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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  December 29, 2023 4:00am-5:00am PST

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appreciate each other as human beings. >> griff: such a great message people appreciate each other. >> carley: definitely a moment in time in august when this story and the song was everywhere. gas even the first question by martha at the first republican presidential debate. that's how big it was. speaking of big, we got to get to travis and taylor swift mania people call them trailer. travis and taylor. took over everything. dating football player the biggest pop star in the world. i was looking down at my notes, taylor swift after attending the first game travis jersey saw 40. so then. >> griff: of course. >> carley: did taylor swift make travis kelce famous even though he is one of the biggest football players in the country. >> griff: bigger than the nfl and the chiefs. i will make a prediction for 2024 they are going to get married. you heard it here. >> carley: something to look forward. to say second hour of "fox &
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friends" starts right now. ♪ ♪ >> good morning, welcome to the second hour of "fox & friends." looking there at times square. looking for a ball drop 48, 72 hours. i don't know how many hours until the 31st. 72 hours see ball drop and welcome in 2024 which griff says travis and taylor will be getting married. >> griff: i'm telling you she wouldn't let them be so public and go to so many games if the love wasn't real. by the way real quick did you know right away that that was times square before it said new york city? >> joey: i didn't have a and which to look at it before you told me. as soon as i knew as soon as you
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told me i looked up. >> carley: before the identifier of the city popped on the screen i always try and guess the city. and i have never gotten one right. so producer anthony goes carley, let's see if you can get this one. i did. i knew it was new york city. because it's the city i live. in so if i couldn't get that, then there is no hope for me. >> griff: billboards are a dead give away. hopefully they will put in times square the wedding photos of travis and taylor whether it happens. i would say probably, if i had to guess, looking at like a may. >> carley: you really believe in love. that would be an extremely short dating period before they get engaged. they are celebrities and that does happen make impulsive decision. >> joey: since i'm such a swiftie, i want to talk about something different. new york city is the city you live in and most the people in this building with us right now. another 8 million people probably live here. hundreds of thousands of migrants live here and have been bused here and on that topic,
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276,000 migrant encounters at the southern border just in december. that number is a record, griff. >> griff: it is. and fox news exclusively reporting this today. and got a couple of days left. by the way, i'm sure we won't get the official numbers for another month, because they waited until basically christmas eve to release a november numbers. this one is a whopper. not only is it a whopper for the month of december, but the first quarter because the fiscal year begin in october. now october, november, december, that's the first quarter. highest first quarter ever on record. tom homan was talking to me a little bit about it here a few minutes ago saying it has just continued on this trajectory that is not only unprecedented but it's really putting the nation at risk. and, yet, meanwhile, we had this high level meeting between blinken and mayorkas. i went down to speak with mexico's president, tom homan getting very upset that the meeting apparently was one sided
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with the mexican president saying i want this. i want that. i want this. and i raised the point that if you read the mexican readout. not the u.s. one, by the way. they didn't give it to us. the mexico's readout of the meeting, we learned that blinken and mayorkas discussed basically amnesty. not just for daca recipients here already. the young kids brought here, you know, by their parents when they were too young to know what is going on. also the millions upon millions, more than 8 million that have come since biden has basically been president and been allowed to be released after illegally crossing here. and amnesty for them as well. and that is, i think, what tom homan rightfully points out is going to fuel these numbers even more. >> carley: yeah. so the exact words that were used, this is a quote from the joint statement that was released yesterday between the united states and mexico is the delegation also discussed the benefit of regular rising the
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situation of long-term undocumented hispanic migrants what that actually means. if you think about it what else could they be talking about but 578 necessity of already in this country, house speaker mike johnson spoke to just that with this statement saying at a time when america is facing the worst border crisis it is unconscionable to hear make the statement mayorkas and blinken discussed with the am else in city for illegal immigrants. the united states must focus on policies that deter not attract people attempting to come here illegally and the smugglers who profit from the catastrophe at our southern border george w. bush republican embracing the idea of amnesty. the idea came from secure the
