the first time the navy has ever done this in battle. a senior fellow at the foundation for defense of democracy is where he focuses on iran. he joins us now. i want you -- 10 # attacks now. we have got three injured supervisors members. one critically. no update yet on that individual iran is running this. do they fear the u.s. at this point? the proxies weaker, smaller forces, be they located in iraq,
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syria, lebanon, gaza, and even yemen as you saw with the intercepted antiship ballistic missiles attacks. they believe that american is a waning force presence in the middle east. they believe america will do anything not to have to resort to the use of military force. if you look at the response ratio what about under 10 to over 100 in iraq and syria alone. the numbers speak for themselves. >> griff: so when do we get to the point that the administration recognizes the deterrence currently is not working and we need to do something differently and what does that different thing look like? >> >> with respect to the answer should have been long, long ago it. depends a great deal on the geography. the u.s. needs to more active hadly take out the installations that house many of these weapons, including the short-range ballistic missiles and cruise missiles but also the suicide drones when the u.s. and coalition forces are actually
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struck there they need to the place point of origin is to these attacks. sometimes you will see the u.s. absorbing strikes more in iraq and responding on syria. that's a problem. we need to even out that response ratio. thirdly the u.s. needs to aggressively go after with a campaign of sanctions and designations. the heads of these organizations as well as these organizations themselves. and lastly, if you look from the south. the houthis in yemen the u.s. does need to beef up that force presence there that has international maritime construct in the red sea but so far that construct is only denying these weapons. it's intersetting these weapons. it's not responded kinetically or militarily to the point of their launch. so long as this is the case where we just deny rather than to punish, can you expect more attacks. >> griff: that's a great point benham. president biden came into office a month after taking the oath.
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he undesignated them. >> this is critical. you know, it wouldn't solve the problem of antiship missiles being fired at us, but it is the right start. it's the right policy framing, look, the houthis you can tell by their slogan they are aligned with the islamic republic of iran foremost state sponsor of terrorism. also the houthis have leads with go designated foreign terrorist organizations. they have used child soldiers. they have sieged civilian cities. they fired on civilian population centers in the uae and saudi arabia. they intercepted the free flow of traffic in the red sea. and they have even targeted religious minorities. if this doesn't -- as well as, of course, using terrorist tactics. if this doesn't meet the definition of a terrorist, i don't know what does. >> griff: i only have 20 seconds left. i want to ask you, do you have any insight into reports that iran is escalating its nuclear program? >> you know in november there was the iaea the secretary
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general was pointing to exactly this kind of stuff. the growth in iran's stockpiles. now we have the growth not just in the stockpile but the pails of enrichment. this is something the islamic republic is growing the world is only motioning at the terror threat. we have to walk and chew gum at the same time. focus on rolling back those terror networks and more aggressively to roll back the sanctions to roll back the nuclear program as well. thank you for your insight. have a good day. >> a pleasure. thank you. >> griff: carley send it over to you. >> carley: more headlines to get. to say new overnight. taiwanese officials say dozen chinese military planes crossed the taiwan strait. that action comes ahead of next month's presidential election in taiwan. and just days after chinese president xi jinping says the island will surely be reunified with china. xi made that remark at symposium commemorating the birth of move say duong the founder of the communist party in china. seattle's parks department is
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shutting down a blm garden chop zone protest. stop the removal but it didn't work. working to find a new location for the garden. the nonprofit says he passed following a brief illness. kohl represented wisconsin in the senate 20 years and never accepted a pay raise throughout his tenure. the bucks posted attribute on social media saying his impact in sports public service and business will also always be remembered in our state. herb kohl was 88 years old and those are your headlines. up next, have you heard of swatting? it includes a fake 911 call that forces police to rush armed
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officers to homes it. happened to an ohio lawmaker and a bunch of others. that lawmaker joins us next hi, i'll have the avocado toast... minus the avocado. so, toast? yeah. everything is so expensive these days. hey, chevy gets it. that's why they're keeping prices down to earth. like on the most affordable ev in america. ♪ a super strong and capable chevy truck. ♪
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♪ >> griff: welcome back. as we told you, several politicians have been swatted this week, which involves calling 911 and faking an emergency to draw police attention to a specific location. that includes ohio state representative kevin miller, who says he -- that his home was swatted while he was there with his children when at 3:00 a.m. a dozen sheriff deputies arrived at his door responding to a fake shooting call. miller believes he is a target of swatting. because of supporting a bill providing harsher penalties. he joins us now.
