tv Jesse Watters Primetime FOX News December 28, 2023 10:00pm-11:00pm PST
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bridges. >> i think i'm saying that right. at michael extrao one way, i presume a he's got an extraordinarily clean and strict diet as an nbae star. >> you'd be wrong. turns out that he has beenen eating chipotle every single day for the last ten years. >> yeah. all right. so people have never eaten sugar. r eate >> what is it like, chipotlen real man? i never heard. life. >> i've never seen it in myth life. but i can't imagine it could be in the nba if you did. >> yeah, you could buy is chipotle and a copy of my new book cancel cultureh dictionary. he does. he got to winning the war on fun, which wewe a going t arg to do and go on tour and see me do comedy this spring. there are the red hot dates fora the first leg of the everybody calm down tour. and of coursbee, in the summergn i'll also be touring with some alcoholic mass. i'm not going to sayto who rhyms with kennedy. >> i know you can't wait. neither are we. >> that's it for us. have a great night.
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>> welcome to a special edition of jesse waters prime time. i'm kelll editioofy mcinerney. there's one thing that every republican candidate has in common. the second you start to become popular, the liberal media will come after you. he's seen it tikayle and time fr again. it's true for trump, desantis. it even happened trump to viveke he made a splash at the debates. and today, it's true for nikki haley. at a town hall event yesterday. . . question about the civil waras . >> what was the cause of the united states civil wawas thr and what don't come with an caue easy question, right? i mean, i think the cause of the civil war was basically h how government was going to run the freedoms and what people could and couldn't do. >> what do you think the cause of the civil war was? k thi'm not running for preside. i want to use a good thing forps
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the causide of the civil >> i mean, i think it always comes down to the role of government and what the rights of the people are. and we i will always stand by the fact that i thinknmen government was intended to secure the rights inteand freedoms of the people.a >> thank you. in the year 2023, it's astonishing to me that you >>'s astonishing to me that you . w >> what do you want me to say ye about slavery? no t. >> islt is my question and now haley seemed caught off guard. she could have answered the question better. obviously, the civil war was about slavery. we all know that. sh >>e clarified this morning.rybo >> i think everybodydy thinks that the civil war was about slavery. >> what's more, what's the bigger issue of that? you know, we went through 80 years of that and we know that people were struggling with what's the role of government, what's the role of individual freedom? and the lesson we should take away from the civil war is, yes, never allow slavery to happen again. but what does that mean for
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governmentoes that and the role of individual freedom? we want every person to haveevery person the freedom of speech, religion, to live their life free anyone doing their life anything to hamper that. that's what this was about. so i wf it requires clarificatin of saying, yes, the civil war was about slavery. in a radio interview, haley>> ky said something else that was very interesting. she thinks the person who asked her that question was a plant sent sent and spend the media into a frenzy. dimed you know last night when you were being asked by this one individual that it was like you're saying you're saying a democrat plant, or did you think it was just a typical new hampshire voter? >> no, it was definitely n a democrat plant. that's why i said, what does it mean to you? why iand if you notice, het answer anything. the same reasou.n he didn't telr the reporters what his name was, the same reason he went and showed the guy that he was with the tweet that went up after he dideet th it. we see these guys when gw they come in.
