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tv   FOX and Friends Sunday  FOX News  December 31, 2023 5:00am-6:00am PST

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boom that's a live shot. sydney, australia where their clocks must be a few seconds off -- [laughter] it is a happy new year. there you go in australia. if you're watching us from there i hope you are then you are in a different year than we are. you're in the future. rachel: that's awesome. that's -- will: outstanding. pete: i recognize that symphony building i didn't recognize that bridge. they're doing it up right. rachel: that looks like a party. happy new year we're almost there. pete: would you times square ready to forget 2023. going to be dangerous. cold. >> talk about last year. >> warm in australia. joey: it is down under. glad to have joey jones with us
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this morning. rachel: crocodile dundee down here. >> spitting jokes during the break and they're making fun of me. if i would have known we were going to use these i would have brought my goose call i can make it sound like. rachel: should get the guys from duck dynasty next year. pete: we did rachel. down spares in the circle we did our little duck calls. joey: not goose calls. by the way. pete: joey is in for will he had 20 resolutions if you recall last year. rachel: did he post this year? pete: he said nine and a half of the 20 complete. rachel: i don't recommend this will strategy. pete: demoralizing. rachel: if you do nine you're a failure. pete: we love you will.
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joey: i would never say such a thing. on air -- on television. pete: cowboys -- and we're glad you're all here by the way i had a cup of cranberry juice in the green room because it was in the fridge and it was phenomenal. underrated one of the resolutions drink more cranberry juice it is good for you i turn to rachel i said i love cranberry juice i said -- rachel: that's a wisconsin thing. pete: stop with the wisconsin thing look it up 61% of cranberries. come from wisconsin. so thank you, wisconsin. joey: what are your resolutions drink more cranberry juice. rachel: good for your kidneys. joey: other resolutions by chance? pete: yeah you want me to share my resolutions right now? rachel: share ones that you said are private. joey: i have private revolution -- resolutions i'll share with jen.
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rachel: they sound kind of sexy. pete: not that kind of resolution by if i need those i will. i agree two things. one -- for 43 years i've never stopped biting my nails i bite them and going to try in 2024 so rachel. rachel: strategy -- there's a nail polish. there's a nail polish to put on that actually burns your lips -- pete: going will power i need your accountability on that one. small insignificant thing that i don't care about quit trying for ten years -- rachel: why do you think you do that? go ahead lay down on the couch. analyze you -- [laughter] pete: there's a lot to analyze. but the more significant one is -- i agree with cassie resolution to read the whole bible. so i did it before all of that. but in 2024 i want to really get to know it.
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like -- the stories, the people, context welcome the why. to keep that translation of christ for my head to my heart. like i know, i know what the bible says how do i apply it and live it? that's my -- that is truly my resolution for 2024 to -- every day dive into it and find a way to have it transform my soul in a way -- rachel: fantastic resolution. joey: you can do that or need conversation like bible study too? pete: that will be part of it too. but from my view it's going to be to try to do the daily bible reading but also a book along side it that helps dive more into it and a group with other men too. rachel: let it transform your life. i love it. ?reet we need a lot of transformation an ongoing process so that's -- joey: private resolutions. pete: others that i can't share. joey: i want to spend more time with my family and -- rachel: are you quitting fox?
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joey: no. i'm not. [laughter] but if i come in tomorrow my ie doesn't work it might not be my choice but those living inside my home but back in april we moved further north back near my hometown around my mom, sister, uncles and aunts more and i want to spend more time where i grew up on bass drive hanging out in my uncle jeff's shop doing things that we did for the first 18 years of my life that may seem humble but so important to me and i was able to spend tsm times with them before christmas and i was sitting around looking and seeing you know my -- my chosen family, my family that i meads. my family i was born into. all of them together enjoying time together. from various different backgrounds different ethnicities but this is my family and i want to spend more time around them and remember who i am. rachel: i love it. so i have two.
