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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  December 29, 2023 2:00am-3:00am PST

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i'm not seeing a single poll to shows bidenomics is popular. they have no shame, they have access to the same polls and someone is getting together in a room and saying let's push bidenomics despite polling and tell people what they are experiencing is not true. democrats love to gaslight, but this is over the top and suddenly it is going to work. >> jason: i appreciate it. i'm jason chaffetz in for laura ingraham. that is all the time we have. check out my book "the " and kay is up next, stay with us. >> carley: a fox news alert, former president trump has been
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removed from the 2024 ballot in the state of maine. the secretary of state ruling trump violated the 14th amendment, making it the second state to disqualify trump from holding office. you are watching "fox and friends first," i'm carley shimkus. >> todd: final show of the year. the centsiment is the same. just hours before, trump's name returned to the ballot in colorado. trump is facing lawsuits in 13 states to get removed, even some republican rivals are pushing to get these cases dropped. >> carley: alexandria hoff has more. >> alexandria: this is first where election official has taken action to remove former president trump from the ballot. bellows writing, mr. trump used
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a false narrative of election fraud to enflame his voters. here is more. >> the events of january 6 2021, which were unprecedented and tragic, were insurrection and under -- engaged in insurrection and is therefore disqualified. >> alexandria: that was designed to keep confederate officers from holding office after the civil war. john andrewses he is moving to impeach the secretary general, i wish to impeach secretary bellows for barring a former president of the united states who is convicted of no crime from appearing on maine's
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ballot. this follows colorado's supreme court decision to remove trump from the ballot, which has been paused, meaning trump will appear on the ballot there, unless supreme court affirms colorado's decision. efforts to disqualify the former president is be ing talked abou in 13 other states. this is vivek ramaswamy. >> this is the action of an entire system that has a reaction to one man and they are dropping breadcrumbs and making it clearer by the day. they will not allow this man to get near the start line of the election, let alone the finish line. >> alexandria: carley and todd. >> carley: alexandria hoff live in washington, d.c.
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thank you so much. bring in doug collins, host of the doug collins podcast and former georgia congressman. what do you think of this move by the maine secretary of state to remove donald trump from the ballot? >> doug: it is more and more amazing. good morning to you. all the discussion this past year, one thing coming to mind, they accuse republicans in voter, trying to disenfranchise people. what democrats have shown, they are attacking democracy. here is appointed secretary of state, took three petitions from people of maine and decided herself donald trump committed insurrection, as found in the 14th amendment without reading first section of the 14th amendment, which talks about due
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process and things we understand in this country that makes america great. people are seeing more and more and i've said this before, donald trump does not need to say they are after me, he just needs to say read the headlines. >> todd: is this based upon the law. >> engage in insurrection and you are out, the complicated part, who gets to decide and by what process? she based her ruling on documents, youtube, things that would never pass the bar in normal court. she's not a lawyer, by the way, unelected, chosen by the state legislature. >> todd: that analysis gets at the heart of what the supreme court is going to do. they can make this argument when
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they write their decision this individual does not have the right to decide for millions upon millionings of people. has donald trump been convicted of insurrection anywhere? the answer is no and i think that is another way it fails whachl say you? >> doug: i have a better one, he's never even been charged. it is amazing to see, his analysis was pretty good there. the supreme court needs to decide this quickly thchl is someone who is democratic elector for the democratic party for maine. interesting part, there were three complaints that led to this hearing she had. two based on insurrection clause and one saying donald trump
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shouldn't be president because he said he won 2020, that shows how much weight we should put on what is happening. i go back to this. when you are looking at peep and he will how they go about this, they are fearful of donald trump and deraged how they dislike him so much they are willing to bend all rules to get a desired result because they are afraid he will win again and you know what, they are right. >> carley: it may do the opposite, all republican presidential candidates came out with statements supporting donald trump. ron desantis was asked about it and is defending him. this in a way, meant to hurt donald trump is publicity that money can't buy. >> doug: the whole year has been that for donald trump. look at the charges brought.