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we know what they're doingwhask and we know from the second they ask the question, a person was hired. they deserve a bonus because they got exactly what they wanted. biden used the flag to dunk on haley, tweeting it was about the slavery. must have done that from the beach. and the media did what theyways always do to republicans. >> there's almost noo other answer that she could give in this republican primary that wouldn't, you know, takeay some votes away from her as she is moving forward. >> it is reflectiv>> it e of whe the republican base is right now that you can't tell ou for fearu can't tell of losing voters in what has become such a radicalized republican party. >> but there is a significant constituency. see, within the republican coalition, particularly in the sout h, that is expresses sympathy in various ways, sympatheticsseo views toward the confederacy and don't want to be reminded that the reasod n the confederay existed was to preserve slavery. >> and she is telling, and playing footsie to extremism, or trumpism, who is now takinsmg over
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the modern day republican party. this is what happens when you want to whitewasrty. thish history. tewasrty. this is more about who the modern day republican party is ando th the effort to embracd trumpism. so it's all about the confederates. but nikki haley remove d the confederate flag from the state capitol. but sure, she's racist ates and shee's racist denies slavery. right. this tells you everything you need to knowfederate about i leftist playbook. the goal is always to label the entires to labe republicany as racist. they even trieasd calling ben carson racist a few years back. yes. benben carson. trump did more for the blacks. community than any president in the last few decades. but sure, he is racist, too. here's reporter ryan lizza asking mdecadee if trump wisheda the south had won the civil war .wa >> president trump believed that it was a good thing that the south lost the civil war and then to is he interested in following
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the nascar example and banning the confederate flag at his own events? >> your first question is absolutely absurd. of th >> he's proud of theunited united states of america . do you see the pattern here? that is the playbooksee th. the same one time and time again, reporters and operatives throw out ridiculous questions, hoping you slip up and say something that they can plaster on their websites, newspapers and cable news. kyron's. but here's who they should be reporting on and who actually needs a history lesson. young people, especially young people and the far left flankatc of the democratic party. they have a completely warped sense of history, morals and current events that were ignited by our radical education system and then accelerated by social media. ba harvard harris poll shows a majority of americans age 18 to 39. a majority say the best way to resolve the israel-palestinian war is for, quote, israel to be ended nian w and given to hamas. give the hating terrorists
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control of a jewish state guaranteedt . that's what they're asking for. that same group of youngs ar people think jews are, quote, oppressors and should be treated as oppressorse . even though jews are one of the world's smallest minority groups. ar and what this one's thinking? 60% of americans, 60%, 18 to, oe 24 think the october terrorist te was justifiedober terrorist by the grievance of the palestinians. babies in ovens, they say, was, justifiebabid. those numbers are unbelievably high. they have no concepters of what is happening in the world. th happening in the world. by social media and higher education. another poll, this one is shocking, says 20% of americans under 30 think that the holocaust was a myth. go to the holocauss t museumus in washington, d.c., take a field trip. and 30% of gen z voters say 3 biden, bin laden, rather, is a force for good. 30% say bin laden's a force for good. if you don't trust polls,
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here's what young people on tik-tok were saying when g they read documents bin laden wrote a year after 911. >> i need you to stop what you're doin sg and go read letter to america. it is literally the craziest thin ag i've read in a while.e. and while i can't say that i'm that surprised, i am pretty shocke d. >> they have brainwashed says that they thought we were the best country on the planetsy on the planet. >> isn't like an argument for bin laden, but he actually had some good points as we're seeing all live guilty too. >> and he writes he writes, if you are disgusted by terrory and bigotry and violence, you should be disgusted by the terrorte and bigotry and violen of the united states government and military b. now, i'm disgusted by you. that is pure idiocy. yoat is pure idiocy. overwhelminglyun democrat. we all know that. but you're the racist one. if you support trump, nikki haley, or even ben carson. nikky, or even ben carson. fellow at the hoover institution. he joins me now. victor, i mean, what is society
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going to look like in ten years if you have holocaust deniers who praised bin laden running the country? >> >> well, it was very funny the about the civil war because, spe you know, i probably spoken four or 500 times in the last 40 years on campuses. and i can guarantee you, of coursn e, in the civil war, as it exists in about 10% of the campuses, the left does not want to talk about shiloh or chancellor bell or grant ortn sherman or the union cause that's considere d militarysidere history or traditional history. >> so nobody knows anythin g about the civil war. >> nikki haley was trying civik, inartfullys trying the idea of freedom. and she said freedom. and that's what slavery was.what it was the freedom of everybody in the united states. her only sin was she didn't say it explicitly, but i think that's what she meant. all the other issues, internal improvements, tariffy icitlyl ty of new states, nullification, they all had to do with slavery and freedom as slavery. i mean, that's what freedom wa
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s mean, that's what freedom wa about to it, to free. alwagotcha questione. . but it's always asymmetrical, keli, because, i mean, joe biden, he tweeted in, it's about slavery. and you think, well, wait a minute, joe, you ran in 2008 and 2007 that you said that barack obamakayleigh was the fid clean, articulate person to run for president. a wahow racist was that? you've said that you addressed a grou p of professional black professionals and said romney was going to put you onu chains. since he's been president, he's referred to two african american aides as boy. he's called a journalist. you ain't black. another one. blother one. . whol of praising segregationists like james of eastland and herman me. so he should not weigh in at all. if you look at the diet, if you look at the laptop l, the those messages back and forth between family members rrth between family members of the biden family, they have a lot of racist content. so he shouldt. concern his own
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behavior and his own pals. and, of course a, that was what he was accused of by cory booker and his own vicebooker president of being racist andbecause of his praise of segregation. so people and i don't think he is a racist, but he's veryin artful and he does say stupid things every once in a while. but this idea that nikki haley is somehow it's just absurd. >> and even by the rules of the i and walt kelly, they would say that nikki haley is a marginalized perso wouldn. she is not white. therefore it is incapable of being racist. that's the whole doctrin ized, thee whole doctrin of woke that people who are victims of racism orey are they're not. they're in a minority. they're not. they're not able to express racism nble to e. they're exempt from it. and it's the whole thing is just absurd . we need to get back to just treating people by people, by their individual character, not as anonymous collectors on their superficial appearances. >> you know, this is the playbook. and that's why you hav the white house press corps asking me if trump wishes the south won the civivl war.
