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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  December 30, 2023 1:00am-2:00am PST

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oh, that's which. i don't know where that is. it's probably near a costco or somethin g. i starbucks. oh, man i'm heading to idahoma falls march 1st. >> and it's a it's a hard gigrc to gett's a ha because my gps keeps telling me to fire my agent. come on, you're mad at this, jb excited for 2024. i am. i have no gigs. i'm just going to be a mom. >>m, it up unpaid. >> okay. and kat timpf, you're just going to be a kick bestselling author and i'm going to i'm going to have more dates next year. >> i'm not there yet, but i have like a bunch of sweet merch on my website. >> i'll give it to me. yeahe ch, the kat timpf .com ho. love it, go there. but guys by multiple copies of all of it because none o of that's going to fit me. ras,j thank you to julie banderas jim florentine, tyler fisher. katherine animorentineerd i stud fox news. in light of this our, i'm jim failla. and on behalf of greg gutfeld, i love you, america.
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>> i'm raymond arroyo in for laura ingraham. this is a special of the "ingraham angle" from new york city tonight. >> efforts underway in severali states to remove formerdo president donald trump fromght, the ballot. we'll get to that in a moment. tonight, the vacuu vivekm swamy is here with his reaction. plus, gary sinise with a heartwarming, inspiring story that you have to hear. >> but first, william faulkner famously said the past isn't dead. we it isn't even pase sat. >> as we say farewell to 2023, there are important lessonsr. that we may have missed. lessons we need in the new yea g . you know, we tend to focus so intently on the crisis or the outrage heee of the momentie that we miss the larger trends. this hour, wpo e will reportthey breaking news. >> look at the big stories shape ho the year and how they will shape our 2024. it will be an important and fuin hour. i want to start with the narrative that has sounded all year long and it'slond g mae a major theme in the new year.
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>> well, you know, the son g, o this fight for our freedoms is also a fight our democracy. i wish i could say the threatit to our democracy has endedis sti with our victory in 2020, but it didn't. llour is still at stake. >> don't kid yourself. democrats will defend democracy . former president trump, not a is apparently the bigo de threat to democracmoy, notregule unregulated immigration or reading scores or math scores. o trump is now the greatest threat to democracy. no matter where you stan. d, him the former president, where you stanr yod him, or whether you voted for him or not, or whether you support him or not, alloshouldn't american people be allowed to choose their own leader? >> isn't that the mark of democracy? apparently not in coloradot on and maine. >> trump's name has been removed from the primary ballo t on the grounds that he engaged in insurrectio n. there are active lawsuits in 14 states and countintrump'g to.
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>> remove trump's name from ballots everywhere. but make no mistake, thi orgs ao organized political effort to targe deprivet one candidateo deprive the people of their ability to choos e their own president. this is maine's secretary of state. wsshayna bellows bellowingck on about election sabotage from back in 2021, long before she tried to sabotage an election.o >> we have to fight back to protect our democracy, s to protect everything. make sure we have better leaderf powes in positions of pr to fight back against. >> that's is rooted in a deliberate camp and organized campaignge peopl to people fromn participating in our democracy. it ak on an attack on our very democracy itself. because when everyon partie everything that we care about social justice, climate. justice, economic justice, wee s evwin. yeah. she goes on to say, this is about protecting everythinger
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. now, let me tell you what thiss is. this is a rabid, reckless ideologykerr raidi masquerading as patriotism. she has attacked democracy demom by undermining a fair election process, knocking a former president contention on the most absurd grounds, which we'll explor ae in momente but she was very candid about her motives there. she's not protecting democracy.o she's protectingcrat the democrt agenda. and she's not alone. rogue prosecutors. alvin bragg. to letitia james in new york. to geove tried willis in george tried again and again to interferec with a democratic process by forcing a major presidential into court rather than bringing their cases after election. >> they're trying to influence it by dragging the former president into court before it begins. each court appearance turned 3nto a media circus in 202 with intent to tarnish the reputation of a presidential candidatedicap his and handicap his ability to campaign. >> the amazing thing is that media coirport
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media covered trump's every move from the home to the airpor, t to the interstate, the back streets, to the courthouse, thendecide whenwaitn he finally decides to speak out, when they finally get what they're waiting for. >> this is how the coverage proceeder presidd. t from >> the former president himself t froming remarks tonigh his home in florida. it is just getting started. so f j he's just giving his norl list of grievances. we don't consider cessarilre newsworthy. and there's a cost to us as ae n news organization of knowingly gsd trump broadcasting things. >> donald trump is charged with a series of federal felonies for mishandling the most sensitive governmenmenf that we have. the folks in the control room who i don't need to see any more ool i sf that this, he's trying to turn this and he's trying to turn it into a spectaclaclee a campaign ad. >> that's enough of that. i love rachel maddow>>mond: . >> we can't report untrue things. that's half your show. when the media did invites trump in for town halls org interviews in 2023, they were condemned for lendina platg a to
