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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  December 28, 2023 5:00am-6:00am PST

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i had a couple democrats reach out to me, they are having the same issue in orlando section of town. we need to use common sense to fix problems, we are not looking from a sense caliperspective. these people should not have a right to stay in someone's home. squatter and rights in the same statement? >> carley: so true and state representative steeleshould be used to fix real life issues. hopefully they will fix it fast. thank you. third hour of "fox and friends" starts right now.
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♪ ♪ >> joey: here we go, starting the third hour this morning. carley and i had to take a double take to see if that was behind us, that is how good the graphics are. we thought you had a fireplace. maybe i'm letting the cat out of the bag. that is a graphic. carley and i both had to look back. >> carley: i was like, when did they hang that ball in the building. they changed it to a bowtie pattern. >> griff: interesting new year's
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eve in new york. the weather looks like it will be warm. we got rain today and yesterday and all week long pro-palestinian protesters disrupting the airport and fifth avenue. and see if they show up for new year's eve, it could be something. >> carley: do you remember when it rained, we were hosting the pre-show. it was raining so hard that the teleprompter broke 30 seconds before the show started and we had to ad lib. >> griff: we were 8:00 to 10:00 p.m. >> joey: that is where you want to be, people are not overboard and you get to go ring in the new year. >> griff: camera one went down,
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camera two went down. i think camera three did, too. there is no prompter, here is the show, go. >> joey: who is that on the screen right there? what is happening? >> griff: a stupid looking child with nerd glasses in this great city. i can't even do the math. >> carley: great dance moves. >> joey: look at the pants. >> griff: who is that? here we go. >> carley: that is me crowd surfing in the pouring rain and those guys carrying me were really nice, they were like, i won't drop you. >> griff: you surfed the crowd better than me. >> joey: you were bobbing. >> griff: she had solid form. >> carley: they took me away, i
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kept going for minutes. >> joey: can you surf me back. >> carley: they did. >> griff: tough to change direction, talk about a story going to play out beyond the new year. colorado supreme court kicking former president trump off the b balance and engage nothing insurrection. not something he's been charged with across 91 charges or anything he's been engaged with and one that many legal scholars say is not even a charge the state has authority to bring. >> carley: the republican party appealed to supreme court and by excluding from the ballot, engaged in disregard for first amendment right of political party to select candidate of
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their choice and usurp rights of people to choose officials unless the decision is overturned any voter will have power to sue, disqualify any candidate in colorado or any other jurisdiction that follows its lead. >> joey: that makes me wonder if they are signalling if this continues, we'll find ways to disqualify others and opening pandora's box, there has to be order here. it doesn't hurt president trump if he keeps lead he kept in other places. >> griff: it would be unprecedented to remove the candidate, the people under our democracy on that ballot and have state supreme courts making own election laws to choose which candidate they prefer in act of tremendous political
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discrimination that is what senator graham said to us yesterday, listen here. >> the supreme court will slap it down and a state interpreting the insurrection clause is a bad idea. they hate the guys guts. talk about radical, they want to abolish electorial college and have hr one. they are radical, not donald trump. this colorado decision won't stand. it is time to fight back. >> carley: he says the supreme court will snap this case up in a heartbeat and has national implication outside of colorado. 14 states have moved to disqualify trump from the ballot. >> joey: and has anything like this happened before? jonathan turley had this to say approximate how this compares to what happened with bush v gore. >> jonathan: bush v gore was
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disruptive in court, spent years trying to repair the division on the court itself. try to get unanimous decision to reject colorado decision and to protect our democratic values to show the public that the court is divided idlogically. >> joey: makeup of the supreme court, look at bush v gore, 5-4 decision, decision people say politics influenced that. this would be precedence is how we pick our president. >> griff: the clock is ticking. january 4 is the deadline, we're a week away, we'll see what the
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supreme court does. it was a divisive ruling and this has more at stake because you are talking about the ballot before you get to the election. bush v gore was deciding the election, this is the ballot, beginning of the process. >> carley: the stakes are high. seven after the hour. right now israeli forces are working to wipe out last hamas battalion in northern gaza. [shooting] >> joey: fighting comes at a high cost, idf announcing three more soldiers have been killed. >> griff: trey yingst joins us live. trey. >> trey: good morning.