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kind of like yours nail biting one i have like a trivial kind of one. i want to get up early before everyone gets up to work out so i don't mismy workout time because. pete: wants to get up early -- rachel: i don't and i need to but something always happens -- that interferes with my workout and few things that i have managed to do it i feel great all day. elf like i feel like i have -- i don't have this thing hanging over my head so i think i'm a better mom, better person, when yotd i do that so that is a discipline thing. pete: telling me to call you at 5 a.m. and wake you up. so i'll call her -- rachel: he works out with kid rock. no joke. so the other part is we're moving into a year and i think a year year and a half of a lot of volatility i think most of our viewers agree with that and there's a lot of things out of our control that we can't control so what i am working
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on -- coming into the new year is fortifying my family. that could be spiritually could be physically. emotionally, and in terms of family bonds. so that we're ready to face whatever is up ahead. pete: a wonderful point. rachel: whatever -- i don't know what it's going to be. gloat a great point because people ask what do we do there's not a lot that we can do you can vote, informed but you can affect your family. that is one thing you can do. one thing you can do is people are buying farms like my husband's resolution year of learning new things. pete: wasn't that 2023? rachel: helicoptering on he learned how to make butter, candles now moving into the prepper area here. but the most important something how can you face this together as a tribe as a family and that means bringing everyone clogser. building those bonds when the time comes you're ready to operate like a team.
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joey: another member of our family rick has some resolutions. of his own rick what do you got? >> i am so intrigued by all of this conversation -- i read will's post this morning of his 20 resolutionings. and i was like that was really ambitious and then i get into and i hear drink more cranberry juice and stop biting your nails. by the way, 54 years and i still bite my nails like skin around nails same thing or pick yeah and i think i'll fail because i was at home my dad was like why are you biting your fingernails you've been saying that to me understand sighs four and still going on. i know. and then like making candles that's a random one not gong to lie. there's a lot of weird stuff going on. i'm going to say -- i'm going to say being consistent. so like working out thing rachel think about how many -- i work out in general but i've
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got three good weeks and then nothing for two weeks. and then a good week and nothing for five days. and i think it's the doing something every day. so pete this will go to you in the bible story and it goes to the nails -- it goes to all of it it is leak you can't do these resolutions you have to find the thing and do it every day that is how all of the patterns get built. rachel: what about the grumpy thing. >> my last time i was on like the two times ago i was talking about how i won't be so grumpy last time i was talking about all of these crazies out here wearing diapers. sitting in this miserable times square. like oh, my gosh i'm just -- i'm just a grumpy man. that's it. i haven't figured out exactly how to frame it. but somewhere in that -- i'll come up with words by the end of the show of how i'm going to be less -- grumpy. an stop it booing my nails. pete: we look forward to good weather reports too and
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consistent. >> and i won't do the weather right now so i'll sending it back to you with no weather. [laughter] you bet. rachel: pete really quick i did think of a solution for your nail biting. you can get acrylic nails. pete: my daughter would put them on me -- rachel: you can do the kind you stick on that is not this -- pete: try the old school way and check in with me many two weeks. rachel: sounds great a busy one for trump as he fights to keep his name on the ballot in several states. joey: state of secretary becoming latest victim of a call to take off the ballot. pete: live with the details and then her resolution alexandria. reporter: hi guys i'll start with the resolution it is to live more simply but a news cycle isn't helping with that nor is this story with a whole
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lot going on think about what a role is playing jack smith filed disputing that former trump is immune from charges to the election interference case and immunity could be particularly dangerous where here former president is -- alleged to have engaged in criminal conduct aimed at overturning results of an election. last week u.s. supreme court declined to fast track trump's claim of immunity this sent back to the appeal court where it is now and it was considered a win for the trump legal team as it could push the case beyond the 2024 election. but a delay seems to be a no win in the separate case of colorado's ruling that disqualifies trump from the gop ballot that high court has been asked to move quickly on that to clarify if trump's name should be precincted no matter what the court does whether it declines
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to take the case or i urge them to do it quickly. i certify the names of who is on the ballot next friday from the presidential primary. >> last week maine became second state to rule that former president is not eligible to run. that's based only a civil war error provision in the constitution and decision made unilaterally by maine shannon bellots who has become a victim of because of that distinct that's because of that decision someone calls police to somebody's house for a no reason and calls issues. elier 125eu789s, though, made by bellots surfacing now where he she expressed views writing in an op-ed in 2012, quote, it shouldn't be easier to vote in maine than in montana voting rights for our neighbors matter as much as our own special when relic of white supremacy that is the electoral college remains in place. right now republicans and house and ?ats they are working on
