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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  December 28, 2023 5:00pm-6:00pm PST

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dell nor roosevelt. >> people you just saw they have no shame whatsoever, they have access to the same polls. someone getting stoth in a room. continue to push bidenomics and tell people what they are experiencing isn't true. i know democrats love to gaslight. this is so over the top. you do have to wonder that suddenly this is going to work? >> yeah, jason rantz, really do appreciate it. i am in for laura ingraham. hope you have a chance to check out my book "puppeteers." kayleigh mcenany is up next, stay with us.
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♪♪ >> kayleigh: welcome to a special edition of "jesse watters primetime," i kayleigh mcenany. true for trump, desantis. town hall event yesterday, haley asked an odd question about cause of war. >> what was the cause of united states civil war? >> i think the cause of the civil war basically how government was going to run. freedoms what people could and couldn't do. what do you think the cause of the civil war was? >> i am not running for
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president. >> it is a good thing. >> comes down to the roll of government and rights of the people. i will always stand by the fact that i think government was intended to secure rights of the freedoms of people. >> thank you. in the year 2023, astonishing to me you answered that question without mentioning the word slavery? >> what do you want me to say about slavery? >> you have answered my question, thank you >> kayleigh: she clarified this morning. >> i think everybody thinks the civil war is about slavery. it is more what is the bigger issue? we went through 80 years of that. we know people are struggling what is the role of government and individual freedom. lesson, yes, never allow slavery to happen again.
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what does that mean for government and role of individual freedom? we want every person to have freedom of speech, religion to live their way without any hampering. if it required clarification, yes, civil war about slavery. >> kayleigh: she thinks the person who asked her that question was plant to send the media into a frenzy. >> did you know last night when you were being asked it was, you are saying a democrat plant or typ typical new hampshire? >> no. that why i said what does it mean to you. he didn't answer anything. he didn't tell the reporters what his name was. he showed the tweet the after he did it. we see these guys. we know what they are doing and
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the second they ask the question. >> kayleigh: person hired, they deserve a bonus. biden used to dunk on -- media did what they always do to republicans. >> almost no other answer she could give that wouldn't take bolts away. >> it is reflective where the republican base, you can't tell a simple truth for fear of losing voters. what has become a radicalized republican party. >> significant constituency particularly in the south that is expresses sympathy in variation ways and don't want to be reminded reason the confederacy was to preserve slavery. >> she did extremism, trumpism, taken over modern day republican
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party. this is what happens when you want to whitewash history. this is about who the republican party is and effort to embrace trumpism. >> kayleigh: all about confederates. nikki haley ri moved confederate flag. goal is always to label the entire republican party as racist. even tried calling ben carson racist. yes. trump did more for the black community than the last two decades. here is reporter ryan liza if trump wished the south won the civil war? >> does donald trump believe it was a good thing the south lost the civil war? >> two, is he interested in following nascar, banning
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confederate flag at his own events? >> he is proud of the united states of america. >> kayleigh: do you see the pattern. that is the play book. reporters and operatives throw out ridiculous questions hoping you slip up and plaster on their sites. here is who needs a history lesson. young people in the far left democratic party. completely warped history of marls and events accelerated by social media. harvard har ras, majority of americans, 18-39, majority say best way to resolve israel-palestinian war, for israel to be ended and given to hamas. give the jew-hating terrorist
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control of jewish state. guaranteed genocide. same group think jews are oppressors and treated as oppressors even though jews are one of the world's smallest minority groups. 60% americans, 18-24, october terrorist attack on israel justified by grievance of the palestinians, babies in ovens justified. numbers unbelievably high. no concept what is happening in the world. brains fried by social media and higher education. another poll 20% of americans under 30 holocaust a myth. go to holocaust museum in washington, d.c. 30% of gen z
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bin lauden force for good. documents bin lauden wrote a year after 9/11. >> i need you to stop what you are doing and go read a letter to america. craziest thing i have read in a while. i am shocked. >> they have brainwashed us to think we were the best country on the planet. >> he right. >> disgusted by terror and bigotry and violence you should be by the united states government and military. >> kayleigh: i am disgusted by you. younger generation overwhelming democrat. you are the racist one if you support trump, ben carson or nikki haley. victor joins me now.