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i want to start with the latest out of the west bank. launching new raids against militants and infrastructure. a money exchange facility was targeted. after expanding ground operation, the israelis are facing resistance. 167 soldiers have been killed since fighting began. hamas and jihad launch new attacks. conflict continue, humanitarian situation in gaza is deteriorating for two million palestinians living there. >> it is day 82 of the conflict between israel and hamas. the war is challenging for some
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of gaza's most vulnerable residents, like this deaf woman whose daughter has autism. war is difficult. i struggle a lot in the war. there is hardly any food and challenging to find supplies. it is estimated 1.9 million palestinians are displaced. civil yabians lineup waiting for meals. the food is far from enough to feed all the people. i got my food today, sometimes i am not so lucky. >> trey: on the humanitarian front israel says 118 aid trucks entered and it was requested israel shut down a checkpoint
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because of logistics receiving. >> griff: food trucks going in, hostages are not coming out, correct? >> trey: correct 129 are still being held inside gaza. hamas and islamic jihad have rejected calls for ceasefire because they do not want regime change in gaza. >> carley: that is what is going on in israel. back at home, pro-palestinian protests continue to rock cities across the country and in some of the most annoying displays yesterday, pro-palestinian protesters, opposite side of the country, blocked entrances to jfk airport and lax in los angeles. traffic was snarled to a halt,
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they were locking hands and disrupting the road. people missed flights because of this. >> joey: this should be illegal, especially on airports. if pilots and attendants can't get to work and a plane can't take off, an organ or a surgeon that has to be someone somewhere, lives could be lost. arrests should be made quickly. we see overseas the famsz video of the italian protest where a guy comes up and pulls them off and their hands were glued down. >> griff: we were showing you jfk. this in lax in los angeles. the police lapd had to go into
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riot gear, it became more unruly. you can see protesters being arrested here simply because of ability to get media coverage. look at people whose travel plans and people going to work and others disrupting their lives, calling for from the river to the sea, calling for abolition of the state of israel, something we talked about whether protestors fully understand what they are trying to do. everybody has a right, i keep on saying this, right to first amendment, we need to make tougher consesubsequences for those that disrupt commerce. we may see this in time square. >> carley: look at the
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passengers trying to get under the banners, do those look like people that are being persuaded? they look angry to me. what the heck are these people thinking? to think you can put yourself, you are more fortunate and your perspective is more important than these people's lives certainly controversial way to handle this. i was reading in new york city, police in new york city were forced to change how they deal with protesters so now when they get vioviolent, police officerse strapped how they can handle it. >> griff: mayor eric adams said in the wake of black lives
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matter protest, you now have officers dealing with protesters that are violent, police are hesitant and that is the most dangerous situation you can create. >> joey: you have to treat the aggressor with same protection as innocent and we talked about swatting earlier, going into protests, they can be violent and police officers still do that job, it is amazing to me. >> carley: more headlines starting with fox news alert blanchard released from prison this morning. she and her boyfriend were arrested in 2015.
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she claims her mother abused her falsely claiming blanchard was sick and forcing her to use a wheel 2k4r9 chair and undergo unnecessary medical procedures. >> carley: the owner and operator was accused of repossessing and selling vehicles that belonged to deployed marines. debt collectors and towing companies should not be allowed to take their property or illegally take property from a marine and find out. officials in new york city revealing new design for 2024 new year's eve ball. the bowtie was created by
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fountain blue las vegas. appleby's is charging $650 per person for their vacation or book at marriott for $12,000. what are your new year's eve plans? looking forward to making plans with family. eat lobster and be in bed by 10:00. i'm coming over, that sounds idyllic. and gary says his family will watch florida state beat georgia on new year's. >> joey: i feel bad for him, in for disappointment. i hate it. >> griff: tough new year's eve. >> joey: sleep through that one. >> carley: none of those are spending for the marriottspay
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marquee. >> carley: one issue of being in time square, you can't go to the bathroom unless you are in a restaurant. if you got to go, you got to spend $650. >> joey: my son is up, he wanted to check out the hotel from "home alone 2." this scene is why, check it out. >> excuse me, where is the lobby? >> down the hall and to the left. >> joey: that is president trump, young president at the time not president, kevin mcallister from "home alone 2."