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bills to penalize states that seek to bar trump from the 2024 ballot. there are 13 states with lawsuits seeking to do just that. guys. >> wow. yeah. alexandria, thank you. she's right -- may be living more simply i hope you do. but the news is not simple. but thanks for helping us out. all of the time. appreciate it. so yes, you just heard it. it is a mess and a maze and ballot cases across clrnght run their course and eventually make their way to the supreme court we think how quickly we don't know. but in advance of that, you see folks on the left already trying to tear down legitimate city of the supreme court and then crump see judges so they really hate it. one of the most ferocious cases of trump derangement syndrome was identified in jennifer ruben a washington post opinion writer here's a portion of what she said about the supreme court removing trump from the ballot.
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>> it is the legitimacy of the supreme court because it is so clear that the law and the facts require his removal that the supreme court should consider doing anything else. i think it will be the final nail in the cough of a court that is already in a spiral when it comes to legitimacy and credibility with american people. should buy some chance donald trump not only get on the ballot but get on the nomination and get elected. we will have chaos. we have already seen what he's planning to do. he's planning to create a dictatorship. he wants to round people up and deport them. they wants to use the military to suppress civil disobedience he wants to use justice department to wreak havoc to get back at his enemies. >> it is just so amazing to me. everything she says trump is going to do the democrats have done. i mean she wants to use the justice department to wreak
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havoc get back at his enemies what do you think has been happening for the last three years under joe biden? exactly that. she's insane. and again, what they're going to do is say if the supreme court doesn't agree with the radical liberals here, then they lose their legitimacy in their eyes. >> she has insanity defense no doubt about that she's right, though, we will have chaos by the way you remember 2020 all of the businesses that were boarded up in anticipation of outcomes and it was only one outcome that was going to lead to those rye riots so if donald trump were to win there would be chaos because left would lose their mind many a way. >> and by the way that's all presuming he's on ballot because we have no idea what the supreme court is going to do and there are more and more cases coming up what we dongt don't know we hope that democracy is alive in america. >> funny she says that supreme court is in a death spiral with multiple people not all of them
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trump supporters say there's a good chance this is a unanimous decision by the supreme court. that means including the liberal justices that would love nothing more probably than to statistically it to trump in some way. but that idea that this constitutional provision applies to him when he hasn't been convicted or charges of insurrection is -- and supreme court will be unanimous in that. rachel: david axelrod former to president obama weighed in on this entire matter and here's what he said. >> only gained sings he started getting indictmented. what you thought might be crypt tonight is battery packs and this is a big one. for him, presumably the supreme court will deal with it fairly we cannily i expect they will leave him on the ballot. i do think it would rip the country apart if he were prevented from running because it beens of millions of people want to vote for him. i think you're going to beat donald trump you're going to probably have to do it at the
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polls. >> imagine that. imagine that. doing it the old fair and square way. >> old fashioned way. [laughter] >> on election day. let's see who won. would you. but it does -- this is basically obama speaking. axelrod is a mouthpiece for obama they've tried everything they can and as you said we thought this could be crypt tonight and it's turn out to be a battery pack. pete: i love how you articulated it earlier he's sounding reasonable but after being party to the thing they tried to do to take down trump now saying that didn't work let's beat him at the ballot box okay. >> that's presuming they mean that as well. there's a lot of tricks leading up this is not the end of it. they've tried everything in the book and they want to make sure that you don't have a chance to vote for who you want to vote for. they will decide style who their opposition will be. pete: they want to. rachel: all right turn now to your headlines starting with
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this developing story. police are investigating to determine the cause of a fatal house explosion yesterday. in whitmore lake that's in michigan. four people were killed and two others were hurt in the blast. one witness who lives just a mile away told local news outlet that explosion sent debris flying over his house so loud it reminded him of being in a war. police have not named the victims yet. a 16-year-old who was supposed to travel to see his mom in ohio ends up on a flight to puerto rico instead. team was scheduled to fly on frontier airlines from tampa to cleveland on december 22nd. his father says he showed a ticket at the gate. but it was never scanned. frontier saying teen able to board as a result of an air on the part of the boarding agent and they apologized to the family. this mix up after a similar distinct with spirit airlines involving six-year-old on the wrong flight to florida.