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trump. is that protecting democracy? >> i mean, unless you give the people a chance to hear whom the leading candidates, democracy is lost. and why would some in the mediya and democratic public officials go to such lengths to deprive of a candidate for the highest office in the land of evena he a cha hearing, much less a chane to campaign or appear on a ballot? the answer is simples mple insuc >>e. these deformations of thekt public trust are insurance policies designehe d to keeppresid the current president in office. president biden is pollingend re at historic lows across the board, and he's restricted his recent interviewt inte s sit downs with comedians at home, getting ovaltine. >> i think it's absolutely crucial that ukraine prevail. si republicans were always tough on foreign policy, tough on russia, and noww maga maga sn republicans, they've kind of flipped the scripg ctalso and they're saying, well, we can let ukraine go. >> it's confusing to say say -rs
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the other guy says we can work with putin. >> he's smart. the other guy. >> i liky. s the other guy. it's like voldemort now. his name shall not be mentione d over a billion, 300 million, trillion, trillion dollars trillion instead of cuttingwe cn them or so congressman trump, in bulk, we're going to do we can use it to help billionairesd ,millions of families. >> if that wasatyo your candidae might try to get the other guy's name off the ballot too. what we're witnessin plag, what we're watching play out in state courthouses and soosun at the supreme court. it's not just a series of random events. s isththis is the biden presidet campaign in action with the president incapable of even offering voters a coherent argument. >> ese these bureaucratic proxies are running the campaign formai him. >> this foolishness in maine is just another turn ano tur inn organized ideological attempt tope an election and deprive the american people of their democratic right to vote.n
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you know, secretary bellows in maine, she was right abourigr one thing. people do need to fighotevteryti back to protect everything from partizans like her. joining me now, lica vivek ramaswamy, the 2024 republican presidential candidate that you vowed , remove yourself from any state ballot that does not includethtr president trump. do you think your opponents for the gop nomination should follow your lead? he i do. this is the simplest way for the go p to protect itself against brazen election interferenceimary. in. our own primary. that's why, within minutes of hearing about that initial incolorado, it was instantly clear to me this is how we can protect ourselves. >> if every republican removes themselves from colorado or from maine, if they remove we donald trump from that ballot, then we're actinarg on principle to say that none of those ballots, none of those votes should count count towards the m nomination. unfortunately, i am disappointedy mpetitor in my cos
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in this race. have ry, tantis, hale who have refused to do that, focusing on collecting their own delegates. we'vone to focus on principlesw over politics. >> that's why i madebe that commitment. it'd be a lot easier for me to defeat donald trump if he weren't in this race. houlbut that's not how we shoul want to win.cothis s >> we need to stand for principle and mighyst concernis as this system will stop at nothing to this one man outac of office, which gives me evenr more of a purposthe be in this race all the way through the very end. >> well, today it's trump, tomorrown.pendin it's you, tomon it's biden. i mean, depending on who's in power. ye you defors. s of >> can deform and use the weapons of government gt agaiagainst candidate you d. like or your opposition. sh the maineident bi secretary of state, she's posted several photos of herself and president on instagram. she's also bragged about being an alumneki of the aclu and the southern southern poverty law who've been organizing around these key elections. two >> i mean, they have a playbook.
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meanwhile, the gop has had speaken fo to in one year. >> what is the game plan for? >> the gop? what is their ground strategy? i >> well, look, i thinkne that more than the ground strategy is we have to definande what we actually stand for. sayright now, the gop has an opportunite y to say we are the party that's founded on the principles of thef th american revolution, revived the basic 1776 ideals and rules of the road, like the idea that we, the peopl aree whatever your beliefs are, we the people select our leaders. that the people who we elect run to run the government should actually be the ones who actually run the governmen t not the managerial class in the deep state say that we believe lawe g. the rule of law that nations have borders. i think that's the opportunity foo.tyr. asic the gop, it's a historic opportunity to just stand for the basi s thc american values that most of us share in common. thiand we do. >> we will win this nextot t election in a landslide. but we've to get there in ai hae fair system to make it happen. >> i have about 20 seconds. i have a have to to ask you this.