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border first. that's been the republican talking point. that's what they have said in the battles secure the border. we will discuss amnesty what's odd to me you have a democrat party offer of off times out loud would not want to secure the border. rewind the tape all the way back. president trump put a deal on the table to nancy pelosi. fund the border wall and i will bring in bring people in, she could not let him from v. that political win. too much of a political loss for her that instead we find ourselves in this position today because politics was so divisive and the idea of your foe getting a win from something they promised on the campaign can't say we want amnesty and get people here safely and on the other hand there is no reason to
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build the wall. at worst the wall doesn't work. how does that change it things what they want. >> griff: got speaker johnson read that statement going on january 3rd with a bunch of members tony gonzales to the border to eagle pass where, this you are watching right there. that's just one day of the many we had 3,000 or 4,000. tom homan is now calling on congress. this congress to do something. listen here. >> who the hell does the president of mexico think he is to make demands of us? he is demanding ports of entry be open. is he demanding rail stations be only. is he demanding amnesty which all those things going to drive even more illegal immigration. i'm going to say it again this administration is pathetic and weak. they want to secure the border. they have the trump plans there, they could reimplement those plans and take steps to secure the border. they haven't done a damn thing. not one thing to slow the flow. this year we are on the path to have a fourth historic record if congress doesn't get off their butts and do something. no more budget negotiations, demand action, impeach mayorkas,
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do what you are supposed to be doing. protect this country and keep your promise. >> carley: some people think that one of the reasons president trump -- president biden sent anthony blinken and alejandro mayorkas to mexico in the first place because there is still that looming bill that is trying to get hashed out in the senate for border security in exchange for funding of ukraine and israel. but that sending them down there could appease some republicans because it signals that the administration is at least working on this issue. with this statement yesterday, things just got a whole lot worse. >> griff: for sure. by the way, 9 leader of this caravan you are looking at right now in that pass at the peck thr telling me yesterday i have a message for biden please let all these people in and give them jobs. that's your duty. please do that thank you. >> joey: one thing that strikes me tom homan calling on congress. when you look at the breakdown tom homan is in ha place that
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probably could pass border legislation. you have got a republican majority in the house but you have a lot of democrats, especially in south texas a couple there that would probably vote for policy. you look at the senate even though it's mostly evenly split, you have senators like sinema that's from a state that wants something done on this, you have a senator like joe manchin that's in his twilight tour. is he not going to run for re-election. and so they there are places to bring democrats on board, but if the president won't sign it, why would they take that why would they take that risk if the president won't sign it other than to pin it on the president which doesn't help their party. this san opportunity here for americans to see partisanship overriding policy that would be better for us. democrats won't join republicans on something like -- and won't allow for it. haven't up until now simply because party matter for them for some of them to get reelected. it's really tragic because no one wins with our border in this situation. >> carley: talk about the 2024 presidential election.
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all the republican candidates are out on the campaign trail. and nikki haley is spending a lot of time in new hampshire because she is doing well in the polls there. and there was exchange she had with a 9-year-old yesterday that is getting a lot of attention today. watch this. >> chris christie thinks that you're a flip flopper on donald trump issue. [laughter] and, honestly, i agree with him. [laughter] and you're basically the new john kerry. how can you change your opinion like that in just 8 years and will you pardon donald trump? >> so, first, tell me what your name is. >> adam. >> adam, and how old are you? >> i am 9, almost 10. >> so fourth, fifth grade? >> fourth. >> fourth grade. well, i for one am very proud of you for coming. i told you i think he was the right president at the right time. i told you that i agree with a lot of his policies. but i do think he is the right president to go forward? no. i am who i am. i tell my truth just like you told your truth.