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it's absurd. victor davis hanson, thank you. fox news alert. >> maine secretary of state has kicked former president donald t trump off the primary ballotrum democrat shayna bellows, pictured here with joe biden. look at her ther with president joe biden. it's following coloradao, a suit disqualifying trump based on the insurrection clause. and guess what? she's a democrat. much like colorado bellows lik decision will likely be challenged in court. speaking of which,s decisi and e stunning turn of events, trump is back on the primary ballot in the statve e of coloro . secretary of state janet griswald announcing this stateld announcing this afternoon that she will certify primary ballots with trump's name on them grisw unless the ue supreme court steps in. vivek ramaswam y is a 2024wam presidential candidate. here he is the day the secretaries of states in 2020 secretaries of states,oc one individual would come in and wipe away the laws be and wipe away the laws
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because of covid, i'm changing mail in voting. one person changing election rules. that was 20, 20, 20, 20, one person saying, i'm disenfranchizing trump voters. your thought s? >> well, look, kayleigh, i think you phrased it well, but i would say that this is notughts. not an action of o. this is the action of an entirec systemti that has an anaphylactc reaction to one man. and i think ja sysw dropping the bed, bread crumbs, they're making it clearer by the day. lactic r onei'm concerned that y will not allow this man to get anywhere near the start line of the election, let alonet the finish line. and i say this as somebody who's running in the same race as donald trump. this is not how we should wantdy to win. so i stand by the pledge i madee earlier on the back of the ea decision, and ik of the reiterate it today that i will voluntarily, as an 'w republican candidate, remove myself from any gop primary ballot. one of my competitors, donald trump, included, is forcibly removed through this unconstitutional maneuvehrough
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and i think one thing that the other republican candidates can do, kayleigh, is to fight othe, to say, is to fight that ron desantis and nikki haley and chris christie do mae the same thing, that if maine is going to do this, we then take mainegoing to out of the gp primary process. that's the logical way to handle thisne out o. and so i made that announcement tonight. i challenge every one of my other competitors in the gop primary to do the same thing, to say that we will not s stand by idly and watch this brazen form of electiota bn interference in the gop primary itself. and i think that that's not a left wing or a right wing issue. it shouldn't be. thiss abou is about the constitn and who we are as americans,amer and that'sicanhave why i've takn the position i have. that's a bold position. pled it's a principled position. and i want to get your take on this. so president trump, he reactedto to the news that you were going to stop spending money on tv ads. he said that's not mendin true social. he will, i am sure, endorse me . but the debate is a good man and it's not done yet. is that something i mean, i understand you don't have plan bs.