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it's a two parter. one, what do you make of nikki haley trying clean up this civil war flap and tole what happens ictedf trump is elected come november? de from the response the democrats and this resistance that is obviouslym en set against him even being considered for candidacy ? >> well, one is, look, i think professional politicians who are spouting off slogans are able to take real questions. i've got a questiout the civilne civil war. >> i'm very clear about the history on it. and so i think we deserve nt thh a president who understands the depth of our history and can speak to it. so i'll pu thatot that issue tos side. >> i think the deeper concern is not only the democratic party. the establishment is not going to let donald trump get sht anywhere that finish line. this country deserves anm america first candidate and that candidate from the next generatio cn. ake re >> and i believe that is what it's going to take to revive this country. viand i think that if we fightoe for the principles this nation was founded on, then b we will o victorious. >> and that's what i'm going to do. vivek ramaswamy thank you fo. rl being with >> happy new let me tell you about the real
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threat to democracat tacgettinyn getting almost no coverage. >> democrats now facing electionarge charges in threeson states. in connecticuts caug, someone wi caught stuffing an absentee mallot drop box for mayoral election in september in new york. investigators say a man submitted 118 false absenteeic a ballot applications for his 2022 democratic primarys, mm election. be >> joining me now, congressman byron donalds, member of house oversight committee, and tim pollack. >> tory, he is a former attorney for president trump. thank you both for being here. bcongressman what are these stories tell you about the threat to and why do we hear so little about this brazend election tampering? aa >> well, first, the stories tell me. it confirms what we already knowdy b. rt it's what democrats do before every election. before every election, they go cons and they sue constantly trying to get weakeningval of election laws or just
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completely complete removan prl of election procedures on many different areas. this is what happened before electiodrop the 2020 election. they were in court everywhere trying to get things lik boxe. these drop boxes in everyount and every municipalityry s in t. country saying that it was too hard to vote because of covid 19. p itn people to drop it in a receptacle outside the building. that was a joke. itedand lie. it is not needed. but they do this every single time because they want to weaken the infrastructure weakeof voting. e grou they want to weaken the controls around voting. they want to make it easpsy for these outside groups to drop ballots all over the place wand to the will of the voters who actually take their time to do their. these outside groups need to go. these ballot harvesting operationsvesting operat need t. >> but this is part and parcel of what the democrats do. known. these stories now demonstrate what we've already have known. the reasthe reason why nobody ks about it is because big media is not going to cover this. t januarthey want to talk abouty 6th. that's all. i was stunned when i came across about. these stories and i.
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heard nothing of them anywhere. >> nowhere. tiven m, even cnn's legal analyt knows how silly thisy this maine ballot situation is trying to strip trump from the ballot. watc h this.e >> if you look at the hearing fo she she details us in the in ruling, they heard from one fact witness a law professor. n a she based her ruling on a lo of documents, but also youtube cliprts news reports, things>> that would never pass the bar in court. >> tim, is there any legalremovg justification for trump from s the ballot and invoking the 14th amendment to do so? i mean, does it even apply? i read the 14th amendmentt today. his office, the presidencyseem t doesn't seem to be stipulated there when they mention congresspeople and senators. >> those offices are explicated, not >>e presidente presidt. >> well, i mean, i think that this is that congress has already codified you know,. 18 it's in title 18 u.s. code for a criminal code section on insurrection. >> it's defined. it has a sentenc ine up to ten
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years in prison and permanently being barred from holding public office. that is the proper procedure. you have to indict somebody. you have to try them and convict them. and that's how you remove them from the ballot. and what's important to remember here is that multiple grand juriesct in sitting in washington, d.c., hearing the direct evidence, not just some lanot somew, theye all declined to bring this charge even in the in the oath keepers case. be to go one level below that for the seditious conspiracy decli and declinedinr to actually bring an insurrection charge. so nobody's been chargedec with an insurrection. nobody's been convicted of an insurrection. soinsurrhat that somebody participated in it and removing them from the ballot reall ty doesn go against the rule of law. >> they are an attorney wrote no today. none of what has transpired or is upcoming is anti-democratic. in our system of constitutional government or unlawful interference with the election or the right to vote. >>th is the process by which the rule of law is actualized