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state representative, we look at this -- i know that swatting -- i understand it as basically calling and saying hey, there is something that is an emergency. usually it involves hey, there is somebody with a gun. something that puts the police on the offense, thus the swat, the special guys come in. whether this happened to you, how did it go down? >> thanks, joey, i appreciate you guys having me this morning. with me i was actually seated right behind me in my living room with my son and daughter, and we heard sirens. for me, that's not normal in our area because i live in rural licking county. so, as we were listening, the sirens appeared it be getting closer our residence. i walked outside and i heard the sirens stop which indicated to me that officers were coming to the area and stopping. well, that was followed by several other sirens, which kept coming. i saw several police cruisers stop down the road from my house
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on the other side of my house, i saw a cruiser blocking the roadway. at that point i called the sheriff's office and spoke to the chief deputy and i said hey, what's going on here? there is all kinds of officers, you know, at my house? and he explained that there was a shooting reported. he asked me what my address was. and when i gave him my address, we determined that, obviously, there was an incident that was reported at my address, which was clearly not the case. they came -- they have to clear your house because in your minds you are just as much a suspect as anyone a n. a call like this. clear your neighbor's house and becomes traumatic for anyone else involved. you said the state attorney general and the state senator were also swatted and there have been several bomb threats which turned out to be hoaxes. if all of this is happening, is it happening just in response to this one bill that you have sponsored that would make a harsher penalty for swatting? >> well, i can't speak to the bomb threat.
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the folks targeted in my incidents, my 168. rick car fan i can't who also joint sponsored the bill with me, andrew brenner who is a senator who also our attorney general dave yost very supportive of the legislation i believe that's why we were all targeted. >> joey: as the legislation been passed. >> sure the house bill 462 was passed last december and signed into law. it was effective in april of this year. >> joey: do you have any indication that they will be able to find out who did this to you? >> we certainly hope so. so, the licking county sheriff's office, you know, great appreciation for them, professionals. they will be working with their state and their federal partners and hopefully they will be able to bring these perpetrators to justice. >> joey: let's hope so. that's a trend that needs to go in the other direction around the country. my representative marjorie taylor greene has been swatted almost 10 times. this is dangerous and we don't need to let it happen. representative, thanks for
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joining us. >> hey, happy new year to you and your families. >> joey: yes, sir. happy new year. all right. coming up, blue city leaders escalating their battle with texas governor greg abbott over migrant busing. all as a new caravan heads right for our southern border. our next guest is experiencing the surge firsthand from south texas. we'll get her take right here, next. ♪
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♪ >> as buses continue to arrive in the city of chicago, and all over the country, the type of chaos that has been administered has left many of our local economies under tremendous amount of duress. reckless and quite frankly the unsafe behavior of the governor of texas has caused a great deal of trepidation to say the least. >> carley: brandon johnson joining blue city leaders buses carrying migrants from texas governor abbott faces a record month of illegal border crossings. retired cbp officer and eagle pass resident rosa arellano joins us now. good morning to you. you just heard mayor johnson there calling what governor abbott is doing reckless and
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unsafe. what do you think about that? >> well, we're going through the same thing but in our case it's president biden that's taking it to a higher level when it comes to the southern border. so we know how he feels the only difference we see governor abbott is trying to do something to protect our borders whereas president biden is not doing that. >> carley: i cannot believe the numbers that eagle pass are facing 3,000 illegal border crossers a day how is this impacting you and other residents who live there? >> well, it is impacting our local resources. i mean, we have the mayor coming out and mentioning how we're being affected in regards to the economic situation. we also need to keep in mind that this small city depends heavily on the revenue coming in through the bridges as y'all may know, we have two bridges here in eagle pass. and the about a month ago they shut it down to just one bridge
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being used and these past 10 days it's only one being used. it's creating excess tialy high excessively highwait times. travel to the mexico side like we normally do. having to go buy groceries, get medical assistance, what have you. that means it impacts our revenue through that bridge. so, in the future, that's going to go ahead and impact us in regards to our taxes because we are going to have to make that up difference in regards to medical services, going to the er, or getting an ambulance like you mentioned earlier, this is a very small community of just 30,000 folks. when you have 3,000 coming in on a daily basis, that effects us tremendously. a lot of the resources are not being made up and paid by the federal government. president biden is not just letting us down in regards to having our open borders exposed, but he is not paying up.