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you said that. >> is that something you would say the right moment should it comeyet. to that? it's not a plan b.. you have been quoted by vice president. i've been clear. look, if trump is the nominee, he has my full support and backing all the way. , just as i expect his if i'm t nominee, i actually think we're goinexpeg to deliver a major surprise in iowa. i'm talking to you fromm the back of the campaign bus between two stops in rural iowa. i think we're going to have a major surprise on january 15th because many of the supporters backing me, they're not polled, many of them not even traditional caucus goers, many of them young. some of them passef them youd libertarians, other america first conservatives who haven't been traditionale go republicans. so i think you going to see a shock on january 15th. g toi think we're going to shoch the world. i think the polls are dead wrong. wrong. needs to be an america first candidate leading our movementnd forward. and i think i'm best able to reach that next generation. st ableach tkelly, as a young p. that's why i'm going to see this all the way through. and i think we're going to wintg
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. vivek ramaswamy, we will be watching. than vivk you very much from the campaign bus right there. all right. swat teamswatching descend on to of a u.s. senator. >> why? straight ahead , pilots are a breed all around. they're laser focused and determined to perform without excuses. none of it makes it through here. we want to go out. we want to succeed. you must prove what you're capable of under the most extreme conditions. one or 2 seconds sometimes could be the difference between life and death. talk is cheap action. that's what matters. top combat pilot streaming now on fox nation. it's your last chance to get our best offer of the year. >> sign up today. ready to live. age less than listen to ageless mail. max keeps me at the top of my game with 675 milligrams of gas and 66 counts of boost. total testosterone. bigger muscles, reduced fat. bye bye, dad.
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the combat symptoms and boosts immunity. biovanta really works. >> go to deal trashcan right now and see how much you can save. senator rick scott becoming the latest republican lawmaker to have his home swatted this week. haek. received a call from a man heceived a call from a man with an ar-15 while she was sleepingd and that he was holding the wife's boyfriend hostage. ndthe man who identified himseld as jamal also told the 911 operator that he had a bomb and threatened to blow up the home if his demands were i not met. and he used senator scott's addresf his as his own.
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police arrived on the scene met.ce arrived on the scene security officer who wasn't aware of any calls. spokg on insidells. the house. officers got in contact with the senator who was fortunately out for dinner with his wife at the time and conducted a search of thefed home to confirm the threats were fake. thankfully c, everyone was okay, but things could have been much worse. for those who don't know. swatting is when someone makes a bogus 911 call reports a major, often violentswatti cre such as an armed kidnapping happening at someone else's address. they do that with the hope of creating a deadly scene o tof confusion once police show up on the scene ready for an armed standoff rea. representatives marjorie taylor greene and brandon williams both haveff their homes targeted with swatting calls on christmas day. isn't that nic e? christmas day. i spoke to williams about that. what ie d willt like to have poe show up at his house when his family was home. ths family was home.
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of a police officer you see on the screen them coming, you know, and heavy into my house. you know, they don't know what they're facing. >> and so i try to just make ite easy for them. i gathered my family in onee room and just told them, you know, show your hands, be respectfu l, which they willhave t do anyway, but you really have to de-escalate that because is o it's just not fair for law enforcement much less. >> it's very violating. and my family. senator rick scott joins me now. and scott, i'm glad you're okay. i'm glad your family is okay, thankfully. d but what happened? you're at dinner. what went through your mind whenat you got this call?>> i was shocked. i mean, this you know, i the whole goal of this is to create a a deadly situation where somebody does something wrong. it puts every, you know, put my famil y at risk. there. if we were there, they they p went terrorize our families. lthey they put law enforcement at risk because law enforcement lat what they're walkingrcement
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into. thank thank god they you know,wo they knew how to get in, get ino touch with me and call me. uc mbut it could be you know, i. could be a deadly situation. it seems like it's peopl ave who have support israel, trump supporters, people like me up for reelectionsupporte ant they're going after because they they want something badt th to happen. they want to have a deadlyns incident that happens here.rcemn and think about how much time law enforcement puts into this, that if there's some other situation, that they're not going to be able to respond to. so that's interesting what you just said. congressman williams told me s he he thinks he was targeted because of his pro-israel views. he has evidence to support wgets that. you think you were targeted because you're up for reelectionk yo? i think it's pro-israel. i think it's a trump being a trump supportection?r. p i think all of us that. are trump supporters are a target. and i think people that are uppo for reelection are targets. i mean, they they don't want us to win. i mean, they want us t wayo ande the way, they want something deadly to happen. this is this is a goal of trying to make sure somebody gets hurt, whether it's,