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except i am no john kerry. [applause] but i will also answer his question he asked if i would pardon trump? and i have answered this before, i would pardon trump. >> carley: what do you think about that? >> griff: she had a tough day the day before with the civil war. now she is getting put on the spot and owned by a 9-year-old child accusing her of being john kerry. it's been a rough go in new hampshire where she has been climbing in the polls. but, you know, she needs fewer moments like this, if she is to really catch up with the overwhelming frontrunner donald trump and more moments talking about things like the border that we were talking about and as you rightly point out, joey, a great opportunity to own an issue. >> joey: i think she handled
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this one. i don't understand the new john kerry. i don't know if there is a specific position other than flip-flopping, i guess is, where they are trying to nail her. not the same issues but the act of flip-flopping. chris christie could not be less relevant, i think, in the grand scheme of this. i almost feel like this kid was planted by him just to get his name involved in the headlines. i think she handled it just fine. >> carley: cute momentment and did a good job of recognizing he was 9 years old and being really sweet about it and also defending herself. so i thought it was kind of funny. >> griff: have to applaud adam's confidence as a 9-year-old. >> carley: and politically involved. he has got an opinion. >> griff: listened to his parents. >> joey: whoever coached him maybe 9-year-olds are that brilliant i don't know any. can issues that he thought nikki haley flip flopped about other than donald trump.
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>> carley: said he is 9 almost 10 so happy birthday to adam. >> griff: coming up, a u.s. navy ship shoots down more ballistic missiles fired by iran backed houthis in the red sea. plus, , xi issues taiwan dire warning. >> carley: oregon teen hoping to be the first female at the top of the sport. she's coming up. ♪ paradise ♪ my only chance for happiness ♪ and if i lose you now ♪ i think i will die ♪ say you will always be my baby ♪ we can make it try ♪ we can make forever ♪ just a minute at a time ♪
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♪ >> joey: welcome back. right now growing tensions for u.s. forces in the middle east as the navy shoots down be a drone and ballistic missile launched by houthis in the red sea. the 20 second attack on international shipping vessels in october. victoria coates served as deputy national security adviser under president trump. she joins us now. good morning. thank you for joining us. we look at this and i see over 100 attacks on americans in the middle east, mostly in iraq. now we have dozens of attacks in the red sea.
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what is the biden administration getting wrong here? >> well, good morning, joey, good to be with you. well, i think what they are getting wrong is that iran considers themselves at war with the united states and israel in the middle east and the biden administration hasn't accepted that. so, they do things like overnight the state department spokesman announced that they are sanctioning one person and two entities about transfers of money between iran and the houthi who are executing these attacks which will do absolutely nothing to stop this. when you have early burke class destroyer shooting down all of these ballistic missiles and these drones we have to scramble f-18s off the eisenhower to shoot these down. we have to take stronger actions to end this. >> joey: usually i don't like looking in the mirror at former president president trump may be our next president and you served in his administration, what would be a trump administration's response to where we are now? we saw how he responded to iran
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specifically. taking out soleimani, in this situation what would be a trump administration or the folks that you work with. what would be or should be the correct response? judicious about the deployment of u.s. force. he didn't want to get involved in endless middle east war. we can all agree that's a pretty reasonable opposition. when pushed too far, when the iranians were really acting up when they killed an american in erbil, he said we need something stronger than this to stop them. i think he would look at a situation commercial shipping through the red sea imhecial
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ships don't want to risk their cargoes going through there. this is going to be grave threat to the economy. not just the global economy but going to land on americans the way bidenomics has and put further burdens on people's pocketbooks, and that's what he would find intolerable and find something look the soleimani strike targeted executed by our brilliant men and women in the military push the iran ons back. >> joey: we have xi jinping saying that taiwan will shirley be reunified with china during symposium commemorating the 138th birthday of move. look at this and say entire middle east we are involved in whether we want to admit that or not. super power in china and if so,
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is there a chance the u.s. folds on the taiwan issue all tog together? >> yeah. well, forgive me ifio wish chairman moi a happy birthday. sent in it was when not if taiwan would be reunified with mainland, china the message from the united states should be very clearly that if taiwan is going to stand for taiwan's independence they have to want this more than we do. the united states will stand with them. and, you know, we understand how important an ally taiwan is and can be. and ultimately, i actually think, you know, taiwan being a functional flourishing democracy right across the strait from mainland, china is the ultimate rebuke to the communist dictatorship of the people's
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republic. so, you know, i think we need to point out that what chairman xi says is not inevitable or somehow emped in stone. and, again, the people of taiwan have a choice here and the people of the united states have a choice here. >> joey: absolutely. posturing is a big part of diplomacy. i would argue our current administration doesn't do it so well. perhaps china and russia do it too well. victoria coates, thank you so much for joining us this morning. >> thank you. happy new year. >> joey: yes, ma'am. happy new year and merry christmas. toss now to carley shimkus who has something for us. >> carley: that's right, joey. i certainly do. headlines starting with america's crime crisis. maryland police searching for the criminals who carjacked an off duty police officer and his family. authorities say it happened yesterday afternoon in prince george's county, which is just a 20-minute drive from washington, d.c. at least two thieves forced the officer and his family out of the car before hopping in and speeding off. the officer did fire his weapon during the incident.