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our system of government. congressman, very quickly, how is takinf,g removingrt a leading candidate from a major political partyanti anti-democrati-dc? >> it's very anti-democratic. anybody that says otherwise is a foo s lyinl and is lying to the american people. i want to talk to democrat voters for a moment. arank and file democrat voters. you work hard. you live life. liy. e not reall you have people in your party, h who are radicals, 't are anti-democratic. they don't believe in the will of the people. te they don't believe in votes in the ballot box, legitimate ones. they don't even believ actuallyt rule of law. and actually following the rule of law, they only careir he ones about agenda. you've got to stop voting for these people because they araree the who are destroying america's republic. they are the ones who are threats our democracy.we w >> congressman tim, thank you. we will leave itil are happy new year. coming up, gary sinise is here with an inspirede is her hiring, personal story to start the new year. but first, stephen millert li reacts to the
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biden administration's biggest lie of 2023. >> next. i remember when i got my first glimpse of the mountains. i had to take a breath. i began to understand what was so about it. you guys ready? was times like that when they all question the monumental task that was in front of them? i was determined to be out there. >> menopause got your attention . it's more than hot flashes and mood swings. you're metastable ism slows down and you start experiencing hormonal weight gain. and. oh, trust me, i know from experience how difficult can be to lose that weight, especially around your middle. that's why there's complete
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♪ ♪ american children and families ,go to t.j. award today. is it would be wrong to think that the border is open. it is not open. i want to be very clear. the
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our borders are not open.r an the border is secure. the prison has a more to secure the border and to deal with this issue of immigration than effey. border >> we have seen the effectiveness of our approach. that border is so effectively closed, you can't imagin ie, though. >> december did see the highest number of migrant encounters enng aunning ever reaching a stunning 276,000 migrants. thist is clearly one of the biggest stories of 2023 and one the biden justice department is just trying to ignore because they justs threatened to sue texas if they tried to take matters into their own hands and police their own border. >> joining me now, stephen miller, former mrmer se adviser and president, president trum p, founder of america first legal. le the doj stephen is threatening to sue texas but not maine fore bide disenfranchizing voters. the biden administration. n nistratii they're trying to sw how serious they are about immigration by visiting mexico vismexico, but then theyg
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texas. >> but i don't. facing >> they realize what a crisis texas is facing every day. >> well, they are very serious about immigration. they're seriouhe number s about maximizing the number of illegal immigrants who enter t co the country every single day, every single week, every single month, as you mentioned. ery mwe just saw in decemberlea the highest number of illegal ialiens illegal aliens in american history, nearly 300,000. this comes after many previous record setting months. and at the time we haveeporta record low ice deportations. soti record coming across, record few being removed. illegal aliens rem being resettd in mass across the country and the state of texas steppings up, trying to defend its citizens, defend its homes ofand property is, of course, being sued by the department of justice for not joiningegal in biden's conspiracy to let many aliens limited unlimitedl e number of illegal aliens settleo
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themselves all across texas and throughout america. >> and the backlog on these e cases is unbelievable. >> what is it, 5 million people? it's something absurg ab ond tht the backlog on the, say, six migrant buses, 7 million. >> how is it that six migrant buses arrive in new york citye e despite mayor adams, executive order? >> and this morning on cnn, he said this about t about bord watch, what that executive order was sayingbe. drop between a certain period of time, you are allowedof drope off migrants in the city, but you're going to do i wt m the location that we specify so we don't overtax our resources are sti our manpower and create a disorderly environment. >> wel and thet isl, they're st. >> and the fact is, after his executive order, six more buses showed up. >> does this put any additiona ln bide deessure on biden as we move buto 2024 with so manymo democratic mayors feeling the pinch and watching their city budgets be destroyeli ? only if republicancas congress