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you just played a clip of vivek ramaswamy, he all but admitted donald trump is the nominee. donald trump will be the nominee for the republican party and other candidates are admitting it and the haley campaign, ron desantis campaign, ramaswamy campaign and chris christie campaign, they are doing it for him. the american people are tired of seeing this government inaction, talking about things and doing the opposite. they are trying to keep people from having a choice. >> todd: if you think he got a lot of free publicity, wait until jack smith goes after him and in all likelihood fails, what he is doing is beyond the pail. >> todd: have a great 2024, we appreciate it. >> doug: happy new year. >> todd: former comms director
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for hillary clinton has advice for the current president and does not sound optimistic. >> carley: we're talking with tomi lahren, plus tudor dixon and -- will all be joining us live. don't go anywhere. ♪ ♪
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visit today. you're probably not easily persuaded to switch mobile providers for your business. but what if we told you it's possible that comcast business mobile can save you up to 75% a year on your wireless bill versus the big three carriers? did we peak your interest? you can get two unlimited lines for just $30 each a month. there are no term contracts or line activation fees. and you can bring your own device. oh, and all on the most reliable 5g mobile network nationwide. wireless that works for you. it's not just possible, it's happening. >> carley: the war in israel, tragic news. a new york native is confirmed dead, judi, judith weinstein wa killed during the original
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october 7 attack. she was confirmed dead after 82 days in hamas captivity. mia shem is speaking out telling israeli news she went through a holocaust. hamas is holding more than 120 hostages, including six americans. >> todd: in new york, thousands flooding manhattan shutting down the entrance to the world trade center, calling for an end to israel. funeral procession honoring -- symbolic bundles in the middle of time square in a silent call for ceasefire. we have seen demonstrators take to the streets of new york. with new year's just days,a way,
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mayor adams says they will protect the ball drop against any major threats. >> carley: look at that, dangerous storm surge pounding the california coast, coastal flooding, this giant wave sweeping the patio of a santa cruz restaurant. and look at this flood water. whoa. >> todd: the powerful storm prompting evacuations in the bay area, with waves expected to meet heights of 33 feet. >> carley: adam klotz, what is going on? >> adam: it is pushing all that water up and down the coasts. we'll see rounds of shower begin to fall, more flooding this time
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coming from the sky as opposed to storm surge. this is the tail end. pay attention to the timestamp in the corner, friday into friday night and saturday morning, big round of thunderstorms will push on shore, flooding is an issue as we track through the weekend with rounds of heavy rain. flooding will be a thing we're paying attention to because when it is all said and done, we'll see rainfall. when you see the yellow color, two to three inches, it is easy to flood in the hills when you talk about precipitation in that area. that could cause a problem. if you are traveling, you are seeing clear skies across the country beside where that storm system is moving along the west
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coast. today and tomorrow, expect delays. this is only major system impacting the country. >> carley: thank you, happy new year. liberal cities closing out 2023 with record-setting crime rates and americans are begging for change. >> todd: talking with two crime victims who have a list of demands for their leaders in the new year.
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>> carley: san antonio police revealing video of the persons of interest in the district attorneying o -- death of a pregnant teen and it is believed the video shows them wiping the kia down before ditching it with the couple's body inside.
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soto and guerra were found inside. she was reported missing last friday when she did not show up for her appointment to be induced. >> todd: closing out 2023 with surging crime rates, washington, d.c., philadelphia and chicago have seen a year over year increase in violent crime. in seattle 73 people have been murdered this year. both of our next guests are crime victims themselves. they join me now. thanks for being here. carley, describe the lawlessness, you have had to suffer through in 2023. what can you really say? unfortunately because of so many
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horrible laws that lawmakers have decided to give us, we are now a haven for crime and all the criminals know it. there is really nothing that can be done. i have multiple cases, supposedly with detectives right now. i would like to prosecute because they have caught a couple people and i've heard nothing from prosecutors. apparently they don't have the funds to prosecute all the crime happening, so they pick and choose. there is only so much we can do, it is sort of every man fhimsel. >> todd: we are seeing broken glass and showing people breaking in. the video involving paul is much
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different, grosser. a homeless man throwing human excrement at you. is anything getting about better in l.a.? >> no, todd. good morning and merry christmas. i could repeat everything carley just said, same situation is happening in los angeles. it's a three-pronged attack. one is our government is passing laws and disallowing laptop to enforce homeless laws. we have a city -- prosecutor, george gascon, who is not prosecuting people. you can hand the perpetrator to george gascon with video. he could run into the arms of police and he will not get punishment. we have emergency services, lapd
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and l.a. fire have been dismantled by the diversity and equity agenda, leaving us with no protection. the government does not care we have no protection and a prosecutor who will not prosecute crime. we are left on our own. >> todd: will criminals feel less embolden in 2024 or will this get worse until voters vote out these progressive politicians that allow this law lawlessness to take place? >> i'm slightly hopeful. we did have local elections recently and people did speak up and say enough is enough, we're
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tired of the status quo and we'll move forward with somebody new. a lot more middle ground has been found between parties, which i'm hopeful gets us somewhere. it comes down to lawmakers and they are doing income to help citizens. i don't understand how this is happening. >> todd: paul, any sense or optimism george gascon is gone next election? have people reached the tipping point in l.a.? >> people i talk to, i think he is done. we have three important elections in los angeles i'm concerned about. our councilman named rahman, no one will vote for her.