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>> carley: you are a retired cbp officer so you know the job. you know what border patrol is facing. have you ever seen anything like this? >> oh, no. this is unprecedented. not even in my wildest dreams would i have ever thought of this situation, even though i saw that loophole in regards to the asylum seekers when i was a cbp officer. i used to be a lead port trainer at the port of entry. while covering these situations, i would say well, it's always possible that we might get swamped but i never imagined it would be to this extreme. it all has to do with president biden taking over prosecute day one and doing away with the policies that president trump had in effect that were working very fine. i mean, everybody here at the border, when president trump came down and mentioned that we had a situation in regards to the border crisis, and a lot of the media and democrats make fun of him and called it a manufactured crisis, we knew where he was coming from. we knew that he was speaking the truth. and he worked on it.
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he worked with the border patrol agents. with our cbp officers, asked for advice, asked for recommendations. he took the recommendations too hard and made the changes. that's why he came up with policies that we saw were working. but now we see big chaos that just keeps getting worse. every time that i go see these people, because i usually pass through that area where they hold them, i mean, it takes me a couple of seconds to go ahead and process what i'm seeing. like it keeps getting worse and worse. you think it can't and it does. >> carley: i know. it's so true. last time we thought it was all-time highs and look where we are this year. >> exactly. >> carley: i don't know where you stand politically, do you think this is an issue that will change how people vote in your community in 2024? >> most definitely. i can assure you that the local republican party do much. i have a lot of friends that are democrats. you are right. this is a heavily democrat area that have already said they are being outspoken about it before
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they were hush about it now they are very outspoken about it that they 8 will say they will go ahead and voted for president trump. they are not even thinking about, you know, their party and what have you. they just see, you know, that it was a great impact in regards to president biden taking over on day one. so we're not even worried about texas going purple anymore. it's going to go red big time just because of what we see down here at the border. >> carley: very interesting. >> democrats don't even bother to waste your money here. >> carley: i'm sure some of them are listening to that advice, rosa. thank you so much for joining us. we appreciate it. griff, over to you. >> thanks. >> griff: great interview. tucker now to your headlines. starting with this. a homeless man is facing multiple charges after police say he was arrested while carrying a machete and butcher knife outside the capital. authorities say they became suspicious because he was pacing back and forth with a brick in his pocket. there is no evidence he was targeting members of congress. just last month, another man was arrested for allegedly carrying a gun outside senate office
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buildings. >> griff: pop icon cher files for conservatorship of his 47-year-old son elijah over fears he will blow his bank account on hard drugs. petitioner is concerned that any funds distributed do elijah will immediately be spent on drugs. leaving elijah no assets to provide for himself. last year estranged life cher hired men to abduct him to stage an intervention but cher denies that claim. and last night's power ball jackpot of the year is going to be a big one. the grand prize soaring to $760 million after no one had the winning ticket in last night's drawing. those numbers were 4, 11, 38, 51, 68 and powerball 5. the next drawing is on saturday night, so run out and get them and win big. those are your headlines. let's check in now with meteorologist adam klotz for our
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fox weather forecast. adam, are you going to buy a ticket? >> adam: you just told me i didn't win. >> this is the first time hearing that now i'm a little bummed out. i guess i will continue to do my job and continue to work. we are tracking storms moving up the east coast. then a soggy raw night if you live across portions of the mid-atlantic and up into new england. yes, there are still places where snow is falling. the snow is back down a little bit. we are going to watch this drag itself further to the south. folks in illinois, southern indiana, kentucky down into as far as south as tennessee are going to see snow ultimately on the way. even the north georgia mountains see snow before it's said and done. i will leave you with the graphic going to show where the folks are going to see the snow. there it is. right there stretching down as far as south as tennessee. it's been a year and a half since a lot of these people have seen any snow. those are your weather headlines. for now, tossing it back into all of you guys. >> carley: adam, thank you so much. can you believe it is just 26 days until the new hampshire primary? so, of course, all the candidates are visiting new hampshire, talking to the residents, including nikki
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haley. and she had an encounter with one voter in berlin, new hampshire yesterday, that's making a lot of news today. watch this. >> what was the cause of the united states civil war? >> well, don't come with an easy question. i think the cause of the civil war was basically how government was going to run. the freedoms and what people could and couldn't do. what do you think the calls of the civil war was? i'm sorry. >> i'm not running for president. i wanted to on the cause of the civil war. >> i mean, i think it always comes down to the role of government. and what the rights of the people are. >> thank you. and in the year 2023, it's astonishing to me that you answer that question without mentioning the word slavery. >> what do you want me to say about slavery? >> you have answered my