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agent supposed to accompany that boy has been fired. the new year is going to start off with a bang as estimated powerball jackpot is now soaring to 810 million dollars. after no one had the lucky ticket last night maybe my new year's resolution it to play powerball fifth largest jackpot in the game's history and if you missed 10, 11 powerball 7 and next drawing will be tomorrow night. so if you're going to do that you have to get them today. joey: never bought a lottery ticket. >> probably a good move. pete: good feed back on pastors to follow for a year long study and solution to nail biting. discipline. and they say must have insecurities. >> people with insecurities
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bites their nails. >> if you would have laid down i would have diagnosed you. pete: thank you america. coming up a fox news alert houthi rebels fire more missiles and drones force u.s. military to respond trey yingst has a live report next and cayty mcfarrland will joyce us with analysis. this year is almost over but be sure to never forget or or will we quizzes us on 2023 biggest stories oh get ready for this. that's coming up ahead. what the? good morning hallow makes it easy to build a daily habit of prayer and meditation want to start with a five minute daily gospel? sure. take a deep breath and focus your attention on god
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in the name of the father, and and of the son and of the holy spirit. amen.
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loving this pay bump in our allowance. wonder where mom and dad got the extra money? maybe they won the lottery?
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maybe they inherited a fortune? maybe buried treasure? maybe it fell off a truck? maybe they heard that xfinity customers can save hundreds when they buy one unlimted line and get one free. now i can buy that electric scooter! i'm starting a private-equity fund that specializes in midcap. you do you. visit today. pete: we're back the fox news alert keeping growing threats at red sea at bay and continue to make their presence known throughout the region. trey yingst is live now in tel-aviv with the latest on attempted attacks. hey, trey. reporter: yeah hey pete good morning. there's some breaking news out of the red sea where the united states was directly engaged with houthi rebels from yemen according to u.s. central demand, we understand u.s. navy helicopters responded to a
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distress call from a container ship that was under attack by four houthi both when is they arrived they were fired upon before returning fire and singing three out of the four vessels. crews on vessels were killed last night same commercial vessel hit by a missile and responding to that incident the uss gravely shot down two ballistic missiles these continue on the ground in gaza it is day 86 between israel and hamas and israeli troops are going after intricate networks of tunnels around gaza second largest city. and idf says brigade deployed after fighting for weeks in the north a new israeli military statement saying that brigade killed several gunman during recent fights in street to street battles overnight two soldiers consider killed bringing total number to 172 troops since ground operation began. now the israeli efforts to find
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more hostages inside gaza and go after hamas leadership come as reports indicate there could be a new cease-fire deal on the table that could end fighting for weeks in exchange for some of those hostages. pete. pete: trey, thank you very much for staying on thes story. and happy new year. all right let's bring in k.t. mcfarland secretary advisor you heard the report from trey. i mean, the houthi rebel thing used we understand iranian connection but now confronting us. what are the complications here? >> so far we've been successful no not deterring but defending ourselves but houthi missile they send drones and somewhere in the region whether in the red sea frankly whether it is in greater middle east attacks u.s. interest and so far we're pretty good and we are not good forever and we're going to get unlucky at some point and the concern is until we reestablish deterrence
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in other words to prevent these guys from the attacks we are at risk of having a bigger war. because at some point american vessel will get shot down and american casualties and then we'll find ourselves in a fighting war we don't want and that we're not prepared for so far better thing right now is to go after where these attacks are coming from. you know, you know pete when a drone takes off from an air base when a missile goes off from a missile launcher we know the origin of it. take it out. attack it out so it can't a do that attack again and any iranian proxy will think twice gee if we fire against an american missile we're dead within or hour or two so ought to think about fighting on american vessel and facilities. >> what's iran's end state here because none of the proxy groups are working in a vacuum without blessing of tehran. do they want a larger war or believe we're not capable of actually doing what needs to be