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what is society going to look like in 10 years if you have holocaust deniers running the country? >> funny about the civil war. i have spoken 400-500 times. it exists in 10% of the ca campuses. left doesn't want to talk about the union cause. considered military history or traditional history. nobody knows anything about the civil war. nikki haley trying to connect idea of freedom. she said "freedom." that is what slavery was freedom of the united states. only thing she didn't say explicitly. all the other entries had to do with slavery. freedom is slavery.
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that is what it was about to free slaves. it was a gotcha question. always asymmasymmetrical, kayle. joe biden said barack obama was the first clean articulate person to run. you address ed a group of -- he called journalist, you ain't black. another one you are a junkie. whole history of praising segregationists. if you look at the laptop that those messages back and forth between family members of the biden family. a lot of racist content. he could concern his own
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behavior and paths. that is what he was accused of by cory booker and own vice president because of his praise of segregationist. i don't think he is a racist. this idea of nikki haley is some how, it is absurd. rules of dei and woke, kayleigh, they would say nikki haley is marginalized, therefore incapable of being racist. that is the whole doctrine of woke. they are not able to express racism. they are exempt from it. whole thing is absurd. we need to get back to treating people by people, by their individual character not anonymous collectives around su super super official appearances.
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>> kayleigh: victor, thank you. secretary of state kicked former president donald trump off primap the ballot. former joe biden guess what she is a democrat. much like colorado, bello's decision challenged in court. stunning turn of events, trump back on primary ballot in colorado. secretary of state griswold she will certify with trump's name on them. ramaswamy 2024 presidential candidate. secretaries of states 2020, one individual would come in and wipe away laws of legislature,
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because of covid, one person changing election rules. 2024, one person saying i am disenfranchising trump voters your thoughts. >> this is not action of one person. this is action of entire system anaphylactic reaction to one man. they will not allow this man to get anywhere near start line let alone the finish line. this is not how we want to win. i stand by the pledge i made earlier. i reiterate it today, i will voluntarily as a republican 'w candidate remove myself where one of my competitors is forcibly removed through this
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unconstitutional maneuver. other thing republican candidates can do is fight against it. if maine is going to do this, we take maine out of gop primary process. i challenge every one of my competitors to do the same thing. to say we will not stand by and watch this election interference in gop primary. this is about the constitution and who we are as americans. that is why i have taken the position i have. >> kayleigh: bold position. principled position. president trump reacted to the news you were going to stop mending money on tv ads. he will, endorse me, vivek is a
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done man and not done yet. not a plan b guy. what about vp? >> i have been clear, if trump is the num nominee, full support just as i expect his. we are going to deliver a major surprise in iowa. talking to you from the back of the campaign bus two stops in iowa. major surprise january 15th. many supporters not polled. many of them young, some past libertarians. other past conservatives. you are going to see a shock january 15th. polls dead wrong. needs to be america first candidate. best able to reach that as a young person. i am going to see this all the way through and we are going to
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win. >> vivek ramaswamy, we'll be watching. swat teams descend on home of u.s. senator, why? straight ahead. ♪♪ three forks ranch is the destination for luxury and adventure. enjoy private skiing with 23 runs for every level. kick back for intimate performances from the best in country music. enhance your wellness and longevity through our mayo clinic programs, or plan your meeting for a memorable corporate retreat. discover the west kept secret. go to to book your luxury experience.
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>> kayleigh: senator rick scott late republican lawmakers that had his home swatted. he received a phone call -- he was holding wife's boyfriend hostage. man who identified himself as jamal told 911 operator he had a bomb and threatened to blow up the home if his demands were not
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met. police arrived on the scene who spoke to the private security officer. officers got in contact with the senator fortunately out with his wife and confirmed threats were fake. thankfully everything okay. things could have been much worse. swatting is when somebody reports 911 call and an a bogus call. with the hope of creating deadly scene of confusion ready for an armed standoff. representatives margeory greene and williams had that happen on christmas day. >> think of it through the eyes of a police officer you see on
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the screen of coming heavy into my house. they don't know what they are facing. i tried to make it easy. gathered my family in one room. show your hands, be respectful. they would do any way. you have to deescalate. it is not fair for -- >> kayleigh: senator scott glad you are okay. thankfully, you are at dinner. what went through your mind when you got this call? >> i was shocked. >> whole goal to create a deadly situation. put my family at risk if we were there. they put law enforcement at risk. law enforcement doesn't know
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what they are walking into. they knew how to get in touch with me and called my. could be a deadly situation. people have supported israel, trump supporters, people like me up for re-election they want something to happen. a deadly incident that happens here. think about how much time law enforcement puts into this. if there is another situation they are not going to be able to respond to. >> kayleigh: that is interesting, congressman williams thinks he was targeted because of his proisrael views. you think you were targeted because you are up for re-election? >> proisrael, trump supporters. and people up for re-election. they don't want us to win. by the way, they want something deadly to happen. that is goal of making sure somebody gets hurt.