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it is unclear if any of the suspects were hit. and check this out. an americans airlines flight from california to london coming in for a rough landing after being hit by a cross wind at heathrow airport in london. the guy who shot this video couldn't believe his eyes. >> oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, stop it. >> carley: the front landing gear of the boeing 777 bouncing back up after hitting the tarmac. frightening scene unfolding during a powerful storm that caused a lot of damage across the u.k. and to the nfl we go. joe flacco leading the browns to a blowout victory over the new york jets. the veteran quarterback throwing for over 300 yards for the fourth straight week. >> flacco on third and goal throwing, caught. elijah moore for the score.
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>> carley: cleveland goes on to win 37-20. secure a spot in the playoffs for only the second time in the past two decades. and on sunday, fox has a full slate of matchups. coverage begins at 11:00 a.m. eastern. and those are your headlines. and coming up, the largest christian university in the nation says it is being targeted by the biden administration. the president of grand canyon university joins us live but, first, maine dumps frump their 2024 ballot while in colorado republicans are appealing the same decision to the supreme court. their party chairman coming up next. ♪ ma, ma, ma— ( clears throat ) for fast sore throat relief, try vicks vapocool drops.
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>> a fox news alert. maine's secretary of state
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barring former president trump from the ballot. a move that could affect his move path to 270. >> joey: trump will remain on the ballot now as the republican party appeals to the supreme court. dave williams joins us now. dave, you have had quite a ride here. what do you make of this latest news about maine and where are you in what you are trying to do as a state chair of the g.o.p.? >> very concerning. something we have warned about for some time. we even expressed this possibility in our appeal to the united states supreme court and i'm afraid other states are going to follow suit. step in and overturn this. what we are doing is simply trying to get scotus so we can our case heard hopefully sometime in january and put this all to bed. >> joey: when we look at this with your appeal and actions that were taken, appealing to
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the supreme court means aggrieved party somebody withstanding. are you appealology behalf of president trump or are you appeal on behalf of voters of colorado and can you explain that to us? >> yeah. we intervened in this case early on from the beginning. we are an aggrieved party in our own right. we are obviously working working with donald trump's team to coordinate our efforts and we're going to do whatever we can to support his ability to run as a candidate but more importantly our voters' ability to support him in the primary. >> carley: the supreme court doesn't have a whole lot of time here. what kind of timeline are we looking at? >> >> what we anticipate is them granting cert sometimes in january and even having oral arguments at that point. we are hoping that they can render a decision late january or early february because our ballots are going to go out about the second week of february in anticipation for the march 5th primary. >> dave, is it irony or
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hypocrisy that essentially this effort to protect democracy from donald trump who they say engaged in insurrection, which is what maine's secretary of state essentially is saying. but, yet, removing the favored likely candidate from the ballot disenfranchises voters in your case colorado. >> suspe it's absolutely hypocrisy. they are afraid donald trump is going to win by hock or by crook they are doing everything they can to stop him. i encouraged everybody to visit our website. you can get more information and help us be on the front lines expecting your right across the country to support donald trump. >> so, understanding the timeline here, the ballots are printed the first week of january. and you said they go out in february for the primary. if some time between donald trump staying on the ballot and being printed and the primary
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itself and for some reason the supreme court takes this up and upholds the colorado supreme court's decision, where does that leave your party going in to an election cycle and also do you support vivek ramaswamy and some of the others who are calling on the others to take themselves off the ballot if donald trump isn't on it? >> yeah, i think what vivek is doing is commendable. i think all candidates should ban together. this is bigger than donald trump. this is about our right to vote and choose the candidates we want if the supreme court upholds this, i think it's a constitutional crisis and making it's going to create chaos all over the country. what we would do if they uphold it is we are going to go ahead and pivot away from a presidential primary and go a caucus system so we can still nominate the candidates that we want to nominate. >> carley: i'm sure you had no idea you would be spending the week between christmas and new year's appealing to the supreme court. that's where we find ourselves today. dave williams, thank you so much for joining us.