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get sophisticated and, determined very quickly. the chronic under reactionworsei to the worst illegal immigration and the worst border crisis in the history of civilization. nothing comes close. nothing even approachehes it. the chronic under reaction is the biggest impact to stopping the biden sponsored border invasion.d vo the house should comtee back in january and vote on immigration every day and everd y and nothig else. issue by issue, criminal removals. catch and release. sanctuary cities shutting down the department of justice attack on the state of texas. w shutting down the secret night flights. shutting down the buses. shn the funding, shutting down the funding to the ngos, shutting down ever, shuttin everyy single eles crisis, restoring remain in mexico, restoring same sanctuary restorin agreements. restoring prosecutions of criminal entry. restorinrestfight 42g title 42 ,
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every hour. if that's what it takes. it's not to say, oh, we voted on a border security bill a year ago. congratulation houses. a year ago, you voted on a border security bill. i need the house to gete losi the game every single day, coeause every single day wng are losing this country to a degree of illegal immigratioatin that no civilization could possibly environment. >> it is impactingmond. communiy in the world and certainly in our every community, including new york city. stephen, thankhere you so much o being here. >> what i've worked to do, instea d of having chaos is provide some structure and calm around the situatiod w. and without significant federal support. this is not sustainabl >> we. >> we need more federal support to be able to manage this amount of inflow. t will crush city budgets around the country, the federaly government said to new york citorwe'ry, we're not u to do our job. >> you do our job. >> this blue state mayors are demanding more federal funds as they bucklee
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the onslaught of the migrants crowding their cities. but no a new hew a new health warning, once forgotten, formidable, infectiouse us infectious d diseases are now back inec the u.s. decades. >> they were considered defeated for two years running polio has been detected in some new york water samples and thiss fall leprosy reemerged in florida, where cases of malaria of have also been lepro recorded. >> the recent polio and leprosy cases are almostsyainl imports e us, said dr. jay bhattacharya, a physicia physicin scientist at stanford. this past april, new york city health commissioner ashwin vossen warned that at leaslf ofv half of the migrants who have poured into the city have not been vaccinated against polio. >> joining me now, dr. marc siegel, fox news professor of medicine at nyu langone medical centerc . a pr >> dr. siegel, you say this is a problem and there's to come. a o what could we be seeing in the new year as, a result of this?
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>> this is a frightening problem. and i've talked to dr. ashwin about this in new york city, health commissioner. it's not just new york city. that's jus city.i t 100,000.know i know we're sitting here in new york, but, you know, 7.5 million migrants coming across illegally into the united states under president biden. listen, when we e esleft afghanistan disastrous, 90,000 migrants came here. you know, it's endemics enants,o in afghanistan, polio. but you just heard that half of the migrantss thes of them pn across the border are not vaccinated against polio. westat a case in new york state of polio, first sinc ew the 1970s. loadko vaccer in new yor is now loaded with polio. and even if you had a polio vaccine, you can stillincarr cay polio. i look at history through a medical lens , and i grant that this is a national security emergency at the border. >>it's als but it's also a publc health emergency. tuberculosis. raymonh emd tuberculosis in cenl america is often only treated. n >> so, you know what we'reg seeing emerging in our southern states by resistant tuberculosis, very, very difficult to treatery. because
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>> and one more thing, we're seeing chickenpox emerge becauspeoplee people arering under-vaccinated during the pandemic. oh, yeah. you know, we didn't get our usua themicn.l get there. >> there were locked down. we didn't get our usual . ildhood vaccines but when i talked to the top vaccine expert in the country, paul offi t penn, i said, what keeps you up at night? i thought he was going to say a bioengineered virus, right? like maybe this one or maybe a s or a flu or something. he said, measles keeps me up at night. measles because 22 million children in the world, we're not vaccinated fully against measles last year. and we're not checking we a anybodygrandp coming across the border. >> we're not check where and vetteearents and mine camar ,they vetted them for everything. >> now, these people come in. we don't wha what they have,t who they are, where they came from, nothing. dr. siegel, we will leave it there. see, they felt my grandfather for tuberculosis in the neck leo and. then they let him in three days later. now they come pouring in pasintt the fences. >> this is not sustainable. and it's a health crisis in thhe e the wings.