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question. >> carley: democrats are picking up on this including president biden who posted a tweet saying it was about slavery. >> joey: you are running for president. you have to see questions like that coming. and i don't think in any way she was trying to lighten the effect of slavery on our country or why we fought a war. i think when you are in an intellectual and you read books like team of rivals you read the memoirs and the actual text of our country at that time, it was about slavery and a whole bunch of others things. and i think she was trying to incapsulate that. on the campaign trail, less in an academic environment, you have got to see that coming and answer that better. i don't think in any way she was trying to say slavery wasn't a big part if not the cause of the civil war. >> griff: if the implication is that she wouldn't condemn the evils of slavery, they failed
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miserably. this is a governor, in the wake of a massacre of black residents in ame church in charleston. out of that disaster and tragedy she then had the political courage to drop in one of the most southern of all states the confederate flag from the capitol grounds and took immense heat for it. to say that she isn't willing and doesn't have the moral fortitude and political courage to stand and condemn the evils of slavery, is embarrassing. >> carley: such a great point. >> griff: on the face of it. yet, that didn't stop caribbean vacationing president biden from saying it was about slavery. as if you're scoring a point. we don't know, by the way, who asked that question. was that a plant? was that a random question? >> ainsley: i don't know. is it a democrat? is it somebody who is supporting donald trump? or, you know, a republican who doesn't like nikki haley? it clearly was trying to be a
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gotcha moment for her to take her out of her normal political conversation. she is going to talk about the economy. going to talk about the border. to get this question. to me this read pretty clear. it was that the answer of slavery is so obvious. that's the obvious answer. she was saying, she was talking about big government and other things. clearly the answer is slavery. she was trying to give him more educated philosophical response. that's what i think. >> griff: she is thinking is this a gotcha question. are you trying to imply that i won't condemn the evils of slavery perhaps in her head or is this about the actual nuances of what the civil war was fought over, which is about the economics and politics from the state vs. federal government level of issues like slavery. and in that moment, i think she handled it quite well considering and didn't give in to what would clearly as you point out a gotcha question. >> carley: all right. coming up, it is a new year meaning new laws what changes are coming your way? we are going to break that down
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coming up. >> griff: first new bill after iowa squatters trash a home causing $47,000 in damages. that's coming up. ♪
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we reached out to the police and he told me in no uncertain termings that i was being scammed, that the individuals had been evicted from another home for squatting and he had no jurisdiction because he could not evaluate if the lease was fraudulent and i needed to go through the civil court system. >> griff: kevin, you have a house bill in response to what patty is going through. where does it stand before becoming law? >> the bill, we have to go through committee, the bill removes the right for a person to detain somebody's property. we have civil charges that go
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against the person and working with senator perry on his side of the legislation that will bring in other constraints where the sheriff can remove the person immediately and stand by and leave civilly so the person who owns the property is not accosted. >> carley: owner rights, every time, it is mind-blowing, if these people present a lease, even if it is fake, it has to go through the court system. it took 38 days to get this finished. why did they damage your home in this way? >> well, simply retaliation, they were angry they were being
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evicted and you are right, emotion of utter frustration and un unfairness is overwhelming and i'm grateful the congressman and senator have listened. the tenant and landlord rights are imbalanced and squatters are not tenants. this bill will save months in the civil court system and reduce burden on police officers and it will return fairness. >> joey: any pushback? any groups saying no, squatters should have civility to stay until it is figured out? >> kevin: no, not currently.
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i had a couple democrats reach out to me, they are having the same issue in orlando section of town. we need to use common sense to fix problems, we are not looking from a sense caliperspective. these people should not have a right to stay in someone's home. squatter and rights in the same statement? >> carley: so true and state representative steeleshould be used to fix real life issues. hopefully they will fix it fast. thank you. third hour of "fox and friends" starts right now.


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