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the director christopher columbus, had to to say about trump. he said this is his quote, trump said okay, we paid the fee, the only way to use the plaza is if i'm in the movie. we screened it for the first time, people cheered when trump showed up on time. i said to my editor, leave him in the movie, it is a moment for the oaudience, but he did bully his way into the movie. >> carley: his name is christopher columbus, he accused trump of bullying his way into the film. and former president trump responded. >> griff: trump said, how time flies, director chris columbus and others begged me and rented
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the plaza hotel, i was very busy and didn't want to do it. they were persistent and i agreed. 30 years later, columbus put out a statement i bullied myself into the movie, nothing could be further from the truth. that cameo helped make the movie a success. why did they put me in and keep me there? because i am great for the movie, just another hollywood guy from the mast looking for a quick fix of trump publicity for himself. >> joey: it is in president trump's makeup to respond. he takes things personal. i feel like chris columbus's statement was a win. his statement said the people
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wanted trump even if they didn't. >> joey: so much for home field advantage, new data reveals democrats in pennsylvania are switching to gop in droves. grooik and leo terrell will join us with his insight. hi, i'll have the avocado toast... minus the avocado. so, toast? yeah. everything is so expensive these days. hey, chevy gets it. that's why they're keeping prices down to earth. like on the most affordable ev in america. ♪ a super strong and capable chevy truck. ♪ and a high-tech chevy suv. ♪ why is chevy making affordable vehicles, connected by onstar? so together we can do more. [music playing] mother 1: who is that? that's my doggie. charlie: cancer, it's different in a child because your child is still growing.
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i had 14 rounds of chemo. there's thousands and thousands of kids all over the world who need help. child: it is my first time having cancer, and it's the very worst. narrator: time is running out to give a year-end gift like no other, a gift that can help st. jude children's research hospital save lives. [music playing] mother 2: it's scary to watch your kid battle and fight for their lives. narrator: 1 in 5 children diagnosed with cancer in the us will not survive. mother 3: childhood cancer is hard. it's a long road. you just have to give. you have to give someone that hope-- and especially with them being so young. narrator: please call, go online, or scan the qr code for only $19 a month.
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families never receive a bill from st. jude for treatment, travel, housing, or food so they can focus on helping their child live. father: she grew up in this. so when we go to st. jude, she's happy because that's her home. every time i take her to the doctor, she's excited because she gets to play. and that's all because of st. jude. narrator: when you call or go online with your credit or debit card right now, we'll send you this st. jude t-shirt you can wear to show your support to help st. jude save the lives of these children. mother (speaking spanish): narrator: every gift counts, and whatever you can give will make a difference. [music playing]
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>> joe: r welcome back. bad news per president biden, 35,000 democrats have switched to republican this year. here to react is fox news contributor and former democrat leo terrell. 2.0 is about newer, better, on the right side. when we look at this, are democrats looking to vote for president trump, what do we see here? >> lee: it is a shift, represent a vote of no confidence for president biden. the bidenomics created financial
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stress on the american people and it is a no brainer. the american people were better off under president trump and they cannot afford financial or bidenomics currently, it is too expensive to live under joe biden. >> joey: pennsylvania is a swing state,ive live in georgia and georgia is a bit of a swing state. we will see margins swing the state. when we look at pennsylvania, i think of pennsylvania as a blue-collar state, very much about family and personal responsibility. what about president trump's policies would persuade voters in pennsylvania? >> leo: president trump relates to the everyday person.
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democratic party is party of elites and hollywood. president trump has people at rallies baltimore he can relate to them. and the democratic party has forgotten the middle man, the american citizen who worked a blue-collar job and pennsylvania, georgia, michigan, wisconsin they are turning red because much president trump. all the mud thrown at president trump, american people have never abandoned president trump. >> joey: we see the numbers, what do you predict will happen in georgia or nevada, traditionally red, do you think this trend will sweep the country? >> leo: absolutely, joe biden cannot change his course of
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action, he is controlled by the progressive left. i believe if election was held today, trump wins by a landslide. >> joey: james carville agrees with you, not just republicans or reformed democrats saying it. thanks for joining us, wo wooel wooel wait to see. new year, new laws, we break down the latest measures poised to take effect across the u.s. from controversial to down right weird.