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>> thank you, dr. sue.think we myok, i think we've had all of good year compared to president biden. >> my only worry is what we should expec o what t the new y. governor huckabee here to revisit some horrifics and forecast. >> what's ahead next . >> people are always asking me why, why do i do this work? two words come to mind for me. that ione is responsibility.i >> the other is purpose.n adit's just so inspiring to do research that impacts human lives. >>ncer research sa stand to cann a critical partner in advancing research for cancer. cancer research saves lives. so please help us fight in this battle against cancer. this holiday season helped fund cancer research at stand up to cancer talk. it's time to hit rewind. this is not a drill. revisit moments from the most iconic years. what an extraordinary story. a new season of who can forget. streaming now on fox natishipn. sponsored by forever jetr cost
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a new law passed by congress now allows veterans survivors to seek damages for harm from exposure to contaminated water at camp lejeune. cole sedlak, legal group to discuss your now call 1-800- 9409119. when you can watch and listen. get the latest news, business and news headlines on sirius xm. anytime, anywhere fox news radio on sirius xm america is listening. former arkansas governor mike huckabee joins me now.unwill governor, the president seems unwilling to acceptr hi his condition, even those nearm, him are very >> and my question is, is this going to be the achilles tendon for him going the electione season? >> i think it's goinhag to a ha year for him because he's got a lot of things to try to overcomth is the, not the let of which is the economy. people have really been taking it in the teeth. their gas costs more. their groceries costeries co, m.
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interest rates mean they can't buy the cars, the homes he. like to buy and he can go out and tell everybody how wonderful it is. he can try to be ethel merman and sing everything's coming up roses. but the people are roses the thorns. itd that's why joe biden's got a toug'sh year ahead. and it's not like he's got somebody in the bullpen readthe to out to the mound and throw some pitches because he's got kamala harriant ts and she can'e it past the mound. so it's ata tougs.h year.hey ha the democrats, no wonder they're trying to take donald trump off the ballot. that'sve the best hope they goto >> you know, mike, i wantedthe r to play this for you earlier. >> this is a little montage now. the president keepess sayinghe nothing is amiss. >> i think stori this is going e one of the leading stories and have huge politica gl impacs as we go into the new year. >> this is the president. take l look. >> i know. i don't look at all. i've been around a long time. there is one thing that comes of age, if you're being honest about it, that some wisdom.sdom
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>>'s 8%. i just want you know, it's difficult. >> 60. how would you say your mental >>s is which focused gang. john mccain gang members werei n saying, well, just watch biden. my god, age is not an issue anymore. i think people have to just watch me. >> i don't know about you, but i'm going to go to bed. >> that was just 20, 23. governor huckabee. now, look, we're making light of this, but there's a political impact here. 70% of v con70% of voters have s about his age. and there's let's s poll 93% sai he shouldn't run because of his age. will he listen? >> listening? >> no, i don't think so. he's determined. he wants to beident again. he's enjoying the job. heck, he's on vacation most
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of the time. he idown ahe's down in the virgs right now. what a job. i mean, an any ofy of us would love out a to take the job if it meant that for the most part, we outut at the beach, we go ond spea vacation. k fopeople go out there and spek for us because we can't even find our way off stage.just but i would say, raymond,hr it's not just the chronologicaol age. you know, for i'll give you thgreat example. you've got chuck grassley outs of iowa. he's i shan his nineties. that man is as sharp as anybody i know in his thirties. yeah, the guy still runs every day. he's as sharp as he ca joe'sn be.s po it's not joe's age. it's his capacity. tht his policies, the things t that he does that hurt this country. why? >> r we have to worry about him. that's why i can't be president again. ay nor, youand i got to tell you, n governor, you're right. i mean, joe biden is on beached. sur than sand. i mean, i've never seen anything like it. every time you turn around,theri there he is. >> and it wouldn't be so bad ia. biden had a reliable v.p.
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but kamala harris' public performances are often as confused and vexing as her bosses. >> watchboss'.. also s >> it's always take a moment to also see what we have achieved thus far. while we clearly see the moment that we are presently in to seew what can be unburdened by whatye has been said as a venn diagramg ,only been three circles, right? i love venn diagrams. i knowra. for breakfast don't here? no. they suited up, they waved, to their families and then ach they launched. >> we have achieved a lot. hmm. i'd like to see if in diagram, but those achievementsevementsoe >> but look, harris has a 17% disapproval rate among's governor. can she take biden's placelace ? something unforeseen happens here? >> will sh oh,e? oh, goodness, i hope not. i mean, i'm just thinkin g what a disaster this is forag the country, because we'd have to go with thee ofpe
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passage of time u and hope that the passage of time would somehow make be able to live with the passage of time. she speaksd sala more word salas than the buffet at golden corral. n i've never seen anything like it. and this is the troublhave neven people writing those speeches for her. taxpayers are paying for of thespeech right to speeches. i don't know if she throws them i do to thehe goeses lectern. or perhaps that's actually whal. they for her, because they think that makes her sound good. i have no idea. dojust know it doesn't make sense. >> yeah. yeah. well, i don't think she can calyce ht we replace. and then the question is who will if something happens? governor, happy new year. >> thank you for being here. american culture.ture, its own y in 2023 and most missed what it was saying. some highlights and lowlights. st sinise coming up. >> stay right there. >> all right. go ahead and open eyes.