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>> thank you for having me. >> carley: coming up a former hillary clinton staffer says biden's re-election bid is in big trouble. >> look, it's super scary. there is just this scary thing that overhangs everything about whether we are j just too divid. too late. too many silos. >> carley: pain just hit rock bottom. >> first, the largest christian university in the nation says it is being targeted by the biden administration. the president of grand canyon university joins us next. ♪ you bring a lot back
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♪ >> griff: did you see this? the ftc is suing the largest christian university for deceptive advertising and illegal telemarketing, grand canyon university now facing a second lawsuit from a biden agency after it was fined nearly 38 million in october by the department of education over similar allegations. grgrand canyon university denies the allegations. its president brian mueller joins us now. thank you for being here. i want to get right to this. you have now got two biden agencies going after you, and you heard, as i mentioned there, the false advertising,
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telemarketing. let's go each case by case. the latest one from the ftc. what do you say? >> well, you know, the university has been unprecedented success story. we came 15 years ago when the university was nearly bankrupt with 900 students and we have now become the largest private christian university in the country. teaching 26,000 students on our campus and it's going to grow to 50,000. we are teaching 92,000 students online. teaching another 5,000 students in the hybrid program. at some point we will be the largest university in the country. we exist because of the free market system. and the biden administration has gotten -- has had a difficult time getting comfortable with that there are two great ideas, we believe, in america. free market system and the christian world view perspective and both of them are foundational to what we do. and so all the problems that are plaguing higher education now, high tuition, big debt levels. programs not tied specifically enough. all those things we have developed a model that's addressed all those things. we haven't raised tuition in 15
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years. our students take out less debt than the average state university student. our default rates are extremely low. what they have done in order to try to stop us is conduct these investigations, ask for thousands of files. and they come up with these -- this that nourish shah in order to finance in an attempt to stop us. >> griff: let me ask you directly brian, what they are accusing you illegal telemarketing and deceptive advertising. have you engaged in either of those? >> absolutely not. it's completely the opposite of that we're the most transparent institution in the country. we go to great lengths to make sure and we are recognized as a leader in transparency for students. and we presented at seven major conferences across the country. our -- what we do is very standard in higher education and what we do in terms of counseling students. we are recognized leaders in that area. but it's the only thing that they can figure out to
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potentially try to stop us. that's what they are using. >> griff: brian, let's quickly before i run out of time. go back to the original challenge coming from the department of education on october 31st, they basically accused you of lying about, among other things, the cost of your doctoral programs and some other things. how do you respond to that? >> it's the most ridiculous thing. the university has been an unprecedented success in every way, including financially. and our doctoral program is the smallest of our programs. they are saying we misled students in order to drive revs. we haven't raised tuition in 15 years. we have invested unless of dollars in a neighborhood where we reside. we could easily say we're going to raise tuition 3% the next three years, nobody would bat an eye on that and that would dry revenues. last thing we need to do to deceive congress toler students in order to drive revenues.