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>> carley: we are just days from 2024, new laws will be taking effect from coast to coast. lite break down the biggest changes across the country with attorney ken bellkin. thanks for joining us. these laws range >> cool, interest, strange, something everybody should know. start with california fchl driving in california, you are not alone, speed cameras are popping up. >> it is a brave new world, speed cameras, we do not need an officer to catch you. i don't think it is a great thing, you don't get context or discretion. there is a guy swerving, he looks drunk, i should get away
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from him. >> carley: you get a ticket if you go 10 miles over? >> 11. a grace. >> carley: another is in california, they decided every store with 500 employees or more they need to have a gender-neutral toy area. i took my two daughters and son to fao schwartz and it is already gender neutral, there is a barbie section, car section, that is what they have, no reason to do this. this is not constitutional, they should not be getting in the business of telling toy shop owners how to section off their store. is this the soviet union?
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>> carley: people are saying this is a first amendment violation. >> it is that, they are drawing gender based line, you are either born with boy parts or girl parts. our supreme court says it has to withstand intermediate scrutiny, important governmental interest. what is the government interest in sectioning toys? >> carley: good point. and this is for elected officials. >> i'm a fan of this, florida is taking a step in the right direction. look at the biden administration, indictment of bob menendez hauled into criminal court for taking bribes, it is about time to see
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their net worth and who is paying their bill. >> carley: on delaware and new jersey, increasing minimum wage, going up to $13.25 new jersey increasing to $15. >> i worked a lot of minimum wage jobs, i will not say it is bad to give people a raise, better to be employed at $13 an hour than $15 an hour. >> carley: only so much money -- quickly in virginia, they just legalized recreational marijuana. the former democratic governor signed this. >> they need to ratify provisions, virginia is about to experience what new york city is
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going through, whole state smelling like marijuana c constantly, they have not set up the licensing mechanism, it will be like the wild west. >> carley: thank you, coming up, florida lawmakers eyeing a new bill after squatters trash a new home causing $40,000 in damage. we will tell you where it stands and stove top scandal. kamala harris seared for having a stove in the background. join us next. ♪ ♪
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narrator: time is running out to give a year-end gift like no other, a gift that can help st. jude children's research hospital save lives. ava: it is my first time having cancer, and it's the very worst. woman: you just have to give. you have to give someone that hope. because of st. jude, she has a chance at life. narrator: every gift counts, and whatever you can give will make a difference for children like ava. make your donation today to help st. jude save lives. medical expenses for myself are just through the roof. so i can only imagine, all the things that she's had to have done, how much it would have cost. when i found out i didn't have to pay, i was just grateful. and i was like, thank god, for st. jude.
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>> griff: vice president kamala harris taking heat for hosting this christmas day photo next to a gas stove again. she posted in front of a gas stove last month, a move critics called hypocritical after pushing to ban them. mike collins joins us now. hope you had a merry christmas.
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get right to this. we have talked about this after the vice president posted that gas stove selfie. what do you make much it? >> mike: it is hypocrisy and the thing is, you would have thought after thanksgiving when they made the first picture. this administration gives ammunition to go with and run with to point out hypocrisy. >> griff: congressman, i may find the president saying she went from being the border czar to posting with gas stoves. biden administration does intend to try to get rid of them. >> i own a gas stove, too.
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i don't care if you are on pull my finger gas, administration should have no input on what you have for a stove. this is part of a broader problem, not just gas stoves, ceiling fans, air conditioning units, even beer, this administration wants american citizens to be department on the government, what you drive, where you live or what you put in your home, they want you to look to the federal government for answers to everything and that is not right. >> griff: when you broaden and step back and look at this and obviously president joe biden trying to get re-elected we heard about priority of the
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climate agenda, are you concerned what could come if they go down this road? what does it look like? >> i am very concerned and all roads lead to the same point. congress failed to do their job. we have passed bills and that allowed federal agencies to get out of control. we stack up cash and pas on to them and say see you next time, have a great year. congress has to get back to doing their job. i stood up and demanded in january, it is time to get a budget passed, we have not passed all appropriations bills on time since the '90s. give me a prediction for
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georgia-fsu game coming. >> i will tell you something and i'm set with the playoff committee, still mad at them, end on go r good note, go dawgs. >> griff: thank you. coming up, new year's eve is three days away, we are getting the party started right now with a mixologist, with cocktails that are worth staying up for. that is next. minus the avocado. so, toast? yeah. everything is so expensive these days. hey, chevy gets it. that's why they're keeping prices down to earth. like on the most affordable ev in america. ♪ a super strong and capable chevy truck. ♪ and a high-tech chevy suv.