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no on to be the crime dramas global cartels use highly conspicuous speedboats. just keep going. how about that first half? i mean, that offense they slicker than a two hour shoot on a $3 smile. let's go back to the studio where the $3 smile. what do you mean? you do impression. i don't know what you're talking about. hey, do you reckon i can say button my button, call me ow i do not think you should say! that, duck y. >> you now.
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oh, i'm not that now. you okay? no, i mean, yeah, just hit my balance. should we see a doctor? >> i can't tell a doctor. i slipped on a toy. i slipped on a toy. i'm a triathletepen hings. oh, i had a concussion. the most happen. doing ordinary things. sometimes the tougmess with to o get help to prevent serious damage. i like you're sensitiv e side. don't mess with your melon. if you hit it, get it checked. >> drop the spoon. mary chapman's from executive producer jon hamm. glad you're back. flew this place has been dead without you comes jon hamm through your pants it to take i won't apologize for having driven in the role jon hamm was born to be animated to play. everywhere you go crime follows . you said it like it's not super cool. great. special preview sunday, january 7th on fox. from hollywood legends to national icons to kno
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don't give up. >> don't ever give up. in 202 american culture taught us some important lessons in 2023. >> but what were you listening for? that we turn to stephani tstephi e. r she's a tv contributor for the media research centeesearcre beer sales plunged stefani to their lowest levels in 24d years, thanks to bud light's disastrous dylan mulvaney
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campaign. here's a quote. sales have steadily y declined each month by 25 to 30 percent since mulvaney's now famous posts touting the brand. >> stephanie, what was the lesson here? and do you think, bud d light and others have learned the lesson about breaking faith with an audience? >> so, number one, the lesson is go work, go broke. and that's exactly what we saw here. weons ovand we see these corpors over and over again going aftere their mainnc their their main cs with things that their customers don'don' t like. of i mean, why in the world would they have dylan mulvaney be the facehe exactly bud light when tw exactly who is purchasing ofetr beer, as i'm sur you remember the video of one of the bud light executives who was dismissive of some of the bud light drinkering to s to them as frat boys. and they were hoping to reach out to peoply.e who are c less freddie. so it it was a pretty interesting year forrse, bud li, of course. and they are suffering because of the decisions that were madeo
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in one of the executives who had to resign over that. so the questioresign f.n is will they learn from this? i mean, you would hope so. but we see vicious cycle happening over and over again. and it's just with bud light, it's with lots of corporations, businesses. and soe move on. >> let me move on to another one. speaking of suffering, disney had a difficult year.s seven of their eight movie releases underperform, costing them billions. did the mouse get the memo or is the brand so damaged that families just don't trust them anymore ? families definitely are looking to alternative sources for for viewing foildrenr their childres we saw in 2022 those leaked videos of some of the disney executives admitting the agenda they were pushing in some of their cartoons, which was the lgbtq agendaenda, which a lt of parents thought was inappropriate for their childrendren.lot of p. vo and a lot of people thought that that was what's going on. tand the videos came out and it was exactly what everyone was.
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so that happened in 2022, and in 2023, they were punishe d for it. that's why people started turning it away. ofmeo saw this happened at some of their theme parks where they started removing some of the the theme parks that have been there. >> i got to stephanie, one of them. vaughn we've gotal they're showing images of indiana jones, the of destiny there. indian a was roundly beatenox o at the box office over the summere during by the jim cl child trafficking thriller tr. n atd of freedom it's on track now to make $300 million at the box office. it was made for $14 million,e wi by the wayth. t >> why did that movie resonate with audiences in a way didns these big blockbuster tentpole films? i think there's a fan base forea a lot of these movies and some the fans would be willing to continue watching it. i mean, the same thing barbie, the barbie movie, right? that was another quote unquote movie. yel turn t still turned out to watch at it because it wasn't juston geared one younger audience.ll
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it was also for adults as well .ma and so that's why we've seenlies some of these, i guess, if you will, anomalies when i wotio comes to that issue. au i think they're playing to underserved audiencesd female in both cases. barbie, you have this huge underserved audience and younger audience, young girls that went to see i it. >> and i think in the case of the sound of freedom, there is a there is caviezea audienca that caviezel fans, certainly a movie of faith and aboutood go something that impacts our lives. hopefully hollywood got that t memoinspirin this year. >> stephanie, thank you for being here. up next,g stor hope and inspiring storyf of hope and resilience in the mids. t of struggle. gary sinise joins us with th with gold band. you can age on your own you can age on your own retinol overnighshes wt he's, the smoothing benefits of retinol are now for your whole body. your whole body. but fast champiin. diminishes wrinkle skin in just two days.