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individual my wife and me, if our grand kids were there. in the case of law enforcement. law enforcement doesn't know who is in that highways. >> kayleigh: my time as press secretary, anonymous phone calls, their places of business. so sorry this happened. merry christmas, glad you are safe. biden justy department threatening to -- it is working. abbott's policy seen arrest of 10,000 illegals since november 15th. governor taking plan a step further passing a new bill to make arrests and give judges green light to send aliens
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packing. joe biden's doj people uncons unconstitutional, look at the border. only thing the feds are doing is tying hands of border agents. instead of employing result-base approaches to border crisis. new poll, 8-10 secretary of state met with president to once again wag fingers about the root causes of migration.
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root cause sitting in the oval office, name joe biden. as i speak an 8,000 migrant caravan barrelling towards our border. our president on vacation. criminals, murders, rapists, we don't know who these people are. neither do the democrat elites. they'll be welcomed by open arms without a google search into their histories. might be surprised who is googling. >> most google searches, they are all blue states, illinois one, new york two, massachusetts three. new jersey four. colorado five. a lot of talk about migrant crisis illinois and new york. voters blue states, states democrats win in general elections, focussing on this
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issue. >> kayleigh: sure cnn lovered reporting on that. mayors being forced to drop the facade turning on the commander in chief. they have their own re-election campaigns. >> can't continue to do federal government's job. >> our local economy holy spirit not designed and built to respond to this type of crisis. >> kayleigh: louisiana senator john kennedy, biden's doj wants to stop abbott. house speaker mike johnson had to say this about what mayorkas, it is unconscionable to hear biden administration's announcement they discussed with president of mexico amnesty for
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illegal immigrants. they go down to mexico to discuss amnesty! >> kay, last saturday, present biden blamed media for unpopularity. truth is most media tried to help him. people of louisiana are not stupid. no. 2, they think the biden administration is. they think it is stupidity runs from the river to the sea. exhibit a is open border.
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present biden dissolved southern border. problems at the southern border are man made. that man's name is joe biden. the people in louisiana and american people know it. yet he plames the media for unpopularity. hard to believe president could be that obtused. discussions going on about foreign aid i want to know your thoughts. congressman, we need senate to pass hr 2. >> we could, i don't know yet. there will not be supplemental
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appropriations unless we take steps to secure the border. we could secure border in six weeks. five things, no. 1 illegal to sneak into our country. caught deported. no. 2, if you climb asylum and lose, deported. to that add remain in mexico program. wall would be secured in six weeks. present biden does not want to secure the border. >> kayleigh: bingo, i wish you were running the show, senator kennedy. why do they have one year to do it? ♪♪ .
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>> kayl kai joe biden's weakness, over 100 u.s. bases targeted since october. one recent attack leaving american service member injured. joe biden responded strikes, meant to discourage iran. american forces destroyed missiles during hours long attack in the red sea. this is the first time navy ever done this in battle. major disruption in the middle east. major reason why proxy forces
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wreaking havoc at this moment. >> i have been saying for six months, hit iran. revolutionary headquarters you can see from space. blow it off the map. make it real to the ayatollah khomeini attack a soldier through a proxy, coming for you. >> kayleigh: last thing they want is another large scale war in the middle east. no sign of slowing down. now the biden administration's days numbered and so our enemies looking to exploit everything they can before more serious leaders take health. army reserve and candidate for
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congress. abe, i am looking at a headline here. it is from end of december. it says this, she, president xi of china. beijing will unify taiwan with china. president xi, we strike now or lose to time, the moment? >> that is exactly right kayleigh. rest of the world knows under the biden administration everything up for grabs, russia understood that. hamas, what they did to israel. now looking at yemen. then you have china just this year, china, putting that balloon, spy balloon traveled across the entire united states without biden and fentanyl,
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chinese spice. they understand if donald trump takes office next november. president trump -- also why he made peace in the middle east. united states is weak under biden leadership. they are going up for grabs. unfortunate. puts allies at risk and service members. over 100 attacks on military service members past two months. this is a very scary situation going on. they have one year left. hearing people talk about black swan-type of event. that is worrisome heading into next year. >> >> kayleigh: unbelievable.