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of the whole thing makes no sense. >> griff: do you feel targeted? >> oh, absolutely. i was meeting with a liberty university president yesterday. they are going to get fined a huge amount as well. we happen to be the two largest christian universities in the country. it's nothing about this makes any sense. you have to think there is something from the biden administration's perspective that they don't like happening here. they are going after the two largest christian universities in the country. both of us are having tremendous amount of success. what we offer is in huge demand in this country. we have never been -- things have never been better for us. there has never been greater interest in what we do than right now. kids are coming from all over the country wanting to attend grand canyon university. we can't build fast enough for all the kids that come here. and so there is something ideological that is going on
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here to create all these investigations and this that nourish shah. >> griff: brian, we have got to leave it there. thank you for coming on. please keep us updated on any new developments. grand canyon university. >> thank you for having me. >> griff: joey, over to you. >> joey: starting with headlines in san anton, texas, police releasing chilling video of the peppers of interest in the deaths of pregnant teen savannah soto, her unborn baby, and her boyfriend matthew guerra. you can see something getting out of a dark pickup truck and approaching another person in the driver's seat of guerra's kia. both soto and guerra were shot in the head. the young mother to be was first reported missing by her family last friday when she didn't show up for an appointment to be induced. sad. spirit airlines firing a philadelphia gate worker and blaming them for putting unaccompanied 6-year-old on the wrong flight just before christmas.
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their investigation found the worker escorted the boy to the wrong gate, sending him to orlando instead of fort myers. the airline saying, quote: any individual whose actions resulted in the incorrected boarding will be held accountable. the boy's family says they are exploring their legal options. now to a wild story out of south lake tahoe, california. a brave man armed with a paint ball gun makes his way into a crawl space to evict a massive black bear. wow. you know, i wonder if he just thought that was a raccoon and didn't have good eyes on but with a paint ball gun? california, the nature enthusiast firing the paint ball gun at the bear 8 times before the 500-pounder runs off. that is a big bear. this is not the first run-in he has had with the bear. he previously saved his life by removing an object stuck in the
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bear's neck. there is so much more to this story. there is no way that this is all we have. listen, those are your headlines. i guess if you live in the state of california you are going to put a bear on your flag. you can't hurt it. but maybe don't go after it with a paint ball gun. i don't know. let's check in with meteorologist adam klotz he has our fox weather forecast. adam? >> good morning, joey. fairly pleasant here in new york city on fox square. we are dealing with pretty good weather. there is a big weather story across the country, that is what has been happening with those waves across portions of california. being driven largely from high winds. high winds in place saturday. those winds 40, 50, 60 miles per hour, serious conditions have made for very high and dangerous surf. we are forecasting surf to be up to 25 feet in portions across northern california. as you continue to kind of track those winds. that will be fairly strong. i will leave with you that graphic. it's tough to see there. but high surf warnings are in place up and down the state line. back out here on fox square. i have got a good little group
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here. south carolina i met and the group has grown since i last turned around, georgia over my shoulder. if you come with a sign you will get on tv. it's your birthday. happy birthday to you. i'm about to toss it back to you. birthday boy has a message for joey and griff what did you want to tell them? >> go dawgs. >> adam: i know you guys would love that. >> that's what we are talking about. >> carley: so happy birthday. if i just made that up then happy birthday at some point over the next 12 months. >> joe: ha ha ha. >> carley: you know in politics and in news, when somebody in the opposing party says things are bad right now, you listen but you also think it could be partisanship. when somebody inside the house, inside the party in charge says things are bad, you really pay attention and that's why jennifer palmeri, former obama white house communications director is making news today. because she says things are scary. >> look, it's super scary, you
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know? like the fate of the republic is hanging in the balance and there are polls that have donald trump leading right now. there is just this scary thing that overhangs everything about whether, you know, we are just too divided. it's just too late. too many silos. how am i going it reach all of the voters i need to reach given all the media silos that there are. bthat is what i would be churnig on every day the mechanics of getting that message out. >> joey: you know, when a regular american says things are scary, they mean 8% interest rates, wars on multiple fronts. the border is open. when a political insider that's a democrat says things are scary, they are talking about their chances to stay in power. here is a great indicator of that pennsylvania voters, they are swapping parties ahead of 2024. we are looking at all -- over 35,000 democrats that have register you had as republicans. about half, not even half that of republicans who have switched over to democrats. that's a 20,000 voter advantage