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♪ why is chevy making affordable vehicles, connected by onstar? so together we can do more.
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>> we're back with a fox news
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alert. demolition crews are at the house where four university of idaho students were murdered last year set to knock it down this morning. two of the victims' families believe the house could still be vital in the investigation. their attorney saying when the victims can't speak, you have to speak for them. when you feel someone is hurting the case. prosecutors are pushing for suspect bryan kohberger's murder trial to begin this summer. in florida, lawmakers are proposing a new bill that promises to curb illegal squatting. the push comes after two female squatters caused nearly $40,000 damage in jacksonville. the landlord joined us earlier and says they purposely wrecked her rental unit. >> well, simply retaliation. they were angry that they were being evicted and you are exactly right. the emotion of just utter frustration and unfairness is
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overwhelming. >> the new bill would abolish squatters rights to protect homeowners. and the college football, did you see this? usc beating the louisville cardinals 42-28. trojans backup quarterback tossing six t.d.s, a new holiday bowl record. >> first down and ten the 44, moss on the plate. goes deep. he has it. touchdown. that's six touchdown passes. >> west virginia blowing out unc in the dukes mayo bowl after the victory mountaineers head coach neil brown getting a mayonnaise shower, how about that? yuck. >> let's check in with adam klotz for the fox weather
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forecast. >> we're talking snow moving across portions of the southeast. our exclusive in-house fox model only we have. snow dragging across in your future forecast here. illinois, southern indiana, parts of kentucky and tennessee. areas that haven't seen snow for a year and a half or two years. it is where the snow will move through. not major snow but heading further south than we've seen for quite some time and looking forward in time. a lot of folks want to know what can we expect on new year's eve forecast? largely mild. temperatures across the country up and down the east coast in the 30s. cool spots in the middle of the country. only a small little weather systems and new year's day. this one, temperatures again climbing back up into the 40s and 50s, cold spots in the middle of the country. just a couple rain makers on the eastern half of the country. those are the weather headlines. i toss it down to you guys.
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you are about to have cocktails. that means i'll run down there. >> come on over here join the party. new year's eve is three days away. >> this morning mixologist gerad bailey is here to tell us how to mix some drinks. >> i thought all things were diy. what do you have here? >> we'll start off with the be spoken midnight manhattan. a beautiful rye whiskey. great on the sustainability. we'll use two ounces of the rye. -- it doesn't take so long in the barrel and not use so much wood. the flavor is all there. we add sweet vermuth, cranberry juice. i'll stir it. we'll throw that in there, stir
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it and make sure it's well chilled. midnight manhattan. so it's that beautiful drink to just toast at midnight. garnish with an orange peel and cranberry. how much more festive can you get? that's the drink you want to toast to at midnight. >> what are the necessities to have at home to do drinks like this? >> you want your basics. these four bottles i have in front of me, the cherry liqueur, vigilant gin and rye are great ways to start because you learn from me so you can just copy my recipes. on that note we'll add the gin. you want to use it with pomegranate, lime. this comes at 114 proof. it's a little hot if you want to
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shoot it. take a drink, it's beautiful. this is the drink you want to have right before midnight when maybe you don't know the person you want to give that midnight kiss to. [laughter] >> love it. >> spilled a little later. there looks good. lime and a few pom. moving to the next one, this is a beautiful drink. the amaretto, all italian, roasted almonds. stands up. creamy white color. 100% made in italy. we'll add an ounce of that. it is beautiful. i have many stirers. >> they are necessary for the diy part, right? >> they are easier than your normal, you know, spoon you have around the house. so in addition to that beautiful amaretto we'll add, we'll add an
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ounce of cherry liqueur. it's clearly stood the test of time. beautiful. nothing says holidays, christmas, new year like a dark burgundy. chocolate covered cherries that we'll garnish the drink with. we add a little cream. stir it a little bit. this is the drink that maybe a few years ago all of us would have said grandpa would have liked. now we're getting a little older and maybe we want to take a little bit of this after new year's. >> this looks great. >> it smells so good. >> cheers, thank you so much for taking us all that we can make on new year's eve. we'll have a party. >> thank you very much. everybody is taking notes. >> thank you for joining us. your top seller. what is it? best selling drink


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