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done? >> well, they certainly think we're not capable of what needs to be done and they want us out of the middle east that's been since they'll get tired and leave but iran is very clever in how they do it because they don't use iranian troops it is not a iranian navy but always their proxies now they pay for their proxies. they without iran's financial support these proxy don't exist they don't have weapons. but iran wants that one step of removal so they can say well it wasn't really us. it was somebody else. you know trump administration when oil prices were down iran didn't have any money couldn't go to war couldn't support terrorist groups we saw that hamas and hezbollah were complaining to iran. saying where's our money? been supporting us and giving us weapons for years. why not giving stuff now and iran didn't have money so better way bring oil prices down and
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producers do what they're good at and bankrupt the bad guys. pete: what a great reminder how you can weapon nice energy to your benefit and prevent these kind of wars something this administration of course is doing the exact opposite as they always do. k.t. mcfarland thank you very much. happy new year. >> happy new year, pete. pete: you've got it. sell ahead 15 states now have smaller populations than the total number of illegal crossings at our southern border. just this year -- sarah carter on growing fallout on biden policies. plus ohio governor rejecting tbil to ban transition surgeries for kids. our next guest transitioned at just 12 and then transitioned back. her warning for the republican governor.
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ohio's governor rejecting a bill to ban transwomen from female sports teams and gender transition treatments from minors. our next guest is outraged. she's been fighting to hold doctors accountable for these controversial surgeries, after receiving puberty blockers and double mastectomy before 13 years old and transitioned tabooing being a woman a few years ago and she joins us now khloe it is a pleasure to have you on today. so again save adolescents from experimental act passed by legislature with a lot of votes. earlier this month and then govan vetoed that. so let's just get back to your story. what do you know from your story that you would say to governor
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who says that parents should have this right if they agree to it they should be able to help their child do this experimental transition to another gender. >> well parents don't have a right to abuse their children. this is no different from any form of abuse. this is a sterilization and mutilation of thousands of children happening within a state. that is being entirely complicitted he's made the choice to continue this. >> why do you think he -- >> we had a zoom call just a few days before the decision was made. and when i was dreebing every step of the treatment, and especially when i brought up how young i was -- during every step, having been 13 when my puberty was suppressed growing an dro jeans and 15 when my breast were surgically removed he was
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visibly disturbed he knows how horrific this is to children, and the decision to continue this to happen to thousands of families within the state -- is not just a matter of pure incompetence or ignorance. rachel: right it is fascinating i didn't realized you told him about what happened to you and he made this decision. i read in any notes here that you believe this is because of big far ma -- and big powerful hospitals in ohio. >> yes. i mean this bill has been in the works for -- well over three years at this point. and in 12 days governor dewine chose to ignore research of his cabinet in full support of it and, of course, testimonies of patients of families like me who have been actually been through this clearly do not matter to him and neither does the reality around what these treatments
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actually do. >> yeah. khloe some of the parents deciding to do this to their children are being intimidated by the, you know, transindustrial complex and told if they don't do this their child will kill themselves or commit suicide. what is your advice to parents who have a child and listen, let's be clear there's a lot of social contagion going on and reasons why so many -- this exponential increase in saying children are not in the right body and right gender what would you say it a parent coming to them saying they want this done? >> that's exactly the lie that my parents were given -- by these activist doctors. they were told that the decision was either going to be between one or two things. either having a very suicidal and eventually dead daughter or a living transgender son. but that is not true.