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ethan weaver is running against her and i pray for the sheriff to win the county supervisor seat and we have two running against george gascon. i will take mckinney, but will take either one of them both guys were shunned by george gascon, if he shuns them, i want them. >> todd: we understand your brother passed away overnight, we offer condole condolences to. >> todd: thousands of migrants pass the border everyday, biden administration is letting them stay here. tudor dixon will be here. >> carley: and pop tart interesting show, we'll tell you what happened coming up next.
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>> carley: ohio governor dewine will decide if to ban a bill.
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>> todd: after months of protest calling on officials to protect children. cheryl casone has more. hi, cheryl. >> cheryl: good morning. governor of ohio has one day to stop doctors using blockers and altering children's bodies. the safe act would stop doctors from prescribing gender altering treatment in kids and stop surgery on minors and ban trans gender women and girls from participating in female sports leagues much the governor is yet to act. his opponents are lobbying dewine to leave this in place and let procedures happen. the deadline is today and he will hold a press conference
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this morning 10:30 a.m. ohio time. we'll see what his decision is. >> todd: all eyes on ohio there. texas is in the cross hairs for trying to protect its own border. >> cheryl: department of justice threatening to sue the state of texas if the governor chooses to support his own law. the supreme court confirmed remo removal must be entrusted and made with one voice, basically let the feds do it. governor abbott responding, texas is prepared to take this fight to the u.s. supreme court to protect texans and americans from the migrant crisis.
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the president refuses to enforce federal immigration law. number of migrant encounters surged. more than 35,000 according to cbp. the number began on october 1. december is set to break a record we saw hit earlier this year for migrant crossings at the border. same argument. by the way, antony blinken and mayorkas went down and met with mexico's president, working with our partners, not sure that will stop what we are seeing at the southern border. >> todd: they will come up with a task force, whichen moos nothing will happen. >> cheryl: who did the task force? vice president harris. we've seen this before. >> carley: biden's doj targets texas, white house coming up with plans to grant legal status
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to illegal immigrants already living here. the u.s. and mexico put identity a join statement after secretary blinken and mayorkas spoke with the mexican president after regularizing the situation of hispanic migrants undocumented for several years and daca beneficiaries, who are vital part of u.s. economy and society. tudor dixon joins me now. good morning. i will read that again temperature is jargony and i want you to break it down. the delegation discussed benefit of regularizing the situation of long-term undocumented hispanic migrants. what does that mean? >> that means normalizing, i don't know if regularizing is actually a word, but they want to normalize it and be okay with us having this migrant flow
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across the border and dangerous migrant flow temperature is hilarious these guys go down to mexico, can you help us out? this is bringing money into mexico, you not being able to control your border is a benefit for me, let's keep this going and normalize it. blinken and mayorkas are like, oh, fantastic, let's normalize it. no. governor abbott is fighting against this. >> carley: they went to mexico city to talk about stabilizing the border security, secure it. according to the statement, looks like they are talking about amnesty, which is an incentive. >> absolutely, remember donald trump was saying, mexico, if you are not going to do your part to help secure the border, this
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will financially hurt you. we send the biden administration down there, oh, yes, let's help you and meanwhile, same president of mexico who just gave helpless regard and sympathy to el chapo, one of the major drug lords on the border. the mexican government is corrupt. this is not the group to work out a deal. you have to play tough with these guys, that is what president trump did, not what president biden will do. >> carley: 267,000 migrant encounters this month alone, highest month on record, a record-breaking number that just came in. with numbers like that, how can
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the biden administration keep saying the border is secure. >> how do you do what they are saying? they don't have the number of judges to process these people. is this a mass crowning of yes, you are now an american citizen. we don't even know who is coming across the border and seen uptick in number of people coming from adversarial countries. this is a dangerous situation and it is clear the biden administration has no idea how to handle it and doesn't care how to handle it. they are in the midst of an election. we will make this normal. they think this is okay while running for office. >> carley: join statement yesterday said their meeting reinforced root cause of migration, such as poverty.