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you know, the individual, like in my case, my wife and me, or ifwife our grandkids were therer in the case of, you know, law enforcemen t, that they walkenfo into a dangerous situation because you mean law enforcemenrct knowt doesn't knoh what who's who's in that house? they have no idea what they're walking intos.. >> yeah, you know, i remember secretary. i would get anonymous threatening phone calls. my family members, their placeuf of business. no one should go through this. and i'm so sorry that this happeneds. to you, senator scott. merry christmas. i'm glad you're safe. if glad yoe i didn't care. >> bachmann is threatening to sue texas over governor abbott's new law, which empowers state officials to deport illegal immigrants. why? because it's working. -- it iabbott's policy has seen the arrest of 10,000 illegals since november the governorvember is taking thn a step further, passing a new bill which will expand law enforcement's authority to make arrests and give judges the greew bin light to send alis packing. the new leg of the legislation
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is set to take effect in march,s but joe says no.packing. his doj, joe biden's doj says punishing people who break the law is, quote, unconstitutional signal and will disrupt the federal government's operations. i weren't aware there were an operations from the federal government. just look at the border. onal, lothe only thing the feds are doing is tying the hands of border agents. so instead of employing result based approaches like we did in the trump era to the border crisis, biden sent his team down to mexico when a show of feigned interest ahead of primary voting. he sees the polls and a new one shows eight in ten voters describe the migrant influx as a major problem, if not a national emergency. so secretary of state antony blinken and homeland security secretary alejandrecretaryo may met with president obrador to once agai pren wag their finr about the root causes of migration. how often we hear about that, although they know it is nonsense, it's the rootg
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cause of sitting in the oval office. his name oval joe biden. and right now, as i speak, an8,0 8000 migrant caravan is barreling toward our border. our president on vacation. inal, criminals, murderers,. we don't m, know who thesehese people are, and neither do the democrat elites who campaign on keeping the border open. they'll be welcomed with open arms by thearms biden administration without so much as a google search into migh as a google search into their histories. but you might be surprised got you might be surprised google searches for migrantsoge state. look at all these states.tates, they're all blue states. illinois is one. new york is two. massachusetts is three. new jersey is four. colorado is five. and of course, there's been a lot of talk about the migrantl crisis in both illinois, in new york. and it seems like even voters in thosein states, very, st blue states, states that democrats win in general elections, almost always they are focusing on this issue
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. i'm sure cnn loved reporting one. and the mayors in those sanctuary states and cities are being forced tha . e drop the turning on the commander in chief because they have their own reelection campaigns to worry about. >> we cannot continuioe to do the federal government's job. >> we need more federal support. to be able to manage this amount of inflow. >> our local economies loc not d designed and built to respond to this type of crisis. louisiana louisiana senator john kennedy sits on the judiciary committee. sen he joins me now. senator kennedy, so biden's doj wants to stop abbott from protecting the people of texas . and then house speaker mike johnson had this to say about that meetinghous that my k has had done in mexico at a time when america is experience seeing the worst border crisis in our nation's history. it is unconscionable i to hearma that the biden administration's announcement that they discusse d with the president of mexico amnesty for illegal
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immigrants mex. so they go down to mexico to discuss amnesty came like last last saturday. >> president biden blamed the the media for he has unpopularity. >> the truth is that most members of the media have tried to help me in my state. os for example, our two largest newspapers are run by members of the main wing of the democratic party and they publish accordingly. >> but in louisiana, president biden is about as popular as . why is that? two reasons. number one, the people of louisiana are not stupid. number two, they think the biden administration is.nk they think that it's stupidity. ru sn from the river to the sea. >> exhibit a is the open
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border. president biden has dissolve.d the border. our problems at the southern border. or manmade. nam and that man's name is joea biden. and the people of louisiana ams the people of louisiana it. >> yet he blames the media for his unpopularity. it's hard to believe that the president could be that obtuse . i guess if you ask him where jordan is, he would say we're tired. but that's that's where we are on american day. meanwhile, over in the senate, there's these discussions going on about foreign aid as it pertains to border security funding. you know, i want to know your thoughts. i talked to byron donalds last night, congressman, and he said we need the senate to pass h.r. two, which is essentially pa plan.r which is essentially that needs to be a part of this . >> well, we could we could. i don't know yet what's going to happen in the senate. not