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these children are not committing suicide because they were born in the wrong body this is an entirely psychological issue and children are not getting help that they need. they need psychiatric help. they need to know they're loved that they're perfect. and the bodies that they were born with -- and if you truly believe in his heart that perfectly healthy children can be born wrong -- that they need to be corrected i think you should be expelled from office. >> well chloe you are one brave woman. i don't know how governor dewine heard your story and made the decision he did and i have to agree with you. that it seems to me like it is a very powerful financial interest that changed his mind. it is sad because a lot of children will suffer needlessly and all of the work you're do doing warn families, warn parents and children and our politicians our leaders about
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the long-term devastating -- impact and implications of mutilating a child it is just horrific but you're a brave girl i thank you so much for joining us today. >> thank you for having me. rachel: wow. all right this migrant thank you chloe this month migrant surge at the southern border is now the largest in more than two decades. 15 states have smaller populations in the total number of illegal crossings. this year alone -- sarah carter who has been to the border often reacting next.
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♪ ♪ joey: welcome back to "fox & friends" new data revealing more than 286,000 my migrants crossing illegal in december highest month ever on record. the problem getting so bad at least 15 states have smaller populations than the number of migrants who illegally entered our country just this year. fox news contributor sarah carter she's been to the border several times -- you understand exactly what this issue is. and you know, at the end of the year we've reported on this all year long and reported on it through whole biden presidency.
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what's the story that isn't being told what is it that american who is may not see this firsthand should truly understand about this? >> well that this is weaponized migration joey this is the real story behind this and the fact that the biden administration is leaving border wide open -- leaves not only american citizens at great risk. but leaves our national security apparatus wondering what's going on. let me give you an example just this morning i received a video from michael out in the gap and i've been covering the border for nearly 20 years. i started out covering the border almost 20 years ago from california along the tijuana estuary and cartels moving people into the united states in big tunnels. this is so far worse than we have ever seen, and this isn't just about people coming here from mexico looking for work or even criminals coming in amongst
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those people leak we saw 20 years ago. this is about weaponize migration coming from as far away as china and that's one of the videos i received this morning. michael is on outside of the gap and interviewing people as they were pulling in coming through the gap and saying where are you from? do you speak mandarin and this dialect and they would be like yeah and keep piling in and majority of them are military age males we don't see a lot of family units we're seeing a lot of military age males. also from venezuela seeing doing the same. iran, doing the same. so what we're seeing is weaponize migration to a large extent because our border has been wide open and there's nobody there to stop it and it is breaking our country. both financially and as a national security crisis we just don't even know what more we can be expecting in the upcoming year. >> you know sarah we cannily you mention cartelling blinken met
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with obrador -- the mexico president i guess my question on this is does mexico government truly have keys to fix this? we talk about coming through mexico rather than from mexico. does it really rest on how we treat mexico? >> you know what look -- this is simple this is a simple fix with administration that does not want to shut down border obrador will do absolutely nothing unless our president is willing to shut down that border and repatriate that nation and no longer accepting anyone that he made a huge mistake and put back into effect those executive orders that were under president trump that made it more effective to keep people and not gong to negotiate with us if we have no reason to negotiate with them. if they leave the border wide open that is biden administration, then what incentive does president obrador or anybody else have to stop it? >> you can't show up hat and