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that sounds like more taxpayer dollars going to cuba and venezuela which was an act ahead of this meeting. >> one main player in those countries is china. china moved in in a major way into the countries we're talking about and put manufacturing there, have control and majority of export and imports going in and out. instead of investing and having companies say we'll partner with them and make them reliant on us, we'll send taxpayer dollars to them. this is a disaster for the united states. >> carley: record-breaking numbers and amnesty discussion at the same time. thank you for joining us. a nine-year-old kid had a
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confrontation with nikki haley in new hampshire. >> chris christie thinks that you are a flip-flopper on the donald trump issue. honestly, i agree with him and you are basically the new john kerry. >> todd: yikes, tomi lahren is here to react.
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you're probably not easily persuaded to switch mobile providers for your business. but what if we told you it's possible that comcast business mobile can save you up to 75% a year on your wireless bill versus the big three carriers? did we peak your interest? you can get two unlimited lines for just $30 each a month. there are no term contracts or line activation fees. and you can bring your own device. oh, and all on the most reliable 5g mobile network nationwide. wireless that works for you. it's not just possible, it's happening.
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>> carley: quite the moment on the campaign trail yesterday. a nine year old criticizing 9/11 in new hampshire and the comment is getting attention. >> chris christie thinks you are a flip-flopper on the donald trump issue and honestly, i agree with him, you are basically the new john kerry. how can you change your opinion like that? >> i told you, i think he was the right president at the right time. do i think he's right president to go forward? no. >> todd: as a nine year old, i was not well verses in the gop.
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your take on the exchange. >> tomi: the fact he knows who john kerry is surprising, but encouraging. he is not wrong. he makes a good point saying john kerry, i say republican version of bud light. this is not a good moment for nikki haley, this will crank up now sha she is edging up in the polls, relatively unscathed. she is getting the treatment ron desantis has been gets ing, interesting how she handling it. lack of slavery comment not good for her. i think you will see nikki haley getting hillary clinton-like and i'm no fan of nikki haley, i got to be honest -- >> carley: was that your child? >> tomi: no.
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i like to see young people challenging republican candidates, he was like a mini-vivek and i think it probably bothered her to hear. she will have to deal with that. >> carley: great point about young people being politically involved, they are listening to parents and watching news and that will spur political opinions of their own. the way she handles criticism, when people attack her, she says it is good, she is rising in the polls. on one hand, not good moment, other hand it could signal her campaign is going in the right direction. >> tomi: in one state. i still think this is donald trump and biden race. good and great for women in the
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republican party. i don't think she is the right candidate at this moment. i hope she doesn't say this kid was a plant, she sometimes blames others. >> todd: she tried to answer the question and be sensitive to the fact that was a nine year old. donald trump would take him down. listen. >> how would you be feeling right now holding the hand joe biden has in election year? >> it is super scary. the fate of the republic hanging in balance and there are polls that have donald trump leading right now. there is a scary thing that overhangs everything about
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whether we're just too divided. >> todd: your reaction? >> if the economic argument is in the plus column for joe biden, not sure things are looking great. not sure it will do anything for reelection of joe biden, advisors are saying they are concerned about joe biden. i have been saying, i don't think he will be the nominee. when you hear clinton advisors and obama advisors say this, that is when joe biden should start getting worried. especially if you see barack obama come out and say something or his lack of presence is telling, he could be on the campaign trail. he does not one to attach to joe biden. >> todd: obama seems to only
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pick winners when he wants to. awesome to have you here. don't go anywhere, your christmas gift is me doing sports. joe flacco throwing 300 yards, for the fourth straight week. >> flacco on third and goal, caught and moore for the score. [cheering] >> todd: also those uniforms look sweet. joe flacco finding moore for the touchdown. browns locking up a playoff spot they join ravens and dolphin, only afc teams that clenched so far. congrats to people of cleveland. to the story you have been
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waiting for college football, kansas state taking home the win in the pop tart bowl. strawberry pop tart debuting and after the game, the mascot lowered himself into a giant toaster. >> carley: i didn't see it. >> todd: players were quick to dig intoes the giant snack. the trophy featuring two toaster slots. >> carley: it was edible and they are eating it? >> todd: my opinion here, there are too many bowl games. >> carley: dukes mayo bowl and winning coach got mayo dumped on his head, that sounds like a punishment for losing coach. >> todd: that is every year.