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>> there will not be a supplemental appropriations bill passed on westshore unlessi we take steps to securate the border. we could secure the border in six weeks if we just did five things. >> number one is simply go the snakfivee our country or try tot if you're caught, you should be deported. number two, if you claim asyluml and yoimu lose, you should. be deported. two, that we had or remain in mexico program. and i'll say third country policy i and along the border which be secured in six weeks. >> but president biden does not want to secure the border. h: bn now, bingo, you nailed it. i wish you were running the show. senator kennedgo y. thank you very much. well, what's iran doinenatorg ay do they have one year to do it ? my name is john david curtin. my name is john david curtin. dr. kimberly stegman me
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joe biden's weakness on the world stage is pushing america closere to an all out war with iran. tensions are on the rise in the middle east as over 100 u.s. bases have been targetedness by iran proxy since october,d with one recent attack leaving c an american service member critically injured. president biden respondek led by directing a series of airstrikes in iraq. there were pinprick strikespondo meant to discourage iran and its militants from more attacksur against u.s.iran personnel. american forces also destroyed a swarm of drones and anti-ship ballistic missiles fired by iran backed houthi rebels during an hours long attack in the red sea.s th this was the first timet ti the navy has evemer done this in battle. a surgeon who had the attacks over the last few weeks has caused a major disruption to international shippinmajog and led to an increased u.s. military presence in the region . biden's inability to show strength with iran is n tha reas why these proxy forces are wreaking havoc at this veryh
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moment. >> without iran, there are no hoodieavocs. the hoodies are completely backed by iran. i've been saying for six months now hit iran. they have all feels out in the open. they have the revolutionar yheadqu guard headquarters you can see from space. blow it off the map. cay want to protect. american soldiers, make it real to the ayatollah. >> you attack a soldier to a proxy. we're coming aftera you. blasting americans. what is another large scale war in the middle east? but biden's policies are placatinths anotheg enemiest our country in quite a position. under biden's watch, iran hasid ramped up its nuclear program in defiance of westernig countries and shows no sign of slowing down. sloand now the biden administration's days may be numbered. and so our enemies are looking to exploit everything they can before more serious leaders take the helm. joining me now, abe he's an army reserve intel r abe, an army reserve intel r
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congress. abe, i'm looking at a headlinem here on my it's from the end of december and it says this xi, president xi of china warned biden during a summit china that beijing will reunify taiwan with china. reunify. so she's making plans about taiwan. the timing is uncertain. iran acting up. are these countries looking around and saying, we strike nopresidw or we lose the time the moment? exa that's exactly right, kelly. what we're seeing right now that we're seeing right now that under the biden administration, that everything is up for grabs. so russia understood that that's why they invaded ukraine. rus see the hamas, what ty did to israel. now you're looking at the yemen, the houthis t there, what they're doing, the international shipping trade. >> but then you have china yeme i mean, just this year, haley, you had china invade our sovereignty, putting in hot air. that's that balloon, the spy balloon that traveled across the entire united states without biden shooting it down. and now you're seeing that all
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of the facts are not pointing across our southern border. the chinese spies are cominge. across. so, yes, every single country is witnessing opportunity they have. and they understand that if president trump takes back officerstane next novembere what's going to happen is deterrence. >> you know, we led through peace, through strength under president trump. that's why president trump took out kassam soleimani in iraq,tr the iranian revolutionary guard . but that's also why he made peace in the middle east. so right now, the rest pea in a understands the united states is weak under the biden leadership. so bide they're going up for grabs. so that's really unfortunate what's happening, because it really puts our allies at risk. but it's also put our service members at risk. as you've over 100 attacks on military service members in the past two months and just in the middle east. so this is very scary situatio n that's going on. but, you know, they have one year left and i don't know what's going to pe but, you know, you're hearing people talk a black swan type of eventop and that's what's som worrisome right now heading into nexg intot year. it's unbelievable. pinprick strikes. that's what you get with biden.