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hand the way you did and expect anything to change sarah carter thank you so much for joining us let's hope in 2024 this border gets fixed. [laughter] >> thank you. joey: all right coming up the year is almost over. we'll be sure to never forget it or will we? tom shillue quizzes us on the 2023's biggest stories -- but first rick is live in times square ahead of the ball drop -- there he is way up high. he's next. i told myself i was ok with my moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. with my psoriatic arthritis symptoms. but just ok isn't ok. and i was done settling. if you still have symptoms after a tnf blocker like humira or enbrel, rinvoq is different and may help. rinvoq is a once-daily pill that can rapidly relieve joint pain, stiffness,
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♪ ♪ >> welcome back to "fox & friends" from the top of times square it is really chilly up here attack a look at the weather map show you talking about -- temps overall not that bad you get up a little bit higher, though, stand out here for a while and it is cold overall across the country not that bad. temperature wise -- some 20s across the far northern plains but look at this satellite radar picture -- almost no precipitation going on anywhere in the country do have some rain we're going to see in toward parts of california and a little bit of snow falling across western great lakes but by time we get towards tonight take a look at this will the
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entire country enjoying a really nice new year's eve so if you're one of the crazy people headed outside -- for your celebration things are going to be looking good. guys i have to show you this we've been looking out here over times square earlier i said there was nobody -- now i can probably see maybe about a hundred people beginning to line up getting ready good for them they have only about 15 hours they've got to stand out here. 15 hours -- waiting until new year's eve. those people sounds nuts, guys. back to you. >> it is. one of the things that will be fun to say you did but not fun to do. rachel: instagram moment. >> but other things to say we did but not do -- rachel: hours away from 2024 and counting down some of the biggest stories of the past year -- but can we get them all right? >> let's see fox nation host tom shillue is back to put our
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broadcaster brains to the test. what do we know about this past year? >> bragging rights with a wonderful trophy question number one i don't anyone fighting over buzzers or raising questions question number one joey where was chinese spy balloon spotted what state? >> alaska eventually montana. >> that is incorrect. but we may have a steal pete -- pete: it was montana. >> montana is correct you have a point. >> i didn't mention that. next question goes this is rachel. rachel: i would have jumped in. okay. joey: i answered convictly. how many times was trump indicted in 2023? rachel: 91 times. >> pete you want to steal again? >> separate indictments. >> four times. rachel: i was thinking charges. >> word is indictment. pete running away number three. what was name of president joe biden's dog who was removed from
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white house for biting people? joey: i got it -- >> major. >> commander -- >> that is right. that is right. okay joey you have one point on the board and another question coming to you over the summer 120 millions under air quality alerts thanks to massive clouds of smoke coming from what -- >> canadian wildfires. two and two we go to you rachel. >> what 77-year-old country singer took the stage in a dallas cowboys cheer leading outfit -- >> dolly parton. that was a -- that was a two pongt question all tied up. >> all tied up going down -- for to pete what was top grossing movie in 2023? >> oh -- the -- rachel: i know it. can i steal it? >> not before i get it. i'll sit on this. >> top grossing movie unfortunately was barbie. >> correct. >> he knew that. all tied up here.
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>> you want extra for two points and it is final question. and you have to raise your hand but wait until i finish the question what was longest running song on billboard hot 100 chart in 202316 weeks at number one tell me raise your hands whoever wants to guess it. >> something taylor swift -- >> no. i knew country music i don't think that is it. what do you think country music -- >> luke combs. the one -- one about killing the guy in the truck. >> morgan wallin -- >> going to get it fast car. >> but that's .5 for joey wins with a 2 point. half a point. let me have it. a trophy, though -- >> sham contest. >> friends we love it. >> stay right here. my face right there. hallow makes it easy to build a daily habit
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of prayer and meditation want to start with a five minute daily gospel? sure. take a deep breath and focus your attention on god in the name of the father, and and of the son and of the holy spirit. amen.
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