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thoughts on the pop tart bowl. >> tomi: i'm not a college football fan, that is the best thing. >> carley: in pop tart form. >> todd: close out the year, biggest media misses of 2023. >> i tell you what, i don't know about you, i'm going to go to bed. >> todd: you can't go to bed when the pop tart bowl is on. joe concha is next. first griff jenkins will look the at what is coming up on "fox and friends." >> griff: this settles a huge long-going debate, toast your pop tart before you eat it, now we know. we have a show on "fox and friends," battle for the ballot, former president's campaign will file objection to disqualify him from the ballot. colorado puts trump's name back pending decision from the
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supreme court. plus chaos at border, cbp source says it's seen the largest number of migrants on record. democrats in -- biden birthplace switching to gop in droves and harvard history professor linking the college to medieval dictatorship for refusing to take the president's plagiarism probe seriously. tyrus is stopping by. see you top of the hour in just about eight minutes. he doesn't even have a mustache. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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various media outlets prematurely blaming israel for airstrike at gazan hospital. >> yeah. we saw the headlines, todd. cnn, hundreds killed in israeli strike on gaza officials palestinian officials say. "new york times." israeli airstrike hit a garcia hospital on tuesday, killing at least 200 palestinians according to the palestinian health ministry. i could go on and on as far as the different headlines like we saw from axios, for example. this reporting was based on palestinian officials or the palestinian health ministry which, of course, todd is hamas a terror organization looking to shape a narrative. and it worked. thanks to the biased and activism of legacy media in the united states, which declared israel guilty until proven innocent and these mistakes had deadly consequences as a result because then israel was deemed as the bad guy, everybody tried to forget about what happened on october 7th and the u.s. media
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was culpable in that unfortunately, todd. >> todd: when it comes to war, you have to get it right. understandable that the fog of war sometimes prevents that from happening. this wasn't a fog of war. this was a huge y error. >> indeed. >> todd: joe biden's handlers shielded him from the press including when karine jean-pierre said i'm going to bed. watch. >> i will tell you what, i don't know about you, but i'm going to go to bed. [inaudible] >> number two from china india today? >> yeah. we -- we talked about -- we talked about at the conference overall. it wasn't confrontational at all. >> thank you, everybody. this has end of the press conference. >> todd: strength on the world stage is oozing from that soundbite. >> todd: i mean, what can you say, todd? joe biden cuts and runs like he is, you know, christian mccaffrey after almost every press conference avoids questions from the press while
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running to another vacation a quick stat on that front by the way. joe biden has spent more than 40% of his presidency while on vacation. think about this. the american people on average spend 14 days a year on vacation. joe biden has spent more than 140 days on vacation this year alone, 10 times as much. look, he doesn't do press conferences because biden's handlers are shielding him from the press to avoid cleanups on aisles 5, 12, 18, pick your i'll. aisle. donald trump did 35 solo press conferences his final year in office. secretary is not a think with this presidency and this administration apparently, todd. >> todd: before we go let's get to trump his reaction to trump being taken off the ballot. watch. >> this is not a crazy thing for a democracy to do. this is something that was a hallmark of post war germany. it's not unheard of.
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>> and, yes, the courts have the authority to enforce the 14th amendment. >> the conservatives on the supreme court who usually go on and on and on about states' rights are hypocrites and they are comfortable being hypocrites and they will overturn colorado's own state court process but they shouldn't. >> todd: 20 seconds to attack all those mistruths, joe. >> look, the media, as you can see is happy that donald trump was taken off the ballot in colorado. he has been put back on. they are happy he is off the ballot in maine. they will be happy if he is taken off in other states as well. that is literally an attack on democracy as we know it because voters should decide in 311 days during the next election who should be the next president. not the courts, todd. we got to go. >> todd: just think 2024 is going to be even more wild, the most wild year yet. joe, we love you. happy new year to you. "fox & friends" right now. ♪ >> griff: we begin this morning
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