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with trump, you get the death of soleimani and not a single u.s. servicemember killed in that region in his final year of his presidency. hank you >> we were safer. thank you very much, abe. much mother.ry much, abe. but gypsy rose is her name. some say she's a villain, some say a victim. the time is now. okay. here we go. it's your last chance to sign up during fox nation's once a year sale. this offer won't last, and it's your chance to start streaming our biggest. i'm rob lowe. this is liberty or death. boston tea party with the biggest stars. perfect. it's just perfect. and your fox favorites every day. start streaming fox nation now for just 1999, a year. your last chance to lock in our exclusive offer. sign up today. >> supervisor is the number one selling brand for men's, and health and for the third
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we're cut in half. just like that. go to ship station .com slash try and get two months free gypsy rose blanchard convicted murderer and american, sensation to many has taken social media by storm as she took her first steps as a free woman. todar y. e her story captivated americans when she pled guilty to second degree murder of her mom. f her but d her mother was no ordinary mother. ordinary mother. a rare and extreme psychological disordersum rare d munchausen by proxy, a mental disorderle that caused dee dee to convince her daughter that she suffered from illnesses that never really existed. according to gypsy, the psychology you call horror h became so severe that she underwent overr 30 surgeries
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that she never even needed to have. and one instance, dee dee coerced gypsy to remain wheelchair bound for years. >> why did she tell you you were going in the future? >> i did get into a motorcycle accident with my grandfather and it scared my knee and she sent me to hospital and then told me that the doctor gavee to her a wheelchair and i have >>r a wheelchair and i have >> forever. forever. did she ever catch you walking ? she did a couple of times. and what did she say or do or she got so upset with me she would punish me so bad. she started hitting me with a coat hanger and telling me all kinds of mean things. she would tell me that she wished she had an abortion whe she had the chance. >> unbelievablan abortioe but ta did not stop there. gypsy was held captive in her home. dee dee would shave gypsy's hair to mimic the effects of leukemi shavea, as well as fy diagnose her daughter with muscular dystrophy
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and epilepsy, just to name a few. gypsy was force fed all types of medication that completely wrecked wreaked havoc on heron mental and physical health. so much so menta that one pointt gypsy's teeth began to fall out. o i just didn't understand why o i hate her falling out. >> i had to have extracted. i knew i was losing teeth. >> but you know, now you didn't have epilepsy. i know that. you know now. you didn't need to be in that i wheelchairn th, you know, now se was breaking all of that up. after you went in the wheelchair, you had a feedine gs tube in certain. yes, sir. did she tell you why , ? she tell you why my mother told the doctors that i couldn't ea tolt, so put they put a permanent feeding tubenent in. and even more sadistic gypsy became the main source b of income for her mother. sponsorships, charitieecams, reality programs. all of the attention generated wealthsponso. .
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for deedee, the lies became all too deep and deedee couldn't stoe alp there. >> did you understand that you been sick was necessary to keep up what she built because you got a house from habitat fro for humanity. you gom t donations, you got different types of people for being sick. so that was a source of income for her, right? it was, yee.>>s. a part and i had no idea that i was a part of that. >> you didn't know that you were a cash cow? no. gypsy rose blanchard walks as a free woman today kayleig. while many people on social media have been outspoken in their support for gypsy. others still say amid all of the abuse, she's nothing but a murderer. but gypsy tells the world that she has found god in her time behind bars. and the one thing she looksun forward to now is going to the next chiefs game. and hopes of seeing taylor swifts , an artist shegaa says has gotten her through her time in prison. her time in prison. joins us now. ninicole, thank you forthis
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being here. this is really hard to wrap your mind around. is reallyyou know, i read in ty mail that dee dee, the mother, actually was estranged from her family due to suspicions she killed her mother by withholding food so sick. is is absolutely sick. this is evil and is disgusting. and i look at gypsy rose and i see she went through i mean, she was abused. she y herself washersel a victim of multiple crimes, child abuse. you know, her mother making up all of these lies, the brainwashing. i mean, to imagine t what shea o went through from the time that she was a young child. i mean, she was moved from , mean, she was moved from you know, louisiana to missouri, and they got to missoury got i. ow and the doctors would look and say, look, i don't know if i agree with what f i whatyou're telling me is hao with, you know, my daughter and the doctorctors and the motr would argue about what was going on. and the mother would say, look, there' goins no medical historywe a here. we're victims of hurricane katrina. there's no recordsre. and my daughter is sick. and at one point, there wasn't a religiou s who questioned
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what was going on, but that neurologist didn't think that they had enough evidenceog. to present it to law enforcement. the investigators eventually went in there and they realized that there are these problems were all fabricated and made up by her mothee r and poor gypsy rose was the victim of this, i believe. you know, how do you get awayu e with something like this for so long? i mean, you goaway to the docto. there are tests that can be conducted. she essentially fronted the worlshe frd and got a lot of money for it. that's right. and every single tim ie that sho was questioned, she would just say, you know what, we're going to another doctor. we're going to move somewherwe l else. she said. our family members, it's absolutely terrifyings.ay how long she got away with this and that she profited from harming her daughter. >> nicole parker, thank you. fox news alert. >> maine secretary of state channa bellows is taking a victory lap this evening. right now after kicking donald j. trump off her state's primary ballot. she's out doing hits on cnn and msnbc. watch.