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we were safer, thank you very much. she killed her mother, gypsy rose. some say villian, some say a victim. ♪♪ to duckduckgo on all your devie
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duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine like google, but it's pi and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud
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join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. >> kayleigh: gypsy rose blanchard, convicted murder took her first steps as a free woman. she pled guilty to second degree murder of her mom. didi her mother no ordinary mother. suffered from rare and psychological disorder called munchausen biproxy. this psychological horror became so severe, she underwent 30
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surgeries she never needed to have. didi coerced gypsy to be wheelchair bound for years. >> why did she tell you you were going in a wheelchair? >> i got into a motorcycle accident. she told me that the doctor gave her a wheelchair and i have to be in a wheelchair now. >> forever. >> did she ever catch you walking? >> she did. >> what did she do? >> she started hitting me with a coat hanger and telling me all kinds of mean things and wish she had an abortion. >> kayleigh: abuse didn't stop there. she was held captive in her home. didi would shave gypsy's hair to
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mimic leukemia. wreaked havoc on mental health. at one point her teeth began to fall out. >> i didn't understand why my teeth were falling out. i had to have them extracted. i was losing teeth. >> u yo you know now you didn't need to be in the wheelchair. you know now she was making all of that up. after you went in the wheelchair, you had a feeding tube inserted? >> yes, sir. >> did she tell you why? >> my mother told the doctors i couldn't eat. they put a permanent feeding tube in. >> kayleigh: gypsy became main source of income, sponsorships,
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generated wealth. lies became all too deep. didi couldn't stop there. >> you being sick was necessary to keep up what she built you got a house from habitat from hu hum humanity. that was a source of income. >> it was, yes. i had no idea i was a part of that. >> you didn't know you were a cash cow? >> no. >> kayleigh: gypsy walks as a free bom woman today. many outspoken, others say she is nothing but a murder. gypsy tells the world she found god and one thing she looks forward is going to the chief's game and hopes to see taylor swift. nicole parker joins us now.
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this is really hard to wrap your mind around. didi was estranged from her mother by with holding food. >> this is evil, sick and disgusting. she was abused. she basically herself was -- to imagine what she went through from the time she was a young child. she was moved from louisiana to missouri and they got to missouri doctors would look and say i don't know if i agree what you are telling me, doctors and mother would argue about what was going on. no medical history. we are victims of hurricane katrina. my daughter is sick.
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there was a urologist. investigators realized these problems were fabricated and made up. gypsy rose was a victim, i believe. >> kayleigh: how do you get away for so long. go to the doctor. she frauded the world. got a lot of money for it. >> that's right. every time she was questioned, we are going to another doctor. shut out family members. terrifying how long she got away with this and profitted from harming her daughter. >> kayleigh: nicole parker, thank you. fox news alert. main secretary of state sheena bellows taking a victory lap. she is not doing hits on cnn.
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>> weight of the evidence brought forward. made it clear mr. trump aware of the tender healing in efforts to challenge legitimacy of 2020 election. in unprecedented series of events. >> kayleigh: that is sheena bellows. main secretary of state. this is about inflating herself. kick donald j. trump you are a hero. much like alvin bragg. person of the year list time magazine. trump prosecutors. fame, notoriety. if you want to get an a flight
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don't do this. >> hello, everybody, american airlines [beep] here we go. ♪♪ p
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>> kayleigh: time for headline round up. let's bring in comedian. patience is a virtue, one this florida man clearly doesn't have. flight delayed and he goes crazy. >> hello, everybody does american airlines [beep].
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yeah this is crazy. you have to look with your side eye. pretty intense. i would love to take these guys to a prohamas rally and hamas has their dogs and go at it. >> that would be something. why is it always a florida man? i am a proud floridian. every time i read it. florida man, florida man, why? >> florida is the place you go when you have no shame. you call it when you go to florida. never would have fought. >> kayleigh: that is good. >> now they are fighting like dogs, they are dogs.
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they are dogs, it is terrible. that is what i -- >> >> kayleigh: that is a great florida resident. they were upset about their delay. whole flight cancelled. >> probably don't have kids. when it comes to dogs, people feel different. >> kayleigh: exactly. all about the girls as they said. remember your girls he was saying. that is all the time, catch me on "outnumbered" at noon on weekdays. hannity next. ♪ >> sean: welcome to this spe


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