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arctic circles. and it was written by max annis ,the son of gary sinise. >> he's been struggling with some health issues. max. gary us now. and gary, in a moment, i want you to tell us how this music came be and why it means so much to you and mark and your family. but first, this is the moment when you and mac and the family heard his composition, which took many years to write, come to life. >> watch this, gary. tell me why that was so important to mac. he started this song many years . >> oh, gosh. thanks for having, raymond.
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it's a beautiful piece. mac is a composer and musician. he went to usc music school. many years ago, and past several years he's been dealing with some serious health challenges. and he was a drummer and used to play. and he can't do that anymore and kind of put that aside. and then he started listening to some old music that he had written back school and he connected with an old college friend, oliver schnee. they went to college together and he played for oliver, who is also a composer and musician. oliver fell in love with it and they went to work on it to finish it, and they went into the studio this past summer and it's a beautiful. >> i hadn't heard it until the day that they recorded it. no, there's not an orchestra there. it's absolutely beautiful. i love the look on mac's face when he's looking through the he's, you know, reviewing the score as play. gary i know. and you can see mac is having difficulties physically and i
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know this has been a burden for you and the family and him. >> what i love about this is despite that, he on mission and he's doing what he's being called do. and that to me is such an important note that i wanted to sound at the end of the show that no matter what struggles we're going through, it can be worse. it can be less or better. but you know what? you've got to stay on mission no matter what. >> that's what's so inspirational about it, is that seeing him come alive again and rediscover something he thought was kind of a part of his past and, you know, rejuvenated so beautifully. and it's you can see the music out his youtube side, max, and he's on youtube and they they've gone into the studio again and they've got some new music coming out as well. >> it's really beautiful. i want to play a little piece. we run out of time. this is mac playing shenandoah, a song you introduced him
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to watch. >> how has this changed, mac and you, gary, and the family watching him realize dream fulfilled his work. >> and it it's just beautiful to see. >> he's a very, very talented guy and teaming up with his buddy oliver. just some chemistry just happened and they just exploded and started making this music together. it's beautiful to see him doing it. he started playing harmonica because he can't play drums anymore. and in fact, he told me one time, he said, dad, maybe i should have learned harmonica years ago i wouldn't have had to schlep the drums all over the place. gary, before we run out
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of time. you've dedicated your life to helping others. i know once again, this christmas you brought the snowball express to so many gold star, hundreds of them where you bring them to disney world. you give a moment of mirth in the midst of their their trials. >> tell me what that's meant to you. >> and why do you continue to do this? i know it can't be easy. >> i know there's a lot of heartbreaking stories amongst families that we take to disney world. they've all lost these children of all loss of parent and military service. we also take children of fallen first responders. they are now. >> and it's it's heartbreaking, but it's also heartwarming because you see these children come together in a way that that very special and very healing for all of them, just knowing they're not alone, going through what they're going through. it's -- it's a beautiful experience. and we continue to do it. the american people support it. american airlines provides
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the travel. it's really a beautiful program with the gary sinise foundation and your beautiful i love what you do. i love the foundation. thank you for being here tonight. and of course, our prayers for for mac and the entire family and you, of course. gary sinise .com. you can learn much more there and max he's on youtube you can find more of that beautiful music there. so thank you so much for being here gary as always happy new year. wonderful to see you, raymond thanks for having me. >> well, that is it for us tonight. i'm raymond arroyo, in for laura ingraham. >> wishing you a merry christmas. it's the first day of christmas, by the way. >> so get my christmas merry and bright cd. you can still celebrate. it's wherever music is sold. thanks for watching this special edition of the "ingraham angle". >> i'll see you on the weekend show tomorrow. pete hegseth is in for jesse. he takes it from here. night.


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