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for republicans in pennsylvania. >> griff: we had on this channel a little earlier the former pennsylvania democrat explaining why he made that switch. you are talking about, joey. listen here. >> this wasn't the joe biden that i voted for in 2020. this joe biden is now a bernie sanders-lite. he came along and he promised to be a unifier. he prom misted to bring the country together and he has done the exact opposite. for me personally i look at the economy and our region here in pittsburgh, everybody is hurting. you know, a couple years ago you could go to the grocery store and spend 100 bucks. you get a couple bags of groceries. now, you are going into the grocery store and one bag of groceries and maybe you have not even a week's worth of food there we have actually lost jobs in pittsburgh since 2020. so, you know, as strong as the economy is it isn't working. >> griff: let's step back and look through the political lens and why would hillary clinton's
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comms chief goes on msnbc and attack the current incumbent president running in november? so, you had the former first lady it obama larosa leave and say they are in trouble and pilloried. he broke the biden silence you do not speak ill of him and pilloried. still is. you had david axelrod the most heralded king maker of the democratic party of our life times saying i don't know, you need to figure out and fix what is going on. you marry what we just showed you, that democrat previous democrat voter switching, to the poll numbers, to the glaring failure of the message of bidenomics to connect with americans you are going to see, i think, more of this as we get close tort election. >> >> carley: biden campaign and administration exodus. that's what you are saying? >> griff: yeah. >> carley: all right. >> one to watch. coming up senator rick scott's
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home swatted while he was out to dinner with his wife. he is here to tell his story coming up. >> joey: first, breaking barriers as a bull rider. an oregon teen is hoping to be the first female at the top of the sport. she's next. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ with my moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. with my psoriatic arthritis symptoms. but just ok isn't ok. and i was done settling. if you still have symptoms after a tnf blocker like humira or enbrel, rinvoq is different and may help. rinvoq is a once-daily pill that can rapidly relieve joint pain, stiffness, and swelling in ra and psa. relieve fatigue for some... and stop joint damage. and in psa, can leave skin clear or almost clear. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal;
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>> carley: her dream is to be the first woman at professional bull riding level. asia knight finished in the top three in her region this year. nasia knight joins us now. so great to have you on. how did you get interested and involved in riding? >> i got interested and involved because of my dad. he taught me everything i know. i was always there learning from him. >> you started mutton busting, what is that? >> mutton busting is sheep riding. i was champion at that, i wouldn't let on for nothing. then went on to steers.
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>> carley: your dad said when you were riding sheep, it was like you had velcro stuck to them. your mom said there was no taming that fire. those quotes are so cute. your mom became an emt because she wanted to treat your injuries, is that right? have you experienced that? >> yes, i have experienced getting my eye stepped on, blood came out, i rode that same day. and i have had my arm broken. >> carley: that may have sidelined you for a bit, is that right? >> for a whole season that year. >> carley: mutton busting is different from bull riding. what is it like when you are on the bull waiting for the door to
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swing open and everybody is watching you. what is that like? >> i tune everything out, all i can hear and my mom and dad. you and the bull are dancing together and you are waiting to dance with the bull. >> carley: dance with the bull, beautiful way of putting it. what do you do outside of bull ride something >> i play sports, basketball and valleyball. >> carley: where do you come from? >> arlington, oregon. >> a small town, right? >> very small. >> carley: that is cute. how do you feel about the gender thing. you are referred to as only female bull riding, first female bull rider, do you like that or just consider yourself a bull rider? >> i just consider myself a bull
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rider, the gender thing doesn't bother me. i'm just a bull rider. >> carley: you are cool, talented, success sxfl driven and i'm sure you have incredible future ahead. congratulations on your success. i'm sure you will have continued success in the future. have a great day. pbr is coming up january 5-7. thank you. third hour of "fox and friends" starts right now. >> joey: we begin this hour with fox news alert. secretary of state keeping former secretary trump's name on the primary ballot despite efforts to keep him off. >> griff: and the trump team is fighting back after maine removed him from the 2024 ballot. alexandria hoff joins us live with the latest. >> alexandria: this is first time a


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