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the weight of the evidence brought forward under law in the challenge section 336 challenge that was brought made it clear that mr. trump was aware of the tendep r he claimed in a multi-month efforts to challenge legitimacy of thef0 2020 election. and then in an unprecedented and tragic series of events, chose to march. >> so that sheila bellows a name that to our to go.a we did not know i had to write it down on my paper. the maine secretary of state. now she's on msnbc. she's on cnn because this is aboutstate. is abou inflatin. you kicked out on tell trump the ballot. you become a hero, much like alvin bragg. youyou're the first to indicte and maybe you'll be time man of the year. i speculated. well, guess who was on the person of the year list for time magazine? you got it. the trump prosecutors. that is what this is about. fame, notoriet.y. ety. >> there she. well, if you want to get on a wn flight, don't do this.
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craziest and most memorable moments. that's when the story exploded. who can forget? 2023 new year's eve on fox news channel? well, it's time for headlineroun roundup. let's bring in comedian amy kozak. here we go. patience is a virtue won. this florida man clearly doesn not have his flight got delayecd and he goes crazy. >> watch. hello, everybody does american airlines start? >> here we go. nothing here. i'm not kidding. you knoweep]. you know, so i to tell you about helping comic-con really look like i have my anchor go away. yikes. he says american airlines. amy was keeping him away from his pet dogs and was saying,
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quote, remember your girls? remember your girls? >> well, i mean, first of all, hats off to the cameraman. usually in these situations, you don't get that good a shot. >> so we have to give credit for for forgetting all of this on camera. yeah this is this is crazy.. i love watching this kind of stuff. when you're there in person, you kind of haveu ha to with your side eye. to a side eye. i would love to take these guys to like a pro-hamas rally and just tell themhama that ham has their dogs and have them just go at it. >> you know, that woultheir dog, my gosh, that would be something. i mean, i mean, whwould bey is t always a florida man? i'm a proud floridian, you know that. i love that state. orida >> but it's like every timema i read it, it's florida, man, florida man. y you know, i think florida'ss the place you go when you have no shame anymore and you're ready to jusact be yourself.hame >> you know, you call it whenll you go to florida. and i never would have happened if i was president. never would have happened if i was president. they would have fought likeh: a this. people were pretty good. people would get along. caleb tellint is good.g you thed get along. >> and now they're fighting
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like dogs, just like the democrats. dogs dogo their dogs. that does it. >> that's what i could say. gre that's, of course, a pretty florreside course, a pretty trump. that's incredible, amy. i do this to report, though, you're upset about their delay and apparently the whole flight gets canceled. oh, man. well, that's not cool, everybody. they're just ruining everybody's fun. t thei you know, it's just just awful.g >> these guys are, i don't know, travel become a nightmare for everybody, but they probably don't have actual kids, you know, because i feel. like when you're at the airport, any distance you can get from your own kids is is a good probablve kid thin. but i guess when it comes to dogs, people feel different. yeah differe, they hey, exactly. it's all about the girls as they said. remember your girls? he was saying, all right, that'ssaying all the time we har tonight. don't forget to catch me on outnumbered at noon on weekdays. hannity is up next
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